2015 Tree Form PACKING NOTES: for office use only Order No. 44th Annual Spring Tree & Shrub Sale OSWEGO COUNTY SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 3105 State Route 3, Fulton, N.Y. 13069 (315) 592-9663 www.oswegosoilandwater.com PRINT NAME: Daytime Phone Number: PRINT ADDRESS: PRINT EMAIL ADDRESS: PICKUP DETAILS ORDER DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2015 Place for Pickup: Bristol Hill Landfill, 3125 State Route 3, Fulton Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 or Thursday, April 23, 2015 Time: You may order after April 15th. If we are sold out of anything, you will have a credit to pick out something else at pickup, or you can request a refund check to be mailed. NOTE: The sooner you order, the better chance you have of obtaining a popular species. 8:00 am - 3:30 pm 10 for 50 for 12-18" 2-2 TR $20 $74 Balsam Fir 6-10" plug+1 $19 $69 13 Cannan Fir 5-10" plug+1 $19 $69 $27 14 Concolor Fir “new” 7-11" plug+1 $19 $69 12-18" TR $23 15 Blue Spruce 10-18" 2-2 TR $19 $69 Magenta Crabapple “new” 2-3' $23 16 Norway Spruce 10-18" 2-2 TR $19 $69 7 Ninebark 3-4' $27 17 White Cedar 18-24" 2-2 TR $20 $74 8 Red Oak 3-4' $25 18 White Pine 10-18" 2-2 TR $19 $69 9 River Birch 3-4' $25 10 Sugar Maple 18-24" $23 DECIDUOUS TREES Size 10 for 1 American Plane Tree Sycamore 3-4' $25 2 Black Cherry 3-4' $25 3 Black Walnut 3-4' $27 4 Chinese Chestnut ”new” 3-4' 5 Common Lilac 6 EVERGREENS Size 11 Black Hills Spruce $99 12 $109 50 for $99 Qty Cost Qty Cost TR= transplant is 1-2 year old seedling grown then replanted into another bed to allow the plant to develop a better root system and more side branching. $89 Plug+1 is 1-2 year old seedling grown in styroblock trays and replanted into a much larger tray, to develop the root system, nearly 10 times larger. FRUITS 10 for 19 Blueberries - Northland “new” $39 Blackberries - Ebony King “new” $27 Red Raspberries - Heritage $29 20 21 22 50 for Qty Cost MISC. Conservation Items A Arbor Guard 1 for $3 or 5 for $12 B Bat Box 1 for $12 or 2 for $20 C Bluebird Nesting Box 1 for $10 or 2 for $18 D Fertilizer Tablets 30 for $3 or 100 for $9 E Organic Compost Tea Bags $23 Strawberries-Fort Laramie 10 for 23 Blackberry Lily (Native) “new” $29 24 Cardinal Flower (Native) “new” $25 G Marking Flags 30 for $3 or 100 for $9 25 Coreopsis Moonbean “new” $27 H Miller Liqua Gel (2 oz) 1 for $5 or 2 for $8 26 Echinacea Magnus Coneflower $27 I Rain Gauge 1 for $8 or 2 for $14 27 Hardy Geranium Deep Magenta “new” $29 J Stump-Out 1 (16 oz bottle) for $12 28 Hosta Honeybells “new” $29 29 Lily of the Valley “new” $13 30 Poppy Golden (Native) “new” $27 31 Russian Sage “new” $29 32 Trillium Red (Native) “new” $25 33 Virginia Bluebells (Native) “new” $29 plant nutrition F Size 10 for Butterfly Bush “new” 24-36" $23 35 Nannyberry “new” 18-24" $21 Organic Tree Fertilizer Spikes tree nutrition 10 spikes for $12 decompose a stump naturally K 34 Notes: Cost Total Bag of 12 for $7 PERENNIALS SHRUBS Qty Qty Weedguard Plus Paper 1 for $12 or 2 for $22 Sub Total $ Handling Charge-must be added to total + Make checks payable to: Oswego County Soil & Water Qty Cost Grand Total $ 3.00 $ Mail To: Oswego County Soil & Water 3105 State Route 3, Fulton, N.Y. 13069 Note: Credit Card Orders: fax order form to: 315/592-9595 Credit Card No: Expiration Date: 3 digit code back of card: Species Descriptions & Site Suitability No. Species Mature Height Description Soil Light Uses 1 American Plane Tree Sycamore 75' Rugged tree, fast growing. Trunk is whitecream, and olive-green interior bark is exposed on an annual basis as the tangray exterior bark exfoliates in rolled-up tube-like sheets every mid-Summer. Tolerates wet and compacted soils Partial sun to full sun Shade, Timber Wildlife food & cover 75' Dense foliage, white flowers appear in May, yellow to red color in Fall, resistant to walnut toxicity. Tolerates wide variety of soils Full sun to partial shade Timber, Firewood Ornamental Wildlife food & cover 100' Foliage consists of compound leaves 12 to 24 inches long. Large, rich flavorful nuts. Grows best in deep, rich, moist soils Full sun to partial shade