MEMBERS: PROBE, Dixie District, Barbershop Harmony Society North Georgia Barbershop Singers February 2015 Vol. 8 No. 2 editor/publisher Jack Martin 678-777-5013 [email protected] Lake Lanier, Georgia Chapter <> SPEBSQSA, INC Meets Tuesday evenings, 7:00 pm, Cumming Baptist Church 115 Church Street, Cumming GA, 30040 Dan Sullivan, President, Tel 770 770--377 377--1294 Steve Dorn, Music Dir. Tel 678 678--595 595--4340 L ast month I encouraged each member of our chorus to continue the hard work that we put forth in 2014 and let us make the 2015 year an even better year. Well, we have started out on the right path to make that goal happen. We have about 32 fellows in the chorus now and I know that we are not the smallest in membership or certainly we aren’t the largest chapter in membership, but you as a member of the North Georgia Barbershop Singers need to hold your head up high and stick your chest out, because for a chapter of our size, we are doing something right. We have four different individuals leading our chorus – a director, associate director, and two assistant directors. Not only that, but we have four established quartets. We just had our first perform- ance for the New Year for the Forsyth Cattleman’s Association and WOW what a performance we put on for them. With that performance, we have set the bar for this New Year to be a great year and every time we perform we need to go into that performance with the same excitement and energy that we did for the Cattleman’s group. Every member of the chorus should really feel proud. The percentage of members present for this performance was right at 98%. That is phenomenal!!! Several of the cattleman who were there have told me how much they enjoyed our performance and a couple who were not there, told me that they did get to view the video clip from the Forsyth County News. We already have a couple of performances set for the near future and we need to continue to 1 NGBS SINGERS JOIN ROSWELL work to keep the energy and excitement for all our performances in the year to come. We have different committees working on ideas and plans for different new things we can pursue during this upcoming year of great 4-part harmony. Singing Valentines is here and we are hoping for another great time of making that day a very special day. The district convention is in March and even though we are not competing, I would like to encourage as many as can to make pans to be there. It is a time to enjoy great barbershop quartet singing and great barbershop chorus singing. It is also a great opportunity to meet friends and to make new friends in this hobby that we all enjoy so much. Remember, we want to make the year of 2015 the best year yet. In a recent wrestling tournament where I had gone to watch my grandson, I noticed a banner hanging of the wall that the coach had place there to encourage the wrestling team. I believe, as members of the North Georgia Barbershop Singers, we can apply this to ourselves. Coach Paul IN SINGOUTS R ecently, I touched base with Roy Conradi, the Roswell chapter PR guy. Our co-ordination and conservation was worthy of writing about as it shows our fellowship with the members of the Fire House Harmony Brigade, ‘our brothers’ in Harmony chapter, The Roswell Firehouse Harmony Brigade continues to actively perform sing-outs and afterglows (or sometimes pre-glows) to show what fun barbershop singers do have. Frequently with help of a couple duo members from the North Georgia Barbershop Singers, they entertain at retirement homes and churches. Jerry Frank and Jack Martin hold dual membership with RFHB and NGBS. Their latest events included a program in Roswell for the residents of Huntcliff Summit Retirement Home and another as part of a Christmas program at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. At the weekly pre-meeting dinners the "Brigadiers" often break into song, to the delight of other restaurant diners T h e Roswell director Chuck Pettis again helped the NGBS by narrating our Christmas show. Thanks to the Roswell boys for so actively promoting our hobby and sharing it with the NGBS. “It’s not the will to win that matters – everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” “Bear” Bryant once said: I Health Alert t’s pleasing to know that Terry Gillim is recovering from sickness where in he was experiencing temperatures of well over 100 % degrees for several days. 2 O The Annual Gathering! ur Annual Banquet for NGBS took place on January 11, 2015 at McDonald & Son. From the comments received from many members, it would appear the Banquet was a real success on many levels. First, the food was great!!! Under the direction of Dannella Burnett, Owner of Oakwood Occasions, we had a great choice of entrees, salads, beverages and of course deserts. I observed quite a few taking advantage of ALL the options! Thanks to Dannella and her staff for, in my opinion, another excellent job of taking care of us! Our VERY SPECIAL Guests!!! My special