ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2014 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION FEBRUARY 1, 2015 First Presbyterian Church Bryan, Texas (2nd printing, January 30, 2015) ADD ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ANNUAL MEETING – FEBRUARY 1, 2015 BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA (Combined with Table of Contents) CALL TO ORDER DECLARATION OF QUORUM PRAYER ITEMS FOR CONGREGATION’S VOTE AND COMPARATIVE STATISTICS ................................................... 4 FPC STAFF.............................................................................................................................. 5 ELDERS SERVING IN 2014; ELDERS, CLASSES OF 2015 AND 2016.................................................. 6-7 PASTOR’S REPORT ............................................................................................................... 8-11 CLERK’S REPORT .................................................................................................................... 12 FPC FOUNDATION REPORT ...................................................................................................... 13 SESSION COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORTS ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................. 14 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION................................................................................................. 15-16 EVANGELISM & MEMBERSHIP | COMPASSIONATE CARE .......................................................... 17 MISSION ................................................................................................................... 18-19 PROPERTY....................................................................................................................... 20 STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE ................................................................................................. 21 WORSHIP .................................................................................................................. 22-23 CONCERTS ON CARTER CREEK ....................................................................................... 24 PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN .......................................................................................................... 25 TREASURER’S REPORT (2014) ............................................................................................. 26-27 TREASURER’S REPORT (2015 BUDGET) ................................................................................. 28-33 ITEM FOR CONGREGATION’S DISCUSSION AND VOTE: CHANGES IN TERMS OF CALL FOR PASTOR AND ASSOCIATE PASTOR VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR PRESENTATION CLOSING PRAYER ADJOURNMENT [2015 Annual Meeting] Page 3 ITEMS FOR CONGREGATION’S DISCUSSION AND VOTE 38 39 40 41 Recommended to the congregation by the Session for adoption of a change in the Pastor’s and Associate Pastor’s terms of call terms of call from 2014 amounts to those of 2015 (see P. 28); [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 4 STAFF 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Rev. Ted V. Foote, Jr. Pastor Rev. Marie Mickey Associate Pastor Vacant Director of Music Ministries Kathryn Nachlinger Director of Christian Education Karen Berg Administrative Assistant Rose Lewis Accounting Assistant Rev. Katherine Hester Doehring Young Adult Ministries Coordinator Payton Foote Interim Youth Director Whitney Connaughton Director of Children’s Center Patricia Marsh Custodial Staff Supervisor Hillman Davis Custodian Marie Licon Custodian Joyce Nutall Custodian [2014 Annual Meeting] First Presbyterian Church, Bryan, Texas Page 5 87 SERVING IN 2015 88 ELDERS, COMMITTEES, & FOUNDATION TRUSTEES 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 CLERK OF SESSION Colin Ryder CLASS OF 2015 ADMINISTRATION Ron Douglas Brad Vinson Dave Lyons 2015 2015 2016 CARING SUPPORT Diane Norman Peggy Telg Cheryl Moreno 2015 2015 2016 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Marlee Criaco Kathy Burdett Leigh Gathings 2015 2015 2016 EVANGELISM & MEMBERSHIP Mario Gomez Debe Shafer 2016 2016 MISSION (LOCAL & BEYOND) Mike Downey Janice Haverland Cyrille Defeu 2016 2016 2016 PROPERTY Jim Nachlinger, Mod. Charles Sanders Bob Marcotte CLASS OF 2015 2015 2016 STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE Scott Shafer Bob Baker Jay McKay 2015 2016 2016 WORSHIP Nancy Self Ulonda Rogers Lois Basenfelder 2015 2016 2015 FOUNDATION TRUSTEES 116 Rusleen Maurice Murray Milford Ashley Wesp Ken Telg Rose Van Arsdel Dick Witherite 2016 2016 2016 2018 2018 2018 John Halsell Susan McGrail Creighton Miller, Jr. 2020 2020 2020 ELDERS 117 CLASS OF 2015 Lois Basenfelder Kathy Burdett Marlee Criaco Ron Douglas Jim Nachlinger Diane Norman Colin Ryder Charles Sanders Nancy Self Scott Shafer Peggy Telg Brad Vinson 118 CLASS OF 2016 Bob Baker Cyrille Defeu Mike Downey Leigh Gathings Mario Gomez Janice Haverland Dave Lyons Bob Marcotte Jay McKay Cheryl Moreno Ulonda Rogers Debe Shafer 119 Page 6 [2014 Annual Meeting] All of us who are part of First Presbyterian Church give thanks to God for the faithful service of the Elders and Trustees, Class of 2014: 120 121 122 123 124 ELDERS 125 Mary Arnold Pat Davis Mario Gomez Dave Haverland Sherry Hinnant Alice Johnson Glenn Mathews Cheryl Page David Sahm Paul Turney Alison Windham Marilyn Wright 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 TRUSTEES 139 Susan McGrail Creighton Miller David Norcom 140 141 142 143 144 145 We give thanks to God for you and your discipleship and leadership! We give thanks to you for answering our Lord’s call to serve in this way, as you have so faithfully done! [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 7 146 PASTOR’S ANNUAL REPORT 2014 INTO 2015 147 REV. THEODORE V. FOOTE, JR., PASTOR 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 I. Ministry Efforts It’s my observation that FPC staff persons and many, many members are working diligently (and often with substantial time contributions and investment) from week to week in ministry efforts related to First Presbyterian-Bryan. For example – and beyond our routine and most crucial (A) “people related ministries following Jesus Christ” in (1) caring outreach, (2) faith education and discipleship development, (3) worship, (4) relationship building, and (5) stewardship – effort devoted (B) to the HVAC and Repair/Renovation Projects has been immeasurable. This effort has included (1) the building preparation, (2) the financial and legal preparation, and (3) the decision-making preparation (i) from the congregation (ii) through the committees and to (iii) Session elders and (iv) Foundation trustees. Add to this (C) the staffpersonnel changes during 2014 in (1) music ministry, (2) youth ministry, and (3) financial ministry, and you have a church / faith-community which is busy and which is giving evidence of a desire to serve God in Jesus Christ, regardless of how difficult and/or fulfilling the developments and relationships may be (since people and events are linked together). II. Staff While every person who has vacated a staff position this year has left a legacy of gifts and contributions, Session committees have been (and continue) coordinating interim hires/personnel deployments and permanent replacement searches (chancel and handbell choirs, youth ministry, and financial assistant/bookkeeper). General priorities in these searches and in the evaluations of current staff include (A) professional and personal skills for the respective position, (B) shared vision for that particular ministry area and related to FPC-Bryan in general, and (C) positive mutual esteem/collaborative capacities for shared responsibilities among staff and membership. III. Numbers A. Members (and Participants) We begin 2015 with a membership number at 400 (+/-). From 2014, this includes, as in any year: (1) additions in (i) new members and (ii) youth making professions of faith; and (2) subtractions in (i) moves out of the area, (ii) moves to other faith communities, and (iii) declarations of a desire no longer to be a member of this church/ faith-community. This number is “rock bottom” functional for the level of ministries which the church is structured to sustain. Growth in numbers is