February 1, 2015 Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Bless us with your presence. Serving as the Mother Church of the Diocese of Richmond Twinning with the Catholic Community of Carissade, Haiti Serving the Campuses of Virginia Commonwealth University The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo Bishop of Richmond Monsignor Patrick D. Golden Rector 800 S. Cathedral Place, Richmond, VA 23220-4853 Office: (804) 359-5651 Fax: (804) 358-8043 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm www.richmondcathedral.org Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time FREE Concert of Music for Weddings and other Festive Occasions Sunday, February 15, 2015, 2:00 pm Michele Orr, Soprano; Anthony Smith, Bass-Baritone; Flute, & Dr. Michael Davidson, Trumpet Parish Staff Rector, Rev. Msgr. Patrick Golden | [email protected] Rev. Msgr. Stephen Osei-Duah, Parochial Vicar | [email protected] Deacon, Rev. Mr. Marshall Banks, MD | [email protected] Deacon, Rev. Mr. Chris Malone | [email protected] Deacon, Rev. Mr. Mark Matte | [email protected] Deacon, Rev. Mr. Charles Williams | [email protected] Minister of Liturgy & Music, Dr. Patrick Carlin | [email protected] Director of Religious Education, Maria Thorsen | [email protected] Youth Ministry Coordinator, Elizabeth Riegler | [email protected] VCU Campus Minister, Joshua Dart | [email protected] VCU Campus Minister, Mary Rebecca Anderson | [email protected] Business Administrator, Kim Kremer | [email protected] Administrative Secretary, Jayne Hushen | [email protected] Administrative Assistant/Membership Services, Candice Davis | [email protected] Bookkeeper, Tiffany Baham | [email protected] Facilities, Patrick Garrett | 804-248-2207 | [email protected] Daniel Hudson | 804-874-6152 Pastoral Council, Donna Newcomb | [email protected] Finance Council, Steve Brincefield | [email protected] For a complete list of our ministries, committees and ways to get involved please refer to our Parish Resource Guide on our Website or pick up a copy at the entrance to the church. This Week at the Cathedral Prayers and Praise Saturday, January 31, 2015 8:00 am RCIA Retreat at Comboni Sisters 3:30 pm Docent Training 4:45 pm Sant’ Egidio Prayer 5:15 pm Mass † Patricia Boudreau Sick: Dennis Bellone, Gabriel Peter Norment, Patricia Golden, Gina Lohr, Ed Dunn, Jr., Eddie Dunn, III, Sally Pastore, Mike Inzitari, Frank Inzitari, Thelma Robinson, John Kuhn, Jerry Kuhn, Shep Harder, Miguel Lopes, Michael Amrhein, Mimi Eynon, Barbara Kersey, Sheila Dolan, Joseph Dees, Tony Smith, Dylan Marshall, Donald Barkman, Jean Serini, Stephanie Merenda, Gerald Dennis Neville, Amy Tweedale, Linda Brown, Billie Sutherland Moore, Fr. Paul Richardson, Kimberly Werner Hampton, Jenny Mileto, Nancy Munson, Rae Funk, Raymond Wilkerson, Jim Crowe, Chrystal Muldrow, Mark Eckstein, Pete Scherer, Mark Rittling, Kristell Jimemez, Karen Massengil, Mary Brocking, Pat Mirr, Edward Klein, Larry and Sharon Lilly, Marjorie Dineen, Mark Patrick Cotham, Walter Bullard, Anne Hutchins, Patrice Morris, Melvin Spurlock, Tim Dolan, Janine Thompson and Lidia Quagliano. Also, please continue to pray for those written in the Book of the Sick and those in our Armed Forces. Sunday, February 1, 2015 Haiti Solidarity Weekend Community Sunday - Refreshments & Fellowship in following 9 & 11 am Mass 9:00 am Mass † Allen Goolsby West 10:00 am Children’s Formation Classes 11:00 am Mass -- Cathedral Parishioners 2:00 pm Confirmation Module #2 5:15 pm Mass -- Emily Ko 6:15 pm CCM Student Sunday Supper Monday, February 2, 2015 12:05 pm Daily Mass † C. John DiPol Tuesday, February 3, 2015 12:05 pm Daily Mass † John Edwin Bailey 12:30 pm Little Rock Scripture Group 6:00 pm RCIA ednesday, February 4, 2015 W 10:00 am Brookdale Senior Living Tour 12:05 pm Daily Mass † Joan Dalton 6:00 pm CCM Reconciliation 7:00 pm Separated & Divorced Support Group 7:15 pm Student Mass and Adoration Thursday, February 5, 2015 12:05 pm Daily Mass 6:30 pm Chinese Students and Scholars Bible Study F riday, February 6, 2015 12:05 pm Daily Mass † Celedonion Gonzalez Saturday, February 7, 2015 8:00 am Confirmation Retreat for 10th Graders 9:00 am Holy Week Preparation Meeting in Parish Office 4:45 pm Sant’ Egidio Prayer 5:15 pm Mass † Louise Kelly 6:15 pm Private Baptism Sunday, February 8, 2015 9:00 am Mass † Alvaro Roco 10:00 am Children’s Formation Classes 10:00 am Full Circle of Grief 10:00 am “Radical Hospitality” Adult Faith Formation 11:00 am Mass † Ernest Schleicher 12:00 pm First Reconciliation Class 5:15 pm Mass -- Cathedral Parishioners 6:15 pm CCM Student Sunday Supper Our weekly offertory has been running consistently below budget for the last 6-months primarily due to offertory pledges that are behind expected levels and loss of gifts from parishioners who have recently moved. Monsignor and staff are maintaining