thanks were in order for our undeterred MC, ("just give me a mic") Chuck Berny; our Guests of Honor, Jim Sams along with his wife Doris; our Special Guest, the unflappable Chuck Pettis; the entire 2014 Board Of Directors; the Decorating Committee consisting of Cindy Gillim and Chris Marrazzo; our Founders, Jack Martin and Rich Pilch (without whom we wouldn't have even been there), our Spouses and Special Guests, but the BIGGEST thanks goes out to YOU, our Membership! After a few minutes of mingling and meeting both new and already familiar spouses, the program was kicked off with a rousing (actually "fast tempo") version of The Old Songs, which was the only thing between us and the food! AWARDS, AWARDS, and more AWARDS!!! Quite a few memorable things happened at this gathering including Annual Award Certificates: Fred Kanel received the Assistant Directors Award presented by Rich Pilch; Tom Riggle received the Directors Award presented by Steve Dorn; Jerry Taylor received Founders Award Certificate presented by Jack Martin; Duane Hunter received the President's Award presented by Dan Sullivan; Bill Liles received the Behind The Scenes Award presented by Dan Sullivan; and Gene Seidule received the Most Improved Singer Certificate presented by our Director Steve and Associate Director Rich. (Unfortunately, Gene wasn't present at the banquet due to an illness in the family, but received his certificate the following Tuesday at our Chapter Meeting). Terrific Entertainment!!! Interspersed throughout all of this excitement was entertainment by 5 regular chorus quartets! My sincere thanks goes to these guys, some of whom were probably performing for the first time in a quartet in front of an audience: North Georgia Blend (Dan Sullivan, Jerry Wood, Neill Harris, Fred Young), Lads Of Lanier (Jerry Frank, Bob Biccum, Tom Dorn, Duane Hunter), False Alarm (Andy Doetsch, Chuck Berny, Fred Kanel, Bob Hitch), R2D2 (Donnie Wheeler, Steve Dorn, Ronnie Wheeler, Roger Dimsdale) and Sweet Tea (Tom Riggle, Rich Pilch, Terry Gillim, Fred Kanel). Sure hope I got all those names right! TOP OF THE HEAP!!! Following all of that strong momentum, our evening reached a very high pinnacle as Dan Sullivan, our reigning Barbershopper Of The Year, announced none other than Chet Burdick as the chorus choice for our 2014 Barbershopper Of The Year Award, which of course carries with it the Official Plaque, BOTY lapel Pin and temporary ownership of the personalized travelling trophy! CONGRATULATIONS CHET ON A VERY WELL EARNED AND WELL RECEIVED AWARD!!! 3 By Tom Riggle C E hester Burdick was selected as the 2014 Barbershopper of the Year through an all membership voting process. It’s the highest honor of the Chapter and comes with an engraved traveling trophy. ven though our 2015 Officer Installation/Spousal Appreciation Banquet was held in a banquet room of the McDonald funeral home , we witnessed that the Lake Lanier, GA Chapter is very much alive! Of course all our members already know that. This was held on January 11 and what a testament that was to the vitality of our chapter. Terry Gillim made all the arrangements for the facility and the caterer and the tickets and the awards. He and Cindy, along with Chris Marrazzo, went there Sunday morning to set up the room and decorate and set up the sound system. Dan Sullivan invited Jim and Dora Sams to attend. Jim is the Dixie District VP for Contests and Judging and agreed to preside over the installation of our 2015 Board of Directors. We also welcomed our good chapter friends Chuck and Berta Pettis from the Roswell Chapter. Besides the new officers, we also recognized 7 chapter awards to members, culminating with the 2014 Chapter Barbershopper of the Year to a humble and deserving Chet Burdick. All this recognition was interspersed by no less than 5 chapter quartets singing two songs each for the members and guests. We had the newly re-named quartet now known widely known as the North Georgia Blend. Also, our oldest running quartet Lads of Lanier and our newest quartet of R2D2, sometimes referred to as our alien quartet. The quartets of False Alarm and Sweet Tea also entertained the 60 or so people in attendance. I’d say it was a lively evening to be sure. Additional award winners presented at our Installation Banquet Fred Kanel received the assistant Directors Award Tom Riggle received the Director Award Gene Seidule received the Most Improved Singer Award Jerry Taylor received the Founders Award Bill Liles received the Behind the Scenes Award Duane Hunter received the Presidents Award Thank You, Jim Sams By Jack Martin A s founder of the Lake Lanier Chapter, I want to publically thank Jim Sams of the Memphis TN chapter, for presiding over our chapter Installation of Officers. Jim did an outstanding job installing our 2015 officers interspersing humor along with the sincerity of each position. Jim and his wife Dora traveled from New Orleans at the close of the Mid-Winter Convention to arrive in time to attend our banquet on Sunday evening. 