Great weather for a Great Show! At our February 2 Meeting The Prez Says WHAT? NO ROCK RELATED PROGRAM FOR FEBRUARY?? Another gem show has come and gone and club members stepped up and did a great job. The Austin club providing us with showcases allowing us to show off our hobby of rock collecting and lapidary was a real plus. Special thanks to Jim Gedeon for making the trips to Austin for picking them up and returning them. The Rolling Rock Club has again donated the proceeds from the rock auction to our club for a donation, either to a scholarship fund or purchase of lapidary supplies for use by geology students as we have done in the past. The silent auction was also a great success at this years show. Let’s make this a regular feature for future gem shows. That's right folks!! I want to bring an outlandish DVD collection of the funniest stunts, pranks and practical jokes ever pulled, to ease the stress of putting on our show. What better way than to have an hysterically funny program? When I saw this, I laughed myself crazy (and that wasn't too hard to do!!!). We will watch as people from all over the world react to the most unusual, ridiculous and extraordinary situations. WARNING: Watch at your own risk! I am not responsible for fractured funny bones or heads laughing off!! I hope you will bring enough Kleenex for the tears running down your cheeks! We will resume rockhound-related programs beginning in March. HAPPY NEW YEAR, Karen Anderson Fredericksburg Rockhounds News! I think we should also take a hard look at owning our own display cases and not having to rely on other clubs to provide them for us. Thanks again for all the hard work at making 2015 a fantastic year for the Hill Country Gem & Mineral Show. See you on Feb.2nd. Frank Rowell February 2015! Page 1 of 8 From Our Show Chairman I would like to thank all those club members whose participation helped make this years show a success. We had several new members who volunteered their time, which is always encouraging, as well as the “usual suspects” who always give of themselves. We tried a few new things this year that, in my opinion, really added to the quality of our show. Karen Anderson brought up the idea of borrowing The Austin Club's display cases so that more of our club members could show their collections. We had some great displays, that were enjoyed by all our guests, as well as our own club members.Thanks Karen! Bill Morgenstern brought up the idea of a silent auction. By the way, he also put together the auction material,with help from John Farmer, cataloged and priced the materials, and, ran the auction, with the help of many volunteers. Bill hit a home run with the bases loaded! John Farmer, once again, spent countless hours, collecting Raffle donations, displaying them at the show, and delivering them to the Raffle winners. Thanks again John. I'll go over the “numbers” at the meeting, but the most important message is this… we should be proud of all our generous club members who helped put on this show for the enjoyment of all of our guests. Thanks guys and girls… you did good!!!! Jim Gedeon —And we thank you, Jim, for all your long, long hours of hard work organizing and supervising the show! Fredericksburg Rockhounds News! February 2015! Page 2 of 8 Fredericksburg Rockhounds News! February 2015! Page 3 of 8 Fredericksburg Rockhounds Minutes for January 2015 By Secretary Shelly Verstuyft Frank opened the meeting with a few good jokes. We didn't have any new members, but one guest, Julie Pici. Jim Gedeon began taking names for help with the show. With John Farmer and Bill Morgensterns help, they were able to get enough volunteers to host the silent auction both days of the show. With the help of club members, we had all areas of the show help covered. Display cases were to be set up on Friday. There were 7 cases available, two which were filled by Frank Rowell/Patty Felts and Sara Verstuyft. On Friday at 5:00 pm the vendors dinner would be held at the show hall. Signups were taken by Susan Olsen to bring dishes. held by the Shields, as she has contributed a lot to this club and deserved the spot on the floor. There were 12 vendors on the floor and 12 outside. On Sunday at 9:00 am, the Rolling Rock club was to hold their meeting before the show opened for the day. Treasury Report The club voted to give the Golden Hub $500.00 again this year. We’ll have a full report next month after tallying the show expenses and earnings. Tom Carswell motioned to adjourn, Andy Anderson seconded. Jim mentioned that Karen Anderson/Everlasting Rocks would be taking the floor spot previously January Meeting Door Prizes