Cubs (Nelson Pack) Janet Smith Meet Tuesday in the Back Bay from 6.30 ~ 8.00 pm 772321 Anne George 721108 Faye Elliott 07779 665181 Meet for various types of dancing classes, for all ages and abilities in the Middle and Back Bays, all day on Saturday and on Tuesday /Friday evenings. Monthly Group Contact Telephone No. Asian Men - Over 60’s Group Mr Pabla 763977 Meet Monday to Friday in the Meeting Room from 1.00 ~ 5.00 pm The Church serving Sinfin Moor and Stenson Fields Arleston Lane, Sinfin Moor, Derby DE24 3DH Find us at: February 2015 Published Sunday 1st February Monthly GROUPS MEETING AT SINFIN MOOR CHURCH Footlights Dancing Group Men’s Club Keith Jennison 764517 Meet on alternate Tuesday evenings at 8.00 pm (unless otherwise stated) in the Meeting Room Sinfin Live at Home Group Yvonne Woolley 07905 466714 Meet on Wednesday afternoon in the Middle Bay from 1.45 ~ 4.00 pm Brownies Helen Campbell 07763 852278 Meet on Wednesday in the Back Bay from 6.00 ~ 7.30 pm Guides Amanda Jenkins 754770 Meet on Wednesday in the Back Bay from 7.45 ~ 9.15 pm Parent and Toddler Group Karen Bailey 762585 Meet on a Thursday in the Back and Middle Bays from 1.15 ~ 2.45 pm Beavers Lesley Holmes 768581 Meet on a Thursday in the Back Bay from 5.30 ~ 6.45 pm Sinfin Moor Church Music Group Melanie Sant 721927 Meet on Thursday in the Front Bay from 6.45 ~ 7.45 pm 10.00 am Our Morning Communion Service today is led by Rev’d Susan McIvor who is Minister at this Church. Readings: Mark 1 v 21 - 28 and Deuteronomy 18 v 15 - 20. Bibles are available in the Foyer to follow the readings. The Church building is fitted with an inductive loop system. Hearing aid users should switch to the ‘T’ position. We will be celebrating Holy Communion and we have an open table and invite all those who love the Lord Jesus Christ to take the bread and wine with us. If you wish to receive a blessing only, please come forward when asked to do so and tell the Minister that is what you require. We extend a warm welcome to anyone who is worshipping with us for the first time or visiting. If you are new or visiting: Please join us for complimentary refreshments and a chat in the Back Bay or Coffee Bar at the end of the Service. If you are a tax payer and want to Gift Aid your offering, envelopes are available in the Foyer. Normally there are no Evening Services at SMC. Live at Home Lunch Club Yvonne Woolley 07905 466714 Meet on Tuesday in the Middle Bay from 10.30 am ~ 1.30 pm Please advise the Editor if there are any changes to the above. 16 Please see page 2 for contact details of the SMC Safeguarding Officer. 1 CHURCH DIARY DATES FOR FEBRUARY SINFIN MOOR CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT “We are a Christian Fellowship (including Anglican, Methodist and United Reformed ministries) committed to serving God and sharing the Good News of Jesus with everyone.” Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday 2 3 9 17 Saturday 28 7.30 pm 8.00 pm 7.30 pm 5.00 pm 8.00 pm 9.30 am Sunday Club Meeting (See page 5) Men’s Club (See page 7) Stewards Meeting Pancake Party at Stephen’s (See page 13) Men’s Club (See page 7) Coffee Morning (See Page 9) CHURCH MINISTER AND CONTACT DETAILS 2014/15 Minister* Secretary* Stewards* Church Council Rev’d Susan McIvor Julie Froggatt Julie Froggatt Michael Prince Ian Sant John Archer Jill Brown Eve Dudden ** Keith Jennison (01332 765933) (01332 761388) Margaret Platt Melanie Sant Melvin Worton Colin Attenborough David Dockray** Amanda Jenkins Vincent Martin CMC Safeguarding Officer Jill Brown (07714 751872) Room Bookings Melanie Sant (721927) Webmaster Vincent Martin (728295) denotes members of the Church Council along with the Treasurer. ** denotes co-opted member. The Editors are always happy to receive contributions for the Monthly and Weekly. However, they reserve the right to edit all contributions and this includes, in some cases, not using the material at all. All articles used are representing the writer’s own personal view and they do not necessarily represent the views of the Church. PATTERN OF CHURCH WORSHIP AT SMC The monthly pattern of Worship at Sinfin Moor Church is:10.00 am Morning Worship (Communion 1st and 5th Sunday) OUR NORMAL WEEKLY SERVICES FOR FEBRUARY 1st 9th 15th 22nd 10.00 am Morning Communion 10.00 am Morning Service 10.00 