HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH Iris Lane & South A1A, Vero Beach, Florida PARISH OFFICE 500 Iris Lane, Vero Beach, FL 32963 (772) 231-0671 www.holycrossverobeach.org Monday: 1:00 - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Closed for lunch: 11:45 -12:45 p.m.) PRIESTS OF THE PARISH Rev. Richard Murphy Rev. Jim Brucz, CSP Deacon Richard Blake Deacon Wayne Creelman MISSION STATEMENT We CELEBRATE the Gospel when we encounter Jesus Christ in the Sacraments and through prayer. We TEACH the Gospel in order to strengthen each family in their knowledge of and in their relationship with God. We LIVE the Gospel by seeking justice, granting forgiveness and through works of service which enhance the spiritual, emotional, social and physical well-being of the entire community. This is what the Lord asks of you: Only this To act justly To love tenderly To walk humbly with your God Micah 6:8 February 1, 2015 Page 1 Celebration of the Sacraments “The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God. Because they are signs, they also instruct. They not only presuppose faith, but by words and objects they also nourish, strengthen and express it. That is why they are called ‘sacraments of faith’.” — Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1123 Eucharist Saturday Vigil Masses: Sunday Masses: Daily Masses: 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM, 12:15 PM Monday through Friday 8:00 AM 12:15 PM Saturday 8:00AMOnly Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday through Friday 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM Saturday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Baptism Requesting the Sacrament of Baptism for a child involves a serious obligation and a faith commitment on the part of both parents. In order to prepare both parents for this task, they will be requested to attend a Baptismal Preparation Session prior to the Baptism. To register, call the Family Life Office (231-0671). The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 2nd Saturday of each month. A date for Baptism cannot be scheduled until the necessary preparation has been completed. Parents are encouraged to begin preparation prior to the birth of their child. Confirmation Candidates are those already baptized and who have received the necessary formation in religious education. Candidates must be at least in the 9th grade to receive this Sacrament. Reconciliation The Sacrament is celebrated each Saturday 11:00 AM 12:00 Noon except Holy Saturday. Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament is administered on request to those who are ill at home, in the hospital or nursing home. Please call the Parish Office (231-0671). It also is administered on the First Saturday of every month after the 8:00 AM Mass. Matrimony Congratulations on your engagement. Call the Parish Office (231-0671) to make arrangements at least six months in advance. It is necessary that either the prospective bride, groom or their family are registered members of Holy Cross Parish. Holy Orders If you feel you may have a vocation to serve the people of God in the Priesthood of Jesus Christ, contact Fr. Thomas Lafreniere at the Diocesan Vocation Office (561-7759555) or speak to one of the parish priests. Jesus’ words carried great authority with the ordinary people. Why? Because his words had the ring of truth, and people knew he meant them. Jesus’ words can change our lives if we act on them. First Reading (Dt 18:15-20). Moses foretells the coming of a prophet who will speak God’s word to the people. Second Reading (1 Cor 7:32-35). Paul urges everyone, but especially those who are celibate, to give their undivided attention to the Lord. Gospel (Mk 1:21-28). The prophecy of Moses is fulfilled in Jesus. Here Mark begins to tell us the kind of things Jesus did in proclaiming the kingdom. Deuteronomy presents Moses as the ideal prophet (First Reading). The prophet can never speak on his own authority, but speaks on behalf of God. The Jews believed that God would raise up in the last days a prophet like Moses. The early Christians regarded Jesus as the awaited prophet. His teaching was given with authority and confirmed by miracles, the sign that God was with him. In today’s Gospel we see how Jesus spoke with authority, and how the ordinary people recognized this. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Mk 6:1-6 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 822-HCC Page 2 February 1, 2015 From the Pastor . . . It is with great regret that I have to inform you that I had an accident and from the accident I broke one leg and injured the opposite leg’s knee cap. I am not sure how long the healing process will be, therefore I am working on a replacement. Luckily, Fr. Terry Ryan will be with us starting on February 5. Needless to say, the recuperation process does not appear to be an easy one. However, with the expertise of my physicians and therapists I certainly hope to be back on my feet sooner than later. I will keep you posted. The healing process will be much more beneficial if you would respect my privacy. As always, your prayers would be very much appreciated. Yours sincerely, Fr. Richard Murphy The 2015 Diocesan Services Appeal is now in process. The programs, services, and ministries supported by this appeal meet the larger diocesan needs of Catholics and others in the Diocese of Palm Beach. The diocese needs the financial support of each of us. This year’s theme is “A Family of Faith in Service to Others”. We have been truly blessed and this is an opportunity to share those blessings with those less fortunate. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK We have added an overflow Mass at 10:50 AM in the Parish Hall for your convenience. This Mass is meant to alleviate not only the crowds from 10:45 AM but some of the other Masses on Sunday and Saturday afternoon. The Sacrament of the Sick with the Rite of Anointing will be administered following the 8:00 AM Mass on Saturday, February 7. The Corporate Communion Breakfast will be served at the Vero Beach Country Club immediately following the 9:30 AM Mass on February 9, 2015. We are honored to have Rev. Brian King, Secretary to Bishop Barbarito as our guest speaker. Tickets are $25.00; they are available at the Parish Office. If you reserve a full table, please plan on purchasing the tickets as a group. Tickets must be purchased by February 2. Questions, please call Janice Stillings, 772-577-6817. Women’s Guild Community Outreach Program Donations of casserole and non-perishable items for our homeless agencies are still needed. Each food item helps feed the hungry in our community. If at all possible we would like to donate at least 10 casseroles to each of the three agencies we support - this will give them two dinners. If you do not care to make a casserole you may purchase a frozen one. If you need a tin to make one please call Mary Dvoran at 772-569-6928 and she will arrange to get one to you. Thanks so much for your participation in this worthwhile project! Casseroles and nonperishable items should be dropped off before the 9:30 AM Mass. We are very pleased to announce that Fr. Terry Tryan, a Paulist Priest, is coming back to visit with us. He will be here from February 5 - March 15. As in the past, Fr. Ryan Terry has been a great help to us and this year he will do a series on the spirituality of several mystics. This series will take place following the 8:00 AM Mass Thursdays starting February 12 - March 12. The first session will focus on John Tauler part I. ALUMNAE OF THE SACRED HEART Treasure Coast Alumnae of the Sacred Heart invite new alumnae residents to join them each month for the first Friday Mass at 12:15 PM in the Church - this month on Friday, February 6. There will be a luncheon following the Mass. For more information please call Mariclare Beggy at 228-8777. 822-HCC February 1, 2015 Page 3 Stewardship is certainly a “catchword” in the Church today. However, for us it is not just a word but a way of life. It is the understanding that we are very blessed and that we are called to share those blessings with others. WE ARE STEWARDS . . . and this is how we live out our stewardship! To be a good Christian steward is to recognize that God has blessed us richly. We also need to acknowledge those blessings by returning a portion of our gifts of time, talent, and treasure in gratitude. Treasure - The offertory for the weekend of January 24-25 totaled $34,426.16 of which $3,017.16 was from on-line contributions. We will have a Food Drive next weekend, Feb. 7th8th to benefit the Food Pantry of Indian River and Our Father's Table. Both these Vero Beach agencies help greatly to feed those in need. Please bring canned goods or non-perishable items when you come to Mass next weekend. They can be left in the Memorial room of the Church vestibule. May God bless and reward your stewardship. “For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven . . . a time to heal . . . Bill Ahrens, Kaiden O’Malley Bracken, Hunter Crain, Thomas DeFrancisi, Julian Epter, Rita Fahey, Michael Ferretti Jr., Lena Giaccio, Gary Graham, Craig Johnson, John Kelly, Quinn Kileran, Anthony Kovacs, William Landers, Kelli Lozada, Dick Mahony, Patricia Marquis, Joanne and Bill McCormack, Gene Palumbo, Craig Restler, Janet Schauer, and all parishioners who are ill at this time. and a time of peace.” — Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 The Holy Cross Knights of Columbus Council #12141 will meet on Monday, February 9 at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. Members will pray the rosary at 6:30 PM on a voluntary basis prior to the start of the meeting at 7:00 PM. The Knights of Columbus are having a Valentine's Dinner Dance at the Vero Beach Yacht Club on February 15th, 2015 doors open at 5PM- music starts at 6 PM- dinner service starts at 6:15PM. Ticket cost includes dinner and dancing. Choice of Prime Rib-Mate's Cut, Chicken Francaise, or Salmon. To reserve a table all monies must be given at time of purchase. Cost is $35 per person. Tickets are available from Roger LaJoie-please call ahead to make sure he is at his office 772-234-6547. Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, will preside at the celebration of our Annual Anniversary Mass for married couples on Saturday, February 21, at 10:30 AM, at St. Lucie Church in Port St. Lucie. All couples who are celebrating 25,40, 50 or more years of marriage in the calendar year 2015 are invited to participate. To attend, please contact the Parish Office at 231-0671 and register your names no later than Friday, February 13. Monday 10:30 AM 6:00 PM Tuesday 6:30 AM 3:30 PM 7:00 PM Wednesday 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Thursday 8:00 PM Monday Grief Support RCIA Men’s Ministry Catholic Education K-5 Alcoholics Anonymous Knights and Dames of Malta Catholic Education 6-8 High School Youth Group Alcoholics Anonymous 8:00 AM 12:15 PM 8:00 AM 12:15 PM Wednesday 8:00 AM 12:15 PM Thursday 8:00 AM 12:15 PM Friday 8:00 AM 12:15 PM Tuesday Saturday Sunday 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:45 AM 10:50 AM 12:15 PM Philip Connolly and family (living) Robert E. Sullivan Mary Dee Sonnenburg Timothy Nugent Janet Gallagher DiMartino family Sabina Quinn and family Margaret Montalbano Thaddeus Kappy Lucy Serafini (100th birthday, living) Peg and Joe McMorrow Margaret Ann Oess Parishioners of Holy Cross Anne Penza Stephanie and John Udziela Lambert Granie Sr. Maryellen Lewis Inge Robinson The sanctuary light will burn this week in memory of Dr. G. Virginia Upton as requested by her husband Dr. Alan Corbin. The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament sanctuary light will burn this week in memory of Ronnie Maroun as requested by Claire and Lee Shaw. 822-HCC CREATIVE FLOORS AMERICA’S LARGEST CARPET RETAILER 41 Royal Palm Pointe • Vero WOOD • VINYL • CARPET CERAMIC TILE BREAKFAST LUNCH • DINNER 772-569-6865 Residential & Commercial Financing Available 569-0240 Since 1974 Philip J. Martowski, D.D.S. FAMILY DENTISTRY Cathy Egan Gilet, CTC Welcoming New Patients Wishing You JOY! Dockside Grille Master Cruise Counselor Indian River Travel of Vero Beach HOME: 772-231-0748 (4-6 PM) WORK: 772-234-6540 10% Discount 1137 Old Dixie Hwy. Vero Beach with this ad or 800-543-4148 772.617.0634 Au.D Located in Citrus Medical Plaza *Call the office for details www.AaronsHearingCare.com CAROLYN BUTLER NORTON, ESQ. LLC Long-Term Care Planning Wills, Estates & Trusts 2770 Indian River Blvd, Suite 303 • Vero Beach Fl 32960 Time to Clean Your Carpets/Furniture? 3 Reasons to Call Mitch Maxfield: E-mail: [email protected] Our premier blood drawing service promises prompt arrival with five star care you can trust and rely on from the comfort of your home or business. Licensed & Insured Leaders in Advanced Custom Cataract Surgery, Laser Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma Treatment & Surgery, Medical & Surgical Retina Care, & Laser Vision Correction Located Next to Target • Open 7 Days A Week Call Us Today! 772-794-9411 Fax: (772) 569-9303 • Website: butlernorton.com “Premier blood drawing service, when and where you prefer.” Since 1979 Quality: My “2 Step” system removes even tough ground-in dirt. All work guaranteed. Service: I, personally, will clean your carpets and furniture. $77* Price:Two (2) Rooms (any size) 6’ Sofa OR 2 Chairs $66* *10% off for parish members* 5300 North AIA, Vero Beach Maxfield Carpet Cleaning • 538-0213 Divine Animal Hospital Complete Pet Health Care We have warm hearts for cold noses. Dr. Randy Divine and Associates 772-299-3665 654 21st Street • Vero Beach, FL (Located in Miracle Mile Plaza) Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30-5:30, Saturday 8:30-12:30 Emergency Service Available BLUE CHIP LIMO OF VERO BEACH Personal Lincoln Town Car Service To All Airports, Sea Ports, Local Appts. Concierge Phlebotomy, LLC 772.913.1326 • www.ConciergePhlebotomy.com 772-579-6860 bluechiplimoverobeach.com Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS • LIFE www.jppc.net Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. 