A Traditional Episcopal Community With A Contemporary Mission of Sharing PARISH STAFF The People of the Parish The Ministers The Rt. Rev. Brian N. Prior IX Bishop of Minnesota The Rev. Mark W. Kelm Rector The Rev. Richard Todd Deacon The Rev. Debra Welch Deacon The Rev. Randy Johnson Transitional Deacon Maureen Vruno Parish Administrator Sheila Foster Youth & Children’s Minister Eric Bigalke Music Minister Carrie Thomas Associate Music Minister Richard Lee Kids Hope USA Ministry Lorna Cessna Lead Child Care Provider Jake Malark Sexton VESTRY Otis Gardiner Warden Jeanne Thoemke Warden Angie Gordon Treasurer Barb Maloney Clerk Jeffrey Merrill Youth Acero 2016 SUNDAYS Elias Linda Andreozzi 2016 2016 8, 9, & 11 am Worship Anne Herron Lura Ann Jensen 2016 Carol Zinter 2016 Jim Berry 2017 Tom Miller 2017 WEDNESDAYS Joanna Torgerson 2017 Church Night begins with supper at 5:30 Maxine Kobinski 2018 StJohnWilderness.org 651/429-5351 Becky Monson 2018 Mark Thorson 2018 The Voice is published as a monthly newsletter of The Episcopal Church of St. John in the Wilderness † Volume 57, Issue 2 God’s Amazing Love February 2015 Return Service Requested 2175 1ST STREET • WHITE BEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55110-3462 OF ST. JOHN IN THE WILDERNESS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Voice The PERMIT NO. 126 TWIN CITIES MN U.S. POSTAGE PAID PRSRT STD The Rector’s Page February 1, 2015 On God’s Mission, Mark + As we move into our Lenten journey, I am reminded of a coach I once had who frequently commented to us kids that, “attitude is everything.” Instead of dwelling on our problems, as Christians, we are called to have an attitude like Jesus and focus on God. This is the true exercise of Lent. May this journey change us to be a people of joy proclaiming what God is doing in the world and in our lives. Orville Kelly was informed two years ago that he had terminal cancer. He and his wife went home to cry -- to die. Should they keep it a secret? They prayed. The answer was that they should play about it. So they decided to give a big party. They invited all their friends. During the festivities, Orville held up his hand to make an announcement: "You may have wondered why I called you all together. This is a cancer party. I have been told I have terminal cancer. Then my wife and I realized we are all terminal. We decided to start a new organization. It is called the M.T.C. -- Make Today Count. You are all charter members." Since that time the organization has grown across the country. Orville has been too busy to die, pointing out the way we Christians are to play into the jaws of death -- singing, loving, not losing a minute from "the joy the world cannot give nor take away." – David Redding, “Jesus Makes Me Laugh with Him” LENT AND HOLY WEEK 2015 Wednesday, February 11 5:30 pm Mardi Gras Meal and 7 Cats Swing Dance / Concert (Parish Hall) Wednesday, February 18 Noon & 6:15 pm Ash Wednesday Liturgy Saturday, February 21 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Feed My Starving Children Intergenerational Event (Coon Rapids) Wednesdays, February 25 - March 25 5:30 pm Supper (Parish Hall) 6:00 pm Worship (Parish Hall) 6:15 pm Bible Study (Emmaus Room); Worship Team Rehearsal (Chancel) 7:00 pm Youth Group (St. Angelico) 7:15 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (St. Cecilia) Sunday, March 1 10:00 am Intergenerational Lenten Pretzel Making (Parish Hall) Friday-Sunday, March 13-15 Teens Encounter Christ Retreat (St. John in the Wilderness) Sunday, March 29 8:00 am, 9:00 am, & 11:00 am Palm Sunday Liturgy Wednesday, April 1 6:15 pm Stations of the Cross Dramatic Presentation 7:15 pm Labyrinth Walk (Parish Hall) Thursday, April 2 6:15 pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy 7:15 pm Vigil in the Garden of Repose (Narthex) & Labyrinth Walk (Parish Hall) Friday, April 3 Noon Good Friday Liturgy 1:00 pm Labyrinth Walk (Parish Hall) Saturday, April 4 5:00 pm Easter Vigil Liturgy followed by Agape Meal & Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 5 8:00 am, 9:00 am, & 11:00 am Easter Day Worship Wherever you are on your faith journey… St. John’s welcomes you. 2 St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church PASSAGES New Members