am Morning Worship 10.00 am Morning Worship Normal Weekly Meetings: Monday 1.00 - 5.00 pm Tuesday 10.30 am - 1.30 pm 1.00 - 5.00 pm 6.30 - 8.00 pm 8.00 - 10.00 pm 8.30 - 9.30 pm Wednesday 1.00 – 5.00 pm 1.45 - 4.00 pm 6.00 - 7.30 pm 7.45 - 9.15 pm Thursday 1.00 - 5.00 pm 1.15 - 2.45 pm 5.15 - 6.45 pm 6.45 - 7.45 pm Friday 1.00 - 5.00 pm 7.30 - 8.30 pm Saturday 9.00 - 2.00 pm Rev’d Susan McIvor Paul Wood Rev’d Susan McIvor Jean Parton Asian Men Meeting Live at Home Lunch Club Asian Men Meeting Cubs Men’s Club (fortnightly) Footlights Dance School Adult Fun Tap Class Asian Men Meeting Sinfin Live at Home Scheme Brownies (Term Time) Guides (Term time) Asian Men Meeting Parent and Toddler Group (Term time) Beavers (Term time) Church Music Group Practice Asian Men Meeting Footlights Dance School - Ballet Footlights Dance School (various classes) For details of contacts, see the back page. There are no evening services planned at SMC. 2 15 The Monthly Message from Nathan Sant Hello From Zimbabwe……. DURING THE WEEK PLEASE PRAY FOR: Alistair Mackenzie - who is very poorly also for Margaret and the family . Doris Martin who is in hospital undergoing treatment for blood clots. The family of Julia Hall (friend of Vincent Martin) who passed away last week. May they know your strength and comfort at this time. Mary Davis recovering at home from ana operation. Marian Bannister who is unwell. Michael Cooke (known through Men’s Club) as he recovers from his stroke. Mark de Villiers Michelle Sant’s Father) when he see his eye Consultant this week. Lauren Froggatt’s friend who is awaiting test results for Cervical Cancer. Paul Maclaren - As he deals with his housing problem at Kestrel House. All those in our Church family especially those who are unwell and cannot get to Church to be with us. The Derby Nightshelter Project as it continues on these winter nights. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Jonathan Baker (Ashbourne) Brian Voce and his wife Lyn (Rev’d Mair Bradley’s friends) Jill Clark (Gill Priestley’s friend) Louise Kinsley (friend of Vincent Martin) Lydia - (Joy’s daughter) Sonya Marley (Gill Priestley’s friend) Richard Dockray Barry Davis The SMC Renovation and Renewal Group 14 We hope that this finds you all well and that you are enjoying the start of the New Year. We (Michelle and I) have settled back into the routine of things here and Lily is back into the fun of pre school, swimming and play dates with her friends. As you may have heard our house was being worked on while we were with you all, various extensions and floors are all in place and as I sit writing this I can hear the hammers and tools clinking away. Which is quite relevant to my message as this past couple of Sunday evening Youth services, I have been speaking about Nehemiah. The series is actually called “Build”, and it has really spoken to me as well the youth. The first week was all about “Our place is part of God’s plan”. Have you ever stopped to think about your life? Where you are and why you are there? Nehemiah was born in captivity, His people had been taken away from Jerusalem by the Babylonians and what made it even worse was that the Babylonians were then captured by the Persians (I know its confusing but it just shows how bad his situation was). To cap all this off, he was also a slave to the King, but not any old slave, Nehemiah was the kings cup bearer. The guy that had to taste the food and drink that was going before the king to see if it was poisoned or not. That’s like letting a snake bite you just so your friends can see if it’s poisonous or not. Talk about a dead end job!!!! (Continued on page 4) 3 (Continued from page 3) But God had placed Nehemiah exactly where He wanted him to be because God then called Nehemiah to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall. All he had to do was to ask the King for permission to leave and do some building. That easier said than done when the King could have you killed just for looking at him in the wrong way. But anyway Nehemiah asked the King for permission, and remarkably the King said yes. Not only did he say yes, but the King gave Nehemiah an armed guard to Jerusalem and some resources to rebuild the wall! It is amazing what happens when God is with us! The thing is, have you ever stopped to think that