Item!....................................................Donated by !......................Won by ? ................................................................? ............................................Julie Pici (our guest) Banana Leaf Earring Tree ........................Kathleen Holloway ...............Jessie Petty Rose Quartz Ginko Leaf ..........................The Shields ...........................Jackie Chude Tumbled Agate Picture Jasper Cab ..........Don McDonald .....................Judy Lackey Rhodonite .................................................The Posts...............................Sam Rodgers Wire wrapped Jasper/garnet .....................Frank & Patty ......................Lynn Brady Chrysocolla ..............................................The Posts...............................Judy Carswell Tiger Eye Cabs 6x8 ..................................Lee Adams ............................Karen Anderson (Win number 11!!) Fredericksburg Rockhounds News! February 2015! Page 4 of 8 The Calcite Group of Minerals The calcite group of minerals all have CO3 in their chemical formula. The minerals in the calcite group include calcite, rhodochrosite, smithsonite, siderite and magnesite. All calcite group minerals crystallize in the trigonal crystal system (which is a category of the hexagonal crystal system). They all have rhombohedral cleavage and all have similar chemical formulas. Look at the drawings of these three different calcite group minerals, calcite, siderite and rhodochrosite. Compare the shape of their crystals. They all look like boxes that have been bent to an angle. Mineralogists call this shape a rhombohedron. Fredericksburg Rockhounds News! For the chemists out there, here is a comparison of the chemical formulas of the different calcitegroup minerals. Right away you will see why they are so similar. Calcite Rhodochrosite Smithsonite Magnesite Siderite CaCO3 MnCO3 ZnCO3 MgCO3 FeCO3 From Mini Miners monthly, 1/15, with permission ©2014 Diamond Dan Publications. Visit their website for some unique book bargains! February 2015! Page 5 of 8 Mar 7-8—ROBSTOWN, TEXAS: Annual show; Gulf Coast Gem & Mineral Society, Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds; 1213 Terry Shamsie Blvd; Sat. 10:OO AM-6:00 PM, Sun. 10:00 AM-5:00 PM; Admission $5.00 for a 2 day pass, Children 12 & under free with adults; Scouts in uniform free: hourly door prizes, grand prize drawing, raffle, touch table, mineral & gem identification, demonstrations, 20 + case exhibits, silent auction, kids wheel of rocks, 25 + dealers, fluorescent case, rocks, minerals, fossils, slabs, cabs, rough, gemstone jewelry, tools equipment, books, geodes. handmade jewelry, amber, agates, petrified wood, and much more. ; contact Linda Simpson, 1302 Annapolis Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78415, (361) 877-5820; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: Mar 7-8—BIG SPRING, TEXAS: Annual show; Big Spring Prospectors Club, Howard County Fair Barn; Big Spring Rodeo Grounds; Sat. 9:00 A.M-5:00 P.M, Sun. 10:00 AM-5:00 P.M; Admission Free; contact Lola Lamb, 2200 Cecilia, Big Spring, TX 79720, (243) 263-3340; e-mail: [email protected] Mar 21-22—SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS: 54TH ANNUAL FIESTA OF GEMS; Southwest G&M Society; 8111 Meadow Leaf Dr (corner of I-410 West and Marbach); Sat. 10AM-6PM, Sun. 10AM-4PM; Admission $5, Seniors $3, Students $2, Children $1; contact Robert Bowie, (21O) 860 2830; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: Apr 11—AUSTIN TX: Austin G&M Society's 2015 Rock Swap; 9am to 3pm, 6719 Burnet Lane; gems, minerals, fossils; club house tours; potluck lunch; KIDS activities; raffles; free admission, free parking; also, the Texas Faceters' Guild will be selling gemstones and rough, and giving demonstrations; Anyone who is a member of any SCFMS-affiliated club can be a dealer: beginning March 1, submit your name for booth space or inside space, to 1st VP Les Postlethwait at 512-458-9546 (Voicemail ONLY) or <[email protected]>; names will be drawn from a hat. Setup time is 8am. Apr 11-12—ABILENE, TEXAS: Show and sale; Central Texas Gem & Mineral Society, Abilene Civic Center; N. 6th and Pine; Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4; adults $3, students (6-12) $1.50, children (under 6) and Scouts in uniform free; exhibits, Wheel of Fortune, dealers, fossils, rare minerals, cut and uncut gems, fluorescent display, lapidary supplies and rough, jewelry making equipment, beads, crack your own geode, silent auction, door prizes, grand prize drawing; contact Kay H. McDaniel, 3118 Woodglen Cove, Abilene, TX 