Issue 19 Friday, 30 January 2015 Dear all, Dates for your Diary This week represents the 70th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the largest Nazi death camp. In assemblies, Mr Peirce has been discussing Holocaust Memorial Day 2015, and he asked the students to reflect on how the lessons of the past can inform our lives today and ensure that everyone works together to create a safer, better future. Staff are currently busy preparing for LEAD Day 2 (Leading, Enrichment, Activity Days). LEAD Days are new this year and they have been put in place to enable students to spend the day taking part in alternative activities which not only enrich their usual curriculum, but also develop their leadership skills. The following is being planned for LEAD Day 2: Year 7 8 9 10 11 LEAD Our Planet, Our Responsibility. Conserva on and Endangered Species Rocket Racers. Design, Manufacturing and Tes ng. Mathema cal Enquiry The Great Egg Challenge GCSE and BTEC controlled assessments 12 and 13 30 Jan Ski Session at Gosling Y12 Dragons’ Den Quiz Night 6.30pm 31 Jan Dance Festival Rehearsal 11 am-2pm 03 Feb Y11 Mock English exam 8.45 am Y11 Study Skills Evening 6.30 pm Y10 BTEC Dance Moderation 04 Feb Y12/13 Performing Arts Trip 2pm 05 Feb Y9,10,11 Maths Challenge Y9 Parents’ Evening 4-7pm 09 Feb Y10 English Controlled Assessments Y11 Languages Writing Task Y11 Food Tech Final Practicals 10 Feb Y10 Booster vaccinations ‘Footsteps’ Dance Production 7pm 11 Feb Whole School LEAD Day 2 ‘Footsteps’ Dance Production 7pm 12 Feb ‘Footsteps’ Primary Schools’ Matinee Half Term: 16-20 February School Timetable Technology in Media and the Arts Week commencing : Monday, 02 February 2015 Year 11 GCSE Study Skills Parents’ Evening: On Tuesday 3rd February from 6:30pm to 7:30pm we are hos ng a Parents and students Study Skills session. At this session, we will be sharing revision techniques. Following the Trial Exams, and from speaking to students and parents, it is clear that more guidance and informa on on how best to revise is needed. We look forward to welcoming all Year 11 parents to this event. Key Dates Coming Up rd WEEK 2 SPORTING FIXTURES 02 Feb Y7 Girls’ Football v Simon Balle (A) Y9 Football v Freman College (H) 03 Feb Cheerleading Club 1.20 pm Y12/13 Boys’ 5-a-side Tuesday, 3 February Year 11 GCSE Study Skills Parents’ Informa on Evening 6.30—7.30 pm Thursday, 5th February Tuesday, 10th February/ Wednesday, 11th February Thursday, 12th February Year 9 Parent/Teacher Consulta on Evening 4.00—7.00 pm Dance Produc on ‘Footsteps’ performances 7.00—8.30 pm 05 Feb Y8 Girls’ Football v Simon Balle (H) Year 12/13 Parent/Teacher Consulta on Evening 4.00—7.00 pm 07 Feb On Thursday evening this week, we held the Year 8 Parent-Teacher Consulta on Evening. These are always good events as they allow individual subject teachers to give feedback to students and parents. I would like to thank all those parents who a ended for their support. Y7 Football v Goffs (H) Y8 Football v Goffs (A) Y9 Football v Goffs (H) Y10 Football v Goffs (A) 09 Feb Y10 Girls’ Football v Freman College 2.30pm ko 10 Feb Cheerleading Club 1.20 pm Y7 & Y8 Girls’ Football v Goffs (H) 2.15 ko (tbc) Y12/13 Girls’ 5-a-side “Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.” 12 Feb Y7 & Y8 Sportshall Athletics Y12/13 Netball Tournament Broxbourne (Laurence Sterne) Enjoy the weekend. For news on spor ng fixtures, events, etc., follow Physical Educa on on Twi er: @sheredesPE For news about Performing Arts, Twi er: @sheredesparts For news and interes ng facts, Word of the Day, vocabulary, literacy and much more, follow English on Twi er: @SheredesEnglish Ced de la Croix Headteacher Sheredes School, Hoddesdon, Herts, EN11 8JY. follow us on Editor: Sharon Philpo Tel: 01992 410 800 Fax: 01992 410 801 email: [email protected] @sheredes On Wednesday, 14 January 18 giDed and talented Year 10 Maths students visited the University of HerGordshire, accompanied by Mrs Highfield and Miss Prockova. Year 7 Lauren Booker Chelsie Jones Acacia Kaltenberger Rebecca St Clair Aleah Warren Geography Circle of Support Circle of Support Circle of Support Form Tutor Year 8 Maria Angelova Vince Bandey Connor Brown Kye Deane Jade Ednie Jake Mason Giuseppe Riggi Soni Rolfe Cassie Searle Mitchell Thurlow Circle of Support Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Circle of Support Science Year 9 Sean Butler Cody Cassar George Gumble Joanne Tomeo Daniella Vinci Chloe Watson Students from many schools across the county a ended and it was a great opportunity for our students to work with others on engaging and challenging ac vi es. The first lecture was by Dr Richard Lissaman, from the University of Warwick, who spoke about the maths behind video games and Google. Workshops were held on 'maximising the volume of a 3-D shape', 'How long