hiring CDL DRivERs. Offering competitive wages, health insurance 108 E. 12th St., Shamrock. 30-tfn-C and uniforms. Call to apply and ask HELP WANTED: MCNAbb’s about longevity and bonus incentives QuiCk LubE & WAsH is now (806) 323-6161. 4-tfn-D&R hiring service technicians. Experience Parkview Hospital assistant Living is preferred but not required. Great pay. Thursday, February 5, 2015Apply in person. 1100 N. Madden. accepting applications for aid posi42-tfn-MQL tions for all shifts. You can pick up an application Monday-Friday 8 to 5 Posición Housekeeping abierto en at the front office. 19-tfn-PVH Fort Elliott CISD Briscoe Campus. La persona tiene que ser selfmotivatHELP WANTED: Loan Officer HELP WANTED: The City of Help Wanted: Wheeler Nursing position National Bank of ed, capaz de trabajar de forma indeWheeler available is now at taking applications and Rehabyiscomo looking for qualified full pendiente miembro del equiCommerce a branch of First National for a Full-Time Maintenance work- time LVNs. and CNA’s. One LVN po. Las solicitudes están disponible en Bank in Childress,may Pampa, and Shamer. Applications be picked up at is needed for 2 p.m. - 10 p.m. shift. la oficina del Gerente de Negocios en rock. Lending experience required. the City Office, 505 South Alan Bean Another is needed for Friday from 2 501 E. Wilson, Briscoe Texas o llaExperience in Agriculture, Energy or el Blvd, Wheeler, Texas. Mail applicap.m.-10 p.m. and doubles on Saturday mar solicitar uno enviará por correo. Government Loans is helptions to City Guaranty of Wheeler, P.O. Box and ySunday, 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Apply in Teléfono ful but not required. College degree 98, Wheeler, Texas 79096, or take by person. 806-375-2454. 37-WNR-tfn in business, finance, a related City Hall, 505 S Alanor Bean Blvd. field The Help Wanted: 42-2tc-FECISD Oil Field SerWANTED: Wheeler County is helpful.City Above market Wheeler Council has competitive the right to HELP vice Company looking for part time Sheriff’s Office is looking for full-time salary andorbenefits package.Please position requiring experienced office reject any all applications. Will be required to 46-tfn-WC dispatcher/jailer. send resume to jobs@fnbwaupaca. and computer skills. Work hours: 8-5, a flexible schedule including If you. are a friendly about work work com Forlooking more for information Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Starting weekends, and holidays. Must environment, Steak- nights, First National Big Bank Vern’s go to www.fnpay $17/hour. Bilingual a plus. No have a clear check. Comhouse now has openings for the folbwaupaca.com 21-tfn-NBC benefits for background first three months. Send puter knowledge preferred. apply, lowing positions: bartenders Motel 6 is now accepting applications resumes to email address: Tosendre& apply in please email your resume to 32-tfn jenni. forwaitresses. Housekeeping Please and Laundry. [email protected]. person. [email protected] or apply Pick up application at front 49-tfn-BV desk. SHAMROCK GENERAL HOSHelp Wanted: Community personisatpresently 304 Alan L. Bean Blvd, 42-2tc-M6 in PITAL hiring an RN for Printers in Shamrock is in need of part Wheeler, TX 42-2tc-WCSO Wheeler Nursing & Rehabilitation 7p shift. Great benefits and salary. time help. Apply in person. Roustabout workers Please contact Jeanne Crossland, RN, has openings for certified nurse aides. Experienced 43-tfn-CP needed. Must have DL and pass drug BSN, DON at (806) 256-2114; ext If not certified, will train and certify. HELP WANTED: Kelton ISD is test. Apply in person at 101 SANTA 44-tfn-SGH Pleaseaccepting apply in person to Donna or #162. now applications for full FE, MOBEETIE between 8-3. Nurs845Help Wanted: Wheeler Barbra at 1000 S Kiowa Wheeler. time Head Maintenance Director. ing and Rehab needs an MDS Nurse, 1088. 42-4tc-OWPSI 42-3tc-WNR Must have CDL with P S endorse- RN or LVN. Apply in person, see Shamrock General Hospital is now ments or able to obtain. Applications Terrell or Donna. Competitive wages accepting applications for a position can be picked up at Kelton ISD or and benefits. 44-3tc-WNR OUTREACH HEALTH in the business office. Computer downloaded at keltonisd.con under SERVICES Wanted: Part Time Has immediate opening for providers in Human Resource, Ap- Help skills,bilingual and Support medical Staff terminolThe SHAMROCK AREA totime) care forTray the aide (could turn into full plication. Mail applications to: Kelton ogy are a plus. Applications can be elderly and disabled in their homes Must be and cook. Will train. 