THE GOOD NEWS T h e Mo n t h ly Bu l le t i n o f t he G r ee k O r th o dox C hu rc h of th e A s s um p t i o n Volume 20, Issue 2 February, 2015 GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION 1804 13th AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98122 Rev. Fr. Dean Kouldukis Rev. Fr. Michael Johnson Missions Carolyn Mesagno (401) 617-1109 Parish Office Hours Chanters Evangelos Pampoukas (206) 246-7573 Camp Agape NW Kristina Mehas (206) 232-8690 M-TH 10:30 am - 5:30 pm Telephone 206-323-8557 Choir Chris Kouldukis (425) 691-7610 Parish Office Manager Jillian Chandler (206) 323-8557 parishoffice@ Greek Dance Groups Voula Xenos (206) 784-7644 Parish Office Bookkeeper Gina Nunan Parish Accounting Office (206) 323-7230 Church School Rachael Pamboukas (425) 432-2786 accounting@ Parish Events Manager Corinda LeClair (206) 432-1801 St. Catherine Philoptochos Kristina Mehas (206) 232-8690 Parish Council Penny Peppes, President (425) 823-3031 St. John the Almsgiver Basil Papahronis (206) 923-0449 Parish Treasurer Demetrios Geokezas (206) 617-4716 Assumption Bookstore Leslie Scott (206) 232-4597 Fellowship Hour Ingrid Papahronis (206) 932-8085 You are an unshaken pillar of the Church of Christ our God, an ever-resplendent lamp, O Haralambos most wise, which shines throughout the earth; in the contest of martyrdom you have shined on the whole world, and you have dispelled the moonless night of the idols. Now boldly intercede with Christ that we may all be saved. Stewardship Nick Cosmakos (425) 742-2308 Youth Ministry Fr. Michael Johnson (206) 420-1728 YOPOS Steven Miller (406) 696-0057 A HAPPY NEW YEAR: RECEIVING GRACE BY REFLECTING GOD’S LOVE by Rev. Father Luke Palumbis “O Lord our God, who have placed times and seasons under your own authority; who in your infinite compassion and goodness, have counted us worthy to enter a New Year of your loving kindness, bless it and keep us in peace.” From the Doxology on the 1st of the Year Service T FR. LUKE PALUMBIS Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church – Novato, CA. he faithful begin each chapter of life with God. In glorification, at the beginning of the calendar year, we thank our Heavenly Father for allowing us to enter into a new year, and we make requests of Him. Active requests are made of God to bless the present time, and the time ahead. Furthermore, we request that He maintain us in His presence, which equates to peace for a person of faith. We often are consumed with the New Year’s tradition of resolutions…a tradition that is coupled with a wink and a nod of disbelief. Perhaps this year an abandonment of this often empty tradition is wise, and a willingness to commit to the shepherding of the Church will yield more substance in our lives. In truly praying the words of the New Year’s Doxology, His grace can be received and experienced, immediately transforming the world with divine substance and beauty. This transformation is the aim of the Christian life, yet it is not one that can be experienced by a spectator, it must be witnessed by an active participant. To receive the gifts that God has already offered to mankind, the faithful must engage an active Christian lifestyle. “Prayer is a request for what is good, offered by the devout of God. But we do not restrict this request simply to what is stated in words…We should not express our prayer merely in syllables, but the power of prayer should be expressed in the moral attitude of our soul and in the virtuous actions that extend throughout our life…This is how you pray continual ly — not by offering prayer in words, but by joining yourself to God through your whole way of life, so that your life becomes one continuous and uninterrupted prayer.” Saint Basil the Great, Homily on the Martyr Julitta To