This document contains both information and form fields. To read information, use the Down Arrow from a form field. Programs & Events Spring/Summer 2015 Read! Learn! Grow! Registration opens Sat Feb 7, 2015 Be inspired at your library. Visit Create & Play Technology Storytimes Author Visits 1 | About Spring/Summer 2015 your library Programs & Events is published by the Oakville Public Library 120 Navy Street, Oakville, ON, L6J 2Z4 Telephone: 905-815-2042 Fax: 905-815-2024 Visit our website: n n n n n Closing Schedule Programs & Events Spring/Summer 2015 Read! Learn! Grow! Registration opens Sat Feb 7, 2015 Be inspired at your library. Visit 2015 Family Day* Mon, Feb 16th Create & Play Technology Storytimes Author Visits Holiday Closings .................................................. 1 Frequently Called Numbers .............................. 1 Branch Information ................................................ 2 Rediscover your library ....................................... 3 Adult Programs ...............................................12 - 18 Adult Events ...........................................................12 - 13 Genealogy Workshops ......................................13 - 14 Newcomer Programs ..........................................14 - 15 TechConnect ................................................................ 16 n n n Teen Programs ................................................17 - 18 Special Events for all ...................................19 - 23 Children’s Programs .....................................25 - 35 School Age Programs .........................................25 - 29 Preschool Programs ............................................30 - 35 n n The library will be closed on the following days for statutory holidays: Friends of the Oakville Public Library ......... 29 Registration & iris information ...............45 - 48 Registration for programs begins Sat, Feb 7, 2015 unless otherwise stated in the program description. The library reserves the right to cancel programs if the minimum number of participants is not met. This document is published semi-annually by the Community Engagement Department of the Oakville Public Library in co-operation with the Oakville Beaver. For more information about the programs listed, please contact the branch or department listed. For general information about this publication, call the Marketing and Development Office at 905-815-2042, ext. 5092. Good Friday Fri, Apr 3rd Easter Sunday Sun, Apr 5th Victoria Day Sun, May 17th Mon, May 18th Canada Day Christmas Eve Thu, Dec 24th Christmas Day Fri, Dec 25th Wed, July 1st Civic Holiday Sun, Aug 2nd Mon, Aug 3rd Boxing Day Sat, Dec 26th Labour Day New Year’s Eve Thu, Dec 31st Sun, Sep 6th Mon, Sep 7th New Year’s Day Fri, Jan 1st, 2016 Thanksgiving Sun, Oct 11th Mon, Oct 12th *Family Day: Central, Glen Abbey & Iroquois Ridge Branches open 9am -5pm Frequently Called Numbers General Enquiries Adult Information (Central) Children’s Information (Central) Automated Telephone Renewals Hours & Locations Information Oakville Special Needs Services Town of Oakville 905-815-2042 905-815-2044 905-815-2045 905-815-5996 905-815-2040 905-815-2046 905-815-2036 905-845-6601 2014 Oakville Public Library Board of Trustees*: Eric Sutherland - Chair, Adrian Paris - Vice Chair, Mark Bettiol, Lisa Csele, Councillor Alan Johnston, Gary Gallacher, Brett Herrington, Councillor Jeff Knoll, Philip Neukom, Peggy Phillips. Members of the public are welcome to attend open meetings of the board. Please visit the library website for additional details. *A new Board will be in place by April 25. About | 2 your library Regular Hours: Central Branch 120 Navy Street, Oakville L6J 2Z4 Ph: 905-815-2042 Fax: 905-815-2024 Glen Abbey Branch 1415 Third Line, Oakville L6M 3G2 Ph: 905-815-2039 Fax: 905-815-5978 Iroquois Ridge Branch 1051 Glenashton Drive, Oakville L6H 6Z4 Ph: 905-338-4247 Fax: 905-338-4248 Monday – Thursday Friday & Saturday Sunday 9:30am – 9pm 9:30am – 5pm 1– 5pm Summer Hours: July and August Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10am – 8pm 10am – 5pm 10am – 5pm 1– 5pm White Oaks Branch Woodside Branch Regular Hours: Summer Hours: July and August (inside White Oaks Secondary School) 1070 McCraney Street, E., Oakville L6H 2R6 Ph: 905-815-2038 Fax: 905-815-5972 Monday – Thursday 9:30am – 8:30pm Friday & Saturday 9:30am – 5pm Sunday 1– 5pm 1274 Rebecca Street, Oakville L6L 1Z2 Ph: 905-815-2036 Fax: 905-815-5954 Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10am – 8pm 10am – 5pm Closed 1– 5pm Clearview Neighbourhood Branch (inside James W. Hill Public School) 2860 Kingsway Drive, Oakville L6J 6R3, Ph: 905-815-2033 Fax: 905-815-2034 Regular Hours: Monday – Thursday Saturday Friday & Sunday 3:30pm – 8:30pm 1– 5pm Closed Summer Hours: July and August Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday Friday & Sunday 10am – 3pm 3pm– 8pm 1pm– 5pm Closed Book Nook/Book Depot Locations: Developed to provide easy access to books, lending works on the honour system, so no library card is required. Book Nooks are for preschoolers and Depots for teens. • Halton Multicultural Council Offices, Dundas Street and Speers Road • Kids & Me, Dorval Apartments • Oakville Parent-Child Centre, Sixth Line • Oakville Parent-Child Centre, North Service Rd • Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre • Bronte Youth Centre (Teen Book Depot) • Clearview Church, Sheridan Garden Drive • Oakville Youth Centre (Teen Book Depot) • Kerr Street Ministry Dream Centre (Book Nook & Teen Book Depot) • Oakville YMCA (Book Nook & Youth Book Depot) • Queen Elizabeth Park Community & Cultural Centre (Book Nook & Teen Book Depot) 3 | About Spring/Summer 2015 your library eBooks and audiobooks Thousands of titles for all ages spanning all genres. ! y a d o t s p p a r u o e r Explo ation visit ww For more inform Hoopla• Overdrive Movies and TV Shows For the whole family, without the worry of late fees. eMagazines r, Todayʼs most popula ds. as they hit newsstan Zi nio Full albums and single tracks for all musical tastes. eMusic Hoopla• Freegal• Naxos w w w. op l.c a music, movies, tv shows, eBooks, audiobooks and magazines Adult | 12 Programs Crime Writers of Canada Hot Crime in a Cool Clime - Take 2! Join us again for a criminally good panel featuring some of the hottest crime writers in Canada! Melodie Campbell, Linwood Barclay, Jill Downie, Dorothy McIntosh and Howard Shrier will discuss the writing process, what’s happening in the mystery/crime genre and will read from their newest books. Don Graves, mystery book reviewer, will moderate a lively question and answer period. Age: 18 and up Cost: $15/Ticket Queen Elizabeth Park Community & Cultural Centre Thu/Apr 09 7:00pm-8:30pm Tickets available at all library branches starting March 2, 2015 Writing for Children & Young Adults: The World’s Hottest Market If you want to write the next best-selling children’s books or just want to create stories for your own kids, this workshop is for you. Learn how to write stories kids and young adults will love and find out what you need to know to sell your book. Anne Shone, a Senior Editor at Scholastic Canada, will be our guest speaker! Workshop leader Brian Henry has been a book editor and creative writing instructor for more than 25 years. He publishes Quick Brown Fox, Canada’s most popular blog for writers and his proudest boast is that he has helped many of his students get published. Age: 18Y and up Cost: $46/1 Class $49 at door Central Branch Auditorium Sat/May 02 10:00am-4:00pm To register, email [email protected]. If you do not have email, please call Elise at 905-815-2042 x 5037. Complete details at Seniors’ Series This seniors’ social drop-in offers a different theme each week. Chat with friends and meet new people over tea and coffee. Learn something new, explore new technology and find connections to community services. Series topics will include things like genealogy and your family tree, apps of interest to seniors, accessing online magazines and music, housing options for seniors or how to get the services you need. Help us determine the topics offered by coming and sharing your ideas and interests with us at this relaxed and informal drop-in. Age: 55Y and up Cost: Free/6 Classes Central Branch Auditorium Wed/May 20 11:00am-2:00pm Aimed at Seniors 55+ but open to all interested. An Evening with Terence Young Terence Young is the MP for the riding of Oakville. In 2000, Mr. Young’s 15 year old