PARTNERSHIP TO ADVANCE COLLBORATION AND EFFICIENCY (PACE) MA STATE COUNCILS OF PRESIDENTS Request for Proposal Information Technology Collaborative Service (Help) Desk RFP: IT003PACE RFP RELEASE DATE: January 29, 2015 RFP DUE DATE: February 20, 2015 Submitted by: PACE on behalf of the MA State Councils of Presidents Return all responses in a sealed box or envelope with reference number and opening date and time marked on the outside of the envelope. RETURN TO: Charlie O’Donnell Director of IT Sourcing and Procurement Partnership to Advance Collaboration and Efficiency (PACE) Massachusetts Community Colleges and State Universities Executive Officies 85 Devonshire Street, 7th Floor Boston, MA 02109 Page 1 Informational Internet Sites: BIDDER’S RFP CHECKLIST 10 Most Critical Things to Keep in Mind When Responding to an RFP for PACE 1. 2. _______ _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ 9. _______ 10. _______ SIGN all required contract forms found in APPENDIX A and B. Read the entire document. Note critical items such as: mandatory requirements; supplies/services required; submittal dates; number of six (6) paper copies and one electronic copy (USB Stick or CD/DVD) required for submittal; contract requirements Note the procedures for communication with any of the involved parties during the RFP process. All communication during the RFP process must be in writing to Charlie O’Donnell via e-mail at [email protected]. Take advantage of the “question and answer” period. Submit your questions to PACE by the due date listed in the “Applicable Dates” sections and view the answers given in the formal “addenda” issued for the RFP. All addenda issued for an RFP are posted on the PACE and Massachusetts Com-PASS websites and will include all questions asked and answered concerning the RFP. Follow the format required in the RFP when preparing your response. Provide point-by-point responses to all sections in a clear and concise manner. Provide complete answers/descriptions. Read and answer all questions and requirements. Don’t assume PACE or the evaluation committee will know what your company capabilities are or what items/services you can provide. The proposals are evaluated based solely on the information and materials provided in your response. Use the forms provided in Appendix A (Standard Contract Form Terms and Conditions and W-9) and B (Forms for References and Bidder Information and Signature) Before submitting your response, check the PACE and MA Commbuys websites at: and to see whether any addenda were issued for the RFP: IT003PACE Review and read the RFP document again to make sure that you have addressed all requirements. Your original response and the requested copies must be identical and be complete. The copies are provided to the evaluation committee members and will be used to score your response. Submit your response on time. Note all the dates and times listed in the applicable date’s section and be sure to submit all required items on time. Late proposal responses are never accepted. This checklist is provided for assistance only and should not be submitted with Bidder’s Response. Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Bidder's RFP Checklist (not to be submitted with the RFP) ________________________________ 2 GENERAL INFORMATION _________________________________________________________ 4 1.1 Purpose and Overview ____________________________________________________________ 4 1.2 Background _____________________________________________________________________ 4 1.3 Scope of Services _________________________________________________________________ 5 1.3.1 Key Deliverables ________________________________________________________________ 5 1.4 Evaluation Process _______________________________________________________________ 6 1.5 Contract Form ___________________________________________________________________ 6 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS _________________________________________________________ 7 2.1 Applicable Dates _________________________________________________________________ 7 2.2 Preparation of Responses __________________________________________________________ 7 2.3 Cost of Preparation _______________________________________________________________ 7 2.4 Number of Copies ________________________________________________________________ 7 2.5 Proprietary Information ___________________________________________________________ 7 2.6 Submitting Responses _____________________________________________________________ 7 2.7 Late Responses __________________________________________________________________ 8 2.8 Questions and Communication via Designated Contact _________________________________ 8 2.9 Clarification of Responses _________________________________________________________ 8 2.10 Request for Additional Information ________________________________________________ 8 REQUIRED RESPONSES ____________________________________________________________ 8 3.1 Executive Summary ______________________________________________________________ 9 3.2 Vendor Profile ___________________________________________________________________ 9 3.3 Service Description _______________________________________________________________ 9 3.4 Project Schedule and Sample Summary Documents ____________________________________ 9 3.5 Proposal Costs ___________________________________________________________________ 9 3.6 Vendor Presentations _____________________________________________________________ 9 3.7 Pre-Award Negotiations ___________________________________________________________ 9 AWARD/EVALUATION CRITERIA _________________________________________________ 10 4.1 Evaluation Criteria ______________________________________________________________ 10 4.2 Scoring Responses _______________________________________________________________ 10 4.3 Award _________________________________________________________________________ 10 4.4 Notification to Proposers _________________________________________________________ 10 4.5 Contract Modification ___________________________________________________________ 10 4.6 Contractor Assignment of Sub-Contract ____________________________________________ 10 ADDENDUM ______________________________________________________________________ 11 APPENDIX A: State Contract Forms and Contract Language ________________________________ 12 APPENDIX B: Forms for References and Bidder Information and Signature ____________________ 13 APPENDIX C: ____________________________________________________________________ 16 Page 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Note: This RFP document and subsequent associated information will be posted on the following Internet Sites: and 1.1 Purpose and Overview: Participating PACE member institutions intend to execute agreements to provide faculty, staff and student Tier-1 technology support services. The Partnership to Advance Collaboration and Efficiency (PACE) is requesting proposals from information technology firms that provide telephone, e-mail and online technology support services for multiple hardware devices and software applications popular throughout Higher Education. 1.2 Background: The 24 Massachusetts PACE member colleges and universities have a shared belief that a systematic mode of cooperation among the 9 state universities and the 15 community colleges carries with it tremendous benefits for each institution, its students, and the public at large. By working together, the campuses can bolster levels of efficiency, increase productivity, and improve the delivery of services to constituents. A collective commitment to collaboration and efficiency generates savings for every campus – savings that can be strategically redeployed as each institution deems appropriate in bolstering student success, improving the quality of academic programs, and making a college education both affordable and accessible. While the policies, strategies and infrastructure necessary to realize these benefits are varied, it is both understood and respected by the 24 PACE campus presidents, that each institution has a unique history, overarching set of needs, and slate of existing and evolving relationships. As such, the Charter affirms that institutional participation in PACE and its initiatives is entirely voluntary and further recognizes that institutions need not participate in every collaborative effort to be a full partner in the greater effort. The list of the 15 PACE member community colleges, whose mission is to offer open access to high quality, affordable academic programs with a commitment to excellence in teaching and learning and provide academic preparation to approximately 138,000 students for transfer to four-year institutions, career preparation for entry into high demand occupational fields, developmental coursework, and lifelong learning opportunities, includes: Berkshire, Bristol, Bunker Hill, Cape Cod, Greenfield, Holyoke, Massasoit, Mass Bay, Middlesex, Mount Wachusett, Northern Essex, North Shore, Quinsigamond, Roxbury, and Springfield Technical. These campuses recently received an approximate aggregate annual state appropriation of $233 million which amounts to less than 40 percent of campus operating budgets. The list of the 9 PACE member state universities, whose mission is to integrate liberal arts and sciences programs with professional education with three specialty colleges also focusing on academic areas identified in their names, seek to develop critical thinking, quantitative, technological, oral, and written communication skills and practical appreciation of the arts, sciences, and humanities as they affect good citizenship and an improved quality of life for approximately 74,000 students, includes: Bridgewater, Fitchburg, Framingham, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, Salem, Westfield, and Worcester. Page 4 1.3 Scope of Services: Participating PACE member institutions have varied requirements and are seeking proposals from qualified firms with proven experience in higher education to provide off-site call center to supplement campus technology teams. The selected firm(s) would provide tier-1 helpdesk services in compliance with the mutually agreed service level agreement. Individual institutions may desire the opportunity to contract for the following service