James J. DeMay, Channing Riggs, Claire DeMay, & George Riggs DeMay on January 15 New Member Lois Komarek on January 18 $400,000 ADULT CHRISTIAN FAITH FORMATION $367,500 6:15 pm Wednesdays in the Emmaus Room Please join us for a stirring journey through the Acts of the Apostles. N.T. Wright asserts, “The mysterious presence of Jesus haunts the whole story of Acts. Jesus is announced as King and Lord, not as an increasingly distant memory but as a living and powerful reality, a person who can be known and loved, obeyed and followed, a person who continues to act within the real world. We call the book "The Acts of the Apostles," but we should think of it as "The Acts of Jesus (II)."” Join Rev. Mark, the teaching team, and enjoyable parishioners with some good camaraderie, discussion, and study. All levels of Bible knowledge are welcome to attend. ST. JOHN IN THE WILDERNESS’ CHILDREN AND YOUTH SHOW US THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS $335,000 How does the current dollar value pledged for 2015 measure up to St. John in the Wilderness’ pledge need for a balanced 2015 Financial Plan? We currently have $335,840 pledged but need a total of $400,000 in pledges. Your annual pledge helps us forecast with confidence the level of financial support our congregation will receive in the year ahead. It is through the pledges and contributions of our members that we are able to carry on our work here at St. John in the Wilderness. As you consider your pledge, we remind you that we offer Electronic Giving as a way to automate your offerings. It is convenient for you and provides much-needed consistency for the church. Offertory plate collections can fluctuate significantly from week to week, but when contributions are automated, the church receives funds on a steady, uninterrupted basis. Please see Many Ways to Give, Electronic Fund Transfer on page 9 for further information. The Voice 3 WE THANK THESE HOUSEHOLDS FOR THEIR RECENT 2015 FINANCIAL PLEDGES James DeMay, Janet Dickinson, Steven Greer (increase), Chris Karp, John Korth, Glenn Monson, David Monyak WARDENS’ CORNER WE STAND WITH GOD AND ST. JOHN’S Family and the Meaning of Life on Earth are things we all treasure and think about. Part of that meaning, I think, comes from St. John’s and how as a family we support and help each other on our earthly journey. Our Christian home, St. John’s, needs all of us to help our message grow so we can share God’s Amazing Love. To do that it is necessary to have financial support for programs and the operation of St. John’s. I ask that all who are a part of this wonderful community spread our word and our need for financial support. Only approximately 60% of our members provide support through pledges. Thank you all of you who have pledged. Talk about our need to increase the percentage of pledgers, because the 2015 Financial Plan currently does reduce staff and programs. I know that some will say, “All you ever do is ask for money.” Yes, we do ask that you contribute to the level you are able. It is necessary because, as we know with our personal finances, it is a necessity. Please consider St. John’s as a necessity in your life as you continue your life’s journey. I have been privileged to serve as your Warden for two years. I feel many are finding God’s meaning in their life. I think St. John’s should be part of your faith journey. We do not bite, but do provide love and support. Please help us to spread God’s Amazing Love with your support. Jim Petersen, Retired Sr. Warden I thank my God every time I remember you Philippians 1:3 Altar arrangements were recently given to the Glory of God 2014 FINANCES Income Expense Income less Expense Total Assets Designated Gifts Solvency Expenses 485,233 482,607 2,626 1,605,880 1,603,254 2,626 Payroll = 323,282 Outreach = 66,660 Property = 49,804 Liturgy = 14,221 Office = 13,844 Growth = 10,875 Formation = 3,921 Offerings Endowment/Interest Unrestricted Gifts / Bldg Use = 415,054 = 48,296 = 21,883 Total = $482,607 Income = $485,233 in joyful anticipation of the Advent of Christ on December 14; in celebration of our 50th wedding anniversary on December 19th by Dixon & Jean Tews; by Jerilynn Ommen in loving memory of her father, Joseph Zak; and in loving memory