Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Programme of Examination Summer - 2015 (For UG and PG Courses) Add.: Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik-422004 Tel.: 0253-2539214/15, Fax: 0253-2539222/23 Email: [email protected], [email protected], Website: Published By – PRE-EXAM SECTION [email protected] , [email protected] egkjk"V! vkjksX; foKku fo|kihB]ukf'Ad MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified University) fnaMksjh jksM] EgljQG] ukf'kd&422004 Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik-422004 EPABX: 0253- 2539100/300, Fax: 0253 - 2531836, Ph.: 2539214 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: MkW- dkfynkl n- pOgk.k Dr. Kalidas D. Chavan ,e-ch-ch-,l] ,e-Mh-(U;k;oS|d'kkL_k)] M . B . B . S . , M . D . ( F o r e n s i c Me d i c i n e ) Controller of Examinations ijh{Ak fu;a_Ad MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS Ref. No.: MUHS/XP-1/ 581 /2015 Date: 30/01/2015 By E-mail & Speed Post IMPORTANT & URGENT CIRCULAR NO. 09/2015 Sub. Ref. ::- Programme of Examination for UG and PG Summer – 2015 University Examinations. Circular No. 02 / 2015 & Circular No. 03 / 2015 (Theory Time Table of Summer - 2015 Examinations of UG & PG Courses) It is hereby informed to all the concerned that Post-Graduate and Under-Graduate University Summer – 2015 Theory Examinations are scheduled w.e.f 06/05/2015 & 28/05/2015 onwards respectively. Detailed Programme of the said examinations is published on the University website ( The Dean/Principal/Director is requested to download Programme of Examination and give wide publicity to it by displaying at all College Notice Boards. You are further requested to submit examination forms accordingly to the University. Sd/Controller of Examinations Encl.:( To be downloaded from University website) 1) Programme of Examinations (Appendix-A). 2) Specimen copy of covering letter for the College alongwith Annexures (Appendix-B). 3) Examination Notification No. 03/2015 (Appendix-C). 4) List of Colleges with Codes (Appendix-D). 5) List of Courses with Codes (Appendix-E). 6) Structure of UG and PG Examination Fees (Appendix-F). 7) Format for Convocation Fee Details (Appendix-G). 8) Counseling Form (Appendix-H). 9) UG & PG Examination Form (Appendix-I). 10) Sample filled Examination Form (Appendix-J). 11) Circular dated 05/02/2014 applicable to BPMT Course (Appendix-K). 12) Undertaking applicable to BPMT Students (Appendix-L). 13) Undertaking applicable to I BDS (Repeater Students) (Appendix-M). 14) Notification No. 41/2013 dated 23/12/2013(Applicability of Grace Marks To BDS Students) (Appendix-N) 15) Notification 42/2013 dated 24/12/2013 (Grant of Academic term….). (Appendix-O). 16) Notification No. 05/2009 (Duty Leave) (Appendix-P). 17) Various University Notifications (applicable to UG & PG courses) (Appendices) To, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) The Dean/Principal/Director of affiliated Colleges/ Recognized Institutions (for concerned courses) All Dean, Faculty of MUHS, Nashik The In-charge, Academic Section (UG & PG), MUHS, Nashik The In-charge, General Administration, MUHS, Nashik The In-charge, Eligibility Section, MUHS, Nashik The Public Relation Officer, MUHS, Nashik The In-charges/Regional Coordinators, All MUHS Regional Centres The In-charges of all Faculties/Sections under Examination Department (X1, X2, X3, X4, X6.1, X6.2, XPG-1, XPG-2, XPG-3, XPG-4, XPG-6, XR, XA, XL, XAF, XC) Copy for Information : 1) P.A. to Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor 2) P.A. to Hon'ble Pro-Vice-Chancellor 3) P.A. to Hon'ble Registrar 4) The Offg. Finance & Accounts Officer, MUHS, Nashik -2- PROGRAMME OF EXAMINATIONS 1) Appendix-A Theory Time-Table and Subject-Codes: The University shall conduct Theory Examinations of all UG & PG Courses in Summer - 2015 as per Time Table and subject codes published in the MUHS Circular No. 02/2015 & 03/2015 dated 05/01/2015. 2) Syllabus and Scheme of Examination: Syllabus and Scheme of Examination is applicable as published on the University website or as notified by the University from time-to-time. Students must be apprised about applicability of Syllabus and Scheme of Examination by the College. 3) Examination Centres: "List of Theory Examination Centres" will be displayed tentatively by 28/02/2015. The University reserves its discretion to allot a Theory centre anywhere in the State of Maharashtra. Under no circumstances, the Theory Centre once allotted will be changed. 4) Admit Card/Hall Ticket: Admit Card/Hall Ticket and Student Name list College-wise will be uploaded on the University website preferably 15 days prior to commencement of the Theory Examinations. Candidate must not mutilate the Admit card/Hall Ticket or change any entry made therein. 5) Declaration of results : The University shall declare the results of examination as per provisions made in Ordinance 1/2002 (Amended) and MUHS Act, 1998. 6) Schedule for submission of Examination form : Zone Conventional University-wise for Submission of Examination Forms Last date for submission of Exam Form (without late fee) Mumbai, Aurangabad, Nanded Pune, Kolhapur, Solapur Nagpur, Amravati, North Maharashtra Date for submission of Examination forms for all Courses For all UG & PG including DM/M.Ch Course* At College 12/03/2015 At University 18/03/2015 At College 12/03/2015 At University 19/03/2015 At College 12/03/2015 At University 20/03/2015 Last date for Submission of Exam Form (with late fee) At College 20/03/2015 At University 24/03/2015 Last date for Submission of Exam Form (with additional late fee) At College 23/03/2015 At University 27/03/2015 NOTE: Colleges are required to strictly follow above Schedule for submission of Examination forms. Examinations forms of respective Region/Zone will be strictly accepted on the stipulated dates. If any College reports prior to the stipulated date, their examination forms will be accepted by the University after acceptance of all Examination forms of respective Zone/ Region Colleges. Examination forms submitted after due date will attract late fee charges. 7) INSTRUCTION FOR FILLING AND SUBMISSION of EXAMINATION FORMS: a. A specimen of examination form is attached herewith (Appendix – “J”) for ready reference. The form can be downloaded and submitted to the University with form fee of Rs. 20/- per student. The college should make requisite photocopies of the form (Appendix "I") and submit it to the University. The colleges need not collect the examination forms from the University. b. Examination fees have been revised by the University & is published vide Notification No. 22/2014 dated 11/07/2014. The colleges are requested to collect examination fee accordingly. c. The College/department should accept the examination forms from the eligible candidates & submit to the University alongwith demand draft as per above mentioned schedule. d. Examination Forms of candidates submitted by the college to the University must accompany fees in the form of a Demand Draft of any Nationalized Bank drawn in favor of the "The Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences" payable at Nashik. The amount of demand draft will be total of the fees paid by all the students, whose application forms are being submitted. Examination forms without demand draft will not be accepted. No cash will be accepted in any case. -3- e. All examination forms with demand draft shall be sent through a college representative, who is looking after the work of examination forms. Examination forms should not be sent by post. Examination forms sent by post shall be rejected by the University and any loss (academic/financial) caused to the students shall rest with the respective Colleges. f. Candidates should not be sent to the University for Submission of examination forms. g. It will be the sole responsibility of the concerned Dean/Principal/Director to verify and certify the attendance of the students, grant of term, eligibility, number of attempts and the admission date. The examination forms of the students who do not fulfill the requisite conditions should not be sent to the University. h. The College shall print their own fee receipt book in triplicate. Original receipt will be given to the candidate, second copy will be attached to the examination form and the college will retain the third copy. i. Specimen of the examination form should be displayed on all College Notice Boards. j. Please fill up the examination forms in the Lecture Hall under the instructions of the Senior Teacher, so that the forms are filled in a proper manner. k. It should be noted that submission of Audited Statement of Account of Theory & Practical advances given for previous examination, are submitted by the respective Centres to the University by 27/02/2015. The examination forms of those colleges that have not submitted the audited statement of account of expenditure of previous examinations will not be accepted. l. The revenue stamp fee is to be charged to the applicants. m. Before sending the examination forms to the University, the College should arrange the forms of fresh & repeater candidates separately in alphabetical order (by surnames first) and attach a list of applicants with particulars of fees paid by them, in duplicate. Specimen copy of Covering letter of the College alongwith Annexure I, II, III & IV is attached herewith as per Appendix ‘B’ n. 8) Candidates seeking admission to examination are required: To go through the information carefully and acquaint themselves with all requirements. To satisfy all eligibility criteria prescribed by the University so as to appear for the examination. To submit application to the college in the prescribed examination form with necessary enclosures. This should be completed in all respects. To avoid overwriting, cutting, erasing etc. on the form. Incomplete form shall be rejected and should be avoided; any error arising on this account shall be the responsibility of the candidate. To affix firmly two recent high contrast photographs of size 35mm x 45mm; preferably colored Photographs (taken after 01/01/2015) with gum/fevistik (Not to be pinned or stapled) within the space provided for it. It should be duly attested by the Head of the Institution where candidate is studying. The Photographs of the candidate should be attested in such a way that a part of signature is on photograph and other part on application form. Attestation should be done on the bottom part of photograph so that photograph is not defaced. O. Request for change or correction of any information, once given in the application, will not be entertained under any circumstances. ELIGIBILITY FOR COLLEGIATE CANDIDATE: a. Strictly as per Examination Notification No. 03/2015 dated 23/01/20015 (Cut-off dates for Grant of Academic term for year 2014-15), Notification No. 32/2003 (Permissible attempts for MBBS & Allied Courses except Dental and Nursing), Notification No. 04/2004 (Permissible attempts for Homoeopathic Courses) and Circular dated 24/06/2013 (Permissible attempts for Nursing Courses) shall be assessed. The Deans/Principals are requested to bring these notifications/ Circulars to the notice of students and all concerned and certify their eligibility accordingly. No deviation from these notifications is permitted. b. For BDS Course Students only : Any Student, who does not clear First BDS University Examination in all subject within 03 years from the date of admission, shall be discharged from the course as per Notification No.18/2013 dated 15/06/2013. It is the responsibility of the Dean/Principal of the College to meticulously scrutinise the Examination Form and ensure that examination form of eligible student is only forwarded to the University alongwith prescribed Undertaking. c) A collegiate candidate, desirous of taking an University examination, shall prosecute a regular course of study in one