daughter Vanessa died from taking a prescribed drug. Since that tragic day, Mr. Young has campaigned tirelessly for reforms in the pharmaceutical industry. Mr. Young’s book Death by Prescription, originally published in 2009, and reissued in 2014, tells the story of Mr. Young’s fight for more stringent drug-monitoring in Canada. On November 6, 2014, Bill C-17, Protecting Canadians from Unsafe Drugs Act (Vanessa’s Law) received Royal Assent. Age: 18Y and up Cost: $15/Ticket Central Branch Auditorium Thu/May 21 7:00pm-8:00pm Tickets will go on sale at all branches April 23, 2015 13 | Adult Spring/Summer 2015 Programs An Evening with Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin is the author of Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller, a national bestseller and the winner of a National Business Book Award. His second book, The End of Growth, was also a bestseller and made multiple best book of the year lists in 2012. Rubin was the Chief Economist at CIBC World Markets, where he worked for over 20 years. In his new book, called The Carbon Bubble: What Happens to Us When It Bursts, coming out in May 2015, he addresses Canada’s national economic future – and the financial security of all Canadians. The Carbon Bubble will provide a real national debate on our economic future. Age: 18Y and up Cost: $15/Ticket Queen Elizabeth Park Community & Cultural Centre Mon/Jun 08 7:00pm-8:30pm Tickets available online and at all library branches starting May 11, 2015 Oakville Reads OPL’s Online Book Club Love books? Join Us! Age: 16Y and up Cost: Free It’s brand new, it’s online and it’s ongoing! Join our knowledgeable librarians and other book lovers as we read and discuss a new book every month of the year. Express your thoughts in the discussion forum, or simply sit back, follow along and enjoy what unfolds. Log in whenever you choose; no time commitment is required! Please check the library website for more information or contact us at [email protected] to find out how to join. We’d love to see you there! Oakville’s Flower: The History of the HMCS Oakville On November 5th, 1941, a Canadian World War II corvette was adopted and christened HMCS Oakville just off the shore of our town with great celebrations at Lakeside Park. The ship, its crew, and its exploits were the stuff of legend, and have become only faded stories of which few of us remember. Genealogy Resources Interested in researching your family roots? Our popular workshop will be presented in a lecture format to introduce you to Ancestry Library Edition and other library resources that will help you get started. Age: 14Y and up Cost: Free/1 Class Glen Abbey Branch Thu/Apr 30 Local Author Course Code: 206809 7:00pm-8:30pm Join us to learn more about this incredible ship and its story through photographs and go more in-depth into the history and legacy of the HMCS Oakville with Sean Livingston, author of Oakville’s Flower. Age: 14 and up Cost: $15/Ticket Central Branch Auditorium Thu/May 28 7:00pm-8:30pm Adult | 14 Programs I Want to Research My English & Welsh Ancestors – Two-Part Lecture Series Do you want to research your ancestors from England and Wales but don’t know where to start? This two-part lecture series with professional genealogist Ruth Blair will introduce you to the records available to search and then move on to the other resources you will need to find your English and Welsh ancestors. This is a useful series for beginner and intermediate researchers and will include discussions about what is and isn’t available online. Age: 14Y and up Cost: $8/1 Class Part 1 includes: Civil Registration, Census, Church Records, Tax Records, Probate Records, Estate Records, and Gazetteers & Maps. Central Branch Wed/Jun 03 Course Code: 206885 6:30pm-8:30pm Part 2 includes: City Directories, Newspapers, Military, Family History Societies, Libraries & Archives, Useful Resources, and Welsh Resources. Central Branch Wed/Jun 10 Course Code: 206911 6:30pm-8:30pm Newcomers Oakville Public Library thanks its partners and their staff for offering these programs to our community. We are committed to community engagement through our programs. Settlement Services for Newcomers A settlement worker is available in the library every Monday (at Glen Abbey Branch) and Thursday (at Iroquois Ridge Branch) to meet with newcomers to help them settle and integrate into their new community. Information is provided on education, healthcare, housing, employment, translation services, citizenship tests, citizenship applications and more. Age: 18Y and up Cost: Free/Ongoing To make an appointment call HMC at 905-464-3246 Glen Abbey Branch Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Mar 23 Thu/Mar 26 4:00pm-7:30pm 9:30am-1:00pm Newcomer Conversation Circle Join us in the library every Wednesday. Improve your English conversation skills in a relaxed atmosphere and build your speaking confidence. Come out and share your experiences, learn about your community and discover what the library has to offer. Certificates awarded for participation. Age: 18Y and up Cost: Free/Ongoing Glen Abbey Branch Wed/Mar 25 Glen Abbey Branch Wed/Jul 01 7:00pm-8:30pm 6:00pm-7:30pm To register call The Centre at 905-847-8345, ext. 2 No session on April 6, May 18, August 3 This program at IR begins at 10am in Jul & Aug Citizenship Information Session This information session will help you learn about the new regulations and forms for Canadian citizenship. Find out about the documents you will need and how to check the status of your application online. Get valuable tips on how to prepare for the citizenship test. Age: 18Y and up Cost: Free/Ongoing Woodside Branch Offered monthly 4:30pm-7:30pm Tue/Apr 07, May 5, Jun 2, Jul 14, Aug 11 To register call HMC at 905-842-2486, ext. 223 15 | Adult Spring/Summer 2015 Programs Introduction to Computers Hands-on workshop to help newcomers enhance their computer literacy skills. Includes Microsoft Word, introduction to Excel, and introduction to PowerPoint. Age: 18Y and up Cost: Free/10 Classes Central Branch Sat/Apr 18 10:00am-12:00pm To register call HMC at 905-842-2486, ext. 241 There will not be a class on Sat, May 16, 2015. Immigration Updates For any questions regarding newcomers’ programs please call Florence de Dominicis at 905-815-2042 ext. 5189 Immigration Updates in Mandarin Learn about new Canadian immigration policies and regulations. Find out about the Super Visa, sponsoring family, extending work or study visas, permanent residency and the Provincial Nominee Program. Conducted in the Mandarin language. Age: 18Y and up Cost: Free/1 Class Learn about new Canadian immigration policies and regulations. Find out about the Super Visa, sponsoring family, extending work or study visas, permanent residency and the Provincial Nominee Program. Age: 18Y and up Cost: Free/1 Class Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Jul 20 Glen Abbey Branch Wed/May 13 Know Your Rights at Work 6:30pm-8:00pm 10:00am-11:30am To register call HMC at 905-464-3246 Learn how to apply for permanent residency, open work permit and the new policies on the Live-in Caregiver program. Age: 18Y and up Cost: Free/1 Class This workshop introduces workers to important rights at work. Knowing about workplace rights is often critical in terms of health and safety, and in accessing income security programs. Learn more about employment standards in Ontario, human rights, workplace violence and harassment. Age: 18Y and up Cost: Free/1 Class Glen Abbey Branch Wed/May 20 Central Branch Auditorium Wed/Aug 19 6:00pm-7:30pm To register call NIC at 905-875-3851, ext. 5008 Information Session for Live-in Caregivers 6:30pm-8:00pm To register call HMC at 905-464-3246 To register call NIC at 905-875-3851, ext. 5008 Tutoring Adult Literacy Upgrading, Learning for Life Do you need to improve your reading, writing, math or workplace communication skills? Would you like to go back to school, increase your employment opportunities or become more independent? The Oakville Literacy Council can help you develop your skills and meet your goals. Work with a trained volunteer tutor once a week and reach your potential. Age: 19Y and up Cost: $70.00 annual registration fee. Tutoring is free. Tutors and students meet in Oakville Public Library branches. To make an appointment call Oakville Literacy Council, Learning for Life, 905-469-8528 Adult | 16 Programs TechConnect Our new Seniors’ Series covers a variety of topics, which will occasionally include