His banner over me is love. Song of Solomon 2:4 Volume 2 BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH February 2015 Schedule of Events Bethel Banner 2/1 Communion Service 2/2 Men’s Bible Study 2/3 Church Council Meeting 2/8 Money Due for Sight & Sound Trip to see MOSES in March 2/8 Children’s Ministry Nursing Home Valentine Delivery 2/8 Deacon’s Meeting 2/9 Men’s Bible Study 2/15 Jews for Jesus Christ in the Passover Presentation 2/16 CARE Ministry Visits 2/16 Men’s Bible Study 2/21 Mission Trip Chili Cook-off 2/23 Men’s Bible Study 2/23 Women on Mission Meeting Love Never Fails Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 February is universally known as the month of Love. And why not, who among us does not know that February 14th is Valentines’ Day! and fear ….. [love]; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. Our God loves us so much so that He sent His only son to die on a cross. That’s the love we need to share with everyone we meet, everywhere we go and every day we breathe. We are so fortunate that we go to a church whose members love each other, but we can’t stop at the front door or with the people that go to our church, we need to share our love with our community and the world. Tell someone you love them today! Speaking of spreading love in the world, I hope you are making plans to attend the Chili St. Valentine's Day is a celebration of love. Cook-off on February 21st. Our very own Sweethearts exchange gifts of cards, International Mission Team will be raising flowers, candy and jewelry. Elementary funds to support their trip this summer to schools commemorate the day when Panama, where they will share the love of students give each other Valentine’s cards. The day is named after St. Valentine, a third Jesus Christ. We will also have a guest century priest by tradition says was martyred speaker showing us slides of the very area that our team will be going to, please see on February 14, 270 for conducting weddings contrary to the decree of Emperor inside the banner for more details. Claudius II. And you certainly do not want to miss the Passover presentation by the Jews for Jesus What do we spend on this day of love? on February 15th. This presentation not only Estimates put the total for this year around explains in great detail the meaning behind $15.2 billion. In a recent survey 53% of Passover but the meaning behind the women said that they would end a different foods that are served on the relationship if they did not receive a gift for Passover table. (So very educational for Valentines’ Day. (A hint for my brothers in young and old.) Christ). After reading 1 Corinthians 13 we know that the greatest gift God ever gave us besides His son, is Love. So why do we only celebrate it once a year? I bet that right now as you are reading this, you can think of someone that needs to hear the words “I Love You!” Maybe they are in the room with you right now, so shout it out “I LOVE YOU!” Maybe it’s a family member that doesn’t live with you anymore, pick up that phone and call them right now and tell them, “I LOVE YOU!”. How about that co-worker? When you see them at work tomorrow, hey, “I LOVE YOU!” Finally, two favors I ask of you. First, invite someone to church. What we have here at Bethel is very special. Share it with someone that you love. Second, we are trying extra hard to communicate with all of you. One tool is e-mail but for many of you, we either do not have an e-mail address or it’s incorrect. Will you take a moment, (after you tell that special person that you love them), and send us an email message from your computer to [email protected]? We’ll make sure you get all the latest updates. As always, I am humbled by the love you share with me every week and I am so happy and excited to be on this journey with each of you, I LOVE YOU! And if you really want to make a change in your life and in theirs, tell them that Jesus Christ loves them too. If the experiences of the past 6 months have been used by God to In Christ, teach me anything, it’s that life is too Pastor Gary precious and too short to live in hate, anger, Bethel Banner Page 2 Nursery February 1, 2015 Jennifer Hamm & Darlene Newton February 8, 2015 Ali Seaman & Tammy DeJean February 15, 2015 Kim & Jerry Gilley February 22, 2015 Carla Cooper & Pennie Walker Children's Church February 