is a piece of string?' and the final one which was called 'a bit, a crumb, a nibble or a byte'. The students were a credit to Sheredes and Cur s Armi and Alex Jackson each won a prize in one of the compe ons held during the day. Keri Highfield Assistant Director of Mathema cs Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography Year 10 Piotr Lesniak Leadership in ICT Year 11 Jordan Andrews Megan Castell Luke Clayton Josh Stevens Leah Wheatley Geography Geography Geography Year 11 Star Student Year 11 Star Student Year 9 Parents’ Evening—Thursday, 5 February We are seeking to appoint a Senior Leadership Team Administrator. The post is 37 hours per week, term me only (plus one week). For more details, please visit our Support Staff vacancies page on the school website: h p:// support-vacancies On 5 February we will be holding our Year 9 Parents-Teachers consulta on evening. It is expected that all Year 9 students a end their appointments, along with their parents/carers. Students will have received a le er about the Evening, and I would ask parents to return reply slips to form tutors no later than Monday, 2 February. The evening is designed to give parents/carers the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress in all subjects, and teachers will also be able to discuss with, and give advice to, students regarding their subject course selec on for Years 10 and 11. I look forward to welcoming parents, carers and students on Thursday. Gina Hagland HR & Admin Officer ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS Please remember to ask for the Active Kids Vouchers when you shop at Sainsbury’s. We can then exchange them for useful equipment for our students. There is a collection box in Student Reception. Many thanks. Sheryl Brackenbury Student Recep on Alan Mar n Director of Learning—Year 9 2 Last Thursday, parents and students a ended an evening ‘Year 10 Informa on’ session, which outlined the expecta ons of the English, Maths and Science GCSE courses for the next two years. Mr Hansard, Director of Learning—Sixth Form, spoke to the group about joining the Sixth Form and there was the opportunity to ask ques ons to some key staff, including the Year 10 Form Tutors. This has now been followed up through the Year 10 assembly on Thursday morning, where all the Year 10 students had the opportunity to hear the presenta ons from the evening. The presenta on given on the night is now available on the school website : h p:// on%20Evening%20Powerpoint%20presenta on.pdf Good luck to the Year 10s as they progress through their GCSE years. Des na on: success! Key dates to be aware of: Year 10 ‘Trial Exams Week’ starts 23rd February Progress Review released 10th March Parents’ Evening 29thApril Year 10 Exams week 29th June Tom Johnston Deputy Headteacher (Year 10 SLT Link) On Friday, 23 January a group of Year 10 students, accompanied by Mr Brownhill, Mr Rayburn, Mr Rye and Mrs Stabler, visited The Tower of London. Two students give their thoughts on the trip below: Victoria Ogah: On Friday 23 January we went to The Tower of London to learn about the defences and the uses of the Tower. It was really good; we visited the White Tower, Bloody Tower and so much more. After, we went to McDonalds and bought our lunch. The day couldn’t have been better! Emily Price: On Friday 23 January most of the Year 10 Historians went to The Tower of London. We walked around the castle walls, imagining that if we were back in Norman times would anything be different, and how would the Normans have defended the castle. My favourite part of the trip was seeing the Crown Jewels. I learned a lot of new facts, too. Students at Traitors’ Gate, where it is tradi onal for people to throw coins and make a wish! All the coins are regularly collected and donated to Military chari es. The group with the Tower of London in the background—spot the pigeon on the leD hand side of the photograph! 3 PHOTOGRAPHY A LEVEL/BARBICAN EXHIBITION TRIP Way back in the summer holidays I read that the Barbican Arts Centre would be staging an exhibi on en tled: ‘Construc ng Worlds: Architecture in the Modern Age’ and that this exhibi on would showcase the work of 18 interna onally respected photographers and focus on the subject of building and architecture. So I rewrote my year 12 Scheme of Learning to include this new subject and planned my lessons to include a trip to the show. This became Unit One of the Photography AS Level and my students have been looking at the urban environment around Hoddesdon. and at other loca ons local to their homes. We’ve walked the High Street looking at how the buildings sit with one another; how the public use and interact with them; and how different construc on materials contrast in texture. In November, we took the train up to Liverpool Street Sta on, and walked