overall expenses below budget to address the shortfall. Unless the trend changes, we will need to evaluate further cuts as we look at the upcoming budget. We thank you for your continued generosity to the Cathedral and ask that you prayerfully consider either meeting your current pledge or if you have not made a pledge consider an increased gift. @ Seminarians: John Baab, John Christian, Deacon Danny Cogut, Taylor Hall, Jamie Hickman, Deacon Matt Kiehl, Mark Kowalski, Marton Lonart, Deacon Nick Mammi, Chris Masla, Miguel Melendez, Dan Molochko, Kyle O’Connor, James O’Reilly, Andrew Oehmann, Frank Petsche, Nick Redmond, Justin Shuma, Cassidy Stinson. RCIA Candidates and Catechumens Catechumens: Taylor Alas, Oscar Bastidas, Jem Chapman, Courtney Donner, Crystal Greene, Jessica Hladky, Christopher Lee, Brandon Monahan, Sierra Roman, Stephen Sovinsky, Barbara Sulimay, Zanas Talley, Carla Wong Confirmands: Sophia Choi, Celia Cifuentes, Lineth Cobarrobias, Erika Cruz, Susan Horn, Amanda Olivas, Luke Payne, Monique Sanchez and Julliette Zeballos-Perez Candidates: Patrick Ambrose, Erik Draves, Danielle Harris, Amber Petrohovich, Haden Yonce and Adam Yost Welcome our New Members who joined us in January: Matthew & Kathryn Ferrett and Samuel, Charles & Stephanie Lawson, Chris Sill, Chris Peratta, Agneta Liubinaite, Kingley Nwoko. The Pope’s general prayer intention for February is: Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Evangelization: That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. We pray to overcome in Christ’s name the heritage of racism: To overcome ignorance, indifference, resentment, and bitterness with regard to race in both private and public life. Congratulations to Margi and Bill Fox who celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary on February 6, 2015 Weekly Offerings For Fiscal Year beginning 7/1/2014 The Cathedral is grateful for last week’s collection. Regular Offertory Amount Budgeted Amount Received Difference Preservation Social Justice Poor and Needy Haiti Diocesan Respect Life Last Week $20,605 $22,267 $1,662 Year to Date $641,572 $620,417 -$21,155 $50,890$128,284 $489 $28,154 $11$11,801 $2,136 $2,141 Next weeks second collection will be for The Cathedral Preservation. Catholic Campus Ministry at VCU Diocesan Youth Conference Rosary Monday nights | 9:00 pm Vesper’s (evening prayer) Friday evenings | 6:00 pm Open to all 8-12 grade students. The Diocesan Youth Conference is an event held each calendar year to gather high school youth from all 145 parishes located in the Diocese of Richmond to one central location. The conference is a highly energetic, engaging, and awesome opportunity for our high school teenagers to gather as a larger Church community and celebrate the amazing richness of our Catholic Christian faith. To register, please contact Liz Riegler @ [email protected]. Come join the CCM for prayer on Monday nights and Friday evenings! Student Mass and Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays | 7:15 pm Father Stephen will be providing Confession from 6:00 - 7:00 pm Daily Mass is cool and everything, but Wednesday Student Mass with Adoration? Why would you not stop by?! Come join us Friday Morning Prayer | 7:30 am I’ll have the breakfast toast, a moment with Jesus, and some cream and sugar for my coffee please. Daily Mass | 12:05 pm Everybody goes to church on Sundays, but daily mass is even greater! Go see why – it’ll only take you 30 minutes. Catholic Coffee Tuesday | 7:30 am CCM will be giving out FREE COFFEE Tuesday Mornings to all the folks that pass by. We could use some help making morning coffee, and as always we’ll save you a cup. Mini Twilight Retreat Friday | 7:00 - 9:00 pm So you’re too busy for a regular 24-hour retreat eh? No problem! We’ve got a mini Retreat going on next week for the time-commitmentchallenged. It’ll be awesome! Beyond the Cathedral 7th Annual Mardi Gras Themed Silent Auction Friday, February 6 | 6:00-9:00 pm | Our Lady of Lourdes Church 8200 Woodman Rd. | www.facebook.com/events/390452087772856 Join together with family, friends and your local community for an adultonly evening of Food, Fun & Entertainment while raising money for a great cause. Wine and beer will be available for purchase. Complimentary appetizers. Auction items include: One Week Stay at a Villa in Tuscany, Autographed Sports Memorabilia, Jewelry, Restaruant and Retail Gift Certificates, Loaded Baskets, Museum and Theatre Tickets, Photography Sessions and much more! For information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/390452087772856 All Saints Open House Tuesday, February 3 | 8:30 - 11:00 am | 804-329-7524 All are welcome to All Saints Catholic School’s Open House on Tuesday, February 3 from 8:30-11:00 am. Enjoy school tours and an opportunity to observe a class in action. For more information, call 804-329-7524 or visit