technology help! See pg.12 for more details. Book a Tech Coach Team up with a volunteer tech coach in the library closest to you for one-on-one technology help. Register for one-hour sessions on the topics below. Please note that this program is for beginner users and a library card is required for registration. Topics: • Getting started with your computer or tablet • Getting started with social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest) • Introduction to your digital library: eBooks, audiobooks and more Age: 18Y and up Cost: Free/Ongoing Program is ongoing to June at: Central Branch Clearview Neighbourhood Branch Glen Abbey Branch Iroquois Ridge Branch White Oaks Branch Woodside Branch Call your preferred branch to register. Refer to page 2 for a list of phone numbers. Tech Talk: Cell Phones and Tablets This workshop, presented by ETAG (Elder Technology Assistance Group) will explore the different types of basic cell phones and smartphones that are available, taking the time to explain simply how cell phone contracts work, what to consider when choosing a service plan and how the Apple, Android, and Microsoft devices compare to one another. Topics will include iPhone 6, Windows tablets, the various gadgets running Android as well as some great free websites and apps. Age: 18Y and up Cost: Free/1 Class Central Branch Auditorium Tue/Mar 24 1:00pm-4:00pm To register, please call Central Branch 905-815-2042 Basic Computer Literacy for Adults Learn the basics with confidence. Start at the beginning - turn on the computer, use a mouse, create and save a document, send email and surf the web safely. This class is ideal for you if you have no computer experience and would like to learn in a small group with trained instructors. Age: 19 and up Cost: $100/10 Classes Iroquois Ridge Branch Tue/Apr 21 Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Apr 22 Central Branch Thu/Apr 23 6:00pm-8:00pm 1:00pm-3:00pm 10:00am-12:00pm To register call Oakville Literacy Council 905-469-8528 Tech Talk: Digital Photography Are you new to digital photography or are you making the leap from a point-and-shoot camera to a digital SLR? Or, perhaps you just want to learn more about the features of your camera? Come to this class to learn to shoot beyond the automatic settings and take your photography to the next level. Topics include: - aperture, shutter speed, ISO settings - the various shooting modes and when to use them - white balance, exposure compensation and other controls. We will also cover options for sharing your photos online. Age: 18Y and up Cost: $8/1 Class Central Branch Thu/Apr 23 Course Code: 206880 6:30pm-8:30pm Teen Programs Spring/Summer 2015 17 | Teen Programs Visit for more details about these teen programs Teen Leadership and Communication How can you speak confidently as an adult? Start when you’re young! Here you will learn to create better habits and apply techniques that will support a more confident and enjoyable approach to public speaking and self-expression in general. Using methods from many disciplines in this highly interactive setting will assist you in retaining, building on and applying your learning well into adulthood. This series is taught by Bradd Morgan, a trained facilitator and coach who has led personal development and communication courses over the last 15 years. Age: 13Y-18Y Cost: $56/7 Classes Central Branch Wed/Mar 25 Course Code: 206851 6:30pm-8:00pm Teen SAT Prep Session Are you considering university in the US? This student-led session will take participants through the various sections of the SAT Reasoning Test while providing tips and general information. Two sections of a practice test will follow as well as a draw for some helpful study aids! Grades 9-12 Cost: Free/Drop-In Iroquois Ridge Branch Sat/Mar 28 2:00pm-4:00pm This is a drop-in session with 30 spaces only. To secure a spot early, email [email protected] Comic Countdown Visit us to print a comic book character using our 3D printer, explore some vintage and not so vintage game consoles, and create your own fan button. You will even have the opportunity to test your comic book knowledge with our first ever comic book trivia contest. Winner takes home a one-of-a-kind trophy! Age: 12Y-18Y Cost: Free/Drop-In Central Branch Auditorium Sat/Apr 25 3:00pm-4:30pm Teen Financial Literacy Workshop This workshop will show teens how to budget, finance their education, understand credit and credit ratings. You will also learn some basic investing tips and strategies that will help you to plan for your future, while still balancing wants with needs. After 20 years on Bay St. working in a trading room, instructor Dave Pearson switched careers and began teaching high school business and economics. Age: 13Y-18Y Cost: $8/1 Class Central Branch Sat/May 30 Unplugged Coffee House – A Night of Music & Poetry Come take the stage, observe from the sidelines, or just join us to sip on a warm drink while we celebrate poetry month this year. There will be a competitive poetry slam and unplugged musical acts that explore the link between poetry and music. Age: 14Y-18Y Cost: Free/Drop-In Central Branch Auditorium Thu/Apr 16 7:00pm-8:30pm All musical acts, poets & poetry teams must register through [email protected] by April 1st, 2015. More details will be posted on our website February 15th, 2015 Course Code: 206884 1:00pm-4:30pm Teen | 18 Programs Come create, tinker and explore the world of 3D printing technology. Age: 12Y-18Y Cost: $8/1 Class These hands on classes will introduce you to beginner concepts of 3D printing technology and design. Teen 3D Printing Summer Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Jul 13 Central Branch Wed/Jul 15 Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Aug 10 Course Code: 206953 6:30pm-7:30pm Course Code: 206913 2:30pm-3:30pm Course Code: 206912 2:30pm-3:30pm Teen Central Branch Mon/May 04 Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Apr 13 Central Branch Mon/Jun 08 Course Code: 206853 7:00pm-8:00pm Course Code: 206852 7:00pm-8:00pm Course Code: 206854 7:00pm-8:00pm For the second year, we’re holding our Teen Photography Contest! We’ll be accepting digital photographs from students in grades 7-12 in a variety of categories. Photography Contest Free Contest Contest: open as of July 2, 2015 and closes Labour Day, Mon/Sep 7 at 11:59pm. Entries will be judged by a panel of awardwinning photographers. All details including contest rules will be announced at by June 15. Teen Introduction to Animation In this three part workshop, participants will be introduced to character design and learn to produce the drawings necessary to then animate as a digital flip book in the third class. Instructor Enzo Avolio is a professor of Animation at Sheridan. He is also a seasoned Animator and Character Designer with studio production credits for both Warner Bros. and Disney. Age: 12Y-18Y Cost: $24/3 Classes Central Branch Mon/Jul 20, 27 Thu/Jul 23 Teen 3D Printing Night Course Code: 206917 12:30pm-4:30pm Teen Photography Workshop In this two part workshop, you learn how to use your camera functions properly, light your images and compose your shots. After a week applying these concepts, everyone will gather to evaluate their work and receive feedback from the instructor. Oakville-based photographer Michael Willems is a renowned educator and coach. He teaches photography at Sheridan, Vistek and via his daily blog at Age: 12Y-18Y Cost: $16/2 Class Central Branch Course Code: 206919 Thu/Aug 06 & Aug 13 1:00pm-4:00pm Partnership / High School Ins and Outs for Newcomers Come to this free workshop and you will learn what to expect from the Ontario Education System including the requirements to obtain your OSSD. Parents will learn how to support their children in making decisions and how to stay involved. Students from the International Baccalaureate (IB) program from White Oaks Secondary School will be on hand to tell you more about the program and answer questions. Grades 8-12 Cost: Free/1 Class Central Branch Auditorium Thu/Aug13 5:30pm-7:30pm To register, please contact the Newcomer Information Centre by calling 905-949-0049 ext.1290 or by email at [email protected] 19 | Special Spring/Summer 2015 Events Castlemoon Presents, Chester For this interactive show, kids will make a puppet to help tell the story of the interrupting cat, Chester! Age: 3Y-7Y Cost: $7/1 Class Glen Abbey Branch Mon/Mar 16 Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Mar 16 Course Code: 206923 