Timber, Wildlife food & cover 60' Very striking tree, leaves turn yellow/bronze in Fall. Edible tasty nuts. Very tolerant of soil conditions, except for wetland Full sun to partial shade Shade or Street Tree Wildlife food & cover Edible nuts 15' Masses of very aromatic lavender flowers late Spring, old fashioned favorite! Resistant to walnut toxicity. Widely adaptable to most soils Full sun Butterfly & Hummingbird attraction, Screen Nesting for songbirds 30' Attractive pink flowers cover the tree in May, rural roadside beautification, fruit is attractive to songbirds and upland game birds. Grows well on most soil types Full sun Wildlife food & cover Windbreaks 10' Exfoliating bark which peels in strips to review several layers of reddish to light brown inner bark. Small pink or white flowers late Spring. Tolerates both wet & dry soils Full sun to partial shade Wind Tolerant 75' Brilliant Fall foliage, fast growing. Well drained soils Full sun to partial shade Wildlife Food Timber 90' Excellent tree for low swampy areas, tolerates standing water for several weeks at a time. Extremely heat tolerant. Fall color is Yellow. Fast growing. Wet soils Adapts well to heavy clay and poor drainage. Full sun to partial sun Shade tree 100' New York State Tree. Producer of Maple Syrup. Grows on wide variety of soils Full sun to partial shade Street or Shade tree Firewood, Timber Maple Syrup 40' Short, stiff, bluish green needles withstands wind, heat, cold, drought & crowding. Excellent, dense evergreen screen that will not get rangy and out of control as it matures. Tolerates a wide variety of soils Best in full sun Provides wildlife shelter Windbreaks Screen 75' Narrow pyramidal growing short soft greens needles, Prized for its fragrance, excellent Christmas tree, needs very little shearing. Prefers moist well drained soils Best in full sun Wildlife food & cover Christmas tree, hedges & screens Platanus occidentalis 2 Black Cherry Prunus serotina 3 Black Walnut Juglans nigra 4 Chinese Chestnut Castanea mollissima 5 Common Lilac Syringa vulgaris 6 Magenta Crabapple Malus sp. 7 Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius 8 Red Oak Quercus rubra 9 River Birch Betula nigra 10 Sugar Maple Acer saccharum 11 Black Hills Spruce Picea glauca var. densata 12 Balsam Fir Abies balsamea No. Species Mature Height Description Soil Light Uses 13 Cannan Fir 40' Short soft needles, good Christmas tree open growing patterns & strong branches. Rugged landscape tree. Highly adaptable to many soil conditions Full to partial sun Christmas Tree Wildlife cover 75' Beautiful and easy to care for, soft silvery blue short needles, great Christmas tree holds needles very well. Needs good drainage Full to partial sun Wildlife food and cover Christmas Tree 100' Stiff, silvery-blue green needles prickly to touch, “King of the ornamentals” dense colorful screens. Ordinary soil, average moisture Full sun to partial sun Screen, windbreaks, provides wildlife cover 80' Graceful very attractive, drooping branches, resistant to walnut toxicity. Thrives well in average soil conditions Full sun to partial sun Christmas trees, Windbreaks, Wildlife food & cover 40' Growth is pyramidal and well suited for windbreaks, good wetland plant. Grows in ordinary soils, does well in swampy areas Full sun to partial sun Wildlife food & cover Good wetland plant Hedge 150' Soft long needles, windbreaks. Grows on nearly all soil types Full sun to partial shade Wildlife food & cover Windbreaks & screens 6' Flexible branches which don’t break under heavy snow loads, adapts well in subzero climate. Flowers provide nectar for native bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Acid soil Full sun or partial shade Human food Wildlife food 5' Large delicious purple berries. Produces fruit in second year, summer bearing, thornless., Well drained soils Full sun Human food Wildlife food Butterfly attraction 5' Ever bearing variety that produces two berry harvests during the growing season. Luscious juice and sweet fruit, high yield, self pollinating. Thrives in most soil types Full sun Human food Wildlife food 6" Super hardy, withstands the worst winters