AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES DATALINK Description and Locations Aircraft Services Air Traffic Solutions Author [email protected] January 2015 GENERAL COPYRIGHT STATEMENT © SITA 2015 All trademarks acknowledged. Specifications subject to change without prior notice. This literature provides outline information only and (unless specifically agreed to the contrary by SITA in writing) is not part of any order or contract. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 ii DOCUMENT CONTROL/REVISION HISTORY January 2015, January 30, 2015, [email protected] Acronyms Added DLIC-Datalink Initiation Capability Added ENANA-Empresa Nacional de Exploração de Aeroportos e Navegação Aérea Added LPPNPI- Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia Added MACL-Maldives Airports Company Limited Added Perum- Perusahaan Umum Added Perum LPPNPI- Perusahaan Umum (Perum) Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia (LPPNPI) CPDLC Implementation Variations Updated information associated with the European datalink services governed by the European Commission datalink services implementation rule. APPENDIX A Changed DCL status from “Trial” to “Suspended” for SBGR. Changed DCL status from “Pre-Op” to “Y” for MMMX. Changed d-ATIS status from “Trial” to “Y” for ENGM. Removed OTBD entry. APPENDIX B Changed from “VCCC” to “VCCF” for the Colombo FIR FANS-1/A logon code. Changed from “WIII” to “WIIF” for the Jakarta FIR FANS-1/A logon code. Changed from “Trial” to “Y” for SCEZ. Removed “Y” from FMC WPR column for NAV Portugal Santa Maria OCA. Added additional FIR and/or UIR details and associated responsible center references for some of the ATN/CPDLC locations. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 iii APPENDIXES A and B Location additions since October 2013 Locations Lists: (NOTE: See actual list for whether trial or operational): 2 Added the following Appendix A Cover Page footnote: “ Aircraft operators must first register with AENA to participate in Spain d-ATIS and d-VOLMET” and renumbered original footnote 2 to number 3, accordingly. D-ATIS SBBR SBCY SBRF SBSP D-VOLMET DCL (ED85A) unless noted otherwi se PDC via Airline Host SATCOM Voice SBBR SBCY SBGL SBRF SBSP OTHH OCL FMC WPR FANS-1/A ATN/ ADS and CPDLC CPDLC FNAN LOVV CZYZ (CPDLC Only) VRMF EISN (Limited CPDLC Only) ZGGG ZSSS ZSPD ENGM LSGG EGTT EGPX LPPC (DLIC) Only EGTT EGPX RCTP RCSS RCKH VTBS OMAA EGGW ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 iv October 2013, October 31, 2013, [email protected] Departure Clearances via Datalink and Implementation Variations The implementation variations section was modified to add information about the US FAA FANS-1/A CPDLC-based DCL implementation. CPDLC Implementation Variations Added the following sentence to the last paragraph: “Other ATN-Based European ANSPs plan to or already accommodate FANS-1/A aircraft.” APPENDIX A Deleted EGGW DCL. Added “Y” for TWIP column for the following airports: KEWR KJFK KLAS KLGA KMDW KPHX KSJU Added the following 4-Letter Designators for Japan AEIS: RJN1 RJW1 RJS1 Changed from “Johannesburg Int'l” to “OR Tambo Int’l” and changed the associated ICAO location indicator from FAJS to FAOR. APPENDIX B Changed FANS status from “Trial” to “Y” for FCCC, FSSS, VECF, VOMF. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 v APPENDIXES A and B Location additions since October 2012 Locations Lists: (NOTE: See actual list for whether trial or operational): D-ATIS D-VOLMET DCL (ED85A) unless noted otherwi se EBAW EBAW EGPH EGPF Multiple Brazil Airports Multiple Brazil Airports Multiple India Airports Multiple India Airports Multiple India Airports RJTT RJAA PDC via Airline Host SATCOM Voice OMDB ROIG OCL FMC WPR FANS-1/A ATN/ ADS and CPDLC CPDLC CDQX CZQM CZVR CZWG (CPDLC only for above) LSAG LSAZ EISN (Limited CPDLC only) OTBD DTMB DTNH WIII ESSA ESSB ESGG HKNA KEWR* KMEM* KEWR* KEWR* OTBD Multiple Spain Airports Multiple Spain Airports * The FAA is implementing a FANS-1/A CPDLC-based DCL service in the US. In this case, FANS-1/A CPDLC messages are used to provide a DCL service after the flight crew initially logs on through the FANS1/A ATS Facilities Notification (AFN) application. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 vi October 2012, October 31, 2012, [email protected] Throughout Document: Changed from ATS Provider and ATSP to Air Navigation Service Provider or ANSP and ANSP, respectively. Deleted or changed as noted the following References: National Air Traffic Services (NATS), Guidance Material for Delivery of Oceanic Clearances by ORCA (Shanwick). Updated version is available on the NAT PCO website: ( NAV CANADA, Gander Data Link Oceanic Clearance Delivery (OCD) Crew Procedures. Updated version is available on the NAT PCO website: ( Guidance Material for ATS Data Link Services in North Atlantic Airspace (also includes guidance on FMC WPRs in the NAT.) Updated version is available on the NAT PCO website: ( Added Note reference to AEEC-Developed ARINC 623 reference that states: “NOTE: AEEC-developed/ARINC published ARINC 623 is used for historical information for the Departure Clearance, d-ATIS, and Oceanic Clearance applications. See Eurocae ED-85A, ED-89A, and ED-106A, respectively, for the current latest information for these applications. ARINC 623 does not describe operating method nor provide any performance and safety requirements.” Changed from: FANS-1/A Operations Manual, Updated versions of the FOM can be found at: ( to: ICAO Global Operational Data Link Document" (GOLD). Updated versions of the GOLD can be found at: ( Change from: See "List of Referenced Documents." to: See http:// D-ATIS Description and Implementation Variations Added note that ED-89A supersedes AEEC-developed ARINC 623 for the D-ATIS application. Also, changed from: ”623-compliant” to: “623”/ED-89A-compliant throughout. Under “Implementation Variations:” • Added note reference and note that states: “NOTE: The FAA is implementing changes that will overcome the technical limitations such that equal access to US D-ATIS will be possible for SITA and others. The current timeframe that this equal access will be available is some time in 2013.” • Added Mexico to list of countries whose d-ATIS is currently available on the ARINC ATS Server only. • Deleted: “All other d-ATIS implementations are “623-compliant” with the exception of the Air Services Australia d-ATIS server” as Australia no longer has a server capable of receiving d-ATIS requests and responding accordingly. • Deleted “is accessible via the AVICOM network only” relative to Japan D-ATIS as Japan D-ATIS is now available for access by aircraft using SITA datalink, among others. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 vii D-VOLMET Deleted: “The standard for datalink-based VOLMET is the same Eurocae ED-89A standard that applies to d-ATIS.” Departure Clearances via Datalink and Implementation Variations Implementation Variations-PDC via Airline Host and PDC via DCL Method Changed from: “Eurocae ED-85A.”: to “Eurocae ED-85A which supersedes AEEC-developed ARINC 623 for the DCL application.” Added: “See also below information about FAA plans for also supporting departure clearances using FANS1/A-based CPDLC in addition to supporting PDCs via airline host.” OCL Added: “The standard associated with OCL is Eurocae ED-106A which supersedes AEEC-developed ARINC 623 for the OCL application.” SATCOM Voice and CPDLC Descriptions and Implementation Variations Implementation Variations Re-wrote much of this section to bring up to date with the latest US and Europe continental airspace FANSbased CPDLC and ATN-based CPDLC status and plans. APPENDIX A Deleted previous March 2010 document version Footnote 1 and replaced with March 2010 document version Footnote 3 and added the following text to the beginning of the footnote: “Among possible ways of accessing,” and made some other editorial changes. Deleted Footnote 4. APPENDIX A Table 3 1 Changed all instances that had Y to Y . 4 Changed all instances that had Y to Y. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 viii APPENDIXES A and B Location additions since March 2010 Locations Lists: (NOTE: See actual list for whether trial or operational): D-ATIS D-VOLMET DCL (ED85A) PDC via Airline Host SATCOM Voice CYUL CYHU CYTZ ZBAA ZGGG ZSSS ZSPD MMMX SKBO MMMX (Pre-Op) OCL BIRD FMC WPR FANS-1/A ATN/ ADS and CPDLC CPDLC GVSC CZEG CZUL (CPDLC Only) EDUU SOOO DGAC FSSS (Trial) MPTO OMAA In addition, Changed d-ATIS operational status from “Trial” to “Y” For OBBI, SBGL, and SBGR. Changed FANS-1/A ADS and CPDLC operational status from “Trial to “Y” for FTTT, DIII, WMFC, FIMM, and GCCC. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 ix March 2010, March 31, 2010, [email protected] Location additions since December 2008 Locations Lists: (NOTE: See actual list for whether trial or operational): D-ATIS ZUUU ZUCK ZPPP ZWWW ZSAM ZLXY OEDF OEJN OERK D-VOLMET DCL (ED85A) CYWG ZUUU ZUCK ZPPP ZWWW ZSAM ZLXY PDC via Airline Host SATCOM Voice CYQT VHHH (no longer supporte d) ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 OCL KZWY (via CPDLC) FMC WPR FANS-1/A ADS and CPDLC SBAO (now both ADS and CPDLC operationall y) FCCC DIII OERK x December 2008, December 19, 2008, [email protected] Location additions since September 2006 Locations Lists: Additional D-ATIS, DCL (ED-85A), and PDC via airline host locations (NOTE: See actual list for whether trial or operational): D-ATIS D-VOLMET DCL (ED85A) PDC via Airline Host SATCOM Voice OCL FMC WPR FANS-1/A ADS and CPDLC YSTW EBOS SBGL CYXX ZYTL ZJHK ZSHC ZSQD ZGSZ EFSI LFBP OKBK EVRA OLBA LPMA LROP HRYR VTBS DTTA KADW KHPN EBOS WSSS CYQB CYYJ KADW KHPN CZEG CZQX BIRD LPPO BIRD FTTT SCEZ SCEZ SCEZ SCEZ SCEZ GOOO WAAF WMFC DRRR LPPO VVTS ZYTL ZJHK ZSHC ZSQD ZGSZ LFBD LFML LFRS EDDB EDDT EDDK EDDL EDDF EDDP EDDN RKPK EVRA LROP DTTA EGLL EGGW NOTE: Don Mueang Int'l (formerly the Bangkok Int'l airport on September 2006 list) now shown for VTBD. The associated 3-letter IATA code has been changed from BKK to DMK. In addition, the associated 3-letter code for LOWS has been changed from SBG to SZG. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 xi September 2006, September 12, 2006, [email protected] In the past, SITA has provided the following ATS Locations Lists documents to provide Air Traffic Services (ATS) Datalink Services implementations status: List of d-ATIS & TWIP Locations List of PDC and DCL Locations SITA FANS 1/A Status The last versions of these documents were dated June 2005. The locations lists have now been reformatted and consolidated into this single document and implementation status of additional ATS datalink services have been added. The status provided in this document is intended to identify implementations regardless of what communication ground network(s) a given ATS datalink system is connected. Appendixes A and B of this document provide the lists of locations for which there are either trial or operational implementations. Locations for which there were implementations in the past or are suspended or for which there are planned implementations are not included. Significant Changes Since June 2005 Locations Lists: General: • Removed much of the text that preceded the June 2005 locations lists. • Reformatted and consolidated previous locations lists into a single document. • Removed or reclassified locations that were classified as PLN, TBC, TEST, Tech, or Pre-Op. • Combined d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC into a single list. • Added SATCOM Voice, OCL, FMC WPR, and ATN to the FANS-1/A Locations List. d-ATIS Locations: • Added London Heathrow as operational. • Seoul Gimpo IATA designator changed from SEL to GMP. • Other additions and deletions. d-ATIS and PDC Locations: Added the following: • PANC • PHNL • KBOI • KOMA • KOKC • KDAL • KLIT • KALB • KPVD • KPBI • KHOU • KRNO Other additions and deletions. FANS-1/A Locations: • Tokyo and Naha FIR Combined into single FIR-Fukuoka, new Logon Code is RJJJ. • Deleted FANS-1/A Test Locations. • Other additions and deletions. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 xii CONTENTS GENERAL COPYRIGHT STATEMENT DOCUMENT CONTROL/REVISION HISTORY SCOPE REFERENCES Pre-FANS: d-ATIS, DCL, TWIP, and OCL References FANS-1/A References ATN References ACRONYMS ATS DATALINK SERVICES DESCRIPTIONS Overview D-ATIS Description and Implementation Variations Description and Benefits Implementation Variations D-VOLMET Departure Clearances via Datalink and Implementation Variations Description and Benefits Implementation Variations-PDC via Airline Host and PDC via “623”/ED-85A DCL Method and DCL via FANS-1/A CPDLC-based Method OCL SATCOM Voice and CPDLC Descriptions and Implementation Variations Description and Benefits SATCOM Voice CPDLC Implementation Variations ADS and FMC WPR Description and Implementation Variations Description and Benefits Implementation Variations APPENDIX A: ATS DATALINK LOCATIONS LISTS – D-ATIS, D-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, AND PDC APPENDIX B: ATS DATALINK LOCATIONS LISTS – SATCOM VOICE, OCL, FMC WPR, FANS-1/A-BASED ADS AND CPDLC, AND ATN-BASED CPDLC ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 ii iii 1 2 2 2 2 3 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 A B xiii SCOPE This document provides references, acronyms, and Air Traffic Services (ATS) descriptions for those services that are also provided via the Aircraft Communications, Addressing, and Reporting System (ACARS) and/or Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) datalink networks along with the locations lists where these services are available. Locations for which there were implementations in the past or where ATS datalink services are suspended or for which there are planned implementations are not included. The status provided in this document is intended to identify ATS datalink service locations regardless of what communication ground network(s) a given ATS datalink system is connected. ATS Datalink Location status for the following is provided: • Digital-Automatic Terminal Information Service (d-ATIS) • Digital- Meteorological information for aircraft in flight (d-VOLMET) • Terminal Weather Information for Pilots (TWIP) • Pre-Departure Clearance (via airline host) (PDC) • Departure Clearance (DCL) • Oceanic Clearance (OCL) • Flight Management Computer (FMC) Waypoint Position Reporting (WPR) • FANS-1/A-based Automatic Dependent Surveillance (also referred to as ADS-Contract (ADS-C) and ADS Addressable (ADS-A)) • FANS-1/A-based Controller-Pilot Datalink Communications (CPDLC) • ATN-based CPDLC • SATCOM Voice CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Please advise SITA at [email protected] if you: 1. are aware of any errors or omissions, 2. would like to obtain more information about any of the ATS Datalink Services described in this document. Appendix A provides the ATS Datalink Locations Lists for d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC. Appendix B provides the ATS Datalink Locations Lists for SATCOM Voice, OCL, FMC WPR, FANS-1/A-based ADS and CPDLC, and ATN-based CPDLC. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 1 REFERENCES The following is a list of some of the references associated with the Air Traffic Services (ATS) Datalink Services described in this document: NOTE: SITA has been and continues to be a major contributor to the AEEC Developed ARINC specifications referenced within this document as well as the RTCA and Eurocae, among others, industry bodies who have developed or are developing ATS datalink standards. Pre-FANS: d-ATIS, DCL, TWIP, and OCL References AEEC Developed ARINC Specification 618: Air/Ground Character-Oriented Protocol Specification. AEEC Developed ARINC Specification 620: Data Link Ground System Standard and Interface Specification. AEEC Developed ARINC Specification 622: ATS Data Link Applications over ACARS Air-Ground Network. AEEC Developed ARINC Specification 623: Character-Oriented Air Traffic Service (ATS) Applications. (See Note.) Eurocae ED-85A: Data-Link Application System Document (DLASD) for the "Departure Clearance" Data-Link Service, December 2003. Eurocae ED-89A: Data-Link Application System Document (DLASD) for the "ATIS" Data-Link Service, December 2003. Eurocae ED-106A: Data-Link Application System Document (DLASD) for the "Oceanic Clearance" Data-Link Service, March 2005. NOTE: AEEC-developed/ARINC published ARINC 623 is used for historical information for the Departure Clearance, d-ATIS, and Oceanic Clearance applications. See Eurocae ED-85A, ED-89A, and ED-106A, respectively, for the current latest information for these applications. ARINC 623 does not describe operating method nor provide any performance and safety requirements. FANS-1/A References ICAO Global Operational Data Link Document" (GOLD). Updated versions of the GOLD can be found at: ( RTCA DO-258A/EUROCAE ED-100A, Interoperability Requirements for ATS Applications Using ARINC 622 Data Communications (FANS-1/A Interop Standard), April 7, 2005 (RTCA), April 2005 (Eurocae). RTCA/DO-212, Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) Equipment, October 26, 1992. RTCA/DO-219, Minimum Operational Performance Standards for ATC Two-Way Data Link Communications, August 27, 1993. AEEC Developed ARINC Characteristic 745-2: Automatic Dependent Surveillance, June 1993. ATN References See and ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 2 ACRONYMS The following is the list of acronyms used in this document. Acronym Description AAI Airports Authority of India AASL Airports and Aviation Services Limited (Sri Lanka) ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACC Area Control Center ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance, also known as ADS-Addressable(ADS-A) and ADS-Contract (ADS-C) ADS-A Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Addressable, also known as ADS and ADS-C ADS-C Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract, also known as ADS and ADS-A AEEC Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee AEIS Automatic En Route Information Service AENA Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea AIC Aeronautical Information Circular AIP Aeronautical Information Publication ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider AOC Aeronautical Operational Control ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center ASA Air Services Australia ASECNA L’agence Pour La Sécurité De La Navigation Aérienne (ASECNA) En Afrique Et À Madagascar ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service ATN Aeronautical Telecommunication Network ATNS (South African) Air Traffic and Navigation Services ATS Air Traffic Services CAA Civil Aviation Authority CAAC Civil Aviation Authority of China CADS Centralized Automatic Dependent Surveillance System CFRS Centralized FMC Waypoint Reporting System CNS Communications, Navigation, Surveillance CPDLC Controller Pilot Datalink Communications CTA Control Area d-ATIS digital-Automatic Terminal Information Service-In the context of this document, this is the d-ATIS application as defined in ED-89A which supersedes AEEC 623 for d-ATIS, unless noted otherwise. d-VOLMET digital-Meteorological information for aircraft in flight DECEA Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo DCA Department of Civil Aviation ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 3 Acronym Description DCL Departure Clearance-In the context of this document, this is the DCL application defined in ED85A which supersedes AEEC 623 for DCL. DLIC Datalink Initiation Capability ENANA Empresa Nacional de Exploração de Aeroportos e Navegação Aérea ENNA Etablissement National de la Navigation Aerienne FAA Federal Aviation Administration FANS-1/A Future Air Navigation System-1 (Boeing)/A (Airbus) FIR Flight Information Region FMC Flight Management Computer FOM FANS-1/A Operations Manual HF High Frequency IAA Irish Aviation Authority IATA International Air Transport Association ICAA Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization JCAB Japan Civil Aviation Bureau KCAA Kenya Civil Aviation Authority LPPNPI Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia MACL Maldives Airports Company Limited MCDU Mutipurpose Control and Display Unit METAR Aviation Routine Weather Report NANSC Egypt National Air Navigation Services Company NAT North Atlantic NATS National Air Traffic Service (NATS) Ltd. (UK) NOTAM Notice to Airmen OCA Oceanic Control Area OACC Oceanic Area Control Center OCD Oceanic Clearance Delivery OCL Oceanic Clearance-In the context of this document, this is the OCL application defined in ED106A which supersedes AEEC 623 for OCL. PDC Pre-departure Clearance Perum Perusahaan Umum Perum LPPNPI Perusahaan Umum (Perum) Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia (LPPNPI) SATCOM Satellite Communications SEAC Service d'Etat de l'Aviation Civile SIGMET Aeronautical Meteorological Warning ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 4 Acronym Description SPECI Aviation Selected Special Weather Report STNA Service Technique de la Navigation Aérienne TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast TWIP Terminal Weather Information for Pilots UAC Upper Area Control Center UAE United Arab Emirates UK United Kingdom US United States of America VHF Very High Frequency VOLMET Meteorological information for aircraft in flight WPR Waypoint Position Report ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 5 ATS DATALINK SERVICES DESCRIPTIONS Overview Air Traffic Services use of datalink can assist in overcoming issues (e.g. misunderstandings, transcription errors, non-standard phraseology, frequency congestion, fatigue, among others) associated with the use of voice operations and procedures. The following identifies Air Traffic Service requirements for which there is a datalink solution and the corresponding datalink solution: ATS Requirement Datalink Solution Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) Digital-ATIS (d-ATIS) Meteorological information for aircraft in flight (VOLMET) d-VOLMET Departure clearances Pre-departure Clearance (PDC) (via airline host) and DCL Oceanic clearances OCL Controller-pilot communications Controller-Pilot Datalink Communications (CPDLC)* Position reporting Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS), also referred to as ADS-Contract (ADS-C) and ADS-Addressable (ADS-A), and Flight Management Computer(FMC) Waypoint Position Report(WPR), also referred to as Aeronautical Operational Control (AOC) WPR * There is also a voice alternative for consideration to overcome the inherent issues associated with High Frequency (HF) voice communications. This alternative is SATCOM Voice. SITA offers services and system solutions for all of the above as well as an ADS-CPDLC Gateway that is capable of functioning as a dual stack Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN)/Future Air Navigation System (FANS-1/A) gateway and trial workstation. ATS internetworking is in place such that airlines can participate in ATS Datalink Services regardless of what ACARS datalink service provider network is used for their air/ground communications and regardless of what ACARS datalink service provider(s) a given ANSP may be connected to for the provision of a given ATS datalink service. Appendixes A and B of this document provides the locations lists for which there are either trial or operational implementations of the datalink solutions above. Locations for which there were implementations in the past or where ATS datalink services are suspended or for which there are planned implementations are not included. The following provides a brief description of the above datalink solutions along with a brief description of SATCOM Voice. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 6 D-ATIS Description and Implementation Variations Description and Benefits An ATIS message includes operational and weather information for a given airport. The ATIS information is recorded by the tower controller and broadcasted on a dedicated Very High Frequency (VHF) frequency channel. The message is updated when obsolete or in case of a significant change in meteorological conditions. Pilots must listen to the ATIS frequency prior to departure and approach procedures and hand transcribe the ATIS message leading to potential misunderstandings and transcription errors. At times, the ATIS voice message may be difficult to understand. Frequent meteorological changes seriously impact both the controller and pilot workload. ATIS information is only available within VHF coverage of the airport VHF station. D-ATIS provides a more automated means of generating the ATIS voice recording and enables the delivery of the ATIS information to the cockpit in text format through transmission of the ATIS information via datalink. The standards for d-ATIS are the AEEC-developed ARINC 620 and 622, and Eurocae ED-89A which supersedes AEEC-developed ARINC 623 for the D-ATIS application, all of which SITA was a major contributor. The following are the benefits of this solution: • Reduction of controller workload through more automated means of ATIS message composition and elimination of need for voice recording through use of voice synthesis. • Reduction of pilot workload through elimination of the need to listen to the ATIS and hand transcribe the message during busy periods. • Enhanced communication reliability through sending via datalink. • Enhanced accessibility such that can access at any phase of flight and in advance of busy time period of departure and approach. • Improved ATIS information accuracy through automation of many ATIS functionalities, such as meteorological information acquisition, voice message generation, and ATIS information distribution. • If supported, Contract ATIS via datalink enables automated uplink of any updated ATIS messages to ensure the flight crew has the latest ATIS information. Pilots flying with ACARS equipped aircraft can send ATIS requests and receive ATIS information using their onboard ACARS avionics via the MCDU (Multipurpose Control and Display Unit). The ATIS information can either be displayed on the MCDU and/or, printed on the cockpit printer, if the aircraft is equipped with a cockpit printer. The pilot can easily request ATIS Information via the MCDU by selecting ATIS, specifying the desired ICAO airport identifier, as well as the type of ATIS Information (Arrival, Departure, Arrival ATIS with Automatic Update, or En Route). If a given ATIS server supports the Arrival ATIS will Automatic Update, the ATIS server will automatically send any ATIS updates to the aircraft for the period of time that the server supports sending automatic updates to the aircraft or until such time that the pilot sends an ATIS request for termination of the automatic updates. Implementation Variations There are d-ATIS implementation variations in both avionics and ground systems. There are ANSP hosted, commercial service provider hosted only, non-”623”/non-ED-89A-compliant, and “623”/ED-89A-compliant d ATIS implementations. Due to technical limitations of the d-ATIS source, US (See Note below), Canada, Thailand, and Mexico d-ATIS is available only on the ARINC ATS Server. An aircraft can use any datalink service provider to participate in d-ATIS for these countries as long as the airline has been configured on the ARINC ATS Server. Germany, Australia, and New Zealand d-ATIS is only accessible