4 5 Valentine Day. February 13/14, 2015 T his news release has previously been sent to several of our local media to promote our Valentine Singing Program . Great Job Duane Hunter! This news release is for immediate use but in your case which I believe is monthly publication, it may be perfect timing for your February issue. I’m available to you by cell phone 864-378-6635 for additional information and photo’s. I’ve attached our Rack Card as an example of available photos. Also, we invite you to visit our rehearsal every Tuesday at Cumming Baptist Church, 115 Church St, Cumming, GA 30040. Our music is largely love songs targeted to women on Valentines Day. Duane Hunter, Chairman Publicity News Release: For the seventh consecutive year the North Georgia Barbershop Singers are delivering SINGING VALENTINES. If you think your loved one deserves a very special Valentine this year, this will really surprise and impress a lot longer than a box of candy or flowers from the grocery store. To order, simply call 770-609-9853 or order online ( We will schedule four talented Barbershop singers to surprise and delight your loved one at the work place, your home, a restaurant, an assisted living facility or another location of your choosing. These men will sing two love songs in perfect Barbershop harmony; leave a beautiful rose and a personalized Valentine card from you. The NORTH GEORGIA BARBERSHOP SINGERS offer this very affordable and special gift from you on Friday, February 13 and Saturday February 14, 2015. Only a limited number of Singing Valentines are available so call 770-609-9853 between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m., to get the details and insure your Singing Valentine will be delivered. This is an annual fundraiser for our Barbershop Chorus which is 501 3(c) charitable organization. which helps us make music throughout the year for our Senior Citizens and support Meals on Wheels in the surrounding counties. 6 TO OUR GUESTS C h u c k Berny our newly elected Membership VP will be hosting a guest night on the 3rd of February, 2015.\ Jerry Wood and Steve Dorn have assembled a program to entertain our guests and make them feel welcome and comfortable to sing their hearts out with our NGBS chorus. Those of us that have been around for a while should be well aware that for a guest night to be successful we must assist chuck on getting men to attend the festivities that go along with a guest night! Lets get more men involved in this wonderful singing hobby we have all learned to enjoy. A little recruitment effort will mean growth for our chapter .and chorus! thinking of different things) what kind of a message is being sent! (Extreme example but hopefully you get the point.) I have heard quartet members say to judges, Gee, we sang the song just like the blah blah champion quartet did, why did we get such a poor interp score? This is the very thing that interpretation is not!!!! It is not just phrasing and louds and softs. Interpretation is something that is the total responsibility of the singer(s) and at the same time the privilege of the singer(s) to create emotions as they are performing and feeling them. It can't be a copy or a facade and be effective. Do you think that Barbara Striesand allows any one else to tell her how to sell a song? She may allow someone to suggest the use of some interpretative device, but she sells the song with her own inter-feelings. It's the same with a quartet or chorus. The singer(s) must transfer an emotional message that can be understood by the audience for everyone to get full benefit of the music. Why People Listen To Your Music I nterpretation of a song is really a very tricky business. Most people don't understand it fully. (Not that I know it all) To me interpretation is the transfer of emotions imbedded in the lyrics and harmonies of a song through the singer, to the listener. Music is such wonderful thing that it allows for both a participant and spectator to become part of the song. I have often heard it said by directors, lets concentrate on the words and notes, we will put the interp in later. What they are really saying is, once we learn the words and notes we will be able to apply interpretive devices such as louds, softs. crescendos, pauses and other means to create emotions that we as a singer want to transfer to our audiences. What I suggest you do, is read through the music you plan to sing. Determine in your own mind what the message of the song is. Of course your determination may be a bit different than others but what you need to do is come to agreement with your other singers! Decide, what message do we want to convey to our audience? It is very important that you all are interpreting the song with the same basic fervor or thought process. That way your audience will understand the message of the music just as you are telling it. So many times individual members of quartets send different messages across the