or more Colleges / Departments / Recognized Institutions affiliated to the University for the course leading to the examination for which he/she applies for not less than the period prescribed in the concerned Direction or Ordinance i.e. Ordinance 01/2002 (Amended) and Circular dated 02/05/2013 (Attendance criteria to be observed during issuance of Hall Ticket). -4- Explanation: 'Prosecution of a regular course of study' means attendance at not less than 75% of the lectures delivered in each subject of the course of instruction and 80% in practical work for the examination during the total academic period. Attendance in both cases shall be calculated till such date before the commencement of the written examination or up to the end of the academic term, whichever is later. d) It will be the sole responsibility of the concerned Director/Dean/Principal to verify and certify the attendance of the applicants and the admission date. The examination forms of the applicants who do not fulfill the required conditions as mentioned above should not be sent to the University. Grant of Term will be certified by Director/Dean/Principal as per Notification No. 42/2013 dated 24/12/2013. He/She is not empowered to certify "Grant of Term" to students admitted after the Cutoff-dates mentioned in the said notification. e) A candidate who is unable to present himself for an examination or a part thereof shall not be entitled to any refund of his/her fees. However, an applicant who is found ineligible for an examination shall be entitled to refund of ¾th of the net examination fee paid. f) If a candidate suppresses some vital information or gives false information to appear at an examination for which he/she is not eligible or entitled, the total amount of fee paid by him/her shall be forfeited. He/she may be debarred for one term from appearing in further examination and/or fine of Rs.500/- will be imposed. However, in case of subsequent indulgence of similar nature, the period of debarment may be extended up to three terms. g) Note : All Undergraduate courses (i.e Medical, Dental, Ayurved, Unani, Homoeopathy & Allied Sciences) students availing ATKT facility will not submit examination forms of the presently prosecuting respective courses unless they pass the previous subjects fully. The Deans/Principals will bring this fact to the notice of the concerned student and ensure that the examination forms of only eligible students are submitted to the University. h) THE EXAMINATION FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY:FOR ALL PG STUDENTS OF ALL FACULTIES WILL HAVE TO SUBMIT FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: 1) 2) i. ii. iii. iv. Attendance certificate of Research Methodology workshop (As per Circular No. 13/2011 dated 23/06/2011) and Log book (as per Circular No. 03/2013 dated 20/02/2013) must be submitted in respect of Fresh PG student only, failing which exam form of such student shall be rejected/hall ticket will be withheld. For PG Students passed out from other Universities, UG Degree certificate of respective University must be submitted. FOR P.G. MEDICAL (M.D./M.S./D.M./M.CH.) : Certificate by the Dean/Principal or Head of Institution that, all candidates joining the PG training shall work as full time resident during the period of training & attendance not less than 80% of the training during each calendar year. Acceptance of Thesis is pre-condition for appearing to examination (Applicable to MD/MS/M.Sc Biochemistry). FOR P.G. D.M.L.T. :) Certificate by the Dean/Principal that candidate has satisfactorily completed the required academic term & course as prescribed. FOR P.G. DENTAL (MDS) : Certificate by the Dean/Principal that candidate has satisfactorily completed the required academic term & course. Acceptance of Thesis is pre-condition for appearing to examination. FOR PG – AYURVED (M.D./M.S.) i) Preliminary M.D./M.S. Ayurved : Certificate from the Dean/ Principal that candidate has completed required academic terms as prescribed. Certificate signed by H.O.D. & Dean/Principal about satisfactorily completion of Houseman-ship. ii) Final M.D./M.S. Ayurved : Certificate from the Dean/ Principal that candidate has completed required academic terms as prescribed. Certificate by the Dean/Principal that i. Present atleast 1 Research paper concerned with enrolled specialty at National/International/State seminars. ii. Publish 1 Research article concerned with enrolled specialty, in National/International/State Journal. iii. Attend 2 National/International/State level, seminar/workshops/symposium related to his/her enrolled specialty (attend during 03 Years course). iv. Deliver at least 10 Theory Lectures to Undergraduate students in presence of the Guide/H.O.D./Other Teacher of the concerned department. v. Maintain a Log book as prescribed by University with due certification. While submitting Examination forms of Final M.D./M.S. students, the Dean/Principal should certify that the above condition i) to V) are fulfilled by student and this certificate will be Mandatory. -5- v. FOR PG – UNANI (M.D./M.S.) i) Preliminary M.D./M.S. Unani : Certificate from the Dean/Principal that candidate has completed the required academic terms. Certificate from Dean/ Principal that, candidate is satisfactorily doing house job duties and clinical registrar (if applicable) in their respective department. ii) Final M.D./M.S. Unani: Certificate from the Dean/ Principal that candidate has completed required academic terms as prescribed. Acceptance of Thesis is pre-condition for appearing to examination. vi. FOR PG – HOMOEOPATHY (M.D.) a) M.D. Homoeopathy (Regular) Part-I (Old / 2012) Certificate from the Principal stating that the candidate has completed: a) One-year house job in Homoeopathic Hospital. b) The course of studies for M.D. Homoeopathy (Regular) Part-I course. c) The prescribed clinical work as per provisions given in the Central Council of Homoeopathy Regulations, and has attended IPD and OPD b) M.D. Homoeopathy (Regular) Part –II (Old / 2012)/M.D. Homoeopathy (External): Certificate from the Principal stating that the candidate has completed: a) The course of studies for M.D. Homoeopathy (Regular) Part -II / M.D. Homoeopathy (External) course. b) The prescribed clinical work as per provisions given in the Central Council of Homoeopathy Regulations, and has attended IPD and OPD. c) The prescribed clinical work as per provisions given in the Central Council of Homoeopathy Regulations, and has attended IPD and OPD Note: For M.D. Homoeopathy (Regular) Part –I & Part II-2012 course students: As per Central Council of Homoeopathy M.D. (Hom.) Amendment Regulation 2012, Students admitted in this course have Optional Subjects in each speciality. Students have to mention their opted optional subject in the Examination Form with subject code attached with the Programme of Examination. No subsequent change in Optional subject will be accepted by the University at the later date. vii. FOR M.SC. (NURSING) : Certificate from the Principal of the college that, candidate has satisfactorily completed the course. Acceptance of Thesis is pre-condition for appearing to examination. (Applicable to Final Year M.Sc. Nursing). viii. FOR M.P.TH. & M.O.TH. : Certificate from the Principal of the college that, candidate has completed required academic terms & satisfactorily completed the course. Acceptance of Thesis is pre-condition for appearing to examination. ix. FOR M.A.S.L.P & M.P.O. : Certificate from Dean/Principal that candidate has satisfactorily completed the course. Acceptance of thesis is pre-condition before appearing to examination (applicable to Final Year MASLP & Final M.P.O.) Note: In absence of the above certificates, candidates examination form will be rejected. 9) PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED DURING EXAMINATION a. The examination rooms/halls shall be opened 30 minutes before the commencement of examination. Candidates should occupy their seats immediately after opening the examination hall. If the candidates do not report in time, they are likely to miss general instructions to be announced in the examination hall. b. Candidates must show, on demand, the Admit Card/Hall Ticket & College Identity Card for admission in the examination hall. A candidate who does not possess the admit card issued by the University, will not be permitted to appear for examination. c. A Seat indicating his/her exam seat number will be allocated to each candidate. Candidates should find out and occupy their allotted seats only. Any candidate if found to have changed room or seat other than allotted to him/her, his/her candidature shall be cancelled and no plea would be accepted for it. d. A candidate who comes after the commencement of examination shall not be permitted to appear for the examination. e. Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual materials, calculators, slide rule, log tables, electronic watches with facilities of calculator, printed or written material, bits of papers, mobile phone, pager or any other device except Admit Card/Hall Ticket & College Identity Card inside the examination hall. If any candidate found in possession of any of the above items, his/her candidature will be treated as having resorted to unfair means. His/Her current examination will be cancelled and also he/she will be debarred for future examination. f. No candidate, without special permission of Invigilator, Centre Incharge and Centre Observer, will leave his/her seat or examination room until the full duration of paper is over. Candidate should not leave the room without handing over answer sheet to concerned invigilators. -6- g. Tea, Coffee, Cold drinks are not allowed to be taken into the examination rooms during examination hours. h. Ten minutes before the commencement of the paper, answersheet shall be provided to each candidate. i. Five minutes before the commencement of examination, question paper shall be provided to each candidate. j. The examination will start exactly as per Time-Table provided by the University and an announcement to this effect will be made by the Invigilator. k. Candidate will then writes particulars and answer with blue/black ball point pen only on both sides of answer sheet. l. After completing the paper and before handing over to invigilators, the candidates should check all particulars & answers for correctness. m. A warning bell will be given before closing time. Candidates must stop writing accordingly. n. Unfair Means: - Candidate shall maintain absolute silence and attend to his/her question paper only. Any conversation and gesticulation or disturbance in the examination hall shall be deemed as misbehavior. If a candidate is found resorting to unfair means or impersonating his/her candidature shall be cancelled and he/she will be liable to be debarred from examination either permanently or for a specified period according to the nature of offence. Please note that if a candidate takes examination by providing false/fraudulent information, his/her performance shall be cancelled by the University at any stage as per the Ordinance 1/2002 (Amended). If any person or officer dealing with conduct of examination engages himself/herself in act(s) that would result in leakage of question paper(s) or attempt to use or help in the use of unfair means in this examination, he/she shall be liable to prosecution under the Ordinance 01/2002 (Amended) and Indian Penal code. -7- Appendix “B” Letter Head of College Ref No. : Date: To, The Controller of Examinations, Maharashtra Univerisity of Health Sciences, Nashik, Vani Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik – 422 004. SUB : Forwarding of Examinations forms for ___________ Examinations. REF : Programme of Examinations for __________ Examinations. Sir, Please find enclosed herewith ……………….no. of examination forms of candidates appearing for …………… examination alongwith consolidated D.D. of Examination fee for Rs. ………….. Details are enclosed as per Annexures I, II, III & IV. Thanking you, Stamp & Sign of Principal Encl : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D.D. No. ……………… dated …………….for Rs………………. Annexure - ‘I’ Annexure - ‘II’ Annexure - ‘III’ Annexure - ‘IV’ -8- [Annexure ‘I’ ] College code : ………………………….. College Name:………………………………………………………………………………….. DETAILS OF EXAMINATION FORM SUBMISSION [ _____________ Examination] No. of Students Fee details Exam Form Fee Exam Fee Exam late Fee CAP Fee Course & Year : ______________ Repeater candidates appearing for 1 subject Repeater candidates appearing for 2 subject Fresh or Repeater candidates appearing for 3 or more than 3 subjects Sub Total : Course & Year : ______________ Repeater candidates appearing for 1 subject Repeater candidates appearing for 2 subject Fresh or Repeater candidates appearing for 3 or more than 3 subjects Sub Total : Course & Year : ______________ Repeater candidates appearing for 1 subject Repeater candidates appearing for 2 subject Fresh or Repeater candidates appearing for 3 or more than 3 subjects Sub Total : Course & Year : ______________ Final Repeater candidates appearing for 1 subject Repeater candidates appearing for 2 subject Repeater candidates appearing for 3 or more than 3 subjects Fresh candidate appearing for 3 or more than 3 subjects Sub Total : Fresh candidate appearing for 3 or more than 3 subjects Passing Cert Fee -9- ICC Fee Degree Certificate Fee [Annexure ’II ’ ] College Code: …………………….. College Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. SUMMARY OF FEE DETAILS (Drawn from Appendix ‘A’) Course& Year Exam Form Fee Exam Late Fee Exam Fee CAP Fee Passing Cert Fee ICC Fee Degree Cert Fee na na na na na na na na na Total _____ Final Total Sr. no. DETAILS OF DD SUBMITTED D.D. No Drawee Bank Date Amount Total : NOTE : Single consolidated Demand Draft to be enclosed by the College. Stamp & Sign of Principal FOR MUHS USE ONLY: The Students yearwise record alongwith examination forms & fees are verified & it is found correct. Ist Year IInd Year IIIrd Year IVth Year F F F IVth Sem. (II) Year F R R R R F Nos. Total NOTE: Above figures must tally with list of Candidates submitted by the College. Clerk Faculty Incharge - 10 - R [Annexure ’III ’ ] List of candidates appearing for exam …………………………………………… Course & Year:…………………………. Sr. no. Category :Fresh Name No. of subjects appearing for List of Fresh Students Note : 1. Names of Fresh Student must be reflected in ALPHABETICAL ORDER. 2. Use separate page for each YEAR AND COURSE. - 11 - [Annexure ’IV ’ ] List of candidates appearing for exam …………………………………………… Course & Year:…………………………. Sr. no. Category :Repeater Name No. of subjects appearing for List of Repeater Students Note: 1. Names of Repeater Student must be reflected in ALPHABETICAL ORDER. 2. Use separate page for each YEAR AND COURSE. - 12 - Appendix-‘C’ egkjk"V! vkjksX; foKku fo|kihB]ukf'Ad MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified University) fnaMksjh jksM] EgljQG] ukf'kd&422004 Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik-422004 EPABX: 0253- 2539100/300, Fax: 0253 - 2531836, Ph.: 2539214 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: MkW- dkfynkl n- pOgk.k ,e-ch-ch-,l] ,e-Mh-(U;k;oS|d'kkL_k)] ijh{Ak fu;a_Ad D r. K a lida s D. Cha va n M. B . B. S. , M .D .(F ore ns ic M ed ic i n e) C o n tro l ler o f Ex am in at io n s MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUMUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUMUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS Ref. No. MUHS/XP-1/166 /2015 Sub.: Ref.: Date: 23 /01/2015 EXAMINATION NOTIFICATION NO. 03/2015 Cut-off dates for grant of First and Second Academic term for the year 2014-15. (1) Academic Calendar published vide letter No. MUHS/R- 89 dated 16/07/2014 (2) Examination Notification No. 42/2013 dated 24/12/2013 in respect of Grant of Academic Term. (3) Eligibility Section's letter No. MUHS/CO/116/2015 dated 22/01/2015. It is hereby notified that cut-off-dates published by the Competent Authorities for First year of following courses are as mentioned below: Sr. No. Name of the Course Cut-off-date 01 M.B.B.S. 02 B.D.S. 03 B.P.M.T. 04 B.A.M.S. 05 B.U.M.S. 06 B.H.M.S. 07 B.P.TH. 08 B.O.TH. 10 B.P.O. 11 B.A.S.L.P. 12 *B.SC. (Nursing) 15/11/2014 13 P.B.B.Sc. (Nursing) 15/11/2014 14 DPM 21/07/2014 15 Optometry & Ophthalmic Asst. 30/09/2014 16 DMLT 30/09/2014 17 M.Sc. Nursing 15/11/2014 18 Pre – MD/MS Ayurved & Unani 30/11/2014 19 MPO 31/10/2014 20 MASLP 31/10/2014 30/09/2014 31/10/2014 30/11/2014 30/11/2014 31/10/2014 All First year students admitted in Academic Year 2014-15 will be allowed to keep academic term as per Academic Calendar published by the University vide letter referred above No.01 & as per Examination Notification No.42/2013 as well as based on their respective date of admission in their college. The Colleges are required to strictly observe & comply-with guidelines given by the University vide Examination Notification No. 42/2013 dated 24/12/2013 while forwarding Examination forms of admitted candidates. It is responsibility of the College to verify fulfillment of eligibility criteria of candidates for University Examination. Examination forms of the candidates who do not fulfill prescribed eligibility criteria shall not be sent to the University. For late admitted candidates, extra classes should be planned at college-level during Holidays/ Vacation to make up the loss of academic periods during the first term due to late admission and the certificate rendered accordingly. In order to maintain academic standards, the prescribed eligibility criteria regarding attendance and Internal Assessment to appear for University Examinations shall be followed scrupulously. The Colleges/Institutions shall evaluate the academic competence of the students by conducting appropriate tests and adopting procedure as laid out in Ordinance No.1/2002 (Amended). Students who fulfil the eligibility criteria laid down by respective Central Councils/ University shall only be allowed to appear at the ensuing University Examinations. - 13 - COMMENCEMENT OF INTERNSHIP TRAINING: All final year students will only be allowed to commence Internship Training immediately on being declared ‘Pass’, which is published on the University website. No prior commencement of such training will be recognized / allowed by the University. EXAMINATION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15: The University will conduct two examinations for the academic year 2014-15 for all the courses recognized by the University, commencing on the dates mentioned below:Courses Examinations for students admitted to one year courses of Faculties (i.e. Medical, Dental, Ayurved, Unani & Allied Health Sciences) admitted in the academic year 2014-15 as per respective cut-off-dates; provided admission done prior to 31 October & subject to fulfillment of academic term/ other criteria’s. Examinations for first year 1½ year courses of Faculties (i.e. Homeopathy) admitted in the academic year 2014-15 as per respective cut off dates & subject to fulfillment of academic term/ other criteria’s. Note: Examination Summer 2015 Winter 2015 1) The proposed examination schedule should be read in conjunction with the Academic Calendar, which should provide a First year students clear 240 working days for one year and 18 months for 1½ year course as prescribed by respective Central Councils after admissible authorized vacations. 2) These dates are tentative and are subject to change. Changes, if any, will be communicated accordingly. sd/Controller of Examinations Copy for information and necessary action:The Deans/Principals /Directors of all affiliated (UG) college to MUHS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF SYLLABUS (for the students admitted during extended cut-off-date) I hereby certify that in respect of _____________________________ (Name) student of __________________________ (Course) of our college has completed the syllabus as well as teaching hours as mentioned in the Central Council regulation/ University rules in all respects and therefore the student is eligible to appear for Summary-2015 Examinations. Place: Date: _____________________________ (Dean/Principal of the College) Note: This certificate to be submitted alongwith the respective examination form of the student. - 14 - Appendix- ‘D’ LIST OF COLLEGES (UG/PG) WITH CODES Sr. No. 1 Code Name of College 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1212 1213 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 30. 1308 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 6106 6108 6109 6116 6202 6203 6212 3 MEDICAL FACUTLY Grant Medical College, Byculla, Mumbai Seth G. S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai Topiwala National Medical College, Mumbai Central Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai K. J. Somaiya Medical College & Research Centre, Sion, Mumbai Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai Mahatma Gandhi Mission's Medical College, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai Terna Medical College & Hospital, Nerul, Navi Mumbai Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Kalwa, Thane ESISI-PGMR, MGM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai ESI-PGIMSR, MGM Hospital, Andheri, Mumabi Armed Forces Medical College, Pune Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Pune Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil Women’s Medical College, Pimpri, Pune M.I.M.E.& R.'S Medical College, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad, Satara Govt. Medical College, Miraj, Sangli Pad. Dr. D.Y. Patil Education Society's Medical College, Kolhapur Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Govt. Medical College, Solapur R. C. S. M. Govt. Medical College, Kolhapur STES’s Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College, Ambegaon, Pune Ashwin Rural Medical College & Research Centre Centre, Kumbhari, Solapur SCSES’s Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Mayani, Tal. Khatav, Satara N.D.M.V.P.Samaj's Dr. Vasant Pawar Medical College, Adgaon, Nashik Pravara Medical Trust's Rural Medical College, Loni, Ahmednagar Shri Bhausaheb Hire Govt. Medical College, Dhule J.M.F.'s A.C.P.M. Medical College, Dhule P.V.V.P.F's Ahmednagar Hospital and Medical College, Ahmednagar Godavari Foundation's Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College, Jalgaon Sau.Mathurbai Bhausaheb Thorat Sevabahavi Trust,Ahmednagars’ S.M.B.T. Institute Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Igatpuri, Nashik Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad Mahatma Gandhi Mission's Medical College, CIDCO, Aurangabad Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Govt. Medical College, Vazirabad, Nanded S.R.T. Rural Medical College, Ambejogai, Beed Maharashtra Institute of Medical Science & Research, Latur Govt. Medical College, Latur Indian Institute of Medical college, Jalna Govt. Medical College, Nagpur Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College, Nagpur N.K.P. Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Nagpur Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram, Wardha Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi-Meghe, Wardha Dr. P. A. Bhausaheb Deshmukh Memorial Medical College, Amravati Shri Vasantrao Naik Govt. Medical College, Yavatmal Govt. Medical College, Akola All India Institute of Physical, Medicine & Rehabilitation, Haji Ali Park, K. Khadye Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai Institute of Navel Medicine INHS ASHWINI, Mumbai Tata Cancer Research Memorial Institute, Mumbai Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences, Marine Lines, Mumbai Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Shivajinagar, Pune Sanjeevan Medical Foundation, Miraj PG Inst. of Swasthiyog Pratishthan, Miraj 1201 2101 2102 2103 2104 DENTAL FACULTY Armed Forces Dental College, Pune Govt. Dental College, Mumbai Nair Hospital & Dental College, Mumbai Pad. Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College & Hospital, Nerul, Navi Mumbai Y.M.T.'s Dental College, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - 15 - Sr. No. 1 6. 7. 8. 9. Code Name of College 2 2105 2106 2107 3 T.P.C.T.'s Terna Dental College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai M.G.M. Dental College, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai SASS's Yogita Dental College & Hospital, Ratnagiri Shhan Education Society’s Guardian College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre Chikhloli, Ambarnath, Thane Pad.Dr.D.Y.Patil Dental College, Pimpri, Pune Vasantdada Patil Dental College & Hospital, Sangli M.C.E.S.'s M. A. Rangoonwala Dental College, Pune Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Dental College, Solapur Tatyasaheb Kore Dental College, Hatkanangale, Kolhapur Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Pune Pdm. Dr.D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth Deemed University Trust, Nerul, Navi Mumbai’s D.Y.Patil Dental School.Charholi (Bk),Via Lohegaon,Pune M.G.V.M's Dental College & Hospital, Panchavati, Nashik Pravara Medical Trust's Rural Dental College, Loni, Ahmednagar Smt. Mathurabai Bhausaheb Thorat Dental College, Sangamner, Ahmednagar J.M.F.'s A.C.P.M. Dental College, Dhule Yashwantrao Chavan Dental College, Ahmednagar Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Aurangabad C.S.M.S.'S Dental College & Hospital, Aurangabad Maharashtra Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Latur Aditya Dental College, Nalwandi Road, Beed Dr. Hedgewar Smruti Rugna Seva Mandal’s Dental College, Hingoli Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Nagpur V.S.P.M.'S Dental College & Hospital, Nagpur Shri. Sharad Pawar Dental College & Hospital, Sawangi Meghe, Wardha V.Y.W.S. Dental College & Hospital, Amaravati Swargiya Dadasaheb Kalmegh Smruti Dental College, Hingana, Nagpur Shri Gurudatta Pratishthan Nanded’s Nanded Rural Dental Colleges & Research Centre At-Post Pangri Villege, Nanded 2108 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 2201 2202 2203 2 2204 2205 2206 16. 2207 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2401 2402 2403 2404 2406 2501 2502 2503 2504 2506 32. 2407 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 AYURVED FACULTY R. A. Podar Ayurved College, Worli, Mumbai Smt. K. G. Mittal Punarvasu Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya, Mumbai A.P.M.'s Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai Yerla Medical Trust Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya, Navi Mumbai Shri N. D. Trust's Nallasopara Ayurved Medical College, Thane Bhaisaheb Sawant Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sindhudurg Maharashtra Education Soct’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Ratnagiri A.S.M.'s Ashtang Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune Tilak Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya, Rastapeth, Pune Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved and Research Centre, Pune PZET's College of Ayurved and Research Centre, Akurdi, Pune B.S.D. Trust's Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Wagholi, Pune M.A.M.'s Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune S. C. Mutha Aryangla Vaidyak Mahavidyalaya, Satara H.S.P.M.'S Ayurvedic Medical College, Peth Vadgaon, Kolhapur Yashwant Ayurvedic College, Kodoli, Kolhapur L.K.R. Ayurvedic College, Gadhinglaj, Kolhapur Vasantdada Patil Ayurvedic Medical College, Sangli S.D.S.'S Annasaheb Dange Ayurved Medical College, Sangli Seth Govindaji Raoji Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Solapur Loknete Rajarambapu Patil Ayurved Mahavidyalay, Sangli Rural Institute of Ayurved and Research Centre, Mayani, Satara Dr. J. J. Magdum Ayurved Medical College, Jaysingpur, Kolhapur Ayurved Seva Sangha's Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik Shree Saptashrungi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik Gangadhar Shastri Gune Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Ahmednagar P.D.V.P.F.'S Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Shevgaon, Ahmednagar S.V.N.H. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri, Ahmednagar Sangam Sevabhavi Trust's Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sangamner Sidhakala Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sangamner, Ahmednagar D.C.S.'S Smt. K. C. Ajmera Ayurved College, Deopur, Dhule D. S. Naik Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagaon, Dhule - 16 - Sr. No. 1 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 2 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3516 123115 61. 124108 62. 125116 Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5101 5201 5301 5302 5303 5401 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 Name of College 3 K.V.T. Randhir Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Shirpur, Dhule K.D.M.G.S. Ayurved Medical College & Hospital, Jalgaon P.K.K.S.M.S. Chaitanya Ayurved College, Sakegaon, Jalgaon E.A.B.V.J.J.S. Ashwin Rural Ayurved College, Sangamner S.M.B.T. Ayurved College & Hospital, Dhamangaon, Igatpuri C.S.M.S.'S Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Aurangabad Govt. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Osmanabad Govt. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Vazirabad, Nanded S.B.S.S.'S Ramrao Patil Ayurved College & Rugnalaya, Parabhani Manjra Charitable Trust's Ayurved Medical College, Latur B.S.P.M.'S Dhanwantari Ayurved Medical College, Udgir, Latur Aditya Bahu-uddeshiya Sanstha's Ayurved College, Beed Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur Govt. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur A.P.E.S.'S Mahadevrao Shivankar Ayurved College, Gondia S.H.V.P.M.'S Vidarbha Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Amravati Shri. Gurudeo Ayurved College, Gurukunj Ashram, Amaravati D.M.M. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pusad, Yavatmal R. T. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Akola Gramin Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Patur, Akola S. R. Chunawale Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Chikhali, Buldhana Jupiter Ayurved Medical College, Nagpur Shri K. R. Pandav Ayurved College & Hospital, Nagpur Aurved College & Hospital & Research Centre, Washim Gurukripa APM,s Smt Vimaladevi Ayurved Medical College, Charndrapur Jagdamba Education Society’s Matoshri Asarabai Darade Ayurved College, Babhulgaon, Yeola, Nashik Shri.Dhaneshwari Manav Vikas Mandal,A’Bad’sSau.Shantadevi Vedprakash Patil Ayurved College & Research Institute, Hatta , Basmat, Hingoli Anandi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Nagpur’s Ayurved College,Hospital & Research Institute, Buldhana UNANI COURSES Dr. M.I.J.T. Unani Medical College, Mumbai Z.V.M. Unani Medical College, Pune Mohammadia Tibbia Unani College, Malegaon, Nashik Ahmed Garib Unani Medical College, Akkalkuva, Nandurbar Iqra Unani Medical College, Jalgaon Yunus Fazlani Unani Medical College, Kannad, Aurangabad HOMOEOPATHY FACULTY Smt. C. M. Patel Homoeopathic Medical College, Mumbai Y.M.T. Homoeopathic Medical College, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Virar Homoeopathic Medical College, Thane Sai Homoeopathic Medical College, Thane KES C. H. Keluskar Homoeopathic Medical College, Raigad Dapoli Homoeopathic Medical College, Ratnagiri K.E.S.'S Vengurla Homoeopathic Medical College, Sindhudurg Dr. M. L. Dhawale Med. Hom. Institute, Thane Dhondumama Sathe Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune Pad. Dr. D.Y. Patil Homoeopathic Medical College, Pimpri, Pune L.M.F.'S Homoeopathic Medical College, Chinchwad, Pune S.E.T.'s Sawkar Homoeopathic Medical College, Satara Gulabrao Patil Homoeopathic Medical College, Miraj, Sangli Dr. J. J. Magdum Homoeopathic Medical College, Jaysingpur, Kolhapur S.J.P.E.'S Homoeopathic Medical College, Kolhapur Venutai Y. Chavan Homoeopathic Medical College, Kolhapur EB Gadkari Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Kolhapur Gandhi Natha Rangaji Homoeopathic Medical College, Solapur Anantrao Kanse Homoeopathic Medical College, Alephata, Pune P.S.P.M. Mahila Homoeopathic Medical College, Solapur Motiwala National Homoeopathic Medical College, Nashik Smt. K. B. Abad Homoeopathic Medical College, Chandwad, Nashik Ahmednagar Homoeopathic Medical College, Ahmednagar Kakasaheb Mhaske Homoeopathic Medical College, Ahmednagar M.H.F.'S Homoeopathic Medical College, Sangamner - 17 - Sr. No. 1 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Code 2 4306 4307 4308 4309 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4501 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 4509 1101003 1105003 1107003 1108003 1111003 1201003 1202003 1301003 1304003 1305003 1501003 1506003 1509003 2502003 6101003 6103003 6104003 6108003 6111003 6112003 6118003 6119003 6121003 6123003 6124003 6125003 6126003 6127003 6129003 6130003 6204003 6205003 6206003 6207003 6208003 6209003 6215003 6216003 6224003 6226003 6229003 Name of College 3 K.D.M.'S Homoeopathic Medical College, Shirpur, Dhule Vamanrao Ithape Homoeopathic Medical College, Sangamner Dhanvantari Homoeopathic Medical College, Nashik Shri Chamundamata Homoeopathic Medical College, Jalgaon D.K.M.M. Homoeopathic Medical College, Aurangabad Foster Development's Homoeo. Med. College, Cidco, Aurangabad Shri Bhagwan Homoeopathic Medical College, Cidco, Aurangabad Sonajirao Kshirsagar Homoeo. Med. College, Vidhyanagar, Beed K.S.P.M's Homoeopathic Medical College, Latur P. D. Jain Homoeopathic Medical College, Parbhani S.M.P.'S Kadam Homoeopathic Medical College, Nanded Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College, Jalna Antarbharti Homoeopathic Medical College, Nagpur Gondia Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Gondia Purushotamdas Bagla Homoeopathic Medical College, Chandrapur P.J.N. Institute of Homoeopathic Medical Sciences, Amaravati Takhatmal Shrivallabh Homoeopathic Medical College, Amaravati Shri Janta Homoeopathic Medical College, Akola Homoeopathic Medical College, Akot Road, Akola Panchsheel Homoeopathic Medical College, Khamgaon, Buldhana ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES FACULTY BASIC B.SC NURSING College of Nursing, J.J. Group of Hospital, Byculla, Mumbai K.J. Somaiya College of Nursing, Mumbai Mahatma Gandhi Mission's College of Nursing, Navi Mumbai Terna College of Nursing, Navi Mumbai Nazarene Nurses Training College, Washim College of Nursing, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune BJMC's Pune Training College of Nursing, Pune N.D.M.V.P. Samaj's College of Nursing, Nashik J.M.F.'s A.C.P.M. College of B.Sc. Nursing, Dhule Pad. Dr. V. V. Patil College of Nursing, Ahmednagar College of Nursing, Govt. Medical College, Nagpur Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Nursing (B.Sc.) Institute, Amravati Indian Youth Welfare Mutipurpose Society's Sumantai Wasnik College of Nursing V.S.P.M.'S College of Nursing and Research Centre, Nagpur Holy Spirit Institute of Nursing Education, Andheri(E), Mumbai Jaslok College of Nursing, ,Mumbai Bombay Hospital Trust's College of Nursing, Marine Lines, Mumbai Institute of Navel Medicine, INHS Ashwini, Mumbai College of Nursing, P.D. Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Andheri (E), Mumbai The Yash Foundation's College of Nursing and Medical Research Institute, Ratnagiri Fortis institute of Nursing (B.Sc), Bhandup (W), Mumbai KDA Nursing college (B. Sc) & Research institute, Mumbai Mumbai's Hiranandani College of Nursing (B.Sc), Powai, Mumbai Br. Nath Pai College of Nursing, Kudal, Sindhudurag Dr. Balabhai Nanavati Hospital's School of Nursing, Mumbai M.E.S. College of Nursing, Ratnagiri Sir H. N. Hospital & College of Nursing, Mumbai Seva Mandal Education Society, Matunga, Mumbai ITM Institute College of Nursing, New Panvel(E) Raigad Holy Family Institute of Nursing Education (B.Sc Nursing), Kurla (W), Mumbai. College of Nursing, Wanless Hospital, Miraj, Sangli SSSPM’s College of Nursing, Barshi, Solapur M.K.S.S.'s Smt. Bakul Tambat Institute of Nursing Education, Pune Tehmi Grant Institute of Nursing Education, Ruby Hall Cinic, Pune S.T.E.S.'s Sinhgad College of Nursing, Pune Sadhu Waswani College of Nursing, Pune St. Andrews College of Nursing, Pune Bel-Air College of Nursing, Panchgani, Satara Deccan Education Society’s College of Nursing, Pune Savitribai Phule College of Nursing , Kolhapur Vijay Singh Mohite Patil College of Nursing, Solapur - 18 - Sr. No. 1 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 2 6231003 6236003 6303003 6306003 6310003 6311003 6312003 6318003 6403003 6405003 6408003 6409003 6411003 6414003 6415003 3 Shri Anant Smruti Charitable Trust's Institute of Nursing, Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Education Society’s Shri Sarswati College of Nursing, Kankavlil, Sindhudurg The Godavari Foundation's Godavari College of Nursing, Jalgaon Gokhale Education Society's Institute of Nursing Education & Training, Nashik S.N.D. College of B.Sc Nursing , Yeola, Nashik K. K. Wagh College of Nursing , Panchavati, Nashik K. T. Patil College of B. Sc Nursing, Osmanabad Mathoshri Education Socitey,Eklahra, Nashik Maharashtra Institute of Nursing Sciences, Latur Swatantra Senani Uttamraoji Patil College of Nursing, Aurangabad Shiva Trust’s, Aurangabad Training College of B.Sc. Nursing, Aurangabad Mother Teresa College of Nursing, Aurangabad GSM’s MIT Nursing College, Aurangabad Beleshwar Institute of Nursing (B.Sc Nursing), Parbhani M.M.R.I.'s Kamalnayan Bajaj College of Nursing, Aurangabad 57. 6418003 Oyster College of Nursing,Mouza –Goaltgaon,Naginachi Wadi,Near Karmad,Jalna Road, Aurangabad 58. 6420003 Supriyadidi Sule College of Nursing, Shrirampur, Ahmednagar 59. 6425003 Vasantrao Naik Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Vasantrao Naik College of, Jalna 60. 61. 1401003 6419003 Govt. Medical College & Hospital College of Nursing, Aurangabad Swami Vivekanand College of Nursing, Latur 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 6422003 6502003 6503003 6508003 6509003 6510003 6513003 6515003 6516003 6517003 6519003 Maharashtra College of Nsg,MIDC, Latur 73. 6520003 Code Name of College Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College of Nursing Kasturba College of Nursing, Wardha Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha College of Nursing for Women, Nagpur Late Pandurang Patil Nursing College (B.Sc), Akola IBS's College of Nursing, Buldhana NSPM’s Smt Sumitrabai Thakare Training College of Nursing, Yavatmal Suretech College of Nursing, Nagpur Manakchand Prabhudan Charitable Trust's Asharam College of Nursing, Nagpur Jeevan Jyoti Pratisthan, Late Dr. Sau Vasudha Zade College of Nursing, Chandrapur Ayurved Utkarsha Mandal,Nagpur’s Dr.Salve Nursing College, Chategaon, Dhanora, Gadchiroli Paramhansa Ramkrishna Maunibaba Shikshan Sanstha’s Anuradha College of Nursing, Anuradha Nagar, Sakegaon Road, Chikhli, Buldana P.B.BSC NURSING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 1201004 1305004 1506004 6110004 6114004 6117004 6118004 6119004 6121004 6122004 6128004 6130003 6204004 6206004 6209004 6215004 6222004 6232004 6233004 6235004 6303004 6314004 6315004 6316004 6317004 6319004 6320004 6405004 6412004 College of Nursing, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune Pad. Dr. V. V. Patil College of Nursing, Ahmednagar Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Nursing (B.Sc.) Institute, Amravati Institute of Nursing Education, Sir J.J. Group of Hospital, Mumbai S.V.J.C.T. Samarth Nursing College, Ratnagiri SHT's Institute of Nursing Education and Paramedical Sciences (Asian Hospital), Dombivali, Thane Fortis institute of Nursing (B.Sc), Bhandup (W), Mumbai KDA Nursing college (B. Sc) & Research institute, Mumbai Hiranandani College of Nursing (B.Sc), Powai, Mumbai Bhakti Vedant Hospital's Institute of Nursing The Yash Foundation’s Inst of Nsg,Mirjole, Ratnagiri., Holy Family Institute of Nursing Education (B.Sc Nursing), Kurla (W), Mumbai. College of Nursing, Wanless Hospital, Miraj, Sangli M.K.S.S.'s Smt. Bakul Tambat Institute of Nursing Education, Pune Sadhu Waswani College of Nursing, Pune St. Andrews College of Nursing, Pune S.T.E.S.'s Sinhgad College of Nursing, Pune DES Smt. Subhadra K. Jindal College of Nursing, Pune Sushrusha Institute of Nursing, Pune J.J.MagdumInst of Nsg Education,Jaysingpur,Shirol, Kolhapur The Godavari Foundation's Godavari College of Nursing, Jalgaon N.D.M.V.P. Samaj's College of Nursing, Nashik SMMP’S Ganpatrao Adke College of Nursing, Dugaon, Nashik St. Luke’s Hospital College of Nursing, Ahmednagar Namco CON,Panchavati, Nashik.(Grant of Ist Affi-13-14) Nashik Nursing college of Nursing Market yard Panchvati, Nashik Dr.Shivajirao Ghogare Inst. of Nursing, Osmanabad Swatantra Senani Uttamraoji Patil College of Nursing, Aurangabad Shiva Trust’s, Aurangabad Training College of B.Sc. Nursing, Aurangabad - 19 - Sr. No. 1 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Code 2 6416004 6419003 6420004 6503004 6504004 6518004 4205004 Name of College 3 Mother Teresa College of Nursing, Aurangabad Swami Vivekanand College of Nursing, Latur SupriyadidiSule CON, Shrirampur, Ahmednagar. Kasturba College of Nursing, Wardha Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College of Nursing Maharshi Walmiki CON,Malkapur Akola Gulabrao Patil College of Nursing, Sangli PHYSIOTHERAPY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 1102001 1103001 1104001 1105001 1106001 1107001 1108001 6115001 1210001 1301001 1305001 1402001 1501001 2203001 2502001 4203001 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1102002 1103002 1104002 1106002 1501002 6106002 1. 2. 1103005 6105005 1. 6106007 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1101008 1102008 1103008 1104008 1201008 1202008 1204008 1206008 1208008 1209008 1301008 1303008 1306008 1401008 1403008 1404008 6106001 6201001 6202001 6213001 6218001 6221001 6302001 6401001 6501001 6512001 P.T. School & Centre, Seth G.S. Medical College, Parel, Mumbai P.T. School & Centre, T. N. Medical College, Mumbai Central P.T. Teaching and Treatment Centre, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai K. J. Somaiya College of Physiotherapy, Sion, Mumbai Dr. D.Y. Patil Pratishathan's College of Physiotherapy, Navi Mumbai College of Physiotherapy, M.G.M. Medical College, Navi Mumbai T.P.C.T.'s Terna Physiotherapy College, Navi Mumbai DPO’s Nett College of Physiotherapy, Thane Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Physiotherapy, Ambegaon, Pune N.D.M.V.P. Samaj's College of Physiotherapy, Adgaon, Nashik College of Physiotherapy, Dr. Vikhe Patil Memorial Hospital & Medical College Mahatma Gandhi Mission's Institute of Physiotherapy, Aurangabad P.T. School and Centre, Govt. Medical College, Nagpur M.M.E.R.C.'s College of Physiotherapy and Research, Pune V.S.P.M.'S College of Physiotherapy, Nagpur Lokmanya Medical Foundation, College of Physiotherapy, Pune All India Inst.of Physical Medicine & Rehab., Mahalaxmi, Mumbai CMF’s College of Physiotherpy,Chinchwad(E), Chinchwad,Pune College of Physiotherapy, Sancheti Inst. of Orthopedic and Rehabilitation, Shivaji Nagar, Pune Maharashtra Academy of Engineering and Educational Research's Physiotherapy College, Pune Progressive Education Society's, Modern College of Physiotherapy, Pune Brijlal Jindal College of Physiotherapy, Fergusson College Campus, Shivajinagar, Dist. Pune Dr. Ulhas Patil College of Physiotherapy, Jalgaon Maharashtra Institute of Physiotherapy, Latur SRMMT's Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College, Sawangi(Meghe), Wardha Niharika College of Physiotherapy at Isasani, Hingana, Nagpur OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY O.T. School & Centre, Seth G. S. Medical College, Parel, Mumbai O.T. School & Centre, T.N. Medical College, Mumbai Central, Mumbai O.T. School & Centre, L.T.M. Medical College, Sion, Mumbai Dr. D. Y. Patil Pratishathan's College of O. T., Navi Mumbai O.T. School & Centre, Govt. Medical College, Ajni, Nagpur All India Inst.of Physical Medicine & Rehab., Mahalaxmi, Mumbai AUDIOLOGY AND SPEECH PATHOLOGY Audiology & Speech Therapy School, TN Medical College & Hospital, Mumbai Central, Mumbai Ali Yavar Jung National Institute For The Hearing Handicapped, Bandra(W), Mumbai PROTSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS All India Inst.of Physical Medicine & Rehab., Mahalaxmi, Mumbai BPMT Grant Medical College, Byculla, Mumbai Seth G. S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai Topiwala National Medical College, Mumbai Central Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai Armed Forces Medical College, Pune Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Pune M.I.M.E.& R.'S Medical College, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune Govt. Medical College, Miraj, Sangli Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Govt. Medical College, Solapur R. C. S. M. Govt. Medical College, Kolhapur N.D.M.V.P.Samaj's Dr. Vasant Pawar Medical College, Adgaon, Nashik Shri Bhausaheb Hire Govt. Medical College, Dhule Godavari Foundation's Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College, Jalgaon Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Govt. Medical College, Vazirabad, Nanded S.R.T. Rural Medical College, Ambejogai, Beed - 20 - Sr. No. 1 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 2 1406008 1501008 1502008 1507008 1508008 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 1101006 1102006 1103006 1104006 1105006 1201006 1202006 1204006 1205006 1206006 1208006 1209006 1303006 1306006 1401006 1403006 1404006 1405006 1406006 1501006 1506006 1508006 6305006 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1112218 1216218 1215218 1307218 1408218 1409218 6413218 1. 2. 3. 4. 1215204 1307204 1408204 1409204 6413219 5. Code 1. 6108003 1. 