via a commercial service provider. Germany, Australia, and New Zealand d-ATIS is available via the SITA d-ATIS Gateway service and other means. All other d-ATIS implementations are ANSP-hosted. Japan d-ATIS supports both “623”/ED-89A-compliant and some non”623”/non-ED-89A-compliant avionics. There are airlines whose entire fleet is “623”/ED-89A-compliant and ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 7 airlines who have aircraft whose avionics are non-”623”/non-ED-89A-compliant who may also have aircraft that are “623”/ED-89A-compliant. NOTE: The FAA is implementing changes that will overcome the technical limitations such that equal access to US D-ATIS will be possible for SITA and others. The current timeframe that this equal access will be available is some time in 2015. The SITA d-ATIS Gateway service enables otherwise incompatible avionics and d-ATIS ground systems to communicate and is illustrated in the figure below. VHF Ground Station AIRCOM Services Satellite Ground Earth Station AEEC 623*/ ED-89A-compliant Non-AEEC 623*/ Non-ED-89A-compliant D-ATIS Gateway AEEC 623*/ ED-89A-compliant Non-AEEC 623*/ Non-ED-89A-compliant ANSP d-ATIS Servers •AEEC-developed/ARINC published ARINC Specification 623 is used for historical information for the d-ATIS application. See Eurocae ED-89A for the current latest information for the d-ATIS application. D-VOLMET VOLMET is meteorological information for aircraft in flight. ICAO Convention on International Civil Aviation – Annex 3 specifies the VOLMET broadcast as the provision, as appropriate, of current routine and special reports in the Aviation Routine Weather Report/Aviation Selected Special Weather Report (METAR/SPECI) code forms, aerodrome forecasts in the Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) code form, and aeronautical meteorological warning (SIGMET) messages by means of continuous and repetitive voice broadcasts. The VOLMET information often only contains METAR/SPECI and TREND from surrounding airports. A VOLMET message is broadcasted on HF and/or VHF frequencies. The broadcast schedule can be at fixed time (every 30 minutes) limited to 5 minutes duration, or continuous. As a result in the case of a fixed time implementation, pilots have to wait up to 30 minutes for the current VOLMET broadcast. The VOLMET voice message is at times hardly understandable (sometimes due to poor quality of HF frequency). D-VOLMET provides a more automated means of generating the VOLMET recording and enables the delivery of the VOLMET information to the cockpit in text format through transmission of the VOLMET information via datalink, also referred to as digital VOLMET (d-VOLMET). This is also referred to as “En route ATIS” or Automatic Enroute Information Service (AEIS). To request d-VOLMET information, a pilot would use the same on-board application as d-ATIS. The pilot requests d-VOLMET by requesting d-ATIS with the arrival/departure indicator of “E”. DVOLMET benefits and operational use are similar to those described above for d-ATIS. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 8 Departure Clearances via Datalink and Implementation Variations Description and Benefits A pilot must request a departure clearance in order to obtain start-up and departure information prior to leaving the aircraft’s parking space. This clearance is named Pre Departure Clearance (PDC). While there are some operational differences depending on ANSP, typically, the following sequence is followed: • • • • The pilot calls the pre-flight controller on the frequency and requests his clearance. The controller acknowledges the request, and checks the flight on his Flight Plan System terminal. The controller calls the pilot and transmits (reads) the clearance information. The pilot reads back his clearance. The issues associated with PDCs is that frequency congestion can be quite high at times and VHF voice quality can be low at times. There are times when the controller, who is also usually in charge of the ATIS services as well, can have quite a heavy workload. These issues lead to potential misunderstandings between the pilot and the controller and lost time while the pilot waits for the clearance. The implementation of a datalink-based PDC application consists in the transposition of the classical PDC controller–pilot dialog, from the VHF radio channel to the ACARS datalink channel. The implementation of a datalink PDC solution will provide the following immediate operational benefits: • • • • Reduced controller workload. PDC requests can be handled by the controller in sequence, and processed by a single keystroke, as convenient. Reduced pilot workload. The datalink service provides de-synchronization of the PDC procedure: the pilot can request PDC and then continue to prepare for the flight instead of monitoring the ATC frequency. Once clearance is received, the pilot will then send a PDC acknowledgment. Improved reliability. The datalink service eliminates potential misunderstandings due to poor VHF voice quality. Reduced frequency congestion. The use of datalink results in a significant decrease in ATC pre-flight frequency congestion. Implementation Variations-PDC via Airline Host and PDC via “623”/ED-85A DCL Method and DCL via FANS-1/A CPDLC-based Method The term “PDC” also is used to describe the US, Canadian, and Australia datalink PDC implementations. In these implementations, the PDC is sent as a ground-ground message from the tower to an airline host computer. The airline then takes responsibility for delivery of the PDC via either ACARS datalink, or, for non-ACARS equipped aircraft, through some other means such as a gate printer. Another datalink PDC implementation implemented in many locations around the world is called “DCL” for departure clearance. The DCL message itself also contains the “PDC” term. However, the delivery method is different and defined by Eurocae ED-85A which supersedes AEEC-developed ARINC 623 for the DCL application. DCL is the implementation such that the datalink dialog is directly between the pilot and the controller. The pilot requests the departure clearance via datalink. The DCL request is then routed to the tower, where, the controller then sends the clearance to the aircraft directly via datalink. See also below information about FAA plans for also supporting departure clearances using FANS-1/Abased CPDLC in addition to supporting PDCs via airline host. The FAA is implementing a FANS-1/A CPDLC-based DCL service in the US. In this case, FANS-1/A CPDLC messages are used to provide a DCL service after the flight crew initially logs on through the FANS-1/A ATS Facilities Notification (AFN) application. OCL An oceanic clearance is required prior to entry into some oceanic airspace regions. The operation and benefits of OCL via datalink are similar to those described above for DCL. The standard associated with OCL is Eurocae ED106A which supersedes AEEC-developed ARINC 623 for the OCL application. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 9 SATCOM Voice and CPDLC Descriptions and Implementation Variations Description and Benefits Controllers must communicate with pilots during all phases on flight. Communications via voice are subject to misunderstandings. VHF voice quality can be low, and, VHF voice frequencies are subject to high traffic congestion. When out of VHF coverage, HF voice is the primary voice media used for routing communications. HF voice is subject to interference, variability, and delays. In addition, there is no direct pilot-controller channel for HF voice. Radio operators communicate with the pilot. A pilot initiated voice transmission is received by the HF radio operator, who, in turn then transcribes the voice transmission into a ground-ground text message to the controller. Transcription errors can result. A controller initiated message is provided to the radio operator as a text message. Upon receipt, the radio operator communicates the message via voice to the pilot. SATCOM Voice SATCOM Voice is typically used for non-routine voice communications when out of VHF voice coverage. Unlike HF voice, with SATCOM voice, communications is directly between the pilot and the controller. There is ongoing work investigating expanding its use, or, as a minimum, seeking relief from the need for an operator to have a backup HF voice radio. CPDLC Controller-pilot datatlink communications (CPDLC) can overcome the above voice issues and can lead to other operational benefits such as the following: • Use of CPDLC enables standard phraseology through use of preformatted messages and reduces risk of misunderstanding thus enhancing safety. • HF voice becomes backup. • Use of CPDLC and ADS enables more flexibility in routing and can enable dynamic routing such that can get more favorable track to fly. • Use of CPDLC and ADS enables potential reduction in separation minima. • The benefits of CPDLS and ADS can lead to reduced flight times, reduced delays, resulting in reduced costs to the airline. Implementation Variations There are two types of CPDLC implementations: • FANS-1/A-based CPDLC (ACARS networks used for