receive the Lord’s blessings in this New Year, and to maintain His peace, the faithful must find ways to share His blessings and presence with others. The words of the New Year Doxology Service are offered with superficiality if they are not made whole with efforts to share the Love of God. How can we, the faithful, truly enter 2015 with a desire to do better? In order for anything to be good, it must be connected to God. We the faithful should PAGE 2 THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 enter this New Year with a willingness to receive the Lord’s blessings through an engaged Christian life that strives to share the Love of God. Beginning today, how can our neighbors witness the Love of God through our relationships with them? Better diet and exercise are indeed worthy goals. Receiving the blessings of God by virtue of sharing them with others is a worthy life. There is no experience more substantive than a life worthy of Christian title — such is true happiness! May 2015 be a Happy New Year, filled with God’s grace through our active choice to live Christianity each and every day! THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 PAGE 3 FEBRUARY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Sunday, February 1 / 16th Sunday of Luke (Publican & Pharisee) 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Romans 8:28-39 Gospel: Luke 18:10-14 Monday, February 2 / Presentation of our Lord 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Hebrews 7:7-17 Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 Tuesday, February 3 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour 4 Tuesday, February 17 10:00 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour Sat., Feb. 21 / Saturday of Souls 8:30 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Galatians 5:22-26; 6:1-2 Gospel: Matthew 6:1-13 Sunday, February 22 / Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare) 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Romans 13:11-14; 14:1-4 Gospel: Matthew 6:14-21 5:00 pm Forgiveness Vespers Saturday, February 7 6:00 pm Great Vespers Monday, February 23 / LENT BEGINS Sunday, February 8 / 17th Sunday of Luke (Prodigal Son) 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: I Corinthians 6:12-20 Gospel: Luke 15:11-32 Tuesday, February 24 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour Tuesday, Feb. 10 / St. Haralambos 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: II Timothy 2:1-10 Gospel: John 15:17-27; 16:1-2 Readings: Isaiah 2:3-11 / Genesis 1:24-2:3 / Proverbs 2:1-22 Sat., Feb. 14 / Saturday of Souls 8:30 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: I Thessalonians 4:13-17 Gospel: Luke 21:8-9, 25-27, 33-36 Friday, February 27 7:00 pm Salutations to the Theotokos Sunday, Feb. 15 / Judgment Sunday (Meatfare) 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: I Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2 Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46 PAGE 6:00 pm Vespers 4:00 pm Great Compline & Great Canon 4:00 pm Great Compline & Great Canon Wednesday, February 25 6:30 pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy (followed by a Potluck Dinner) Thursday, February 26 4:00 pm Great Compline & Great Canon Sat., Feb. 28 / Saturday of Souls 8:30 am Matins 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: II Timothy 2:1-10 Gospel: Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-5 THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 COMMUNITY DINNER TO FOL- FELLOWSHIP HOUR P lease join us for refreshments after Liturgy. All are welcome! “THANK YOU” to our friends and families who hosted a Fellowship Hour in January: St. Catherine Philoptochos, Daughters of Penelope & Andrea Gray, Church School Parents, Teresa Maschinsky & Andrea Mann. Thank you to our friends who have volunteered to host in February and March. In February, we have one Sunday available to host: February 01: Greek Dance Groups Ministry - Gyro Fundraiser (take a couple home for the Super Bowl Game!) February 08: St. Catherine Philoptochos - “Go Red for Women” February 15 (Meatfare): AVAILABLE TO HOST February 22 (Cheesefare)*: The Kouldukis Family in memory of Mary Tomasides March 01**: March 08**: March 15**: March 22**: March 29**: AVAILABLE TO HOST AVAILABLE TO HOST St. Catherine Philoptochos AVAILABLE TO HOST AVAILABLE TO HOST *Fast Day: Dairy Allowed. **Fast Day: Wine/Oil Allowed Thank you for planning your food offerings within the fasting guidelines For more information on hosting a Fellowship Hour please view the Guidelines at the Assumption home website, or on our Members Only website, If you would like to host a Fellowship Hour, please contact me at (206) 932-8085, or via email at [email protected] . Thank You for serving! LOW PASCHA LITURGY USHERS & READERS Sunday, Feb. 1 Ushers: John Prekeges, Christina Siaterlis & Girma Bulbula Close: Nicholas Mesagno Reader: Elissa Kouldukis Sunday, Feb. 8 Ushers: Ted Dimitriou, Larry Fly & Demetrios Geokezas Close: John Prekeges Reader: John Nicon Sunday, Feb. 15 Ushers: Andrea Gray, Carolyn Geller & Nicholas Mesagno Close: Straton Spyropoulos Reader: Joanna Pulakis Sunday, Feb. 22 Ushers: Penny Peppes, John Prekeges & Christina Siaterlis Close: Niko Pamboukas Reader: Evan Sarantinos Ingrid Papahronis Coordinator - Fellowship Hour THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 PAGE 5 CHURCH 360° UNITE E ffective January 1st we were phased to a new church members only website called Church 360° Unite. If you have provided the parish office with an e -mail address, you should have received a personal e-mail invite to join the new members only website. If you did not respond to that invite, you will no longer receive e-mails from the church. If this happens you will not see important e-mail announcements from Fr. Dean and you will not receive an electronic version of our monthly bulletin “The Good News”. When the invite went out, some folks thought the invite was a case of phishing or that it was spam and deleted it. If this was the case for you and you would like to have another invitation sent, please contact the parish office. We want you to stay connected! Unlike the past where we simply added your data from your Stewardship form or when you invited us to do so via email, and you started receiving information, this new site requires that you confirm your intention to receive information from the church. You will need to do this via the invite. Additionally, if you do not respond to the invite, we cannot add you to a church ministry group so you can receive email information regarding that group. For example, if your child is a member of GOYA and you, as a parent, received an email invite to join our church members only website and you did not respond to that invite, we will not be able to add your child to the GOYA group and you will miss important information from Fr. Michael regarding group activities, etc. Our Church 360° Unite member website is for YOU, for your Ministry Group, for Committees, and more. Using your unique username and password, you can log in to unlock content that is for Assumption Church Members only - the church calendar, the member directory, access to online versions of the weekly and monthly bulletins, etc. You will also be able to connect to Church 360° Unite with your Facebook or Google account to make logging in even easier. When you receive your e-mail invite, we look forward to your involvement. Post a profile picture, verify your mailing address, phone number, etc. Please contact Jillian in the parish