essential for the church to sustain ministries at levels which members have desired in previous years. Such growth for churches as institutions and as faith communities, in several ways is an uphill effort due to cultural and societal shifts, trends, norms, and opinions. As the only PC(USA) congregation in “Bryan proper” and as 1 of 2 PC(USA) congregations in the Bryan/College Station area, we are affected by ecclesiastical, governmental, judicial, and personal decisions and developments anytime the “brand” of the PC(USA) is a part of the contextual equation. Overcoming the “negative press” from what some perceive as negative social and legal options – for example, with the nation-wide samegender/equality of marriage issue – is an element of our ministry “self-image” and our 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 Page 8 [2014 Annual Meeting] 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 personal and community discipleship and responsibility which cannot be ignored, but which is also only seriously debilitating to the extent that we “surrender” to negativity and pessimism. Staying positive is essential – with the developed and practiced understanding that following Jesus Christ includes being a community of faith with differences, no less than the first disciples of Jesus and the very early Christian churches (and other religious faithtraditions historically) have continually experienced and exhibited disagreements and varied perspectives. Where can we find “truth/Truth” in all of the felt and expressed disagreements within and around us? Obviously debates are fueled by persons (including Presbyterians) interpreting parts of the Bible certain ways. Yet many Presbyterians have leaned toward understanding – as expressed in the Westminster Confession of 1649 and in the United States’ Presbyterian founding documents of 1789 – that “truth is in order to goodness” and that “persons of good characters and principles will differ/disagree.” Then, obviously, one must define “goodness” and “good characters and principles.” Presbyterians also have leaned toward understanding God’s complete self-giving and complete self-revelation in Jesus Christ, as the “Johanine tradition” declares, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14) and “God is love” (I John 4:16), and “We love because God first loved us” (I John 4:19). This is not to say we do not believe these and other Bible verses without disagreements. We absolutely have disagreements. The Westminster Confession (1649) and the U.S. Presbyterians convening in 1789 additionally affirmed how communities of faith must understand the necessity honoring “liberty of conscience and reason” over “absolute and blind obedience to (secondary) doctrines,” as well as practicing “mutual forbearance.” Such an honoring attitude and practice are necessary because individuals and church bodies make errors, even when seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit and attempting to act “in good conscience.” Not all faith traditions advocate (1) respect for other persons with whom differences of opinion and perspective are held and (2) mutual forbearance amid those differences so that disciples can grow in faith from the shaping of our lives by the Holy Spirit, while we yet have differences; but many Presbyterians have held to such convictions for centuries. Honestly, it’s why I’m still a part of this local church and denomination: because I believe God is still working through our gifts and differences toward a sacred goal of sharing the Gospel, honoring God’s children of every background and age, and growing and serving as disciples of Jesus Christ. Prayerfully finding ways (1) to develop relationships based on this sharing of the Gospel, (2) to honor all persons, and (3) to grow and serve as disciples of Jesus Christ are keys to the meaningful increase in numbers so crucial to the sustaining of Christ’s ministries through FPC-Bryan from the past and into the future. [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 9 B. Money as Income 1. Ministries’ Budget Treasurer Rick Page offers a detailed report of past giving and current anticipated income (for 2015). As can be verified by several members and church officers, valiant and disciplined efforts were made in 2014 to evaluate and trim budget requests for 2015 to efficient and as needed levels – no extras. Through the generosity and commitment of FPC members and participants, the 2014 budget was completed with a gross savings of $49,895.00 in relation to possible/anticipated 2014 expenses. This represents monies which were not needed to pay bills or fund ministry/ institutional/ faith-community needs of any kind ($32,000 of Astin Trust income; $10,000 of “Oil & Gas” income; and $7,895 of unspent balance “carried over/forward” to 2015). A combination of reasons, however, brings us to a sensitive position, money-wise, for 2015. Even with the 2014 efforts to trim the 2015 budget and even with the good outcome of not needing to spend monies in 2014 which the church leadership had previously anticipated, income anticipated for 2015 is – best we can determine – not as available as we wish. (1) Deaths of church contributors have occurred in 2014. (2) Persons have moved from the community or moved from this community of faith/church. (3) Some within FPC have either experienced income decreases; and (4) some have chosen to make contributions to outreach/ministry efforts through “institutions” other than First Presbyterian. One of the strengths of being a Presbyterian in the tradition of FPC-Bryan is that we practice and respect “freedom of conscience” and confidentiality. Yet the “downside” of this “strength” is that we do not insist on knowing why persons might, for example, decrease or increase their financial giving (or make any other decision, whether from a sense of what’s practical and/or from what’s conscience and/or faith-sensed). Here’s what we are certain we need to practice: a sense of community which exercises the liberty of asking questions of those who may have pertinent information to determine whether what one thinks might be going on “behind the scenes” is what’s actually “going on.” Even given a potential deficit of $37,869.91 for which Session elders cannot identify “high probability” sources of income, other statistical data within the membership and historical giving patters have led Session to adopt a budget of $751,399.78, with anticipated income of $713,529.86. Plans for managing cash flow on a conservative basis are underway within Session committees and staff giving the church the highest likelihood of succeeding in administrating this 2015 budget, and doing so “to the glory of God in the ministry of Jesus Christ.” 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 2. HVAC/ Renovation/ Repairs Debt Service and Contributions Pledges for a three year period are generously at a level of $435,113.98. This includes an “on hand” amount of $171,400 +/-. The manse/parsonage and surrounding property for sale – we hope – could net a substantial increase to the amount already pledged. Page 10 [2014 Annual Meeting] 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 IV. Vision(s), Perspectives/attitudes, Relationships and Communication as Disciples of Jesus Our call to serve God as disciples of Jesus Christ through this church and into God’s world near and far necessitates a faith-vision, a faith-perspective, and a requisite attitude-type which trust God both to know and work beyond what we (as people) can know and calculate. Positive communication, positive working relationships, sound planning, and genuine caring are essential in order for God’s will in Christ to come to fruition through our lives and through this church. This is a day-to-day and week-to-week imperative. There is precious little (if any) room for being slack in diligence. V. 2015 and Beyond FPC-Bryan is “back – not to mortgage, but – to financial indebtedness related the building.” Since the FPC-Foundation has been willing to contract for collateralization of the necessary loan (between $1.2M and $1.5M) to replace the 58 year old HVAC system and make a few other needed building repairs, the church did not have to “mortgage the building and property” but did “go into debt” on the facilitating bank loan, and thus committed to repayment of that debt over a 10 year period. “Servicing debt on a building” is “part of life,” often, but this is a somewhat new experience for this congregation, given being debt free for several previous years. Also, as noted earlier, FPC-Bryan does not have the numerical base (possibly) to service this debt as “easily” as similar indebtedness may have been tackled and reduced in years past. This means that “debt service” is a necessary priority at this time and for a few years to come. If certain areas of ministry need to be reduced during the time of the debt-service, that simply is part of keeping the building current and serviceable for all of God’s ministries through this church as time rolls on. Recognizing this as “current reality” rather than spending energy “wishing it were not so” will help us healthily serve in ministry while striving to eliminate the financial indebtedness as soon as possible. We do this realizing that we are NEVER out of debt to God for grace we can never earn, deserve, or repay! With thanks to God for each of you and for the privilege of serving Jesus Christ in partnership among you . . . 