FIRST RATHFRILAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Website: Facebook: Twitter: @1stRathfrilandP Minister: Rev Trevor Boyd, Dip. Min. The Manse: 13 Redbridge Road, Rathfriland, BT34 5AH Telephone: 028 406 30272 / 07955 102923 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1ST FEBRUARY 2015 Jesus said, “A city on a hill cannot be hidden… In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.” Matthew 5: 14 & 16 We exist as a congregation: To WORSHIP the Lord in a spirit-filled way To learn and obey the WORD of God To WITNESS to our community by word and action that Jesus is the WAY to salvation To support and pray for mission in our WORLD TODAY – 1ST FEBRUARY 2015 10.15am Sunday School 11.00am Prayer Meeting in Morrison Room 11.30am Morning Service Conducted by Rev. Trevor Boyd Sermon: The Seals Based on Revelation 6:1-17 6.30pm 6.50pm 7.00pm Prayer Meeting in Choir Room Community Singing Conducted by Band of Brothers Praise Service Conducted by Band of Brothers. This Service will contain testimony’s from Members of the Band and items of Praise and Worship There will be a Cup of tea provided after the Evening Service NEXT SUNDAY – 8TH FEBRUARY 2015 10.15am Sunday School 11.00am Prayer Meeting in Morrison Room 11.30am Morning Service Conducted by Rev. Trevor Boyd Sermon: The Saints Based on Revelation 7:1-17 6.30pm 6.50pm 7.00pm Prayer Meeting in Choir Room Community Singing Evening Service Conducted by Rev. Trevor Boyd Big Questions-Is the Bible true? Bible Reading: II Timothy 3:1-17 FINANCIAL REPORT All those who wish to have a written report inserted in the Financial Report for 2014 please have them submitted to Rev Trevor Boyd for the Financial Committee meeting on MONDAY 2ND FEBRUARY COMMITTEE MEETING The annual Finance Committee meeting will be held on MONDAY 2ND FEBRUARY in the Morrison Room at 7.30pm SENIORS CITIZENS FELLOWSHIP RD TUESDAY 3 FEBRUARY Prayer Meeting in Choir Room at 10.15am MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER TIME TH WEDNESDAY 4 FEBRUARY On Wednesday 4th February Professor James McKeown from Queens University, Belfast, will demonstrate to us a Passover Meal. Everyone in our congregation is encouraged to attend. This will be of great benefit to those who are communicant members as it will help to explain the background to the Lord’s Supper. Feel free to invite friends BADMINTON CLUB TH SATURDAY 7 FEBRUARY The Badminton Club in the Church Hall at the new time of 7.30pm till 10.00pm. All Welcome! FIRST RATHFRILAND PW The next meeting of PW will take place on Tuesday 17th February 2015. It will take the form of an Anniversary Evening when we will be celebrating 65 years of PW at First Rathfriland Presbyterian Church. There will also be a demonstration by Mrs Elaine Weir on Decorating Cup Cakes. Please plan to attend and invite any former members to this special Evening. The Annual PW Service will take place on Sunday 22nd February at 11.30am. The speaker will be Keith Prestin, an Irish Mission Worker who works at International Meeting Point in Belfast. Keith should have many interesting stories to tell as he meets with people from all nationalities and tries to integrate them into the Northern Irish community. PW missionary boxes are now due in. Please leave the boxes in the large box in the vestibule or give to any committee member before 23rd February 2015. CLOSE TO HOME CONFERENCE This conference will be held on Friday 20th March 2015 in Assembly Buildings Belfast from 9.45am-4.00pm. The conference will be addressed by Rev Dr Stafford Carson on how to integrate young people into our church family. Cost is £15.00 per person if booked by 27th Feb 2015 on 02890417247. This conference will be a great benefit to those involved in Sunday School, B.B./G.B., R@FT and Kirk Session. CHRISTIAN INSTITUSTE PUBLIC MEETING Christian Institute public meeting on Friday 6th February in Canal Court Hotel, Newry at 8.00pm. One of the speakers will be Nick Williamson from Blufire Media in Portadown who was threatened with legal action and reported to the Equality Commission after refusing to print a homosexual magazine. Additional