Ash Wednesday Service February 18th, 7pm Pancake Supper -- Shrove Tuesday, February 17th The Missions Team and the men's Lifeboat Class will again prepare our annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, which this year is on Feb 17th (the day before Ash Wednesday) from 5:30 to 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. A Message from Our Missions The menu will include pancakes, sausage, sliced ham, fruit, and beverages. This dinner is another great opportunity to invite friends, neighbors, and relatives who may not attend church to join with us in a time of fellowship. Over the years I have had the privilege of working in missions. At first, I must admit, my intentions were personal. How can we (Neil and myself) introduce our grown children to their birth countries in Central America? Will they truly see and experience day-today life if we simply take them on a planned tour? When the idea of a mission trip was presented to us, we jumped at the chance. Not only did we accomplish our goal but we were able to help others as well. Donations received for the dinner will benefit Camp Joy, which is a youth work camp that serves lowincome, disabled and elderly people in three states in the Appalachian region. Pastor Ken founded it in 1990. The youth and their counselors stay in tents at Camp Harmison, which is 6 miles east of Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. We are planning to take some of our youth this July to participate in the work camp along with some adult participants. See you at the pancake supper! And don't forget to invite your friends, neighbors, and family! Team Leader What is Our Church Doing in Missions? A Lot! Speaking for myself, I believe this opportunity changed my heart in a way that is hard to describe. Let's just say that this was a pivotal God moment in my life. Today, as Montgomery's new Missions Team leader, it is both exciting and daunting at the same time. This had been on my mind for awhile so with a lot of prayer and consideration I agreed to listen to my heart and accept this big challenge in my life. After all isn't this God's plan for all of us to help others in a way that is pleasing to Him? "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased " (Hebrews 13:16) "...whoever is kind to the needy honors God." (Proverbs 14:31) (continued page 4) Page 2 February 2 Newsletter submission deadline for the March edition February 4 Missions Meeting, 7pm in the Memorial Room February 14 Happy Valentine's Day! February 17 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, 5:30 to 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall February 18 Ash Wednesday -- Service at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary February 21 Men's Breakfast, 7:37am in the Fellowship Hall February 23 Heritage Circle, 12:00 noon in the Memorial Room February 28 Last day for Winter Basketball League Games, 9:00am to noon in the Fellowship Hall March 2 Newsletter submission deadline for the April edition March 8 Daylight Saving Time begins -- Turn clocks ahead 1 hour March 23 Heritage Circle, 1:00pm in the Memorial Room March 27-29 Senior High Impact, Ocean City March 29 Palm Sunday Montgomery UMC will have an Ash Wednesday service at 7:00pm on February 18th. Ash Wednesday developed in early medieval times as a day of penitence to mark the beginning of Lent – the forty days of preparation for the celebration of Easter. In the typical Ash Wednesday observance, Christians are invited to the altar to receive the imposition of ashes, prior to receiving Holy Communion. The Pastor applies ashes in the shape of the cross on the forehead of each, while speaking the words, "For dust you are and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19). This is of course what God spoke to Adam and Eve after they eaten of the forbidden fruit and fallen into sin. These words indicated to our first parents the bitterest fruit of their sin, namely death. In the context of the Ash Wednesday imposition of ashes, they remind each penitent person of their sinfulness and mortality, and, thus, their need to repent and get right with God before it is too late. The cross reminds each person of the good news that through Jesus Christ crucified there is forgiveness for all sins, all guilt, and all punishment. In a world that often expects us to be perfect, Ash Wednesday gives us an opportunity to freely confess our imperfections. We can let down our pretenses and be truly honest with each other about who we are. We all bear the mark of sin, from the youngest babies to the oldest seniors. We all stand guilty before a holy God. We all are mortal and will someday experience bodily death. Thus, we all need a Savior. Pastor Ken Page 3 “The Difference Love Makes” Have you ever been tempted to withhold your love from someone? I think, at one time or another, most people have succumbed to that temptation. It’s because sometimes love hurts. No one enjoys being hurt! But what would life be without love? In his book Chicken Soup for the Soul, Eric Butterworth tells of a sociology class that was sent into the rough areas of Baltimore to take case histories of 200 young