107 S. West Drive Leander, Texas 78641 www.leanderumc.org [email protected] Church Office: (512) 259-1284 Mother’s Day Out: (512) 259-0544 Sunday, February 8 (Details on page 4) January 2015 Saturday, February 28th 5:00 pm Dorroh Fellowship Hall INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 1 Chili Chow Down 2 Prayer Requests; Hill Country Community Ministries; Food n Fellowship; Pastor’s Perspective; Mary Martha Circle; Methodist Men 3 Calendar; Birthdays; Church Family Camp 4 BLAST!; Children’s Church; Children’s Choir; VBS; Parent’s Night Out; Youth; Ash Wednesday; Pancake Breakfast; Sunday School Challenge; Pastor’s Study; ReThink Leadership 5 Women’s Ministries; Easter Cantata; Coloring Contest; Lenten Study Recommendations; Chili Chow Down Sign Up 6 Valentine Celebration CHILI TASTING ● SILENT AUCTION ● BAKED GOODS AUCTION Sample a cornucopia of choice chili concoctions and vote on your favorite. We'll have a baked goods auction including delightful, delicious desserts and a variety of other baked goods for those who give up desserts during Lent. There will be a silent auction with trinkets, treasures and trips to exotic locations." CHILI CONTEST: BAKED GOODS AUCTION: SILENT AUCTION: CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES: The winner of the “Best Tasting Chili” contest will win the much respected, though repulsive “Stuffed Armadillo Award”. The sign up sheet for chili makers, if you dare, is on page 5 of this newsletter . The baker of the item which wins the highest bid in the auction will win the highly coveted “Floury Apron Award”. Sign up to bring baked items using the form on page 5 of this newsletter. We need items for our silent auction. If you have items, goods or services to donate, please let us know using the form on page 5 of this newsletter or by contacting Julie Ramsey: [email protected] This is a family friendly event. Children ages 3 and up will have special activities planned and we will have child care available for infants and toddlers Please Note: We will not have Food n Fellowship in February. BEREAVEMENTS The family of Joseph Brandimarte, Roger Brandimarte’s father who passed away after long battle with cancer Jana, friend of Mike & Jennifer Pavlicek who lost her father The family of Dianne Morris, Bob Morris’ sister-in-law who passed away PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE Spring 2015: A Journey of Discovery PRAYER REQUESTS Darwin & Wanda Linsey Hazel Knowlton Don Fiero Nellie Smyth Jennifer Welker Susan Montana, undergoing chemo Allison Epps John Osborn, surgery John Harlan, recovering from injury Eloise Baskin, recovering from surgery Jimmy, Elizabeth Edmiston’s cousin, health concerns Merrill, neighbor of the Edmistons’ who has Parkinson’s Alyssa, Jerry & Pat Dunnivan’s granddaughter Nancy, friend of Jerry & Pat Dunnivan, cancer Allie, Glenn & Carol Suchan’s niece, health concerns Arthur, Sierra & Michaela McQueen’s grandfather who has liver cancer Carol, the mother of Rebecca Lambert’s close friend who has a recurrence of cancer Tom, friend of Wayne and Peggy Blair, health concerns Logan, Lesly Elmore’s son Mary, friend of David & Janice Hinojosa Eva, Roger Brandimarte’s mom Bob, Amy Taylor’s father who has cancer Jan, friend of Devin & Michelle Matthews who has cancer Sue, Jack Tallman’s sister, health concerns Nathan, 18 year old friend of the Murphy family who has cancer Elfie, mother-in-law of Gary Annis’ son who has cancer Joe, friend of Raul & Ester Zapata who has cancer Mary, friend of David & Janice Hinojosa Bill, neighbor of Kyle & Pamela Ward who is recovering from open heart surgery Sam, Karen Saxer’s father who is recovering from a heart attack David, Steve Saxer’s cousin who is recovering from a snowmobile accident Anita, friend of Debbie Disler who is being treated for cancer Michael, Cynthia Annis’ brother, health concerns Alice, Karen Tepovich’s mother who had to move in with family Ingrid, John Weir’s mother who has inoperable brain cancer The Linder family, friends of Karen Saxer who had a house fire Tate, Karen Saxer’s cousin who had a heart attack Mike, David Hinojosa’s uncle who has cancer Janice, friend of Andy & Jennifer Welker who has cancer Donna, friend of Andy & Jennifer Welker who is caring for her ailing parents Michael, Cynthia Annis’ brother, health concerns Ed, Mike Pavlicek’s father who is recovering from a stroke Mexico orphanage mission trip, Feb 4-13 