This Week’s Calendar Monday 2nd February - Psalm 1; 1 Corinthians 12:12-end Daily Intention: Deanery Synod. For the sick: Les Bowden, Michael Lucas, Tonya and Jane Meakin 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist Tuesday 3rd - Psalm 5; 1 Corinthians 13 Daily Intention: The Church in Denmark. For the sick: Leonie Warwick, John Hill, Trevor Beard and Sarah Mortimer 9.15am Morning Prayer & Eucharist for Healing and Wholeness 7.40pm Meditation Group Wednesday 4th - Psalm 119:1-32; 1 Corinthians 14:1-19 Daily Intention: ARC. For the sick: Daniel Green, Trevor Stott and Jake 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist Thursday 5th - Psalm 15; 1 Corinthians 14:20-end Daily Intention: The Mothers’ Union. For the sick: Kate Wood, Dottie Latham, Margot Edmunds and Anais 10.00am Mothers’ Union Prayer Group Evening Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion is said daily 12.30am Requiem Eucharist - The Ven Peter Bridges at 5.30pm Friday 6th - Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 16:1-9 Daily Intention: Those being married this month. For the sick: Megan Sutton, Luke & Jake Berry, Derek Harper and Rosemary Holmes 8.00am Morning Prayer & Eucharist Saturday 7th - Psalm 23; 1 Corinthians 16:10-end Daily Intention: Those being baptised this month. For the sick: Diana Johnson, Beth Hingley and Barbara Parker Parish Pilgrimage to The Holy Land 9.15am Morning Prayer & Eucharist Readings for next Sunday: Sunday 8th Daily Intention - The Life of Faith 8 & 10am: Proverbs 8:1, 22-31; 8.00am Eucharist Psalm 104:26-end; Colossians 10.00am Sung Eucharist and Sunday School 1:15-20; John 1:1-14 12.15pm Holy Baptism 6.30pm: Psalm 65; Genesis 6.30pm Choral Evensong 2:4b-end; Luke 8:22-35 7.00pm Sundays @ 7 at St Swithun’s Welcome to the Abbey Church of St Mary and St Ethelflaeda & St Swithun’s, Crampmoor. Refreshments served in the Church Rooms after the 10am service Candlemas 1st February 2015 8.00am Celebrant Eucharist Revd Bryan Taphouse 10.00am Sung Eucharist Celebrant & Preacher Canon Tim Sledge Deacon Revd Liz Pickett Hymns Processional 157, Gradual This little light, Offertory Christ be our light, Communion Be still, Post-Communion Walk in the light Setting Mass of St Benedict - Rizza Motet Nunc Dimittis - Wood Voluntary Fugue on Wir glauben all an einen Gott - J S Bach Prayers & Anointing for Healing are available in St Anne’s Chapel after the service 10.00am Celebrant Morning Worship at St Swithun’s Mrs Averil Bamber 12.15pm Leader Holy Baptism Canon Tim Sledge 4.00pm Sundays @ 4 in the Church Rooms 6.30pm Choral Evensong with Christchurch Priory Choristers Canon Tim Sledge Canon John Reynolds 362, 187, 44, 157 122 Archer Haggai 2:1-9; John 2:18-22 Fiat lux - Dubois Celebrant Preacher Hymns Psalm Responses Readings Voluntary Readings for today Collect Lord Jesus Christ, light of the nations and glory of Israel: make your home among us, and present us pure and holy to your heavenly Father, your God, and our God. Amen. First reading: Malachi 3:1-5 The prophet foretells the coming of “the messenger of the covenant”, who will purify his people “like a refiner’s fire”. The Lord will then draw near, and sit in judgement on those who do not fear the Lord. Second reading: Hebrews 2:14-18 Jesus shares the same flesh and blood as the rest of humanity. He identified with us so that he might ultimately destroy death, and our fear of death. He is “a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God” and because he himself suffered, he is able to help us in our suffering. Gospel reading: Luke 2:22-40 Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple to fulfil the requirements of the Law of Moses. There they meet the elderly servants of God, Simeon and Anna, whose prophecies give the parents puzzling glimpses of Jesus’ destiny. Post Communion Prayer Lord, you fulfilled the hope of Simeon and Anna, who lived to welcome the Messiah: may we, who have received these gifts beyond words, prepare to meet Christ Jesus when he comes to bring us to eternal life; for he is alive and reigns, now and for ever. Amen. Priest at Font: Revd Michael Starr Sub-Deacon: Nick Virgo Communion Assistants: Rachael Gregson, Jennifer Herriott, Peter Gregson and Nigel Herriott Reader at 6.30pm: Adrienne Mordan NOTICES There will be a Requiem Eucharist for VEN PETER BRIDGES on Thursday 5th February at 12.30pm. The family extend an open invitation to the whole congregation and to refreshments afterwards in the church rooms. WELCOME TABLE - for anyone new to the Abbey, there are details of the parish’s varied life and activities on the table by the font. New SERVERS needed - full training given - if you are interested and would like to find out more, please see Chris Harpham. Join us this evening at 6.30pm when we welcome the Girls’ Choir from CHRISTCHURCH PRIORY to sing Evensong with our Girls’ Choir. Friends of Romsey Abbey TALK Wednesday 25th February at 3pm “Stories behind the stained glass” - open to everyone - tickets £4 on the door (£3 to members in advance). We are keen to include more of our congregation in the Sundays@4 MINISTRY. If you would be able to support with craft activities/making music/Bible story telling/catering, etc please speak to Margaret How (07443 577477) or see a Churchwarden. EXPLORING THE CREED sessions led by Revd Brian Pickett and Sarah Hargreaves in the church rooms on Mondays 2nd & 9th February at 7.30pm. PUB QUIZ arranged by the Fellowship and Fund-raising group at the Star in the Horsefair on Thursday 5th February at 7.30pm. Cost is only £1.50 including substantial refreshments. Raffle too. Do join us! WEDDING FAIR - Sunday 15th February from 1-4pm. If you know someone planning a wedding soon, please invite them along. Volunteers to meet and greet visitors needed please - see a churchwarden or contact the parish office if you can help. Update on ABBEY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - you are all invited to a meeting in the church rooms after the Sunday morning service on 1st March between 11.15am and 12.15pm so that we can give you an update on the project. Things have moved on quite a bit since we last spoke and this will be a chance to communicate our thinking. Date for your diary - PARISH AFTERNOON TEA in the church rooms on Sunday 8th March between 3-5pm. Please come and enjoy tea and home made cake - everyone welcome, transport available - more information soon. The Art of Mindful Living - Introductory workshop to MINDFULNESS Tuesday 14th April at Wisdom House 9.30am - 1pm. Poster on What's On in Town and Triangulate noticeboards. This year’s APCM will be held on Wednesday 29th April 2015 in the Abbey at 7.30pm.
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