Principal: Mr. Darryl Propp Vice Principal: Mrs. Kerri Trombley Phone: 780-923-2898 Fax: 780-923-3007 Website: Principal’s Message I recently posted a link on FaceBook to an Alberta Education page that answers some questions about Alberta’s Mathematics curriculum. This month I’d like to focus on getting us thinking about how math is part of your child’s day. Here are some suggestions to get you started: •Point out how you use math in your day. •Encourage your child to show you how they use math. •Include your child in everyday activities that involve math – making purchases, measuring ingredients, counting out utensils or other household items, measuring a room, buying groceries and reading a flyer. •Play games and do puzzles that involve math – card games, snakes and ladders, dice games. •Work with your child to solve problems that use mathematical thinking and reasoning. •Have them use mathematical tools – calculators, rulers, measuring cups, containers of various shapes etc. Following is a link to an Ontario Education site, but the games fit into our Alberta Curriculum as well. Consider visiting for resources such as games, learning tools, activities, supports for students and a FAQs section. Darryl Propp Dates to Remember February 3 February 5 LOGOS Meeting 3:45pm @ LS Teachers’ Convention-No Classes February 14 Valentines Day February 16 Family Day–No Classes February 6 Teachers’ Convention-No Classes February 17 4D/4OS Swimming February 10 4D/4OS Swimming February 18 4R/4L Swimming February 11 February 20 No Headstart Classes 4R/4L Swimming February 12 School Council /PIA Meeting 6:30pm February 20 Hot Lunch Soft Taco February 12 Antyssey Presentation 1:30pm February 24 4D/4OS Swimming February 12 Grade 3-Skating-AM February 13 PD/Staff Meeting Day-No Classes February 25 4R/4L Swimming/ Pink Shirt Day February 27 Hot Lunch Chicken Noodle Soup Pink Shirt Day February 25 We are selling Pink Shirts, adult and youth sizes, for $10.00 each. The t-shirts will be available to purchase February 16-20. There are a limited number available. All proceeds will go to the Kids Help Phone. Upside Down Productions presented an energetic and entertaining performance for all of our LOGOS Classes on January 21st. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 2015-2016 Our kindergarten registration and information evening will be held on Wednesday March 11th from 5:30 — 7:00 pm in our school gym. Our ECS programs will be explained fully and registration will take place following the Annual General Meeting. A chance to tour the classrooms and meet the teachers will also be available. If you are planning to register your child, please bring the child’s birth certificate and Alberta Health care numbers with you. CHILDREN MUST BE FIVE YEARS OF AGE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 1, 2016 TO REGISTER FOR THE PROGRAM. Please note: Registration packages will NOT be available until the registration evening. Fees will also be accepted by cash or cheque at the time of registration. If you are interested in our LOGOS (Christian based) class we will have some information for you as well. Page 2 Grade 4 Swimming Schedule 4D/4OS 4R/4L Tuesday, February 10 Wednesday, February 11 Tuesday, February 17 Wednesday, February 18 Tuesday, February 24 Wednesday, February 25 Tuesday, March 3 Wednesday, March 4 Tuesday, March 10 Wednesday, March 11 Students are encouraged to eat a good breakfast and pack a small snack to eat after the lesson. Please remember your towel and swimsuit. January has been incredibly busy at Landing Trail! Students are back in class, working hard and learning a ton of new things. My Counsellor visits this month have focused on varying topics depending on the class. Lessons are based on the Kids in the Know program. Kindergarten: An Adult you can go to for Help AND Your Feelings Grade 1: An Adult you can go to for Help AND Trust Your Instincts Grade 2: Identifying a Safe Adult AND Safety Awareness Grade 3: Identifying a Safe Adult AND My Safety Net Grade 4’s will have a lesson on Your Amazing Brain! and learn all about the ways we can make our brains happy! Teaching students to BE SAFE is an important goal for our school. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please call or email me. Sincerely, Mrs. Trombley Page 3 Zoey W. Whitlee B. Azarya R. and Teaghan B. Landing Trail School Safety Patrol 2014/15 Hot Lunch Dates February 20-Soft Taco February 27-Chicken Noodle Soup March 6-Perogies March 20-Grilled Cheese April 10-Spaghetti April 24-Dominoes Pizza May 1-Ham and Cheese Bun May 8-Subway May 22-Chicken Ceasar Salad May 29-Hot Dog If your child did not order lunch on these dates they WILL need to bring a lunch. Also please remember to send a healthy snack with all students daily. *If buses do not run on the Friday of a Hot Lunch Day there will be no hot lunch served . Please send a lunch with your child on these occasions* Page 4 Logos Program Update Logos is a non-denominational program that incorporates Christian values and viewpoint within the regular Alberta curriculum. Logos programs are located in three Sturgeon schools; Landing Trail School in Gibbons (Kindergarten through Grade 4), Lilian Schick School in Bon Accord (Grades 5 through 9) and Redwater High School. Landing Trail School will soon be compiling confirmation of enrollment for the 2015 – 2016 school year for students