without mulch. Huge, bright, scarlet red berries, mouth watering, heavenly aromatic fragrance. Bursting with juice with a fresh honey-sweet flavor. Grows in average, medium wet, well drained soils Full sun Human Food Self pollinating Excellent yields 3' Spotted orange flowers, blooms Spring to Fall. Inedible fruit that resembles a blackberry. Fast growing. Loamy, clay soil, or drought/dry soil Full sun Attraction for hummingbirds & butterflies 4' Scarlet red flower, native perennial. Grows well in marshes, stream banks and low woods. Grows best in moist, even wet soil Full sun or light shade Attraction for hummingbirds & butterflies 2' Creamy yellow flowers, blooms June to August perennial. Easily grown, low maintenance. Thrives in poor, sandy or rocky soil with good drainage Full sun Attraction for butterflies Abies balsamea ‘phunerolepsis’ 14 Concolor Fir Abies concolor 15 Blue Spruce Picea pungens var. glauca 16 Norway Spruce Picea abies 17 White Cedar Thuja occidentalis 18 White Pine Pinus stobus L. 19 Blueberries Northland Vaccinium corymbosum 20 Blackberries Ebony King Rubus Fruticosus ‘Ebony King’ 21 Red Raspberries Heritage Rubus ideaus ‘heritage’ 22 Strawberries Fort Laramie Fragaria x ananassa Fort Laramie’ 23 Blackberry Lily Belamcanda chinensis 24 Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis 25 Coreopsis Moonbeam Herbaceous perennial Frequently used for No. Species Mature Height Description Soil Light Uses 26 Echinacea Magnus Coneflower 36" Large, daisy-like purple flowers with sturdy stems, blooms all Summer and into Autumn. Maintenance free, stunning in mass plantings! Adaptable to heat, poor soils and high humidity Full sun Butterfly favorite Great cut or dried flower 25" 3" bright magenta with black star shaped center flowers, blooms May to August, perennials. Easily grown and low maintenance. Thrives in poor, sandy or rocky soil with good drainage Full Sun to partial shade Ground Cover Butterfly attraction 2' Fragrant, pale lavender bell shaped flowers. Large heart shaped leaves. Easily grown and low maintenance. Easily grown in average soil Partial shade to full shade Ground cover, borders, hummingbird attraction 10" Wonderfully fragrant petite white bell shaped flowers mid to late Spring. Adds a bit of elegance and charm to shadeprone areas of any landscape. Prefers well drained, rich sandy loam Full shade to partial shade Ground Cover 20" “Native” Perennial wildflower, 2-3" cups of gold blooms, Mid Summer bloomer, easily grown, low maintenance. Grows everywhere Full Sun Pollen-rich Flowers Butterfly attraction 3' Upright bush of grey-green leaves that produce a mass of tiny purple flower spikes., blooms mid Summer - Fall. Prefers well drained soils Sun to partial shade Background plant Border plant 14" Real Beauty for any shade garden, perennial wildflower, 4" crimson red blooms mid to late Spring Moist, Wet well drained soils Half Sun Half Shade Full Shade Ground Cover Deer Resistant 24" “Native” breathtaking elegant showy blossom clusters, perennial wildflower. Flower buds are pink before they open to blue flowers. Moist, rich and loamy soils upland forests Partial sun to full shade Butterfly attraction 6' Bright, fragrant purple blooms, large elongated clusters provide ample nectar. Drought tolerant plant that requires little water once established. Tolerates most growing conditions Full Sun Butterfly & Hummingbird attraction Small white flowers April - June, bears fruit in late Fall. Fruit is juicy and sweetsour. Growth rate 24" per season. Moist to dry soils Full sun to Full shade Wildlife Food Windbreaks, Hedges & Screens Echinaca purpurea 27 Hardy Geranium Deep Magenta Geranium ‘Patricia’ 28 Hosta Honeybells Herbaceous perennial 29 Lily of the Valley Convallaria magalis 30 Poppy Golden Eschscholzia californica 31 Russian Sage Perovskia A. 32 Trillium Red Trillium erectum L. 33 Virginia Bluebells Mertensia Virginica 34 Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 35 Nannyberry 20' A Arbor Guard Protects tree trunks from weed trimmers, mower decks and mice. 25% recycled polyethylene wrap around guard expands as the tree grows. Gray tree bark