options: 1) 365x24x7 Tier-1 technology assistance support 2) Faculty, staff and student 365x24x7 Tier 1 technology assistance support with LMS support automatically directed to LMS Provider 3) Students Only – 365x24x7 Tier-1 technology assistance support 4) Students Only - 365x24x7 Tier 1 technology assistance support with LMS support automatically directed to LMS Provider 5) LMS (Learning Management System) 365x24x7 Tier-1 technology assistance support 6) After hours support (5PM Eastern to 8AM Eastern) 7) Weekends/Holidays only – faculty, staff and students 8) Weekends/Holidays only – students 9) Weekend/Holidays only – LMS Student Support 10) Other Individual member institutions may request other variations of the proposed models where appropriate. For example, Institutions may desire 24x7 coverage during the F all and Spring Semester time frames while reduced coverage would be utilized during not peak periods. In addition, potential vendors should be prepared to provide peak demand coverage during the first two weeks of the fall and spring semesters. 1.3.1 Key Deliverables: Tier 1A phone, chat, e-mail, and web-form support for: a. Students b. Faculty c. Staff d. All e. Group selected by individual institutions 2. Generate an incident report (ticket) at the institutions option: a. In the institutions Service Desk Call Reporting System b. In the vendor provided Service Desk Call Reporting System 3. Gather, maintain and update information on a publicly accessible and searchable website which provides subscribers with self-help tools and procedures specific to the particular institution and general technology issues. 4. Actively assist institutional subject matter experts to update and gather knowledge base cases to support the engagement 5. Basic troubleshooting and ability to answer basic how-to questions for supported applications 6. Provide Tier 2 service technicians with sufficient documentation included in the ticket escalation if unable to resolve the issue. 7. Meet all key performance indicators and service level agreements, including during peak demand periods, on a monthly reporting basis 8. Utilizing an institution provided communications plan, keep the College/University on-site support personnel advised of problem trends and systems which appear to be unavailable. 9. Vendors shall provide a single Account/Project Manager “Point of Contact” for all vendor based activities. At the option of the individual institution, the Account/Project Manager will have weekly status calls during the first 120 days of the contract. After the initial 120 day period the individual institutions may opt for biweekly or monthly status updates. 10. If the vendor supplies the ticketing system then at the end of the contract term the vendor must provide an electronically readable and transferable call history and statistical analysis. In addition, any vendor provided 1. Page 5 11. 12. 13. 14. toll free number must be transferred to the institution. In addition, at the termination of the agreement the vendor must supply any and all knowledgebase materials created for the benefit of the institution. Knowledgebase materials shall be provided in a transferable electronic format. The vendor shall provider a customizable telephone calling tree. Vendors are responsible for providing technicians who are familiar with the individual institutions operations and it is highly recommended that a dedicated team be assigned to individual institutions. The vendor is expected to have experience in supporting common ERP systems, Learning Management, various end user operating system issues, mobile technologies, Microsoft Office, Google Docs and other commonly used end user computing products. Support skill should include but should not limited to Blackboard, Ellucian Banner, Ellucian Colleague, Moodle, Jenzabar, and PeopleSoft. Vendor must deliver and maintain a rigorous data security profile and routinely comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Specific Requirements for Fitchburg State University: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Vendor is required to have a minimum three years’ experience serving institutions of higher education, as well as experience supporting Ellucian Banner and Blackboard Learn. In most instances Blackboard Learn assistance will be automatically rerouted to Blackboard for Tier 1 support. Vendor is required to have expertise in Microsoft Office, Microsoft operating systems, Outlook/Exchange, Apple operating systems, Internet browsers and web-based email. The call center must be located in the United States or Canada and remain within these countries throughout the duration of the contract. Vendor is required to have a demonstrated commitment to and processes for protecting data security including compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations as well as client policies. This includes but is not limited to FERPA, HIPPA, and MGL Ch 93H. Specific Requirements for Mount Wachusett Community College: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Vendor is required to have a minimum three years’ experience serving institutions of higher education, as well as experience