10:00am-10:45am Course Code: 206828 1:00pm-1:45pm How To Train Your Lemur You know how to train a dragon, but have you learned how to train a lemur? Join Hands on Exotics to learn all about lemurs and get some hands on experience training one! Age: 8Y-12Y Cost: $15/1 Class Glen Abbey Branch Tue/Mar 17 White Oaks Branch Tue/Mar 17 Course Code: 206924 11:00am-12:00pm Course Code: 206925 1:00pm-2:00pm The Great Leprechaun Scavenger Hunt Head out to your local branch to participate in The Great Leprechaun Scavenger Hunt. Once you complete the scavenger hunt, enter to win a shamrock prize pack! There will be one lucky winner at each branch. All Branches Tue/ Mar 17 Winners will be selected at random on Wed/Mar 18 DIY Leather Bracelets With our friends from the Fashion Academy, learn to carve, punch, and finish a leather bracelet of your own. Age: 8Y-12Y Cost: $15/1 Class Woodside Branch Thu/Mar 19 Course Code: 206926 10:00am-11:00am March Break Movie Madness! Join us for an afternoon movie during March Break – a favourite title will be shown, one that will have you laughing as you munch popcorn. Chairs will be provided for adults, as kids curl up on the floor. Popcorn and juice will be available for 50 cents each. Age: All Ages Cost: $5/Ticket $20/group of 5 Central Branch Auditorium Thu/Mar 19 2:00pm-4:00pm Movie title will be announced at & tickets made available at all branches starting Feb 23. Minecraft Live! You’ve played the video game, now join us to catch those creepers, mine for minerals, and build in our Minecraft arena. Age: 5Y and up Cost: Free/Drop-In Glen Abbey Branch Mon/Mar 16 Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Mar 18 White Oaks Branch Thu/Mar 19 2:00pm-3:30pm 2:00pm-3:30pm 10:00am-11:30am Bert’s Comedy Magic Show Enjoy this hilarious, bumbling-fumbling comedy magic show with Bumbling Bert! Bert will amaze you with his silly, zany, whirlwind jokes and magic! Age: All Ages Cost: $5/Ticket Woodside Branch Fri/Mar 20 10:00am-10:45am Tickets will be available at all branches on Friday Mar 6, 2015. Everyone attending must have a ticket. Drop-In and Build with LEGO™ Parents and Kids: come explore with us. We supply the LEGO™, you have fun creating! LEGO™ has been linked to literacy and encourages reasoning skills. Drop in and build with LEGO™! Age: 3Y and up Cost: Free/Drop-In White Oaks Branch Mon/Mar 16 10:00am-11:30am Iroquois Ridge Branch Fri/Mar 20 10:00am-11:30am Special Events | 20 PD Day Programs Mad Science Detective Science Children will step into the role of a detective and discover how forensic science plays a central role in solving crimes. They will create and analyze fingerprints, examine dental records, make teeth impressions and discover how written materials can be analyzed to help solve a crime. Their powers of observation will be put to the test. Age: 6Y-12Y Cost: $15/1 Class Iroquois Ridge Branch Fri/Apr 24 Course Code: 206881 10:00am-11:00am Shakespeare in General: A Workshop Join Shakespeare in Action theatre company for 75 minutes of Shakespeare fun! Work with a professional actor and explore some of Shakespeare’s most popular plays, like Romeo & Juliet and Macbeth. Get a head start on high school and meet other Shakespeare fans! Age: 11Y-13Y Cost: $15/1 Class Iroquois Ridge Branch Fri/Jun 05 Course Code: 206915 10:30am-11:45am Battle of the Books/ April 14 -17, 2015 Sponsored by: Will you be ready? Mad Science Space Technology Space Technology starts with an exploration of space-related technologies used on Earth. Students will use principles of radar technology to find hidden mountains and discover the importance of points of reference to depth perception. From there, it’s out into space with an examination of potential threats to spacecraft. Children build their own comets to take home! Age: 5Y-12Y Cost: $15/1 Class Glen Abbey Branch Fri/Apr 24 Course Code: 206882 2:00pm-3:00pm A Midsummer Night’s Dream Workshop Join Shakespeare in Action theatre company for 75 minutes of Shakespeare fun! Work with a professional actor and explore A Midsummer Night’s Dream - a world of magic and mayhem. Chant, act, interact! Age: 8Y-10Y Cost: $15/1 Class Glen Abbey Branch Fri/Jun 05 Course Code: 206916 1:00pm-2:15pm 21 | Special Spring/Summer 2015 Events TD Summer Reading Club 2015 Explore, Discover and Play! Sign up online or in branch starting Friday, June 26 to Thursday, August 20 and collect amazing prizes throughout the summer! Kids of all ages can sign up for FREE to participate in this year’s TD Summer Reading Club! Garage Band Academy Gigantix Glen Abbey Branch Fri/Jul 24 10:00am-11:30am Woodside Branch Mon/Jul 27 10:00am-11:30am Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Jul 29 2:00pm-3:30pm Clearview Neighbourhood Branch Wed/Aug 05 10:00am-11:30am Central Branch Thu/Aug 13 10:00am-11:30am White Oaks Branch Mon/Aug 17 2:00pm-3:30pm Woodside Branch Mon/Jul 06, 20, Aug 17 Central Branch Thu/Jul 09, 23, Aug 6 Iroquois Ridge Branch Fri/Jul 10, 24, Aug 7 Glen Abbey Branch Tue/Jul 14, 28, Aug 11 White Oaks Branch Fri/Jul 17, 31, Aug 14 Come rock out with us and learn to bring out your inner rock star! Pick the best rock band name ever, design your own microphone, learn the music notes, and more! Age: 5Y and up Cost: Free/Drop-In Play the life-size version of your favourite board games! Check our Facebook and Twitter accounts to see what games are coming to your local library! Age: All Ages Cost: Free/Drop-In 10:00am-11:00am 10:00am-11:00am 2:00pm-3:00pm 2:00pm-3:00pm 10:00am-11:00am Continued on page 23. Congratulations to École Forest Trail Public School for winning the Summer Reading Club 2014 trophy! Eureka! You too can help your school win, by participating in this year’s club. The school with the highest percentage of participation by August 20th will win the school trophy for 2015. Sign up online or at any Oakville Public Library branch. Special Events | 22 23 | Special Spring/Summer 2015 Events Go for Gold! Be an athlete of a country of your choice, or create your own to compete for gold in six library Pan Am Games. Age: 5Y and up Cost: Free/Drop-In Glen Abbey Branch Fri/Jul 10 10:00am-11:30am Woodside Branch Mon/Jul 13 10:00am-11:30am Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Jul 15 2:00pm-3:30pm Central Branch Thu/Jul 16 10:00am-11:30am White Oaks Branch Mon/Jul 20 2:00pm-3:30pm Clearview Neighbourhood Branch Wed/Jul 22 10:30am-11:30am Build with LEGO™ Drop-In Come explore and be creative! We supply the LEGO™ and you have the fun! LEGO™ has been linked to literacy development, so if you have some free time this summer, drop in and build! Age: 3Y and up Cost: Free/Drop-In Glen Abbey Branch Tue/Jul 07 Tue/Jul 21 Tue/Aug 04 Tue/Aug 18 Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Jul 13 Mon/Jul 27 Mon/Aug 10 10:30am-12:00pm 10:30am-12:00pm 10:30am-12:00pm 10:30am-12:00pm 2:00pm-3:30pm 2:00pm-3:30pm 2:00pm-3:30pm Welcome to Showbiz Lights, camera, action! Join us to write your very first screen play, design the costumes, put on your own puppet show, and more. Age: 5Y and up Cost: Free/Drop-In White Oaks Branch Mon/Jul 06 2:00pm-3:30pm Clearview Neighbourhood Branch Wed/Jul 08 10:00am-11:30am Central Branch Thu/Jul 30 10:00am-11:30am Glen Abbey Branch Fri/Aug 07 10:00am-11:30am Woodside Branch Mon/Aug 10 10:00am-11:30am Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Aug 12 2:00pm-3:30pm Wii @ the Librawii Here’s your chance to play Wii for Fwii on the big screen at a local librawii. Whether you are a pro, novice, or just want a chance to try Wii - drop by and have some fun! Age: All Ages Cost: Free/Drop-In Iroquois Ridge Branch 2:00pm-4:00pm Tue/Jul 07, Jul 21, Aug 4, Aug 18 Glen Abbey Branch 2:00pm-4:00pm Fri/Jul 17, Jul 31, Aug 14 White Oaks Branch 10:00am -12:00pm Tue/Jul 14, Jul 28, Aug 11 Thank you to our sponsors: Hey Kids! Get online to play Trivia Tuesday and test your knowledge! Every Tuesday from July 7 – August 18, go to to play a new Trivia Tuesday quiz! Special Events | 24 Halton Parks Experience fun outdoor attractions, events and recreation year-round! Crawford Lake, Rattlesnake Point, Hilton Falls, Kelso, Mountsberg, Mount Nemo and Robert Edmondson Annua Membe l rsh 50 $ ip from plus HST Family Annual Membership $115 25 | School Age Programs Spring/Summer 2015 An Evening with Author Lana Button Local author Lana Button is passionate about picture books and shares her writing process with the crowd in a lively, entertaining presentation. Blue Spruce Award nominee for Willow’s Whisper (2011) and Willow Finds A Way (2014), Lana will answer questions during a Q&A session. Age: 5Y-9Y Cost: Free/Drop-in Glen Abbey Branch Tue/April 14 7:00pm-7:45pm Cake Pops are Blooming! It’s spring and cake pops are in season. You choose vanilla or chocolate and sprinkle with a touch of bright colours - that’s how this season blooms brightly! Children will make, mold and decorate their own treat - it’s sure to be yummy! Age: 6Y-9Y Cost: $12/1 Class Course Code: 206883 3:00pm-4:30pm Glen Abbey Branch Sat/Apr 25 Father’s Day Fun! Bring your dad or mom and join us for a time of gadgets and fun! Both of you will take part in three different stations. Take home an LED greeting card, make music with bananas using Makey Makey and race cars through tracks you build! Age: 6Y-9Y Cost: $12/1 Class Iroquois Ridge Branch Sat/Jun 20 Course Code: 206927 1:00pm-2:30pm Limited space available. Register child only. Let’s Print a 3D Bookmark! 