CV - Imperial College London

Jacek Pawlak
Nationality: Polish
Contact details
Phone (office): +44 (0) 20 7594 6086
E-mail: [email protected]
Correspondence Address:
Room 602, Centre for Transport Studies
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Skempton Building,
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
London, United Kingdom SW7 2AZ
Dr Jacek Pawlak is a Research Associate at Imperial College London. His background is in
Economics and Geography (UCL), and Transport Studies (Imperial College and UCL). In 2014 he
completed his doctoral research on modelling the interactions between Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) and travel behaviour (supervised by Prof. John Polak, Prof. David
Gann, and Dr. Aruna Sivakumar). He has also worked in the areas of time use research, in particular
multitasking and travel time activities, as well as valuation of travel time savings. He has also been
involved in teaching on travel demand modelling, microeconomics and quantitative methods at the
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London. Since April 2014, he
has been co-operating closely with Cisco Collaborative Research and Emerging Technologies
(CREATE) unit on multiple proof-of-concept and prototyping projects in the area of connectivity and
transport systems operation, and involving various academic, industrial, and public stakeholders. In
addition, since August 2014, he has joined cross-departmental EPSRC-funded Digital City Exchange
project at Imperial College. Outside academia, Dr Pawlak is a passionate sailor, traveller, tour guide,
and HAM radio operator.
 Transport demand and travel behaviour modelling;
 Relationships between Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and
travel behaviour;
 Valuation of travel time savings;
 Time use and productivity of an individual;
 Data fusion techniques.
 Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London: Postdoctoral
Research Associate – Digital City Exchange and Cisco CREATE, London,
United Kingdom, August 2014-present.
 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College
London: Teaching Assistant (certified by the Faculty of Engineering,
Imperial College) – Microeconomics (Business Management component of
MSc programmes); Transport Demand Modelling (Intercollegiate MSc in
Transport); SPSS Use; London, United Kingdom, 2011-2014;
 University College London: First Year Students’ Mentor – Student Transition
Programme, London, United Kingdom, 2007-2009;
 Department of Geography, University College London: Assistant to Map
Librarian – London, United Kingdom, 2007-2009.
 Tour Leader (PT) – European countries, 2007-present;
 Sailing Yachts Skipper (PT, private charterers) – Croatia, Greece, Italy,
Montenegro, Spain, 2006-present;
 Foreign Office of Berlin Fairs in Poland: Assistant (PT, remote) – Poznań,
Poland, 2005-2010;
 KS POSNANIA Yachting Club: Sailing Instructor – Poznań, Poland, 20082009;
Curriculum Vitae – Jacek Pawlak – Updated January 2015
 Centre for Transport Studies and Digital Economy Centre, Imperial College
London (United Kingdom), PhD, Thesis: Modelling the relationships between
ICT and travel behaviour, 2010-2014;
 Imperial College London, University College London (United Kingdom) MSc,
DIC, Intercollegiate MSc in Transport, 2009-2010;
 University College London (United Kingdom), BSc(Econ) Economics and
Geography, 1 Class Honours, 2006-2009;
 International Baccalaureate Diploma (Poland), IB School No.1002, Diploma
awarded with 42/45 points, Poznań, Poland, 2003-2006.
 PhD studentship - EPSRC, Centre for Transport Studies and Digital Economy
Centre, Imperial College London, UK, 2010-2014;
 The Polish Prime Minister’s Scholarship for high school students in
school year 2005/2006, Poznan, Poland, 2005-2006.
 Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Student
Member, 2014-present.
 International Association for Travel Behaviour Research, Member 2012present;
 Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers),
Postgraduate Fellow, 2012-present;
 Transport Modellers Forum, Member, 2012-present.
 The Smeed Prize Runner-Up for the Best Student Paper, UK Universities'
Transport Study Group (UTSG), awarded at the 46th UTSG Conference,
January 2014, Newcastle, UK for the paper 'On the Move: How Can We Model
In-travel Activity Choice and Productivity in the Era of Nomadism and
 CI9-T-05: Transport Demand and its Modelling – Graduate (MSc) in
Transport Programme, co-conveyor.
 CI3-370: Transport Systems – 3 Year Undergraduate in Civil Engineering
(MEng) Programme, co-conveyor.
 Programming Languages: Ox, R, Python, Maple (basic);
 Statistical Packages: SPSS, MiniTab;
 Discrete Choice Modelling: BIOGEME;
 Structural Equations Modelling: LISREL, lavaan (R).
 OmniTrans; Protege (basic);
 MS Office package;
 Postdoctoral Development Centre, Imperial College London:
o Writing for Non-native English Speakers, December 2014;
o Fire Safety, September 2014;
 Essentials of Project Management for Engineers and Scientists,
Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford, July 2014;
 Graduate School Courses, Imperial College London:
o Intellectual Property and its Importance to Researchers, June 2014;
o Introduction to Business Marketing, June 2014;
o Introduction to Organisational Behaviour, June 2014;
Curriculum Vitae – Jacek Pawlak – Updated January 2015
o Grant Writing, October 2013;
o Assessment and Marking Skills for Research Students, October 2011;
o Stress Management: PhD and Beyond, May 2011;
o Effective Communication Skills, November 2010;
o Time Management, November 2010;
o Efficient Reading, November 2010;
o Assertiveness, November 2010.
 Polish native;
 English proficient;
 German intermediate.