office if you need assistance in any way with Church 360° Unite. PAGE 6 THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 COMMUNITY DINNER TO FOL- LOW PASCHA LITURGY DOLLAR-A-DAY PROGRAM I want to thank everyone who has signed up for our Dollar A Day loan servicing plan. As discussed at our General Assembly, we need more families to participate. With more people giving to the Dollar A Day, we will be able to use our parking revenue to off-set the deficit in our yearly budget. Without it, our budget cannot be balanced. If you haven't signed up yet for the Dollar A Day program, please call Gina in the bookkeeping office at (206) 323-7230 and let her know you can participate. Penny Peppes Parish Council President ANDERSON, Larry & Kate ANTONAKOS, Jetta APOSTOLOU, Elias & Stella ARGERES, Peter & Diana ATHAN, Steve & Anna BARBAS, E. Anthe BARTON, Roger & Mary Lou BASS, Steve & Stella BENIS, Helen BRATSANOS, James & Leslie BRATSANOS, Steve & Rose BUEHRER, Lee & Florence CHACHARON, Alex CHRISTOU, Ted & Barbara CONOM, Madeline COSTACOS, Jerry & Eva DELAROSE, Ron & Teresa DELIMITROS, Katherine DENOS, Thalia DIAFOS, Pauli DIMITRIOU, Ted & Kiki DURHAM, Patrick & Margarita ECONOMOU, Christina & Gene Kneeland EVANS, Jr., Peter & Anna FARMER, Joanna FIDLER, William & Alia FLY, Larry FRANGOS, Christian FRANGOS, Olivia FRANKS, John & Athanasia GEOKEZAS, Demetrios & Eryn GEOKEZAS, Meletios & Theodora GIANETSAS, Xenia GIBBONS, Nick & Maria GRAY, James & Andrea GREENE, Marke & Angela HULBERT, Mike & Jodie ILES, Catherine ILIAKIS, Bernardino & Pinar INNIS, Connie JEWELL, Emily KAZAKOS, Georgia KEHAYES, Naya & Philip Head KOHNKE, Ioanna KOKKONIS, Nick & Jennifer KOUKOUSOULA, Ourania KOULDUKIS, Fr. Dean & Pres. Val LIVIAKIS, Lea & Sam Nadler LOTAKIS, Greg LOTAKIS, Paul & Michele LUCAS, Greta MEHAS, Gus & Kristina MESAGNO, Nicholas & Carolyn MILLER, Steven MOORE, Georgia NICKOLAS, Nick O’NEIL, Katie PAMBOUKAS, Chris & Glyka THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 PAMBOUKAS, Niko & Sonia PAMPOUKAS, Evangelos & Tasoula PAPAHRONIS, Michael & Ingrid PEPPES, George & Penny PIERIDES, Voula PISHUE, James & Lisa Roberts POLIMANAKOS, Vasilios RITCHIE, Joe & Natalie ROGERS, Alexandra SARANTINOS, George & Athena SCOTT, Leslie Sophia SIATERLIS, Dimitrios & Christina SMETHERAM, Sofia ST. CATHERINE PHILOPTOCHOS STAFFORD, Stephanie Pulakis THOMPSON, Charles & Niki TZIOTIS, Yiannis & Katerina XYDIS, John & Janice ZANIDES, Frances ZARKADES, Joanne PAGE 7 AIGNER, Rob & Tina ANDERSON, Larry & Kate ARGERES, Peter & Diana ARGUE, Clifford & Theodora ATHAN, Steve & Anna ATHANS, Eleni & Geo. Bariames ATHANS, Emmanuel ATHANS, John & Stella ATTIAS, Anna AVGERIS, Christine BARBACHAN, Hugo & Popee BARBAS, E. Anthe BAROKAS, Vasiliki BARTON, Roger & Mary Lou BASS, Steve & Stella BEKRIS, Chris & Diamando BLACKWELL, Neena BULBULA, Girma & Alemitu Wakene CARDARAS, Vlasios & Voula CHACHARON, Claire CHACHARON, Christina CHARONI, Alex CHRISTOU, Ted & Barbara CONOM, Madeline COOLIDGE, Trilby COSTACOS, Constantine & Terry COSTACOS, Jerry & Eva DALLAS-SMITH, Mary DEMENEGAS, Emmanuel & Sapfo DENOS, Thalia DENOVAN, David Aniketos DERDEVANIS, Maria DIAFOS, Pauli DIAMOND, Maria DIAMOND, Nitsa DIMOS, Gabriella EVANS, Jr., Peter & Anna FARMER, Joanna FLY, Larry FOOTE, Sophia FOURNARAKIS, Bill GELLER, Carolyn GEOKEZAS, Demetrios & Eryn GEOKEZAS, Maria & David Howard GEOKEZAS, Meletios & Theodora GEORGE, Nicholas GEORGES, Helen GOULOUMI, Dora Roula PAGE 8 GIANETSAS, Xenia GOVETAS, Eleni GRAY, Elizabeth GRAY, James & Andrea GREENE, Marke & Angela HADJIMICHALAKIS, Michael HOSKINS, Jonah & Margeaux HUNT, Kelsey HUNT, Madeleine ILES, Catherine JANJIC, Barbara JEWELL, Emily JOHN, Maggie KAVADAS, Janet KAZAKOS, Georgia KEHAYES, Naya & Philip Head KILEROS-MERCOURIADIS, Pipena KOHNKE, Ioanna