to the Barbican Centre whilst taking photos of the sights along the way. The exhibi on was excellent. Each photographer had a separate exhibi on space and we were able to iden fy each of his or her different inten ons and themes. The plan, of course, was that the students would be inspired to use these ideas in their own photographic recording of the city. “I enjoyed seeing so many different ar sts’ work. I think this will help me to develop my own ideas for my work. I especially enjoyed being in the city and taking photos of the views of London.” Fleur Burgess “Visi ng Barbican Gallery was very beneficial for me because it gave me a new perspec ve on Photography due to discovering new photographer and their work and ideas.” Charlie Anderson “Visi ng the Barbican has given me some great ideas for taking my own photos and being able to take photos in London has allowed me to add whole new chapter of work to my book!” Alissia Bowman The students have just completed Unit One and some examples of the final work are on display in a mini exhibi on in A Block corridor. Have a look when you are visi ng the school Antony Passarelli next. Assistant Director of Learning—Sixth Form All of our work will be on public display at the annual Crea ve Arts Exhibi on in C Block in the summer when you will all be welcome to view our displays. Our A Level Photography students with Mr Passarell City Photograph by Jake Henderson, Year 12 Antony Passarelli Head of Photography 4 @sheredesparts Important rehearsal dates for all cast of ‘Footsteps’ Dance Produc?on and Dance Fes?val: Monday and Wednesday lunch mes: Lower School Dance Club—Hall Monday and Friday lunch mes: Boys’ Dance Club—Dance Studio Monday and Thursdays aDer school: G&T Dance Club—Hall (’Footsteps’ Opening and Dance Fes val students) Rehearsal Day/Date Time Venue ‘Footsteps’ rehearsal Wednesday, 28 January 3.00 pm—5.15 pm Hall ‘Footsteps’ rehearsal Monday, 02 February 3.00 pm—5.15 pm Hall ‘Footsteps’ rehearsal Tuesday, 03 February 3.00 pm—5.15 pm Dance Studio ‘Footsteps’ Technical Rehearsal (all costumes required) Thursday, 06 February 3.00 pm—5.15 pm Hall Rehearsal (all costumes required) Saturday, 07 February 11.00 am—3.00 pm Hall Dance Fes val students only Sunday, 08 February Meet at school 1.30 pm - Return 4.00 pm ‘Footsteps’ Dress Rehearsal (all students) Monday, 09 February ‘Footsteps’ Performance : 7.00 pm* Tuesday, 10 February Students to arrive by 6.00 pm ‘Footsteps’ Performance : 7.00 pm Wednesday, 11 February Students to arrive by 6.00 pm ‘Footsteps’ Primary Schools’ Ma nee Thursday, 12 February 09.30 am—10.30 am Hall HerGordshire Dance Fes val (performances) Thursday, 12 March 2.00 pm and 7.00 pm St Albans Arena 3.00 pm—5.15 pm Hall Footsteps—10 and 11 February 7pm Please note that ckets for the above two performances will only be sold on the door. There will be no pre-sale of ckets, so it will be first come, first served! Please arrive for the performance no later than 6.45 pm, as it is important to get all guests seated before the start of the show. We will not be admiVng anyone once the performance has started as this distracts the dancers. Her@ordshire Dance Fes?val, - 12 March Tickets for the Fes val are now available from the Alban Arena box office. They can be purchased online at aaboxoffi[email protected] or by phone from the box office: : 01727 844488 Nicola Haynes Head of Dance Drama Trip—Othello Many thanks to Mrs Mason for organising our Sixth Form trip to see ‘Othello’ by Fran c Assembly, at the Lyric Theatre. The A-Level Theatre Studies students were a credit to the school and thoroughly enjoyed the contemporary version of this Shakespearean tragedy. LUNCHTIME CONCERTS ADer sprin ng up the steps of Covent Garden tube sta on, and before we arrived at the theatre, Mrs Mason had planned some ‘Invisible Theatre’ exercises for us to complete in Convent Garden. We had fun with the street performers and even did some performance art of our own. Thursday is the day for lunchtime concerts Looking forward to the next cultural experience, and open to any sugges ons for upcoming theatre trips. Just let us know if there is something in par cular you would like to see and if we have enough numbers we will inves gate! Don’t forget to sign up on the sheets on the noticeboard NEW DRUM GROUP STARTING RUN BY STUDENTS EVERY WEDNESDAY JUST TURN UP! CHOIR REHEARSALS Choir rehearsals have moved to Tuesdays. Linda Rowan Director—Performing Arts Faculty See you there! 