The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31st– February 1st, 2015 The people were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority... Weekly Liturgies Mass Schedule Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. Saturday: 4:30 a.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Sunday: 6:00 p.m. Communion Services Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. Thursday: 8:00 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration/ Holy Hour & Benediction Sunday: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Contact Information St. Paul Catholic Church 622 South Beach Street Plainfield, WI 54966-9637 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Office: 715.335.4314 Fax: 715.335.6016 Website: “Like us” on Facebook Clergy Parish Coordinator: Deacon Jim Trzinski cell phone: 920.240.1968 [email protected] Tues. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., and before and after Masses on weekends Administrator: Rev. David Greskowiak Office: 920.787.3848 [email protected] For medical emergency requiring the Sacrament of Anointing: 920.765.3382 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Office Administrative Assistant: Marsha Hadden-Phillips Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Parish Trustees: Treasurer Trustee: Karen Giese - 920.765.0224 Secretary Trustee: Kate Drmolka - 715.366.4743 Our Mission Statement: To care for each other as Jesus has taught us and to extend that care to others beyond our community. St. Paul Parish is affiliated with the Diocese of Green Bay. Finance Council Chair: Bob Ebben 715.421.9696 Pastoral Council Chair: Cathy Kaminski 715.249.5263 Director of Religious Ed: Carla Murray 715.335.6038 Music Coordinators: Kristin Pfluger and Nicole Marek RCIA Leaders: Linda Golla 715.335.4543 Alice Phillips 715.340.0079 Care Minister Coordinator: Linda Golla 715.335.4543 Cemetery Coordinator: Larry Zalewski 715.335.6725 Funeral Luncheon Coord: Betty Burns 715.366.2821 From the Deacon’s Desk On the Road to Confirmation I had the opportunity to spend some time with the Confirmation Students from our parish this past Wednesday at a retreat led by the Spiritus Team in central Wisconsin with four other parishes. The students are heading into the final phase of preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation which will be held on Sunday, April 12th at St. Joseph Parish in Wautoma. After sharing time with them, I believe and I pray that this group of Confirmation students will help to make a difference in our parish and in our community in the years to come. A number of them participated in our youth mission trip to Kentucky this past year and most are signed up to participate in this year’s mission trip. I would ask that you continue to pray for them as they near the Sacrament of Confirmation and encourage them and their families to continue to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist every Sunday. By our prayers and the graces they receive in the Eucharist, may they be truly open to receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Sarah Chojnacki Lyle Reid Elizabeth Kemnetz Lindsay Knutson Thomas Sachs Dane Sherman Sarah Lauer Zachary Truehl God’s Blessings, Deacon Jim Eucharistic Adoration Opportunities I would like to extend an invitation to you to come and spend some time in a Holy Hour with the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration this Sunday at 5:00 p.m. We will also be having Eucharistic Adoration this coming Friday (First Friday), February 6th from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. This past Wednesday, we celebrated the Feast Day of St. Thomas Aquinas. St. Thomas was a doctor of the church best known for his literal work called the Summa Theologica. When St. Thomas was searching for inspiration for his writings, he would often go and lay his head on the tabernacle as ask for God’s wisdom so that he could write about him in a proper way. Many of the songs/prayers that are used in Eucharistic Adoration were written by St.Thomas Aquinas. In his book Rediscovering Catholicism, Mathew Kelly wrote, “Throughout the history of God’s relationship with humanity, He has constantly been communicating with us. I am convinced that in this modern time it is not that God has stopped speaking to us, but rather that we have stopped listening. And while I believe that God can communicate through anyone and anytime, His preferred venue is still silence and solitude. In the silence, God speaks to us.” Please consider joining us in the silence and beauty of Eucharistic Adoration. Beautiful Retreat Center This past Monday through Wednesday, as part of the Diocesan Shepherd Program, Father David and I attended a retreat/ seminar at the Jesuit Retreat House in Oshkosh. The retreat center is a newly renovated (most parts are new) center on the shores of Lake Winnebago. It is a beautiful facility that the Jesuits run to provide individuals with the opportunity for spiritual retreats. I brought back a number of brochures on their retreat offerings through 2015 and placed them on the information rack in the