footlights. This will cause the audience to become confused. Think about it, if you all are singing the same word or phrase and your bass is frowning, your bari is neutral and the lead is smiling and the tenor is off in la la land somewhere, (all are Why do you think people come to listen to your quartet? It is because your music makes them feel good! Many times I have set in men's and women's contests in the audience and when a soft passage is being sung by a quartet a big lump forms in my throat. Why, because the quartet has created emotions from the heart and sent them across the footlights allowing me as a spectator to become involved in the music the same as they. Wow! That is some powerful stuff. This system is not just a concept. It will work and be effective for both quartets and choruses .. S aturday Evening Post, a very popular Society quartet takes gold at the N’alins Mid-Winter senior contest. Brian, Tom, Allen, & Bobby have been knocking around for several years placing in the top 10 at the International Quartet Contest several times. Brian Beck has been an International Gold winner in Dealers Choice (73) & Side Street Ramblers (83) . Bobby Gray also won the international gold in the New Tradition quartet (85).The SEP has been my Champs for more than a few years. There was a time they sang on chapter shows for expenses only. Great guys! 7 Lambert High School Visit I t seems like our chapter president, Dan Sullivan, knows most everyone in Forsyth County. His connections have resulted in several performance requests for our chorus and/or quartets. December 18 is yet another good example. Dan got us an invitation to visit Lambert High School in Suwanee, GA. An English teacher there, that Dan knows, Dr. Charles Hyatt, is a fan of barbershop music. The school chorus program is about 80% girls with 8 wise young men in the chorus too. Dr. Hyatt has been encouraging the chorus director, Ryan Wason, to try some 4-part barbershop harmony in the chorus. December 18 was a day for teachers and staff to have a Christmas luncheon and Dr. Hyatt wanted a small group of barbershop singers to come over and sing a couple tunes for the luncheon. He got hold of Dan and set it up. He also told the chorus director we were coming and maybe some of his students would like to hear what we do. He said OK. Dan got his own quartet, North GA Blend, and the Sweet Tea quartet together for the visit. Dr. Hyatt met us and escorted us to the school cafeteria. Now, we were expected maybe 30 or 40 teachers. When we walked in, surprise, they were set up for about 200 teachers and staff! Before attempting that, Ryan Wason sent 7 of his male chorus singers to meet us. It was neat to meet these well-mannered and enthusiastic young men. We sang 4 or 5 tunes for them both as quartets and as a VLQ. Our own director Steve Dorn, happened to be available that day and he filled in at baritone for the Nuts since Jerry Wood was not available. Steve got with the students and they divided up parts to try a couple tags. Steve related well with these young people. That was like an “a-ha” moment when they came together and heard what they could do together in the barbershop style. Smiles all around. And, what nice, clear young voices these guys have. While we waited for 200 teachers to file through the luncheon line, Dr. Hyatt took Steve over to meet the school chorus director, Mr. Ryan Wason. While a bit reticent at first, Mr. Wason perked up when Steve explained some of the things we could do to support his objectives with the students in his chorus. Singing for the teachers and staff was another matter. There were a bunch of them and they were all eating and talking to one another. There was no sound system. You know how that goes. We decided that our quartets couldn’t get enough sound out under the circumstances. The school principal, Dr. Gary Davidson, managed to get the attention of most and the quartets combined and belted out a couple of our chorus numbers followed by Jingle Bells. They were actually quite attentive. This was an uplifting experience for us and might serve as a foundation for possible visits to other schools in our area. 8 We Get Letters A Reminder to all our members. We all received the below note from Chester Burdick, Singing Valentine, co-chairman Fellow Barbershoppers, Please remove the top portion of this email and forward the singing valentine message to your friends and relatives. It might be a good idea to place a personal message at the top of this email and say something like: Dear Friends, As many of you know, I am a member of the North Georgia Barbershop Singers. One of our annual fund raisers is the singing valentine program. It is a lot of fun and a great way to show your loved one how much you care for them. We enjoy singing to wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, employees and sweethearts. Let me know if you have any specific questions. J ack, Just FYI – I just dug through my copy of NGBS Down our Way newsletter. Gotta