supporting Ellucian Banner and Blackboard Learn. The vendor will act as the support entity for Blackboard Learn Vendor is required to have expertise in Microsoft Office, Microsoft operating systems, Outlook/Exchange, Apple operating systems, Internet browsers and web-based email. The call center must be located in the United States or Canada and remain within these countries throughout the duration of the contract. Vendor is required to have a demonstrated commitment to and processes for protecting data security including compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations as well as client policies. This includes but is not limited to FERPA, HIPPA, and MGL Ch 93H. 1.4 Evaluation Process: The following criteria will be utilized to select potential vendors for final contract negotiations: Each item will be assigned a point value and the vendors achieving the highest values will be invited for further discussions. All responses will be reviewed and the vendors who appear to most closely meet the needs of the member institutions will be requested to provide additional information which may include a visual inspection of the vendor facility by members of the evaluation team. Detailed vendor staff interviews, telephone meetings or face to face reviews of vendor operations and procedures may be required. Transportation expenses to inspect the vendor facilities will be the responsibility of the participating PACE member institutions. The evaluation team may require additional documentation, information or reviews in order to fairly and thoroughly evaluate and validate vendor operations. 1. Physical location of the support facility, preference will be awarded to call centers located in English as the primary language locations, additional preference will be awarded for call centers located in the continental Page 6 US and the highest preference will be awarded to call centers located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Vendors who have been established in other locations who are open to a contractual commitment to open a call center within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts within 180 days of acceptance by the member institutions shall also receive the highest preference. 2. Vendors who have embraced ITIL philosophy and actively embed documented ITIL best practices into the day to day operations will be awarded preference. Vendors should submit documentation of their training program, operational philosophy and sample staff qualification profiles. 3. Proposals will be evaluated for accuracy, completeness and quality of presentation. Proposals considered to be most accurate and complete will receive preference. 4. The financial health of the vendor and the perceived ability to remain a going concern 5. References. 6. Depth and variety, of performance measurement and reporting tools provided by the vendor. 7. Pricing information, which should indicate a per incident charge, annual minimum charges and an annual maximum charge for the service levels specified. Vendors shall also provide pricing imposed in the event that the institution exceeds service level demands specified in the proposal. 8. Volume, level and quantity of service offered by the Vendor. 9. Term of service and flexibility of the vendor to offer a variety of service duration terms 10. Discounting offered to all member institutions as participation and service volume increases. 1.5 Contract Form: Any award made as a result of this RFP process will be subject to the contract terms and conditions provided by the State of Massachusetts found in Appendix A. Questions related to the contract terms should be directed to specific clauses or lack thereof. The term of this contract shall be for a period ending June 30, 2017. The period of performance under this contract will be from date of execution by the parties, or notification of earliest start date and the contract end date. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 Applicable Dates: RFP Release Date Bidder Questions Due Response to Bidders Questions RFP Due Date Vendor Presentations (semi-finalists) Bid Award Anticipated Contract Start Date January 29, 2015 February 6, 2015, 2 pm EST February 13, 2015, 2 pm EST February 20, 2015, 1 pm EST Week of March 2, 2015 Week of March 16, 2015 July 1, 2015 PACE in consultation with the participating member institutions; reserve the right to revise this schedule at its sole discretion. 2.2 Preparation of Responses: Responses must be prepared on standard 8.5" x 11" paper. The vendor's name must appear on each page. Responses to the ‘Required Responses’ section must be formatted to correspond numerically to the requirements listed. Page 7 2.3 Cost of Preparation: Vendor costs, associated with preparing or presenting any response to this request, will be borne by the bidder. 