narthex. They also welcome people to come by and just walk around and spend a few hours in silence with the Lord. I think you would find the retreat center that perfect place to reconnect with your spirituality and strengthen your relationship with God. Kid’s Question of the Week This weekend’s question: This weekend during our Masses, we will have the blessing of throats. What is the name of the saint of whose intercession we will ask for during the blessing? Last Week’s Question and Answer: In the first reading, what is the name of the prophet whom the Lord sent to Niveveh? Jonah Stop by and see Deacon Jim after Mass and give him the answer to receive a small treat. Saturday, Jan. 31st: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - RCIA Classes 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. - Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:30 p.m. - Mass with Rev. Paul Lippert: For Bernice Bemowski by Robert & Mary Feltz Sunday, Feb. 1st: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 a.m. - Mass with Rev. Paul Lippert: For the Members of St. Paul Parish & For Prayers of Healing for Denise Reilley by Mariette Booth After Mass - Fellowship Sunday 5:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration/Holy Hour and Reconciliation 6:00 p.m. - Mass with Rev. David Greskowiak: For Ruth LaBudd by Linda Golla Monday, Feb. 2nd No Prayer Service 7:00 p.m. - Knights of Columbus meeting Tuesday, Feb. 3rd 8:00 a.m. - Mass with Rev. Paul Lippert: For Bernard Lauer by Gene & Pat Reis Wednesday, Feb. 4th 8:00 a.m. - Communion Service Noon - Care Ministry Luncheon Meeting 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. - First Communion Class 6:30 p.m. - Parish Festival Meeting Liturgical Ministries for Feb. 7th – Feb. 8th, 2015 Altar Servers Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Sophie & Lena Reid Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Althea & Grace Murray Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Madeline & Owen Creamer Proclaimers Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Karen Giese Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Cathy Bielmeier Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Youth Volunteer Sacristans Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Martin Pionke Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Frank Soborowicz Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Leigh Ann Trzinski Eucharistic Ministers Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Terry Olivas & Terry Callahan Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Frank & Marlene Soborowicz Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Leigh Ann Trzinski & Volunteer Ushers Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Chuck Austin & Tom Hedglin Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Pat Reis & Donna Thoma Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Youth Volunteers Thursday, Feb. 5th 8:00 a.m. - Communion Service Friday, Feb. 6th No Prayer Service 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - First Friday Adoration; sign up sheet in our Narthex Saturday, Feb. 7th: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - RCIA Classes 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. - Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:00 p.m. - Rosary led by our PCCW 4:30 p.m. - Mass with Rev. William Menzel: For Roger Bemowski by Robert & Mary Feltz Sunday, Feb. 8th: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 a.m. - Rosary led by our PCCW 9:00 a.m. - Mass with Rev. William Menzel: For Philip J. Thoma & Prayers for Improved Health for Patty Truett by Donna Thoma 5:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration/Holy Hour and Reconciliation 6:00 p.m. - Mass with Rev. David Greskowiak: For the Members of St. Paul Parish and For Prayers of Healing for Denise Reilley by Mariette Booth Dates to Remember Feb. 1st: Fellowship Sunday after Mass Feb. 2nd: Knights of Columbus meeting at 7:00 p.m. Feb. 4th: Care Ministry & Parish Festival meetings Feb. 9th: PCCW meeting at 6:00 p.m. Feb. 14th: Living River Quartet at Pacelli High School at 7:00 p.m. Feb. 17th: Shrove Tuesday Breakfast after Service; 40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally at St. Bron’s Feb. 18th: Ash Wednesday We have several items in the Lost and Found boxes on top of the coat rack near the restrooms. We also have some jackets and snow pants that have been hanging on the coat rack from some time now. Please check the items over and take them home if they are yours. What is left over after Feb. 1st will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store or Goodwill. Thanks! Bishop’s Appeal 2015; Building Disciples of Christ Parish Festival Meeting The 2015 Bishop’s Appeal will kick off next weekend, February 7th and 8th. Bishop David Ricken thanks us for our 2014 support of the Bishop’s Appeal. The 2014 campaign raised over $5.5 million to benefit the programs and ministries of our Diocese. The Diocese is NOT increasing the Bishop’s Appeal overall goal from last year, which is $5.1 million. For the six out of the