of Elizabeth Uppgren & all Uppgren loved ones by Sarah Doran on December 21; and by Teena Fletcher, Sarah Doran; in loving memory of James E. Cody by the Greer Family, our parents by Pam & Tom Hove; my sister, Joann Smith, by Janet Kelber; Allan Letourneau by Gere Letourneau; Margery Brewster and Irene & Lander Jenkins by Susan McCarthy; and in thanksgiving for our many blessings and the members of St. John's by Harvey & Judy Caldwell; the blessing of family & friends, especially St. John’s, by Pris Campbell; my family & many wonderful friends by June Hochbrunn; children & grandchildren by Pam & Tom Hove; our 55th anniversary and our wonderful family by Jane & Sarge Kyle; my family by Gere Letourneau; and the lives of Ruth & Carroll Mattlin from their daughters Jane & Barb & families this recent Christmas Season. 4 St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church MEN’S GROUP 11:30 AM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Please join the men for lunch at Perkins, 1045 E County Rd E, Vadnais Heights, MN 55110-5162. LIFT YOUR VOICE IN SONG AND PRAISE TO THE LORD THIS EASTER The Chancel Choir seeks members of the St. John in the Wilderness community who are interested in joining the choir for the celebration of Easter in 2015. We realize that not everyone is able to make a full-time commitment to the choir, but we also know that there are many beautiful voices in this congregation, just waiting to be lifted in song and praise to the Lord. Please join us for Easter rehearsals beginning Wednesday, February 18, at 7:15 pm in the St. Cecilia room. We will rehearse Easter music together for approximately 45 minutes to an hour, whereupon the choir will revert to its regularly scheduled program. For more information please contact Eric Bigalke, [email protected]. A ST. JOHN LADIES WHO LUNCH 11:30 AM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 at Carol’s, 11888 Aberdeen St NE Blaine, MN 55449-4786; please call Janet Kelber, 651/484-7193, for reservations by Tuesday, February 17. Giving a patient his physical, a doctor noticed several dark bruises on the man’s shins. He asked, “Do you play hockey, rugby or any physical sport?” “No,” the man replied, “I just play bridge with my wife.” Arlene Glander IN THE WILDERNESS CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT Do you like Cribbage? Want to learn how to play? After 11 am worship on Sunday, February 8 we'll teach those who want to learn how to play and hold a tournament for those who want to test their skills (and luck) vs. other players. It’s a game for all ages (if you can do simple addition, you can play), and it’s a great way for family & friends to spend time together. It’s an English game from the 1600’s, so it ties-in with the Episcopal Church’s Anglican heritage. RSVP to Dennis Thoemke so he knows how many players to expect: [email protected]. Feel free to bring a friend! RUMMAGE SALE For those of you who have been asking, yes, the Rummage Sale is coming again this year during the second week in June. Please start saving your sellable items to be brought in only after Sunday, May 24. Place items neatly behind the divider cabinets in the back left (northeast) corner of the Parish Hall. Remember, no TVs, microwaves, computers, or large pieces of furniture as their disposal must be paid for. For more information, watch the upcoming issues of The Voice or call Lynn Gadbois, 651/4262302; Lorna Cessna, 651/429-6137; or Mary Wingfield, 651/653-9742. OUR 3RD ANNUAL OVERNIGHT WOMEN’S RETREAT Join us Friday evening - Saturday, April 17-18, 2015 at Mt. Olivet Retreat Center, Farmington, MN. This is an opportunity for women of any age to get away from everyday stresses, build relationships with each other, and grow in relationship with God. This year's theme is Garden Getaway; we will delight in God’s presence with us through all the times and seasons of our lives with a variety of activities, worship, discussion, quiet reflection, and Christian service. The $110 cost includes a room, Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast and lunch, snacks, and your materials. We reserved 12 rooms, but more people are welcome to attend if you agree to double occupancy. There will be time to enjoy the indoor pool, whirlpool, sauna, and time outside. Sign up at the Activity Center. Write your nonrefundable $50 deposit check to St. John in the Wilderness, memo line: Women’s Retreat. Your check is due February 23. The $60 balance is due March 20. Email Beth Kelm with questions, [email protected]. 