communications) • Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN)-based FANS-1/A-based CPDLC is implemented in many locations around the world as identified in Appendix B. Through the FAA Data Communications Program, the FAA is planning on supporting FANS-based CPDLC for departure clearances at selected US airports and planning on supporting FANS-based CPDLC for en route operations as well as planning to support ATN-based CPDLC in the future. ATN-Based CPDLC was initially implemented by the FAA in the Miami Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) and began initial daily use on October 7, 2002, however, service was discontinued on October 1, 2004. Additional information about FAA plans can be found on the following web sites: ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 10 The European Commission (EC) Single European Sky (SES) Datalink Services Implementation Rule has been published in the EC Regulation 29/2009 document. The rule specifies the implementation of ATN-based CPDLC over VDL Mode 2 along with the associated European airspace, timelines, and exemptions. See for information on the DLS IR and for more information on the implementation status. The FANS-1/A-based CPDLC and ATN-based CPDLC protocols, among other elements, are not the same. There are ongoing discussions as to what would be necessary for a FANS-1/A-based ground implementation to accommodate ATN aircraft and vice versa. The Maastricht UAC CPDLC is ATN-based and accommodates FANS1/A aircraft through the use of a gateway. Other ATN-Based European ANSPs plan to or already accommodate FANS-1/A aircraft. ADS and FMC WPR Description and Implementation Variations Description and Benefits Position Reporting is required in oceanic and remote airspace where there is no other means of surveillance. HF voice is the primary voice media used for position reporting via voice in oceanic and remote airspace. Issues associated with HF voice are described above. In addition, position reporting via voice makes it difficult to share position information across control boundaries. Position reports sent automatically via datalink communications can overcome the above voice issues and can lead to other operational benefits. Where near-real time surveillance is not required, position reports via CPDLC, ADS (also referred to as ADS–C or ADS-A) or FMC WPRs (also referred to as AOC WPRs) can overcome the issues with voice position reporting. Additional benefits of ADS when coupled with CPDLC can be found above in the CPDLC description. The benefit of supporting FMC WPRs is that it enables more aircraft to participate in sending position reports via data link versus voice. Aircraft equipped with the Product Improvement Package (PIP) or Pegasus FMCs are candidates for participation. Implementation Variations There are currently FANS-1/A-based ADS-C implementations. While standards exist for ATN-Based ADS-C, there are no current or planned ATN-based ADS-C implementations. There are two types of ground FANS-1/A-based ADS-C implementations: ANSP hosted and a commercial service provider-hosted Centralized ADS (CADS) service. SITA is among the commercial service providers offering a CADS service. The FMC WPR ground implementation is through commercial service provider-hosted Centralized FMC Waypoint Reporting System (CFRS) service. SITA is among the commercial service providers offering a CFRS service. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 11 APPENDIX A: ATS DATALINK LOCATIONS LISTS – D-ATIS, DVOLMET, TWIP, DCL, AND PDC The following footnotes are used in the ATS locations lists provided in this Appendix: * Unless noted otherwise in the footnotes below, the format supported is Eurocae ED-89A which supersedes AEEC 623 for the d-ATIS application. ** DCL refers to “623”/Eurocae ED-85A-compliant departure clearance communications directly between the pilot and controller with the exception of the US implementation. The FAA is implementing a FANS-1/A CPDLC-based DCL service in the US. In this case, FANS-1/A CPDLC messages are used to provide a DCL service after the flight crew initially logs on through the FANS-1/A ATS Facilities Notification (AFN) application. *** PDC in this context refers to pre-Departure clearances sent via the airline host. 1 Among possible ways of accessing, this data is accessible via the SITA d-ATIS Gateway Service if your airline is a SITA d-ATIS Gateway Service customer. The d-ATIS Gateway supports “623”/ED-89A and non-“623”/non-ED89A formats. 2 Aircraft operators must first register with AENA to participate in Spain d-ATIS and d-VOLMET. 3 d-ATIS available for this location on the ARINC ATS Server only. “623”/ED-89A and non-“623”/non-ED-89A formats accepted. Aircraft can access this data if using SITA for datalink as long as the airline is configured on the ARINC ATS Server. NOTE 1: The FAA is implementing equal access to US PDC and D-ATIS to overcome the technical limitations that prevented SITA and others from getting direct access to US PDC and D-ATIS. The current timeframe that this equal access will be available is some time in 2015. At such time, the d-ATIS will be available via SITA also and likely via others. NOTE 2: Locations for which ANSPs allow the SITA d-ATIS Gateway service to be used to enable otherwise incompatible avionics to participate in the ANSP-hosted d-ATIS service are shown in italics. ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 A A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Austria Austria Austria Austria City Adelaide Brisbane Cairns Canberra Coolangatta Melbourne Melbourne Perth Sydney Tamworth Graz Innsbruck Klagenfurt Linz Austria Salzburg Austria Austria Bahrain Belgium Belgium Vienna Vienna Manama Antwerp Brussels Airports Adelaide Brisbane Cairns Int'l Canberra Int'l Gold Coast Essendon Melbourne Perth Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Int'l Tamworth Graz Innsbruck Klagenfurt Linz (also known as Blue Danube) Salzburg (also known as W.A. Mozart) Vienna Schwechat Int'l Nat'l VOLMET East Bahrain Int'l Antwerp Brussels ICAO Code YPAD YBBN YBCS YSCB YBCG YMEN YMML YPPH YSSY YSTW LOWG LOWI LOWK LOWL IATA Code ADL BNE CNS CBR OOL MEB MEL PER SYD TMW GRZ INN KLU LNZ LOWS SZG Y LOWW LOWM OBBI EBAW EBBR VIE -----BAH ANR BRU Y EBCI EBLG EBOS SBAA SBAE SBAF CRL LGG OST CDJ JTC Y Y Y d-ATIS* dVOLMET TWIP 1 Y Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DCL** PDC*** Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y-Nat'l VOLMET West Y-Nat'l VOLMET South Y-Int'l VOLMET Vienna Y-Nat'l VOLMET East Y Y Y An automatic test facility for DCL service is available also. Contact Belgocontrol via mail if wish to have a test session or if wish to become regular DCL users. Belgium Belgium Belgium Brazil Brazil Brazil Charleroi Brussels South Charleroi Liège Liège Ostend Ostend-Bruges Int'l Conceição do AraConceição do Araguaia Bauru and Arealv Moussa Nakhl Tobias State Rio de Janeiro Campo Délio Jardim de Matos (Afonsos Air Force Base – BAAF) Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Angra Dos Reis Amapa Anapolis Araraquara Aracaju Assis Alta Floresta Araçatuba Araxá Belém Jan 2015 Angra Dos Reis Amapa Anapolis Air Base Bartolomeu de Gusmão Aracaju–Santa Maria Marcelo Pires Halzhausen Piloto Osvaldo Marques Dias Dario Guarita Araxá Val de Cans–Júlio Cezar Ribeiro Int'l SBAG SBAM SBAN SBAQ SBAR SBAS SBAT SBAU SBAX SBBE APS AQA AJU AIF AFL ARU AAX BEL Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 A-1 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration Brazil City Bagé Brazil Belo Horizonte Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Jan 2015 ICAO Code Airports Comandante Gustavo Kraemer Int'l SBBG Pampulha–Carlos Drummond de Andrade Curitiba Bacacheri Barbacena Major Brigadeiro Doorgal Borges Brasília Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek Int'l Barretos Chafei Amsei Bauru Bauru Boa Vista Boa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede Int'l Barra do Garças Barra do Garças Cabo Frio Umberto Modiano Cascavel Adalberto Mendes da Silva Cabo Frio Cabo Frio Int'l Cachimbo/Novo PCachimbo Caçador Carlos Alberto da Costa Neves Belo Horizonte Tancredo Neves Int'l Campo Grande Campo Grande Int'l Chapecó Serafin Enoss Bertaso Carolina Carolina Parauapebas Carajás Criciúma Forquilhinha Canoas/Porto AleCanoas Air Force Base Campos Dos Goi Bartolomeu Lysandro Corumbá Corumbá Int'l Curitiba Afonso Pena Int'l Caravelas Caravelas Caxias do Sul Hugo Cantergiani Regional Cuiabá Marechal Rondon Int'l Cruzeiro do Sul Cruzeiro do Sul Int'l Presidente Prude Presidente Prudente Macaé Plataforma P-15 (Enchova) Manaus Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes–Manaus Int'l Jacare-Acanga Jacare-Acanga São Pedro Da AldSão Pedro Da Aldeia Foz do Iguaçu Cataratas Int'l Florianópolis Hercílio Luz Int'l Fernando de NoroGov. Carlos Wilson Campos Dos Goi Helpn São Tomé Fronteira Fronteira São José Da Bar Furnas Fortaleza Pinto Martins – Fortaleza Int'l Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro/Galeão-Antônio Carlos Jobim International Airport Guajará-Mirim Guajará-Mirim Goiânia Santa Genoveva IATA Code BGX d-ATIS* dVOLMET TWIP Y SBBH PLU Y SBBI SBBQ SBBR BFH QAK