When I arrived in July of 2014, we were just realizing that the sanctuary we had worked so hard to break ground on was out of our reach for the time being. This was discouraging and difficult news for a congregation so committed to following God’s call to accommodate the growth of our church and community. Several months ago we began entering into a period of waiting and pause. But this is no idle time. I believe God has given us this short season to re-discover our divine calling and purpose. We have been given these few months to do the important work of listening. Over the next four months, I am asking our church to embark on a journey of more clearly and boldly discovering our God-given mission (why do we exist?) and vision (where are we going?). The way that I hope this will happen is by closely listening to God through three primary sources. These sources vary, but each one holds treasured wisdom that will teach us who we are and where we are headed. Let me describe these sources and how we will listen to them between now and the end of May. HILL COUNTRY COMMUNITY MINISTRIES: We have an All women interested in getting to know God and participating in work towards the ministries of our church are invited to come to our meeting and learn more. For more info, contact Doris Pyle: (512) 887-0618 ongoing collection of DRY CEREAL & CANNED FRUIT for the Hill Country Community Ministries food pantry. The HCCM food pantry services families in need right here in our own community. Donations are collected in the basket in the back of the sanctuary and in the education breezeway. 1. Scripture, prayer, and the voice of church leaders today – Through sermons, worship, weekly studies and other mediums, we will take a closer look at what God is calling our church to be. Our resources are the biblical witness, the voice of the Holy Spirit through prayerful discernment, and the reading of contemporary teachers. One of my primary references is Reggie McNeal’s book “The Present Future.” I will be incorporating his ideas into my Pastor’s Study and our Lenten sermon series. 2. You, our congregation – We will complete a church-wide survey during an upcoming worship service that will tell us more about who we are and how we feel about this church. We will also participate in “listening circles” that will allow anyone from our church to express their personal hopes and dreams for our church’s future in more depth. 3. Our community – Using the good work of Amy Butler and the Community Action Task Force from a year ago, demographic data from our surrounding area, and conversations with community members, we will get a better look at who our neighbors really are and what their needs might be. I have gathered a “Listening Team” of about six members to help our church with this process of discovery. This team is tasked with listening to our congregation and community as well as committing themselves to prayerful reflection. Once we have compiled information from the congregation and community we will bring the findings to a larger gathering of key leaders in April and May where together we will hopefully discover our mission and our vision for the next 5-10 years. This mission and vision will then guide our decisions and choices as we move into God’s future together. You’ll hear more about this journey in the coming weeks. Thank you for your commitment to Christ, to one another and to the all those that He has called us to serve! Grace and Peace, Pastor Ray MARY MARTHA CIRCLE Tuesday, January 13 9:30 am Dorroh Fellowship Hall Program: 2015 Planning and Hope Alliance Guest Speaker SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 | 8:00 AM | DORROH FELLOWSHIP HALL Join us for fellowship, coffee, breakfast and service projects to better the community around us. Open to men of all ages. Sun Mon 1 2 8:30/9:45/11:00 Worship 9:45/11:00 Sunday school 10:00 Choir Practice 11:00 Confirmation Class 12:00 Children’s Choir 4:00 Youth 11:00 am Emmaus Reunion Group 8 Scout Sunday 9 Tue Wed 3 6:30 pm Pastor’s Study 4 5 9:15-1:45 MDO Preschool 6:30 pm Trustees Fri 6 9:15-1:45 MDO Preschool 10:00 am Women Together Sat 7 9:30 am ReThink Leadership (St. John’s UMC) 6:30 pm Band 6:30 pm Choir 6:30 pm Scouts 7 pm - AA 11 10 11:00 am 7:15-11:00 Pancake breakfast Emmaus Reunion 8:30/9:45/11:00 Worship Group 9:45/11:00 Sunday school 10:00 Choir Practice 6:00 pm Cong. Life Comm. 11:00 Confirmation Class 12:00 Children’s Choir 6:30 pm 4:00 Youth Pastor’s Study Thu 9:15-1:45 MDO Preschool 9:30 am Mary Martha Circle 6:30 pm Choir 6:30 pm Program Council 12 13 9:15-1:45 MDO Preschool 12:00 pm Valentine’s Event 6:30 pm Band 7:00 pm Valentine’s Event 14 9-11 am BLAST! 