6 St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church SAFEGUARDING GOD’S CHILDREN TRAINING NOON - 3 PM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Now is the time for training or re-training. Everyone must have this important training before they are eligible to volunteer for ministries, all of which require it, especially for positions in leadership or on the Vestry. This training can be an important step in safeguarding the children in our everyday lives. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, all who really care about the children in their lives, need to attend this training. We have the power to protect our children, but it begins with knowledge and you. We encourage youth to attend as they are required to complete the training prior to our summer mission trip. We ask parents to attend training with their youth who are under age 16. FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN: FAMILIES INC. INTERGENERATIONAL ACTIVITY Join us 2-4 pm Saturday, February 21 at 401 93rd Ave NW, Coon Rapids, 55433. We'll package meals specifically formulated for malnourished children worldwide. Sign up at the Activity Center or RSVP Beth Kelm via email: [email protected]. Spaces are limited. Children age 5+ may help, but each must have an adult attend with them. See the FMSC website, Volunteer tab, for specific adult/ child ratios, or ask Beth if you have questions. MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF PEOPLE WITH MEMORY LOSS Please consider volunteering for The Gathering, offering fellowship and fun activities for those with early-stage memory loss while providing respite for their caregivers. Volunteers receive a comprehensive training session on the second Monday of the month. To register, call Betsy Hoffman at Lyngblomsten, 651/414-5291. For further information about The Gathering Consortium of White Bear Lake churches, call Helen Gehrenbeck, 651/429-9713. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN MINNESOTA'S ACADEMY FOR DISCIPLESHIP & MISSION Forming leaders for God’s mission. The School for Formation Ordination Track in-person gathering Friday -Saturdays: February 6-7, 2015 Anglican Approach to Theology; February 7, 2015, 4-6 pm The Canons of the Church; March 6–7, 2015 Christian Spirituality and Practices; March 27–28, 2015 Liturgical Practicum I | Introduction to the Internship Year; May 1–2, 2015 Bible: New Testament and Synoptic Gospels. Each course costs $200 including overnight accommodation for those on the ordination track, and breakfast & lunch on Saturday. The Outreach Committee is excited to begin 2015! All are invited to our meetings scheduled for the 3rd Monday of March, May, July, September, & November. We’ll also communicate various hands-on service opportunity events throughout the year. All are welcome. Questions? Call Kate Prochnow, 651/357-5080. DO YOU HAVE A FEW HOURS EACH YEAR TO FEED HOMELESS FAMILIES? On the third Sunday monthly, volunteers from St. John’s cook dinner at the Ramsey County Family Services Center in Maplewood. This facility provides temporary shelter for families in crisis. Cooking and serving a meal at the shelter is very rewarding. We feed 50 to 60 people, primarily children and single parents. What can you do? A variety of jobs are available from cooking to serving and cleaning up. We need a lead cook and three to five helpers for each meal. Cooking starts around 3 pm, dinner is served at 5:30, and we are cleaned up and out the door around 7 pm. The shelter requires cooks to be 18 or older and servers to be at least 16 years old. If you are interested in being a lead cook, we will teach you how to use the shelter’s commercial kitchen. Please contact Susan or Victor Lee to join in this important ministry: [email protected] or 651/429-8902 The Voice 7 St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church - February 2015 DATE Sunday the 1st Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Presentation of Jesus