79606, (325) 668-8558; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: Apr 17-19—ALPINE, TEXAS: Show and sale; Chihuahuan Desert Gem & Mineral Club, Alpine Civic Center; 801 W.Holland Ave. (Hwy.90); Fri. 9:00 am-6:00 pm, Sat. 9:00 am-6:00 pm, Sun. 10:00 am-4:00 pm; FREE Admission!; contact Judith Brueske, PO Box 1111`, Alpine, TX 79831, (432) 244-9503; e-mail: [email protected] Apr 25-26—WACO, TEXAS: Annual show; Waco Gem & Mineral Club, Extraco Events Center; 4601 Bosque Blvd., Creative Arts Bldg.; Sat. 9-6, Sun. 11-5; adults $5, students and children $1; contact Andrew McDonald, 3039 Spring Valley Rd., Lorena, TX 76655, (254) 366-3846; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: For more shows at later dates, or outside Texas, visit: <> Fredericksburg Rockhounds News! February 2015! Page 6 of 8 Virginia Klenzing, Jan 3 Tom Carswell, Jan 8 Keith King, Jan 11 Yvonne Starr, Jan 13 Sue Burkhart, Jan 15 Sandra White, Jan 15 Patti Felts, Jan 16 Wesley McFall, Jan 16 Tom Moyes, Jan 16 Carolyn Roup, Jan 21 Curt Eicher, Jan 22 The February birthstone is Amethyst; the flowers are Violet & Primrose Newsletter Articles and Club Info Articles for NEXT month’s newsletter must be submitted by the 20th of THIS month. A copy of the Club MEMBERSHIP LIST is available via email in PDF format, or via paper mail. Contact Bill or Cheryl Wildfong at [email protected] or 830-896-8940. The Club CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS are posted on our website: Say that again? John Roup says he has been asked many times how to pronounce mineral names, and he recommends the Mineralogical Database at <> (we have a link to it on our FR website). In addition to photos and detailed data on more than 4700 minerals, it can speak the pronunciations. Click on the “A to Z” tab, select a mineral from the alphabetical list, and click on its pronunciation icon. The sound comes up instantly on our desktop computer; but we couldn't get the sound on our iPad, and it's slow and clumsy on our Android smart phone. So, if you're at your desktop or laptop computer, enjoy the spoken names! Fredericksburg Rockhounds News! Our constitution says: “Any member who has not paid his/her membership dues by January 31 will be automatically dropped from the membership rolls.” However, weʼre giving yʼall an extra month. If you havenʼt paid your dues yet, please give them to John at the February meeting, or mail a check (made out to Fredericksburg Rockhounds) to John Roup, 1909 Summit Top Dr, Kerrville, TX 780288915. Theyʼre still just $3 for juniors (under 19 years), $8 for individuals, and $15 for families. FINAL WARNING: ANYONE WHO HAS NOT PAID THEIR 2015 DUES BY THE END OF FEBRUARY WILL BE REMOVED FROM OUR MAILING LIST. February 2015! Page 7 of 8 Purpose of the Fredericksburg Rockhounds: To share knowledge and appreciation of gems, minerals, fossils, and other natural wonders, and the art of jewelry making. We do this through educational monthly meetings, field trips, an annual gem, mineral, & fossil show, and donations to schools. We’re affiliated with the American Federation of Mineral Societies, and the South Central Federation of Mineral Societies. Membership and Meetings: We meet at 7:00 P.M. on the first Monday of each month at the Golden Hub Senior Center, 1009 N Lincoln, Fredericksburg, Texas (except in June, when we have our annual picnic). See map, below. Annual dues are $3 for juniors (under 19 years), $8 for individuals, and $15 for families; due in January. Newsletter correspondence, membership lists, and newsletter advertising: Bill & Cheryl Wildfong, 342 West Water St, Kerrville, TX 78028; phone: 830-896-8940, email: [email protected] All other correspondence: Fredericksburg Rockhounds, 110 N. Milam PMB 197, Fredericksburg TX 78624 Check our our website at for more club info, field trip news, club photos, and lots of interesting hobby-related website links. Club Officers for 2015: President: Frank Rowell, 325-247-1987 1st Vice President: Tom Carswell, 830-792-2160 2nd Vice President: Karen Anderson, 830-792-3560 Past President: Jim Gedeon, 830-685-3342 Treasurer: John Roup, 830-896-4955 Secretary: Shelly Verstuyft, 830-998-7350 Committee Chairs: Programs: Karen Anderson, 830-792-3560 Field Trips: Patti Felts, 325-247-1987 and Sam Rodgers, 210-240-7721 Hospitality: Susan Olson, 830-997-8516 Membership: Frank Rowell, 325-247-1987 Historian: (vacant) Media Equipment: John Crone, 830-669-2639 Annual Show: Jim Gedeon, 830-685-3342 Newsletter: Bill & Cheryl Wildfong (see above) Fredericksburg Rockhounds News! February 2015! Page 8 of 8
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