currently enrolled in the program as well as accepting registration of students NOT CURRENTLY IN THE PROGRAM. Parents / guardians are asked to return the forms by February 12, 2015. Please contact Landing Trail School at (780) 923-2898 if you have any questions regarding Logos or are interested in receiving the Logos Registration package. Accountability Pillar Survey Information for parents: As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education and school authorities to ensure that we are equipping students for success. The Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators consisting of surveys of students, parents and teachers on various aspects of quality; student outcomes such as dropout and high school completion rates; and provincial assessments of student learning. From January to the end of February, Alberta Education will be conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey. In January, parents of students in grade 4 will receive a survey from Alberta Education. In February, Landing Trail students in grades 4 and all teachers will be completing their surveys online at school. All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with the school. Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of education your child is receiving, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly. Survey results will be available to school authorities in May 2015, and will be reported publicly as part of their 3-Year Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports. Darryl Propp Principal Page 5 Principal: Mr. Darryl Propp Vice Principal: Mrs. Kerri Trombley Phone: 780-923-2898 Fax: 780-923-3007 Website: Page 6 Landing Trail School Website For up to date information on events and activities going on in and around the school, visit Here you will also be able to access classroom newsletters, hot lunch order forms and a variety of other useful information. Nutrition Program Our Nutrition Program provides students with healthy snacks and lunches throughout the year. This program is mainly supported by donations. These donations enable us to provide snacks, as well as breakfast and lunch items for students when needed. Tax receipts will be issued for any donations of $25.00 and over. THANK YOU for your continued support!! POWER SCHOOL PARENT PORTAL Landing Trail School has gone Green! For students in Grades 1-4 paper report cards are out and on line reporting is in! Parents are encouraged to visit the Parent Portal which is an online reporting system that allows parents to view student grades, attendance, fee information and important school bulletins in real time. If you are new to the school division you are asked to please contact the school office to obtain a password which will allow you access to the Parent Portal. If your child attended a school in Sturgeon last year, your password will still work. If you have forgotten your password and require a replacement, or are having difficulty with the site, please contact the school office and we would be happy to help you. Dismissal of Non Bus Students If you are picking your children up after school, we are going to ask that you wait in the foyer until the second dismissal bell goes at 3:01pm. Please do not wait outside the classroom. What is happening is that there is a lot of confusion in the front of the school as we are trying to figure out who is on the buses and who we need to account for. We would like parents to wait in the foyer or near the front entrance until the second bell. At this point, you may go to your child’s class or their exit of choice to pick them up. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!! Page 7 Reading Pals Do you have 15 minutes to spare every morning? If so, we are in need of volunteers who could listen to children read during our reading period from 8:30-8:45. Please let your friends, relatives, and neighbors know about this need, as our volunteers do not have to be limited to parents. If you are interested in contributing to this very valuable program contact Mrs. Trombley for more information. Due to the fact that we have a number of children who suffer from peanut allergies, we remind parents to PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE PEANUT BUTTER OR NUTS in snacks or lunches that are being sent to school. BUS LANE Bus Lane hours are posted in an effort to keep our children safe during the common times that students are entering and exiting the school grounds and loading and unloading onto busses. We have recently adjusted the signs to extend this period in the morning to allow for the unloading of the late bus. The posted hours will now read: NO ENTRY BUSSES ONLY 8:15 – 9:00, 11:00 – 12:30 and 2:30 to 3:15. Thank you to all school visitors who help us to keep all of our children safe by refraining from parking in the bus lane during the posted hours. Fieldtrip Policy Student Safety In the interest of student safety, all adults accompanying or meeting fieldtrips are required to have a Criminal Record Check on file at the school prior to the scheduled fieldtrip. Please keep in mind that if you submitted a background check to the office last year, you are NOT required to get a new one at this time. If you require a background check, please stop by the office to pick up the needed documentation for the RCMP. For the safety of our students, please ensure when children