in the Temple at 9 am only Sunday the 8th Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany Sunday the 15th Last Sunday after the Epiphany Sunday the 22nd First Sunday In Lent LAY READER LECTOR 8:00 J. Waller 9:00 K. Blake 11:00 A. McClaren 8:00 P. Campbell 9:00 Youth 11:00 W. Muscanto 8:00 T. Hove 9:00 R. Lee 11:00 J. Petersen 11:00 J. Todd 9:00 Youth 11:00 M. Thayer 11:00 R. Lee 11:00 R. Lee 9:00 S. Mahoney 11:00 A. McClaren 8:00 J. Kyle 9:00 Youth 11:00 M. Vruno 8:00 J. Waller 9:00 M. Thayer 9:00 Blakes ACOLYTE(S) 9:00 R. Smith N. Lee S. McBride E. Miller 11:00 Korths 8:00 M. Thorson 8:00 M. Thorson 9:00 A. Robinson LEM 9:00 J. Caldwell 11:00 J. Vruno 8:00 T. Hove 9:00 Youth 11:00 H. Kissel 9:00 H. Caldwell 11:00 Chiltons WELCOMING MINISTRY 8:00 T. Napiwoski 9:00 Domins 9:00 D. Long G. Carpenter Kelms 11:00 McVays O. Gardiner 9:00 Karps A. Brunner S. Krebsbach 11:00 P. Merrill VERGER P. Campbell J. Caldwell C. Domin S. Holtz D. Thoemke K. DeSmet P. Hove A. Johnson V. Koutek A. Brunner / J. Knauss B. Smeed J. Berry S. Holtz J. Ommen P. Pickering J. Brunner M. Thorson J. Caldwell C. Domin V. Koutek B. DeSmet 11:00 Johnsons 8:00 T. Napiwoski 9:00 A. Torgerson P. McBride K. Emerson 11:00 Tanttus ALTAR GUILD 9:00 Torgersons Emersons 11:00 M. Hosfield J. Marier 8:00 T. Napiwoski 9:00 Lees Canterburys 11:00 P. Stewart K. Johnson D. Pryor 8:00 T. Napiwoski 9:00 Millers 11:00 M. Gerlach J. Hartmeister A. Gordon to greet at parking lot entrance Schedule conflict? Lay Readers, Lectors and LEM contact Candice Christensen; Acolytes contact your Verger. Lay Readers and Lectors: Revised Common Lectionary can be found at http://www.lectionarypage.net. MANY WAYS TO GIVE Placing a check or envelope with cash in the offertory plate during worship is familiar to us all, but thanks to continually advancing technology, you can choose from a variety of methods for your tax-deductible financial contributions to St. John’s: Electronic Fund Transfer You can arrange recurring transfers of a set amount from your financial institution account directly into St. John’s general operating account, just as over three dozen member households have already done. Simply pick up a copy of the financial pledge card from any window sill in the nave of the church, complete it with your information including your choice of monthly transfer on the 1st or 15th and installment amount, and place it in the offertory plate or mail it back to church. Automatic Bill Pay Many financial institutions offer free ‘bill pay’ service on their checking accounts. Contact yours if you wish to set up automatic, scheduled giving to The Church of St. John in the Wilderness 2175 1st St White Bear Lake, MN 55110-3462 Credit Card Click on the DONATE NOW Razoo icon on our website StJohnWilderness.org which you can also access quickly and easily with your mobile device by scanning the QR Code, right. Stocks Giving stock shares can be an excellent way to support St. John’s and may save on capital gains taxes. Send your broker your written, signed, and notarized request to DTC transfer your specified number of shares of stock(s) [with each company name and stock symbol] from your brokerage account number and title to National Investor Services Corp. DTC Clearing 0188, Code 40 F.B.O. TD Ameritrade account name St. John in the Wilderness Church TD Ameritrade account 885406394 Please then advise Parish Administrator Maureen Vruno of your stock gift, [email protected] or 651/429-5351 ext. 10, so our Treasurer can order its sale and request the proceeds. Estate Gifts For an Estate Gift please contact Jean Tews of our own Heritage Society, [email protected] or 651/426-1011. Whatever method you choose to give financially to St. John’s, please complete your pledge if you have not already. It is difficult to plan church finances unless our faithful and generous contributors communicate when and how much they intend to give throughout the year in this way. Please place your completed pledge in the offertory plate during worship or mail it back to the church. Thank you! NEW YEAR - NEW ALTAR FLOWER VENDOR After many years, The Floral Trunk in downtown White Bear Lake has closed. We are grateful for the lovely floral design service they have provided for St. John’s. Now