6309362 Name of College 3 Govt. Medical College, Latur Govt. Medical College, Nagpur Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College, Nagpur Shri Vasantrao Naik Govt. Medical College, Yavatmal Govt. Medical College, Akola DMLT Grant Medical College, Byculla, Mumbai Seth G. S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai Topiwala National Medical College, Mumbai Central Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai K. J. Somaiya Medical College & Research Centre, Sion, Mumbai Armed Forces Medical College, Pune Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Pune MAEER,s M.I.M.E.R. Medical College, Talegaon, Dabhade, Pune Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad, Satara Govt. Medical College, Miraj, Sangli Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Govt. Medical College, Solapur R. C. S. M. Govt. Medical College, Kolhapur Shri Bhausaheb Hire Govt. Medical College, Dhule Godavari Foundation's Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College, Jalgaon Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Govt. Medical College, Vazirabad, Nanded S.R.T. Rural Medical College, Ambejogai, Beed MIMSR Medical College, Latur Govt. Medical College, Latur Govt. Medical College, Nagpur Dr.Panjabrao alias Bhausaheb Deshmukh Medical College, Amravati Govt. Medical College, Akola Dhanwantri DMLT College,Nashik DIPLOMA IN OPTOMETRY Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika,Mumbai Eye Hospital,School of Optometry, Mumbai Maharashtra Education Society, MES Bhavan, Pune PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital, Hadapsar, Pune Tulsi Eye Hospital, Nashik – Pune Road, Nashik Netrapratisthan’s D.S. Karad Eye Institute, Kaushalya Hospital Campus, MIDC, Kalamb Road, Latur Dr. Shivairao Ghogare Insti. Of Ophthalmology, Sawaata Nagar, Osmanabad Dep. of Community Ophthalmology & Public Health, MUHS, Regional Center , Aurangabad (Optometry) DIPLOMA IN OPHTHALMIC SCIENCES PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital, Hadapsar, Pune Tulsi Eye Hospital, Nashik – Pune Road, Nashik Netrapratisthan’s D.S. Karad Eye Institute, Kaushalya Hospital Campus, MIDC, Kalamb Road, Latur Dr. Shivairao Ghogare Insti. Of Ophthalmology, Sawaata Nagar, Osmanabad Dep. of Community Ophthalmology & Public Health, MUHS, Regional Center , Aurangabad (Ophthalmic Science) DIPLOMA IN PARAMEDICAL Institute of Navel Medicine, INHS Ashwini, Mumbai M.SC. PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICINE Department of Infectious Diseases, K.E.M. Hospital Compound, Parel, Mumbai - 21 - Appendix-‘E’ LIST OF COURSES (UG/PG) WITH CODES Course Code (a) --100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 118 119 150 151 152 153 154 250 251 252 253 254 257 258 255 256 300 301 302 303 304 306 305 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 006 351 352 354 353 Course Name (UG and PG) (b) MEDICAL FACULTY M.B.B.S. M.D. (General Medicine) M.D. (Pathology) M.D. (Microbiology) M.D. (Pharmacology) M.D. (Community Medicine / Preventive and Social Medicine) M.D. (Paediatrics) M.D. (Radio-Diagnosis) M.D. (Psychiatry) M.D. (Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy) M.D. (Biochemistry) M.D. (Forensic Medicine) M.D. (Pulmonary Medicine) M.D. (Physiology) M.D. (Anesthesiology) M.D. (Radio-Therapy) M.D. (Anatomy) M.D. (Hospital Administration) M.D. (Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion) M.D. (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) M.S. (General Surgery) M.S. (Ophthalmology) M.S. (Otorhinolaryngology) M.S. (Orthopedics) M.S. (Obstetrics and Gynecology) D.M. (Cardiology) D.M. (Neurology) D.M. (Nephrology) D.M. (Medical Gastroenterology) D.M. (Endocrinology) D.M. (Clinical Hematology) D.M. (Medical Oncology) D.M. (Clinical Pharmacology) D.M. (Neonatology) M.Ch. (Urology) M.Ch. (Pediatric Surgery) M.Ch. (Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery) M.Ch. (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) M.Ch. (Neuro Surgery) M.Ch. (Surgical Oncology) M.Ch. (Surgical Gastroenterology) P.G. Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology (D.G.O.) P.G. Diploma in Otorhinolaryngology (D.L.O.) P.G. Diploma in Forensic Medicine (D.F.M.) P.G. Diploma in Orthopedics (D.ORTHO.) P.G. Diploma in Ophthalmology (D.O.) P.G. Diploma in Clinical Pathology (D.C.P.) P.G. Diploma in Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy (D.D.V.L.) P.G. Diploma in Public Health (D.P.H.) P.G. Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases (D.T.C.D. ) P.G. Diploma in Radio Diagnosis (D.M.R.D. ) P.G. Diploma in Anesthesiology (D.A.) P.G. Diploma in Child Health (D.C.H.) P.G. Diploma in Diabetology (D.D.) P.G. Diploma in Hospital Administration (D.H.A.) P.G. Diploma in Psychiatry (D.P.M.) P.G. Diploma in Radiation Medicine (D.R.M.) P.G. Diploma in Marine Medicine (D.M.M.) P.G. D.M.L.T. M.Sc. (Medical Biochemistry) M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology) M.Sc. (Medical Physiology) M.Sc. (Medical Pharmacology) - 22 - Course Code (a) 350 362 218 219 008 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 --366 222 223 224 225 226 229 234 ----500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 510 --081 601 600 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 612 Course Name (UG and PG) (b) M.Sc. (Medical Anatomy) M.Sc Pharmaceutical Medicine Diploma in Optometry Diploma in Ophthalmic Assistant B.P.M.T. Laboratory B.P.M.T. Blood Transfusion B.P.M.T. Optometry B.P.M.T. Plaster B.P.M.T. Anesthesia B.P.M.T. Operation Theater B.P.M.T. Cyto B.P.M.T. Histopathology B.P.M.T. Clinical Psychologist B.P.M.T. Endoscopy B.P.M.T. Community Medicine and Emergency Medical Services B.P.M.T. Forensic Medicine B.P.M.T. Cardiology B.P.M.T. Perfusion B.P.M.T. Radiographic B.P.M.T. Radiotherapy B.P.M.T. Neurology B.P.M.T. Transfusion Medicine B.P.M.T. (New) 2013-14 MPH – Public Health Nutrition (PHN) Para Medical Diploma In Operation Room Techniques Para Medical Diploma In Medical Store Management Para Medical Diploma In Rediographic Techniques Para Medical Diploma In Hygine Inspector Para Medical Diploma In Medical Laboratory Techniques Para Medical Diploma In Physiotherapy Assistant Para Medical Diploma In Advance Nursing And Critical Care Medicine DENTAL FACULTY B.D.S. M.D.S. (Old/Revised 2009) M.D.S. (Prosthodontics) M.D.S. (Conservative Dentistry) M.D.S. (Community Dentistry/Public Health Dentistry) M.D.S. (Periodontics) M.D.S. (Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry) M.D.S. (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) M.D.S. (Orthodontics) M.D.S. (Oral Medicine and Radiology) M.D.S. (Oral Pathology) Diploma In Dentistry - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery And Oral Implantology AYURVED/UNANI FACULTY AYURVED COURSES B.A.M.S. Preliminary M.D./M.S. Ayurveda M.D. Ayurveda (Ayurveda Samhita - Charak Samhita) M.D. Ayurveda (Ayurveda Sidhanta) M.D. Ayurveda (Rachna Sharir) M.D. Ayurveda (Kriya Sharir) M.D. Ayurveda (Dravya Guna Vigyana) M.D. Ayurveda (Ras Shastra) M.D. Ayurveda (Bhaishajya Kalpana) M.D. Ayurveda (Kaumar Bhritya - Bala Roga) M.D. Ayurveda (Swastha Vritta) M.D. Ayurveda (Kayachikitsa) M.D. Ayurveda (Rog Nidan) M.D. Ayurveda (Panchkarma) Course Code (a) 613 617 621 622 623 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 650 Course Name (UG and PG) (b) M.D. Ayurveda (Agad Tantra avum Vidhi vaidyaka) M.D. Ayurveda (Rog Nidan avam Vikriti Vigyan) M.S. Ayurveda (Manovigyan Evum Manas Rog) M.S. Ayurveda (Chhya Evum Vikiran Vigyan) M.S. Ayurveda (Shalya Tantra : Samanya) M.S. Ayurveda (Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga) M.S. Ayurveda (Shalya Tantra) M.S. Ayurveda (Shalakya Tantra) M.S. Ayurveda (Shalya Tantra samanya) M.S. Ayurveda (Shalya Tantra : Kshar Karma avum Anushastra Karma) M.S. Shalakya Tantra – Netra Rog M.S. Shalakya Tantra-Nasa-Karna Avum Kantha Roga PG Ayurvedic Diploma In Prasuti & Striroga PG Ayurvedic Diploma In Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics - Ras Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana Course Code (a) 003 004 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 084 360 360 UNANI COURSES --082 082 850 805 805 804 803 804 804 360 360 B.U.M.S. Preliminary M.D./M.S. Unani Moalijat Preliminary M.D./M.S. Unani Tahaffuzi-WaSamaji Tibb Preliminary M.D./M.S. Unani Ilmul Jarahat Final M.D. Unani Moalijat Final M.D. Unani Tahaffuzi-Wa-Samaji Tibb (New) Preliminary M.D. Unani Ilmul Qabalat Wa Amraze Niswan (Revised 2010) Final M.D. Unani Ilmul Advia (New) Final M.D. Unani (Ilmul Qabalat 2010) Preliminary M.D. Unani Ilmul Qabalat Wa Amraze Niswan 2011 701 702 703 704 705 706 750 751 752 (b) ALLIED FACULTY NURSING COURSES B.Sc.Nursing / Basic B.Sc.Nursing P.B.B.Sc.Nursing First M.Sc. Nursing M.Sc. Nursing Community Health Nursing M.Sc. Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing: Cardio Vascular and Thorasic Nursing M.Sc. Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing: Nephro-Urology Nursing M.Sc. Nursing Mental [Psychiatric] Health Nursing M.Sc. Nursing Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing M.Sc. Nursing Paediatric/Child Health. Nursing M.Sc. Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing: Oncology Nursing M.Sc. Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing: Critical Care Nursing M.Sc. Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing : Neurological Nursing M.Sc. Nursing Orthopedic Nursing M.Sc Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing : Gastroentrology Nursing PHYSIOTHERAPY COURSES 001 900 901 902 B.P.Th. M.P.Th. Musculoskeletal Sciences M.P.Th. Neurosciences M.P.Th. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences M.P.Th. Community Medical Sciences 903 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY COURSES B.O.T.H. M.O.Th. Musculoskeletal Sciences M.O.Th. Neurosciences M.O.Th. Developmental Disabilities M.O.Th. Mental Health Sciences M.O.Th. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences M.O.Th. Community Medical Sciences 002 920 921 922 923 924 HOMOEOPATHY FACULTY --083 700 Course Name (UG and PG) B.H.M.S. M.D. Hom. Regular- Part I M.D. Hom. Regular Organon of Medicine with Homoeopathic Philosophy M.D. Hom. Regular Homoeopathic Materia Medica M.D. Hom. Regular Homoeopathic Repertory M.D. Hom. Regular Homoeopathic Pharmacy M.D. Hom. Regular Practice of Medicine M.D. Hom. Regular Paediatrics M.D. Hom. Regular Psychiatry M.D. Hom. External Organon of Medicine with Philosophy M.D. Hom. External Homoeopathic Materia Medica M.D. Hom. External Homoeopathic Repertory 923 AUDIOLOGY AND SPEECH PATHOLOGY COURSES 005 940 940 940 940 BASLP / B.Sc.HLS M.A.S.L.P. Part-II Audiology Old M.A.S.L.P. Part-II Speech Pathology Old M.A.S.L.P. Part-I Revised M.A.S.L.P. Part-II Revised PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS COURSES 007 357 - 23 - B.P.O. M.P.O. Appendix – ‘F’ STRUCTURE OF EXAMINATION FEE AS PER NOTIFICATION NO. 22/2014 DATED 11/07/2014 (For UG Repeater and Fresh Candidate) Without Late Fee Sr. Category No. Exam Fee CAP Fee Total 1) Repeater appearing for 1 subject 1,250 350 1,600 1,850 2) Repeater appearing for 2 subjects 1,500 350 (i) Fresh Candidate or Repeater 3) appearing for 3 or more than 1,750 350 2,100 3 subjects With Late Fee Exam Fee CAP Fee Total 1,400 350 1,750 1,600 350 1,950 1,850 350 2,200 With Additional Late Fee Exam Fee CAP Fee Total 1,750 350 2,100 2,000 350 2,350 2,200 350 2,550 Important Note: 1. 2. A candidate appearing for the final examination of a degree course will have to pay following additional convocation related fees in advance. Please note that these fees will not be applicable for Repeater Students who have already paid it during previous examination. a) Passing Certificate Fee - 800/b) Internship Completion Certificate fee - 1250/- (For Nursing/BPMT Courses, ICC fee is not applicable) c) Degree Certificate fee - 1,850/College shall submit list of students year wise (alphabetically by surname) giving fee details mentioned against their name. A consolidated D.D. for all students should be submitted. Convocation Related Fee details alongwith the relevant details about the student should be submitted as per the format enclosed. Examination forms of final year students will not be accepted if not accompanied by abovementioned convocation related fees and photographs. Exam Fee CAP Fee 7,050 7,050 4,250 550 550 550 Passing Certificate 800 800 800 3,050 550 -- 4,250 550 800 6,350 550 800 2,450 550 800 6,050 550 800 1,500 550 800 Exam Fee CAP Fee 7,150 7,150 4,400 550 550 550 Passing Certificate 800 800 800 3,200 550 -- 4,400 550 800 6,450 550 800 2,600 550 800 6,200 550 800 1,600 550 800 Exam Fee CAP Fee 7,550 7,550 4,750 550 550 550 Passing Certificate 800 800 800 3,550 550 -- 4,750 550 800 6,850 550 800 2,700 550 800 6,600 550 800 2,000 550 800 (For PG Fresh And Repeater Candidate) WITHOUT LATE FEE Degree Total Courses Certificate Fee (Rs.) 1,850 10,250 P.G. Medical and Dental Degree Courses 1,850 10,250 All P.G. Diploma Courses 1,850 7,450 P.G. D.M.L.T. Preliminary (Ayurved/Unani), First Year (M.Sc Nursing, -3,600 M.A.S.L.P., M.P.O.), M.D. Hom.(Regular) Part (I) 1,850 P.G. Final Year Ayurved, Unani and Homoeopathy 7,450 Degree Courses 1,850 9,550 Final Year P.G. Allied Health Sciences Degree Courses MBA (HEALTH CARE ADMINISTR.) & -3,800 MPH – PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION (PHN) 1,850 9,250 M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Medicine. Diploma in Optometry / Diploma in Opthalmic 1,850 4,700 Assistant & Paramedical Diploma Courses. WITH LATE FEE Degree Total Courses Certificate Fee 1,850 10,350 P.G. Medical and Dental Degree Courses 1,850 10,350 All P.G. Diploma Courses 1,850 7,600 P.G. D.M.L.T. Preliminary (Ayurved/Unani), First Year (M.Sc Nursing, -3,750 M.A.S.L.P., M.P.O.), M.D. Hom.