11-12Y It’s exciting and it’s here! Come and learn about 3D printing, tinker using an online program, and then print a bookmark using our Makerbot 3D printer. Age: 11Y-12Y Cost: $7/1 Class Iroquois Ridge Branch Thu/Apr 16 Central Branch Thu/May 14 Central Branch Wed/Jul 08 Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Jul 22 Central Branch Wed/Aug 05 Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Aug 19 Course Code: 206963 7:00pm-8:00pm Course Code: 206964 7:00pm-8:00pm Course Code: 206861 10:30am-11:30am Course Code: 206862 10:30am-11:30am Course Code: 206863 10:30am-11:30am Course Code: 206864 10:30am-11:30am Let’s Print a 3D Keychain! 8-10Y It’s exciting and it’s here! Come and learn about 3D printing, tinker using an online program, and then print a keychain using our Makerbot 3D printer. Age: 8Y-10Y Cost: $7/1 Class Central Branch Tue/Apr 07 Central Branch Tue/May 05 Central Branch Wed/Jul 15 Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Jul 29 Central Branch Wed/Aug 12 Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Aug 26 Course Code: 206821 7:00pm-8:00pm Course Code: 206860 7:00pm-8:00pm Course Code: 206966 10:30am-11:30am Course Code: 206967 10:30am-11:30am Course Code: 206968 10:30am-11:30am Course Code: 206969 10:30am-11:30am Online registration for Spring/Summer programs begins Saturday, February 7, 2015. Spring session runs from March 23 to May 30, Summer session runs from July 6 to August 6. No programs: Good Friday – Fri/Apr 03 • Victoria Day – Mon/May 18 • Canada Day – Wed/Jul 01 • Civic Holiday – Mon/Aug 03 Spring session preschool programs at Central Branch will not be offered April 14 to 17 due to Battle of the Books. Cost will be pro-rated for programs falling on these dates. If the minimum number of participants is not met, the library reserves the right to cancel any of these classes. Special Events | 26 sa Join a nd ya famil SAVE 25% s s e n t i F N U F d an ryone! e v e r o f V Voted oted ot ed Oakville Oak ville’’s ville Oakville’s BEST • Child Care • Children's Art Program • Children's Sports Program • Fitness Programs • Recreational Centre • Swimming Programs • Martial Arts - Platinum Winner Financial assistance is available. Please ask us how we can help. 905-845-3417 27 | School Age Programs Spring/Summer 2015 LEGO™ Robotics 7-9 yrs How much do you love LEGO™? Take it to the next level by getting together with other LEGO™ enthusiasts and add awesome robotics to your creations. We’ve got the tools, you’ve got the creativity! Age: 7Y-9Y Cost: $63/9 Classes Glen Abbey Branch Mon/Mar 23 Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Mar 25 Course Code: 206806 6:00pm-7:00pm Course Code: 206807 5:00pm-6:00pm Mind your Manners Did you know that manners increase your confidence? We are thrilled that instructor, Adeodata Czink, President of Business of Manners returns for the popular Mind your Manners program. Join Adeodata as she guides you through the proper way to enter a room, make introductions, table manners, telephone etiquette, grooming and receiving an award. Age: 8Y-12Y Cost: $15/1 Class Central Branch Mon/Aug 17 Course Code: 206920 10:00am-12:00pm Mother’s Day Delight Bring your mom or dad and join us for a time of laughter and memories. Both of you will take part in three different stations. Take home a decorated frame, test your plant potting skills and pamper your nails. Age: 6Y-9Y Cost: $12/1 Class Woodside Branch Sat/May 09 Course Code: 206811 1:00pm-2:30pm Limited space available. Register child only Paws 4 Stories Build enthusiasm and confidence by reading aloud with a St. John’s ambulance trained therapy dog! Note: Three twenty minute time slots available. You will be contacted to book your time slot. Age: 6Y-10Y Cost: Free/6 Classes Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Mar 23 Course Code: 206829 4:00pm-5:00pm No program on Easter Monday, April 6th. Glen Abbey Branch Tue/Mar 24 Course Code: 206844 4:00pm-5:00pm Grade 2 Class Visits Our friendly, energetic staff will engage, inform and entertain your students during a FREE 30 minute interactive presentation at your school. Students will take part in a short theatrical story, test their skill in a Library Survivor game show and learn all about the amazing resources and programs that the library has to offer! Book today by calling 905-338-4247 ext. 5311. Community Group Tours Are you a leader of a community group for school-aged children such as Sparks or Brownies, Beavers or Cub Scouts? Would your group like to find out more about the library in your community? Your group is invited to book an in-branch 60 minute interactive library tour. Meet a real-life community helper! Discover all that the library has to offer for both learning and enjoyment! Book today by calling 905-338-4247 ext. 5311. School Open House Events Let us help reach the students of Oakville. Together, the schools and the Oakville Public Library can motivate students to enjoy and excel in reading, learning and researching. Oakville Public Library would welcome the opportunity to attend your next school Open House event. Book today by calling 905-338-4247 ext. 5311. School Age | 28 Programs Super Comic Kids Pokémon Returns** Gotta catch them all, going to have a ball – train to be a Pokemon Master! Children will be engaged in several battle stations to test their skills as a Pokeman trainer. Bring your double cards along if you wish to trade! Age: 7Y-10Y Cost: $12/1 Class Glen Abbey Branch Thu/Jul 23 Course Code: 206922 2:00pm-3:30pm ** Please note that fictional characters will not appear in this program. Puppets Galore! What can you do with one sock? Make a puppet of course! Join us for this make and take session as we get creative with glue, glitter and of course, googly eyes. Using paper, felt, spoons and socks, we’ll create different types of puppets and make our characters come alive! Age: 6Y-9Y Cost: $12/1 Class Woodside Branch Sat/Mar 28 Course Code: 206808 1:00pm-2:30pm Dress up as your favourite comic hero and join us for an afternoon of battling comic villains, digging for kryptonite and more superhero activities. Age: 5Y and up Cost: Free/Drop-In Iroquois Ridge Branch Sat/Apr 25 1:00pm-2:30pm The Tale of Peter Rabbit Join us as the Oakville Chamber Orchestra’s String Quartet and Oakville Public Library explore Peter Rabbit, one of the most famous children’s stories ever written. Children will experience this tale with their senses through words and music, and have the opportunity to meet the musicians and ask questions about their instruments. Age: All Ages Cost: Free/Ticket** Central Branch Auditorium Sat/May 30 10:00am-10:45am Complimentary tickets available at all branches May 1, 2015. ** Everyone attending must have a ticket. Wimpy Kid Returns! Do you have an innie or an outie? Come join us for some hilarious fun as we explore the wonderful books ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ by Jeff Kinney. Age: 7Y-12Y Cost: $12/1 Class Iroquois Ridge Branch Course Code: 206810 Sat/Apr 11 1:00pm-2:30pm Online registration for Spring/Summer programs begins Saturday, February 7, 2015. Spring session runs from March 23 to May 30, Summer session runs from July 6 to August 6. No programs: Good Friday – Fri/Apr 03 • Victoria Day – Mon/May 18 • Canada Day – Wed/Jul 01 • Civic Holiday – Mon/Aug 03 Spring session preschool programs at Central Branch will not be offered April 14 to 17 due to Battle of the Books. Cost will be pro-rated for programs falling on these dates. If the minimum number of participants is not met, the library reserves the right to cancel any of these classes. 