last seven years, the goal has remained the same. This year, our parish goal is $9,138. The Parish Festival Committee will meet this Wednesday, February 4th at 6:30 p.m. in the parish social hall to continue preparations for the 2015 St. Paul Parish Festival. Topics to be covered will include updates on Saturday evening expansion, music/entertainment, committee chair updates, corn roast, sponsorships, promotions, and discussion on the main raffle prizes and more. Your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal helps many different organizations within the diocese such as Catholic Charities, Catholic Schools, priest and deacon formation programs, and adult faith learning programs, just to name a few. During the next few months, we will be sharing stories and information on the 2015 Bishop’s Appeal. This week’s question is: Why Give to the Bishop’s Appeal? And the king will say to them in reply, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 24:40 Your gift to the Bishop’s appeal will help in countless ways. Care ministers are trained to go out and help the homebound and hurting members of their parish. Children and families are able to attend lively, interactive education programs learning the Word of God. A young woman in an abusive relationship is able, through counseling with Catholic Charities, to stand on her own feet. Families seeking to adopt are connected with newborn babies. Your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal makes happy endings possible. 91% of every $1.00 goes to the ministries and services of the Diocese of Green Bay-right here in northeastern Wisconsin to the benefit of our friends, family and neighbors. Make a tremendous difference, and give to the Bishop’s Appeal. What you give is less important than the spirit in which you give, and even small donations add up to large donations. Next week’s question: How many people are helped through the Bishop’s Appeal? An informational mailing has been delivered to all families within the diocese. To make a gift today contact your parish, or visit the Bishop’s Appeal website at This year’s Parish Festival will be held on Saturday, August 1st and Sunday, August 2nd. If you are interested in becoming a part of the planning for this year’s festival, please join us at our meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting, but would be interested in helping to sponsor the music, raffle prizes or some other event at the festival, please contact Deacon Jim. Join your Parish Family for Fellowship Sunday this Sunday after Mass in our Parish Hall. All are Welcome! Dining With the Deacon Recap This last Friday, Deacon Jim hosted another “Dining with the Deacon”, a chance for parishioners and friends to gather after Service in an informal setting to discuss Parish or Church issues. This month’s breakfast was a potluck in our Parish Hall and Deacon Jim shared information with 16 participants about our 2015 Parish Festival plans; the Bishop’s Appeal; the Living River Concert sponsored by our Respect Life Committee; Stations of the Cross times, before Masses during Lent; our Youth Mission Trip; and more! Deacon Jim has tentatively scheduled the next “Dining with the Deacon” on Feb. 24th so watch our bulletin for the location. And remember all are welcome! Our Parish Mission Team has Valentines Day cards available in our Parish Hall card rack. Please stop by the rack and see the many card types available. Parish Council of Catholic Women (PCCW) Update SCRIP News Do you shop at any of these stores? 1) Last Monday evening, four ladies finished up the cleaning of our parish kitchen. They polished the cabinets, cleaned the microwave and vent hood, and scrubbed the counters. After their work was completed, they shared a meal of pizza, appetizers, and dessert. Special thanks to Ann Hintz, Bernie Sherman, Ruth Ann Meyer, and Marsha Hadden-Phillips. Thanks also to Gary Phillips for taking down and cleaning the light and ceiling vent covers. 2) We will have a specially scheduled meeting on Monday, February 9th to discuss our annual donations and the disbursement of funds. All women of the parish are members of our St. Paul PCCW and are encouraged to attend these wonderful events. Knights of Columbus News Our Knights of Columbus will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Officers are asked to meet at 6:30 p.m. The Knights invite you to join a rosary service just before our Masses the weekend of February 14th at 4:00 p.m. and February 15th at 8:30 a.m. If you do, we have these SCRIP gift cards available for Cash & Carry after our weekend Masses! DID YOU KNOW - You can use the Kohl's gift card to pay your Kohl's bill! You can also place an order online for SCRIP gift cards with some of these retailers, to name a few: Applebee’s - Best Buy - Cabela’s - Chili’s Grill Denny’s - Younkers - CVS Pharmacy - Menards Kmart - Target - Pizza Hut - Shopko How does SCRIP work? Step #1: Our PCCW purchases merchant gift cards for Cash & Carry, or you place on order online at Step #2: (Example) You buy a $10 gift card for $10 to use. Step #3: Our PCCW receives a rebate into their