295 296 Ted V. Foote, Jr. 297 January 22, 2015 [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 11 298 299 CLERK’S REPORT 300 BOB ANDERSON, CLERK OF SESSION, 2014 COLIN RYDER, CLERK OF SESSION, 2015 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 BEGINNING TOTAL MEMBERSHIP, January 2014 = 412 Baptized Child – 4 Adult – 0 Membership Gains – 20 Membership Losses – 27 Includes membership transfers, deaths, those removed from rolls, and those moved to non-resident member status ENDING TOTAL MEMBERSHIP, December 2014 = 405 (-7) __________________________________ MEMBER CENSUS Age Distribution 25 & Under 26-45 46-55 56-65 Over 65 Total 65 42 56 71 171 405 Gender Female 243 Male 162 Total 405 ____________________________________ Respectfully submitted, Colin Ryder Clerk of Session, 2015 Karen Berg Administrative Assistant Page 12 [2014 Annual Meeting] 343 FPC FOUNDATION REPORT 344 FOR FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2013 TO JUNE 30, 2014 CREIGHTON MILLER, PRESIDENT | ASHLEY WESP, TREASURER 345 346 347 348 349 350 Major objectives of the Foundation include managing the congregation’s bequest funds effectively and encouraging additional bequests. 351 352 353 354 355 Invested assets increased from $3,325,854.87 on July 1, 2013 to $3,675,451.80 on June 30, 2014, and decreased slightly to $3,644,841.73 at year’s end December 31, 2014, in the Foundation’s major investment account managed by the Texas Presbyterian Foundation. This reflects relative stability in the investment markets. 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 As of December 31, 2014, the total market value of the Erin Buenger account was $76,780.61, up from $69,130.69 a year earlier. In order to grow this fund, it has been more aggressively invested, and payouts have not been made to the Church. Income from the Buenger account is to be used to support children's/youth programs at FPC. A committee consisting of Walter Buenger, Phyllis Lee, Rusleen Maurice and Ken Telg will make recommendations to the Session on fund expenditure. 363 364 365 The invested asset balance of the Concerts on Carter Creek Fund (John Otts’ estate) grew from $68,328.65 on December 31, 2013 to $69,636.47 as of December 31, 2014. 366 367 368 369 370 371 Contributions made by the Foundation to the Church in 2014 were $137,500, and in calendar year 2015 will be about $139,000, paid quarterly in the amount of $34,750. The Session determines how these funds are used to further the mission of the Church. By the end of 2015, the Foundation will have contributed more than $4,185,000 in bequest funds to the Church since its establishment in 1984. 372 373 In 2014, $2,000.00 from the Otts estate was used to support the Concerts on Carter Creek. 374 375 376 The Foundation agreed, with certain conditions, to collateralize a loan to be obtained by First Presbyterian Church for work on its physical plant. 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 Members of FPC are encouraged to consider contributing to the Foundation, and including the Foundation in their estate planning. Gifts to the FPC, Bryan Foundation are truly gifts that keep on giving. Foundation Board members for the reporting period included: Rusleen Maurice, Susan McGrail, Murray Milford (Secretary), Creighton Miller (President), David Norcom (Vice President), Ken Telg, Rose Van Arsdel, Ashley Wesp (Treasurer), and Dick Witherite. Respectfully Submitted, Creighton Miller President [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 13 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 MEMBERS: Ron Douglas and Brad Vinson (Elders, Class of 2015) Bill McKinley, Rick Page, Ashley Wesp and Paul Turney (Elder, Class of 2014, & Moderator). STAFF RESOURCES: Rev. Ted Foote, Rev. Marie Mickey. During 2014, the FPC Administration Committee worked to enhance the mission and outreach of our community of believers by focusing on policies and operations, seeking to hire the best available people, and planning for the future. The committee again enjoyed the advantage of having talented and engaged members. I want to publically thank Ashley Wesp, Bill McKinley, Rick Page, Ron Douglas, and Brad Vinson. They were a great group to work with. During the year we focused on the following major areas: Updating the Employee Handbook Updating Server Software and out dated computers Conducting staff evaluations and recommending salary adjustment, and Meeting interim staffing needs while attempting to solicit input from the entire congregation to better identify what we want and are looking for in the areas of Music and Youth ministries and, as luck would have it, recruit a new bookkeeper for the 3rd time in as many years. The process of selecting and recruitment of new FPC staff members took much of the committee’s and subcommittees’ time and is still a work in progress. We have found ourselves again looking to hire a new Financial Assistant as Rose leaves us to take care of her new grandchild. We have worked to provide interim resources for the Music and Youth ministries of the Church and subcommittees are currently evaluating and editing the applicable job descriptions in response to the congregational surveys as we prepare to fill the vacancies with more permanent positions. The life of our Church seems forever evolving as opportunities for individuals staff members call them in various directions up to and including retirement. After discussing the annual evaluations for 2014 we again unanimously recommended raises for staff for the ensuing year within the allowable constraints of the 2015 challenge budget. As was true last year, we feel the necessity of retaining our talented staff and attracting new staff to assist in preaching Christ, teaching discipleship, and reaching others. Looking forward to 2015, the committee will continue to assess current staffing needs and policy enhancements in the effort to maintain and improve the organizational infrastructure needed to carry our Church forward in a healthy and vibrant manner that reflects both our mission and the love for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Respectfully submitted, Paul Turney Moderator Page 14 [2014 Annual Meeting] 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE 2014 ANNUAL REPORT MEMBERS: Marlee Criaco (Elder, Class of 2015, and Moderator), Kathy Burdett (Elder, Class of 2015, Mario Gomez (Elder, Class of 2016), and Vicki Gergeni (member-at-large). STAFF RESOURCES: Ted Foote (Pastor), Kathryn Nachlinger (Director of Christian Education), Rev. Katherine Doehring (Youth/Young Adults Ministry Coordinator, Jan-Aug), and Lindsay Cooper (Interim Youth Ministry Coordinator, SepDec) In 2014, the Christian Education Committee met on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm. The CE Committee plans, administers and evaluates our church’s educational programs. Organized by age group, the subcommittees/moderator, responsibilities and activities are listed below: EARLY CHILDHOOD: Kathy Burdett ● Served in oversight capacity to the operation of the First Presbyterian Children’s Center ● Pre-school Church School ● Church Nursery ELEMENTARY: Kathryn Nachlinger ● Church school classes for K-6 ● Carpenter’s Kids ● Older Elementary Fellowship ● Christmas Gift Making Workshop YOUTH: Lindsay Cooper ● Youth Sunday school teaching and activities ● Mid-week