boys. The students were required to write an evaluation of each boy’s projected future, and in virtually every case, they wrote: “He hasn’t got a chance.” Some twenty-five years later, another professor came across the earlier study and decided to do a follow-up study. With the exception of twenty boys who died or moved, the study revealed that 176 of the remaining 180 boys had gone on to surprising success, with many becoming lawyers, doctors and leading businessmen. When the men were asked for the reasons that contributed to their successes, they all pointed to one particular teacher who had influenced them. The teacher was still alive, so the professor went to visit her to ask how she had influenced boys seemingly destined for poverty and crime to become such success stories. “It is really very simple,” she responded. “I loved those boys.” C.S. Lewis wrote: “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully around with hobbies and little luxuries: avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. The only place outside of heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers of love is hell.” To love is to take risks. Sometimes it hurts! But we must love…that neighbor, that student, that co-worker. It is Christ-like and it is better than locking your heart in a casket of self-centeredness. May we always love one another as Christ loves us. It will make a difference! Pastor Ken Attention, Guys! Men’s Breakfast February 21st The next Men’s Breakfast is Saturday, February 21st, at 7:37am, in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us for some really good food and a great time of fellowship! Dress is extremely casual. We’re usually done by 9:00, so you have plenty of time to get things done the rest of the day. Hope to see you there! For our March breakfast, we are tentatively planning a road trip to the Lions Club breakfast at Damascus UMC. We plan to provide details in next month's newsletter. In case of bad weather on a morning when we're scheduled to have a breakfast, you can call Gib Warnick, Page 4 Missions (continued from page 1) Did you know that Montgomery is involved in many different types of missions? The organizations that we support globally are: Ambassadors For Christ International, both of which train and prepare Christian leaders in China to spread the Gospel and build God's kingdom. Grace Covenant International Ministries, which supports the ongoing work of Ken and Cathy Metz as they work in Peru transforming villages gripped by drugs and violence and spreading the Gospel. Compassion International, where we sponsor and support a young girl named Lorventha from Haiti. Proceeds from our children's Sunday school offerings go to this mission. Good News Jail, a worldwide Christian organization working to transform the incarcerated population to become productive citizens. The local missions that we support include: Damascus Help, which provides emergency financial assistance, food, holiday food baskets and gifts, transportation, and donated furniture to local families in need. Youth For Christ of Central Maryland, which works with local teens in the public school system and in many other settings to bring them the message of Jesus. Rebuilding Together, an ongoing mission involving local churches who work together to help repair and rebuild houses in the Frederick area. Samaritan Women, which operates a residential facility in Baltimore that houses women who have been involved in human trafficking, providing them with a safe and nurturing environment for healing so that they can learn to live productive lives. The Board of Child Care of the United Methodist Church, which runs a group of residential facilities throughout Maryland and West Virginia that provides care for children in need. The Board's goal is to build a bridge leading to independence, success and confidence for children facing adverse life circumstances. Staff members work closely with Social Services to advocate for the children. Hands In Ministry (HIM), an ongoing ministry created and supported by the men's Lifeboat Sunday school class to help local families and church members in need. Faith Connections, a non-profit Christian community of churches and businesses that works together to identify community needs. Camp Joy, our latest and newest mission. This is a youth work camp held for one week in the summer when the youth work under adult supervision to rebuild and repair homes for people in need. We will be encouraging our youth group to be a part of this mission. China Outreach Ministry – a stateside Christian organization that helps Chinese students while studying in the United States. (continued page 5) Page 5 Mission work does not have to be long-term or ongoing. In fact, Montgomery Church has participated in many mini-missions such as bicycle and clothing drives, woodworking projects, and passing out meals to the homeless, just to name a few. Perhaps you have participated in a mission project that our church could help support, or perhaps you have ideas for a new one. My vision for our Missions Team this year is to provide and encourage more hands-on opportunities for our congregation. In