Subject: ANNUAL THEFT AND FRAUD REPORT 2013/14 Circular Reference: HSC(F) 05-2015 Date of Issue: 29 January 2015 For Information to: Superseded Documents: Chief Executive and Director of Finance of each HSC Body and NIFRS Summary of Contents: This circular advises DHSSPS Arms Length Bodies of the publication of DFP’s Annual Theft and Fraud Report 2013/14. HSC(F) 16/2014 Related Documents: DAO (DFP) 01/15 Expiry Date: Enquiries: Not Applicable Any enquiries about the contents of this Circular should be addressed to: Paula Shearer Finance Policy, Accountability and Counter Fraud Unit Room D3 Castle Buildings Stormont Estate BELFAST BT4 3SQ Tel: 028 90765689 [email protected] Status of Contents: For Information and action if appropriate ANNUAL THEFT AND FRAUD REPORT 2013/14 Purpose 1. This is to inform you that DFP has issued the following letter: DAO (DFP) 01/15: ANNUAL THEFT AND FRAUD REPORT 2013/14. A copy of this letter is attached for your information. Information 2. The annual theft and fraud report for 2013/14 on actual, suspected and attempted theft and fraud within Northern Ireland Departments and their arm’s length bodies has been published on the DFP website and can be accessed at: Annual Theft and Fraud Report 2013/141. 3. It is hoped that this report will assist managers and staff understand the areas which are particularly at risk from fraud and ensure that appropriate controls are established and implemented to help prevent and detect such cases. 4. Section 3 gives an overview on the number of cases reported with theft continuing to be most common accounting for 37% of all cases. Health specific which covers prescription (Fraudulent Medication Reports) and inappropriate access to health services accounts for 16% of all reported fraud, payment process and pay related equate to 19%, with the balance attributed to various categories including grant related and abuse of position. 5. Section 3.22 of the report highlights the number of cases reported through established whistle blowing procedures and also the need for organisations to actively promote and support whistle blowing policies and procedures. 6. Section 4 provides more detail on types of fraud and in particular paragraphs 4.7 – 4.11 discuss health related fraud. 1 Action 7. Please ensure that this circular is brought to the attention of the appropriate staff within your business area and that any relevant action points are noted. Should you have any queries please contact Paula Shearer on 02890 765689. Paula Shearer Finance Policy, Accountability and Counter Fraud Unit Jack Layberry Treasury Officer of Accounts Public Spending Directorate Room S11 Rathgael House Balloo Road BANGOR BT19 7NA Tel No: 028 91858212 (x 68212) email: [email protected] and [email protected] DAO (DFP) 01/15 13 January 2015 Dear Accounting Officer ANNUAL THEFT AND FRAUD REPORT 2013/14 Purpose 1. The purpose of this DAO is to advise departments of the publication of the Annual Theft and Fraud Report for 2013/14. 2. The report includes cases of actual, attempted and suspected thefts and frauds reported by NI departments, their agencies and Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs). Its purpose is to provide an analysis of the cases reported in order to assist organisations identify risk areas and to help advise them on how such cases can be detected and prevented through established control mechanisms. Action 3. Departments should draw the 2013/14 Report to the attention of staff in departments, agencies and ALBs. The report is available on the AFMD website under the DAO and Fraud sections. 4. DAO (DFP) 04/14 (which announced the publication of the 2012/13 Annual Theft and Fraud Report) and FD (DFP) 03/14 (which commissioned the annual fraud return exercise for 2013/14 on which this report is based) are now withdrawn. Queries 5. Any queries regarding this letter or report should be addressed to Alison Caldwell ([email protected]), telephone 028 9185 8249, ext 68249. Yours sincerely JACK LAYBERRY cc: Alison Caldwell Fraud Forum Members
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