Bible Study Program (January-May) ● Oversight, coordination and execution of youth-led Easter Sunrise Service ● Oversight, coordination and execution of youth-led Thanksgiving Dinner ● MO-Mission Weekend ● Conclaves and MO-Ranch Conferences: MO-TLC, Youth Celebration, Junior High Jubilee COLLEGE/YOUNG ADULTS: Marlee Criaco/Mario Gomez ● Coordinated UCM dinners, Gig-Em Week and Aggieland Marketplace Activities ● Made, delivered/mailed care packages for finals and ice cream gift cards for Valentine’s Day ADULT: Vicki Gergeni ● Adult Church School ● Theology Weekend ● Chick Flicks ● Summer Book Club ● Summer Church School [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 15 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 Highlights of CE Committee accomplishments for 2014: ● Task force formed for a new church nursery ● Van policy was submitted to property committee and approved by session ● The new nursery was dedicated in January. ● Lay Theology weekend hosted speaker Allan Cole from Austin Theological Seminary ● Forty-six Valentine’s greetings were sent to college students ● Five new members joined the College Committee ● Mike Miller Reunion ● Vacation Bible School had enrollment of 39 students ● Revisions to the Children’s Center nursery policies were approved ● Updated the child care center employee manual and parent manual ● Wrote a budget for the childcare center (2013-2014 and 2014-2015) ● Budgeted for a bookkeeper to assist the child care center director ● Established an emergency exit plan for the child care center and updated all parent contact information ● Confirmation Class graduated six (6) new members Amber Black, Destine Cruz, Jason Fry, Jack Miller, Rachel Pratt, and Preston Windham coordinated by Katherine Doehring and Nicole McKinley, including church member mentors for each youth participant. ● Lindsay Cooper was approved to the position of youth director through December ● Summer Book Club led by Catherine Ezzell ● A 5% tuition increase in Children’s Center tuition went into effect in September ● Bible study took place a Park Place Assisted Living hosted by Dave Burdett and Allyn Jordan ● Approved curriculum choices for the church school classes ● Organized and hosted an in-service seminar for the child care employees (by Nancy Self) ● Senior Celebration and Junior High Jubilee were successful conferences ● In lieu of a Thanksgiving Feast, the youth hosted a spaghetti luncheon ● Twenty-six finals bags were filled and distributed to college students in December Shared ministry of Christian Education and Worship Committees ‒ Puppets for Jesus: The children’s ministry Puppets for Jesus continued its presentation of age-appropriate messages for the children and congregation of First Presbyterian Church. Each month, the PJ’s teach the children about relevant issues through a light-hearted, non-threatening, engaging puppet skit. New participants and puppeteers have joined the group and the group continues to pray together, practice together and support each other within this ministry. Catherine Ezzell provided the theme and guidance for the December script. The PJ ministry asks for support from the congregation: bring your children, grandchildren, relatives, and friends’ children to the PJ messages so that this God-focused, children-oriented ministry remains a vital part of this church’s outreach and spiritual formation. Respectfully submitted, Marlee Criaco Moderator Page 16 [2014 Annual Meeting] EVANGELISM & MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE IN CONJUNCTION WITH COMPASSIONATE CARE COMMITTEE 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 Members: Lois Basenfelder, Colin Ryder, Alison Windham, Diane Norman, Catherine Ezzell, Velma Burnett, Megan Giebert, Matt Giebert, Peggy Telg, Marilyn Wright, Cheryl Moreno, Debe Shafer, Janice Haverland. 528 529 530 531 Church Updates: After a successful trial run, and good response from the congregation, church updates was renewed and has continued to provide information concerning church activities, prayer concerns and general communication. Lois Basenfelder has managed the site throughout the year. 532 533 534 535 Visitors: The visitors table continues to be maintained with information for college age visitors and all age groups. Visitor mugs are distributed to first time visitors by the children during the children’s moment. Catherine Ezzell has been paramount in restocking the supply and keeping up with them. 536 537 538 Advertising: The changes in the overall budget called for a change in monies spent in advertising. Careful consideration was given to advertising exposure that was effective and less effective. FPC was still advertised in the Eagle, A&M publications, Peace Magazine and special event circulars. 539 540 541 542 543 New Members: A new program was devised to help new members assimilate into the church. The new member is paired with existing member similar in age, interests expressed and activities involved in. This program is being worked on concurrently with the Compassionate Care Committee. A new survey was devised to aid in information gathering for new members to direct to activities, groups and other interests. 544 545 Organization: Several joint meetings were had with the Compassionate Care Committee. The possibility of a merge may be enacted [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 17 MISSION COMMITTEE 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 MEMBERS: Sherry Hinnant (Elder Class of 2014, Moderator), Pat Davis (Elder Class of 2014, Secretary), Mary Arnold (Elder Class of 2014), Imogene Vetters (Rep. Presbyterian Women), Rusleen Maurice (Rep. First Presbyterian Foundation), Ranney McDonald, Vickie Buenger, Nathan Bracher, Nancy Robertson, Ernie Wright, Allyn Jordan, Judy Jordan, Karen Sanders, and Molly McDaniel (Members at large). Staff Resource: Rev. Marie Mickey In our committee’s efforts to fulfill our church’s ongoing mission work and help provide to outreach programs this year, we have been successful in providing grants, necessary funding, and charitable service as well as financial help to our local community, as well as national and international organizations. The following grants and financial support were submitted by our committee and approved by our Session for funding in 2014: 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 Grants from the FPC Foundation: Presbyterian Pan American School in Kingsville ........................................................ $ 7,500 Schreiner College ....................................................................................................... $ 6,000 Austin College Religious Life Program ....................................................................... $ 5,000 Peru Mission Trip ....................................................................................................... $ 9,200 Anson Jones Cinco De Mayo Celebration ................................................................... $ 700 Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church of San Antonio ............................................. $ 6,000 Presbyterian Children’s Homes & Services ................................................................ $ 10,000 United Campus Ministries (1/2 distributed in 2014, 1/2 to be distributed in 2015) $ 6,000 Voices for Children ..................................................................................................... $ 10,000 Lindsay Cooper’s Medical Mission Trip ...................................................................... $ 1,000 Brazos Interfaith Immigration Network ..................................................................... $ 8,360 Still Creek Ranch Christian Academy ......................................................................... $ 8,000 First Presbyterian Church Bryan Operating Budget ................................................... $ 25,000 Charity Benevolences: Brazos Church Pantry ................................................................................................. $ Still Creek Ranch ......................................................................................................... $ Health For All.............................................................................................................. $ Project Unity............................................................................................................... $ Habitat for Humanity ................................................................................................. $ Prenatal Clinic ............................................................................................................ $ Twin City Mission ....................................................................................................... $ Phoebe’s Home .......................................................................................................... $ Hope Pregnancy ......................................................................................................... $ Pastor’s Discretionary Fund ....................................................................................... $ Brazos Church Pantry from Hymnal Trifecta............................................................... $ Pentecost Offering to Safe Harbour............................................................................ $ Peacemaking Offering to Just4Water ......................................................................... $ 4,207 2,103 1,870 2,805 1,636 1,870 3,038 2,337 1,402 2,076 520 684 323 The above total funds of $127,631 were approved by our Mission Committee, approved by our Session, and distributed by First Presbyterian Church, Bryan, in the year 2014. Page 18 [2014 Annual Meeting] 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 In addition, our work included many service projects i.e. providing goods for and assembled 250 hygiene bags for those classified as homeless in Bryan ISD, providing string backpacks and school supplies to Still Creek Ranch and Anson Jones, providing gifts to needy children through the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree project, and continuing support of our Carter Creek After School Program and our adopted school of Anson Jones. We also supported the Food Bank and Crop Walk. We revised the Missions Committee description to include Community Services as a combined committee this year. For reviewing benevolent church giving for charities, we devised an evaluation criteria questionnaire for future financial consideration. I would like to thank all of the committee members for their diligent, thoughtful, prayerful, and faithful service to this committee for a year well-served to the glory of God’s overall mission! Respectfully submitted, Sherry Hinnant Moderator [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 19 PROPERTY COMMITTEE 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 MEMBERS: Dave Haverland (Elder, Class of 2014, and Mod.), Charles Sanders (Elder, Class of 2015), Jim Nachlinger (Elder, Class of 2015), Todd Gray, Keith Halsell, Bob Marcotte, Imogene Vetters, Andrew Weichert (members-at-large). STAFF RESOURCES: Rev. Ted Foote, Rev. Marie Mickey (Committee Secretary with many thanks), and Pat Marsh. RESPONSIBILITIES: Oversight of church facility, van, manse, and grounds maintenance and repairs, and custodial services. BUDGET/EXPENSES: In 2014, expenses of $103,000 were less than the budgeted $110,000. In large part, expenses were less due to evaluations instead of reactions, though costs continue to rise to “band-aid” systems in the facility. MAJOR ACTIVITIES: Work days including The Big Event participation allowed us to do many things around the facility like tree removal, rail paintings, cleaning of entrances, and painting of hall walls in Children’s Center areas. Other important accomplishments include: Completion of HVAC System design Evaluation and selection of contractor for HVAC replacement and asbestos abatement Property re-plat to separate church from property and manse across the creek Financing and legal activity participation for new work Listing of manse and property with negotiations continuing Continued work list for present and future facility needs ONGOING WORK: Ground work has been laid for many things that our facility needs. Ongoing projects include: HVAC system installation Chancel ceiling, roof, lighting, and wall upgrades Manse and property sale negotiations As our facility continues to age, our costs will continue to be significant to both maintain and replace systems and keep the building attractive and functional. The Property Committee takes the responsibility of stewardship seriously and appreciates the congregation’s support in this challenging endeavor. Thank you for your support for the upkeep and improvements to God’s place of worship. Respectfully with prayers, Dave Haverland Moderator Page 20 [2014 Annual Meeting] STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE COMMITTEE 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 During fiscal year 2014, members of the Stewardship & Finance Committee worked with John Halsell church treasurer, our clergy, staff and committee chairs (as necessary) to: 1. Monitor and administer the 2014 Budget; 2. Recommend, for Session approval, the use of designated and undesignated funds; 3. Make monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports to the Session and congregation; 4. Oversee implementation of the 2015 Stewardship drive; 5. Coordinate preparation of the 2015 church budget for presentation to the Session & Congregation; 6. Secure grant funding from the Nina Heard Astin Charitable Trust in support of 2015 church operations expenses; 7. Recommend, for Session approval, the establishment of task force committees to investigate timely issues related to church finances; 8. Monitor the financial reports of the First Presbyterian Children’s Center; 9. Oversee receipt and disbursement of the four special offerings of the Presbyterian Church USA; 10. Oversee the counting of church collections for deposit. 2014 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Voting Trish Burk Adelle Hedleston Wayne Hayenga Ervin Linnstaedter Glenn Mathews Cheryl Page Scott Shafer Ken Telg Non-Voting Ted Foote Marie Mickey Rick Page Submitted with appreciation for your dedicated support of our Lord’s ministries, Cheryl Page Moderator [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 21 WORSHIP COMMITTEE 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 Members: Nancy Self (Elder, Class of 2015 and Moderator); Alice Johnson (Elder, Class of 2014 and Secretary); Becky Alter, Ellie Chesnik, Kathryn Nachlinger, Susan McGrail, Rosemary Gaines (members-atlarge). STAFF RESOURCES: Rev. Ted Foote, Rev. Marie Mickey, Jane Van Valkenburg (Jan-Jul). Purpose: The purpose of the worship committee is to provide worship opportunities so that praise and worship become meaningful expressions of our faith and obedience to God and our joy in God’s service. Baptisms: April 12: Ashlyn McCarthy ( at Mo Ranch) June 1: Aubrey Rose Byrnes November 2: Russell David Cochrane Ordination: Amy Klinkovsky on July 26, 2014 Monthly Responsibilities and Events in 2014: January Celebrated Epiphany during the service on January 6. Participated in the Theology weekend services with Rev. Allan Cole, Academic Dean and Professor at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, as speaker. February Placed announcement in The Chimes (newsletter) inviting members to sponsor flowers for use in the Sanctuary during weekly worship service. Usher captain training sessions were held. March Planned, prepared, and served a reception for Mike Miller and Dan Milford on March 23, 2014. Dan was the guest preacher and Mike was being honored upon his retirement. Plans made for purchasing Easter lilies for Sanctuary ( 57 ordered); and palm branches for Palm Sunday April Planned for special recognition during worship service of choir members for the Chancel, Children’s Choir, and bell choirs, and provided boutonnieres provided for each choir member on April 27th. Initiated a change in the process for serving communion in the Sanctuary on April 6 in which only six servers are used, with two servers being given two trays to serve. This process was continued the rest of 2014. May Individual letters of appreciation were written by Committee members to each of the members of the Chancel, Hand bell, and Children’s Choirs. June Representative committee members collaborated with members of the Admin Committee in a Task Force for Music Leadership to develop a questionnaire for response from choir and congregational members regarding the search for an interim director of music. June 6 – Nancy Self and Ron Douglas (Admin Committee) conducted