tell you – your Interp/ Presentation article was very confirming to me; and it was comforting! What a great article and great reminders for ALL of us! Thank you for sharing that. To another successful year for you and NGBS! Make this Valentine’s Day A day that your“Special Someone,” Will remember forever Surprise your Sweetheart, Wife, Husband, Mother, Father or whomever With a Singing Valentine W e had two guys that attended the Dixie District Leadership Academy (Chapter Officers Training) in Fayetteville. Dan Sullivan our President and our newly elected Music & .Perf VP, Fred Kanel. Sung by a barbershop quartet from the North Georgia Barbershop Singers Within 30 miles of Cumming, GA Singing Valentines include 2 love songs, a rose and a Valentine card delivered at your home, a restaurant, an assisted living facility or whereever For only $50 Call Duane Hunter @ 770-609-9853 or order on-line @ 9 A Celebration of Life “We Will Endure” O ur first chapter meeting after the Christmas holidays was great. Good attendance and rehearsal, while just about “ace-ing” a new song in one hour. The afterglow at Applebee's was fun also. There were about 12 singers and two family members there (Cindy and Terra ) to enjoy the food and a bit of singing. We also found that Applebees reduced their cost of appetizers to 1/2 price after 10 PM, so this is also a new treat. We have been holding our afterglows there for about 3 months now. We are looking forward to many more good times in the future. As usual Donnie, Ronnie, Chris and Jack were there to well after midnight. I Attended the funeral of our departed barbershop buddy, Thom Hine on the 3rd of January at the Alpharetta First United Methodist Church. There was well over 300 barbershoppers and friends in attendance and I must say the service was beautiful. Not only was it the acknowledgement of the passing of a dear friend, It was a celebration of the life of a great person. The life of Thom was celebrated with the music that Thom loved so much. “FRED” 1999 International Quartet Champs performed singing special music “Surely the Presence”. The SAI chorus “Songs of Atlanta” sang “It is Well.” Mark Schlinkert recited scripture from the bible, Psalms 23 and 121. There was special music performed by “Boardwalk and friends" and “Mighty Wind” with “Tim Brooks” giving the Eulogy. Special remembrances of Thom was given by Family and friends, Jared Carlson, Ray Henders. Drayton Justus and Tish Haskett, (Thom’s sister) which all were quite interesting and very humorous at times. Thom would have loved it! The AVP sang “Low Down the Chariot” and the “AVP and Big Chicken Chorus” sang “Precious Lord” with all singers ending the service with “Irish Blessing”. This was quite impressive. Reverend Kim inserted prayer and gospel reading from the bible, through out the service as well. I had plans to attend a reception at Clay Hine’s home after the service, however my emotional limits had already been breached so I elected to return home. It was a bittersweet day! Our second meeting in Jan was well attended as usual with several songs rehearsed under the direction of Donnie, Andy and Steve. We had an enjoyable tag singing craft session directed by Andy Doetsch, several quartets sang and a dozen singers attended the afterglow where we did a bit of gang singing. Great evening! Mid month meeting, for January was a chorus performance for the Cattlemen Association at the Longstreet Baptist Church.. Article about this performance is elsewhere in the bulletin. Our 4the meeting of January wraps up the typical months activities.. Good rehearsal attendance with tag teaching, quartet activity, octet singing, some BBS craft, business meeting. 50/50 and closure with Keep the Whole World Singing. The after glow was nothing short of a good time. A beer, an appetizer a few songs and some tag singing. I might add that we have our own area set aside for our activities, where in we do not disturb other late night Applebees patrons. This routine may not fit all chapters but it proves effective for us. We sing our best with a special emphasis on having a great time. We have two or three guest a month with a net growth of 2-4 a year. Maybe not a record but a pretty good average. We are hopeful to have 33 happy singers on the risers at the fall 2015 Dixie Contest, a 10% Chapter growth with three major paying performances in 2015.. Well, we can dream can’t we? 10 I mentioned Thom Hine’s death last month. Here is His Obituary Thom is the father of Clay and Brad Hine, whom many of us know as friends! Thomas Joe Hine August 19, 1935 - December 24, 2014 T hom was born on august 19, 1935 in Martinsville, Indiana to June and Marion Hine. At age 14, his high school shop teacher wanted to form a barbershop quartet and the rest, as they say, is history. He quickly developed an incredible love of vocal harmony and barbershop singing that led him to lifelong friends, his wife Carla of 52 years and a family connected by love and music. Thom