2.4 Number of Copies: To ensure all relevant material is received Six (6), complete hard copy responses and one electronic copy (USB Stick or CD/DVD) must be submitted by the due date stated under ‘Applicable Dates’. All materials become the property of PACE upon receipt in the Office. In addition, all documents, attachments, product brochures, financial statements and other materials should be provided electronically on a USB Flash Drive or CD/DVD. 2.5 Proprietary Information: Information contained in the vendor's response that is proprietary must be clearly designated. Marking the entire response as proprietary will neither be accepted nor honored. PACE cannot guarantee that all such material noted remains proprietary, particularly if it becomes a significant consideration in contract award. Information will only be kept confidential to the extent allowed by Public Disclosure Law. 2.6 Submitting Responses: Responses must be sealed in a box or envelope with the name and address of the vendor appearing on the outside of the box or envelope. The outside lower left-hand corner must state the title, reference number, and the opening date and time. Vendors must submit Six (6) hard copies and One electronic (USB Stick or CD/DVD) of their response to the PACE Office, c/o MA State Council of Presidents, 85 Devonshire Street, 7th Floor, Boston, MA, 02109. Whether mailed or hand delivered, the response must arrive at the Council of Presidents, PACE Office no later than the date and local time identified in Section 2.1 of these instructions. The method of delivery will be at the discretion of the vendor and will be at the vendor's sole risk to assure delivery to the Council of Presidents, PACE office at the mandatory date and time. PACE and participating member institutions does not take responsibility for any problems in the mail or delivery services. Receipt by any other office or mailroom is not equivalent to receipt by the MA State Council of Presidents/PACE Office. If delivery is by mail or hand delivered, the address/physical location is: MA State Councils of Presidents PACE Office 85 Devonshire Street, 7th Floor Boston, MA 02109 Attention: Charles M. O’Donnell NOTE: Bidders are advised to send their responses prior to the proposal deadline to compensate for potential delays in mail transmission. 2.7 Late Responses: Any response received after the hour specified will not be reviewed. 2.8 Questions and Communication-Deadline via Designated Contact: All communications and/or questions in regard to this request must be submitted via e-mail. All questions shall be answered and made available to all bidders on the PACE website and on the Comm-Buys website. Questions shall be e-mailed to [email protected] and must contain QUESTION - PACE RFP IT003 in the subject line. In either case, please reference the RFP number on the cover sheet before February 6, 2015, 2:00p.m. Inquires received after the specified date will not be accepted. PACE will compile all the questions and will respond to such questions via addendum which will be posted on the PACE website ( and Commbuys website ( under solicitation RFP: IT003PACE under the specification tab, by February 13, 2015, 2:00 pm. Telephone calls will not be accepted. Page 8 Prospective bidders are prohibited from obtaining information about the proposal from PACE and/or campus personnel. 2.9 Clarification of Responses: As part of the evaluation process, vendors may be asked to clarify specific points in their response. However, under no circumstances will vendors be allowed to make any changes to their responses after the RFP deadline date. 2.10 Request for Additional Information: Vendors under consideration are asked to provide current, audited financial statements or the equivalent to include at a minimum: an income statement; statement of cash flows; and a balance sheet. Closely held firms may provide alternative financial information such as loan guarantee agreements or other information which would provide the selection committee in their sole judgment the ability to evaluate the financial health and viability of the vendor. This information is subject to disclosure if it is deemed to be a determining factor in an award decision. REQUIRED RESPONSES: Vendors are required to respond to each of the items detailed in this section. Responses should be formatted to correspond numerically to the items listed. Vendors should have their company name on each page. Please also include any information that has not been addressed in the questions that may be pertinent to this project. A number of Commonwealth standard forms are required in conjunction with each RFP response. Please confirm that all listed documents are incorporated in your response package. FAILURE TO RESPOND TO THESE REQUIREMENTS MAY BE DEEMED A MATERIAL IRREGULARITY AND MAY BE REASON FOR REJECTION OF PROPOSAL. RFP REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Executive Summary: In the executive summary, vendors should provide general information regarding the company. The summary should include information regarding the financial status and current economic conditions of the company, general staffing and organizational structure, and experience providing information technology system / services assessment in higher education. Indicate the length of time your company has been in the business of providing this and/or related services. 