29 | School Age Programs Spring/Summer 2015 Munch & Movie Wednesdays It’s time to grab some popcorn and watch a new movie on the big screen before it becomes available on DVD! Popcorn and juice will be available for 50 cents each. Age: All Ages Cost: $5/Ticket or $20 group of 5 Central Branch Auditorium Wed/Jul 08 2:00pm-4:00pm Tickets available at all branches starting June 15. Movie titles will be announced at on June 15, 2015. Central Branch Auditorium Wed/Aug 12 2:00pm-4:00pm Tickets available at all branches starting July 20. Movie titles will be announced at on July 20, 2015. Sunday Movie Matinée @ OPL! Spend the afternoon with us, relax, and munch on some popcorn! Watch a new-release movie before it becomes available on DVD! Popcorn and juice will be available for 50 cents each. Age: All Ages Cost: $5/Ticket or $20 group of 5 Central Branch Auditorium Sun/Jun 07 2:00pm-4:00pm Tickets available at all branches starting May 15. Movie titles will be announced at on May 15, 2015. Popc or & dri n nks $1 * To avoid disappointment, pick up your tickets at any branch two weeks prior to the showing or arrive early and buy your tickets at the door. Movie titles will be announced at prior to each event. Friends of the Library Book Sale Spring Sale: April 8-12, 2015 Members Only Sale: Wed, April 8 • 6:00pm – 9:00pm Most Books are only $1.50 a pound! Half price on Sunday! Public Sale: Thu, April 9th •12:00pm – 9:00pm Fri, April 10th • 9:30am – 5:00pm Sat, April 11th • 9:30am – 5:00pm Sun, April 12th • 1:00pm – 4:00pm Volunteers needed! Our sales have raised over $500K $10 for individuals or families, which has been used to support library $5 for students services such as the Battle of the Books, Write2Xpress, Teen Advisory Council, eBook reader purchases, and much more! If you are interested in volunteering for our Book Sale preparation, please contact us at [email protected]. Annual memberships are only Preschool Programs | 30 Explore ‘N Play* Alphabeasties* This fun program features exciting stories, rhymes and songs. Each week you will take home a creation inspired by the alphabet. Focus will be on school readiness, letter awareness and of course, F-U-N! Age: 3Y-5Y Cost: $70/10 Classes Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Mar 23 Glen Abbey Branch Tue/Mar 24 White Oaks Branch Fri/Mar 27 Glen Abbey Branch Sat/Mar 28 Course Code: 206830 11:00am-11:45am Course Code: 206831 1:00pm-1:45pm Course Code: 206845 1:00pm-1:45pm Course Code: 206846 11:00am-11:45am Baby’s First Storytime* Take a break out of your busy day and spend some special time with your baby at the library. See your baby laugh and smile, as you sing, clap, bounce, and listen to rhymes and stories. Your instructor is your one-on-one resource for all of your early literacy questions. Age: 6M-12M Cost: Free/10 Classes Glen Abbey Branch Mon/Mar 23 Woodside Branch Tue/Mar 24 Glen Abbey Branch Thu/Mar 26 Iroquois Ridge Branch Fri/Mar 27 Course Code: 206839 10:00am-10:30am Course Code: 206837 10:00am-10:30am Course Code: 206835 1:00pm-1:30pm Course Code: 206836 10:00am-10:30am Join us for this exciting program that features sensory activities and of course our favorite rhymes, songs and stories. This hands on program will encourage your toddlers to discover the world around them while developing language, observation and reading skills. Bring your curiosity and explore with us! Age: 18M-30M Cost: $70/10 Classes Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Mar 23 Glen Abbey Branch Tue/Mar 24 Giggles, Glitter and Glue* This hands-on program will introduce your little one to reading and exploring through the use of theme-based storytimes, sensory experiences and arts and crafts. You and your child will have fun being creative and getting messy while being introduced to new books, songs, and making take-home treasures. Age: 2Y-3Y Cost: $70/10 Classes Woodside Branch Mon/Mar 23 Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Mar 25 Central Branch Thu/Mar 26 Glen Abbey Branch Fri/Mar 27 Born To Read It is never too early to introduce your child to books and reading! Parents are the best teachers to inspire the love of reading in their children. Come and learn some techniques with us that will give your child a jump start to their love of reading. Age: Birth-6M Cost: Free/10 Classes Glen Abbey Branch Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Mar 23 Wed/Mar 25 Course Code: 206834 10:00am-10:45am Course Code: 206833 10:00am-10:45am 1:00pm-1:30pm 1:00pm-1:30pm Course Code: 206840 1:00pm-1:45pm Course Code: 206841 10:00am-10:45am Course Code: 206843 11:00am-11:45am Course Code: 206842 11:00am-11:45am Spring/Summer 2015 31 | Little Maker Come join your little one in this parented program where you will construct, create, and even collaborate on creations ranging from musical instruments to murals to puppets. Age: 2Y-5Y Cost: $42/6 Classes Glen Abbey Branch Mon/Jul 06 Central Branch Tue/Jul 07 White Oaks Branch Wed/Jul 08 Iroquois Ridge Branch Thu/Jul 09 Woodside Branch Thu/Jul 09 Course Code: 206875 11:00am-11:45am Course Code: 206877 11:00am-11:45am Course Code: 206876 10:15am-11:00am Course Code: 206878 1:00pm-1:45pm Course Code: 206879 11:00am-11:45am Summer Baby Bring your summer smiles here to the library where you and your little one will share cool songs, relaxing rhymes, stories about sunshine, splish-splashing, and of course summertime fun! Age: 6M-12M Cost: Free/6 Classes Glen Abbey Branch Mon/Jul 06 Iroquois Ridge Branch Tue/Jul 07 Glen Abbey Branch Thu/Jul 09 Woodside Branch Thu/Jul 09 10:15am-10:45am 1:00pm-1:30pm 10:15am-10:45am 10:15am-10:45am Tablet Time! Science Kids Give your kids the chance to create their own simple science experiments and see the amazing results. This un-parented, hands-on program is a fun first experience with the magic of science. Age: 3Y-5Y Cost: $70/10 Classes Central Branch Tue/Mar 24 Woodside Branch Thu/Mar 26 Glen Abbey Branch Sat/Mar 28 Iroquois Ridge Branch Sat/Mar 28 Preschool Programs Course Code: 206848 11:00am-11:45am Course Code: 206849 1:00pm-1:45pm Course Code: 206847 1:00pm-1:45pm Course Code: 206850 11:00am-11:45am Join us for this parented storytime featuring tablet play where you and your child will explore unique apps and eBooks, while learning how digital media can support early literacy development. Age: 3Y-5Y Cost: Free/1 Class White Oaks Branch Sat/Apr 18 Central Branch Sat/May 02 Glen Abbey Branch Tue/May 26 Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Jul 27 Woodside Branch Wed/Aug 12 Course Code: 206871 11:00am-12:00pm Course Code: 206870 1:00pm-2:00pm Course Code: 206869 2:00pm-3:00pm Course Code: 206873 10:00am-11:00am Course Code: 206872 11:00am-12:00pm Online registration for Spring/Summer programs begins Saturday, February 7, 2015. Spring session runs from March 23 to May 30, Summer session runs from July 6 to August 6. No programs: Good Friday – Fri/Apr 03 • Victoria Day – Mon/May 18 • Canada Day – Wed/Jul 01 • Civic Holiday – Mon/Aug 03 Spring session preschool programs at Central Branch will not be offered April 14 to 17 due to Battle of the Books. Cost will be pro-rated for programs falling on these dates. If the minimum number of participants is not met, the library reserves the right to cancel any of these classes. Preschool Programs | 32 Bring your entire family to shake your sillies out at this storytime filled with songs, rhymes and stories. Children of all ages are encouraged to participate. Family Storytime* Age: All Ages Cost: Free Central Branch Mon/Mar 23 10:00am-10:30am Glen Abbey Branch Mon/Mar 23 11:00am-11:30am White Oaks Branch Mon/Mar 23 10:00am-10:30am Clearview Neighbourhood Branch Tue/Mar 24 6:30pm-7:00pm Glen Abbey Branch Tue/Mar 24 11:00am-11:30am Iroquois Ridge Branch Tue/Mar 24 10:00am-10:30am Glen Abbey Branch Wed/Mar 25 11:00am-11:30am Iroquois Ridge Branch Wed/Mar 25 7:00pm-7:30pm Woodside Branch Wed/Mar 25 10:00am-10:30am Glen Abbey Branch Thu/Mar 26 10:00am-10:30am Glen Abbey Branch Thu/Mar 26 11:00am-11:30am White Oaks Branch Thu/Mar 26 10:00am-10:30am Central Branch Fri/Mar 27 10:00am-10:30am Central Branch Sat/Mar 28 10:00am-10:30am Glen Abbey Branch Sat/Mar 28 10:00am-10:30am Iroquois Ridge Branch Sat/Mar 28 10:00am-10:30am Summer Storytime* Age: All Ages Cost: Free Central Branch Mon/Jul 06 10:15am-10:45am White Oaks Branch Mon/Jul 06 10:15am-10:45am Central Branch Tue/Jul 07 10:15am-10:45am Iroquois Ridge Branch Tue/Jul 07 10:15am-10:45am Clearview