7 pm AA 6:30 pm Scouts 15 16 8:30/9:45/11:00 Worship 9:45/11:00 Sunday school 10:00 Choir Practice 11:00 Confirmation Class 12:00 Children’s Choir 6:00 Youth 11:00 am Emmaus Reunion Group 17 22 23 8:30/9:45/11:00 Worship 9:45/11:00 Sunday school 10:00 Choir Practice 11:00 Confirmation Class 12:00 Children’s Choir 6:00 Youth 11:00 am Emmaus Reunion Group 6:30 pm Pastor’s Study 6:30 pm Scouts 18 9:15-1:45 MDO Preschool 10:00 am Crafters 6:30 pm Ladies Night Out 6:30 pm - Choir 24 6:30 pm Pastor’s Study 6:30 pm Scouts 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Worship Service 25 9:15-1:45 MDO Preschool 10:00 am Ladies Game Day 6:30 pm Choir 19 20 9:15-1:45 MDO Preschool 21 6-10 pm Parent’s Night Out 7 pm AA 6:30 pm Band 26 27 9:15-1:45 MDO Preschool 6:30 pm Band 28 8 am Methodist Men 5 pm Chili Chow Down 7 pm - AA CHURCH FAMILY CAMP 2015 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/7 2/7 2/11 2/12 Kalyn Disler Karyn Raschke Alice Gaines Kara Fulkes Frank Heffern Betty Franco Lane Elmore Paige Purvis Ester Zapata Chris Peckham Weston Bonnet 2/12 2/13 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/16 2/16 2/20 2/21 2/21 2/22 Doyle Lee Karen Saxer Preston Talley Rhett Bronstad Pamela Ward Brian Elmore Brittney King Ivana Ulloa LouAnn Gayle Cari Ward Lauren Shuffield 2/23 2/25 2/26 2/26 2/27 2/27 2/28 2/28 Honour Stetson Ashlyn Hall Christal Cantwell Ben Nelsen Megan Germann Michelle Matthews Tom Buckingham Jennifer Pavlicek BLAST! KIDS PLAY & PRAISE OUR GOD Saturday, February 14 9:00-11:00 am The January BLAST! was cancelled due to bad weather, so we will roll over the lesson to February. We will focus on all the names Jesus had and where Mary and Joseph got the names. We will be making cool name signs, deciding which are names for Jesus and which are just silly made up names, and we will have some other fun activities as well. BLAST! is open to children ages 3 (pottytrained) through 5th grade. We still need volunteers for the program to be all that it can be. To volunteer, contact Elizabeth Edmiston ([email protected] or 512-563-8840). WORSHIP SERVICE Wednesday, February 18 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a sign of mourning and repentance to God. The ashes used are typically gathered after the palms from the previous year's Palm Sunday are burned. Each participant receives a mark on their forehead with black ashes in the shape of a cross. The act echoes the ancient Near Eastern tradition of throwing ashes over one’s head to signify repentance before God. Join us on Wednesday, February 18 at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary for our Ash Wednesday worship service. CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL & CHILDREN’S CHURCH During the month of February we will be learning about the Sermon on the Mount. Did you know there was a lot more to the Sermon on the Mount than just the Beatitudes? CHILDREN’S CHOIR: Children ages 3 (potty-trained) and up are invited to participate in the children’s choir on Sundays 12:00 - 12:15 pm in the upper room. The children’s choir periodically performs at our 11:00 am worship service. SCOUT SUNDAY PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sunday, February 8 On Sunday, February 8, the Boy Scouts will be serving free breakfast to the congregation as a gift of gratitude on Scout Sunday from 8:0011:00 am in the fellowship hall. All are invited to stop by for some pancakes, bacon, sausage and orange juice. FEBRUARY SUNDAY SCHOOL CHALLENGE: VBS 2015 Mark your calendars now! Vacation Bible School is set for June 22-26, 9:00 am – noon. The theme is “Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a kid.” Kids will hear stories of Jesus straight from the source, his mom, Mary. We will also have a Bibletimes Marketplace with all kinds of cool shops for the kids to visit and experience life during Jesus’ time. You won’t want to miss this exciting week! Friday, February 20 | 6 - 10 pm | $10 per child Parent’s Night Out is open to children ages 2 to 10. The cost is $10 per child for the night and reservations are required. We will play games, sing songs, eat snacks and do a fun craft before settling down for a “G” rated movie. Children arriving before 6:30 pm are invited to bring their dinner and eat together. Pajamas and socks are encouraged, but not required. Bring a blanket, pillow and mat or something to lay on during movie time. To register, contact Elsa Vargas: [email protected] or (512) 799-3244. UMYF for youth 6th - 12 grade FEB 1 No Youth FEB 8 6:00-7:30 pm Planning an Ester Labyrinth & Preparing for Lent FEB 15 6:00-7:30 pm Service Adventures! (we will need extra adults to help with this) FEB 16 Lunch & Fun for Round Rock Youth (RRISD holiday) FEB 22 6:00-7:30 pm Youth Led Program Make a Date! Encourage your Sunday school class members to sign up and bring a guest to one of our two Valentine Celebration meals on Friday, February 13 (details on page 6). What’s the challenge in that? You need to bring a guest who does NOT attend LUMC. There is no charge for the event, so if you want to bring a carload, you can. But, you have to let Elizabeth know how many will be in your party. The person (or couple) who brings the most guests to the events will receive a meal delivered to their home, with their dietary requirements accommodated. The meal will include a main dish, salad, side dish and dessert for your household. Mondays at 6:30 pm Meeting Room A Beginning February 23, Pastor Ray will be using the book, “The Present Future” by Reggie McNeal for the Pastor’s Study. This study offers a difficult but truth-telling word about some of our failed assumptions and efforts as the Body of Christ. By no means a serene devotional, McNeal’s book afflicts the comfortable and gives us the opportunity to return to Christ for direction, restoration, and transformation. All are invited to attend. If you need child care, please contact the church office. RETHINK LEADERSHIP TRAINING Saturday, February 7 9:30 am - 12:15 pm St. John's UMC (2114 Allandale Rd. in Austin) Rethink Leadership is an annual training event that offers workshops and resources for laity and clergy designed to develop leaders and strengthen congregations. Sessions include: Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Mission Work, Finance, Social Media, Justice for our Neighbors, Free Store Austin, Family Based Youth Ministry, Texas Methodist Foundation, and Rio Texas Conference Mission Vitality Center. The plenary Speaker will be Rev. Jeremy Bassett, Oklahoma Annual Conference. Talk to Pastor Ray or Kevin Murphy if you are interested in attending. LUMC EDUCATION COMMITTEE’S LENTEN STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS Here are recommendations which the Education Committee has compiled to enhance your Lenten study this season. WOMEN’S MINISTRIES AT LEANDER UMC Tuesday is Ladies’ Day! February 3 WOMEN TOGETHER: 10:00 am Women Together is a group of women who gather for fellowship, to pray for others, to share their lives, and encourage and support one another. February 10 MARY MARTHA CIRCLE: 9:30 am Topic: Hope Alliance Hope Alliance provides counseling, housing and support for victims of domestic abuse. They have a shelter in Williamson County which can house up to 35 people at any given time. When women have regained the confidence, skills and means to be self-supporting, the organization continues to offer services to their clients, because the effects of living in a dangerous situation do not disappear when you are removed from the primary location. February 17 CRAFTERS: 10:00 am Crafters is open to all women, no experience necessary! LADIES NIGHT OUT: 6:30 pm The February Ladies Night Out be a Movie & Popcorn night in the Upper Room. Bring your favorite movie snack to share. Last month we watched “Steel Magnolias”, and this month we will watch a comedy. February 24 LADIES GAME DAY: 10:00 am Join us in the upper room for a fun morning of fellowship and games. “Never Said a Mumbalin’ Word” by Mark Francisco Bozzuti-Jones This would be best used as a personal daily devotional. The daily mediations are based on spiritual songs born out of slavery. Each day includes the words of a spiritual song and includes a suggestion for a spiritual exercise that can help you grow in your relationship with God. Through the words of slaves who kept the faith and believed in God’s love in spite of much suffering, we find God to be the ultimate liberator. “Kneeling in Jerusalem” by Ann Weems This is a collection of poems which take you through Lent to the glory of Easter morning. These are not children’s