3.2 Vendor Profile: A. Approximately how many higher education clients have purchased your service? B. Provide a list of at least three (3) higher education customers to whom you have provided Tier 1 help desk services. For each customer institution, provide the name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address of a contact person(s) who was/is directly involved in the purchase, implementation and ongoing use of the service (see Appendix B for form). C. Attestation that the vendor/company will keep data used in the assessment private and secure. D. Financial Condition as reflected in audited financial statements or alternative financial information. 3.3 Service Description: Describe in detail how your service operates and how it will meet the needs of PACE member institutions (see Section 1.1, 1.2, 1.3). Include information on all features of the service. Provide a list of Account Managers with qualification summary that would be assigned to oversee service quality. Page 9 3.4 Project Schedule and Sample Summary Documents: From the date of a fully executed contract, what is the estimated lead time to start of service? This should include time estimates for both the vendor and PACE participants. Additionally, please provide a sample of a standard relationship management documentation including issue analysis and resolution documents. Please indicate your standard customer relationship policies and procedures and summarize key points of client contact. 3.5 Proposal Costs: Vendors must submit a complete cost proposal for the scope of work outlined and should include related assumptions and explanatory comments, summarize the costs, and attach all details necessary to support the summarized costs. Note: Costs proposals must be all-inclusive. A suggested but not required pricing matrix is included in Appendix C 3.6 Vendor Presentations: After an evaluation of the proposals, finalists may be asked to give an oral presentation which would include a detailed analysis of how each of the bid requirements would be addressed should bidder receive the award. If required, these presentations will take place during the week of February 23, 2015 (approximate) at a central location to be determined. If special accommodations are required in order to attend a site visit, please contact Charlie O’Donnell [email protected] , no later than five (5) days prior to the scheduled presentation. 3.7 Pre-Award Negotiations: After the bids are reviewed, but prior to any award, the participating PACE institutions may elect to conduct negotiations for purposes of: Resolving minor differences and information; Clarifying necessary details and responsibilities; Emphasizing important issues and points; and/or Receiving assurances from respondents. Selection may be made without further discussion, negotiations, or bidder’s presentations; therefore, bidder should offer the most favorable terms in response to this RFP. Bidder must demonstrate an understanding of the scope of service to be provided and the ability to accomplish the tasks set forth. Bidder must include information that will enable PACE to determine the bidder’s overall qualifications. PACE reserves the right to request additional information or clarification on any matter included in the bid response to enable the PACE to arrive at the final award decision. Page 10 AWARD/EVALUATION CRITERIA for Help Desk Services (points = 100) 4.1 Evaluation Criteria: The following criteria will be used to evaluate bid responses and pre-approve the vendor: 25 - Qualifications and experience, financial strength – Documented prior experience in higher education; 10 - Approach/Timeline; Ability to deliver the services by the deadline. 20 - Cost/price schedule 10 - Business reference(s) (see form in Appendix B) Relevant higher education systems Relevant private industry comparisons (highlighting rationale as to how and why you consider them comparable; and 20 - Thoroughness of proposal including but not limited to: Data gathering approach Strength and applicability of examples of engagement outcomes/recommendations from similar engagements Demonstration of a high success rate of implementation for the recommendations provided to the customer (making the assumption that there is a correlation to the ‘pragmatic and applicability’ nature of the recommendations provided and the success rate the customer had with implementation of the recommendations. 15 – Support Center location English as primary language country Within the United States Within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 4.2 Scoring Responses: Committee. Responses will be evaluated by the PACE Help Desk Services Selection 4.3 Award in Best Interest of the Commonwealth: PACE and the individual member institutions reserve the right to award the contract in whole or in part in a manner that most effectively serves the RFP intent, to reject any or all bids, and to otherwise proceed with the award as necessary to protect the best interests of the Commonwealth. 4.4 Notification to Proposers: PACE will notify the apparently successful contractor of their selection, in writing, upon completion of the evaluation process. Individuals or firms whose proposals were not selected for further negotiation or award will be notified separately by e-mail or facsimile. 