1, 2015 Gina Bullock & Kim Crosslin February 8, 2015 Missy & Bruce Sullivan February 15, 2015 Crystal & Brittany Loving February 22, 2015 Jennifer Hamm Counting Committee Weekly Budget Reports Budget Report 12/21/14 Weekly Budget Need $ 5,050.90 Weekly Budget Need $ 5,050.90 General Fund $ 3,080.72 General Fund $ February 15, 2015 Carla Cooper, Pennie Walker & Bobby Samuels February 22, 2015 Joanie DeShazo, Tammy DeJean & Mike Short 2,355.60 Other Tithes and Offerings Building Fund 20.00 In Memory of Mrs. Carrington 50.00 In Memory of Susan Sullivan 25.00 Wednesday Night Dinner 212.00 Total Deposit $ 3,387.72 Other Tithes and Offerings Building Fund 20.00 In Memory of Lucy Cox 50.00 In Memory of Susan Sullivan 25.00 Initial Offering for 2015 30.00 Total Deposit $ 2,480.60 Budget Report 1/4/15 Budget Report 1/11/15 Weekly Budget Need $ 5,034.59 Weekly Budget Need $ 5,034.59 General Fund $ 5,865.00 General Fund $ 4,485.00 Other Tithes and Offerings Building Fund 20.00 Initial Offering for 2015 95.00 In Memory of Susan Sullivan 30.00 Brick 500.00 Total Deposit $ 6,510.00 Other Tithes and Offerings Initial Offering for 2015 14.00 In Memory of Patty Sullivan 150.00 Wednesday Night Dinner 129.00 Total Deposit $ 4,778.00 Sunday School Attendance Reports December 21, 2014 Members 104 Visitors 4 Total 108 December 28, 2014 Members 87 Visitors 10 Total 97 January 4, 2015 Members 103 Visitors 4 Total 107 January 11, 2015 Members 109 Visitors 3 Total 112 February 1, 2015 Sandy Jett, Nancy Galyen & Bootsie Bullock Your Help Is Needed February 8, 2015 Crystal Loving, Carol Jarrett & Harry Bradshaw Budget Report 12/28/14 Recently some food items have disappeared from our kitchen pantry and refrigerators. While everything in the church belongs to all of us, you can imagine the problems that it creates when you go to prepare for a function and what you thought was there is no longer there. Certainly if there is a need, we want to help so please contact one of the ministers; otherwise, please refrain from helping yourself. In Christian Love, Pastor Gary Volume 2 Page 3 Bethel Baptist Upcoming Events... Christ in the Passover Presentation Sunday, February 15th at 11:00 am February 1, 2015 Jerry Gilley February 8, 2015 Bootsie Bullock February 15, 2015 Mike Bond February 22, 2015 Gusty McIntyre Christ in the Passover shows the link between the ancient Festival of Redemption and Christ as the Lamb of God—as members we will never forget it! This sermon demonstration is visual, so you will actually see a table set with traditional Passover items. The missionary uses Scripture as well as the visual items to walk through a Jewish Passover seder, weaving the story of the Exodus together with the life, death and resurrection of Christ. The words Jesus spoke in the upper room come alive as each Hebraic item is carefully explained. Christ in the Passover will deepen your communion experience. "Notes from the Loft" Here’s a trivia question for you: How many times is the command to “sing praise unto God” used in the Bible? Now, don’t google it just yet. Think about that for a minute. Why would God even tell us to specifically “sing” our praise? Are you wondering, “ Why, if singing is so important to God, didn’t He give me a good singing voice?”. Regardless of the perceived quality of your tone production, God commands us to “sing praise” unto Him more than 200 times in scripture! Wow. That’s a lot, so it must be pretty important to Him that we do it; almost a requirement, huh? I know, sometimes we just don’t feel like it, right? Every day we are incessantly attacked by the worries, frustrations, stresses, and trials of our everyday lives. They weigh us down to the point we forget just how much God loves us, and how much He longs to hear how much we love Him. This is why we MUST SING! It is a proven fact that our emotions do NOT determine our thoughts and actions, but just the opposite! Our ACTIONS and THOUGHTS determine our emotions! So next time you are feeling down, sad, disappointed, stressed,” think about His love; think about His goodness; think about His grace that’s brought us through. For as high as the heavens above, so great is the measure of our Father’s love. Great is the measure of our Father’s love.” (I hope you sang that as you read it, and that it gets stuck in your head all day long! You’ll have a