was a 64 year years member of the barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) and tireless shared his passion and is talent for singing and for leadership with barbershop singers across the U.S. and around the world. Thom graduated from Proviso Township School (Maywood, IL) and received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lake Forrest University. (Chicago, IL) in 1957 where he was a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. He served in the U S Army and Illinois National Guard achieving the rank of Specialist E-4. After college he worked at Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company then was employed in various roles at Allstate Insurance Company for 33 years, retiring in 1993 to pursue his passion— barbershop Harmony.Thoughout his life he lived in many places including Indiana, the Chicago area, (a few times) , Arkansas, North Carolina. Ohio, Michigan and finally metro Atlanta, as director and then Director Emeriti's of the Big Chicken chorus and then a member of the Atlanta Vocal Project. Thom loved coaching and teaching barbershop harmony and directed several choruses throughout his life. He sang in many quartets, including the Popular Midnight Oilers, the Four henchmen (11th place) International Barbershop[ Quartet Competition in 1982. the Atlanta Forum (Dixie District Quartet Champions with his son, Clay, in 1987, and the Old Kids on the Block (International Quartet Champions in 1991. Tom is survived by his loving wife Clara Beyer Hine, his sisters Patricia Haskett (Carmel IN) and Jean Morgan (Scottsdale, AZ, his sons, Clayton and Bradley Hine, their wives Becki and Georgia Hine, grandchildren Melody, Camden, and Kelso, and thousands of people he made part of his extended family. We’ll miss you Thom… but the bass section in heaven just go a whole lot better. 11 Cattlemen’s Association Performance & Dinner By Jerry Frank & Jack Martin T he North Georgia Barbershop Singers performed for a full house at the Longstreet Baptist Church. The Cattlemen’s Banquet says it all. It is difficult to believe that people can feast like the buffet set out for this monthly meeting and not expand their waistline beyond available belting. The work must keep them in shape for the crowd looked able to take on their weight in wild cats. The room was full and no sound system was available but the audience was so polite and quiet during the program that none was needed. After an hour of warm up in the main church building, we were ready with a full and flexible presentation of favorites and some new songs. The Lads of Lanier gave a demonstration of the building of a barbershop song comparing the music arrangement to the building of a home. There were some laughs and some learning with the chorus joining in for the completion of “Wild Irish Rose”. Ivan Cottrell was our master of ceremonies and Steve Dorn directed the chorus. The newly formed quartet, North Georgia Blend, presented one of our Valentine songs. Quartets R2D2 and Sweet Tea each sang two entertaining songs each and our soloist Andy Doetsch fronted for us for “In the Still of the Night” Jack Martin fired up the audience by directing the traditional singing of “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” with the raising and lowering of the arms on the words beginning with “B.” This created quite a spectacle !! Both Jack and Rich Pilch brought forth some humorous offerings which resulted in a lot of laughter and approval from the audience. . We dined after our performance (while the business meeting took place) and the chorus quietly wolfed down a salad, some huge steaks and baked potatoes, with other trimmins’ One comment made during the meeting caught my ear. There were congratulations made for the persons that arranged for the entertainment. It was the best program they had had in a year ( or was it for this year? ;-) ). There was many door prizes given away with several of our own members winning. Chet Burdick won a shirt displaying the words, “Real Men Drive Tractors” with Ivan Cottrell winning a prize. What it was, I am not sure! Aside from our great Installation of Officers banquet earlier in January, our Cattlemen's Association performance was a great way to begin the 2015 year. Our total chapter membership is 31 and we had 29 singers attending this performance. The two members not at the performance was out of state and normally would have been there. We are proud of this participation. During g a recent show committee meeting the Chapter mission statement came up. <> Vision Statement: To be the premier organization in the Lake Lanier area who love to sing. <> Mission Statement: The Lake Lanier, GA chapter SPBSQSA Inc. is an educational and charitable nonprofit organization with the purpose to maximize our joy as barbershop singers by musically being all we can be while enraging the lives of our members and the community at large through fellowship, great a cappella harmony and good deeds. 