an exit interview with Jane Van Valkenburg who left her position as Music Director and Organist in July. Page 22 [2014 Annual Meeting] 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 Assisted with the observation of Pentecost Sunday on June 8 by encouraging members to wear red and bring a candle for the service July Initiated discussion regarding the possibility of purchasing silk flower arrangements to be used in the sanctuary for worship services on the Sundays when members have not signed up for providing fresh flower arrangements. Keith Halsell has indicated that the memorial funds given for Bobby Halsell may be used for this purpose. Bill McKinley is working on this project which will be completed in 2015. Assisted with the planning, preparation, and set-up for the appreciation luncheon for Jane Van Valkenburg on Sunday, July 13, 2014. Plans were made for substitute musicians for worship services during August. August: Representative committee members participated in interviewing two candidates for the position of Interim Music Director for September – December 2014. September Presented to the Session a proposal for Allyn Jordan to provide an Around the Table Wednesday Night Supper and Vespers Service once each month during October, November, and December. October Planned, prepared, and served the reception for 100 people following the Concert on Carter Creek on October 19, 2014, which featured the Marian Anderson String Quartet. Provided multicultural breads for the World Communion worship service on October 5 Conducted research on the cost and process for refurbishing the handbells. The timeline for this was postponed until 2015 since the bells are being used for Christmas worship. Communion schedule for 2015 was determined Budget for 2015 was adopted with a reduction in requests based on the 2014 budget. Rev. Rose Niles, Development Officer, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, was the guest preacher of worship on October 5. November For All Saints Sunday on November 2, red carnations were used for the presentation and remembrance of those members who had died during the past year. December: Decorated the sanctuary, set up the Advent wreath, decorated the Chrismon tree, and tree in fellowship hall Organized the presentation of 30 red poinsettias (with green paper) on Sunday Dec. 14 and 30 red poinsettias (with gold paper) for Sunday Dec. 21. Provided a reception of hot chocolate and gingerbread for the Christmas caroling event on December 14, 2014. Provided a reception of punch, cookies, and fruit for those attending the Christmas Eve services. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Self Moderator [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 23 785 CONCERTS ON CARTER CREEK 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 Since its inception in the 1980s, Concerts on Carter Creek has been a major community outreach of First Presbyterian Church. The free programs offered by the series underscore the value that this congregation places on God’s gift of music. The church warmly opens its doors to the community, offering musical programs with a church-sponsored reception following most events. We always provide childcare ensuring that our guests can enjoy the programs without added expense. People of all backgrounds, who might not have previously entered our building, are able to enjoy an hour or two of music in the beauty of our sanctuary 795 796 797 798 799 Concerts on Carter Creek has also served through the years as a showcase for local musicians. The series has always been supported outside the annual church budget with funding through First Presbyterian Church of Bryan Foundation. A gift from the John G. Otts Foundation has provided funds through the years. In 2005, an opportunity for music lovers to support the series as Patrons was established, and that support has become increasingly important to the series’ viability. 800 801 802 The 2013/2014 season marked the eighth year in a row that a generous grant from the Gilbert and Thyra Plass Arts Foundation increased the funding and made it possible to more fairly compensate local professional musicians when they are involved in concerts. 803 804 The series operates on an academic calendar, as do most arts in this community. 2014 saw the end of the 2013/14 season and the beginning of the 2014/15 season with the following programs: 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 Jan, 5 Feb. 16 April 6 April 27 Sep. 21 Oct. 19 Nov. 30 La Follia Austin Baroque Susan Groeschel Lovelette, soprano Community Collection: Local professional musicians playing chamber music TAMU Trombone Choir Season Preview featuring Sounds of Big Apple Trio Marian Anderson String Quartet Messiah Sing-Along 812 813 814 815 816 817 Each of these concerts has had strong attendance and each has received extremely favorable feedback, both from the audience and the performers. The Big Apple Trio was held in the Fellowship Hall and featured a dinner format. A large number of new guests to the concert series were in attendance. The Messiah Sing Along brought in approximately 300 audience members/singers for this Christmas concert. Future funding from the current sources will be imperative to keep this unique and exceptional concert series a reality. 818 819 This Concerts on Carter Creek Planning Team has continued to supervise planning and implementation since Jane Van Valkenburg’s departure in July. 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 It is a gift to be able to offer these concerts as a music ministry, an outreach ministry and an evangelism ministry to all our audience members. Respectfully submitted, Nicole McKinley on behalf of Concerts on Carter Creek Planning Team Members: Susan McGrail, Nicole McKinley, Creighton Miller, Tammie Sprott Nancy Self Moderator, Worship Committee Page 24 [2014 Annual Meeting] PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 The Presbyterian Women fiscal year runs July 1 through June 30; therefore, the January through June portion of this report is credited to Janice Bradshaw, PW Moderator 2013-14. All women of First Presbyterian Church, Bryan, are considered members of Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all of our activities. As Presbyterian Women we commit ourselves: • to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study. • to support the mission of the church world-wide. • to work for justice and peace, and • to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s Kingdom. To meet this commitment FPC offers five circles that meet monthly for Bible study, fellowship, service and outreach. Approximately 76 women are participating in the Horizon’s Bible Study, “Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians.” Presbyterian Women are active in a variety of ways volunteering their time and talents to church activities and community outreach. Among the various groups and activities that the PW support (both financially and physically) are: Anson Jones School, Brazos Church Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, RSVP, the Prenatal Clinic, UCM, A&M International Students’ Dinners, Carter Creek After School Program, Salvation Army, Still Creek Ranch, Twin City Mission, Phoebe’s Home, Crestview, holiday choir reception and FPC Youth. In addition we support mission projects through special offerings such as Least Coin Offering, a fall Thank Offering benefitting women and children overseas and in the United States, and a Birthday Offering Tea in April. Several times each year we have Gatherings that give everyone an opportunity to participate. PW enjoyed the annual Fall Gathering in September, when new officers were installed, Least Coin offering was collected, and the Horizon Bible Study overview was presented. Also at this time we honored Trish Burk and Diane Norman with a PW Honorary Life Membership in recognition of their faithful service to this church over the years. Other gatherings our members attended include Mo Ranch conferences, World Day of Prayer, New Covenant Spring Gathering, and the Cluster Bible Study in Houston. Women from our church have served as hostesses for special celebrations and memorial services and at the weekly Bible Study for women in our community. Presbyterian women are extremely active in the mainstream activities within the church, serving as church officers, committee members, Church