BSB Y Y Y SBBT SBBU SBBV BAT BAU BVB Y Y Y SBBW SBBZ SBCA SBCB SBCC SBCD SBCF SBCG SBCH SBCI SBCJ SBCM SBCO SBCP SBCR SBCT SBCV SBCX SBCY SBCZ SBDN SBEC SBEG BPG BZC CAC CFB CXB CFC CNF CGR XAP CLN CKS CCM QNS CAW CMG CWB CRQ CXJ CGB CZS PPB Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y MAO SBEK SBES SBFI SBFL SBFN SBFS SBFT SBFU SBFZ SBGL JCR FOR GIG SBGM SBGO GJM GYN IGU FLN FEN Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DCL** PDC*** Y Y Y Y Y d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 A-2 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration Brazil City Gavião Peixoto Brazil São Paulo Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Jan 2015 Airports Embraer Unidade Gavião Peixoto São Paulo/Guarulhos-Gov Andre Franco Montoro Int'l Guarapuava Tancredo Thomas De Farias Governador ValadGovernador Valadares Guaratinguetá Guaratinguetá Altamira Altamira Itacoatiara Itacoatiara Itaituba Itaituba Ilhéus Bahia-Jorge Amado Usiminas/Santan Usiminas Itumbiara Hidro-Elétrica Imperatriz Prefeito Renato Moreira Belém Júlio César Juiz de For a Francisco Álvares de Assis João Pessoa Presidente Castro Pinto Int'l Jacarepaguá Roberto Marinho Juazeiro do NorteRegional Cariri Joinville Lauro Carneiro de Loyola Campina Grande Presidente João Suassuna Campinas Viracopos–Campinas Int'l Macaé Plataforma P-25 (Albacora) Lençois Chapada Diamantina Lages Antônio Correia Pinto de Macedo Lins Lins Londrina Gov. José Richa Bom Jesus da LaBom Jesus da Lapa Lagoa Santa Lagoa Santa Marabá João Correa da Rocha Minaçu Minaçu Almerim/Monte DSerra do Areão Macaé Benedito Lacerda Maringá Sílvio Name Júnior Regional Montes Claros Mário Ribeiro Marília Frank Miloye Milenkowichi Macaé Plataforma P-20 (Marlim) Manaus Ponta Pelada Maceió Zumbi dos Palmares Int'l Macapá Macapá-Alberto Alcolumbre Int'l Mossoró Dix-Sept Rosado São Paulo Campo de Marte Manicoré Manicoré Navegantes Navegantes-Ministro Victor Konder Int'l Santo Ângelo Sepé Tiaraju Natal Augusto Severo Int'l Oiapoque Oiapoque Porto Alegre Salgado Filho Int'l ICAO Code SBGP IATA Code d-ATIS* dVOLMET TWIP Y SBGR GRU Y Y SBGU SBGV SBGW SBHT SBIC SBIH SBIL SBIP SBIT SBIZ SBJC SBJF SBJP SBJR SBJU SBJV SBKG SBKP SBLB SBLE SBLJ SBLN SBLO SBLP SBLS SBMA SBMC SBMD SBME SBMG SBMK SBML SBMM SBMN SBMO SBMQ SBMS SBMT SBMY SBNF GPB PLL MCZ MCP MVF SAO MNX NVT Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SBNM SBNT SBOI SBPA GEL NAT OYK POA Y Y Y Y GUJ ATM ITA ITB IOS IPN ITR IMP JDF JPA JDO JOI CPV CPQ LEC LAJ LIP LDB LAZ MAB MQH MEU MEA MGF MOC MII d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 DCL** PDC*** Suspen ded A-3 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil ICAO Code Airports Parnaíba–Prefeito Dr. João Silva SBPB Filho Int'l Poços De Caldas Poços De Caldas SBPC Passo Fundo Lauro Kurtz SBPF Palmas Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias SBPJ Rodrigues Pelotas Pelotas SBPK Petrolina Petrolina–Senador Nilo Coelho SBPL Porto Nacional Porto Nacional SBPN Ponta Porã Ponta Porã Int'l SBPP Belo Horizonte Carlos Prates SBPR Porto Seguro Porto Seguro SBPS Porto Velho Porto Velho-Governador Jorge TeixeSBPV Vitória da Conqui Pedro Otacílio Figueiredo SBQV Rio Branco Rio Branco-Plácido de Castro Int'l SBRB Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Recife Rio de Janeiro Ribeirão Preto Rio de Janeiro Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Jan 2015 City Parnaíba d-ATIS* dVOLMET TWIP Y POO PFB PMW Y Y Y PET PNZ PNB PMG Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y BPS PVH VDC RBR SBRF SBRJ SBRP SBSC REC SDU RAO SNZ São José dos Ca São José dos Campos-Professor Urbano Ernesto Stumpf SBSJ SJK Y Marechal Cunha Machado Int'l Santa Maria Santarém–Maestro Wilson Fonseca São Paulo São Paulo/Congonhas São José do Rio Prof. Eribelto Manoel Reino Guarujá Base Aérea (Santos) Salvador da Bahi Salvador-Deputado Luís Eduardo Magalhães Int'l Taubaté Base De Aviação De Taubaté Oriximiná Trombetas Una Hotel Transamérica Toledo Toledo Teresina Senador Petrônio Portella Tefé Tefé Tarauacá José Galera dos Santos Telêmaco Borba Telêmaco Borba Torres Torres Óbidos Tiriós Tabatinga Tabatinga Int'l Tucuruí Tucuruí São Gabriel da C São Gabriel da Cachoeira Paulo Afonso Paulo Afonso Uruguaiana Rubem Berta Uberlândia Ten. Cel Av. César Bombonato SBSL SBSM SBSN SLZ RIA STM Y Y Y SBSP SBSR SBST SBSV CGH SJP SSZ SSA SBTA SBTB SBTC SBTD SBTE SBTF SBTK SBTL SBTR SBTS SBTT SBTU SBUA SBUF SBUG SBUL QHP TMT UNA TOW THE TFF TRQ TEC São Luís Santa Maria Santarém Guararapes–Gilberto Freyre Int'l Santos Dumont Dr. Leite Lopes Santa Cruz Air Force Base – BASC IATA Code PHB OBI TBT TUR SJL PAV URG UDI Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DCL** PDC*** Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 A-4 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada China China China China China China China China China China China Jan 2015 City Castilho Uberaba ICAO Code Airports Urubupungá SBUP Uberaba–Mário de Almeida Franco SBUR Coari Urucu Varginha Major-Brigadeiro Trompowsky Vilhena Brigadeiro Camarão Vitória Goiabeiras São Gabriel Da CIauaretê Piraçununga Campo Fontenelle Amazônica FIR Atlântico FIR Brasília FIR Curitiba FIR Recife FIR Abbotsford Abbotsford Int'l Calgary Calgary Int'l Edmonton Edmonton Int'l Gander Gander Int'l Halifax Halifax Int'l Hamilton John C. Munro Hamilton Int'l Kelowna Kelowna Int'l Moncton Greater Moncton Int'l Montreal Montréal-Mirabel Int'l Montreal Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau Int'l Ottawa Ottawa Int'l Quebec City Jean Lesage Int'l Regina Regina Int'l Saskatoon Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker Int'l Saint-Hubert Aéroport Montréal Saint-Hubert Longueuil (AMSL) St. Johns St. Johns Int'l Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Int'l Toronto Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport Toronto Toronto Pearson Int'l Vancouver Vancouver Int'l Victoria Victoria Int'l Winnipeg Winnipeg Int'l Hong Kong Hong Kong Int'l Beijing Beijing Capital Int'l Chengdu Chengdu Shuangliu Int'l Chongqing Chongqing Jiangbei Int'l Dalian Dalian Int'l Guangzhou Guangzhou Baiyun Int'l Haikou Haikou Meilan Int'l Hangzhou Hangzhou Xiaoshan Int'l Kunming Kunming Int'l Qingdao Qingdao Liuting Int'l Shanghai Shanghai Hongqiao Int'l SBUY SBVG SBVH SBVT SBYA SBYS SBAZ SBAO SBBS SBCW SBRE CYXX CYYC CYEG CYQX CYHZ CYHM CYLW CYQM CYMX CYUL CYOW CYQB CYQR CYXE IATA Code d-ATIS* UBA dVOLMET TWIP Y Y DCL** PDC*** Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VAG BVH VIX CCQ QPS YXX YYC YEG YQX YHZ YHM YLW YQM YMX YUL YOW YQB YQR YXE Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 CYHU YHU Y2 CYYT CYQT CYTZ CYYZ CYVR CYYJ CYWG VHHH ZBAA ZUUU ZUCK ZYTL ZGGG ZJHK ZSHC ZPPP ZSQD ZSSS YYT YQT YTZ YYZ YVR YYJ YWG HKG PEK CTU CKG DLC CAN HAK HGH KMG TAO SHA Y2 Y2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A-5 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration China China China China China Colombia Denmark Denmark Egypt Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland France France France France France France France France France France Jan 2015 City Shanghai Shenzhen Urumqi Xiamen Xi'an Bogota Copenhagen Airports Shanghai Pudong Int'l Shenzhen Int'l Urumqi Diwopu Int'l Xiamen Int'l Xi'an Xianyang Int'l El Dorado Int'l Copenhagen (Previously known as Kastrup Airport) Copenhagen Roskilde Cairo Cairo Int'l Enontekiö Enontekiö Helsinki-Vantaa Helsinki-Vantaa Ivalo Ivalo Joensuu Joensuu Jyväskylä Jyväskylä Kemi-Tornio Kemi-Tornio Kajaani Kajaani Kittilä Kittilä Kokkola and Kruunupyy Pietarsaari Kuopio Kuopio Kuusamo Kuusamo Lappeenranta Lappeenranta Mariehamn Mariehamn Oulu Oulu Pori Pori Rovaniemi Rovaniemi Savonlinna Savonlinna Seinäjoki Seinäjoki TampereTampere-Pirkkala Pirkkala Turku Turku Vaasa Vaasa Varkaus Varkaus Bordeaux Bordeaux - Mérignac Paris Charles de Gaulle Paris Orly Lyon Saint-Exupéry Int'l Basel EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse(Switzerland)Mul Freiburg house (France), and Freiburg (Germany) Marseille Nantes Nice Pau Toulouse Marseille Provence Nantes Atlantique Nice Côte d'Azur Int'l Pau Pyrénées Toulouse Blagnac Int'l ICAO Code ZSPD ZGSZ ZSAM ZLXY SKBO EKCH IATA Code PVG SZX URC XMN XIY BOG CPH EKRK HECA EFET EFHK EFIV EFJO EFJY EFKE EFKI EFKT EFKK RKE CAI ENF HEL IVL JOE JYV KEM KAJ KTT KOK Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y EFKU EFKS EFLP EFMA EFOU EFPO EFRO EFSA EFSI EFTP KUO KAO LPP MHQ OUL POR RVN SVL SJY TMP Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y EFTU EFVA EFVR LFBD LFPG LFPO LFLL LFSB TKU VAA VRK BOD CDG ORY LYS MLH Y Y Y LFML LFRS LFMN LFBP LFBO MRS NTE NCE PUF TLS ZWWW d-ATIS* Y Y Y Y Y dVOLMET TWIP Y DCL** PDC*** Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 Y A-6 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Jan 2015 City Berlin Berlin Bremen Cologne Dresden Düsseldorf Erfurt Frankfurt Hamburg Hannover Leipzig Münster Munich Nuremberg Saarbrücken Stuttgart Agartala Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar Airports Berlin-Schoenefeld Tegel Int'l Bremen Cologne Bonn Dresden Düsseldorf Int'l Erfurt Frankfurt Hamburg Hannover Leipzig-Halle Münster Osnabrück