God has placed you where you are for a reason? You could be in that housing estate because there are people there who need to be shown the love and compassion of Jesus. The Imari Ladies Choros Well so many times we often complain about where we live because the neighbours are too loud, or where we work, because my boss is annoying or even our church (I will leave you to put the reasons in here……) Saturday 7th March So why am I telling you this? It could be that He wants you to show the people at work what happens when you have Jesus in your life. (Continued on page 5) 4 13 Proceeds in aid of the Building Works Fund To cut a long story short Nehemiah got the chief priests and elders to build the wall around Jerusalem and it was rebuilt in just 52 days. Yep, 52 days to build kilometre after kilometre of wall and they weren't house bricks they were blocks of stone as big as a car in some parts. Christian Aid Week, 2015 This year, Chris an Aid Week will run from Sunday 10th to Saturday 16th May. You may think it's a bit early to be adver sing our events, but it's hard to believe that the first month of the year is already behind us! Our main event this year will be a Coffee Morning and Mini-Market, which is planned for Saturday, 16th May, from 10 a.m. Un l 12.30 p.m. There will be various stalls, including cakes and other edible goodies, a cra stall, bric-a-brac, and a 50p Prize-Every-Time stall, as well as refreshments. So if you are "Cra y" and could produce an item or two for our cra stall, that would be great. Also, donaons of gi s for the Prize-every-Time Stall would be most welcome and, nearer the me, bric-a-brac and home made "eatables". We shall con nue to collect small change (both copper and silver)' as this has been so worthwhile over the past few keep on saving! There will be a Quiz again this year...on sale at £1 per sheet and of course you will be able to donate to Chris an Aid directly via the Gi Envelopes which will be available in Church on Sunday, 10th May. So...please note down the dates in your diaries and look out for more details in future newsle ers. Your generosity in the past has been let's see if, once again, we can raise a great amount for the wonderful work of Chris an Aid. Many thanks. Doreen Hickman Live at Home Lunch Club Don’t forget that the Live at Home Lunch Club continues every Tuesday, at Sinfin Moor Church. It starts at 10.30 am until 1,30 pm with an activity and cost of £4.50 includes both a main course and sweet as well as coffee or tea. Transport can be provided at a cost of £2.50, you will need to book this through the office, please telephone 736409 or mobile 07905 466714. If you would like to receive an electronic copy of our Newsletter each week to be sure that you see one (it’s in PDF Format), please give your e-mail address to Ian Sant so that you can be added to the list or e-mail [email protected]. 12 It could even be at that church because He wants you to help people, greet people, share in a big family. So often though we get caught up in our own problems, to realise that actually, just like Nehemiah, you are placed in that very situation for a reason. To do the creator’s will. As well as all that, just like God was with Nehemiah, He is with you too! I find that so amazing that the creator of everything wants to use me, to do things for Him, even though He doesn't really need me. Nehemiah stepped out by asking the King if he could have some leave because God called him to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem, Talk about having faith, but when he stepped out, God stepped up and the rest is history. It may be a small step, But what step can you take where you are, So that God will step up? It may take all your courage to take that one step, but trust me when God sees it, He will step up and the rest will be history. I encourage you this month to talk to God , ask Him why you are where you are and what he wants you to do. You may be surprised at His answer, but remember that He is with you! With every blessing. Nathan Sunday Club Meeting Please note that our next meeting will be tomorrow (Monday 2nd February) at 7.30 pm, being held at the Vicarage on Redwood Road. We will be discussing Messy Church which is planned for Saturday 14th March, looking at Mothers Day crafts and activities, so come with your ideas. 