School teachers, choir members and in various capacities as church volunteers. Two FPC members also serve at the Presbytery level: Beverly Spencer as Mission & Justice and Peace Coordinator; Janice Bradshaw as Moderator as well as Cluster 2 Coordinator. The Presbyterian Women of First Presbyterian Church, Bryan are an active group bound by Christian love and faith and a willingness to serve our church family, the Church-at-large, and our community. Respectfully submitted, Alice Hickerson Moderator, 2014-2015 881 [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 25 TREASURER’S 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 During 2014, the personnel in the FPC Business Office has remained constant. There will, however, be changes in the upcoming year. At the time of writing this report, the Administration Committee is in the process of hiring a new bookkeeper who will work with Rose Lewis, the current FPC Financial Assistant, until that person is confident in the new position. I became the Church Treasurer effective January 1, 2014 and will be entering my second year working for the church. Every effort has been made to ensure the Business Office has kept the financial records for FPC in proper order and in compliance with established accounting procedures. During 2014, FPC members have been very conscientious in keeping their “Estimate of Giving” commitments current which has been extremely helpful. As a result of these commitments, plus several other sources of income, First Presbyterian Church has been able to meet its financial obligations. Even with the capable and experienced help of former treasurer, John Halsell, I have realized the many challenges of trying to fund yearly budgets with current incomes provided to the church. As John noted in his annual report last year, with church membership declining, fewer pledging units and a reduction in funds to operate the church, some very hard decisions will have to be made by the FPC membership and the Session. Below are some figures that might help you when trying to understand this matter. First Presbyterian Church Financial Information – 2009 through 2014 Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Budget 841,546 844,961 834,976 838,883 848,844 861,834 751,400 Income Expense Members 764,243 764,243 477 796,056 796,812 469 808,126 797,028 474 819,574 799,327 413 778,905 813,285 412 778,372 792,494 405 713,530*** 751,400*** 405** Pledging Units* 191 180 170 171 163 148 140 Pledge Amt 665,000 644,413 644,741 662,173 630,872 613,390 528,634 * A PLEDGING UNIT is any household who commits to a financial “Estimate of Giving.” ** As of January 29, 2015. *** Projected. At the end of 2014, FPC had 405 members (adults and children), but only 148 pledging UNITS. Our current projections based on the pledge campaign for 2015 produced a total of 140 UNITS. Largely due to the previous treasurer's warnings in last year's report, a task force was created to review ways to reduce the 2015 Challenge Budget as much as possible. The budget which follows this report shows a reduction of approximately $110,000 or 12.8% from the 2014 budget. These cuts have been achieved with the assistance and approval of all standing committees and the Session. Page 26 [2014 Annual Meeting] 925 926 927 928 After the completion of the pledge campaign, we unfortunately showed a further reduction in the Estimated Giving (Pledging Units) totals for the 2015 year. The decrease in pledged amounts currently totals approximately $102,238 or a 16.2% decrease in pledging. The table below further explains the nature of the reductions. 2015 Breakdown of Pledges (Estimates of Giving) 10 New Pledging Units 5 Deceased 4 Left Church 3 Former Pledges Not Pledging in 2015 16 Members Decreased Pledges 40 Members Increased Pledges 73 Members Pledges Remained the Same 7 Former Pledges That Have Not Responded to Campaign 1 Changed 2014 Pledge to 2015 Designated Accounts Only 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 24,790.00 (9,160.00) (27,700.00) (14,700.00) (49,486.00) 16,159.96 285,908.00 (22,620.00) (12,000.00) After reviewing these figures, you can see that the typical yearly “Estimate of Giving” amounts will not provide the required income to fund our current yearly budget. Over the past years, FPC has had to use Astin Trust Funds, oil and gas revenues and FPC Foundation Funds to meet the basic financial requirements of the church. Even the use of these funds will leave us a deficit of approximately $38,000 for the 2015 budget. It appears to this treasurer that all church members must evaluate their contributions to the church in an attempt to reach a balanced budget. Other options include a further reduction of the 2015 budget. Ultimately, the Session will have to address these matters. In order to try to solve future FPC financial concerns, further evaluation of budgetary matters must be continued. The practice of using additional funds may not be popular with some FPC members; however these are the only funds available that can enable FPC to meet its obligations. Due to the declining pricing of oil and gas worldwide, the policy of using oil and gas revenues to help balance future budgets likely be impacted in the years ahead. With regard to the three year pledge campaign for the renovation of the HVAC in our FPC building, I also can provide the following information. The total of pledged amounts over a three year period for this campaign is $435,113.98 and we have already received over $150,000 of that amount in prepaid contributions. This total will be further increased by the sales price of the manse and surrounding property once that sale is completed. Your treasurer feels that we have made an excellent start on the completion of this project. The Lord has blessed First Presbyterian Church for many, many years, and I know He will continue to bless us in the future as we endeavor to be good stewards of our resources and make wise decisions for our future. With the help and understanding of our church members, the church officers and the church staff, I think FPC will have a prosperous and positive future. Respectfully submitted, Rick Page Treasurer, 2014 [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 27 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH – BRYAN 2015 OPERATIONS BUDGET - CHALLENGE PROPOSAL 960 961 Account # 510101 510102 510103 510104 510105 510106 510107 510108 510109 510110 510114 510115 510116 510117 510118 Title Category Totals 1.5% deferred to Fam Med Cov Senior Pastor Salary Associate Pastor Salary 1.5% of Salary & Housing Financial Assistant Children's Director Nursery Attendants Administrative Assistant 1.5% deferred to Fam Med Cov Youth Director Director of Christian Education Director of Music Music Substitutes Custodian Supervisor Custodians Youth Intern Open Door Musicians Custodian - FPC Children’s Center Salaries 510201 510203 Senior Pastor Hsng Allowance Associate Pastor Hsng. Allow. Housing Allowance 510301 510302 Car Allowance/Staff Sr. Pastor Car Allowance Car Allowance 510401 510402 510403 Pension FICA Medical Church Sponsored Benefits 510501 510503 510504 510505 510506 Sr. Pastor CE Youth Director CE Dir. of Education CE Dir. of Music CE Associate Pastor CE Continuing Education Total Salaries and Benefits 2014 Actual 2014 Spent Budget Budget 2015 Challenge Budget 60,144.00 40,993.00 17,262.00 8,682.00 24,640.00 22,880.00 60,144.00 40,932.96 15,621.95 5,089.98 25,179.18 20,842.84 60,144.00 41,872.59 17,520.93 6,000.00 24,640.00 27,867.84 27,456.00 27,456.00 27,867.84 50,593.00 1,000.00 29,105.00 37,450.00 6,500.00 13,000.00 37,912.56 725.00 29,105.04 33,801.43 4,062.00 18,075.00 40,000.00 800.00 29,541.58 36,000.00 6,500.00 - - - 339,705.00 318,947.94 318,754.78 19,411.00 19,411.00 19,411.00 17,646.00 17,646.00 17,646.00 37,057.00 37,057.00 37,057.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,177.87 3,806.07 4,000.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 5,983.94 36,000.00 38,000.00 84,000.00 31,403.31 37,510.84 72,671.00 34,000.00 24,000.00 75,600.00 158,000.00 141,585.15 133,600.00 2,325.00 1,250.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,725.00 2,319.43 1,208.03 1,052.18 1,500.00 - 8,300.00 6,079.64 7,800.00 551,062.00 509,653.67 505,211.78 8,000.00 2,325.