Int'l Munich Int'l Nuremberg Saarbrücken Stuttgart Agartala Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Int'l ICAO Code EDDB EDDT EDDW EDDK EDDC EDDL EDDE EDDF EDDH EDDV EDDP EDDG EDDM EDDN EDDR EDDS VEAT VAAH IATA Code SXF TXL BRE CGN DRS DUS ERF FRA HAM HAJ LEJ FMO MUC NUE SCN STR IXA AMD Amritsar Aurangabad Bangalore Bhavnagar Bhopal Bhubaneswar Calicut Chennai Kochi Coimbatore Dehradun Delhi Dibrugarh Dimapur Gaya Gondia Guwahati Hubli Hyderabad Imphal Indore Jabalpur Jaipur Khajuraho Kolkata Bhuntar Lucknow Madurai Mangalore Sri Guru Ram Das Jee Int'l Aurangabad Bengaluru Int'l Bhavnagar Raja Bhoj Biju Patnaik Int'l Calicut Int'l Chennai Int'l Cochin Int'l Coimbatore Int'l Jolly Grant Delhi Indira Gandhi Int'l Dibrugarh Dimapur Gaya Birsi Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi Int'l Hubli Rajiv Gandhi Int'l Imphal Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Jabalpur Jaipur Int'l Civil Aerodrome Khajuraho Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Int'l Kullu-Manali Chaudhary Charan Singh Int'l Madurai Mangalore VIAR VAAU VOBL VABV VABP VEBS VOCL VOMM VOCI VOCB VIDN VIDP VEMN VEMR VEGY VAGD VEGT VOHB VOHS VEIM VAID VAJB VIJP VAKJ VECC VIBR VILK VOMD VOML ATQ IXU BLR BHU BHO BBI CCJ MAA COK CJB DED DEL DIB DMU GAY GAU HBX HYD IMF IDR JLR JAI HJR CCU KUU LKO IXM IXE d-ATIS* dVOLMET TWIP 1 Y Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DCL** PDC*** Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 Y A-7 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Ireland Ireland Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Korea Korea Korea Korea Jan 2015 City Mumbai Nagpur Patna Pune Raipur Rajkot Ranchi Surat Tiruchirapalli Tirupati Thiruvananathap uram Udaipur Vadodara Varanasi Vijayawada Bathinda Dublin Shannon Sapporo Fukuoka Hakodate Hiroshima Tokyo Osaka Niigata Kansai Kobe Miyazaki Kumamoto Kagoshima Kochi Nagoya Matsuyama Nagasaki Tokyo-Narita Oita Naha Sendai Takamatsu Ishigaki Daegu Seoul Seoul Busan Airports Chhatrapati Shivaji Int Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Int'l Jay Prakash Narayan Int'l Pune Swami Vivekananda Civil Aerodrome Rajkot Birsa Munda Civil Airport Surat Tiruchirappalli Int'l Tirupati Trivandrum Int'l Maharana Pratap Vadodara (also known as Civil Airport Harni) Lal Bahadur Shastri Int'l Vijayawada Bathinda Dublin Shannon Int'l New Chitose Fukuoka Hakodate Hiroshima Tokyo Int'l (Haneda) Osaka Int'l Niigata Kansai Int'l Kobe Miyazaki Kumamoto Kagoshima Kochi Chubu Centrair Int'l Matsuyama Nagasaki Narita Int'l Oita Naha Sendai Takamatsu New Ishigaki AEIS North Sector of Japan AEIS West Sector of Japan AEIS South Sector of Japan Daegu Int'l Incheon Int'l Gimpo Int'l Gimhae Int'l ICAO Code VABB VANP VEPT VAPO VARP VARK VERC VASU VOTR VOTP VOTV IATA Code BOM NAG PAT PNQ RPR RAJ IXR STV TRZ TIR TRV d-ATIS* Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VAUD VABO UDR BDQ Y Y VIBN VOBZ VIBT EIDW EINN RJCC RJFF RJCH RJOA RJTT RJOO RJSN RJBB RJBE RJFM RJFT RJFK RJOK RJGG RJOM RJFU RJAA RJFO ROAH RJSS RJOT ROIG RJN1 RJW1 RJS1 RKTN RKSI RKSS RKPK VNS VGA BUP DUB SNN CTS FUK HKD HIJ HND ITM KIJ KIX UKB KMI KMJ KOJ KCZ NGO MYJ NGS NRT OIT OKA SDJ TAK ISG NSJ WSJ SSJ TAE ICN GMP PUS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y dVOLMET TWIP Y DCL** PDC*** Y Trial Trial Y Y Y Y Y Y Y d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 Y Y Y A-8 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration Korea Korea Korea Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Mexico New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand Norway Panama Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Qatar Romania Rwanda Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Sweden Sweden Jan 2015 City Airports Gwangju Gwangju Int'l Jeju Jeju Int'l Ulsan Ulsan Airport Kuwait City Kuwait Int'l Riga Riga Int'l Beirut Beirut Rafic Hariri Int'l Mexico City Benito Juarez Mexico City Int'l Auckland Auckland Int'l Christchurch Christchurch Int'l Wellington Wellington Int'l OsloOslo Panama City Tocumen Int'l Faro Faro Funchal, Madeira Madeira Lisbon Portela Porto Francisco Sá Carneiro Doha Hamad Int'l Bucharest Bucharest Henri Coanda Int'l Kigali Kigali Int'l Dammam King Fahd Int'l Jeddah King Abdulaziz Int'l Riyadh King Khaled Int'l Singapore Singapore Changi Capetown Capetown Int'l Durban Durban Int'l Johannesburg OR Tambo Int'l Arrecife Lanzarote Costa del Sol Málaga-Costa del Sol Alicante Alicante-Elche Barcelona Barcelona–El Prat Bilbao Bilbao Fuerteventura Fuerteventura Girona Girona–Costa Brava Ibiza Ibiza Almería Almería Gran Canaria Gran Canaria Madrid Madrid–Barajas Menorca Menorca Palma de Palma de Mallorca Seville Seville Tenerife Tenerife Norte Tenerife Tenerife Sur Valencia Valencia Jerez de la Jerez Madrid Madrid-Cuatro Vientos Madrid Getafe Air Base GoteborgGoteborg-Landvetter Landvetter Stockholm Stockholm-Arlanda ICAO Code RKJJ RKPC RKPU OKBK EVRA OLBA MMMX NZAA NZCH NZWN ENGM MPTO LPFR LPMA LPPT LPPR OTHH LROP HRYR OEDF OEJN OERK WSSS FACT FADN FAOR GCRR LEMG LEAL LEBL LEBB GCFV LEGE LEIB LEAM GCLP LEMD LEMH LEPA LEZL GCXO GCTS LEVC LEJR LECU LEGT ESGG IATA Code KWJ CJU USN KWI RIX BEY MEX AKL CHC WLG OSL PTY FAO FNC LIS OPO ESSA OTP KGL DMM JED RUH SIN CPT DUR JNB ACE AGP ALC BCN BIO FUE GRO IBZ LEI LPA MAD MAH PMI SVQ TFN TFS VLC XRY d-ATIS* Y Y Y Y Y Y dVOLMET TWIP Y Y Y Y3 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DCL** PDC*** Y Y Y Y Y Y Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 GOT Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y ARN Y Y Y d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 Y A-9 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration Sweden Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Thailand City Stockholm Sundsvall Jönköping Geneva Zurich Taipei Taipei Kaohsiung Bangkok Thailand Bangkok Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Chiang Mai Chiang Rai Hat Yai Phuket Rayong Ubon Ratchathani The Netherlands Amsterdam Tunisia Enfidha Tunisia Monastir Tunisia Tunis UAE Abu Dhabi UAE Dubai UK Aberdeen ICAO Code ESSB ESNN ESGJ LSGG LSZH RCTP RCSS RCKH VTBD IATA Code BMA SDL JKJ GVA ZRH TPE TSA KHH DMK VTBS BKK Y2 VTCC VTCT VTSS VTSP VTBU VTUU CNX CEI HDY HKT UTP UBP Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 Amsterdam-Schiphol Enfidha-Hammamet Int'l Monastir Habib Bourguiba Int'l Tunis-Carthage Int'l Abu Dhabi Int'l Dubai Int'l Aberdeen EHAM DTNH DTMB DTTA OMAA OMDB EGPD AMS NBE MIR TUN AUH DXB ABZ Y Test Test Y Y Y Y Airports Stockholm-Bromma VOLMET North VOLMET South Geneva Int'l Zurich Chiang Kai-Shek Int'l Taipei Songshan Kaohsiung Int'l Don Mueang Int'l (formerly the Bangkok Int'l airport) Suvarnabhumi Airport (also known as New Bangkok Int'l) Chiang Mai Int'l Chiang Rai Int'l Hat Yai Int'l Phuket Int'l U-Tapao Int'l Ubon Ratchathani d-ATIS* Y Y Y Y Y Y dVOLMET TWIP Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y2 Y Y Y Y Y Y-Scottish VOLMET UK UK London London Edinburgh London Heathrow EGPH EGLL EDI LHR Y Y-London Main VOLMET UK London London Gatwick EGKK LGW Y Y-London Main VOLMET UK UK London London Glasgow London Luton EGPF EGGW GLA LTN UK London Stansted EGSS STN Jan 2015 DCL** PDC*** Y Y-London South VOLMET Y-London Main VOLMET d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y A-10 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US Jan 2015 City Manchester Airports Manchester ICAO Code EGCC London VOLMET Main EGT1 London VOLMET Main EGPF London VOLMET South EGT2 London VOLMET South EGBB London VOLMET South EGHH London VOLMET South EGGD London VOLMET South EGFF London VOLMET South EGJJ London VOLMET South EGSH London VOLMET South EGHI London VOLMET South EGMC London VOLMET North EGT3 London VOLMET North EGNJ London VOLMET North EGNX London VOLMET North EGNS London VOLMET North EGNM London VOLMET North EGGP London VOLMET North EGNT London VOLMET North EGNV Scottish VOLMET EGPX Scottish VOLMET EGAA Scottish VOLMET EGPH Scottish VOLMET EGPE Scottish VOLMET EGPK Scottish VOLMET EGPO Scottish VOLMET EGPB Albany Albany Int'l KALB Albuquerque Albuquerque Int'l Sunport KABQ Anchorage Ted Stevens Anchorage Int'l PANC Andrews Air Forc Andrews Air Force Base KADW Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Int'l KATL Austin Austin-Bergstrom Int'l KAUS Baltimore Baltimore-Washington International TKBWI Boise Boise KBOI Boston General Edward Lawrence Logan IntKBOS Buffalo Buffalo Niagara Intl. KBUF Charlotte Charlotte Douglas Int'l KCLT Chicago Chicago Midway Int'l KMDW Chicago O'Hare Int'l KORD Cincinnati Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Int'l KCVG Cleveland Cleveland Hopkins Int'l KCLE Columbus Port Columbus Int'l KCMH Dallas Dallas/Fort Worth Int'l KDFW Dallas Dallas Love Field KDAL Dayton James M. Cox Dayton Int'l KDAY IATA Code MAN d-ATIS* Y London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London London dVOLMET TWIP Y-London Main VOLMET DCL** PDC*** Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ALB ABQ ANC ADW ATL AUS BWI BOI BOS BUF CLT MDW ORD CVG CLE CMH DFW DAL DAY Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A-11 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US City