color with ultraviolet inhibitors and will not lose its shape or color hue to sun exposure. Holes in guard are the right size to discourage rodents, yet allow the bark to breathe so rot does not develop. B Bat Box One brown bat can eat 3,000 to 7,000 mosquitoes a night! Many people think that birds such as the purple martin are the best natural defense against those tiny pests, but they are not! Bats feed when mosquitoes are most active at night. One bat box will hold up to 60 brown bats. C Bluebird Box Bluebird nesting timetable is from March 15 - June 20. The more nesting boxes you put up the more likely you are to get your NEW YORK STATE BIRD, “bluebird” in your yard. D Fertilizer Tablets Benefits: promotes vigorous growth, easy to use. Just put one tablet in planting hole, put some soil over and then plant the tree or shrub. Time released slowly over a two year period. No. Species Mature Height E Organic Compost Tea Bags Convenient, fast and dose-controlled way to feed plants. No measuring, no waste. Your plants receive the evenfeed slow release nutrients over time as needed. Feeds plants up to 4 months. Biodegradable filter pak. Provides single dose applications of sustained organic slow release nitrogen. F Organic Tree Fertilizer Spikes Most effective way to deliver organic fertilizer to your trees. These spikes are placed in the soil, where microbes will break them down for fast absorption by feeder roots. G Marking Flags Mark your planting so you don’t mow it over! It also helps to remind you where you planted, so that you can keep weeds from taking over the young tree or shrub. H Miller Liqua Gel Benefits: fewer lost trees, faster growth rate, better moisture retention. If you are not planning on planting your trees within the next couple of days after pickup, we recommend you dipping your tree roots in this gel. I Rain Gauge Tru-Check. Wherever accurate knowledge of rainfall is important. Great gift for farmers, homeowners, greens keepers, orchardists, hobbyists contractors and conservationists. J Stump-out Removes old stumps from cut or wind damaged trees without having to dig. Stump-out makes a stump porous by dissolving the lignin binding between the cellulose layers. Simply drill several holes in the top and sides of stump and fill each hole with Stump-out. You can either burn the stump in four to six weeks or allow it to decompose naturally. Stumps should be seasoned at least one year before use. K Weedguard Plus Paper Biodegradable paper weed barrier is effective for an entire growing season. 100% opaque weed barrier made from cellulose fibers that control weeds and warms the soil to give your plants an earlier start. Contains no petro-chemicals. Left to degrade at the end of the season. Description Soil Light Uses Order deadline is April 15th , 2015! If ordering after April 15th ?? you may send in your order, we will fill what we can, and issue a refund for what we can’t fill at time of pickup or you can choose something else. We always have extras for sale too! Spread the word to your family, friends and neighbors about our sale! Payment is due with the order and check should be payable to: Oswego County Soil & Water. Please send payment and order from to Oswego County Soil & Water Conservation District, 3105 State Route 3, Fulton, N.Y. 13069. Please note that advance orders are required. The pick-up dates are Wednesday, April 22nd, or Thursday, April 23rd, 2015, between the hours of 8:00 am - 3:30 pm. The Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District reserves the right to refund or cancel orders on species that may not be available. There will be no refunds on orders not picked up on time. The District will not be responsible for the success or failure of your plantings. All shortages mucth be reported within 24 hours of pick up or next business day. If you have any questions, please stop by our office or call us at 315/592-9663. Thank you for supporting your local Soil and Water Conservation District Need more information? Stop at our office and take a gander at our information binder with color pictures!
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