5 Sanchia: Alex: In Monday’s PE lesson we had two people come in to teach us how to play volleyball. We only learned the basics because we have only 45 minutes but we did get to play a game or two. We also had to see if we could hit the ball in two ways. The first was ‘dig’ and the other was ‘basic pass’. This week in Dance we have been rehearsing for the February Show. We have been working really hard. I have been enjoying Dance and being part of the Show. Louise: In Drama we have wri en our own script. We had a sheet with the characters we had to include. We wrote a script using the characters and we are performing them next lesson. Lucrezia: This week in Dance we are working really hard on rehearsing for the dance show ‘Footsteps’ which is happening on 10 and 11 February. I am really enjoying being part of the dance show. I am also really looking forward to performing to the primary school children on 12 February as it is a new experience for me. Michael: In English we watched the ending of ‘Much Ado About Nothing’. It is a comedy, wri en by Shakespeare. The main characters are Beatrice, Benedick, Hero and Claudio. Meghan: Kayleigh O: This week in DT we have been designing our own foot outlets in Graphics. We’ve planned, researched and are now doing our final logo. In Design Technology we have been learning about vacuum forming. To vacuum form you need HIPs (High Impact Polystyrenes). Next me we will vacuum form our work so that we have a mould to put our chocolate in. The sides of our work are slanted or at an angle so that when we vacuum form and put our chocolate into the mould it will slide out easily. We have had to write down what our outlet sells and use colour schemes and explain why we chose certain colours to go on our logo. We take some techniques from other logos, however, everyone has their own food outlet. Mrs Tatum helps everyone with their work and we get on well. Kayleigh P.: Holly: In PE we are doing HRE (Health Related Exercises). It helps us get fit by going on the running machine, on the step-up and on the cycling machine. You can also do sit-ups and skipping. In Technology we are working on chocolate moulding. We’ve learnt to use various tools, such as saws, etc. ADer this we may be making phone cases then we will be moving on to Food Technology. c Year 7 Rewards Cinema Night I A fantas c evening was held this week to recognise the excellent behaviour of the Year 7 students who have not received a consequence this term. n Our students enjoyed the film ‘How to Train Your Dragon’, as well as the free popcorn and drinks. e It was a very posi ve evening enjoyed by the majority of the year group. m a We hope that those who did not meet our expecta ons this me will do so in the future, and join their friends on the next Year 7 Rewards Evening later on this year . n I g Year 7 students enjoying their first Rewards Cinema Evening H Richard Hammond Director of Learning—Year 7 T 6 Saracens Cheerleading Club Volleyball Satellite Club At lunch me on Tuesday, 27th January a group of girls from Years 7, 8 and 9 turned up at the Hall to a end the first session of the Cheerleading Club. Why not come and join the Volleyball Club, being run by the Bishops StorGord Dragons. Every Tuesday, star ng next week. The club was led by Bryony, a Saracens Cheerleading coach, who showed the girls lots of different cheerleading moves. They will be using these in the new cheerleading rou ne, in prepara on for the Saracens Cheerleading and Dance Compe on that will be taking place some me before the Easter holidays. It would be great to see some more faces at the club next week, so don’t forget: Tuesday lunch?me in the Hall. This is a fantas c opportunity for the girls to learn some cheerleading moves, represent Sheredes School, compete against other Saracens clubs across the region, perform their prac ced rou ne and to showcase their new skills. If you have any ques ons then please do not hesitate to come and ask me. Sophie Melhuish Head of Girl’s Physical Educa on Athle?cs Congratula ons to Amber Hornbuckle who last week par cipated in the London Indoor Games at Picke s Lock. To add to her many successes, Amber won the under-15 Girls’ 60m Hurdles in an amazing me of 8.88 seconds! Amber, who was represen ng her club, Enfield & Haringey, clocked up the fiDh fastest me EVER in the event. Well done, Amber! Last week we failed to men on that our winning Junior Girls’ 200m relay team, at the Indoor Athle cs Championships, actually won in record me! So to put the record straight, we would like to further congratulate: Lucy Chapman, Zoe Dear, Millan Fearon and Amber Hornbuckle Well done, girls! Cross Country Finally, on Saturday, we have three boys compe ng in the County Cross Country championships at Westminster Lodge, St Albans: Chris Price (Senior) Joe Hayden (Inter) Kane Garwood (Junior) Russell Hoops Basketball Associa on is offering a New Year 8week basketball club programme with great coaching by professional and passionate coaching staff. This will help to develop the basketball skills of students using a variety of sta ons, matches and compe ve situa ons. This is a par cularly great opportunity for all year 7 and 8 