day full of abundant blessings, I promise!) Lyrics from “Think About His Love” –Walt Harrah, 1987 Lynn February 1, 2015 B. Sullivan M. Morgan J. Morgan T. Kirtley D. Dermer B. Bullock February 8, 2015 K. Whorton M. Short N. Short R. Kirtley W. Trainor J. Lenox February 15, 2015 B. Samuels B. Short T. Herbert B. Morgan C. LeBlanc Z. Morgan February 22, 2015 B. Sullivan M. Morgan J. Morgan T. Kirtley D. Dermer B. Bullock Bethel Banner Page 4 Women on Mission Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105 February Chronological Bible Reading Plan 2/1 Exodus 7‐9 2/2 Exodus 10‐12 2/3 Exodus 13‐15 2/4 Exodus 16‐18 2/5 Exodus 19‐21 2/6 Exodus 22‐24 2/7 Exodus 25‐27 2/8 Exodus 28‐29 2/9 Exodus 30‐32 2/10 Exodus 33‐35 2/11 Exodus 36‐38 2/12 Exodus 39‐40 2/13 Leviticus 1‐4 2/14 Leviticus 5‐7 2/15 Leviticus 8‐10 2/16 Leviticus 11‐13 2/17 Leviticus 14‐15 2/18 Leviticus 16‐18 2/19 Leviticus 19‐21 2/20 Leviticus 22‐23 2/21 Leviticus 24‐25 2/22 Leviticus 26‐27 2/23 Numbers 1‐2 2/24 Numbers 3‐4 2/25 Numbers 5‐6 2/26 Numbers 7 2/27 Numbers 8‐10 2/28 Numbers 11‐13 Women on Mission is a missions organization within WMU for women (age 18 and up) through which women pray for and give to missions, do missions, learn about missions, grow spiritually toward a missions lifestyle! The February W.O.M. project is to help the Thurman Brisben Homeless Center. Their mission is to provide at-risk and homeless men, women and children of Caroline County, King George County, Spotsylvania County, Stafford County, and the city of Fredericksburg with appropriate and essential shelter and services to affect positive life changes. Brisben is a safe and secure, staffed 24-hour temporary residence for the homeless 365 days a year. It can simultaneously serve up to 80 homeless individuals, families and children with a wide range of services. The Center is a critical port in the storm for those experiencing homelessness in our community. They need toilet paper, paper towels, coffee, creamer, sugar and laundry detergent. From the Mailbox Dear Church Family, We would like to thank you all very much for your support during Susan’s illness and her recent passing. The prayers, calls, thoughts, visits, flowers, food, and all of the other wonderful things were much appreciated. She was blessed to be a part of the Bethel Family. She shared with us how she enjoyed coming to church. As her battle got longer and she got weaker, she still found great comfort and peace at church. She loved being in the house of the Lord and she also loved having each and every one of you as a part of her church family. Again thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. It is comforting to know that Susan is no longer in pain and is resting in the arms of the Lord. Bruce, Missy, Kaitlyn, and Lena Dear Church Family, Annette and I would like to thank everyone for prayers, visits, cards and gifts during the Christmas season and Annette’s stay in the hospital. It is so nice to be remembered by our church family. Love, Hurley and Annette Samuels To All Bethel Baptist Church, I would like to thank Pastor Gary and all of you for your prayers, calls, cards and visits during my illness. I don’t know how I would have gotten through this without you all. May God bless each and every one of you. Many Thanks, In God’s Love, Bubba Davis Bethel, The family of Clifton Gordon Hamm acknowledges with deep appreciation your kind expression of sympathy. We would like to thank you for the prayers, kind words, cards and flowers that were given to us during our loss. Hamm Family Thank you very much for allowing the partnership of Bethel Baptist Church to continue and flourish. Our ministry depends on this partnership and because of it, many will come to Christ. Please know that the Scriptures presented as a result of Bethel Baptist’s commitment to the furtherance of the Gospel, will be rightly represented by men and women who know the importance and share this same commitment. Praying for you, Matt Wagner Volume 2 Page 5 February Church Calendar Sunday Monday 1 Communion 11:00 am 2 8 9 16 Tuesday 3 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 Church Council Meeting 6:30 pm Valentine Delivery 3:00 pm Deacon’s Meeting 6:00 pm 15 Jews for Jesus Christ in the Passover 11:00 am 22 CARE Ministry Visits 10:30 am 23 Panama Mission Trip Chili Cook-off 12:00 pm 24 25 