5 Gift Day 2014 It seems ages since this was launched in September and it still has until the end of March to run. Money continues to be given and at the end of January you had given £1,271.00 towards the projects we specified. Two of these are now complete, being the boiler in the Kitchen and the new notice board. Our continued thanks for your generosity. R & R Group update. Our Drawings for building regulation “approval” are virtually complete and the Building Regulations are in the process of being carried out by “MFA” an approval firm in Derby, authorised by DCC to approve Plans & buildings. We will shortly be going out to request tenders from several building firms, in order to progress the building project, and will be having a User Groups meeting to inform them of potential timings and works. Mike Prince on behalf of SMC R & R Group Building Works Fund Our aim is to raise £8,000 towards our building project in 2015; meaning that we need £666 per month to achieve this. January saw us just fall below this but with our Monthly Coffee Morning being on 31st January, it is too late for us to include. Once that is held then we should have achieved our target which is good news. Note that all items (preferably in writing) for the next Weekly to be with Ia n Sant ([email protected]) by 6.00 pm on Thursday 5th February please. 6 Our thanks to Ellen Treece for providing the flowers in Church today. Cross and Fittings in the new Foyer Shown is the Stained Glass Cross for the New Foyer (Narthex) at SMC. It is around 3 foot tall (910mm) and is in colour (which we cannot show since we can only print in black and white although if you are looking at this on-line, it is in colour!). Whilst it is very much appreciated, that you, the Congregation, have been already supporting “The SMC Building Works Fund” we invite the you to make a specific donation towards the cost of this Cross, to promote a closer feeling of “ownership”. With any surplus going towards furniture and fittings for the new Foyer (Narthex). Envelopes are available in Foyer and please place your envelope in the Offering basket on any Sunday. To date we have received £142.67 for this so again our grateful thanks. Church Prayer Diary This appears on page 14 in this edition and we would ask that your uphold these people and groups in your prayer this month. If you would like a prayer included or if there is a change to an existing prayer, please contact Ian Sant (721927 or at [email protected]) It is important that prayer requests are kept up-to-date. The requests vary from month to month however, some have been on the list for a while and that is not a problem as long as the need is still there. Please review the list and if you can up-date us, then please do so. If no updates are received for individuals after a while, their name may be removed. When did you last update Ian about the prayers? 11 Mission Action Plan Day - Sunday 25th January Thank you to everyone who completed the Health Check Questionnaires, there were 41 completed which is an excellent response. Thanks also to those who gave up their time and joined us last Sunday for the feedback from Rev’d Jason Kennedy (the Diocese Church Growth Officer) and then sharing together our fellowship lunch. Over 30 folk stayed after Morning Worship for this and then took part in exploring the results, finding out what they mean and then looking at what we can do as a Church. Thank you also to all those who provided and helped prepare the lunch (which was excellent); those who did work in the kitchen and the tidy up afterwards! Jason explained in detail and gave feedback on the results, we voted on which 2 points of the 7 marks of mission we wanted to look at in more detail because we only had the afternoon together, "Building Community" and "Seek to find what Gods wants" were chosen. We were then asked to split in to small groups on the point that we had chosen or had an interest in. This gave everyone the chance to have a say and join in. We all came back together after 45 minutes and each group gave their feedback to everyone. The results and feedback will be given to the Stewards to look at when they have their next meeting. All in all, a most interesting time and one which hopefully will take the Church forward. Julie Froggatt Linda