978-0900 ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 772-231-0277 FREE DELIVERY FULL SERVICE LIQUOR STORE M-SAT 9-6:30 • F: 772-231-3142 FULL BAR Parishioner Paul V. Minotty, M.D Roger J. Meyer, M.D. David J. O’Brien, M.D. Stephen M. Tate, M.D. Paul L. Winslow, III, M.D. 1055 37th Place, Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 257-8700 • 1-877-MINOTTY www.minottyeye.com MM#29628 Probate, Guardianship, Special Needs Member Florida & New Jersey Bars Tel: (772) 257-5751 231-6949 Emergency Care Available • Digital hearing aids for every budget • We include batteries and hearing aid checks for the life of your hearing device* • Up to $500 off any AGX two-device Aaron H. Liebman, hearing system* 925 37th Pl • Vero Beach, FL 32960 Located On Vero’s Beach At Dahlia Lane & Cardinal Drive www.cutrightins.com Barker Electric Air Conditioning Heat & Sheet Metal, Inc. Patsy’s Pet Sitting Sales & Service • Repair • Parts 24 Hour Service vero beach florida ~ parishioner ~ loving care for your best friend, peace of mind for you! Patsy Ward [email protected] 612.802.3574 John Colontrelle RA-0044628 Mark Matakaetis 562-2103 CA-CO57252 Serving Indian River Co. Since 1959 www.patsyspetsitting.com TILE, TUB & COUNTERTOPS REPAIRED & RECOLORED TO BRAND NEW CONDITION • (No Need For Replacement) FREE DINNER with purchase of 2nd dinner of equal or lesser value. CUSTOM RESTORATION NOT VALID ON HOLIDAY/EVENTS Sunday Brunch $11.00 per person Enjoy 10% discount by mentioning Holy Cross CLOSED MONDAY 772-584-9860 Gift Certificates Available • Reservations Suggested 978-4242 • 500 S US 1 • Vero Beach www.TheQuiltedGiraffe.com A Nurse’s Touch Healthcare “Lending A Helping Hand to Brighten Your Day” 778-2201 Licensed, Screened, Bonded & Insured 1575 Indian River Blvd., Ste. C.-210 DIAMOND LIMOUSINE Office Hours By Appointment 1717 INDIAN RIVER BLVD., SUITE 300 Patrick T. Ottuso, M.D., P.A. INVESTMENTS...ASSET GROWTH • INSURANCE... ASSET PROTECTION ROBERT W. SCHLITT, JR., PRES. JEFFREY M. SCHLITT, V. PRES. Board Certified Dermatology Parishioner 567-1188 OF VERO BEACH Airport Transportation Cruiseport & Weddings NR30211086 SERVING THE ENTIRE TREASURE COAST Personal Care • Light Housekeeping Meals Medication Set-Up Free Nursing Assessment CNA’s • Home Health Aides Companions • RN’s/LPN’s 24 Hours/7 Days • RN Supervision Most Private Insurances Accepted ~ Family Owned ~ 772-569-8896 (772) 299-0085 Luxury Towncars - SUVs Limousines 1955 22nd Avenue • Vero Beach, FL 32960 BUNIONS • HAMMERTOES • CORNS • WARTS Fort Pierce Office 2500 Quincy Ave. (772) 465-3207 Vero Beach Office 1285 36th St. (772) 567-0111 www.KalishFootCare.com CALLUSES • INGROWN & THICK NAILS DIABETIC FOOT CARE • ARTHRITIS Dr. Keith J. Kalish Board Certified Medical & Surgical Foot Specialist • Podiatrist HEEL PAIN • INJURIES • CUSTOM ORTHOTICS & SHOES 822 Holy Cross, Vero Beach, FL (inside) John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net 6026 N. US 1 Ft. Peirce/Vero Beach 461-8912 or 866-373-9457 (Toll Free) The Only Funeral Home and Cemetery Combination Serving Vero Beach The Roof Authority, Inc. “Celebrating 20 Years” (772) 567-7474 CHRIS LONG, PRESIDENT theroofauthority.com State License #CC C056933 DR. CARL GANIO PODIATRIST ROSEMARIE C. HATCH, EA Accounting, Business & Individual Tax Preparation. Enrolled to practice before ALTAR BOY - 1974 the IRS and authorized to act as your 611 17TH ST., VERO BEACH legal representative at tax audits. 770-9127 VICTORIA’S 1945 20th St, Vero Beach 772-567-3574 CLEANING SERVICES Dr. Arthur LaBella Chiropractic Physician 772-713-1581 1599 Highland Ave., Vero Beach COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING Good Rates & References • Lic./Ins. HONEST & RELIABLE (772) 562-4002 A Family-owned Funeral Home Glenn A. Strunk, Funeral Director 916 - 17th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 562-2325 1623 N. Central Ave. Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 589-1000 SCHLITT BROTHERS PAINTING KEVIN LOVELY’S PLUMBING, INC. Repainting is our “Specialty” • Slab Leak Specialist • All kinds of minor repairs • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Water Heater Replacements Com. • Res. RF0066846 “Have a Lovely Day” 473-5808 (772) 562-2856 (772 Richard Schlitt, Owner LOZADA SCHOOL of MUSIC 567-8474 Restaurant HomeEntertainment SOURCE Since 1959 3125 Ocean Dr. Vero Beach, FL 772-231-0858 Real Estate Business Law Elder Law License ET11000637 772-562-5565 www.billstv.com 6366 20th St., Vero Beach Quality Begins With The Choice of Your Contractor Daniel C. Stump Estate Planning Attorney at Law Wills & Trusts 4445 N. Hwy. A1A, Suite 235 Probate Vero Beach, FL 32963 3247 OCEAN DR. VERO BEACH, FL 32963 772-234-1779 • Parishioner Michael T. Williams, CFP® Branch Manager • O 772.231.5800 T 800.238.9506 • 4727 N. Hwy. A1A, Vero Beach FL SeasideRealtyofVeroBeach.com [email protected] [email protected] • raymondjames.com/michaelwilliams Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC caco16446 772-770-3782 STEPHEN D. 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