26 27 28 Women on Mission Meeting 7:00 pm Order of Services SUNDAY SERVICE SCHEDULE 9:15 AM Deacon Prayer Ministry 9:30 AM Coffee Fellowship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service MONDAY NIGHT SCHEDULE 6:30 PM Men’s Fellowship and Bible Study WEDNESDAY NIGHT SCHEDULE 5:45 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Awana 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting/Bible Study 7:00 PM Youth Group Meeting 7:45 PM Choir Rehearsal Bethel Banner Page 6Page 6 2/01 2/06 2/06 2/12 2/12 2/12 2/13 2/15 2/15 2/17 2/20 2/20 2/20 2/22 2/23 2/26 2/26 2/28 Eddie Crosslin Tracy DeBernard Elizabeth Kirtley Jacob Pinneta Alician Seaman Stanley Walker Vallerie Krain Alec Pinneta Hurley Samuels Dawn Burgess Buzz Green Randy Pinneta Judy Washington Makayla LeBlanc Holly DeBernard Phil Carter Jean Trainor Jackson McIntyre 2/9 Reggie & Jennifer Hamm Prayer List Hospital Paul Shelton Cameron Sullivan Nursing Home Peggy McGann Lois Monteith Austin Payne Sr. Annette Samuels Roland Sullivan Lillian Thompson Shut-Ins Annie Catlett Nannie Dobson Norman Frost Lelia Loving Continued on next page Volume 2 Page 7 7 Page Prayer List Continued Chili Cook-Off February 21st 12:00-2:00 pm Looking for participants to enter their best Chili! 1) Best Hot 2) Best Mild 3) Best Theme- Dress your tables and selves! 4) People's Choice Cups and spoons will be provided. Please bring your own sides, condiments, etc. Doors will be open at 11:00 am for entries to set up! Invite friends and family to come and vote for their favorite. $5 entry at the door that includes a people's choice ticket, beverages and baked goods along with the many samples of Chili. Musical Entertainment and Guest Speaker will be provided! All Proceeds will be going toward Bethel Baptist Church’s 2015 Panama Mission Trip. Donations welcomed! To enter your Chili Please contact Jerry or Kim Gilley (540) 847-1117(Jerry's Cell) / E-mail: [email protected] or in person Trip to Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster, PA to see MOSES Saturday March 21st Meet at Bethel at 7 am/Return by 10 pm Cost per person: $125 Cost Includes: Transportation, Ticket and Dinner at the Good ’N Plenty restaurant. Please bring your own snacks for the bus ride. Money due by February 8th If you are interested in going, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board across from the choir room. Home Alfred Arocho Alfred Arocho Jamie Ashton Wesley Berry Debbie Bishop Roy Blankenbaker Harry Bradshaw Sharon Burns Eddie Crosslin Kyle Davidson Bubba Davis Bryant Dickerson June Eackles Kenneth “Kenny” Fagan Karen Foley Jeremey Galyen Josh Galyen Ann Graves Carl Griffith Wayne Hedge Karen Honeycutt Brooke Hood Dwayne Hotckins Leathie Hudson Rev. William Jeffcoat Andy Johnson Katie Kelley Rita Lewis Renae Loving Erika Minx Jean Newton Joe Newton Joshua Pann Blanche Parker Bruce Patton Austin Payne, Jr Julie Pellegrino Kaylie Pinneta Jennifer Poole Tommy Satterwhite Mickey Schenemann Jerry “Mushy” Schenemann Gloria Shelton Mark Shelton Mackenzie Standish John Wharton Sympathy Family of Roger Burton Family of Brian Cox Family of Rita Dunstan Family of Wiley Fuller Family of Shirley McBroom Family of Lily Noakes Family of Dawn Howe Skinner Family of Bobby Snellings NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 223 Fredericksburg, VA 1193 White Oak Road (Route 218) Fredericksburg, VA 22405 Phone: 540-371-3650 www.bethelbaptistva.org «Courtesy Title» «First Name» «Last Name» «Address 1» «City», «State» «Postal Code» Return Service Requested CHURCH SERVICE SCHEDULE Fellowship Meals: Wednesdays at 5:45 pm in the Outreach Center February 4—Baked Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans & Rolls February 11—Sloppy Joes, French Fries, Coleslaw February 18—Breakfast for dinner February 25—Spaghetti, Tossed Salad & Garlic Bread There’s a place for you at our table! Sunday 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Deacon Prayer Ministry Coffee Fellowship Sunday School Worship Service Monday 6:30 PM Men’s Bible Study Wednesday 5:45 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Awana 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting/Bible Study 7:00 PM Youth Group 7:45 PM Choir Rehearsal CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 3:15 PM
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