MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA, MONTANA Issue 2, Volume 2015 I have had the opportunity - no, the outright pleasure - of journeying with you for the last two years. Thank you for your hospitality, inviting me into your lives, and walking together in our faith journeys. I like FPC, Helena, and Montana. So here are a few of my favorite things: I like that Helena is nestled into a mountain canyon. I like that from downtown (and many neighborhoods) it is a matter of blocks to a National Forest and/or a city park that is an entire mountain. I took the Tour Train after being here a few months. Part of the tour is through the Mansion District. The tour mentioned that Helena had the highest number of millionaires per capita of any US city at one time, and they built their fine homes in this district west of MONTHLY NEWSLETTER downtown. I enjoyed the expansive houses. What I enjoyed even more was that among the mansions were somewhat more modest homes and very modest houses all there, right together - and it is still that way today. Another favorite: Les Cramer on the accordion - oh, yes, he hasn’t done that yet0 I like the fact that “gated communities” around Helena are called ranches. And that their gates are for retention, mainly keeping livestock in, versus gates whose sole purpose is exclusion. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy did a study of the 50 states and DC recently, finding that when it comes to state and local taxes “the less you earn, the harder you’re hit.” Our Pastor Rev. Scott Wipperman First Presbyterian Church 535 North Ewing Street Helena, MT 59601 406.442.4775 ContinuedCHURCH page 2 OF HELENA FIRST PRESBYTERIAN “These Are a Few of My Favorite Things “ continued from page 1 Our close neighbor, the state of Washington, was at the bottom of the list as the most regressive. There the bottom 20% of earners pay 16.8% of their income in state and local taxes, the middle 60% pay 8.4% of their income, and the top 1% pay 2.4%. But, another of my “favorite things” is that Montana is cited first as being in the “list of the fairest states.” These are just a FEW of my “favorite things”; there are tons more, but I don’t have the space to go into all of them. And it is not the case that what is listed above are my “top” favorite things, for the members and friends of FPC take that spot! I like that people here have their opinions, yet are open to the views of others. P.S. I didn’t list you all as my top favorite thing at the start of the article so that you wouldn’t acquire “big headedness.” Pastor Scott Lent What exactly is Lent? When does Lent begin and end? Lent is a time of preparation for Easter, which is the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. During this season of preparation, some people fast or give up something important to them. Some spend time in study, devotion, and prayer. Others cut back on their social life and give more time to service in the community. Lent lasts 40 days, beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending at sunset on Easter Eve. Lent begins on Wednesday, February 18 Please join us for an Ash Wednesday service at 6:00 p.m. Easter Sunday is April 5th, What does the word “Lent” mean? The word Lent comes from the old English word lencten, which refers to the lengthening of days and the coming of spring. Where is Lent mentioned in the Bible? Lent is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, but it is biblical nonetheless! Jewish tradition, based on the laws given in Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament, has always said that for every religious festival, there must be enough time for preparation. This idea carried over, without question, into Christianity. Where did the number 40 come from? In early times each number was felt to reveal a certain aspect of God. The early church fathers felt that the number 40, whether it was 40 hours, 40 days, or 40 years, was the necessary period for cleansing, testing, and strengthening. Using the number 40 is based on the following: ● Noah’s ark floated in the flood for 40 days (Genesis 7:4). ● Moses fasted 40 days before he received the Ten Commandments (Exodus 24:18). ● The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years before entering the Promised Land (Exodus 16:35). continued page 3 MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 2 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA “Lent “ continued from page 2 ● Jesus fasted 40 days between his baptism and the beginning of His ministry (Matthew 4:2). ● The Risen Christ walked with his disciples for 40 days between Easter and Ascension (Acts 1:3). Also, 40 days is approximately 10 percent of the year. This is why Lent is sometimes called a “tithe of the year.” Why do people say Lent lasts 40 days when it really lasts 46 days? Sundays are not counted in Lent, since Sundays are always considered to be “little Easters.” How Long has Lent been observed? The earliest observances of Lent were in the days of the apostles. At that time, they observed 40 hours between Good Friday and Easter morning to commemorate the Crucifixion and Resurrection. The time was extended to 40 days at the Council of Nicaea in A. D. 325 and has remained unchanged since then. The method of determining the date for Easter has remained unchanged for more than 1,600 years. Easter begins the first Sunday after the full moon crosses the celestial equator, about March 21 of each