12 Singing with the Coastal Harmonizers Be Fred Kanel D uring the summer of 2013 we vacationed in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where we used to live full-time. I made contact with the Low Country Barbershop Chorus, which meets Tuesdays in the town of Murrells Inlet, SC, and had the pleasure of singing with them each week while we were there. After I returned I reported on that pleasant and welcoming experience in this newsletter and described the similarities to and differences from our own chorus. During this past summer I again sang with the LCBC but I also made contact with a young chorus that had recently changed its meeting place to just over the border in North Carolina, making it easy for me to reach. I sang with them each week as well as with the LCBC, and I thought our members might be interested to see how this chorus does things. T h e C o a s t a l H a r mo n i z e r s ( ht t p: / / got organized three years ago when several members of the Cape Fear (NC) Chordsmen wanted to get their weekly barbershop fix without driving to Wilmington. They currently have 20 members – many dual with the Wilmington chorus – although on some nights there were 22 or 23 present because of guests and repeating prospective members. Shortly before I arrived last summer they began meeting in the Shallotte (NC) Senior Center at 6:30 on Thursdays. As baritones always are, I was warmly welcomed on my first visit, and the members unfailingly acted happy to have me with them as the summer weeks went by. I had about a dozen new songs to learn, and it was helpful to sit next to Bill Clegg, the baritone section head and one of the chorus’ founders. The chorus director, Barbara Berry, started singing barbershop at age 18 in Illinois, has sung with and directed Sweet Adelines chapters in several states, and has extensive quartet experience. She’s a baritone and was actually singing in a mixed quartet when her bass Bob Zinke, one of the founders of the Coastal Harmonizers, asked her to take over as director. On Sunday, four days before practice, Barbara sends out both an agenda and an email covering any chapter news and describing the philosophy of what’s to be accomplished this week. The agenda starts out with excellent reminders to put nametags on and put sheet music for this week’s songs in practice order. After singing The Old Songs and one Polecat (which changes each week) Barbara welcomes everyone, and a member conducts warm-up exercises. Then one or two tags are sung. The tags are identified in the agenda and the members have the music, so when they come to practice they are prepared and can master the tag more quickly than we do in our chorus but at the expense of the exercise of learning by listening. In the middle of the evening there’s a business meeting and a 10-minute break, followed sometimes by an organized and/or pick-up quartet. In the second half of practice they often move to an open area away from the chairs and practice both singing and choreography in performance formation. And of course they end their evening with Keep the Whole World Singing. During my weeks there they were practicing their standard repertoire for several upcoming sing-outs, the first being an Oktoberfest performance in Calabash, NC, in which I sang with them. (The picture shows us warming up before that performance.) Even though it was the summer of 2014 they were already working hard on a repertoire of Broadway songs for their firstever show, which will be in October 2015! (I’ll be singing in that performance too.) The Coastal Harmonizers are well organized and well directed and I looked forward to each Thursday night with them. They spend more of their time together working on their repertoire than our chorus does. (We spend more time in organized and pick-up quartetting, qualifying on Polecats, and craft or humorous activities organized by our Program VP.) But although they do more “work”, the atmosphere is not a stressful or highpressure one. The fellowship and fun and general practice attitude would be completely recognizable and comfortable for members of our chorus. I thoroughly enjoyed my summer with the Coastal Harmonizers and remain in frequent contact with the director and several members. I will be a dual member with them in 2015, and I’m learning their new songs for the October show. I can’t wait for my next opportunity to sing with them. 13 T Lake Lanier, GA Chapter North Georgia Barbershop Singers Board of Directors Meeting January 19, 2015 hanks to Steve Dorn we now have an incite on what is going to happen the could impact our Chapter Activities T his meeting was at Cumming Baptist Church in Cumming, GA and was called to order at 7:05 PM by President Dan Sullivan. Though we were missing four officers, we started with an even better than usual singing of “The Old Songs” directed by Rich Pilch, who also sang Tenor! S BOD Members Attending: Dan Sullivan, Fred Kanel, Chet Burdick, Tom Riggle, Rich Pilch and Neill Harris. These officers