6-2 mornings ISD Wheeler picked16703 up inFM the2697, business officeTX at 18 + Will train the right candidate. Please or 11-7 afternoons. Callor(806) 826-1355. call MARY 806-373-0986 1-800-800-0697 79096. General Hospital. 46-4tc-KISD Shamrock NO EOE Parkview Hospital Dietary. phone calls please. 42-2tc-SGH 43-tfn-PH LEASE WANTED Start a New Year with a New Career. Join the Garrison Team! Apply WANTED: for deer lease, Parkview Home Health is seeking FT at Shamrock Looking or McLean locations. approximately 400 • acres for Food four or Part Time RN , Day Shift, appliCrossroads Conoco Garrison hunters. (806) 265-5241 (806) 265- cations available at front desk, 901 S. Mart • Garrison Country or Corner. Sweetwater, send resume to kimw@ 5240. 44-3tp-CH 43-2tc-GFM NOTICE OF ELECTION parkviewhosp.org, call Kim or Kelly The City of Wheeler will be 43-2tc-PH holding an at 806-826-1370. election to fill the terms of 3 Council Crude Oil Drivers needed in Sayre. Members. The May 9, 2015 election Qualified applicants must have a clean will fill three full term Council posiClass A CDL with tanker and hazmat tions; Place 1 currently held by Walendorsements. Drivers must also have ter Simmons, Place 3 currently being at least 2 years’ tanker experience. held by Barbra Koelzer, and Place 5 Qualified held applicants can visit our webcurrently by Kendall Hefley. The away from a site at www.aspenridgeoil.com or can first day to apply for a place on the call 940-232-4136 or 2015. 208-436-1302. ballot is January 28, The deadlife free of line to file an application43-4tp-ARO for a place Cross Country Barn is now accepting on the ballot is February 27, 2015. alcoholism/addiction. applications forfile and help. Apply inat Application to may be obtained person atoffice 301 E.located Oklahoma, Wheeler. the City at 505 Alan L. Meetings held at the 43-tfn-CCB Bean Blvd between the hours of 8:00 Hospital is now a.m. to 5:00General p.m. 46-2tc-CW First Baptist Church Shamrock accepting bids for the hospital’s depository funds. For any further inforWheeler, Texas, mation please contact Wiley M. Fires, at 7 p.m. Thursday Administrator at (806) 256-2114. 43-1tc-SGH HELP WANTED PUBLIC NOTICES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Twelve Steps evenings. (806) 367-3752 The family of the late Sherlyn Reed The Wheeler County Com- a motion, which was seconded Case wish to express their deep appreciation to those who have offered missioners Court met in Special by Richard Kincannon, to retain such kindness, support and messag- session on December 16, 2013, Allison, Bass and Associates, es of sympathy and comfort in our with the following in atten- Austin, Texas, to assist in the bereavement. WeCounty especially Star-News-Classifieds wish to for a grant dance: Judge Hefley, Commisprocess of applying thank Erron Mercer, Alberta Helton, sioners Snelgrooes, Hink, Kinfunded by Texas Department Cornerstone Church, those who precannon, and Walker. Margaret of Transportation for a County pared all the wonderful food. Laura Arauz and Wade and Angie Butler Dorman, Clerk of the Court and Energy Transportation Reinboth for catering meals for us, Wendy Louis Stas, Wheeler Times Edi- vestment Zone. This will assist Amanda Nicole Barnes, 33, was Ambrose Jessie Burton, 48, was Help Wanted: The City of in repairing roads damaged as a Hazzard and Shantell Campbell, for tor were also in attendance. Wheeler is accepting applications for indicted on a state jail charge of indicted on a third degree charge access to the Community Center on Court was opened with a result of energy activities in the the position of City Secretary. Brief driving while intoxicated with a of prohibitive substance in correcsuch short notice, Shelly Malone for prayer offered by Richard Kin- county. Their flat rate fee will job description: Serves as adminis- child under 15 years of age. The tional facility alcohol/drug/phone/ assembling the video. be $5,000.00. Motion carried trative secretary to the Mayor and cannon. A7 Gray County indictments City Council, organizes, manages and Eric processes all official records of Case City, Cody,elections, Nicole, Justyn supervises municipal coorand Lyzabeth dinates public meetings of staff,Case the Sammy Case City