year. At this time, day and night are of equal length everywhere. Easter will always fall between March 22 and April 25. Once you establish when Easter is, you simply count backward to determine the beginning of Lent. Why do people give up something for Lent? Many people give up something they enjoy for Lent. For example, many give up a favorite food for all of Lent or fast for certain meals. Others give up a favorite activity, like watching television. Giving up these things we enjoy become love gifts to God, given to God in adoration and praise. Making a sacrifice, even a small one, helps people recall the great sacrifice Christ made for us all. Dearest Church Family, ABIGAIL CIRCLE will meet at 9:30, February 3 in the Huxley Lounge here at the church. We have been blessed to have treats for the fellowship time following worship. ESTHER CIRCLE will meet at 9:30, February 3 in the Ruth Room. (Lesson 5) Charlotte Meyer is the hostess-449-3030. THANKS to all who have contributed. Your time and talent are much appreciated. REBEKAH CIRCLE will meet February 5, at 9:30 here at the church. MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Why don’t Lent and Easter fall at the same time every year? 3 With deepest appreciation, we thank each of you for your gifts of caring, kind words, hugs, food, visits, cards, and comfort. Saying goodbye to Mom in January and Dad in December, with the long journey in between, has been made easier by the blessings you have surrounded us with and we are grateful. Thank you! The Families of Cliff and Helen Cason FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA Have YOU ever sat in your pew on Sunday morning looking around and wondering how all of this comes together…..the sound room; the choir; the sermon; the fellowship with coffee and goodies; the children’s time; the church upkeep; small groups??? Well, all of this happens because of COMMITTEES! No, not committees that come together and just talk, but come together and PLAN! God not only wants us to share some of the bounty He has blessed us with, but He wants us to share our time and talents as well. Here are the committees at FPC that make things happen: • Administration Committee: Purpose: To interpret and educate the congregation on the many facets of stewardship on a year-round basis and to serve our church by making and maintaining sound fiscal policies and overseeing the income and expenses of the annual budget. The work of this committee is both spiritual and practical. This committee meets the second Tuesday of every month at 5:30 pm and is chaired by John Gneckow. • Building and Grounds Committee: Purpose: To care for our church facility and surrounding Grounds, helping to express the glory of God. This committee meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm and is chaired by John Coefield. • Congregational Fellowship Committee: Purpose: To provide for the Christian fellowship of our church family. This committee meets the first Monday of each month at 11:30 am and is chaired by Rose Leavitt. • Education Committee: Purpose: To provide and oversee an educational ministry which will help persons become aware of and respond to God’s love in Christ, grow in their knowledge of the Bible, grasp the Church’s corporate history, seek to understand the faith and mission of the Church, and make a conscious effort to relate the Good News of Jesus Christ to personal and social problems. This committee meets the first Monday of each month at 2 pm and is co-chaired by Marsha Davis and Deb Whitcomb. • Mission Committee: Purpose: To seek to express Christ’s conviction that we are to proclaim the Good News in word and deed to the world. This ministry will be both a financial and a “hands-on” service to the least, last, and lost of our community, state, nation, and world. We will seek ways of doing this vital ministry both ecumenically and denominationally and we will constantly seek ways to increase our mission giving. This committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm and is chaired by Melissa Stiles. • Personnel Committee: Purpose: To employ, oversee, support and evaluate the highest quality of staff leadership in the church to fulfill the church’s ministry and mission. This committee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm and is chaired by Rose Leavitt. • Worship Committee: Purpose: In order to glorify God and enjoy God forever, the committee will maintain and enhance the quality, quantity, meaning, creativity, and beauty of our services of worship through the preaching, singing, praying, seasonal decorating of the church, and liturgy. This committee meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10 am and is chaired by Dianna Goodman. Continued on page 5 MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 4 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA “How Does It All Work???” continued from page 4 Do YOU see a place on one of these committees where you would like to share your talents? The church would like to see more people involved in these activities. Feel free to call Pastor Scott or the chair of the committee that sparks your interest. We look forward to hearing from you. Special Note: There is another very important committee operating in the church….the Nominating Committee! However, the process for selecting/electing members to serve is different from all the others. • Nominating Committee: Purpose: Through prayer to find elder and