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,725.00 962 Page 28 [2014 Annual Meeting] Account # Title 520140 Per Capita to Presbytery Category Totals Per Capita 520210 520220 520250 520260 Automobile Insurance Church-Manse/Mchnry Insurance Umbrella Liability Workers Compensation Insurance 520510 520515 520520 520525 520550 520570 520610 520620 Equipment/Office Copy Lease/Copy Supplies Office Supplies Postage Telephone Computer Maintenance Meeting Expenses Officer Development Office Expenses Total Operations 530101 530102 530103 530104 530106 530107 530108 530109 530112 530113 Brazos Church Pantry Exp. Habitat Exp. Health for All Clinic Exp. Prenatal Clinic Exp. Still Creek Ranch Exp. Twin City Mission Exp. Project Unity Exp. Women's Shelter-Phoebe's Pastor's Discrtnry Fund Hope Pregnancy Center Exp. Community Benevolences 530210 530230 General Assb./Synod P.O.P.Ministry Denominational Benevolences 530400 FPC Children’s Center FPC Benevolences Total Benevolences 2014 Actual 2014 Spent Budget Budget 2015 Challenge Budget 2,920.00 2,490.00 2,488.00 2,490.00 2,488.00 2,920.00 1,410.00 1,028.50 916.00 25,950.00 23,924.39 23,320.00 550.00 7,500.00 506.00 4,639.95 500.00 8,020.00 35,410.00 30,098.84 32,756.00 1,000.00 19,008.00 8,000.00 3,500.00 4,500.00 6,500.00 400.00 300.00 541.92 19,008.00 5,805.55 3,402.04 9,454.40 7,146.25 30.72 43,208.00 45,388.88 43,058.00 81,108.00 77,975.72 78,734.00 4,206.00 1,636.00 1,870.00 1,870.00 2,103.00 3,038.00 2,805.00 2,337.00 2,103.00 4,206.50 1,636.22 1,869.98 1,869.98 2,102.75 3,037.79 2,805.00 2,336.51 2,076.08 2,400.00 1,401.00 1,401.51 23,369.00 23,342.32 24,000.00 2,500.00 24,000.00 2,498.64 26,500.00 26,498.64 12,000.00 6,554.00 6,564.00 6,554.00 6,554.00 6,564.00 6,554.00 56,423.00 56,404.96 38,954.00 1,000.00 19,008.00 7,000.00 3,000.00 4,500.00 8,000.00 300.00 250.00 20,400.00 12,000.00 - 963 [2014 Annual Meeting] Page 29 Account # Title 540101 540305 Housekeeping Floor Maintenance Category Totals Housekeeping 540201 540202 540203 Contract Mowing Supplies Tree Maintenance Ground Maintenance 540301 540302 540304 540306 Heating/Cooling General Maintenance Maintenance Reserve Exp. Roof Reserve Physical Plant 540401 Church Utilities Utilities 540501 540503 Van Maintenance Van Replacement Reserve Church Van Total Property 550101 550102 550103 550104 550105 550106 Equipment or Repair Leadership Training Library Supplies Exp. Teacher/Lead Resrcs Teacher Appreciation General 550112 550113 Early Childhood Curric. Nursery Supplies Early Childhood 550121 550122 550123 550124 Elem Bible/Hbk Gifts Elem. Camps Elem Curriculum Carpenter's Kids Elementary 550141 550142 550143 550145 Page 30 Youth Summer Camps & Conf Confirmation Class Youth Curriculum Graduation Gifts 2014 Actual 2014 Spent Budget Budget 2015 Challenge Budget 4,500.00 500.00 4,500.00 500.00 4,103.06 440.66 5,000.00 4,543.72 14,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 13,800.00 - 15,500.00 13,800.00 11,000.00 17,700.00 4,500.00 1,800.00 8,868.29 15,864.13 4,500.00 1,800.00 35,000.00 31,032.42 51,000.00 53,131.81 51,000.00 53,131.81 2,200.00 1,800.00 1,642.99 900.00 - 4,000.00 2,542.99 - 110,500.00 105,731.17 800.00 100.00 100.00 2,800.00 150.00 100.00 8.64 91.95 1,671.44 19.13 - 4,050.00 1,791.16 350.00 100.00 10.99 26.92 450.00 37.91 100.00 500.00 700.00 200.00 988.89 241.09 1,500.00 1,229.98 7,900.00 6,493.03 6,000.00 700.00 400.00 300.00 833.71 281.62 365.42 450.00 350.00 200.00 5,000.00 13,000.00 500.00 500.00 14,000.00 8,000.00 15,000.00 3,600.00 1,200.00 27,800.00 44,200.00 44,200.00 91,000.00 500.00 75.00 75.00 2,500.00 100.00 100.00 3,350.00 250.00 100.00 350.00 100.00 300.00 1,000.00 200.00 1,600.00 [2014 Annual Meeting] 550146 Youth Retreats Account # Title 550148 550150 550153 550155 Youth Fellowship Youth Leadership Trng College Meals College Fellowship 2,000.00 Category Totals Youth and College 550160 550161 550162 550164 Adult Theology Adult Curriculum Adult Special Spkrs/Studies Parent Education Adults Total Christian Education 550201 550202 550203 Older Adult Ministry Adult Programs Membership-Assimilation Total Congregational Care 550302 550303 550306 Student Meals Fellowship Evens/Meals Paper & Refreshment Supplies Total Fellowship 550402 550403 550405 550411 550412 550413 Phone Book Directories Pastoral/Programs-The Eagle Eagle Religion Page Ad Admin. Comm. Classified Ad Web Site Development Bridge Subcommittee Advertising 550414 Projects & Materials Projects & Materials Total Evangelism 550501 550503 Audit Every Member Canvas Total Stewardship & Finance [2014 Annual Meeting] 735.72 2014 Actual 2014 Spent Budget Budget 1,000.00 2015 Challenge Budget 2,300.00 900.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 900.00 500.00 1,200.00 1,858.07 871.38 655.91 16,400.00 12,094.86 12,200.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 200.00 300.00 916.39 2,735.08 - 1,000.00 2,000.00 200.00 250.00 4,000.00 3,651.47 3,450.00 26,400.00 18,805.38 20,950.00 500.00 400.00 200.00 374.39 - 1,100.00 574.39 100.00 750.00 564.04 500.00 1,850.00 1,683.80 1,500.00 2,700.00 2,247.84 3,600.00 2,216.60 - 8,200.00 5,992.00 - 800.00 720.00 800.00 300.00 554.80 300.00 600.00 200.00 25.36 - 100.00 - 13,700.00 9,508.76 1,200.00 1,343.07 1,200.00 1,343.07 14,900.00 10,851.83 4,000.00 1,265.00 4,000.00 379.80 5,265.00 4,379.80 500.00 400.00 900.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 4,000.00 750.00 4,750.00 Page 31 Account # Title 550602 Organ/Carillons Maint. Hand Bells Supplies & Maintenance Piano Tuning Music,All Choirs Communion Candles Children's Summer Music Equipment Instrumentalists Copyright License Hand Bell Maintenance Reserve Music Director Fund Flowers Exp. Worship Conference Scholarships 550603 550604 550605 550606 550607 550608 550609 550610 550611 550612 550613 550614 550615 Category Totals 3,500.00 400.00 Page 32 1,508.92 - 2015 Challenge Budget 2,000.00 250.00 800.00 1,135.00 450.00 300.00 350.00 850.00 900.00 615.00 630.00 168.57 174.16 88.22 109.77 800.00 391.00 1,250.00 625.00 - 605.00 300.00 798.13 - 300.00 950.00 473.04 500.00 Total Worship 12,405.00 5,766.81 7,700.00 Total Expenses 861,863.00 792,391.57 751,399.78 Income Budget Totals From Bottom of Page Income minus budget (Deficit) Amount Below Balanced Budget 2014 Actual 2014 Spent Budget Budget 783,372.00 -9.1% 775,476.10 (78,491.00) (16,915.47) 800.00 1,000.00 400.00 200.00 750.00 900.00 600.00 713,529.86 (37,869.91) [2014 Annual Meeting] 2015 Budget Income Projection Proposal Account # Title Category Totals 2014 Actual Budget 2014 Spent Budget 2015 Challenge Income 440110 Estimates of Giving 630,872.00 633,097.34 528,633.96 440120 Identifiable Giving 40,000.00 58,243.47 45,000.00 440130 Loose Plate/Church 5,500.00 9,125.96 7,000.00 440140 Miscellaneous Transfer 10,000.00 10,000.00 440142 Transfers (O&G, Returns) 30,000.00 45,000.00 440143 Bank/Investment Interest 440144 FPC Foundation Funds 10K gift 40,000.00 - ask for increase here 25,000.00 Young Adult Programs 440160 440161 Astin Trust Inc. Astin Trust for Youth & Young Adults 440162 Astin Trust Young Families 440165 Use of Facilities ???? 2014 Surplus Funds - 9.33 25,000.00 35,000.00 32,000.00 18,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 - 5,000.00 7,895.90 Budget Income 783,372.00 775,476.10 713,529.86 Total Income 783,372.00 775,476.10 713,529.86 Notes Regarding 2015 Challenge Budget The goal of this budget is to provide a truly balanced budget reflecting suggestions made by the task force assigned to review our previous budget and the input of each of the major church committees. As is, the 2015 Challenge Budget shows a reduction around $110,000 between 2014 and 2015. However, estimate of giving income projections are also down about $102,000. This leaves a budget deficit of $38,161.09 to be made up in some manner. 1. All income figures for 2015 are projections and subject to further changes. 2. Items highlighted in tan show major categories of budget 3. Items highlighted in blue are areas of the budget still subject to change Breakdown of Pledges (Estimates of Giving) 10 5 4 3 16 40 73 7 1 New Pledging Units Deceased Left Church Former Pledges Not Pledging in 2015 Members Decreased Pledges Members Increased Pledges Member Pledges Remained the Same Former Pledges That Have Not Responded Changed 2014 Pledge to 2015 Designated Account [2014 Annual Meeting] $ 24,790.00 $ (9,160.00) $ (27,700.00) $ (14,700.00) $ (49,486.00) $ 16,159.96 $285,908.00 $ (22,620.00) $ (7,600.00) Page 33
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