Council, and boards and ComDensel and Ferncontact Reed missions, primary telephone Jac Reed and families with Andy publicandand performs related and Reed work as required.Doug Work is Julie performed and families under the general direction of the Mikeand andCity Becky Case and families Mayor Council. Applications are available at theCase City and Office, 505 Johnny and Nancy families S Alan Blvd.,Case Wheeler, Texas JimBean and Patty and families 79096.Tim and Ellie Case and 46-2tc-WC families Stacey and Debbie Case and families Darryl Case FOR SALE FOR SALE: Black Composite Bulls for sale: Coming 2 year olds, low birth wt. Range ready, grass raised, no grain. Reproductive efficient, gentle, muscling. Pharo breeding-50% or more Angus. Joe VanZandt 806-845-2101, cell 669-5436. 35-tfn-JVZ Shamrock rental property for sale. 3 Motorcycle sale or trade for small houses all 2 for bedroom., 1 bath. All travel trailer. (806) 275-0340. currently rented. $1,100 monthly income. $75,000 for ALL46-2tp-AB 3. Call FOR SALE: 2008 2500 HD Diesel, 806.334.0382 43-3tp-RP Chevy, 4x4, Z71, leather, loaded, call (806) 898-3030. 46-2tp-AB RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE Wheeler County will accept bids for the following road materials to be used from January 1, 2014, through CheCk December 31, 2014, for the CETRZ project: Redus Shale, Caliche, Gyp of all out grades and any other road base mateon our rial. Bids must be submitted by 10:00 a.m. Monday, January 27, 2014, to website be considered at the Commissioners’ Court meeting. Wheeler County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. All bids must meet all State and Federal Laws and must be good for thirty (30) days. Contact person: Darylwww.countystarnews.com G. Snelgrooes, Box 656, Wheeler,DIGITAL TX, 79096. Office: (806) 826-3186. SUBSCRIPTION Home:JUST (806)$25 826-3027. Cell: (806) PER YEAR. 663-1243. 43-2tc-WC IN COUNTY PAPER Visit us on-line at: SUBSCRIPTION $25 OUT OF COUNTY PAPER countystarnews.com SUBSCRIPTION $40 Visit us on-line at: Give us a call (806) 256-2070 countystarnews.com 52 WEEKLY AIRLINE CAREERS defendant did operate a motor veRETENTION OF ALLISON, hicle in a public place while intoxiBASS AND ASSOCIATES-CEcated by reason of the introduction TRZ: Daryl Snelgrooes of a controlled substance, amade drug, or a dangerous drug into the body, and said vehicle was occupied by a passenger who was then and there younger than 15 years of age. The offense occurred March 28, 2014. Brian Beuerlein Brown, 26, was 1964 was yeardegree the Beatles indicted on the a third charge came to America, Cassius Clay of possession of a controlled substance Muhammad greater than Ali, oneand gram but became three less than grams.were The defencivil rightsfour workers murdant did dered in intentionally Mississippi. or It knowingwas the ly possess a controlled substance, year when Berkeley students rose namely, psilocybin, an amount up in protest, AfricaninAmericans of one back gram against or more injustice but less than fought in four grams. The offense occurred Harlem, and Barry Goldwater’s May 22, 2014. conservative revolution took over Jessie Burton, 48, was the Ambrose Republican Party. In myriad indicted on a third degree charge ways, 1964 was the year when of possession of a controlled subAmericans faced choices: between stance greater than one gram but the liberalism of Lyndon Johnson less than four grams, with a second or Barry Goldwater’s grassroots degree enhancement. The defenconservatism, between support dant did intentionally or knowingor opposition to the civil rights ly possess a controlled substance, movement, between an embrace namely, methamphetamine, in an ofamount the emerging counterculture of one gram or more but orless a defense of traditional than four grams. Thevalues. offense Based in part on The8, Last occurred February 2014.InnoENcent Year: AmericaItinis1964 by Jon HANCEMENT: further preMargolis, some of sented that1964 priorfollows to the commission the most influential figures the2, of the aforesaid offense, on of June time Lyndon Johnson, Barry 1993— in Hennepin, Minnesota, the Goldwater, Friedan —ofbut defendant Betty was convicted the also brings out from the shadows felony offense of murder. the Ambrose stories of ordinary Americans Jessie Burton, 48, whose principled was indicted on stands a first would degree charge of manufacturing/delivery set the country onto a new and of a controlled substance greater different course.