and Isobel doing their craft work whilst the rest of were working in the Front Bay. Helping ourselves to the lovely lunch that was provided. Sinfin Moor Church Men’s Club The remainder of our programme until June is published below. We continue to invite all men in the Church to come along; we start at 8.00 pm. In a change to our published programme, this Tuesday 3 rd February we welcome Norman Slater who has agreed to come along at short notice due to our planned speaker, Michael Cooke, not being available. Michael, lives in Allestree and has had a slight stroke and is in hospital. We hold Michael in prayers and wish him a speedy and full recovery. 3rd February Norman Slater - Filming the Etches Park Open Day as part of the Derby 175 Railway celebrations. 17th February Christopher Froggatt – Working for Derby City Council 3rd March Rev’d Raymond Lunt – Faith in the Workplace 17th March Vincent Martin – SMC Website 31st March Janet Fuller – Derby Refugee Centre 14th April Rev’d Susan McIvor – Subject to follow 28th April Rev’d Don Cross – Industrial Chaplaincy 12th May Church Visit (to be arranged) 26th May Meal 9th June Skittles (or not!) TBA (Photographs from Vincent Martin) 10 7 Advent Appeal/Christmas Offering A strange title for an article I the February Newsletter you may be thinking though if you cast your mind back, you may recall that our Advent Appeal/Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Offerings ere given to the Derby Refugee Centre here in Derby. We received a thank you letter from them but it was too long to be included in a Weekly Newsletter so here it is now so that you can understand how grateful they were. “Thank you so much to all at Sinfin Moor Church for the generous donation of £299.15. We have received the cheque today. We are extremely grateful that you thought of us and raised this sum for our charity. It is heartening to know that at your Christmas Eve Communion and Christmas Day Service, you thought of our clients and how to make their lives more comfor table and safe. Please let me assure you that these funds will be attributed wisely, helping us to go forward securing the stability and wellbeing of our most vulnerable clients. Our advice sessions are in enormous demand and we regularly see 40 clients per day for these. In addition, service users have access to our food and clothing bank. During the harsh winter months when the weather can be frosty and dark, we do our best to ensure that the destitute have adequate warm clothing, gloves and scarves, plus some nutritious basic foods too. In addition to these services, we have been offering more and more training workshops such as Cancer Awareness and Community Gardening. This week we will be learning First Aid skills. These all help our clients with social inclusion and enable us all to share skills and learn from each other. It creates a nice friendly atmosphere at the centre and clients seem to have improved self-esteem and hope as a result of their participation. Many workshops have certificates for attendees so this is a nice addition to the CV and a pleasant reminder of a useful and engaging day. Janet Fuller will be doing a presentation to the Men's Group soon, so I'll make sure that she brings more details along (Continued on page 9) 8 (Continued from page 8) with her. We will also be taking part in a ceremony to mark Holocaust Memorial Day on 27th January. This will be held here at the centre. Please pass on these thanks to all at Sinfin Moor Church. It's lovely to know that we have such good friends. Our clients are very appreciative of this help and the welcome that you have given them to their host city of Derby. Kindest Regards Hannah Stirland” Monthly Coffee Morning to be held at the Church on Saturday 28st February between 9.30 am until 12.00 noon Come and enjoy the usual relaxed friendly atmosphere. Tea Coffee Books Raffle Fairtrade The ’girls and boys’ would love to see you there. Money raised is for the Building Works Fund. Memorial Book This is available in the Memorial Corner and we record the names of loved ones who have died. If you have not already done so and want a name adding, please speak to Ian Sant. The book is turned on a regular basis so that names appear on the correct date. 9
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