Damien Bol +1.514.569.0931 / [email protected] ( ) / www.damienbol.eu ( C.P. 6128, Succursale Centre-ville. H3C 3J7 Montreal, QC. CANADA EMPLOYMENT Postdoc, Canada Research Chair in Electoral Studies, University of Montreal EDUCATION PhD in Political Science, University of Louvain Visiting stay at the University of Montreal (4 months in 2012) Visiting stay at the European University Institute (3 months in 2011) Certificate in Statistics (1-year degree in 2008) ) 2012–.. 2013 MA in Political Science, University of Louvain Exchange at the University of Bergen (5 months in 2006) 2007 BA in Political and Social Sciences, University of Louvain 2005 PUBLICATIONS Fully peer-reviewed journal articles 1. Damien Bol, Jean-Benoit Pilet, and Pedro Riera (2015). “The International Diffusion of Electoral Systems: The Spread of Mechanisms Tempering Proportional Representation across Europe.” European Journal of Political Research. 2. Jean-Fran¸cois Laslier, Andr´e Blais, Damien Bol, Sona Golder, Philipp Harfst, Laura Stephenson, and Karine Van der Straeten (2015). “The EuroVotePlus Experiment.” European Union Politics. 3. Damien Bol (2015). “Electoral Reform, Values and Party Self-Interest.” Party Politics. 4. Alrik Thiem, Michael Baumgartner, and Damien Bol (2015). “Still Lost in Translation: A Correction of three Misunderstandings between Configurational Comparativists and Regressional Analysts.” Comparative Political Studies. 5. Damien Bol (2014). “De l’Int´erˆet de la R´egression Multi-Niveau en Politique Compar´ee.” Revue Internationale de Politique Compar´ee. 6. Laurie, Beaudonnet, Andr´e Blais, Damien Bol, and Martial Foucault (2014). “Satisfaction with Democracy in a Two Round System.” French Politics. 12(1): 22-35. 7. Damien Bol and Francesca Luppi (2013). “Confronting Theories Based on Necessary Relations: Making the Best of QCA Possibilities.” Political Research Quarterly. 66(1): 205-210. ` 8. Benoˆıt Rihoux, Priscilla Alamos, Damien Bol, Axel Marx, and Ilona Rezsohazy (2013). “From Niche to Mainstream Method? A Comprehensive Mapping of QCA Applications in Journal Articles from 1984 to 2011.” Political Research Quarterly. 66(1): 175-184. 9. Jean-Benoit Pilet and Damien Bol (2011). “Party Preferences and Electoral Reform: How Time in Government Affects the Likelihood of Supporting a Change.” West European Politics. 34(3): 568586. 10. Benoˆıt Rihoux, Ilona Rezsohazy, and Damien Bol (2011). “Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in Public Policy Analysis: An Extensive Review.” German Policy Studies. 7(3): 9-82. Contributions to edited volumes 1. Damien Bol, Andr´e Blais, Jean-Fran¸cois Laslier, and Antonin Mac´e (2016). “Electoral System and Number of Candidates: Candidate Entry under Plurality and Majority Runoff.” In Andr´e Blais, Jean-Fran¸cois Laslier, and Karine Van der Straeten (eds.) Voting Experiments (provisional title). New York: Springer. 2. Damien Bol, Simon Labb´e St-Vincent, and Jean-Michel Lavoie. (2016) “Recruiting for Laboratory Voting Experiments: Exploring the (Potential) Sampling Bias.” In Andr´e Blais, Jean-Fran¸cois Laslier, and Karine Van der Straeten (eds.) Voting Experiments (provisional title). New York: Springer. 3. Damien Bol and Marian Bohl (2015). “Negative Campaigning in Proportional Representation Yet Non-Coalition - Systems: Evidence from Switzerland.” In Alessandro Nai and Annemarie Walter (eds.) New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning: Measures, Causes and Effects (provisional title). Colchester: ECPR Press. 