“1964 was when, than 400 grams but less than for better or worse, the outlines 200 of grams, with an the America weenhancement live in beganofto15 99 years or life.Writer/Director The defendant beto visible,” says did intentionally or knowingly Stephen Ives. 1964 premieres on possess a controlled American Experience on substance, Tuesday, namely,14,methamphetamine, January 2014, 7:00-9:00 p.m.in an amount of four grams or more on Panhandle PBS. but less than 200 grams. The offense occurred May 13, 2014. ENHANCEMENT: It is further presented prior to the commission of the aforesaid offense, on June 2, 1993, in Hennepin, Minnesota, the defendant was convicted of the felony offense of murder. 1964 An Examination of the Year that Transformed America Come see us @ 212 N. Main Calcet is designed to help Shamrock, TX stop low calcium leg cramps. ISSUES PER YEAR! USED ® BEGIN HERE Become an Aviation Mechanic. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified – Housing available. Job placement assistance CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance Dallas - 800-475-4102 or Houston - 800-743-1392 HEARING NOTICE-CERTZ; Bob Hink made a motion, which was seconded by Richard Kincannon, to authorize the publication of a Notice for Public Hearing in the local papers. Allison and Bass will prepare the Notice and forward to the papers. Motion carried unanimously. lawfully to arrest or detain the PUBLIC HEARING DATE defendant. The offense occurred SET-CERTZ: Richard KincanMay 21, 2014. non made a motion, which was Brandyn Shane Havercroft, 24, by John set tobacco, with a second degree seconded was indicted on aWalker, second to degree unanimously. the Public Hearing date as Deenhancement. The defendant did charge of burglary of habitation. AUTHORIZATION 27, 2013,did, at 9with a.m.intent Mo-to intentionally or knowingly OF take cember The defendant PUBLICATION OF PUBLIC tion carried unanimously. a controlled substance, namely, commit theft, enter a habitation, methamphetamine, into the Gray without the effective consent of County Jail, a correctional facil- owner. The offense occurred Sepity. The offense occurred May tember 24, 2014. 13, 2014. ENHANCEMENT: It Irah Kashaun Horne, 21, was is further presented prior to the indicted on a state jail charge of commission of the aforesaid of- possession of marijuana greater As champagne De- than four ounces but less than five fense, on June 2,popped 1993, inonHennecember 31, 1963,theAmerica’s pin, Minnesota, defendantopwas pounds. The defendant did intenconvicted the felony timism wasoftinged withoffense a deepof tionally or knowingly possess a murder. Just five weeks earlier, usable quantity of marijuana in anxiety. Manuel Carrillo,had 24,been wasassasindict- an amount of five pounds or less President Kennedy ed on a third degree charge of pos- but more than four ounces. The ofsinated, leaving Americans shaken session of a controlled substance and vulnerable. Eight days into the fense occurred May 3, 2014. greater but less than Tramone Larrell Mitchell, 22, new year,than the one newgram President, Lynfour grams. The defendant did inwas indicted on a state jail felony don Johnson, gave his first State tentionally or knowingly possess a charge of possession of marijuana of the Union address, demanding controlled substance, namely, cogreater than four ounces but less an end to racial injustice and an caine, in an amount of one gram or than five pounds. The defendant “unconditional war on poverty in more but less than four grams. The did intentionally or knowingly America.” Only a few days earlier, offense occurred May 2, 2013. possess a usable quantity of marArizona Senator Barry Goldwater Jeremy Len Evans, 41, was in- ijuana in an amount of five pounds had announced his intention to dicted on a third degree charge of ened or less but more than four ounces. by Betty Friedan’s bestseller seek the Republican nomination assault family/household member The TheFeminine offense occurred May 3, 2014. Mystique, millions for president, igniting a conservawith previous conviction. The de- of Eric Ortiz, 22, was indicted on a mostly middle-class women tive movement that would reshape third fendant did intentionally, know- began degree charge of possession to reject their conventional the politics of 1964 andcause transform ingly, or recklessly bodily