Piggy Bank so that Youth Events within our Parish can be funded. It’s a WIN-WIN for 2015! Kate Drmolka - St. Paul SCRIP Coordinator TEACH MY PEOPLE TO PRAY A Day of Prayer with Bishop Ricken Saturday, February 21, 2015 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. St. Mary Magdalene Parish - Waupaca Last Sunday evening, the Knights and their guests celebrated their annual Christmas dinner at Silvercryst in Wautoma. A great time was had by all! For more information on our Knights of Columbus, please contact Grand Knight, Jim Callahan at 715-249-5657 Please join Bishop David Ricken for a day to renew and deepen your prayer life. The schedule for the day consists of presentations on prayer, as well as personal reflection time. All are welcome; free of charge! Lunch is provided. Register today at or 920-272-8194. Pre-registration is required. Living River Quartet Pro-Life Fundraiser on Saturday, February 14th To help raise money to support the Pro-Life efforts in our parish and in the surrounding communities, our St. Paul Respect Life Ministry will be sponsoring the Living River Quartet on Saturday, February 14th at 7:00 p.m. at the Pacelli High School Auditorium in Stevens Point. Living River was originally organized in 1987, and has presented concerts in churches and at many events throughout the Midwest. The men of Living River are friends who enjoy praising God together in word and song. The music presented by Living River is a blend of contemporary praise and worship, a cappella, and gospel styles. The lyrics reflect the light that only Jesus Christ can bring to a hurting world, and it is this message that they wish to bring to others. Ticket prices for the event are: Adults: $10 ($12 at the door) Students: $7 6 and under: Free Tickets will be available for sale after Masses or they can be purchased through our Parish Office. If you would like to participate in the planning of this event, please contact Dave Senft or Deacon Jim. First Choice Baby Bottle Campaign — “Change to Change a Life” During the month of January, we had First Choice Pregnancy Resource Center baby bottles available for you to take home and to fill up to help support the First Choice Ministry. During the past year, the number of clients has grown dramatically at First Choice Pregnancy Resource Center, primarily due to the implementation of the Ultra Sound Procedures at both the Stevens Point and the Wisconsin Rapids locations. The centers are continually helping more and more women and men who find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy. Through the use of the ultra sound screenings, more and more are electing to choose life for their unborn babies. As you know, our parish’s “Fill the Crib” Campaign this past year provided over 600 items to the centers to assist young fathers and mothers in caring for their new babies. Through the baby bottle program, we hope to continue to make a difference in the lives of the unborn in central Wisconsin. Please consider taking a baby bottle home with you and using your “change” to “change a life”. We ask that all baby bottles be returned this weekend and thank you for your support. If you have any questions on the program, please contact Deacon Jim or Leigh Ann for more information. 40 Days for Life Spring Kick Off Rally Stevens Point 40 Days for Life will be hosting their Spring Kick Off Rally on Tuesday, February 17th, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. The rally will be held at St Bronislava Church in Plover. The Keynote Speaker will be Marie Fleisner from “Silent No More”, whose members have been directly affected by abortion. You don’t want to miss this! Dinner will be provided as well as details on how you can get involved with the local campaign. Please join us! For questions, contact Dave Senft, Stevens Point Campaign Leader at [email protected] or 715-347-6678. You can also find us on Facebook. Feb. 10th Pro-Life Legislative Conference in Madison Wisconsin Right to Life is sponsoring a Pro-Life Legislative Conference in Madison on Tuesday, February 10th from 8 am - 1 pm, to discuss current political goals in Wisconsin and to connect participants with their legislators. If you are interested, register at (where you can find complete information on the conference) no later than Sunday, Feb. 8. Portage County Walk and Rally of Life 2015 Last Sunday afternoon, over 150 people joined together for the Portage County Chapter of Wisconsin Right to Life’s annual WALK & RALLY FOR LIFE, commemorating the 1973 Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion. The 2:00 p.m. rally started with prayer at the County Courthouse steps and finished at the Lee S. Dreyfus Room at the UWSP University Center where there was a viewing of the film “40”, a film that is a wake up call for America that investigates the aftermath of legalized abortion over the last 40 years. Please welcome Christine Kuffel Miller of Hancock to our Parish. 