KOKKONIS, Nick & Jennifer KOULDUKIS, Fr. Dean & Pres. Val LAZAROU, George & Christina LENES, George & Rita LIMANTZAKIS, Johnette LING, Maria LIVIAKIS, Lea & Sam Nadler LOTAKIS, Greg LOTAKIS, Paul & Michele MANOLIDES, Nancy MASCHINSKY, Daniel & Teresa MEHAS, Gus & Kristina MESAGNO, Nicholas & Carolyn MOORE, Georgia O’NEIL, Katie OHMER, Ronald & Jennifer OJEDA, Theodore & VIctoria OSBON, Joymarie PAMBOUKAS, Konstandinos PAMPOUKAS, Evangelos & Tasoula PAPADOPULOS, Erasmia PAPAHRONIS, Basil PAPAHRONIS, Michael & Ingrid PAPANICOLAOU, Stathis & Joanna PAPANTOS, Spero & Tina PAPPAS, Christina PAPPAS, George PEPPES, George & Penny PEPPES, Steve & Popi PREKEGES, Greg & Alica RIGOPOULOS, Marianne SARIDAKIS, Arthur SAYLES, Katerina SCOTT, Leslie Sophia SKANDALIS, John & Laurie SKEPETARIS, Evanthia SMETHERAM, Sofia SOUKAS, George & Ritsa SOURAPAS, Steve STAFFORD, Stephanie Pulakis TAGIOS, Constantinos & Sophia TALERICO, Ed & Joyce TARLSON, Popi TAYLOR, Valerie Ann TEKLE, Selam & Amanuel Abraha THOMPSON, Charles & Niki TOURAS, Antonios & Antonia TRAPALIS, Dina & Eleni TREMBANIS, Sophia TSALAKY, Tony WEST, Joann XYDIS, John & Janice ZANIDES, Frances ZARKADES, Joanne “I am the VINE; YOU are the branches.” THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 BOOKKEEPER’S SUMMARY GENERAL FUND NOVEMBER YTD REVENUE Dec. Stewardship Collected $22,960 Other Revenue 19,688 TOTAL REVENUE 42,648 ( 36,189 ) TOTAL EXPENSES 6,459 NET GAIN YTD REVENUE (through 01-15-15) $29,644 YTD EXPENSES (through 01-15-15) ( 25,801 ) YTD NET REVENUE ( $3,843 ) GINA NUNAN Assumption Bookkeeper STEWARDSHIP REPORT Number of Steward Families: 120 2015 Budgeted Stewardship $260,000 Stewardship Pledged (through 01-15-15) 145,854 Pledges needed to meet Stewardship Goal 114,146 Stewardship Collected (through 01-15-15) Regular Stewardship $25,490 Pre-Paid 7,200 Contributions Over Pledge 1,306 Other Total Stewardship YTD Collected Budgeted to Date Unpaid Pledged Stewardship Balance THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 256 231,691 14,674 $134,381 PAGE 9 GENERAL ASSEMBLY O n Sunday, February 22nd, immediately following the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, our Winter General Assembly will be convened. Please make every effort to attend this event and share in the administration of our beloved parish. The agenda for this upcoming General Assembly is listed below. As always, financial statements and meeting minutes will be distributed on the day of the assembly. In addition, all documents related to the General Assembly will be available in advance of Sunday’s meeting for those who wish to review the documents prior to the meeting. For those interested, please contact the parish office. AGENDA GENERAL ASSEMBLY Sunday, February 22, 2015 Opening Prayer and Scripture Reading (Fr. Dean) Election of Chair (Penny Peppes) Approval of Minutes (from General Assembly convened on November 16, 2014) Assumption/Metropolis Strategic Plan Overview (Niko Pamboukas) Treasurer’s Report (Demetrios Geokezas - 2014 Year End Report Presented) Stewardship Report (Gus Mehas - 2014 Year End Report and 2015 Projections) Audit Committee Report (Naya Kehayes - 2013 Audit Report) Building Project Financial Report (George Peppes – To Include Dollar-A-Day Program Report and Projections) 2014 Holiday Bake Sale Report (Joanne Zarkades) Metropolis Clergy-Laity Assembly (Designation of Delegates) Old Business New Business Fr. Dean’s Comments Adjourn & Closing Prayer PAGE 10 THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 2015 PARISH COUNCIL Penny Peppes (President) Niko Pamboukas (Vice President) Demetrios Geokezas (Treasurer) Leslie Scott (Secretary) Girma Bulbula Ted Dimitriou Larry Fly Gus Mehas Nicholas Mesagno Chris Pamboukas John Prekeges, Jr. Christina Siaterlis Straton