roles of aincontrolled substance society and embracegreater new the American political landscape injury to victim, a member of the than one gram but less than four identities and new values, sparking for generations to come. defendant’s household, by punch- grams. The defendant did intena feminist movement that would Everywhere in 1964, ing victim in one the looked head and hitting tionally or knowingly possess a American culture. old conventions attitudes were transform victim with a and bottle, and before controlled substance, namely, coIn the spring, visitors flocked to under assault. The ofarrival of the caine, in an amount the commission the offense, of one gram or the New York World’s Fair where Beatles electrified across the defendant hadteenagers previously been more but less than four grams. The the stylish Ford Mustang the country.ofOne afteragainst shock- a offense occurred May 2,made convicted an day offense 2014.its debut. On the political front, ing the sports by defeating member of theworld defendant’s family, Brandon Gene Plemons,seis34, mic could be felt. Sonny and becoming thein waschange to-wit:Liston on September 9, 1998 indicted on also a state jail At felcommencement address at of the a heavyweight the his Gray County,champion Texas. Theofoffense ony charge of possession Michigan, President occurred 27, 2014. controlledof substance less than world, the October young Cassius Clay an- University called the graduShaunna Lynne Gray, 19, was Johnson one gram. Theupon defendant did innounced he had become a Muslim, ates to help him build a “Great indicted on a second degree charge tentionally or knowingly possess declaring, “I don't have to be what and used his legendary of aggravated a controlled substance, namely, you want me to assault be. I amwith free deadly to be Society,” powers of persuasion to engineer weapon. The defendant did intenmethamphetamine, in an amount who I want.” It was a mantra that the passage of the landmark Civtionally, knowingly, or recklessof less than one gram. The offense seemed to be rippling throughout il Rights Act of 1964. But even ly cause serious bodily injury to occurred April 18, 2014. American society in 1964. Housevictimacross by shooting Salas, 30, was suchCesar a historic federal com-inwives Americavictim were with find- a withJulio firearm. The offense occurred Dedicted on a state jail felony charge of ing a new voice as well. Awak- mitment to advance the cause cember 10, 2014. of possession of a controlled subequality, racial unrest, in both the Jerry Lynn Green, 54, was in- stance less than one gram. The rural South and the cities of the dicted on a third degree charge of defendant did intentionally or North, would continue to fester. evading arrest detention with vehi- knowingly possess a controlled “In 1964, we see everything becle. The defendant did, while using substance, namely, methampheting called into question, from our a vehicle, intentionally flee from a amine, in an amount of less than government person the defendant knew was a relationship one gram. with The our offense occurred and the military to our notions of peace officer who was attempting April 18, 2014. free speech and individual free&NEW dom,” says American Experience Executive Producer Mark Samels. “We see the schisms widen between young and72x169, old and liberal 50x126, 48x60, 52x78, 24x40, 160x122, 35x103, 12x36, and conservative. 1964 was the 48x72, 28x56, 40x65, 12x40, 122x61, 60x108, 36x36, and many more! year that America came apart, and Offices, Clinics, Stores, Labs, Housing, Laundromats, Guard Houses, of Class that discord born etc. the Restrooms, Showers, Cabins, Dayout Care, Rooms,was Storage America we have become.” We can remodel or build to suit. BUILDINGS Just ask your pharmacist. Petite Tablet More Calcium & Vitamin D3 with Helps fight leg cramps* For those with milk allergies Fights osteoporosis ® *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright © 2013 Mission Pharmacal Company. All rights reserved. CAL-13902 We deliver and install on your site. Cody: 214-213-2691 About Panhandle PBS Jim: 214-697-3543 Panhandle PBS provides a gathMorgan Building Systems www.morganbuildings.com ering place for intelligent, trusted community engagement to enlighten, entertain and empower the people of the Texas Panhandle and the world. Licensed to Amarillo College, the station extends the community college philosophy of improving the quality of life for all residents. Panhandle PBS broadcasts on Channel 2.1 in digital High Definition carrying PBS programming and Channel 2.2 in digital Standard Definition carrying Spanish language V-Me programming. For more information, please visit www.panhandlePBS. org. PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE OTR drivers, REAL ESTATE TexSCAN Week Care of Wellington Center currently APU equipped, pre-pass, EZ-pass, passenJanuary 12, 2014 ger policy. 