deacon nominees that God is lifting up to take leadership responsibilities in our church. This committee meets for several months prior to the annual meeting and is chaired by Rose Leavitt. The chairperson of this committee is appointed by Session along with one other elder serving as a member, one member appointed by the Board of Deacons and five members elected from the congregation at the annual meeting. The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 1st immediately following worship. If YOU feel called to serve as a congregation member of the nominating committee, please let a friend know so that your name can be placed in nomination. GAME NIGHT WAS GREAT! On Friday, January 9th we had our first game night of the New Year! There were four teenagers and six senior members of the church, including Pastor Scott. Pastor Scott picked up pizzas from Papa Murphy’s and baked them in the church kitchen and everyone else brought various goodies to fill our stomachs and satisfy our sweet tooth. If you were in church Sunday (1/18), you would have heard that someone spent quite a bit of time in jail! Jane Ogle purchased “Helena-opoly” and several people playing this game really enjoyed themselves. Are there other games you would like to see offered for the Friday night game nights? Perhaps you would rather play card games….gin rummy, bridge, or something else. Perhaps Friday is not the best time. We really would like your input. This time of socializing, relationship building is for everyone. Come join us and have some fun! If you have suggestions, please call Rose at 443-4783. The next game night is being considered for February 13th. MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 5 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM of Greater Helena First Presbyterian Church's next week with Family Promise will be March 1 - 7. We will begin signups for the March date and will be needing meals for Sunday and Monday dinner and hosts to spend the night at First Baptist Church. The family we hosted last time has recently graduated from the program and moved into their new home. The Board of Family Promise has recently hired a new Executive Director, Nick Zollo, who comes with experience with non-profits and a great amount of enthusiasm. MARK YOUR CALENDAR: The Comfort Food Challenge, where we all have an opportunity to try a great assortment of Comfort Foods is set for February 22 at 4 pm at the Fair Grounds. If you know of someone who could use the help of Family Promise, the contact number for Nick Zollo, Director, is 465-9467. Questions or to volunteer, call Lucille Letcher at 443-3497 or Elaine Gingery at 461-0561 or email at [email protected] PW BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON Tuesday, February 10, 2015 12:00 Noon Richardson Hall Reservations should be made to Carol Gneckow, phone number 442-9309, no later than Sunday, February 8th. The price of the luncheon will be $5.00. The Intermountain Children's Home will be the focus of our program this year. Please join us for a delicious lunch, fellowship with one another and important information about the Children's Home. Remember your birthday offerings and we'll see you there! An update on the after school program: We have been having lots of fun this winter, going sledding at the hospital and swimming at the Broadwater. When we haven’t been out on field trips, we’ve been playing games, organizing scavenger hunts, and making personalized t-shirts. Finally, to wrap up the month, we will be taking a trip to the Montana Historical Society and going ice skating. We are also working on planning a community service project for this spring. February 18, 2015 5:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service and light supper We will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a light supper and proceeding to the sanctuary for our worship service at 6:00 p.m. Impositions of Ashes will follow. HELENA FOOD SHARE Helena Food Share continues to be one of the missions of this church. A box for donations is located in the Church entry. Boy Scout Troop 228 graciously delivers our contributions to Helena Food Share. Suggestions for February contributions include: Canned Meats (Tuna, Spaghetti, Chili, Salmon) MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 6 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA 1st - Charlotte Meyer 2nd - Karyn Kovich 6th- Eileen Salo 10th - Phillip Borsberry 11th - Elaine Gingery 12th - Linda Granzow 13th - Sheryl Eriksen 14th - Arlene Carpenter 15th - Linda Egebjerg 16th - Stephen Bayless, Gail Danzer 17th - Tamara Laib, Randy Boysen 19th - Chris Shove 18th - Elaine Power & Pat Schneckloth 21st - Mary Craigle, Harold Paulsen 22nd - Jane Ogle 23rd - Jake Blade 24th - Craig Henrikson 1st- Les and Louise Cramer (1st Anniversary) 12th- Vern & Yvonne Moody 14th- Jeremy & Janet Fadness 22nd- John & Carol Gneckow O u r c on d o l e n c e s g o o u t t o t h e f a m i l y of B i l l Sa m s o n , w h o p as s e d o n t h e e ve n i n g of J a n u a r y 1 9 . B i l l w as a m e m b e r of t h e c hu r c h f o r 5 1 y e ar s a nd s e r v e d t h r e e t e r m s o n t h e S e s s i o n b o d y a n d t h e B u i l d i ng & G r ou n d s a n d M i s s i o n C om m i t t e e s . O u r c o n d ol e n c e s go t o Betty Bergstrom and family on the death of Carl on Monday, January 19th. The Bergstroms were members at FPC when Rev. Banks was minister. If you would like to