Spyropoulos God Bless you, and your families, for your sacrifice of time and talents during this upcoming year! Dear Friends and Paris hioners: There are simply not en ough words and smiles to thank you for all yo ers, flowers, calls and ca ur prayrds for me and my fami ly. It’s ironic that someone who wanted to run a pro gram for Seniors woul pain, weight loss, etc., d let the go on for four months wh ile attributing it all to effects from chemo, when sideI was actually sufferin g from diverticulitis. I look forward to speakin g live when my throat/v oice is less scraggly. With Love and Prayers , Leslie Sophia Scott THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 PAGE 11 GOYA GOYA KIDS WATCH PLAY PLAY--OFFS AND LEARN ABOUT THEIR FAITH Quinlan Rogers, Pres. Val, Fr. Dean, Elissa and Constantine Kouldukis, Ayrlee Rogers and Kassie Peppes, [Not shown, Sofia Argeres]. O n January 10, Fr. Dean and Pres. Val invited our GOYA kids to enjoy tasty spaghetti with meat sauce while watching the Seahawks first play-off game. During halftime, Fr. Dean led a discussion about a YouTube video called “If you give a little love….” The video shows different people going about their daily lives while taking advantage of opportunities to help others along the way. Fr. Dean suggested this was one approach for fulfilling Christ’s words in the gospel, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). As Fr. Dean also pointed out this same thought is echoed in St. Paul’s words to the Greek Christians at Philippi, “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit. But in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself” (Phil. 2:3). The kids talked about how hard it is to think of others as better than you are, especially since the selfish world we live in tempts us to think just the opposite. The group also decided that one reason for doing good is the example it sets, because others may see you. After all, over 424,000 viewers have watched this video! Here are some more photos of the enjoyable (the Hawks won!) and worthwhile evening PAGE 12 THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 The kids ponder the importance of doing good in a world where it’s often “everyone for one’s self – Quinlan, Sofia, Ayrlee, Kassie, Elissa, Constantine, and Fr. Dean. Quinlan spoons on the tasty meal while Ayrlee and Kassie look on. During a commercial, there’s just enough time to pound out a tune on the handy piano – Elissa and Ayrlee. THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 PAGE 15 SATURDAY OF SOULS PAGE 16 THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 PAGE 17 A PLACE AT THE TABLE Inside the Lotus Café ca. 1950, photo courtesy of Shawn Carkonen A PLACE AT THE TABLE Over 100 Years of Greek Food, Culture and Entrepreneurial Spirit February 7 - May 31, 2015 at the Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) in Seattle. (see for directions, hours and other details) I n partnership with the Greek-American Historical Museum of Washington State, (http:// MOHAI invites you to travel through history with some of the Puget Sound's most beloved Greek restaurants and the communities that created and sustained them. The exhibit features vintage photos, videos, menus, artifacts, and other items, along with descriptive text. One area is devoted to food in the Greek Orthodox Church such as Prosphoro, Artiklosia, and Vasilopita. Opening day activities for children and families on Saturday, February 7 will include Greek dance performances at 11:00am and 1:00pm and an opening ceremony with introductory remarks at 3:00pm followed by live music and dancing. Greek restaurateurs have been a consistent presence in Washington State for more than a century. Well over 200 Greek-owned restaurants have existed in the Puget Sound