www.allsaintsric.org Applications for the 2014-15 school year are now being accepted. Cathedral Information Daily Mass Schedule: Monday - Friday: 12:05 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:15 pm Sunday: 9:00 am 11:00 am & 5:15 pm Saturday: 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm If you’re interested in becoming Catholic contact Maria Thorsen at [email protected] or 804-212-3888 For Weddings, call Jayne Hushen in the Parish Office at 804-212-3892. For Mass Intenions, call Candice Davis in the Parish Office at 804-359-5651. Christian Marriage Formation Program for Engaged Couples, www.cdrcmfl.org/marriage-family/mariage-preparation/ Infant Baptisms - A Baptism Registration Form is available at the door of the church or on our website - www.richmondcathedral.org February 27 - March 1 | Richmond Marriott, downtown Parish Community Life Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation for Youth Sunday, February 8 | 12:00 noon [email protected] Preparation to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place on the following dates: January 11 (12:00-2:00 pm), January 25 (12:00-2:00 pm) February 8 (12:00-2:00 pm) Parents will have instruction at the same time your child is receiving their instruction. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be at 10:00 am on February 21. All classes will begin with a Pot Luck lunch in the Parish Hall. If you have any questions please email Mary Alice Teller: [email protected] or [email protected] Preparation for the Sacrament of First Eucharist for Youth Sunday, March 8 & 22, & April 19 | 12:00 noon [email protected] Preparation for the Sacrament of first Eucharist will take place on the following dates. Parents will have instruction at the same time your child is receiving their instruction. March 8 (12:00-2:00 pm) March 22 (12:00-2:00 pm) April 19 (12:00-2:00 pm). Sacrament of First Eucharist will be during the 9:00 and 11:00 am Masses on May 3, 2015. If you have any questions please email: [email protected] or [email protected] Preparation for 10th Grade Sacrament of Confirmation Liz Riegler at [email protected] Confirmation preparation for 10th graders begins in January. The preparation consists of 4 modules and a retreat. If you are in 10th grade and would like to be Confirmed this year, please contact Liz Riegler as soon as possible for a registration packet: [email protected] This is a requirement for all 10th graders being Confirmed in May, 2015. Requirements: Module #2: February 1 at the Cathedral, 2:00-5:00 pm Confirmation Retreat: February 7, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm at St. Mary, Richmond Module #3: March 8, 2-5:00 pm at St. Paul, Richmond Module #4: April 19, 2-5:00 pm at Holy Rosary, Richmond Nursery is open from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Sundays for children ages 12 mos. to 3 years. The nursery is on the lower level (take the elevator). Ordained Ministry and Religious Life: For information about the life and ministry of priests, deacons, and seminarians of men & women in religious life, contact Fr. Michael Boehling at 804-359-5661 or www.richmonddiocese.org/vocations Self-Guided Tour: When visiting the Cathedral, pick up a Self‐Guided Tour pamphlet at the front entrance. To view the tour on our website, visit: www.richmondcathedral.org/ selfguidedtour.pdf We welcome new members to our parish! You can fill out a registration form found at the back of the church, or email [email protected], or fill out an online registration form on our website: www.richmondcathedral.org During Weekday Masses, Parking Passes Are Not Needed Parish Faith Formation Programs "Full Circle of Grief" Sunday, February 8 | 10:00 am | Parish Hall On February 8, Drew Burrichter, a parishioner of Cathedral and the Director of Mission for Bon Secours Health Source will bring us a presentation from 10:00 - 11:00 am in the Parish Hall. "Full Circle of Grief' has a mission to provide comprehensive and professional grief support for children, adults, family and the community. Please come to learn about the many compassionate programs that are provided by this organization. Bingo is Back! Saturday, February 21 | 6:30 pm Parish Hall The Knights of Columbus, Bernard J. Quinn Council #11710, will be having their Annual Bingo Night Fundraiser on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Please come out and join the Knights and our church parishioners for an evening of FUN, fellowship, and food. Door prizes and raffle items will be available. Mark your calendar for this great event! More information will be forthcoming. Hope to see you there! “Reflections” Session #2 February 8, 15, and 22 The book that will be used is titled Radical Hospitality. St. Benedict wrote about Hospitality, welcoming the outsider, the poor, the pilgrim. Guests are crucial to the making of any