Airports Denver Denver Int'l Detroit Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County El Paso El Paso Int'l Fort Lauderdale Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Int'l Greensboro Piedmont Triad Int'l Honolulu Honolulu Int'l Houston George Bush Intercontinental Houston William P. Hobby Indianapolis Indianapolis Int'l Jacksonville Jacksonville Int'l Kansas City Kansas City Int'l Las Vegas McCarran Int'l Little Rock Little Rock National Los Angeles Los Angeles Int'l Los Angeles-BurbBob Hope Los Angeles-OntaOntario Int'l Los Angeles-San John Wayne Louisville Louisville Int'l Memphis Memphis Int'l ICAO Code KDEN KDTW KELP KFLL KGSO PHNL KIAH KHOU KIND KJAX KMCI KLAS KLIT KLAX KBUR KONT KSNA KSDF KMEM IATA Code DEN DTW ELP FLL GSO HNL IAH HOU IND JAX MCI LAS LIT LAX BUR ONT SNA SDF MEM US US US US US US US US Miami Miami Int'l Milwaukee General Mitchell Int'l Minneapolis-Sain Minneapolis-Saint Paul Int'l Nashville Nashville Int'l New Orleans Louis Armstrong New Orleans Int'l New York John F. Kennedy Int'l New York LaGuardia New York-NewarkNewark Liberty Int'l KMIA KMKE KMSP KBNA KMSY KJFK KLGA KEWR US US US US US US US US US New York-White Oakland Oklahoma City Omaha Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland KHPN KOAK KOKC KOMA KMCO KPHL KPHX KPIT KPDX Jan 2015 Westchester County Airport Oakland Int'l Will Rogers World Eppley Airfield Orlando Int'l Philadelphia Int'l Phoenix Sky Harbor Int'l Pittsburgh Int'l Portland Int'l d-ATIS* 3 dVOLMET TWIP 3 Y Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y Y3 MIA MKE MSP BNA MSY JFK LGA EWR Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 HPN OAK OKC OMA MCO PHL PHX PIT PDX Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 DCL** PDC*** Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DCL Y via FANS1/A CPDLC (Trials) DCL via FANS1/A CPDLC (Trials) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A-12 of 13 A. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadvertently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AICs, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administration US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US Jan 2015 ICAO Code City Airports Providence T. F. Green KPVD Raleigh Raleigh-Durham Int'l KRDU Reno Reno-Tahoe Int'l KRNO Sacramento Sacramento Int'l KSMF Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Int'l KSLC San Antonio San Antonio Int'l KSAT San Diego San Diego Int'l KSAN San Francisco San Francisco Int'l KSFO San Jose Norman Y. Mineta San José Int'l KSJC San Juan Luis Muñoz Marín Int'l TJSJ Seattle-Tacoma Seattle-Tacoma Int'l KSEA St. Louis Lambert-St. Louis Int'l KSTL Tampa Tampa Int'l KTPA Teterboro Teterboro KTEB Tulsa Tulsa Int'l KTUL Washington DC Washington Dulles Int'l KIAD Washington DC Ronald Reagan Washington Nationa KDCA West Palm BeachPalm Beach Int'l KPBI Wichita Wichita Mid-Continent KICT Windsor Locks Bradley Int'l KBDL IATA Code PVD RDU RNO SMF SLC SAT SAN SFO SJC SJU SEA STL TPA TEB TUL IAD DCA PBI ICT BDL d-ATIS* dVOLMET TWIP 3 Y Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 d-ATIS, d-VOLMET, TWIP, DCL, and PDC Locations Lists - (c) Copyright SITA 2015 DCL** PDC*** Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A-13 of 13 APPENDIX B: ATS DATALINK LOCATIONS LISTS – SATCOM VOICE, OCL, FMC WPR, FANS-1/A-BASED ADS AND CPDLC, AND ATN-BASED CPDLC ATS_Datalink_Description_and_Locations_2015_Jan30.docx 30 January 2015 B B. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - OCL, FMC WPR, FANS-1/A, and ATN CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadverently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AIC, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administratio n Algeria Angola Australia Australia Australia Australia Austria Belgium Air Navigation Service Provider ENNA ENANA ASA ASA ASA ASA Austrocontrol Belgocontrol Brazil Cabo Verde Canada DECEA ASA Cabo Verde NAV CANADA Canada NAV CANADA Atlântico SAL Oceanic Edmonton FIR/Control Area (CTA) Gander OCA Canada NAV CANADA Gander FIR/CTA (Domestic) CDQX CPDLC Only Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Chad Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile China China China China China NAV CANADA NAV CANADA NAV CANADA NAV CANADA NAV CANADA ASECNA DGAC Chile DGAC Chile DGAC Chile DGAC Chile DGAC Chile CAAC CAAC CAAC CAAC CAAC CZQM CZUL CZYZ CZVR CZWG FTTT SCEZ SCEZ SCEZ SCEZ SCEZ ZBAB ZYHB ZULS ZUUU ZPPP CPDLC Only CPDLC Only CPDLC Only CPDLC Only CPDLC Only Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y China CAAC ZLLL Y China CAAC ZWWW Y Congo (Republic of the Congo) ASECNA Moncton FIR/CTA Montreal FIR/CTA Toronto FIR/CTA Vancouver FIR/CTA Winnipeg FIR/CTA N'Djamena Antofagasta Isla de Pascua Puerto Montt Punta Arenas Santiago Beijing Harbin Lhasa L888 CTU (Chengdu) L888 KMG (Kunming/Wujiaba) L888 LHW (Lanzhou/Chongchuan) L888 URC (UrumQi/Diwopu) Brazzaville FCCC Y Cote d'Ivoire Fiji ASECNA Airports Fiji Limited Abidjan Nadi DIII NFFF Y Y Jan 2015 FIR Alger ACC Luanda Brisbane Honiara Melbourne Nauru Wien ACC Brussels UIR (Under Maastricht UAC Responsibility) Log On Code DAAA FNAN YBBB YBBB YMMM YBBB LOVV EDYY SBAO GVSC CZEG SATCOM FMC Voice OCL WPR FANS-1/A ADS and CPDLC Trial Trial Y Y Y Y ATN/ CPDLC Y FANS Y accommodat ion and no ADS Y Y Y Y CZQX Y (FANS) CYQX (OCL) Y Y (via Y CFRS) SATCOM Voice, OCL, FMC WPR, FANS-1/A, and ATN Locations Lists (c) Copyright SITA 2015 B-1 of 3 B. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - OCL, FMC WPR, FANS-1/A, and ATN CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadverently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AIC, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administratio Air Navigation Service n Provider FIR French Guyana DGAC DSNA Cayenne Rochambeau Log On Code SOOO SATCOM FMC Voice OCL WPR FANS-1/A ADS and CPDLC Y ATN/ CPDLC French Polynesia (Tahiti) DGAC DSNA Papeete NTTT Germany DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Rhein UIR (Under Karlsruhe UAC Responsibliity) EDUU Y Germany DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH Hannover UIR (Under Maastricht UAC Responsibility) EDYY FANS Y accommodat ion and no ADS Ghana Iceland Ghana CAA ISAVIA Accra Reykjavik OCA DGAC BIRD India India India India Indonesia AAI AAI AAI AAI Perum LPPNPI (also known as AirNav Indonesia) Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai Jakarta VECF VOMF VIDF VABF WIIF Y Y Trial Y Trial Indonesia Perum LPPNPI (also known as AirNav Indonesia) Ujung Pandang WAAF Trial Ireland IAA Shannon UIR EISN FANS Limited accommodat CPDLC ion-Limited CPDLC and no ADS Japan Kenya The Netherlands JCAB KCAA Eurocontrol Fukuoka Nairobi Amsterdam (Under Maastricht UAC Responsibility) RJJJ HKNA EDYY Y Y FANS Y accommodat ion and no ADS Madagascar Malaysia Maldives Mauritius Mongolia Myanmar New Zealand Niger ASECNA DCA Malaysia MACL DCA Mauritius DCA Mongolia DCA Myanmar Airways New Zealand ASECNA Antananarivo Kuala Lumpur Male' Mauritius Ulan Bataar Yangon Auckland Niamey FMMM WMFC VRMF FIMM ZMUA VYYF NZZO DRRR Y Y Y Y Trial Trial Y Trial Jan 2015 Y Y Y Y Y (via Y CFRS) SATCOM Voice, OCL, FMC WPR, FANS-1/A, and ATN Locations Lists (c) Copyright SITA 2015 B-2 of 3 B. ATS Datalink Locations Lists - OCL, FMC WPR, FANS-1/A, and ATN CAUTION: While SITA has taken every precaution to avoid any errors or omissions that may inadverently be contained in this document, SITA does not accept any liability for the accuracy of information contained herein. Please refer to the relevant ATS Provider publications such as AIPs, AIC, NOTAMs, etc. to verify information and to find out the specific participation requirements. Country/ Administratio Air Navigation Service n Provider FIR Norway Avinor AS Bodo OCA Log On Code ENOB Portugal Portugal Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles Singapore South Africa South Africa Spain Russia Sri Lanka Switzerland NAV Portugal EPE NAV Portugal EPE GACA ASECNA Seychelles CAA CAA Singapore South Africa ATNS South Africa ATNS AENA Lisboa Santa Maria OCA Riyadh Dakar Seychelles Singapore Johannesburg Oceanic Capetown Canarias Magadan Colombo Switzerland FIR/UIR under Geneva ACC Responsibility LPPC LPPO OERK GOOO FSSS WSJC FAJO FACT GCCC GDXB VCCF LSAG Switzerland Skyguide Switzerland FIR/UIR under Zurich ACC Responsibility LSAZ Y UK NATS London FIR/UIR under EGTT London ACC Responsibility FANS Y accommodat ion and no ADS UK NATS Scottish FIR/UIR under EGPX Scottish ACC Responsibility FANS Y accommodat ion and no ADS UK NATS Shanwick OCA EGGX US FAA Anchorage ARTCC PAZA US FAA New York ARTCC KZWY US US US Vietnam FAA FAA FAA CAA Vietnam Oakland ARTCC Memphis Int'l Newark Liberty Int'l Ho Chi Minh KZAK KMEM KEWR VVTS Jan 2015 AASL–Sri Lanka Skyguide SATCOM FMC Voice OCL WPR Y (via CFRS) FANS-1/A ADS and ATN/ CPDLC CPDLC ADS only via CADS DLIC Only Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (provided by IAA) Y Y (via Y CFRS) Y-however, ADS in selected airspace Y Y (via CPD LC) Y Y DCL Trials DCL Trials Y SATCOM Voice, OCL, FMC WPR, FANS-1/A, and ATN Locations Lists (c) Copyright SITA 2015 B-3 of 3
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