4. Andr´e-Paul Frognier and Damien Bol (2015). “Mod`eles Electoraux et Vote en Wallonie: Plus de 20 ans d’Analyse Electorale.” In Pierre Baudewyns (ed.) Etre Electeur en Wallonie. Louvain-laNeuve: Presses Universitaire de Louvain. 5. Damien Bol and Ferdinand Teuber (2013). “L’Adoption des Etiquettes Partisanes.” In R´egis Dandoy, J´er´emy Dodeigne, Geoffrey Matagne, and Min Reuchamps (eds.) Les Elections Communales de 2012 en Wallonie. Bruges: Van de Broele, pp.47-58. 6. Andr´e-Paul Frognier, Damien Bol, and Marc Swyngedouw (2013). “Een Veelpartijendemocratie. Vlaanderen-Walloni¨e, een Analyse van Twintig Jaar Stemgedrag.” In Astrid Von Busekist (ed.) Belgi¨e Bregrijpen. Antwerp: De Bezige bij Antwerpen, pp.143-153. 7. Jean-Benoit Pilet, and Damien Bol (2012). “Party Preferences and Electoral Reform: How Time in Government Affects the Likelihood of Supporting a Change.” In Reuven Hazan and Monique Leyenaar (eds.) Understanding Electoral Reform. London: Routledge. 8. Andr´e-Paul Frognier, Damien Bol, and Marc Swyngedouw (2012). “Une D´emocratie Multipartisane. Flandre - Wallonie: 20 Ans d’Analyse des Comportements Electoraux.” In Astrid Von Busekist (ed.) Singuli`ere Belgique. Paris: Fayard, pp. 135-145. 9. Rihoux, Benoˆıt, Patrick Dumont, Lieven De Winter, Serge Deruette, and Damien Bol (2011). “Belgium.” In Daniele Caramani, Kevin Deegan-Krause, and Rainbow Murray (eds.) 2010 Political Data Yearbook of the European Journal of Political Research. 51(7): 913-921. 10. Benoˆıt, Rihoux, Patrick Dumont, Lieven De Winter, Serge Deruette, and Damien Bol (2010). “Belgium.” In Tim Bale and Daniele Caramani (eds.) 2009 Political Data Yearbook of the European Journal of Political Research. 50(7-8): 899-908. 11. Benoˆıt Rihoux, Charles C. Ragin, Sakura Yamasaki, and Damien Bol (2009). “Conclusions - The Way(s) Ahead.” In Benoˆıt Rihoux and Charles C. Ragin (eds.) Configurational Comparative Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques. Thousand Oaks and London: Sage, pp. 167-177. 12. Benoˆıt Rihoux, Patrick Dumont, Lieven De Winter, Serge Deruette, and Damien Bol (2009). “Belgium.” In Tim Bale and Ingrid Van Biezen (eds.) 2008 Political Data Yearbook of the European Journal of Political Research. 49(7-8): 903-912. 13. Benoˆıt Rihoux, Patrick Dumont, Lieven De Winter, Damien Bol, and Serge Deruette (2008). “Belgium.” In Tim Bale and Ingrid Van Biezen (eds.) 2007 Political Data Yearbook of the European Journal of Political Research. 48(7-8): 917-928. Work in progress 1. Patrik Ohberg, and Damien Bol. “[Title removed to preserve the anonymity of the review process].” Political Research Quarterly. Under Review. 2. Philipp Harfst, Andr´e Blais, and Damien Bol . “[Title removed to preserve the anonymity of the review process].” Electoral Studies. Under Review. 3. Damien Bol and Ferdinand Teuber. “Explaining the Adoption National Party Labels in Local Elections: Evidence from Belgium.” 4. Damien Bol, Thomas Gschwend, Thomas Zittel, and Steffen Zittlau. “The Electoral Sources of Good Government: A Field Experiment on German MPs.” 5. Alexandre Morin-Chass´e, Damien Bol, Simon Labb´e St-Vincent, and Laura Stephenson. “How to Survey about Turnout? Evidence from a Randomized Wording Experiment in Five Democracies.” TEACHING Engineering of Political Institutions and Organizations (Lecturer) Full-semester course (English), Graduate, University of Louvain 2010, 2011 QCA and Fuzzy Sets (Lecturer) 2-day course (English), Graduate, Concordia’s Workshops on Social Science Research 1-day course (English), Graduate, IPSA World