St. Peter Baptist Church Organized 1882 2040 Mountain Road Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Church Office: (804) 262-0230 Fax: (804) 262-4651 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Kirkland R. Walton, B.S., M. Div., D. Min., Pastor Sunday, February 1, 2015 Boy Scouts Emphasis Prepared. For Life. “Do The Right Thing!” Psalm 37:1-7 SPBC 2015 Theme: “Striving for the More Excellent Way” 1 Corinthians 12:31 “We are a people of God committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ.” Enter to Worship………Sunday, February 1, 2015 8:00AM & 11:00AM Worship Observances Boy Scouts Emphasis The Worship Prelude……………………….. Mr. Christopher A. Redd, Assistant Church Music Coordinator *The Call to Worship…………………………………..(Congregation Stands) *The Invocation………………………………………..(Congregation Stands) **The Opening Hymn/Praise Song…...The Worship & Praise Ministry The Pulpit Greetings & Announcements The Choral Selection…………………………… ……The Male Chorus Announcements ~ OUR SINCERE CONDOLENCES ~ To: The Perkins/Quarterman Families Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time; The home going of your mother, Ms. Mary S. Perkins. To: Mr. Lorenzo Goode & Family Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time; The home going of your aunt, Ms. Irene Smith. To: Mrs. Jeraelyn B. Jude & Family Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time; The home going of your sister, Mrs. Harriett L. Davis. We, your church family, stand ready to love you, support you, and assist you in your hours of need. As you walk through this time of loss, may you know that the Lord walks with you and He will comfort you. With Love, Your St. Peter Church Family The Altar Prayer The Offertory/Response………………Diaconate & Ushers Ministries “Doxology” The Choral Selection………………………………….The Male Chorus The Sermonic Scripture/Preached Word……….Dr. Kirkland R. Walton “Do The Right Thing!” Psalm 37:1-7 The Invitation to Christian Discipleship The Closing Selection…………………………...Choir & Congregation The Benediction…………………………………………..Pastor Walton Depart to Serve *Congregants Stand **Congregants Stand/Late Worshippers May Enter HISTORY, CULTURE & HERITAGE Looking Ahead Youth Ministry Announcements SPBC Children In Missions We are so excited about our new children’s ministry project called “LITTLE BLESSINGS”. This coming year the children want to demonstrate Christ’s love by serving other children. Our first project is with the St. Mary’s Hospital Pediatric Unit. We want to provide the unit with portable DVD players, children’s movies and boom boxes for the children to use while they are being treated and are in recovery. Please see Rev. Stanley if you would like to give a special gift to this project. Thank you! Youth Ministry Advisory Council The Youth Ministry Leaders and the Youth Ministry Advisory Council meets on Monday, February 2, 2015 from 7 - 8 p.m. Contact Rev. Stanley for further info. Girls Nite Out! and UGLY Campaign Planning Session Attend the Planning Session for our 4th Annual Girls Nite Out! and UGLY Campaign “U Gotta Love Yourself!” We will meet on Monday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. In 2014, 160 girls attended so we need volunteers. We are looking forward to an awesome night of fun & fellowship with performances by ANHAYLA, DJ Expo and teen artists. Thanks for supporting this self-esteem program for girls. Save the date of Friday June 12th! See ministry video at SPBC Teens Ministry Movie Night It’s Movie Time! The SPBC Teens Ministry (13 and up) is taking a trip to see the movie Black Or White (rated PG-13) on Sunday, February 8th. Vans will depart at 12:30 p.m. Cost of the movie is $10. A group discussion will follow after the movie at a local eatery so bring money to purchase food. Please contact Imani Thaniel (Youth President) for more information and to secure your permission slip. Children’s Ministry Lock-in Pajamas, Popcorn & Pancakes! Children ages 5 to 11 (grades K5 to 5th grade) are invited to a Children’s Ministry Lock-in on Friday, March 20th from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Come out to enjoy a sleep over at church with your Christian friends. Pre-registration is required. Permission slips available today through the deadline of March 1st. Space is limited so please sign-up early! Sunday, February 1st - 8:00AM & 11:00AM…………Worship Services/Boy Scouts Emphasis Thursday, February 5th - 12:00PM & 7:00PM………………………………………..Adult Bible Study - 6:45PM………………………………………………………...Family Bible Study Sunday, February 8th - 10:00AM...Unity Worship “Go Red Sunday”/Baptism/Communion - 11:30AM………………………………….Prayer Time with the Intercessors - 11:30AM…………………………………………..Team #4 Annual Fellowship Thursday, February 12th - 12:00PM & 7:00PM………………………………………Adult Bible Study - 6:45PM………………………………………………………...Family Bible Study - 6:00PM……………………………………………CDC Black History Program The Call to Worship Leader: Blessed are you who hunger. Come and be filled. People: We come, hungering for justice and righteousness. Leader: Blessed are you who weep. Come and be comforted. People: We come, seeking joy and laughter. Leader: Blessed are you who suffer for Christ. Come and be Christ’s chosen ones. People: We come, yearning for strength to persevere. All: Come, the worship of God is our joy and our strength. The Invocation (In Unison) Father God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, during this month in which the contributions of the daughters and sons of Africa are honored and remembered, let us honor and celebrate their trust in you. Their trust in the resurrection of Jesus Christ has resurrected our hope, our courage, and our love, again and again. Give us that same trust in these perilous days, that our hope in you might be secure. