A $1.27 million settlement has been reached between the City of Toledo and the Toledo Police Command Officers Association for the city’s exigent circumstances. Here is the list of union members and their share of the settlement. Anderson, John $9,620.84 Armola, Paul $10,309.04 Bechtel, Jeffrey $9,850.98 Bergman, Patrick $2,817.77 Bobash, Cynthia $12,482.63 Bombrys, Edward $11,777.65 Bombrys, Matthew $11,045.41 Bombrys, Wesley $12,938.14 Bonner, David $9,412.84 Borowske, Michael $8,740.20 Braun, Kevin $2,786.20 Brown, James $9,037.16 Brown, Jason $9,647.92 Brown, Roque $10,119.34 Burks, Gloria $4,508.62 Campbell, Timothy $10,553.87 Carroll, Raymond $8,970.39 Chandler, Diane $2,901.67 Coates, Tyson $8,014.56 Collins, Mack $9,988.50 Collins, Mark $11,359.47 Comes, Michael $3,418.60 Cook, Phillip $9,634.78 Cornell, James $7,682.43 Cunningham, Paul $1,733.01 Cutcher, Leo $8,408.04 Daly, Michael $11,542.99 Delaney, Christopher $9,575.39 Dudley, Richard $7,984.59 Dunn, Charles $9,587.96 Eggert, Julia $12,128.05 Eggert, Leo $10,468.22 Evanoff, Mark $9,868.78 Forrester, Steven $148.24 Frederick, Ronald $9,421.75 Furr, Robert $8,036.93 Fry, Mark $10,381.61 Hanus, Timothy $9,837.91 Harris, Samuel $3,572.87 Heer, Jerry $9,789.98 Heffernan, Joseph $11,234.49 Hellom, Robert $11,004.49 Hennessy, Jeffrey $9,249.85 Henry, Robert $10,481.14 Hickey, Paul $9,513.62 Holland, Edward $2,830.34 Hoover, Richard $9,530.97 Hunt, Cheryl $10,832.06 Humes, Charles $9,276.31 Gerken, Daniel $11,115.10 Giesige, Norman $10,234.61 Gilmore, Michael $1,134.51 Glover, Geoffrey $10,063.24 Gomez, Patricia $1,908.72 Gorney, Jeffrey $12,942.39 Jeffries, Sharon $9,456.05 Crooks, Angela $9,681.34 Jones, Sean $10,353.43 Kennedy, Roy $1,672.14 Kikolski, Lee $8,954.87 King, Mark $11,136.63 King, Phillip $2,282.60 Korsog, Kevin $12,082.63 Kosmyna, Thomas $9,768.67 Kral, George $11,409.35 Laforge, Thomas $7,729.82 Lamb, Steven $1,668.37 Lavey, Peter $9,619.26 Layson, Timothy $9,551.63 Lehman, Robert $9,732.07 Long, Paul $11,971.08 Mack, Edward $8,928.10 Madison, Anita $8,979.54 Mahlman, Greg $3,340.35 Marshall, Lisa $9,389.20 Martensen, Karen $9,665.73 Marzec, Robert $11,467.19 Matwiejczyk, Gerald $11,295.27 McCalebb, Sharon $9,218.63 McGee, Michael $9,668.60 Miller, Keith $2,056.51 Miller, Todd $9,761.89 2 Mohr, Edward $9,668.53 Morelli, Thomas $12,166.18 Moreno, Richard $10,105.86 Moton, William $12,700.74 Mueller, David $12,201.17 Navarro, Ronald $9,073.21 Nichols, Ashley $9,740.81 Niemiec, Joseph $9,675.83 Noble, Timothy $11,006.56 O'Bryant, James $12,234.12 Pachell, Jeffrey $9,968.71 Palmer, John $9,369.45 Papenfus, Albert $10,521.18 Parton, Ronald $10,140.94 Pepitone, Randall $12,740.04 Permar, Ronald $2,059.85 Pfeifer, Ronald $8,386.27 Phillips, Wayne $9,406.48 Poole, Duane $2,135.51 Przybylski, Cheryl $11,175.62 Raab, Daniel $9,908.87 Ramirez, Frank $10,998.21 Ray, Daniel $9,340.18 Renz, Laurie $1,951.15 Rider, Waylond $8,650.15 Rose, John $3,567.49 Rose, Mary Ann $3,655.90 Krause, Diana $10,680.55 Russell, Corey $8,672.61 Russell, Kelli $8,118.02 Schmidt, David $11,130.18 Schneider, Raleigh $9,594.76 Schramm, Jennifer $9,074.68 Schultz, Daniel $12,304.39 Scoble, Brentis $9,948.86 Scoble, Christopher $3,046.50 Shaner, William $10,298.68 Skinner, Patrick $10,051.80 Smith, Kevin $9,944.40 Snyder, Keefe $8,983.82 Sterling, Scott $3,813.83 Stewart, Terrence $8,282.35 Sulewski, Jeffrey $11,386.14 3 Szymanski, Randolph $11,458.90 Tate, Ova $3,703.10 Taylor, George $10,465.39 Taylor, Mark $9,394.29 Tetuan, Paul $95.42 Thieman, Jeffrey $9,842.43 Toney, Phillip $10,314.08 Trevino, Richard L. $3,337.70 Troendle, Michael $11,352.31 Tucker, Benjamin $11,772.69 Twining, Brian $11,218.17 Vasquez, Louis $6,984.06 Wauford, William $10,129.94 Weis, Bradley $11,565.29 Welling, Eric $2,750.66 Westbrook, Augustus $9,123.80 Whitman, Richard $3,403.63 Wiegand, Thomas $11,397.15 Williams, Karrie $3,460.26 Williams, Thomas $3,282.39 Williamson, Howard $10,406.81 Youngs, Thomas $6,668.16 Zarecki, Stephen $2,924.61 Zawodny, James $6,970.76
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