we are beginning a new relationship with Hummingbird Floral & Gift, 4001 Rice Street, Shoreview. They will be providing the flower arrangements to enhance our worship on Sundays. If you would like to contribute toward altar flowers, please sign your name on the flower chart posted on the bulletin board in the parking lot entrance to the church. Then complete an Altar Flower form, attach a donation of $40, and place it in the offering plate or the Parish Administrator’s mail slot. Altar flowers are an offering to the glory of God in memory of loved ones or in thanksgiving for blessings received. Following Sunday worship, the flowers are given to homebound parishioners or those celebrating a special event. ST. JOHN IN THE WILDERNESS MEMORIAL AND GIFT APPROVED GIVING LIST Surplices and Cassocks Cloth-covered Folding Chairs for Parish Hall Lightweight Round Tables Altar Linens (paraments) Remodel Main Floor Unisex Bathroom New Prayer Books, Hymnals, and/or Library Books Parish Hall Bi-fold Doors St. John’s Endowment Fund and/or Children and Youth Endowment Fund at the Saint Paul Foundation Special Music Fund Outreach Fund Cemetery Fund at the Episcopal Church of Minnesota Pooled Investment Fund To make a gift, please speak with Jim Petersen, 651/636-0667. The Voice 9 GREETINGS AND BLESSING FROM WILDERNESS WONDERS February Birthdays 1 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 18 19 20 20 20 22 23 24 24 24 29 29 Gregory Kliner Susan Robinson Mairin Torgerson Pamela Hove Nancy Jagusch Reeder Smith Amanda Vickstrom Olivia Hinrichs Jeanie Long Eric Gadbois Chandler Domian Jean Engle Timothy Hadley Jay Oswald Channing Riggs Ervin Hinrichs Dorothy Dokmo Elizabeth Ackerman Janet Kraemer Adam Derkey Alexa Domin Jeff Hislop John Irvine Tess McVay Barbara Monson Aimee Krebsbach Benjamin Long William McBride Neil Vruno Jill Todd Kimberly Johnson Emily Brown Zoe Foster Jean Tews Britain Chitko Lura Ann Jensen If you have a birthday this month but are not listed, please contact the church with your date of birth. Records are not always complete. A new season is upon us. We had a wonderful read for 2014; some unexpected and moving tomes as well as those reads that were a direct evocation of the Christian Faith. This year we challenge you to explore genres that influence, determine, or define our culture. Shall we explore how the written language has a bearing on what moves us, what steels us, what makes us feel alive, or longing for more constancy in the life of Christ? Many of you have read books that fit this quest, and we would like for you to share. Join us for discussion and continue to read and recommend works that you have experienced. Here is a suggested list of genres, but do not be limited by it: Literature & Fiction (including Contemporary); Mystery, Thriller & Suspense; Biographies, History, Teen & Young Adult Books, and Spiritual. I am a fan of a good mystery because of the good and evil component and always wonder how things might have been different if a faith journey or at least a better commitment to good was involved. Authors have traversed the genres of spiritual and mystery such as Dorothy L. Sayers and PD James. You decide. When it comes to what we may read, we consider all comers as long as there is some aspect of Christian culture we can explore and discuss in the context of our faith journey. Our February book is Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. Once in a great while, we encounter a novel that begs to be read aloud. Leif Enger's debut, Peace Like a River, is one such work. His richly evocative novel, narrated by an asthmatic 11year-old named Reuben Land, is the story of Reuben's unusual family and their journey across the frozen Badlands of the Dakotas in search of his fugitive older brother. Charged with the murder of two locals who terrorized their family, Davy has fled, understanding that the scales of justice will not weigh in his favor. But Reuben, his father, Jeremiah—a man of faith so deep he has been known to produce miracles—and Reuben's little sister, Swede, follow closely behind the fleeing Davy. Affecting and dynamic, Peace Like a River is at once a tragedy, a romance, and an unflagging exploration into the spirituality and magic possible in the everyday world, and in that of the world awaiting us on the other side of life. In Enger's superb debut effort, we witness a wondrous celebration of family, faith, and spirit, the likes of which we haven't seen in a long, long time—and the birth of a classic work of literature. Reading List Suggestions 1. The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce 2. Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent 3. The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis 4. The Healing by Jonathan Odell 5. The Shack by William P. Young 6. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 7. My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult 8. The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd 9. Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes 10. The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan (Hold) 11. The Book Of The Dun Cow by Walter Wangerin, Jr. 12. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver 13. The Covenant: One Nation Under God - America's Sacred & Immutable Connection with Ancient Israel by Timothy Ballard 14. The Soul of Money by Lynn Twist 15. The Blue Sweater: Bridging the Gap between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected world 16. Anything by C. S. Lewis 17. Anything by Kathleen Norris 18. Anything by Karen Armstrong 10 St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church 8th Grade Rite of Affirmation 9 am Sunday, February 1 Calling all 8th Grade youth & parents to RSVP for this opportunity for our congregation to recognize that our youth are becoming young adults, growing spiritually, physically, & emotionally, and require our entire faith community’s support. They’re finding their independence, including in church. We provide this special liturgy to recognize the changes they are experiencing and the need in their lives for many more adults beyond their parents. Help us celebrate our 8th graders. www.YouthMinistry Visioning Meeting at noon on Sunday, February 8 in the Emmaus Room Bring your 2nd Sunday Brunch and join us for a conversation on what St. John’s has been doing to lead the way in Youth Ministry. Discuss what we’re doing now to engage youth in faith and what we’ll commit to doing in the future. We began in January. Those in attendance asked that we continue planning, possibly monthly until an official board is formed. All are wanted as part of this important conversation. You can help by answering a couple survey questions; we’ve had many responses and hope for more. Even if you don’t have youth in St. John’s programs, it will help us if you share your experience: https://www.surveymonkey.com/ s/SJWyouthministry Mardi Gras Fellowship Supper with a Swing Band Concert & Dancing 5:30 pm Wednesday, February 11 Many churches have called the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday Shrove Tuesday, a time to use up certain food products, and thus came pancakes. One week before Ash Wednesday we’ll indulge in pancakes. Anyone interested in flipping pancakes please arrive before 5 pm. All are invited to bring side dishes that complement pancakes. A swing band concert and dancing will follow supper, with dance instruction provided. Pretzel Making Event in the Parish Hall 10 am Sunday, March 1 We will share the history of the pretzel and talk about prayer. If you can make dough in advance or help cook pretzels please contact Sheila Foster or Christine Karp to let us know you can help. Middle School (ECMN) What is Holy Retreat for Grades 6-8 7 pm Friday-Saturday, March 6-7 The last in a series of six retreats on belonging that began here in 2012, this retreat at St. Matthew’s, St. Paul, will be guided by our Baptismal Covenant and focus on God’s unconditional love and what that means in today’s world of youth. The number of participants and involved congregations continues to grow. This is an awesome opportunity to bring friends and to meet old & new friends from other Episcopal Churches. Grade 6-8 youth who attend will be invited to be leaders when they are in high school. Watch the Small Voice weekly bulletin insert and your e-mail for registration and more details about the retreat. Greater Minnesota Spring Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) March 13–15 at