send a sympathy card the address is: Betty Bergstrom – P.O. Box 5893 – Helena, MT 59604. SPECIAL FUNDRAISER……… A special fundraiser is being held at Grace Community Fellowship in the Dunphy Block on Saturday, January 31st from 9 am to 3:00 pm to assist with medical costs for Patrick Sandiland, son of Roger and Tobi Sandiland. Patrick has been diagnosed with a very aggressive form of leukemia. Cards can be sent to: Patrick Sandiland 525 Minor Avenue North #510 Seattle, WA 98109 MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 7 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA 1 8 15 22 FEBRUARY 2015 1 8 15 22 Elaine Gingery Rose Leavitt Bill Cook Marti Cook LaFournaise / Strasko Strasko/Albright Cramer / Albright Moses Carol Gneckow Carole Massman 1 8 15 22 Jim & Jan Benjamin, Mary Wright John & Carol Gneckow Elroy & Lucille Letcher Linda Test, Judy Bayless Carole Massman, and Kathy Chambers 442-9309 443-5281 PENDING If you would be interested in helping out with the Helena Family Promise by providing meals or other help, please let Lucille Letcher or Elaine Gingery know. Merle Korizek To Register email director@family or call 465-9467. Jeannie Pullin “Thank you so much!” To all of the wonderful women of the church who have been bringing treats for all to share on Sundays during the coffee time following worship. You make this fellowship time very special! Also, a special thank you to Tonna Strasko and Stephanie Boysen for the monthly birthday cakes! MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 8 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA SUN MON 1 Worship 10:00 am ---------------------Godly Play 10:15 am ------------------------ Annual Meeting 11:15 a.m. 8 TUE WED 2 3 Congregational Abigail Circle 9:30 am Fellowship Esther Circle 9:30 am 11:30 am. ----------------------------------------------Bridge Club 11 am Education 2 pm ----------------------------------------Jesus: Forgiving After-school Victim 12 noon Program 3 pm ----------------------------------------------ALANON 7 pm Girl Scouts 7 pm ---------------------------Boy Scouts 7 pm 9 10 Worship 10:00 am After-school Worship -----------------------Program 3 pm 10:00 am Godly Play ---------------------- ---------------------------10:15 am Girl Scouts 7 pm Bridge Club 11 am --------------------------------------------------Jesus: Forgiving Victim 12 noon ---------------------------Mission 5:15 pm ---------------------------Admin 6:00 pm ---------------------------Bldg & Grounds 7:00 pm ---------------------------Alanon Meeting 7:00 pm 15 16 Worship 10:00 am ---------------------Godly Play 10:15 am ---------------------- 22 Worship 10:00 am ---------------------Godly Play 10:15 am ---------------------- THUR 17 Bridge Club 11 am ---------------------Jesus: Forgiving Victim 12 noon ----------------------SESSION 6:30 pm ---------------------ALANON 7 pm ---------------------Boy Scouts 7 pm 23 24 After-school Bridge Club 11 am Program 3 pm ------------------------------------------------ALANON 7 pm Girl Scouts 7 pm ---------------------------Boy Scouts 7 pm MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 9 4 Willing Workers 9:30 am ----------------------After-school Program 3 pm ----------------------CHOIR 7 pm 5 12 13 19 Bridge Club 11:00 am ----------------------Agents of the Apocalypse Small Group Study 5:15 p.m. ----------------------It’s In the Book AA Group 7:00 p.m. 25 Willing Workers 9:30 am -------------------After-school Program 3 pm -------------------CHOIR 7 pm 6 7 14 Bridge Club 11:00 am Small Group Study ----------------------------12 o’clock noon District # 11 7 pm Thomas Room ----------------------------It’s In the Book AA Group 7 pm 18 Willing Workers 9:30 am ----------------------After-school Program 3 pm ----------------------ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE 5:30 P.M. SAT Rebekah Circle 9:30 am Small Group Study ----------------------------12 o’clock noon Bridge Club 11:00am Thomas Room ----------------------------- ----------------------District # 61 7 pm Friday Night ----------------------------Speaker 7 pm It’s In the Book AA Group 7 pm 11 Willing Workers 9:30 am ----------------------After-school Program 3 pm ----------------------CHOIR 7 pm FRI 20 21 Small Group Study 12 o’clock noon Thomas Room 26 29 Bridge Club 11:00 am Small Group Study ----------------------------12 o’clock noon Agents of the Thomas Room Apocalypse Small Group Study 5:15 p.m. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s In the Book AA Group 7:00 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA 28 OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. First Presbyterian Church 535 North Ewing Street Helena, MT 59601 406-442-4775 If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, and/or receive this newsletter via e-mail, please call 442-4775 or e-mail [email protected] Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Helena, MT Permit #42 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED LABEL HERE Don’t forget to tune-in to Channel 189 for sermons from our Sunday services that are being broadcast on Helena Civic Television (HCTV) , Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. We hope you will tune in and grow with us! Have questions, please call us at 4424775 or visit our Web Site at MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 10 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA
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