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. B.Y.O.B. ~ “Bring Your Own Bible” O Lord, I’m Armed & Ready; Got My Bible in My Hand; Help Me Remain Steady & Obey Your Commands. Daily Bible Readings . . . Health & Wellness Ministry Announcements National Go Red Day & National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Monday, February 2..…..……..…..……..…..….……………………………………….Matthew 19:16-22 Tuesday, February 3.....…..……..…..……..…....……..…………………………………………..James 2:8-13 Wednesday, February 4…..……..…..……...…..……..….......................................Joshua 22:1-6 Thursday, February 5..............…..……..…..…………………………………………….Philippians 2:1-5 Friday, February 6……….……….…………….…………….……………………………….Matthew 22:34-40 Saturday, February 7............…….…………….……………...............................Galatians 5:10-17 Sunday, February 8…………………………………………………………………………………….Luke 10:25-37 Announcements Couples Ministry Ministry Outing - Dinner And Ballroom Dance The Couples’ Ministry invites couples to join in their February activity: Friday, February 20, 2015 Dinner: TBD Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Ballroom Dance: Lessons in Ballroom Dance 8:00 - 9:00 Lessons ($8 per person, pay upon arrival) 9:00 - 11:30 Party (put the lessons into practice) A sign-up form will be posted in the Narthex. The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, February 11th. For more information, contact: Mahalia Arnold at (804) 986-1370 ~ NOTE OF THANKS ~ From Mrs. Keisha H. Parker & Family: To my SPBC church family, Thank you so very much for your prayers and the many expressions of care and love shown to my family and I during the passing of my grandmother, Mrs. Nora Hampton, and the hospitalization of my mother, Ms. Barbara Hampton. My family and I have certainly been strengthened by your prayers and love during these trying moments. With gratitude, Keisha H. Parker Senior Citizens’ Ministry Charleston South Carolina Trip The Senior Citizens’ Ministry of St. Peter is hosting a 3 day - 2 night trip to Charleston, S.C., on May 26th - 28th, 2015. Flyers are available in the Narthex and the fellowship hallway. Saint Peter Baptist Church is going “Go Red” on February 8, 2015! Why? To raise awareness about two health issues that impact African American women disproportionately – heart disease and HIV. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for Black women. Only one in five African American women thinks she is personally at risk. Of our sisters ages 20 and older, 46.9% have cardiovascular disease. Heart disease causes 1 in 3 women’s deaths each year; killing approximately one woman every minute. It is imperative to inform all women of heart disease, so they can take steps to reduce their risk. Can heart attacks be prevented? It is estimated that 80% of the cardiovascular events (heart attacks) are preventable. What about HIV? Black women make up approximately 10% of Virginia’s population, but account for 75% of the women living with HIV in this state. They are 15 times more likely to be living with HIV than White women. Many women do not believe they are personally at risk for HIV, and many do not know their HIV status. It is important to raise the awareness of women, particularly Black women, so they can take steps to reduce their chances of becoming infected with HIV. Is HIV preventable? YES! Remember “Go Red” on February 8th. It is the hope of the Health and Wellness Ministry to see all St. Peter members and friends (male and female; adults and children) in many shades of red on this day to support and encourage all females to take steps to protect their overall health and reduce risk for heart disease and HIV. Let’s make this a family effort as we recognize National Go Red Day (which is February 6th) and National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (which is February 7th). *Mark Your Calendars* Monday, February 9th at 7:00 p.m. - HANDS - ONLY CPR (Open to the St. Peter family), 30 minutes of your time could make a difference in someone’s life. A Sign-up sheet will be posted across from the large multi-purpose room. Space is limited! Learn Hands-Only CPR in 30 Minutes Announcements Boy Scouts at St. Peter Baptist Church Scouting at St Peter is divided into two separate programs: Cub Scouts (Pack 732) which includes boys ages 6 - 11 or grades 1 through 5. Tiger Cubs - Grade 1 Wolf Cubs - Grade 2 Bear Cubs - Grade 3 Webelos - Grade 4-5 Cultural Heritage Ministry “St. Peter’s Got Talent” On Friday, February 27, 2015, we will present our very first “St. Peter's Got Talent” production, featuring the awesome gifts and talents of our very own church family members. The program will begin at 7:00 p.m. with a pre-program from the Silver Strings Ministry beginning at 6:45 p.m. Come out to support and be uplifted by song, drama, spoken word, and dance! Each boy can earn badges at each level but this is not a requirement in order to advance. The highest rank for a cub scout is the “Arrow of Light” which is earned while the scout is in the Webelos program. Last year St. Peter had two “Arrow of Light” recipients: Jayden Maddox and Malcolm Whitfield. Boy Scouts (Troop 732) which are for boys