Neighbourhood Branch Tue/Jul 07 6:30pm-7:00pm Glen Abbey Branch Wed/Jul 08 10:15am-10:45am Glen Abbey Branch Wed/Jul 08 11:00am-11:30am Woodside Branch Wed/Jul 08 10:15am-10:45am Glen Abbey Branch Thu/Jul 09 11:00am-11:30am Iroquois Ridge Branch Thu/Jul 09 10:15am-10:45am White Oaks Branch Thu/Jul 09 10:15am-10:45am Online registration for Spring/Summer programs begins Saturday, February 7, 2015. Spring session runs from March 23 to May 30, Summer session runs from July 6 to August 6. No programs: Good Friday – Fri/Apr 03 • Victoria Day – Mon/May 18 • Canada Day – Wed/Jul 01 • Civic Holiday – Mon/Aug 03 Spring session preschool programs at Central Branch will not be offered April 14 to 17 due to Battle of the Books. Cost will be pro-rated for programs falling on these dates. If the minimum number of participants is not met, the library reserves the right to cancel any of these classes. Spring/Summer 2015 33 | Toddler Storytime* Get moving at the library with stories, songs and silly fun that encourages your child’s language skills! Toddlers and their grownups are encouraged to become actively involved in the stories and activities while making their first new friends. Age: All Ages Cost: Free/10 Classes Central Branch Tue/Mar 24 Iroquois Ridge Branch Tue/Mar 24 Glen Abbey Branch Wed/Mar 25 Woodside Branch Wed/Mar 25 Iroquois Ridge Branch Thu/Mar 26 Central Branch Fri/Mar 27 Glen Abbey Branch Fri/Mar 27 White Oaks Branch Sat/Mar 28 Preschool Programs Family Storytime at QEPCCC 10:00am-10:30am 11:00am-11:30am 10:00am-10:30am 11:00am-11:30am 10:00am-10:30am 11:00am-11:30am 10:00am-10:30am 10:00am-10:30am s and more! Stories, song Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre Tuesday and 2302 Thursday mornings Blackbox Theatre, Bridge Rd. Age: All Ages FREE /Drop-in Tuesday and Thursday 10 -10:30 am September 10, 2013 - June 27, 2014. March 24 until June 25, 2015. 10:00am-10:30am Children of all ages accompanied by their parent or caregiver are welcome. Stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities make up this fun-packed drop-in storytime. For children of all ages who are accompanied by their parents or caregivers. Start building a lifelong love of reading! Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre – Blackbox Theatre 2302 Bridge Road, Oakville. Preschool Programs | 34 Partnership Pre-Kindergartener Programs Countdown to Kindergarten Future kindergarteners, let’s count down the days until school starts. Join us for activities, storytime, technology play, photo ops and more! Age: 3Y-5Y Cost: Free/Drop-In Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Aug 17 10:00am-11:30am Central Branch Auditorium Tue/Aug 18 10:00am-11:30am Glen Abbey Branch Wed/Aug 19 10:00am-11:30am Preschool S.T.E.A.M. Ahead! Libraries are famous for connecting people with information! This new program will connect your child with concepts in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. Join us as your child discovers magic about the world around them. Age: 3Y-5Y Cost: $10/1 Class Colour Craze Woodside Branch Tue/Jul 07 Course Code: 206928 11:00am-11:45am SIMPLE Simple Machines Woodside Branch Course Code: 206929 Tue/Jul 14 11:00am-11:45am Teddy Bears Sort and Count Woodside Branch Course Code: 206930 Tue/Jul 21 11:00am-11:45am Waterplay (and Learn) Woodside Branch Tue/Jul 28 Register for one or all four! Course Code: 206931 11:00am-11:45am Croque Matin Les Coccinelles d’Oakville Inc. L’heure du conte en français comprend des chansons, comptines et histoires en français pour les enfants de 0 à 5 ans accompagnés d’un parent ou gardien. Storytime -- in French! Includes songs, nursery rhymes and stories, of course! For children from birth to 5 years old, accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Age: Birth-5Y Cost: Free/Drop-In Woodside Branch Mon/Mar 23 10:00am-11:00am Final session is June 22, 2015 Tales and Tunes from the Oakville Parent Child Centre Come and join in the fun with your baby! Songs, stories, games and lots of enjoyment make for a fun afternoon out. Age: 6M-12M Cost: Free/Drop-In Iroquois Ridge Branch Mon/Mar 23 1:30pm-2:30pm Final session is June 8, 2015. Little English Language Learners with the Halton Multicultural Council and Halton Region Health Come and join this unique program for children to learn basic English skills as well as valuable skills to get ready for school. Each week the children will develop early learning skills through stories, music and crafts. Age: Birth-5Y Cost: Free/Drop-In Faith Baptist Church, 1415 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville Tue/Mar 24 9:30am-11:00am Final session is June 16, 2015. Spring/Summer 2015 Rhythm, Rhyme and Read - 3Rs with the YMCA Let’s rock and read at the 3 Rs parented drop-in program. The Oakville Public Library and YMCA of Oakville partner together to introduce children to early literacy with exciting rhymes, stories, music and crafts. Age: 18M-4Y Cost: Free/Drop-In YMCA, 410 Rebecca Street, Oakville Wed/Mar 25 1:00pm-2:00pm Tickles and Tales with the Oakville Parent-Child Centre Don’t miss this fun-filled hour of baby games, music, rhymes and stories. Age: Birth-6M Cost: Free/Drop-In 35 | Preschool Programs Buggy Business with the YMCA Get your baby on board and join us for Buggy Business! This program is designed for exercise, socializing and fun! After we power stroll in the neighbourhood, we will enjoy a storytime provided by the Oakville Public Library. Part of the YMCA of Oakville Steps & Stages Program. Age: Birth-2Y Cost: Free/Ongoing White Oaks Branch Thu/Mar 26 10:00am-11:30am Caregivers Corner from the Oakville Parent-Child Centre OP-CC, 461 North Service Road, Oakville Tue/Mar 24 1:00pm-2:00pm Final session is June 9, 2015 A drop-in program designed for child care providers and the children they care for. Come and join in the fun with songs and play time. Age: Birth-5Y Cost: Free/Drop-In OP-CC, 74 Florence Drive Thu/Mar 26 1:00pm-2:00pm Woodside Branch Fri/Mar 27 Final session is June 11, 2015 09:30am-11:30 AM Final session is June 26, 2015. Spring/Summer 2015 Course availability can be viewed online or by telephone when you browse iris. Availability cannot be guaranteed on inquiries – only at time of registration. You can register online after the program start date, up to 50 % of the way through the course as long as the program still has availability. Iris registration will provide immediate confirmation of registration. All registration methods will receive a confirmation letter by mail within two weeks of processing registrations. The location, start date and time of the course will be included. Please check all details carefully, and call 905-338-4250 if there are any discrepancies, or if you do not receive this letter prior to the start date of the program. Excellent programs can get cancelled because people wait until the last moment to register. All programs need to be cost effective and cannot run if there are not enough participants. Please register early to avoid disappointment. All participants must meet the course age requirements. In the event that the course you selected is full, you may be placed on a waitlist and a waitlist confirmation will be mailed to you. Payment: Full payment of program fees must be submitted with your registration form. If paying by cheque, please make payable to ’Town of Oakville’. Iris registrations must be paid by credit cards – VISA, MasterCard or by using credit on your iris account. We will try to ensure that the registrations are processed together for friends or relatives. Registration forms, individual cheques and/ or credit card numbers are required for each family in order to receive separate receipts. Duplicate receipts will only be issued upon request and are subject to a $11.30 administration fee per request. An administration charge of $35 will be levied for all NSF cheques and returned payments. 