region alone, a few continuously since the early 1900s, and over 300 throughout the State of Washington. Restaurants represent the intersection of Greek food, culture, and entrepreneurship, and the profession of choice for many Greeks who put down roots in the area. But beyond the menu, Greek traits were still evident and relationships were the key. Greek traditions of hospitality and building lasting connections with patrons combined to create a code of business that elevated customers to friends. PAGE 18 THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 CAPPELLA ROMANA Cappella Romana presents GOOD FRIDAY IN JERUSALEM Ancient Orthodox Chant from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre 20th CD Release Following its recent tour to Trinity Wall Street New York, Cappella Romana presents GOOD FRIDAY IN JERUSALEM in concert and as its 20th CD release. These ecstatic chants reflect the deep pathos and cosmic drama of Good Friday, sung in procession to Jerusalem's most sacred Christian sites. Stelios Kontakiotis (Tinos, Greece) is principal soloist. Free preconcert talk one hour prior to concert. 8:00pm, Friday, February 6, St. Joseph's Parish, 732 18th Ave E at Aloha, Capitol Hill, Seattle. Tickets start at $22 with discounts for seniors and students. Visit or call (503) 236-8202. SAVE 25% in Sections A and B with coupon code "ORTHODOXCHANT". THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 PAGE 19 ST. CATHERINE PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Angeline’s Day Center for Homeless Women A t Christmas hygiene gift bags were donated To Angeline's Day Center in Seattle (more than Double the amount donated the previous year). What follows is a heartwarming letter from the folks at Angeline’s in response to our donation: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Wow! What can I say, you guys heard the call to make the holiday special for the women at Angeline’s, giving them a little bag to make Christmas morning a little brighter, and boy did you guys deliver!!! Not only did you do bags, you did beautiful - wonderful -over the top- flowing with love -and highly needed items bags!! Not only did we meet our goal of 350 - you surpassed it by over 100 -making it our biggest year ever delivering 461 bags to the shelter and blowing the women away! Not only did you provide a bag of goodies, you provided a sense of normality, a sense of warmth and a feeling of hope and love! THANK YOU for what you’ve done for these women, and THANK YOU for being such wonderful women yourselves!!! You amaze me! Let me know if you’d like to participate further with Angeline’s, serving lunch, sponsoring a meal, hosting a holiday party!! It’s all super fun. THANKS! Nichelle Hilton Divisional Resources Coordinator YWCA of Seattle-King-Snohomish Co. Annual Philoptochos Valentine’s Tea Please mark you calendars for our annual Valentine’s Tea on Saturday, February 7th, at 1:00 PM. The tea will include lovely eats, raffles and door prizes plus musical entertainment and a fashion show. You won’t want to miss it!! Be sure to invite your family and friends. All Philoptochos members are asked to bring tea sandwiches or a dessert, preferably homemade. Change In the Date for Our March Membership Meeting Please note that the date of our next membership meeting has been changed to Sunday, PAGE 20 THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 March 22nd. The meeting will take place after Divine Liturgy in the 3rd floor Conference Room. Events at a Glance: “Go Red for Women” Fellowship Hour - Sunday, February 8th Membership Meeting - Sunday, March 22nd With Sisterly Love, Kristina Mehas President THE GOOD NEWS - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 PAGE 21 CHURCH SCHOOL NEWS D uring January we raised over $500 for new chairs for our Sunday School students. Thank you to everyone who donated, volunteered and supported this worthwhile cause. A special “thank you” to Larry Anderson for designing the fundraiser poster. If you were unable to attend, it's not too late! Please make your checks payable to St. Catherine's Philoptochos with “chairs” on the Memo line. Questions? Please contact Andrea Mann (Philoptochos) or Teresa Maschinsky (Church School) Thank You! Teresa Maschinsky and Andrea Mann - Cochairs for Church School Chair Fundraiser. A NOTE OF THANKS Bill and I would like to thank all of you for thi nking of us. For all yo ers, cards, phone calls, an ur prayd gifts. It is very thoug htful of you to do so. Have a wonderful, healt hy and prosperous New Year! May God Bless you all ...we love you and we mi ss you. In God’s Love, Bill and Betty Koulduk PAGE 22 is THE GOOD NEWS - FEBRUARY 2015 GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION FEBRUARY 2015 Sun Mon 1 2 16th SUNDAY OF LUKE (Publican & Pharisee) Triodion Begins 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Church School Greek Dance Group Performance 8 17th SUNDAY OF LUKE (Prodigal Son) 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Church School 12:30 pm FDF Dance Rehearsal 15 3 PRESENTATION OF OUR LORD 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 22 FORGIVENESS SUNDAY (Cheesefare) 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Memorial: Maria Tomasides (40 days) Church School General Assumbly Wed 4 6:30 pm All Saints Camp Board Meeting 7:00 pm Greek Dance Rehearsals Fri 6 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour 9:00 am St. John the Almsgiver-Cooking 11:00 am Bible Study 7:00 pm Byzantine Chant Classes 6:00 pm WOCA Pre-Lenten Retreat (St. Paul AOC in Brier) 7:30 pm AA Meeting 10 11 12 ST. HARALAMBOS 9:00 am St. John the Almsgiver-Cooking 12:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Byzantine Chant Classes 6:00 pm Parish Council Meeting 17 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 13 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy METROPOLIS FDF - 10:00 am WOCA Pre-Lenten Retreat at St. Paul AOC in Brier - 11:00 am Greek Dance Performance at MOHAI - 1:00 pm Philoptochos Valentine’s Tea - 5:45 pm All Saints Camp Dinner & Auction at St. D’s - 6:00 pm Great Vespers 14 METROPOLIS FDF SATURDAY OF SOULS PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 7:30 pm AA Meeting 18 19 20 METROPOLIS FDF PRESIDENT’S DAY PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Sat 7 10:00 am Philoptochos Tea Set-up PARISH OFFICE OPENS AT NOON 9 Thu 5 7:00 pm Greek Dance Rehearsals 16 METROPOLIS FDF JUDGMENT SUNDAY (Meatfare) 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy Church School Tue 21 SATURDAY OF SOULS 10:00 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy 7:00 pm Byzantine Chant Classes PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 7:30 pm AA Meeting 23 GREAT LENT BEGINS 4:00 pm Great Compline & Great Canon 24 25 10:30 am Prayers at the 3rd Hour 11:00 am Bible Study 4:00 pm Great Compline & Great Canon 26 PRESANCTIFIED DIVINE LITURGY 27 6:30 pm 4:00 pm Great Compline & Great Canon (followed by a vegan potluck) 7:00 pm Byzantine Chant Classes 7:30 pm AA Meeting 10:00 am Presanctified Liturgy 7:00 pm Salutations to the Theotokos 28 SATURDAY OF SOULS 8:45 am Matins 10:00 am Liturgy PARISH OFFICE CLOSED PARISH OFFICE HOURS: M—TH 10:30 AM—5:30 PM ~ (206) 323-8557 (Parish Office is CLOSED on Fridays) Strict Fast Wine/Oil Allowed Fish Allowed Dairy Allowed MATINS GOSPEL & TONE SCHEDULE Sunday 1 8 15 22 Gospel 1 2 3 4 Tone First Second Third Fourth T HE M ONTHLY B ULLETIN OF THE G REEK O RTHODOX C HURCH OF THE A SSUMPTION NON PROFIT ORG. 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