rhyming poems, but adult mediations on real world concerns. This would work well for an individual devotion or small group. “The Way: Following the Footsteps of Jesus” by Adam Hamilton Using historical information, archaeological data, and stories of the faith, Hamilton follows in the footsteps of Jesus from his baptism to the temptations to the heart of his ministry, including the people he loved, the parables he taught, the enemies he made, and the healing he brought. “Give It Up!” by Dottie Escobedo-Frank IT’S EASTER CANTATA TIME! Come and get into the Spirit and praise God by singing in the Choir! The music is moving and inspirational! Join us for practices on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm or Sundays at 10 am. Contact Debbie ([email protected] or 337-7925) or just show up at any of the rehearsals. We will do our best to make you feel welcome. If you would like to sing in the Choir, but can’t make Tuesdays or Sundays, please let Debbie know and we will do our best to schedule rehearsal times so you can participate. CHILI CHOW DOWN CHILDREN’S COLORING CONTEST: Last year, the Wier girls won the prize bag we awarded to the winner of the Chili Chow-Down Coloring Contest. This year, we are offering two ways to win: Preschoolers-1st graders may enter the 2015 Color Arturo the Armadillo Contest. And for 2nd graders and older—The Arturo the Armadillo Drawing Contest. Pick up an entry form from the Chili Chow Down bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Return your entries to Mrs. Elizabeth’s mailbox in the church workroom (where the copy machine is located.) FABULOUS prizes await the winners of both contests! This Lenten study reflects on all the things that hold our attention, occupy our minds and monopolize our time, yet still isolate us from God and the world around us. This seven -week study takes the reader on a journey of self discovery, where he or she learns that the power of release brings great gain. This thematic Bible study is designed to be used by individuals and small groups and each chapter offers questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, and a focus for the week. Pastor’s Recommendation: “The Present Future” by Reggie McNeal “The Present Future” offers a difficult but truth-telling word about some of our failed assumptions and efforts as the Body of Christ. By no means a serene devotional, McNeal’s book afflicts the comfortable and gives us the opportunity to return to Christ for direction, restoration, and transformation. CHILI CHOW-DOWN VOLUNTEERS, BAKERS, AND CHILI MAKERS Are you ready to compete in the Chili Challenge or the Baked Goods Auction? Do you have donations for the Silent Auction? Would you like to volunteer to help run the event? Please let us know by submitting this form. Drop it in the offering plate, bring it by the church office, or give it to Jeri Hilsabeck by Sunday, February 22. Name: ____________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I will bring a pot of chili I will bring a baked item(s) I would like to volunteer for the event I have a donation for the silent auction NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.20 Leander, TX 78646 107 S. West Drive P.O. Box 281 Leander, TX 78646-0281 Church Office: 259-1284 Mother’s Day Out: 259-0544 www.leanderumc.org [email protected] Our Mission: To bring people to Jesus Christ, to nurture relationships with Him, and to reach out in service to the world . . .to the glory of God. LUMC STAFF: Ministers: All who worship & follow Christ Pastor: Rev. Ray Altman Director of Family Ministries: Elizabeth Edmiston MDO Preschool Director: Maria Harrington Music Director: Debra Carlson Administrative Assistant: Stephanie Uys Custodian: Linda Brandimarte Let’s Celebrate! All are invited to two Valentine Celebration meals on Friday, February 13. The entertainment promises to be very interactive and should give everyone a big laugh. At the evening meal, following the entertainment, we will also have dancing. There is no charge for the event, but we will have a love offering basket out if you would like to make a donation. Menu: Chicken carbonara with a side dish, salad, rolls and two dessert options Bring a date, bring a neighbor, bring a friend, or just bring yourself, but don’t miss this special celebration! Please RSVP to Elizabeth Edmiston: [email protected] or 512-563-8840.
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