45 | Registration Information Refunds/Withdrawals: Pro-rated credits or refunds/withdrawals can be requested no later than one business day prior to the third class. You are also able to withdraw online from a program using iris, up to four days prior to the program start date. A credit will be placed on your account. Withdrawal and/ or refund requests on or after the third class of the program will be processed for medical reasons only for the remaining classes of the program and must be accompanied by a Doctor’s note. These medical requests will be pro-rated, but will not be subject to an administration fee. Refunds or withdrawals can be made by calling 905-338-4250 between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm Monday – Friday. All requests for refunds are subject to a $11.30 charge per registration per transaction. For Safety’s Sake: To ensure participant health and safety, please make program staff aware of any medical conditions or special needs. A participant profile – Special Needs and Medical form should be completed (if applicable) when registering for any library program so that we can ensure that the program experience is positive for everyone. The library is a public place and children must not be left unattended as staff cannot be responsible for their supervision or safety. Your cooperation is appreciated as we strive to make every child’s visit to the library a positive one. When your child attends a library program, please remain close by within the branch or program location should your child need you. Cancellation Information: The Oakville Public Library reserves the right to cancel or alter any classes, time, costs or locations outlined in this brochure without notice, as required, due to a lack of registration, change of policy, or availability of facilities or instructors. Full refunds will be issued for Course Cancellations only. Registration Information | 46 When can I register? Registration for Spring/Summer programs begins Saturday, February 7, 2015. No programs: Good Friday – Fri/Apr 03 • Victoria Day – Mon/May 18 • Canada Day – Wed/Jul 01 • Civic Holiday – Mon/Aug 03 How Do I Register? On Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 9:00 am registration opens. • Visit and click on program registration and follow the prompt iris Online/by PHONE 905-815-2000 24 hours/day Immediate Confirmation FAX 905-338-4188 or MAIL or DROP OFF Need a family PIN number and personal ID number? Call 905-845-6601 ext.4747 Please allow at least two business days for processing your request. OR call iris at 905-815-2000 • Have your Personal ID number & Family PIN number* ready. Choose your programs. • Methods of payment include VISA, MasterCard or money in your iris account. • Full account payment is required to complete registration (including any outstanding balance on account). • You will know if you have registered successfully once payment is complete and you are provided with a confirmation number. Official registration receipts & waitlist notifications will be mailed within two weeks. Processing of faxed, mailed or drop off registration forms will begin on Saturday, February 7, 2015 in indiscriminate order. • • • Complete registration form – up to three registrations from the same family can be entered on one form. Please print clearly. Methods of payment include VISA, MasterCard or money on your iris account for faxed registrations, cheque and cash for drop off registrations. Fax to Department of Recreation and Culture, Program Registration at 905-338-4188 or • Mail the completed registration form to: • Town of Oakville, Department of Recreation and Culture Program Registration • P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, ON, L6J 5A6 or • Drop off completed form with payment at Town Hall, or any branch of the Oakville Public Library. See page 2 for location details. • Forms that are dropped off will be delivered to Town Hall for processing within two business days. • Official registration receipts & waitlist notifications will be mailed within two weeks. HST Please be aware that Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) has been included in cost when applicable. HST is applied to participants 15 years of age and older including paid adult events, programs and workshops. Online registration E-X-T-E-N-D-E-D ! Now you can register online AFTER the program start date, up to 50 % of the way through the course! But don’t wait until the last minute. Popular programs fill up fast and others might be cancelled if there isn’t enough interest. Registration Information REGISTRATION INFORMATION Fall/Winter Spring/Summer 2014/15 2015 47 | For office use only Register Questions? IRIS help line 905-845-6601 ext. 4747 Registration inquiries 905-338-4250 online at by phone 905-815-2000 by fax 905-338-4188 Have you previously registered with the department? Has your address/telephone number changed since you last registered? If yes, previous telephone number: Yes Yes No No Authorization # Non-residents add $10 plus applicable taxes per course For participants with special needs Please fax Participant Profile - Special Needs/ Medical form, found with registration form. Please print clearly. Adult’s last name (parent/guardian) First name Address Home phone Apt. Business phone Email City Postal code Emergency contact name Emergency phone Get connected! Photo release Photographs of participants may be taken at any time for town promotional purposes. If you do not wish to have your/your child’s photo taken/used, please sign below. I do not wish to have my/my child’s photo/name taken/used I give permission to take/use my/my child’s photo/name Signature Now you can! Register to receive our e-newsletter at Date 1 Participant’s name Birth date M/F dd mm Location Course Code Want to learn more about the latest Recreation and Culture programs and initiatives? Course Name yy Day/Session/Week Time Total ($) Time Total ($) Time Total ($) First choice Second choice 2 Participant’s name Birth date M/F dd mm Location Course Code Course Name yy Day/Session/Week First choice Second choice 3 Participant’s name Birth date M/F dd mm Location Course Code Course Name yy Day/Session/Week First choice If applicable, subtract credit left on account ($ Payment type: Cheque* Debit Cash Visa MasterCard +AT = plus applicable taxes. Signature (for credit card only) All non-residents add $10.00 +AT per course $ *Make cheques payable to Town of Oakville. No post-dated cheques. Expiry mm Total amount $ Security Code yy Credit card # Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, S.0. 2001, c.25 and will be used for the purpose of program registration administration. Questions about this collection may be directed to: The Recreation and Culture department - Registration, Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 0H3. Telephone: 905-338-4250. ) REGISTRATION INFORMATION Second choice Registration | 48 REGISTRATION INFORMATION Information Participant Profile Special Needs / Medical To best serve the needs of all program participants, we require the following information for leadership staff’s awareness. Please choose the category that best describes the needs of the participants with special needs. Please fax this completed form to registration at 905-338-4188; attention Carol Gall, or email [email protected]. For general registration inquiries, call 905-338-4250. For IRIS help, call 905-845-6601, ext. 4747. Participant last name Participant first name Birth date dd mm Program 1 For participants with special needs Will attend with own support? Yes Home phone Business phone Main contact email address Day Time Location yy Non-life threatening medical condition — eg. ADD, ADHD, epilepsy, etc. Please identify: Life threatening medical condition Please note that for participants in this category a Medic Alert or similar identification bracelet is mandatory. 2 Peanut allergy Bee sting allergy Cardiac condition Diabetes Other: Does participant carry Epi Pen? Does participant carry special medication? Does participant carry insulin? Yes Yes Yes No No No Physical mobility, mental challenges or behaviours Physical challenges (describe condition) 3 Mental challenges. Medical diagnosis is: Down’s syndrome Autism Other: Behaviours (describe condition) Vision, hearing or physical mobility 4 Vision Hearing Physical Good Good Good Adequate Adequate Adequate Poor Poor Poor Unknown Unknown Unknown REGISTRATION INFORMATION Helpful background information Is extra support required at school? Does disability affect the safety of the participant? Is extra support/assistance required for basic care? Is the participant currently associated with a support agency? Tips for Instructors Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, S.0. 2001, c.25 and will be used for the purpose of program registration administration. Questions about this collection may be directed to: The Recreation and Culture department - Registration, Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 0H3. Telephone: 905-338-4250.
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