8th Annual Heroes Musicales Benefiting the American Red Cross Local Disaster Relief and Service to the Armed Forces Saturday, May 16th at the home of John & Vicki Jenks. Reservations required - Book early! More information on our entryway easel. B. Andrew’s Radio-Dinner Theatre On Friday, Feb. 13th, there will be a B. Andrew’s RadioDinner Theatre with B. Andrews at the Hancock Community Center. The Radio-Dinner Theatre is a dinner show that is using a “Mock” radio program for entertainment. There will be music by B. Andrews, a skit featuring “Babit & Christello” and a game show with “sweet” prizes! After dinner, the candy counter will be open featuring handmade chocolates. A spaghetti dinner with all the fixings will be served for $10 per person. Please RSVP by calling 715-249-5698 or email: [email protected]. There are flyers available on a stand in our Narthex. Knowing Your Catholic Faith This Sunday, most of us will be watching the Super Bowl on television and some may be even lucky enough to actually be at the big game. As you know, sports play a large part in our lives. I wanted to share with you an article that I found this week on the Catholic Church’s position on sports, most notably that of one of our newest saints, St. John Paul II. At the request of the late John Paul II, an office was set up at the Vatican called Church and Sport in 2005. That year, the Pontifical Council for the Laity also held its first international symposium on the global phenomenon of sport. One of the 50 participants from around the world invited to the conference was Robert Feeney, a religion teacher at Bishop O’Connell High School in Arlington and author of “The Catholic Ideal: Exercise and Sports” (Ignatius Press, 2005). “John Paul always said that God has a plan for sports,” Feeney said. “He said what we have to do, we have to get involved with sports as it is today and try to improve things that need to be improved on and encourage people to use sports as a gift. John Paul called sports God’s gift to man. He actually went that far. He said sports is God’s gift and what we have to do is find out what His will is for sports. Then he encouraged physical educators to really think about this and to involve themselves in the reordering of sports according to God’s plan, and that was John Paul’s wordage actually, to reorder sports according to God’s will.” According to Feeney, John Paul II, who died in 2005 at age 84, was considered the “Athlete Pope.” Feeney even has a picture of John Paul kicking a soccer ball on the cover of his book. Besides playing soccer, the pope ran track in high school, swam, kayaked, skied and hiked mountains. “He’s the only pope in the history of the Catholic Church that’s ever been called God’s athlete,” Feeney said. “He said that sports is a great arena, a great means of evangelization, especially toward the young. I think the Pope just wanted the Catholic Church to get involved. John Paul wanted to get on the path in that area.” “Thomas Aquinas, one of the great saints of the Catholic Church, always taught that exercise is the medicine of the soul,” said Feeney. “Basically, the Catholic Church has always seen the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and encouraged our members to take care of their bodies.” They also sounded cautionary warnings about rampant abuses in sports – commercialization, a win-at-allcosts mentality and performance-enhancing drug use. “John Paul II thought if you play sports and all you do is concentrate on winning, you sort of take the fun out of it because of the pressure,” Feeney said. “That you should engage in sports for the fun of it, for the relaxation, being on the team and working toward a common goal and also developing your body, but not to stress too much on winning. “John Paul always thought that to develop the all-around integrated personality, that includes values of sportsmanship, fair play, loyalty. He talked about self-control. He talked about strengthening the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. But he always said that physical educators really have to get involved in trying to reorder sports so that it’s not so commercialized, doing it for fame and glory, but to see sports as a means of relaxing your body, developing it, strengthening it, and to engage with other people toward a common goal. John Paul was really big about that because he played on a lot of teams when he was young.” by Kathy Orton ---Deacon Jim Chili Dinner 4 Chaplains Interfaith Memorial Service The Tri-County National Honor Society is sponsoring their annual Chili Dinner on Tuesday, February 17th at the Tri-County High School Cafeteria from 4 - 6:50 p.m. Chili, cornbread, crackers, dessert and beverages will be served. VFW’s, American Legions and Auxiliaries are all invited to participate in the Four Chaplains Service on Tuesday, February 3rd at 11:00 a.m. at St. John Catholic School in Princeton, WI. On Feb. 3rd, 1943, the USAT Dorchester was tragically sunk but many lives were saved due to the heroic Four Chaplains. This service is a tribute to those courageous Chaplains and to the 672 brave young men who lost their lives. Adults: $5.00 Children (6-10): $3.00 5 & Under: FREE Gift card raffles offered. The public is welcome.
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