did constitute a quorum. omeone mentioned events throughout the year we should consider when deciding on performance dates. Here is a partial list for 2015. *MidWinter contest (Jan 6-11) *Leadership Academy (Jan 24) *Song of Atlanta Dothan, AL show (Jan 31) *Singing Valentines (Feb 13-14) *Spring contest (Mar 13-15) *Region 14 contest (Mar 26-29) *Easter (Apr 5) *Song of Atlanta annual show (Apr 25) *Mother’s Day (May 10) *Memorial Day Weekend (May 22-25) *Father’s Day (Jun 21) *International contest (Jun 28-Jul 5) *Labor Day weekend (Sep 4-7) *AVP Florida Trip (Sep 17-20) *Sweet Adelines International contest (Oct 5-10) *Fall contest (Oct 23-25) *Harmony Inc contest (Nov 4-8) *AVP Christmas Performance (Dec 5) Officer Reports: Secretary: The minutes of the meeting of the November 17, 2014 meeting were distributed to the BOD prior to the meeting and were accepted by the Board. Treasurer: Treasurer, Chet Burdick, presented detailed financial reports for the year end 2014 The Board received the reports, which were then filed for audit. Chapter Development VP: Reporting for Chuck Berny, Fred Kanel submitted a written report and said that membership is now at 32 as one membership had lapsed but has since reapplied for membership and is being processed at BHS. Music and Performance VP: Fred Kanel reported that the Director and Assistant Directors are almost finished selecting new music from the 10 songs suggested by the Music Committee. Assistant Director: Rich Pilch noted that having 5 different guys directing from time to time seems to get our singers to focus more on the director due to the differences in style and interpretation. Health Alert Marketing and PR: although unable to attend, Duane Hunter sent a note saying he is waiting on some copy from Forsyth News for the Singing Valentine program for approval. I recently learned that Bill Balser's wife Rona, has been diagnosed with a serious health problem. Bill (member of Roswell Chapter) and Rona returned from a 2 week vacation in Florida shortly after Christmas with Rona not feeling well. Old Business: It was noted that we did make double donations to the Meals On Wheels programs in our four surrounding counties before the end of 2014. Dan said he has talked to the city of Cumming about changing the arrangements for our participation for their 2015 Memorial Day service New Business: Dan said that we received much positive feedback from people that were at our December performance. Chet reported on the Show Committee meeting that was held earlier today. We haven’t put on a chapter show in a couple years but are considering doing so in 2015. Dan said new chapter business cards are done will be made available to members. A full check up revealed that Rona was suffering from Leukemia. She is currently under going chemotherapy treatments. Please keep Rona and Bill in your prayers. Meeting adjourned at 8:15PM with the singing of Keep the Whole World Singing. (late update) Bill tells me that Rona’s platelet count continues to drop to critical levels, so let’s kick-start our prayers into high gear. 14 Lake Lanier Chapter Board of Directors and Appointees 2015 Board of Directors President Dan Sullivan Membership VP Chuck Berny Secretary Tom Riggle Treasury Chet Burdick Music & Perf VP Fred Kanel Program VP Jerry Wood PR & Publicity Duane Hunter Member at Large Neill Harris Member at Large Bill Liles Asst Director Rich Pilch Appointees Musical Director Steve Dorn Asst Director Andy Doetsch Asst Director Donnie Wheeler Consultant to Music Dir on Music Issues Jack Martin Bulletin Editor Jack Martin Webmaster Andy Doetsch Music Librarian Terry Gillim Social Director Terry Gillim Chorus Manager Dan Sullivan Historian Bob Biccum Uniform Chairman Rich Pilch 50/50 Dude Chuck Berny Section Leaders Tenor Bob Hitch Lead Tom Riggle Bari Fred Kanel Bass Chuck Berny County Liaison Rep Dawson County Rich Pilch Forsyth County Duane Hunter Hall County Tom Riggle Lumpkin County Fred Kanel In Memory of Future Events Charlie McCann By Jack Martin C h a r l i e McCann,(86) past International President has passed away. Charlie was a member of the Music City Barbershop chorus in Nashville TN. Charlie was the proclaimed “Worlds Greatest Tenor” Who of us can deny him that? My experience with Charlie is: he was a great person, and a great Barbershopper February 3rd The Lake Lanier Chapter and Chuck Berny will host a guest night at the Cumming Baptist Church. 7 PM. Bring a friend! February 13-14 The Lake Lanier Chapter will deliver Singing Valentines to the Forsyth and surrounding counties. March 12-15 Dixie District Contest and Convention. Convention will be in th Crown Plaza Hotel near I-285 and Route 400. June 28– July 5 International Contest and Convention, in Pittsburg PA. Ronnie Steve Roger Donnie Happy Birthday Bob Jerry Tom Duane Fred Terry Tom Rich February 11 Bill Liles Fred Andy Chuck Bob Fred Neil Dan Jerry Lake Lanier Chapter Quartets 15
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