order for this to happen, we need YOU. Please prayerfully consider being an active part of our Missions Team. If you can attend a Missions meeting, next one is February 4th in the Memorial Room or simply provide your email address and have a willingness to help, we can keep you in the loop with available opportunities. The rewards are awesome! Sandy Smith, Chairperson, Missions Team It's February and love is in the air!! Our Bible verse for February is from 1 John 4:7: Jesus said, "Love one another." Our song of the month for February is "Into My Heart." What better way to show God's love than by studying His words and singing His praises!! February also brings lessons on Groundhog Day and weather, Valentine's Day, President's Day, dental health, and transportation. Our virtue of the month is honesty. In addition, the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18th and again this year our school will have our annual Lenten project -- a "Pennies from Heaven" collection. Money collected from our students will be donated to the Damascus Help organization to provide food for needy area families. Our children show God's love for all His children by giving to others! Parent-teacher conferences for our 4's and Pre-K students will be on Monday, February 2nd and childcare is available for students and younger siblings during the conferences. On February 19th school will be closed for the President's Day holiday and on Friday evening, February 27th, we will hold our annual Sock Hop for our families!! What a busy but fun month we have planned! Registration for the 2015-16 school year began in January and there are a few open spots remaining. If you would like more information, please contact the school office at 301-253-4884 or email me at [email protected]. A registration form can be printed off the website at www. In Christian Love, Margaret Olsen Page 6 A Message From Our Health Ministry Dear MUMC Congregation, On January 16th I began partnering with Frederick Memorial Hospital by joining a program called “Bridges.” The Bridges Program builds partnerships between Frederick County medical, religious, and neighborhood communities to provide timely, easy-to-understand health education materials and tools which prompt people to advocate for, and improve, their own health and wellness. Objectives of the program are to: Increase opportunities to engage Frederick County residents in the improvement of their health and earn their trust. To provide the right tools and education, to those with the most need, in the right place, at the right time. To produce a more engaged and knowledgeable health care consumer, who is equipped to manage his or her own health. And ultimately, To reduce preventable deaths and the rates of chronic illness and disease among people in Frederick County. Reduce the preventable costs of healthcare. Close the gap on health disparities The Bridges Program: Will be provided free of charge to Frederick County faith, advocacy and affinity groups. Will prepare Lay Health Educators with tips and tactics to teach others to monitor and improve health. Will provide participants with ways to connect people to a variety of free or low cost resources, programs and tools. Will develop health and lifestyle mentors within the community who are equipped with additional resources and skills. Will help the members with the complexities of navigating a health system. Will encourage people to develop good communications with a Primary Care Provider (PCP). My contact information is listed below…I look forward to the exciting future that MUMC has in store with opportunities for learning and growth in regards to health matters. More to come in the very near future! Dawn Reardon, Chairperson MUMC Health Ministry Heritage Circle News Thelma Gessling will be the speaker for February’s Heritage Circle meeting on February 23rd at 12:00 noon in the Memorial Room. As has been our tradition, this meeting will be an Agape meal and all attendees are asked to bring food to share – such as cheeses, breads, fruits and nuts. Please contact Kate Warfield with any questions; however, as Kate says, “Ladies! You know what to bring!” The next meeting will be on March 23rd at 1:00pm in the Memorial Room. Page 7 Montgomery Friends, YOU ARE ALL INVITED to worship in music with the National Christian Choir in Frederick on Saturday February 28th, at 6:00 PM, at the Frederick Seventh-day Adventist Church, 6437 Jefferson Pike (Route 180). The concert is free and no tickets are required. A free will offering will be collected. This concert is the closest one to our church that we will have this year. You may always see the full calendar on the choir's website: Please be watching for information about a March concert in Silver Spring and our spring concert at the Basilica at the Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg in May! Other concerts will be in Pennsylvania, not far away in New Oxford and in Waynesboro. As always, we appreciate your interest, support and prayers as we continue to serve this ministry. In His Service, Sandy Day, Nancy and Hannah Hood, Donna Isaacs
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