 Tour Leader (certified) (since 2007);
 Sailing and Motorboat Skipper (since 2006), ISSA Level 1 (since 2006);
 Driving Licence, cat. B, clean (since 2006).
Pawlak, J., J.W. Polak and A. Sivakumar (2014) ‘Towards a
microeconomic framework for modelling the joint choice of activity–travel
Pawlak, J., J.W. Polak and A. Sivakumar (2014) ‘Digital Behaviour and
Physical Mobility: A Cross-National Analysis’. In Roorda, M. and E. Miller (eds)
Travel Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospects. Toronto:
International Association for Travel Behaviour Research.
Pawlak, J., J.W. Polak, A. Sivakumar and D. Gann (2015) ‘Investigating
Diffusion of Relationships between ICT and Travel Behaviour by Pooling
Independent Cross-sections across Time’. 94
Annual Meeting of
Transportation Research Board, 11-15 January, Washington D.C., USA;
Pawlak, J., J.W. Polak and A. Sivakumar (2014) ‘Microsimulation-based
Estimation of Value of Employer’s Business Traveller’s Value of Time:
Comparison with the Current Estimation Practices and Implications for the
Investment Appraisal’. 93 Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,
12-14 January, Washington D.C., USA;
Pawlak, J., J.W. Polak and A. Sivakumar (2013) ‘Making Productive Use
of the Wasted: A Behavioural Model of Activity Choice for Business Travel and
Implications of ICT Use for In-travel Productivity’. 3 International Choice
Modelling Conference, 3-5 July, Sydney, Australia;
Pawlak J., A. Sivakumar and J.W. Polak (2013) ‘An Imputation Approach
to the Fusion of Travel Diary and Lifestyle Data: Application to the Analysis of
the Interaction of ICT and Physical Mobility’, New Technologies and Techniques
for Statistics (NTTS) 2013 Conference, 6-8 March, Brussels, Belgium.
Pawlak J., A. Sivakumar and J.W. Polak (2012) ‘Digital Lifestyle, Physical
Mobility and Value of Time in the Age of Nomadism and Polychronicity’.
European Transport Conference, 8-10 Octobr, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Pawlak, J., A. Sivakumar, and J.W. Polak and (2012) ‘Digital Behaviour
and Physical Mobility: A Cross-country Structural Equation Approach’.
International Association for Travel Behaviour Research Conference, 15-19 July,
Toronto, Canada;
Curriculum Vitae – Jacek Pawlak – Updated January 2015
Pawlak, J., A. Sivakumar, and J.W. Polak and (2012) ‘Tele-activities and
Time Use Research: Implications of the Rapid Development of ICT from the
Perspective of Time-specific Analysis of Household Activities’. Third Time Use
Observatory Workshop, 21-23 March 2012, Santiago de Chile, Chile;
Pawlak, J., J.W. Polak and A. Sivakumar (2011) ‘The Consequences of
the Productive Use of Travel Time: Revisiting the Goods-Leisure Trade-off in the
Ear of Pervasive ICT’. 2 International Choice Modelling Conference 4-6 July,
Leeds, United Kingdom;
Pawlak, J. and J.W. Polak (2010) ‘Time Allocation and Valuation of Travel
Time Savings in the Presence of Simultaneous Activities’. European Transport
Conference, 11-13 October, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Pawlak, J. (2014) ‘Modelling the Relationships between Information and
Communication Technologies and Travel Behaviour’. PhD Thesis. Centre for
Transport Studies, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial
College London. Supervisors: Prof. John Polak; Prof. David Gann, Dr. Aruna
Pawlak, J. (2010) ‘Time Sharing Activities: A Discrete Choice Modelling
Framework For Travel Time Activities’. MSc Thesis. Centre for Transport
Studies, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College
London. Supervisor: Prof. John Polak;
Pawlak, J. (2009) ‘Can Introduction of a Suburban Train Scheme Reduce
the Traffic Congestion? A Case Study of the Metropolitan Area of Poznan,
Poland’. BSc (Econ) Dissertation. Department of Geography, University College
London. Supervisor: Dr. Martin Sokol.
Relationship between Information and Communication Technologies
and Physical Mobility, Institute for Mobility Research (ifmo), BMW Group, in
collaboration with Prof. John Polak, Dr. Scott Le Vine, and Dr. Aruna Sivakumar,
project value: 65,000 EUR, November 2013-present;
High Street Online Networked Environment (StONE), in collaboration
with Cisco CREATE and KILTR Ltd., project value: 100,000 GBP, Funding:
TSB, June 2014-present;
Stations as a Service (StaaS), in collaboration with Cisco CREATE and
Prof. John Polak, project value: 1,932,467 GBP, Funding: TSB, March 2014present;
FoE Lifestyle Management Services, Faculty of Engineering, Imperial
College London, project value: 10,000 GBP , Funding: FoE, March-April 2011;
Asset Base, United Kingdom Transport Research Centre, project value:
5,250,000 GBP, Funding: EPSRC, October 2010-January 2011.
Cisco CREATE, Digital Enterprise Peninsula, March 2014-present;
Institute for Mobility Research (ifmo), BMW Group, November 2013 present.
 Sailing/ Yachting (incl. cruise organisation and skippering);
 Travelling, Hiking, Jogging, Swimming;
 Geography, History, Radio HAM.
Curriculum Vitae – Jacek Pawlak – Updated January 2015