THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF ST. ANDREWS, N.B., CANADA THE SUNDAY CALLED SEPTUAGESIMA FEBRUARY 1ST, 2015 8:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION – All Saints Church Introit: Psalm 18:1-7 Page 347 Collect for the Sunday called Septuagesima Page 132 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Page 133 Gradual Psalm 119, Part 4 Page 486 Holy Gospel: St. Matthew 20:1-16 Page 133 MINISTERING TODAY Celebrant and Preacher: the Rector Readers: Peggy Saunders and Audrey Cline Altar Guild: Jean Stinson 11:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION – All Saints Church Processional Hymns 393 The Lord’s Prayer Page 67 Collect for Purity and Summary of the Law Page 67-69 Collect for the Sunday called Septuagesima Page 132 Children’s Message Children’s Hymn “This is the Day” See Bulletin Kyrie Eleison Page 70 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Page 133 Gradual 549 verses 1and 2 Holy Gospel: St. Matthew 20:1-16 Page 133 Gradual Hymn 549 verses 3 and 4 Nicene Creed Page 71 Sermon: the Rector Offertory Hymn 102 The Intersession See Bulletin Invitation, Confession and Absolution Page 76 Sursum Corda and Benedictus Page 78 Prayer of Consecration and the Peace Page 83 Prayer of Humble Access and Agnus Dei Page 84 Communion Hymns Set 4 Lord’s Prayer and Prayer of Thanksgiving Page 85 Gloria in Excelsis, Page 86 The Blessing Page 86 Recessional Hymn 559 MINISTERING TODAY Celebrant and Preacher: the Rector Crucifer: Jane Irwin Sunday school: Erin O’Kane and Ellen Matheson assisted by Craig Carson Readers: John Boone and Jean Stinson Pianist: Piper Scalabrin Greeters: Sharon Chamberlain and Ross Chandler NEXT SUNDAY, February 8th, 2015 SEXAGESIMA 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion, All Saints Church 9:30 A.M. Holy Communion, St. David’s Ridge 10:15 A.M. Choir Practice, All Saints church 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer, All Saints Church 11:00 A.M. Sunday school, All Saints Church and Parish Hall DAILY SERVICES in ALL SAINTS CHURCH 9:00 A.M. Monday to Saturday – Morning Prayer 4:00 P.M. Each Day – Evening Prayer BEST WISHES Best Wishes are extended this week to Tom Parker celebrating his birthday today, Chris Queen, Sr., celebrating on Monday and Tom Richards celebrating his birthday on Thursday. May God bless you all abundantly in the year ahead! TAKE NOTE…..!!! It was announced in last Sunday’s bulletin that our Annual Parish Meeting would be held today following the 11:00 am service. This is not possible due to Peter’s misfortune (a broken ankle). The APM is now scheduled for Sunday, February 15, allowing for the completion of the budget (a special Vestry meeting will be called to approve its presentation to the APM). It is hoped that the budget and other reports will be available next Sunday, February 8. There are sign-up sheets on the table in the front entry for those who would like to “build a soup”, or bake some rolls or sweets for the lunch. SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER It’s time to start planning for another of our traditions – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, to be held on Tuesday, February 17. For those who would like to volunteer to help make this work, there are sign-up sheets on the table in the front entry. Many hands make light work! If there is anyone who would like to help co-ordinate the function, please contact the Parish Office – drop in or call 529-8662. THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR February 1st to 7th, 2015 TODAY: 11:00 A.M. Sunday school meets in church and moves to Parish Hall TODAY: 2:00 P.M. Passamaquoddy Lodge Worship Service Archdeacon Matheson and choir Members TODAY: 1:00 P.M. Homecoming 2015 Meeting, Parish Hall WEDNESDAY: 10:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY: Archdeacon Matheson attending St. Peter Publications Holy Communion, All Saints Church Meeting, Charlottetown, PEI. VALENTINE’S DAY EXTRAVAGANZA Mark this date on your calendar – Saturday, February 14, at 6:00 pm The Parish Hall will be the place to be with your special valentine! The Extravaganza, hosted by All Saints Youth Group, will feature great music, decadent desserts, loads of silent auction items and much more! Funds raised will be used for Youth events and to assist in the purchasing of an AED (defibrillator) for the Hall. If you would like to assist in any way, please contact Nancy at 529-8813 or [email protected]. The Intercessions V: Almighty God, as your Son Jesus Christ has promised, hear the prayers we offer. We pray for the peace of the world, wherever there is civil and religious strife, oppression or violence. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, your spiritual body, and for the unity of all Christians. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, for Frederick, our Primate, David our Bishop, and for John our Rector, and for all ministers, lay and ordained. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for all the People of God, that they may use the gifts given them through the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God and for the strengthening of his Church. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for Elizabeth our Queen, Stephen and Brian her first ministers, for John our MP & John our MLA. We pray for the leaders of the nations, and for all in authority. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for seasonable weather, for those who travel, and for all who work at hazardous occupations and vocations of responsibility. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray that we may share with justice the resources of the earth, and live in trust and goodwill toward one another. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray with special remembrance of family, friends and neighbours who are marking special events in their lives: Those celebrating birthdays this week – Tom Parker, Tom Richards & Chris Queen, Sr. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for the aged and infirmed, for widows and orphans, for the sick and suffering, for all on our Parish Prayer List, especially those who are in, or entering, hospital: Paula Andrew, Glenna Perry, Brenda Smith, Jacob Anderson, Willard Storr, Lynne Vye, Don Parks, Bunny Hodgson, Herbert Saunders, Tina Beaumaster, Hylton McFarlane, Dorothy Boone, Bonnie Epstein, Brenda Richardson, Maurice McGee & Bud Brown. We pray for those who mourn: the family & friends of the late Arlene Welch. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We pray for ourselves and for one another, that we may live in Godly peace and harmony, loving one another as you have given commandment. Lord, in your mercy, R: Hear our prayer. V: We praise you, Lord God, for the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints. We pray that you might strengthen in us the glorious hope of the Resurrection to eternal life, where you reign with saints and angels, world without end. Priest: Hear us, Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord. R. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. PWRDF: FRED SAYS – RICE IS NICE We live in a world where 1 in 8 people don’t have enough to eat. The Most Reverend Fred Hiltz – the “Fred” behind Fred Says, together with the PWRDF, want Canadians to know that when it comes to development work, it all starts with food. Many rice farmers in the Philippines do not own their land and often make so little from their crops that they cannot feed their families or send their children to school. In the central Visayas Region of the Philippines PWRDF partner FARDEC operates a rice mill that pays farmers more for their rice and charges less to mill it. Fred Says: Your gift towards this project will help to keep the rice mill open to provide farmers with a fair price for their rice crops and encourage them to make their living from the land, supporting their families and ensuring a better future for their children. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The World Day of Prayer is traditional held the first Friday of March, which means this year it will be held on March 6th so you might want to put that date on your calendar. This year it is being hosted by the Presbyterian congregation with the service having been written by the women of the Bahamas. An organizational meeting will be held at the Presbyterian Hall on Wednesday, February 11, at 2:00 pm. We will be hosting the 2016 service so it is our responsibility to find a guest speaker for this year. If you know someone from the Bahamas that would be willing to deliver a message on the Bahamas please share this information with the Parish Office. PARISH PRAYER CARE LIST IN or ENTERING HOSPITAL: Paula Andrew, Glenna Perry, Brenda Smith, Jacob Anderson, Willard Storr, Lynne Vye, Don Parks, Bunny Hodgson, Herbert Saunders, Tina Beaumaster, Hylton McFarlane, Bonnie Epstein, Brenda Richardson, Maurice McGee, Bud Brown. AT HOME: Hannah Rumbolt, Peggy Jones, Harris and Lois Hord, Margaret Knorr, Gordon and Edna Higgins, Elizabeth Mars, Derrick and Christine Iles, Michelle Lister, Gordon and Merwyn Berry, Justin Khan, Stuart and Naomi Prall, Mary Anne Griffin, Malcolm and Phyllis Gilliland, Daisy Weinstein, Jessica Adams, Mary Adams, Giles Walker, Mary Stoltie, Alice Jones, Greig Revie, Paula Pryor, Douglas Marsters, Jocelyn Smith, Nona Prout, Timothy Sivret, Scott Bacon, Lois Anning, Mary Bosway, Sandra Comeau, Janet Russell, Mary Lou Graybill, Marion Roberts, Chris Faqua, Myrtle Madsen, Ed Trippel, Richard Dixon, Siobhan Laskey, Mary Dowling, Holley Myers, Gladys McAfee, Mary McKnight, Ewen Cross, Jimmy Harper, Don Bacon, Carson Cooke, Jane King, Loie Smith, Chris Simm, Bryon McLaughlin, John Boone, John Bailey, Carrie Lord, Johnny Haley, Joe Haley, John Gibson, Phyllis Strang, Janice Fairney, Patrick Gibson, Eddie Haley, Jennifer Stackhouse, Joe Higgins, Jill Charlton, Rosie Smith, Joyce Cross, Peter Mitchell, Everett White, Karen Hastings. NURSING HOMES and OTHER PLACES OF CARE: Billy Burnett, Muriel Carson, Marjorie Hawkes, Nancy Caldwell, Hubert McFee, Carol Boone, Ruth Spicer, James Libby, Helen McCutcheon, Laura MacVicar, Mildred Justason, Dwight Brady, Kathleen Hawkins, Ruby Anning, Shirley Doughty, Maureen Curran, Clifford McLaughlin, Mary Archer, Dorothy Jones, Gertie Boyne, Suzanne Scott, Doreen Smith, Mildred Weatherby, Margaret McGuire, Jack Pound, Bishop Harold Nutter IN MOURNING: The family and friends of the late Arlene Welch. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace and light perpetual shine upon them. Amen Strengthening our Parish . . . Serving the Community In Our Parish Hall this Week Sunday 11:00-Noon Sunday School Monday 10:00-11:00 am Yoga with Julie Kronenberger Monday 1:30-4:00 pm Spindrifters’ Games Monday 7:00-8:15 pm Yoga with Julie Kronenberger Tuesday 4:30-5:45 pm Yoga with Julie Kronenberger Tuesday 6:15-9:00 pm Craft Guild Tuesday 6:30-7:30 pm Fitness Class with Gina Scott Thursday 10:00-11:00 am Tai Chi with Liz Kenyon Thursday 6:30-7:30 pm Fitness Class with Gina Scott Friday 7:00-9:00 pm Homecoming 2015 Meeting Saturday Noon-5:00 pm Concert/Songwriters’ Circle READING the SCRIPTURES with the CHURCH 1st Lesson 2nd Lesson 104 Pt. 1 Genesis 1:1-2:3 John 1:1-18 80 Genesis 2:4-end Revelation 4 Psalms SUN A.M. P.M. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MON A.M. 11, 12 Genesis 3 Matthew 15:29-16:12 P.M. 13, 14 Genesis 4:1-16 Romans 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TUE A.M. 18 Pt. 1 Genesis 6 Matthew 16:13-end P.M. 18 Pt. 2 Genesis 7 Romans 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WED A.M. P.M. 22:1-21 Genesis 8:1-14 Matthew 17:1-23 22:22-31, 23 Genesis 8:15-9:17 Romans 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THU A.M. P.M. 28, 29 Genesis 11:1-9, 27-12-:10 27 Genesis 13 Matthew 17:24-18:14 Romans 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FRI A.M. 33 Genesis 14 Matthew 18:15-end P.M. 34 Genesis 15 Romans 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAT A.M. 37 Pt. 1 Genesis 16 Matthew 19:1-15 P.M. 37 Pt. 2 Genesis 17:1-22 Romans 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR ALL the SAINTS: THIS WEEK’S CHURCH KALENDAR Monday: Presentation of Christ & Purification of Blessed Virgin Mary. Tuesday: Anskar, Missionary, first Bishop in Sweden, 864.
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