2012 and newer equipment. 100% ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VIEW Lake seeking touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825; Medina/Bandera, 1/4 acre tract, central DRIVERSreliableNOLVN's/CNA's. W/S/E, RV, M/H or house OK only $830 www.butlertransport.com REGIONAL for CDL-A LVn'S Drivers! Averitt offers anteed financing, more information call $1250 Sign on bonuS fantastic benefits and weekly hometime. 1-830-460-8354 1-888-362-8608. Paid training for recent $1000 Sign on bonuS CnA'S grads with a for CDL-A and drivers with limited ACREAGE REPO with septic tank, pool, pier, ramp. Owner finance. Granbury 1-210-422-3013 AT NATIONAL CARRIERS, We’ll call you and your pet by name. 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Call Josh, 1-903-878-7265 LOOKING TO SALE land? Reach over 2-million readers for one low price in the Texas Statewide Advertising Network. Contact this newspaper or call 1-800-7494793 for more detail. $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, MH or cabin. Gated entry, $690 down, ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90-days same as cash, Guaranteed financing, 1-936-377-3235 VACATION WEEKEND GETAWAY available on Lake Fork, Lake Livingston or Lake Medina. Rooms fully furnished! Gated community with clubhouse, swimming pool and boat ramps. Call for more information: 1-903-878-7265, 1-936-377-3235 or 1-830-460-8354 Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Statewide Ad .................. $550 290 Newspapers, 871,154 Circulation $ MARKWEST Energy has an immediate opening for a North Region Only ...... 250 93 Newspapers, 297,505 Circulation $ Field Operator South Region Only ..... 250 97 Newspapers, 366,627 Circulation & 1565 ParkwayTransportinc.com TRAINING West Region Only ....... $250 PA I D C D L Tr a i n i n g ! N o e x p e r i e n c e AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become 98 Newspapers, 205,950 Circulation Mechanic needed. Stevens Transport will sponsor an Aviation Maintenance Technician. FAA the cost of your CDL training. Earn up to $40K first year and $70K third year. Excellent benefits, 1-888-726-4130, www. becomeadriver.com. EOE MODULAR To Order: Call this Newspaper direct, or call Texas Press Service area. Experience is at 1-800-749-4793 Today! approved training.Financial aid if qualified. Housing available, job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. Dallas:1800-475-4102 or Houston: 1-800-743-1392 These openings are for the Wheeler, TX preferred. These openings have an excellent benefit package NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is www.ftc.gov/bizop along with a great working environment. Please submit your Extend your advertising reach with TexSCAN, your Statewide Classified Ad Network. profile at: http://www.markwest.com/careers/current-‐openings/ For questions call 580-‐225-‐5400 Remember the Alamo Wellington, Texas Oil Transport Drivers Needed Full Time CDL-A-X Crude This landmark boasts more than 2.5 million Perryton, Borger, Canadian Now Pampa, accepting applications for the followingWheeler, fulltourists each year. position: Local time Hauling-Home Daily, Weekly Paycheck Paid Orientation/Training, Vacation, 401K, Life, LAB MEDICAL Medical, Dental, Vision TECHNOLOGIST Minimum of 12 months T/T or Tanker experience required SIGN ON BONUS Call $2,500 Lori Hernandez 800/737-9981 or visit us online at + MOVING EXPENSES www.MIPE.com (very competitive wages) But did you know 7.9 million people in Texas see a newspaper every week? Now that’s something to remember. Benefits include: health, dental, vision insurance & 401K plan Contact April Wright, HR Director, at 806-447-2521 or complete an application online at www.collingsworthgeneral.net Thank you for being part of the 7.9 million. YOUR LOGO HERE Sources: Scarborough Research 2013; http://thealamo.org/
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