(Regular) Part (I) P.G. Final Year Ayurved, Unani and Homoeopathy 1,850 7,600 Degree Courses 1,850 9,650 Final Year P.G. Allied Health Sciences Degree Courses MBA (HEALTH CARE ADMINISTR.) & -3,950 MPH – PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION (PHN) 1,850 9,400 M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Medicine. Diploma in Optometry / Diploma in Opthalmic 1,850 4,800 Assistant & Paramedical Diploma Courses. WITH ADDITIONAL LATE FEE Degree Total Courses Certificate Fee 1,850 10,750 P.G. Medical and Dental Degree Courses 1,850 10,750 All P.G. Diploma Courses 1,850 7,950 P.G. D.M.L.T. Preliminary (Ayurved/Unani), First Year (M.Sc Nursing, -4,100 M.A.S.L.P., M.P.O.), M.D.Hom.(Regular) Part (I) P.G. Final Year Ayurved, Unani and Homoeopathy 1,850 7,950 Degree Courses 1,850 10,050 Final Year P.G. Allied Health Sciences Degree Courses MBA (HEALTH CARE ADMINISTR.) & -4,050 MPH – PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION (PHN) 1,850 9,800 M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Medicine Diploma in Optometry / Diploma in Opthalmic 1,850 5,200 Assistant & Paramedical Diploma Courses. Note : For Repeater candidate Passing Certificate & Degree Certificate fees will not be applicable. - 24 - STRUCTURE OF EXAMINATION FEE – MBA (HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION) & MPH – PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRTION (PHN) (FOR REPEATER STUDENTS) Sr. No. 1) 2) 3) Category: Repeater students Who appears in 1 subjects/ paper Who appears in 2 subjects/ paper Who appears more than 2 subjects/ paper Without Late CAP Mark Fee Fee Sheet Total 900 550 100 1,550 1,000 550 100 1,650 1,100 550 100 1,750 1,000 550 100 1,650 1,100 550 100 1,750 1,250 550 100 1,900 2,450 550 100 3,100 2,600 550 100 3,250 2,700 550 100 3,350 Fee With Late CAP Mark Fee sheet Total With Additional Late CAP Mark Fee Fee sheet Total EXAMINATION FEE STRUCTURE FOR REPEATER STUDENTS FOR M.SC PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICINE Sr. No. 1) 2) 3) Category: Repeater students Who appears in 1subjects/ paper Who appears in 2 subjects/ paper Who appears more than 2 subjects/ paper Without Late CAP Mark Fee Fee Sheet Total Fee With Late CAP Mark Fee sheet Total With Additional Late CAP Mark Fee Fee sheet Total 1,250 550 100 1,900 1,500 550 100 2,150 1,850 550 100 2,500 1,850 550 100 2,500 2,100 550 100 2,750 2,450 550 100 3,100 6,050 550 100 6,700 6,200 550 100 6,850 6,600 550 100 7,250 EXAMINATION FEE STRUCTURE FOR REPEATER STUDENTS FOR DIPLOMA IN OPTOMETRY/DIPLOMA IN OPTHALMIC ASSISTANT & PARA MEDICAL DIPLOMA COURSES Sr. No. 1) 2) 3) Category: Repeater students Who appears in 1 subjects/ paper Who appears in 2 subjects/ paper Who appears more than 2 subjects/ paper Without Late CAP Mark Fee Fee Sheet Total 800 550 100 1,450 900 550 100 1,550 1,250 550 100 1,900 1,250 550 100 1,900 1,400 550 100 2,050 1,750 550 100 2,400 1500 550 100 2,150 1,600 550 100 2,250 2,000 550 100 2,650 Fee With Late CAP Mark Fee sheet Total With Additional Late CAP Mark Fee Fee sheet Total Important Note: 1. 2. A candidate who appears for the final examination of a degree course will have to pay following additional convocation related fees in advance. Please note that these fees will not be applicable for Repeater Students who already paid for previous examination. a) Passing Certificate Fee 800/b) Degree Certificate fee 1,850/College shall submit list of students year wise (alphabetically by surname) giving fee details mentioned against their name. A consolidated D.D. for all students should be submitted. Convocation Related Fee details alongwith the relevant details about the student should be submitted as per the format enclosed. Examination forms of final year students will not be accepted if not accompanied by abovementioned convocation related fees and photographs. - 25 - Appendix-‘G’ MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK CONVOCATION FEE DETAILS Name of the College: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Demand Draft details Sr. No PRN No. Name of the student (In English & Marathi) Permanent Address For communication Year / Batch Fees paid Bank Name Date DD No. Amt. Signature of Student Eng. Mar. Eng. Mar. Eng. Mar. Eng. Mar. Eng. Mar. Eng. Mar. Eng. Mar. * A separate list of Repeater students should be enclosed giving the above details. A consolidated D.D. for all students should be submitted. Sign. & Seal of the Dean/ Principal - 26 - Appendix-‘H’ MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK COUNSELING FORM (TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE REPEATER STUDENT) 01. Name of College : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 02. Name of Student : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 03. Name of Course : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… st 04. Date of Admission to 1 year : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 05. Category of payment : Free / Payment / NRI 06. Percentage of Marks : SSC : ……………… 08. State Merit Number : ……………………………………… 10. Marks obtained by the student at : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… HSC : ……………… 07. Marks at CET : ………………………………… 09. Regional Merit Number : ………………… First Attempt: Subject Theory Oral Practical Internal Assessment Second Attempt: Subject Theory Oral Practical Internal Assessment Third Attempt: Subject Theory Oral Practical Internal Assessment 11. Were parents informed about poor performance of the candidate in the last examinations? 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Efforts taken by the college to improve : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… performance of the candidate. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Had the college organized interaction with the : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… parents about poor performance of student? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Whether extra classes / revision classes were : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… conducted for student who had failed in the last …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… examination. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Whether the student is made aware of the fact : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… of maximum no. of attempts permitted by …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Central Council / MUHS / College administration. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Please furnish the following information about the student : A) Educational background of family Illiterate a) Father b) Mother c) Brother d) Sister 17. 18. : Non-graduate Graduate Post-graduate B) Whether the student was getting any financial assistance / scholarship etc., please specify : Any health problem with the candidate ? : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Whether Counseling of student & parent has been done before sending the application form? If yes, a) Signature of the student : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b) Signature of parents : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19. Counseling of student done by : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20. The above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of the Dean / Principal - 27 - Appendix-‘I’ egkjk"V! vkjksX; foKku fo|kihB]ukf'Ad MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK UNDER-GRADUATE / POST GRADUATE EXAMINATION FORM MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS Examination Form No. : To, The Controller of Examinations, MUHS, Nashik. College Code : Sir, UG PG FRESH REPEATER (Please √ Mark) I request permission to present myself at the ensuing _________________Examination in ________________ specialization (for PG students only) to be held in Winter/Summer half of 20…. I furnish my details as stated below:(Class & Course) 1. CANDIDATE’S NAME in Capital Letters (Strictly as per Class XII or GAZETTE Notification) : (Surname) (First Name) (Middle Name) 2. MOTHER’S FIRST NAME in Capital Letters : 3. FATHER’S/HUSBAND FIRST NAME in Capital Letters: 4. Candidate’s mailing address in CAPITAL Letters only : Pincode : 5. State : Contact No. : 6. College Name: 7. Email Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Gender : MALE FEMALE 9. Date of Birth : Date Paste (do not staple recent Photograph (Size 35mm× 45mm) duly attested by the Dean/Principal/Head of the Institution. Photograph must not be larger than this box. ATTESTED Month Year Left Hand Thumb Impression Paste (do not staple) recent photograph (size 35mm× 45mm) must not be larger than this box. UN-ATTESTED Signature of the Candidate in running hand, within the box only 10. List of Documents/Items to be attached / verified: Sr. No. Particulars 1. Photograph duly attested by the Dean/Principal Photocopy of marks statement of latest examination Photocopy of Eligibility letter (For First year Students only) OR Transfer letter (If Applicable) 2. Documents attached Yes/No For College Use only 3. FOR PG STUDENTS, following document is also to be submitted: 4. 5. 6. Attendance Cert. of Research Methodology workshop (for Fresh students) Log book (for Fresh students) UG Degree certificate of respective University. NOTE : Incomplete Examination form and without documents will be rejected by the University. - 28 - For MUHS Use only I will be appearing for the following Subjects (for Subject Name and Subject Code, please refer Theory Time-Table published by the University on the website):- Sr. No Subject Codes Subject Name For Fresh Students Only Attendance % HOD Name Theory Practical HOD Sign DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE 1) I am aware that, I have to fulfill criteria of attendance and Internal Assessment prescribed by the University upto commencement of Examination, failing which I shall be held “NOT ELIGIBLE” and will not be allowed to appear for Examination. 2) I hereby declare that I have not availed of any attempt (including the present one) in excess of the maximum attempts permissible by Central Council / University for the said examination (wherever applicable). 3) I hereby declare that I have gone through the syllabus prescribed and relevant rules of Ordinance 1/2002 (amended) Heads of Passing which are applicable for the examination for which I am appearing and I accept the same without any challenge (wherever applicable). Reference Ordinance 01/2002 rule 56 & 60 for head of passing and Grace Marks) OR as applicable from time to time. 4) I shall be responsible if my application form is rejected for any errors, wrong or incomplete entries made by me in the examination form. 5) I hereby declare that I shall not claim any concession on religious ground. 6) I am not defying the criteria of the admission order. 7) I am not admitted to the course after the cut-off date declared by the University for grant of terms. Place: Date: 2 Signature of Candidate in running hand 0 CERTIFIED BY THE HEAD OF INSTITUTION I certify that, Shri/Smt/Kum. ……………………………………………………………. is a bonafide student of this college and has satisfactorily attended the classes and 1. that his/her attendance is not less than as prescribed by the University & respective council norms in lecture teaching and practical work, however, in case prescribed attendance is not fulfill upto commencement of examination, Hall ticket of the Candidate will be marked as “NOT ELIGIBLE” against the respective subject. 2. that the candidate has completed the academic terms and appeared in mandatory number of internal assessment tests as per the university rules (wherever applicable). 