ages 12 - 18 or grades 6 - 12. The scout ranking is not dependent on age but on the scout having performed various requirements. Scouts are ranked and advance according to the following: Scout Tenderfoot Second Class First Class Star Life Eagle Scouts earn merit badges in different areas of study of which 21 are required for the rank of Eagle. St Peter has had 10 scouts reach the rank of Eagle and 4 within the past few months: Travis Henderson, Nate Kelley, James Hayes, and Floyd Johnson. Scouts often take a merit badge class that interests him in a field of study. There are merit badges for Engineering, Dentistry, Geology, Law, Oceanography, and many others (over 120 total). Merit badges must have a counselor which is a person familiar with the field of study. It is often difficult to find counselors willing to give their time to share their knowledge with the kids. Scouting at St Peter is well supported at all levels, but the program is always in need of adults who are interested in providing leadership. Providing leadership does not necessarily mean that you have to spend time helping the boys with outdoor activities; it may simply mean providing some of the day-to-day skills like reading, public speaking, and family life. Anyone interested in being a positive influence in a young man’s life, please come out on Tuesday night (at 6:30 p.m. in the Small Multi-Purpose Room) or see one of the scout leaders for more information. 12607 Verdon Road Doswell, VA 23047 Church Phone (804) 227-3197 William C. Archer, Pastor Monday, January 26, 2015 To Pastor Walton and the St. Peter Baptist Church Family: I wanted to send a note of thanks for being part of my 5th year celebration as Pastor of the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. Honestly, there are no words that can adequately express my sincere appreciation to each of you. The presence of the Holy Spirit could genuinely be felt in every facet of ministry provided. I am deeply humbled by the constant and consistent love you show toward me and my family. Last, thank you Pastor for always selflessly imparting wisdom and guidance, as directed by God, in my life. Love and Peace, Cordell Archer Diaconate Team 4 Attention All Diaconate Team 4 Families Mark Your Calendars!!!!!! Please plan to join the Team 4 Diaconate and Yokefellows for our Annual Fellowship. We will be sure to have plenty of food, fun and fellowship. Sunday, February 8, 2015, following the 10 a.m. worship service in the Old Sanctuary. Team 4 families are asked to donate a dessert of your choice. Please RSVP to your Diaconate if you plan to attend. Announcements St. Peter Baptist Church Organized 1882 Music Ministry New Members/Black History Month The Worship Ministry/Praise Team is seeking thirty-six (36) new members. Each new member will serve on a rotational basis/1 month per year. Please consider joining this dynamic ministry. If interested, please see Mrs. Brenda Chavis or Ms. Juana Thompson for additional information. In observance of African-American History Month, we will celebrate the life and legacy of Andrae Crouch (1942 - 2015). Andrae Crouch’s compositions and arrangements comprise beloved hymns and gospel music. Each Sunday, his compositions will be rendered during our worship observances. Today’s music includes: “Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus” & “Soon and Very Soon.” Transportation Ministry/SPBC CDC P Endorsement CDL Driver Needed St. Peter Baptist Church Child Development Center is looking for a CDL Driver; estimate two to three hours per day, up to five days a week with pay. Position will be responsible for school pick-ups and field trips. Must possess a valid CDL License w/ P Endorsement and a clean driving record For interviews, contact Mr. James Brown at (804) 389-4691. Finance Ministry Video Media System Debt Retirement Stay Tuned!! Future contributions will be listed quarterly. 2040 Mountain Road Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Church Office: (804) 262-0230 Fax: (804) 262-4651 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Pastor Kirkland R. Walton, B.S., M. Div., D. Min Director of Ministries Reverend Steve D. Parker, M. Div. [email protected] Financial Operations Administrator Mrs. Mary Ann Johnson [email protected] Minister of Youth Reverend Shirley M. Stanley, M. Div., M.S. [email protected] Operations Administrative Clerk Mrs. Mary Ann Coleman [email protected] Chairperson of the Diaconate Deacon Sharon D. McDonald Ms. Renee C. Sledge [email protected] Chairperson of the Trustees Mr. Timothy V. Thompson [email protected] Culinary Procurement Coordinator Mrs. Bernice Branch [email protected] Church Music Coordinator Ms. Juana E. Thompson [email protected] Church Clerk Mrs. Courtney M. Butler [email protected] Assistant Church Music Coordinator Mr. Christopher A. Redd [email protected] Assistant Church Clerk Mrs. Quanda L. Baker Office Administrator Treasurer Ms. Pamela E. Moseley Youth Ministry Henrico Youth NAACP Council The youth council is recruiting new members for the 2015 Youth and College Division. There will be a table setup after 8 & 11 a.m. services, in the Narthex, to register those interested in joining. If you have any questions please contact Shelly Griffin or Imani Thaniel. Thank you, Shelly Griffin, Advisor/Henrico NAACP Youth Council Child Development Center Director Mrs. Lavasia Williams [email protected] 804-262-6562
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