students, but also welcomes students of all ages. The club will run at Sheredes every Thursday, from 8 January to 26 February from 4.45pm to 6.15pm, and is completely free! This programme gives students an opportunity to explore a new sport, make friends, improve confidence and find a sport to take part in for life in order to maintain a healthy ac ve lifestyle. We wish them all Good Luck! Adam Gant Director—Sport & Health Faculty If you are interested, please see Mr McInerney 7 I am running a FIFA Tournament, with the proceeds going to charity. There will be one compe on for KS3/4 students (Y711), and one for KS5 (Y12/13). Any student who is interested in taking part, please see me for details, and a sign-up sheet. Science Revision Sessions The poster below gives details of Science revision sessions. The poster is also on the Year 11 page of the website. All students are encouraged to come to Science revision sessions . Maximise your chances for success! Janine O’Neill Director—Science Faculty Dan Galvin Teacher of Design Technology Fancy yourself at FIFA? Starting on the 23rd of February a FIFA knock out tournament will take place at lunch times, for years 7 to11. All proceeds will be going to charity. Prizes involved including top prize of 1,000,000 FIFA coins. For more information and to sign up speak to Mr Galvin LEAD 2 FOR SIXTH FORM On Wednesday, 11th February the school has its second LEAD Day – a day when lessons are suspended and students get the opportunity to pursue cross-curricular themes. The focus of the day will be Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths – known as STEAM. Educa on loves an acronym! To this end we have organised a series of trips: Op?on 1 is to visit the BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE (BFI) Belvedere Road, Southbank, London SE1 8XT to see the Mediatheque Library. This is an online library, which will allow students to browse the extensive BFI collec ons and archives. This trip is for all students of Media Studies and Film Studies, and will also appeal to those who are studying Drama, Dance and or Art and Design, due to the availability of specialist films and TV performances and the proximity to The Royal fes val Hall, The Na onal Theatre and The Hayward Gallery on the Southbank. Op?on 2 is a visit to the SCIENCE MUSEUM, Exhibi on Road, SW7 2DD and the many varied science and technology based exhibits there. Obviously this trip is for all Science students but also for those studying Music, History, ICT and Photography and Art and Design. There are specialist exhibi on covering all of these subjects and more. Nearby are the Natural History and Victoria and Albert Museums. Op?on 3 is a trip to NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY, St. Mar n’s Place, WC2H 0HE and THE PHOTOGRAPHERS' GALLERY, 16-18 Ramillies Street, W1F 7LW. This op on gives all Art and Design and Photography students a chance to see the collec ons at these two world-class galleries. History and Sociology students may also enjoy the opportunity to see the visual overview presented of both past and current Bri sh leadership and life. We are looking forward to an enjoyable day of learning in these very different environments. Antony Passarelli Assistant Director of Learning—Sixth Form 8 World Book Day : 5th March 2015 To celebrate World Book Day, the English Department will be asking Years 7 and 8 to accessorise their uniform to represent a character from any book by Roald Dahl or J K Rowling. Obviously 'Team English' will be doing their bit to represent a character too! Year 7 and 8 form tutors will be invited to join in, as will Heads of Houses. Prizes for winners: 1st Prize: Amazon voucher Runners-up Prizes (2): Jelly Bean Factory Tubes for great imagina on and interpreta on of a character! On World Book Day there will also be staggered stories read at the beginning of every lesson. The School Library will also be hos ng a World Book Day Party! So watch this space for more details! Deborah Wallace-Mar n Teaching Assistant, English WriGen by: Billy Brown Samantha Jarman Emily Price Aaron Willis-Stewart English GCSE Revision Check out the English Revision Help Sheet on the Year 11 page of the school’s website: h p:// English_Revision_Help_sheet.pdf WORLD NEWS Emoji Portraits. A Man Making Art Out of Symbols: Yung Jake, a rapper and perhaps the world's first notable emoji ar st, has been sending out clever celebrity portraits to his 12,000 Twi er followers. This is just one of the revision techniques available to students—make sure you check ALL of them! UK NEWS Hoax Call to David Cameron Triggers Review of Security. Number 10 said the caller claimed to be Robert Hannigan, Director of government monitoring agency GCHQ. Lemara Raven Director—English Faculty 9
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