3. that he/she is not admitted to the course after the cut-off date for grant of terms. 4. that the candidate has completed house job (For PG Only– wherever applicable) 5. that the information furnished by the said candidate is verified from his/her documents and that the candidate is Eligible to appear for University Examination. Place: Date: 2 0 Signature & Seal of the Dean/Principal - 29 - Appendix-‘J’ egkjk"V! vkjksX; foKku fo|kihB]ukf'Ad MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK UNDER-GRADUATE / POST GRADUATE EXAMINATION FORM MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS MUHS Examination Form No. : To, The Controller of Examinations, MUHS, Nashik. College Code : Sir, UG PG FRESH REPEATER (Please √ Mark ) I request permission to present myself at the ensuing First M.B.B.S. __ Examination in ___________ specialization (for PG students only) to be held in Winter/Summer half of 2013. I furnish my details as stated below:(Class & Course) 1. CANDIDATE’S NAME in Capital Letters (Strictly as per Class XII or GAZETTE Notification) : G A N P A T E G A N E S H (Surname) S H A N K A R (First Name) 2. MOTHER’S FIRST NAME in Capital Letters : P A R V A T 3. FATHER’S/HUSBAND FIRST NAME in Capital Letters: I S H A N K A R 4. Candidate’s mailing address in CAPITAL Letters only : N A S H I (Middle Name) 0 4 O M A P A R T M E N T K Pincode : 5. State : Contact No. : 9 6 2 3 9 5 M A H A R A S H T R A J 6. College Name: G R A N T M E D I C A L C O L L E G E 7 8 5 7 M U M B 7. Email Address: [email protected] 8. Gender 9. Date of Birth : : MALE FEMALE √ √ 0 1 1 4 Date 0 1 Month 1 9 8 0 Year Left Hand Thumb Impression Ganpateg Drpatil Signature of the Candidate in running hand, within the box only The Dean, Grant Medical College, Mumbai 10. List of Documents/Items to be attached / verified: Sr. No. Particulars 1. Photograph duly attested by the Dean/Principal Photocopy of marks statement of latest examination Photocopy of Eligibility letter (For First year Students only) OR Transfer letter (If Applicable) 2. 3. FOR PG STUDENTS, following document is also to be submitted: 4. 5. 6. Attendance Certi. of Research Methodology workshop (for Fresh students) Log book (for Fresh students) UG Degree certificate of respective University. - 30 - Documents attached Yes/No Yes For College Use only Yes Verified Yes Verified Yes Verified Yes Verified Yes Verified Yes Verified Verified For MUHS Use only NOTE : Incomplete Examination form and without documents will be rejected by the University. I will be appearing for the following Subjects (for Subject Name and Subject Code, please refer Theory Time-Table published by the University on the website):- Sr. No Subject Codes 1 01101A, 01101B 01102A, 01102B 01103A, 01103B 2 3 Subject Name For Fresh Students Only Attendance % HOD Name Theory Practical HOD Sign Anatomy – I & II 50% 55% Dr. M. A. Patil Drpatil Physiology – I & II 45% 60% Dr. S. R. Shah drshah Biochemistry – I & II 42% 70% Dr. T. K. Kulkarni kulkarnitk DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE 1) I am aware that, I have to fulfill criteria of attendance and Internal Assessment prescribed by the University upto commencement of Examination, failing which I shall be held “NOT ELIGIBLE” and will not be allowed to appear for Examination. 2) I hereby declare that I have not availed of any attempt (including the present one) in excess of the maximum attempts permissible by Central Council / University for the said examination (wherever applicable). 3) I hereby declare that I have gone through the syllabus prescribed and relevant rules of Ordinance 1/2002 (amended) Heads of Passing which are applicable for the examination for which I am appearing and I accept the same without any challenge (wherever applicable). Reference Ordinance 01/2002 rule 56 & 60 for head of passing and Grace Marks) OR as applicable from time to time. 4) I shall be responsible if my application form is rejected for any errors, wrong or incomplete entries made by me in the examination form. 5) I hereby declare that I shall not claim any concession on religious ground. 6) I am not defying the criteria of the admission order. 7) I am not admitted to the course after the cut-off date declared by the University for grant of terms. Place: M U M B A I Date: 0 1 4 0 9 Ganpateg 2 0 1 Signature of Candidate in running hand 3 CERTIFIED BY THE HEAD OF INSTITUTION I certify that, Shri/Smt/Kum. Ganesh Shankar Ganpate is a bonafide student of this college and has satisfactorily attended the classes and 1) that his/her attendance is not less than as prescribed by the University & respective council norms in lecture teaching and practical work, however, in case prescribed attendance is not fulfill upto commencement of examination, Hall ticket of the Candidate will be marked as “NOT ELIGIBLE” against the respective subject. 2) that the candidate has completed the academic terms and appeared in mandatory number of internal assessment tests as per the university rules (wherever applicable). 3) that he/she is not admitted to the course after the cut-off date for grant of terms. 4) that the candidate has completed house job (For PG Only– wherever applicable) 5) that the information furnished by the said candidate is verified from his/her documents and that the candidate is Eligible to appear for University Examination. Place: M U M B A I Date: 0 4 0 9 2 0 1 Drpatil 3 Signature & Seal of the Dean/Principal - 31 - Appendix-‘K’ egkjk"V! vkjksX; foKkufo|kihB]ukf'Ad MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK fnaMksjhjksM] EgljQG] ukf'kd&422004 Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik-422004 EPABX: 0253- 2539100/300, Fax: 0253 - 2531836, Ph.: 2539259 Email: [email protected] Website: MkW- dkf'AukFAnk- xdZG Dr.Kashinath D. Garkal P h. D. ih,p-Mh- Controller of Examinations ijh{Akfu;a_Ad MUHS MUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHSMUHS tk-dz-%evkfofo$,Dlihth&1-4$486$2014 fn- 05$02$2014 ifji_kd izfr] ek- vf/k"Bkrk$izkpk;Z loZ fc-ih-,e-Vh- layfXur egkfo|ky;] evkfofo] ukf'kd fo"k; %& 'kS{kf.kd o"kZ 2013&14 iklqu ykxq dj.;kr vkysY;k fc-ih-,e-Vh- vH;kldzekckcr---lanHkZ %& fo|kihBkps ifji_kd fn- 25$10$2013 egksn;] mijksDr fo"k;kP;k vuq"kaxkus ojhy lanHkhZ; i_kkUo;s fc-ih-,e-Vh- lkBh 'kS{kf.kd o"kZ 2013&14 iklqu ufou vH;kldze ykxq dj.;kr vkysyk vkgs- lnj vH;kldzekP;k ckcr ijh{kk foHkkxkriQsZ tqU;k fo|kF;kZauk ufou vH;kldze ykxq dj.ksckcr fn- 06$01$2014 jksth cSBd vk;ksthr dj.;kr vkysyh gksrh- lnj cSBdhr [kkyhy izek.ks Bjko ikjhr dj.;kr vkysyk vkgs*ch-ih-,e-Vh- tqU;k vH;kldzeklkBh izosf'Ar >AkysY;k fo|kF;kZae/;s vuqRrh.AZ gks.;kps izek.A tkLr vlY;kus lnj fo|kF;Zkauk uohu vH;kldzekuqlkj ijh{Ak ns.;kl ekU;rk ns.Asckcr lfoLrj ppkZ gksmQu [Akyhy izek.As dk;Zokgh dj.Asckcr lqfpr dsysys vkgsv) lnj vH;kldze 'AS{Af.Ad o"AZ 2013&14 iklwu ykxq dj.;kr vkysyk vlqu lnj vH;kldzekph izFAe o"kZkph ijh{Ak mUgkGh 2014 e/;s gks.Akj vkgs- ts fo|kFkhZ tqU;k vH;kldzeklkBh izosf'kr >kkysys vkgs o l|fLFkrhr rs vuqmRRkh.kZ >kkysys vkgs- R;kauk tqU;k vH;kldzekuqlkj ijh{kk ns.;klkBh [kkyhy dks"Vdkr ueqn dsY;kuqlkj la/kh ns.;kr ;kohv-dz01 02 03 o"kZ izFke o"kZ f}rh; o"kZ r=rh; o"kZ mUgkGh 2014 tquk tquk tquk ijh{kk ns.;klkBh fo|kF;kZauk |ko;kP;k la/kh fgokGh 2014 mUgkGh 2015 fgokGh 2015 tquk ufou Ukfou tquk ufou Ukfou tquk tquk tquk mUgkGh 2016 ufou ufou ufou Eg.ktsp ts fo|kFkhZ tqU;k vH;kldzeklkBh izosf'Ar >kkysys vkgsr o rs izFAe o"AZ vuqRrh.AZ >Akysys vkgsr R;kauk mUgkGh o fgokGh 2014 ;k nksu ijh{AslkBh tqU;k vH;kldzekuqlkj ijh{Ak ns.;kl ijokuxh ns.;kr ;koh- lnj ijh{ksl ts fo|kFkhZ vuqRrh.kZ gksrhy R;kauk R;kuaarj uohu vH;kldzekuqlkj Eg.ktsp mUgkGh 2015 iklqu ijh{Ak |koh ykxsy] ;kckcr egkfo|ky; o fo|kF;kZal lqfpr dj.;kr ;kos- - 32 - c) rlsp T;k fo|kF;kZauk uohu vH;kldzekuqlkj mUGkGh 2014 iklqu ijh{Ak |ko;kph vlsu R;kauh R;kaP;k egkfo|ky;kriQsZ lkscr tksMysY;k ifjf'A"V *v* e/Ahy ueqU;kuqlkj gfei_A ?As.;kr ;kos o R;kuarjp R;kauk uohu vH;kldzekuqlkj ijh{Ak ns.;kl ijokuxh ns.;kr ;koh- ijh{Ak vtkZlkscr gfei_A lknj dj.As vfuok;Z vlsyd) ts fo|kFkhZ gehi_k nsmQu mUgkGh 2014 iklqu ufou vH;kldzekuqlkj izFke o"kkZph ijh{kk nsrhy R;k loZ fo|kF;kZauk iqu'p% tqU;k vH;kldzekuqlkj f}rh; o r=rh; o"kkZph ijh{kk ns.;kl ijokuxh fnyh tk.kkj ukghd) tqU;k vH;kldzeklkBh izosf'Ar izFAe o"AkZP;k fo|kF;Zkauk ,dq.A 03 isij vlqu R;ke/;s ,dq.A 09 fo"A;kapk lekos'A vkgs- rFAkfi] uohu vH;kldzekuqlkj R;kauk 03 fdaok 04 isijp vkgsr- R;keqGs T;k fo|kF;Zkauk uohu vH;kldzekuqlkj ijh{Ak |ko;kph vlsy R;kauk uohu vH;kldzeklkBh fofgr dsysY;k 03 fdaok 04 (vH;kldzekuqlkj ts ykxq vlsy) loZ isij ns.As vfuok;Z vlsy-* ojhy f'kiQkjlh fo|kF;kZaps fgr y{kkr ?ksmQu fo|kihBkus ykxq dsysY;k vkgsr- R;kvuq"kaxkus egkfo|ky;kus ojhy lqpukaps rarksrar ikyu djkos o loZ izosf'kr fo|kF;kZaP;k fun'kZukl vk.kqu |kos- lgh$& ijh{kk fu;a_kd lkscr %& ojhy izek.ks izr ekfgrhLro % 1) foHkkxizeq[k] inoh 'kS{kf.kd foHkkx] evkfofo] ukf'kd 2) foHkkxizeq[k] ijh{kk iqoZ dk;Zd{k] ijh{kk foHkkx] evkfofo] ukf'kd 3) foHkkxizeq[k] lax.kd foHkkx] evkfofo] ukf'kd - 33 - Appendix-‘L’ ifjf'k"V *v* egkjk"V! vkjksX; foKku fo|kihB] ukf'kd gfei_A eh] ----------------------------------------------------------------- ch-ih-,e-Vh- vH;kldzeklkBh --------------------;sFAhy -------------------------------------;k egkfo|ky;kr 'AS{Af.Ad o"AZ --------------------e/;s izosf'Ar fo|kFAhZ vkgs- eh izFAe o"AkZe/;s lkrR;kus vuqRrh.AZ gksr vlY;kus] fo|kihBkus 'AS{Af.Ad o"AZ 2013&14 iklqu ykxq dsysY;k uohu vH;kldzekuqlkj eyk ijh{Ak ns.;kl ijokuxh ns.;kr ;koh- R;k vuq"Aaxkus ;kckcr fo|kihBkus osGksosGh dsysY;k lqpuk$vVh$vkns'A eyk ekU; vlrhy o R;kckcr loZ 'AS{Af.Ad iqrrkZ dj.;kr ;sbZy tqU;k vH;kldzekuqlkj eh ,dq.k 03 isij iSdh ------ isij e/;s mRrh.kZ >kkys$>kkyks vlys$vlyks rjh eyk ufou vH;kldzekuqlkj loZ isij ns.ks ca/kudkjd jkghy- rlsp] mUgkGh 2014 e/;s uohu vH;kldzedkuqlkj ijh{kk mRrh.kZ >kkY;kuarj eh f}rh; o"kkZph ijh{ksl mUgkGh 2015 o r=rh; o"kkZP;k ijh{ksl mUgkGh 2016 e/;s ik_k vlsy ;kph eyk dYiuk vkgss vkf.k R;kckcr ek>kh dqByhgh rdzkj jkg.kkj ukgh- fo|kF;kZaph Lok{Ajh ojhy ------------------------------------------------------- fo|kFAhZ vkeP;k egkfo|ky;kr 'AS{Af.Ad o"AZ---------------------- iklqu izosf'Ar vlqu R;kl fo|kihBkP;k 'AS{Af.Ad o"AZ 2013&14 iklwu ykxq dj.;kr vkysY;k uohu vH;kldzekuqlkj ijh{Ak ns.;klkBh ;k egkfo|ky;kph dkghgh gjdr ulqu R;kaP;k vH;kldzeke/;s vlysyk cnykckcr fo|kF;kZal voxr dj.;kr vkys vlwu R;kuqlkj fo|kF;kZaus loZ vH;kldze iq.AZ dsysyk vkgsizkpk;Z egkfo|ky;kpk f'ADdk - 34 - Appendix-‘M’ Date: / /20 Undertaking to be Submitted by I BDS (Repeater ) Student I ……………………………………………bonafide student of …………………………………………………….. college admitted in First Year BDS course in academic Year 20 - 20 is fully aware of following condition prescribed by the Dental Council of India, New Delhi in Revised BDS course Regulations, 2007 published by the University vide its Examination Notification No. 18/2013 dated 15/6/2013 : “Any Student, who does not clear the First BDS University Examination in all subjects within Three Years from the date of admission, shall be discharged from the Course” Keeping in view of above rule and Examination Notification No. 18/2013 I am aware that my attempt in Summer/Winter …......... University Examination will be last attempt of First BDS course. I shall not claim/appear for any further First BDS University Examination. I am fully aware that my admission shall be automatically stands cancelled from First BDS course as per conditions prescribed by the University. Date: Name of Student: Signature: Certification by the Dean/Principal of the college The aforesaid student have been counseled by the college in view of University Examination Notification No. 18/2013 dated 15/06/2013 as well as he/she is found to be eligible to appear for ensuing University Examination. Date: Dean/Principal Seal & Stamp of college - 35 - Appendix-‘N’ - 36 - Appendix-‘O’ - 37 - Appendix-‘P’ - 38 - - 39 - - 40 - - 41 - - 42 - - 43 - - 44 - - 45 - - 46 -
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