Congress 1-day course (French), Graduate, Sciences Po Paris 1-day course (English), Graduate, McGill University 2-hour course (English), Graduate, McGill University 1-hour course (English), Graduate, University of Montreal 2015 2014 2014 2013 2012 2012 QCA and Fuzzy Sets (Teaching Assistant) Full-semester course (English), Graduate, University College Brussels 2008, 2010 3-day course (English), Graduate, SISP Summer School on Methods and Policies 2011 2-week course (English), Graduate, ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques 2010 Introduction to computer science for social scientists (Teaching Assistant) Full-semester course (French), Undergraduate, University of Louvain 2008 RESEARCH International conferences SPSA Annual Meeting MPSA National Conference CPSA Annual Meeting ECPR General Conference APSA Annual Meeting IPSA World Congress EPSA Annual Conference CES International Conference ECPR Joint Sessions Congr`es des associations francophones de science politique EPOP Annual Conference 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2015 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014 2014 2014 2012, 2013 2011, 2012 2009, 2012 2011 2010 Referee Political Analysis, British Journal of Political Science, European Journal of Political Research, Comparative Politics, Sociological Methods and Research, Political Studies, Research & Politics, Evaluation Review, European Political Science Review, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Urban Affairs Review, Canadian Journal of Political Science, French Politics, Ask: Research & Methods, Revue Internationale de Politique Compar´ee, International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches (x2), Sociological Theory and Methods. Awards Best Paper from a Graduate Student (➾250), ABSP-CF Best Paper Presented at the Annual Conference (short-listed), EPSA 2012 2012 Grants Seed Grant for a Collaborative Project (CAN ✩7,500), CSDC Travel Grant for Attending the APSA Annual Meeting (CAN ✩750), CSDC Travel Grant for Attending the CPSA Annual Conference (CAN ✩200), CPSA Full-time Postdoctoral Fellowship (4 years, CAN ✩40,000 + ✩1,750 per year), MEDW Full-expense Grant for Visiting the CRCES (4 months, ➾3,500), FRS-FNRS Full-expense Grant for Attending the ECPR SSMT (2 weeks, ➾1,500), FRS-FNRS Full-time PhD Scholarship (4 years, ➾20,000 + ➾1,250 per year), FRS-FNRS 2015 2014 2013 2012 2012 2009 2008 MISC. Software Stata (excellent), LateX (excellent), R (good), Z-Tree (good) SPSS, FS/QCA (for teaching purposes) Languages French (native), English (excellent), Dutch (good) Organization Organization of a MEDW panel at the ECPR General Conference Organization of a MEDW workshop at the APSA Annual Meeting Organization of the Montreal Voting Experiment Workshop Coordinator of the MEDW pre- and post-election panel survey in Belgium Webmastering of the MEDW project ( ) Organization of a Workshop on QCA and Fuzzy Sets at the ECPR Joint Sessions Webmastering of the Compass QCA resource Website ( ) Authoring of some op-ed pieces in the Belgian newspaper Le Soir 2014 2014 2014 2014 2012–2014 2012 2007–2012 2008–2014 REFERENCES Andr´e Blais, University of Montreal (Postdoc supervisor, research collaborator ) Benoˆıt Rihoux, University of Louvain, UCL (PhD supervisor, research and teaching collaborator Jean-Benoit Pilet, University of Brussels, ULB (PhD committee member, research collaborator Thomas Gschwend, University of Mannheim (research collaborator ) ) )
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