St. John’s (Team meeting February 6–7 at St. John’s) TEC is a spiritual renewal weekend for grade 9-12 youth who attend once during high school as a candidate. Candidates arrive at 10:30 am on a Friday and participate in a weekend that’s all about you. We ask candidates to leave all the worries about all the things that can weigh a young person down and commit to a weekend that, for some, will transform the rest of their lives. Many youth remain involved in TEC as a team member, providing all the candidates’ care over the weekend. If you’re in high school and haven’t yet been a candidate, please consider making this the time; I’d like to see every youth possible participate. Team begins at 7 pm Thursday, March 12 to set up the space. Team Registration Forms have been sent to past participants and include a Candidate Form to share with a friend. Additional forms are available outside Sheila’s office. Grade 6-8 Episcopal Youth Quest Camp Sunday-Saturday, July 12-18, 2015 ECMN is offering a new summer camp experience! Fun, friendship, and formative outdoor experiences will empower grade 6-8 students to discover their identity as God’s beloved, develop leadership & confidence, and grow their sense of ministry & giftedness. Grade 9-12 students will have separate cabins and their own Peer Ministry Leadership track, including opportunities to lead grade 6-8 activities. Both tracks have a 1-night hiking & camping excursion. Please join us for a fantastic week at One Heartland Center, 26001 Heinz Rd, Willow River, MN 55795. Online Registration: http:// episcopalmn.org/events/episcopal-youthquest-camp/#more-10983 Episcopal Youth Music Camp Sunday-Saturday, August 2–8, 2015 Registration forms are available outside Sheila’s office, or register on-line through episcopalmn.org. Follow their events calendar to August for more info. Music camp is for all youth entering grades 3-12 in the fall. Don’t miss the reduced price Early Bird Registration with full payment of $495 due on or before April 1. The cost increases to $545 from April 2 – June 1. Registration is on a first come basis, and a waiting list begins when the camp is full which happened last year at the beginning of May. Don’t Forget These Dates February Sunday, 2/1 9 am 8th Grade Rite of Affirmation Friday-Saturday, 2/6-2/7 TEC Team overnight Saturday, 2/7 Safeguarding God’s Children Sunday, 2/8 Noon www.YouthMinistry Visioning Wednesday, 2/11, 5 pm pancake makers, 5:30 pm Mardi Gras Supper & Swing Band Concert with Dancing Wednesday, 2/18 Lent begins 6:15 pm Ash Wednesday Worship Saturday, 2/21 Feed My Starving Children Friday-Saturday, 2/27-2/28 Faith After High School Retreat, Shattuck - St. Mary’s March Sunday, 3/1, 10 am Pretzel-making Friday-Saturday, 3/6-3/7, Grade 6-8 ECMN Retreat, St. Matthew’s, St. Paul Thursday, 3/12, 7 pm Team begins Greater MN TEC weekend Friday-Sunday, 3/13-3/15, Greater MN TEC April Wednesday, 4/1 EYMC Early Bird Deadline The Voice 11 Your friends at Culver’s of Vadnais Heights invite you to stop in after your worship service • Short-Term Rehab (TCU) • Long Term Care • Assisted Living • Independent Living Culver’s of Vadnais Heights 4485 Centerville Rd. • 651-762-9600 DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF MONUMENTS MAUSOLEUMS, STATUARY AND MARKERS 928-930 JACKSON STREET ST. PAUL, MN 55117 OFFICE: (651) 227-7723 FAX: (651) 227-7724 WARCHOL MEYER, PLLC JOHN A. WARCHOL Attorney Mechanical and Electrical Services 612-465-0077 24 Hour Service Divorce & Family Law, Real Estate & Business Consultations O’LEARY AUTOBODY (651) 490-9868 [email protected] 1350 Hwy 96E • 651-429-7609 “Autobody repair specialists” “Pizza The Whole Family Loves” 468 Stillwater Rd. Show this ad and get a family meal deal 651-426-8720 A large 2 topping pizza, an order of cheese bread, and a liter of Pepsi for only $19.99. To see our menu please go to www.carbonespizzeria.com click on White Bear Lake. Paul O’Leary 2360 CO. RD. J, SUITE 102 WHITE BEAR LAKE 651-426-4775 [email protected] Free Market Analysis! E-Mail: [email protected] for more information Jim Wrich • 651-497-1882 [email protected] Jeanne Hauser • 651-269-2987 [email protected] Search properties now with our FREE PHONE APP! 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