heart. Read and discuss about how we can welcome the Divine in the stranger. The facilitator of this group is Mike Jackman. If you have any questions please email Maria Thorsen at [email protected] Separated or Divorced Catholics Support Group February 8, 11, 19 and 25 | 7:00 pm [email protected] As a Catholic community we practice love and healing; love is a service to our community”. . . There can be healing during and after a divorce. A program will be offered at Cathedral to minister to those experiencing a separation of their marriage or a divorce. This group will meet in the Parish Offices on the following dates and time: February 4, 11, 19 & 25. All sessions will begin at 7:00 pm. If you are interested in joining this group or have questions, please email Maria Thorsen. The facilitator, Christine Cestaro, is experienced in this support group. Commonwealth Chris Joseph Lisa Joseph Associate Broker / REALTOR® 7201 Glen Forest Drive, Suite 104, Richmond, VA 23226 Chris: 804-276-2932 Lisa: 804-276-2370 Fax: 804-612-2829 [email protected] | www.josephrealtygroup.com Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Readings and Reflection February 1 Dt 18 : 15-20 1 Cor 7 : 32–35 Mark 1 : 21–28 February 8 Job 7 : 1-4, 6-7 1 Cor 9 : 16-19, 22-23 Mark 1 : 29-39 Prepare for Sunday Mass using an online resource that includes a copy of the readings and much more. To access, go to the parish website and click on “Prepare for Sunday.” 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Gospel continues our reading from Mark and describes what some believe was likely to have been a typical day in Jesus’ ministry. Jesus and the disciples that chose to follow him in last week’s Gospel arrive at Capernaum, a small village on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus teaches in the synagogue on the Sabbath. Mark reports that the people respond to Jesus’ teaching with astonishment, noting Jesus’ authority and contrasting it with the scribes’. Early in Mark’s Gospel we already find evidence of the tension that will manifest itself fully in Jerusalem. After Jesus’ preaching, an even more astonishing thing happens. A man possessed with an unclean spirit calls out to Jesus. As we see in this example and throughout Mark’s Gospel, the spirits and demons seem to know Jesus and are often fearful of him. In fact, they seem to understand Jesus’ identity better than his disciples. As we will read again and again in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus orders the spirit to be quiet and drives the unclean spirit out of the man. Jesus’ ability to heal those possessed by demons is an indication of his power over evil. In the prescientific age of Jesus’ time, all illnesses were understood to be manifestations of evil and sinfulness. Our modern understanding of illness is very different. Possession by unclean spirits may have been a way to describe what we might call mental illness today. It may have even been a way of describing certain kinds of physical conditions. There is evidence that there were many kinds of exorcists and healers in first-century Palestine. Jesus appears to be like these healers, but he heals with unique authority and connects his healing activities with the words of his preaching. We are missing the point that Mark is trying to make in this Gospel, however, if we try to explain away the healing work of Jesus. The crowds see in Jesus’ cure of the possessed man further affirmation of his authority. Jesus’ power to heal gives greater credence to his teaching. Jesus impresses the crowds through his words, which are manifested with power in his deeds. Mark’s Gospel tells us that because of the authority with which he healed, Jesus’ fame spread throughout all of Galilee. ©LoyolaPress RCIA Prayer Partners Would you please pray for the members of the RCIA program? Please consider being a “PRAYER PARTNER” for an RCIA member. The RCIA members are entering a time closer to their full initiation in the Catholic faith at the Easter Vigil. As a “Prayer Partner” you will be given the name of a member of RCIA so you can pray for them by name. Please email [email protected] if you are interested. Most Striking Place to Worship! Congratulations to the Cathedral, the Most Striking Place to Worship, as judged and selected by the readership of Richmond Bride! Please join in thanking our wedding coordinators, religious celebrants, musicians, and all individuals who earned this designation through their tireless work in creating a truly blessed and memorable sacrament for over 60 couples each year! Be sure to mark your calendars for our annual FREE concert of wedding music at 2:00 pm on Sunday, Feb. 15. For more information on this concert or weddings at Cathedral, please visit our website; a few 2015 dates are still available but booking quickly!
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