information available from Sandra Mackay on 028 90941667 THE SHORTER CATECHISM The purpose of the Shorter Catechism is to educate children in the Reformed Faith. It is based on the Larger Catechism, which was intended for use by ministers as they taught the faith to their congregations in preaching. The Catechism is in a question and answer format. The catechism is composed of 107 questions and answers. It will do us all good to rehearse the teaching of our youth week by week! Catechism No.22 Question 22: How did Christ, being the Son of God, become man? Answer 22: Christ, the Son of God, became man, by taking to himself a true body,(1) and a reasonable soul,(2) being conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and born of her,(3) yet without sin.(4) (1) Heb. 2:14, 16; 10:5. (2) Matt. 26:38. (3) Luke 1:27, 31, 35, 42; Gal. 4:4. (4) Heb. 4:15; 7:26. UPCOMING SUNDAY SERVICES Date Morning Service Topic Conducted By 1/2/15 The Seals (Revelation) Rev. Trevor Boyd Evening Service Topic/Theme Band of Brothers st On Sunday 1 February our Evening Service will be Conducted by “Band of Brothers” and we will be of particular interest to those from the world of bands. We encourage you to invite your friends and band members to hear these folk speak and testify. We will also get them to conduct our Community Singing at 6.50pm. This Service will be followed by tea in the Church Hall. ANNOUNCEMENT SHEET Please note that the Church Announcement Sheet Team has a new email address. The NEW email is: [email protected] If you are or know anybody interested of joining the Church Announcement Sheet team please contact Mr Jim Harbinson – Mobile:07759 702430 or Email: [email protected] for more information FREE WILL OFFERING ENVELOPES If anyone requires Free Will Offering Envelopes please Contact Mr Lindsay Gracey on 07595387831 DATE 01/02/2015 08/02/2015 14/02/2015 22/02/2015 MARRIAGE CLASSES CLASS Marriage Classes Marriage Classes Marriage Classes Marriage Classes TIME 3.00PM – 4.00PM 3.00PM – 4.00PM 8.00PM – 10.00PM 3.00PM – 4.00PM CHURCH CARPARK A fence has been erected on top of the walls in the car park. This should help keep people safe and stop intruders from entering the Community Centre through the car park. The Committee would like to thank Mr Rodney Sterritt for donating the fence in memory of his late wife Hilary, who was a valued member of 1st Rathfriland ROTAS FLOWER LIST 1st February-Mrs June McKnight 8th February-Mrs Barbara Boyd 15th February-Mrs Rita Ross 22nd February-Mrs Heather Annett 1st March-Mr David Scott 8th March-Miss Ina McCracken 15th March-Mrs Margo Groves 22nd March-Mrs Helena Malcomson AUDIO VISUAL st 1 February-David Scott & Neil Cheney 8th February-William & Aaron McConville 15th February-David Scott & Andrew Warburton 22nd February-Robin McConnell & Robert McConville 1st March-David Scott & Neil Cheney 8th March-William & Aaron McConville 15th March-David Scott & Andrew Warburton 22nd Rodney & Michelle McCready CRECHE st 1 February-Julie Wilson & Julie Prescott 8 February & 15th February-Jill Morrow & Margaret McConnell 22nd February & 1st March-Marj Bell & Noelle Hanna 8th March & 15th March-Lorraine McConville & Heather McDowell th CHILDREN’S CHURCH st 1 February-Anne Annett & Sandra OHara 8 February & 15th February- Linda Megaw & Pamela Dickson 22nd February & 1st March-John & Joanne Annett 8th March & 15th March-Colin Boyd & Robin McConnell th If Children’s Church and Crèche dates don’t suit, please swap with someone else on the rota or in emergency contact Anne Annett on 028406 38954. Please check list in Vestibule. COUNTING MONEY AFTER MORNING SERVICE February-Mr & Mrs Mark Wilson, Mr & Mrs Colin McDowell, Mr & Mrs Rodney McCready March- Mr & Mrs Robert Newell, Mr & Mrs David Scott, Mr & Mrs Murray Annett CHURCH DOOR WELCOME ROTA – FEBRUARY Trevor Dunbar & Mark Bronte PLEASE NOTE: If you have any information to share with the congregation please forward it on to the Announcement Sheet Team by 6pm on the Thursday prior to publication Email: [email protected] or Phone/Text: 075644 92961
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