arrive late that they sign in at the office prior to going to the classroom. We also ask that all guests and volunteers also sign in at the office before heading to the classroom. If you are picking your child up early you too are asked to visit the office and a staff member will call your child down. These steps will help us ensure we are able to account for everyone in our building. Thank you for your cooperation. Page 8 Landing Trail School is helping our environment by signing up for an ink and toner recycling program provided by Staples and Clover Environmental Solutions. We now have a bin in front of the office to accept empty ink and toner cartridges. The top 10 schools to collect the most ink cartridges will receive a $1000 Staples Canada Gift Card. Please help our school win by donating any empty cartridges that you may have at home. The contest runs from April 22, 2014– April 22. 2015. Thank you for your support to keep the environment clean. Please ensure that all winter clothing including mitts, toques, boots, and extra clothing are labelled clearly with your child’s name. STUDENT ABSENCES Student absentee checks are done daily. If you need to report a child’s absence please call 780-923-2898. If you are calling after hours please be sure to leave a message including your child’s name, class and reason for the absence. The Board of Trustees meets twice a month during the school year: Committee of the Whole on the second Wednesday, beginning at 2:00pm, and Public Board (open to the public) on the fourth Wednesday, beginning at 4:30pm. The Committee of the Whole Meetings are closed from 2:00pm-3:30pm but then open to the public at 3:30pm. They are held in the boardroom at the division office in Morinville. Listed below are the public board meeting dates for the 2014/2015 school year: February 11 February 25 March 11 March 25 April 8 April 22 May 13 May 27 June 10 June 24 Landing Trail School is on Facebook! Landing Trail School is on Facebook. We will be using Facebook as a communication tool for Parents/ Guardians. Updated information, pictures, and school activities will be posted frequently. LIKE our Facebook page to keep updated on daily school activities. Search for us on Facebook or use the link found on our Landing Trail School Website. ( Page 9 Pancake Supper February 17, 2015 (Tuesday) at Coronado United Church (23108 TWP 570 in Sturgeon County) Pancake Supper starts at 4:30PM ends at 7:00PM. Nominal fee. Spring Rummage Sale March 21, 2015 (Saturday) at Coronado United Church (23108 TWP 570 in Sturgeon County) Begins at 9:00AM and ends at 2:00PM. The Gibbons preschool is hosting a Valentine's Day family supper to raise money for our program. This will be "all you can eat" spaghetti and meatballs, buns, salad, dessert and (non-alcoholic) drink. Dinner is from 6-8pm at Landing Trail School. Door prizes and a 50/50. Tickets will be advance sale $10/adult and $5/child. Children under 2 will eat free. Please contact myself, Jill Taylor 780-578-6298, or you can email the preschool at [email protected] to get your tickets. Public Skating Gibbons Arena Sundays 12:45-2:15pm Mondays 3:00-4:30pm Fridays 3:00-4:30pm Page 10 Do you need to improve your English? LEARN TO READ AND WRITE ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE HIGH-BEGINNER and INTERMEDIATE LEVEL (Canadian Language Benchmark level 3-8) will be held Tuesday evenings 6:30-9:00pm Tuesday, Feb 3, 2015-Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Location: Bon Accord Public Arena (upstairs meeting room) 4812- 52 Street Call Dyvonna or Chris at 1-780-578-3331 for information or to register Outdoor Online Registration Starts Open Now See our Website for all Information Our goal is for everyone to play and have fun while promoting physical fitness, improving individual and team skills, developing attitudes, sportsmanship and compassion for teammates and the opposing team. Attitudes that should be encouraged are team spirit, team cooperation, determination, fair play, pride, sportsmanship, focus, concentration, commitment, and responsibility. Every player receives a Jersey, Recognition Awards, Pictures, & Wind up Party. Gibbons Minor Soccer Association is a fully volunteered base organization. Coaches are always needed! Free Coaching clinics are available. (Please see our webpages main page to sign up or contact us for more information) Also check out Contact page if you are interested in becoming part of our committee. Volunteer Background Checks for all positions will be required as per the Tri -County Rules and Regulations The outdoor soccer season starts the last week in April (depending on the Alberta weather) and runs until the last week of June. Where: Town of Gibbons $70 - U4 (2011-2012) – Thursdays @ 6pm $75 - U6A (2009-2010) – Mondays & Wednesdays @ 6pm $75 - U6B (2009-2010) – Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 6pm Where: Town of Gibbons & Bon Accord $85 - U8 (2007-2008) – Mondays & Wednesdays @ 7pm Where: Towns Played are set By the Tri-County $115 - U10 (2005-2006) – Practice Times TBA on Website $120 - U12 (2003-2004) – Practice Times TBA on Website $125 - U14 (2001-2002) – Practice Times TBA on Website $130 - U16 (1999-2000) – Practice Times TBA on Website $135 - U18 (1997-1998) – Practice Times TBA on Website Contact: [email protected] Page 11
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