4.5 Contract Modification: Any changes to the contract must be agreed to, in writing, by both parties prior to their execution. 4.6 Contractor Assignment of Sub-Contract: The resulting contract shall not be assigned, transferred, or sublet, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of PACE and the individual member institutions. Page 11 THIRD PARTY ACCESS TO PERSONAL, STUDENT, OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION If the terms of a contract or statement of work call for third party access to the College’s information systems, including networked computing systems, application or file servers, and/or software applications or systems, that store or provide access to potentially sensitive or Confidential Information, the following provision should be included with the contract as an addendum: RESTRICTION OF USE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION For purposes of this addendum, “Confidential Information” is defined as any and all information whose collection, disclosure, protection, and disposition is governed by state or federal law or regulation, including, but not limited to, information subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”), or Massachusetts General Laws c. 93H. This information includes, but is not limited to, Social Security Numbers, student education records, financial records regarding students (or their parents or sponsors), financial and personal information regarding College employees, and other personally identifiable information identified by law. (Contractor Name) agrees to hold any and all Confidential Information obtained from the College, its students, faculty, staff, or other agents in the performance of this Agreement in strictest confidence, and shall not use or disclose such Confidential Information except as permitted or required by this Agreement or by law or as otherwise agreed to in writing by the College. The Contractor warrants and represents that it shall, at all times, comply with FERPA, GLBA and other applicable federal and state statutes. The contractor also warrants that, in the event of a security breach (within its control) covered by Massachusetts General Laws c. 93H, the Contractor shall bear all responsibility and expense for complying with the disclosure and notification requirements of the statute. The Contractor agrees that it will protect the Confidential Information it receives according to commercially acceptable standards and no less rigorously than it protects its own Confidential Information. Specifically, the Contractor shall implement, maintain, and use appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security measures to preserve the confidentially, integrity, and availability of all electronically managed Confidential Information. The Contractor agrees, upon termination, cancellation, expiration, or other conclusion of this Agreement, within thirty (30) days to return to the College or if return is not feasible, destroy and not retain any copies (and furnish the College with an appropriate Certificate of Destruction) of any and all Confidential Information that is in its possession. The obligations of this Agreement shall not apply to any information which is/was: (a) already in the public domain through no breach of this Agreement, including but not limited to information available through College’s web site(s); (b) lawfully in the Contractor’s possession prior to receipt from the College, its faculty, staff or students; or (c) received by the Contractor independently from a person or entity free to lawfully disclose such information other than the College, its faculty, staff, or students. Page 12 PARTNERSHIP TO ADVANCE COLLBORATION AND EFFICIENCY (PACE) MA STATE COUNCILS OF PRESIDENTS Request for Response Information Technology RFP: IT003PACE RFP RELEASE DATE: January 29, 2015 RFP DUE DATE: February 20, 2015 Submitted by: PACE on behalf of the MA State Councils of Presidents APPENDIX A STATE CONTRACT FORMS AND CONTRACT LANGUAGE (required to be submitted with the RFP): 1. Commonwealth of Massachusetts – Standard Contract Form Terms and Conditions 2. W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Note: This section is also posted as a separate file on our Internet site: Page 13 PARTNERSHIP TO ADVANCE COLLBORATION AND EFFICIENCY (PACE) MA STATE COUNCILS OF PRESIDENTS RFP: IT003PACE RFP RELEASE DATE: January 29, 2015 RFP DUE DATE: February 20, 2015 Submitted by: PACE on behalf of the MA State Councils of Presidents APPENDIX B Forms for References and Bidder Information and Signature (required RFP submission forms) Page 14 Form for References and Bidder Information and Signature REFERENCES: required to be submitted with the RFP Please provide three client references below (please type or print clearly): Customer Name and Address Contact Name and Title Telephone and Fax Numbers 1 2 3 Page 15 Email Address of Contact Person(s) BIDDER INFORMATION AND SIGNATURE: required to be submitted with the RFP Please complete the information below, sign, and date the form and submit it with other RFP forms. Bidder selection will be based upon overall IT Security Posture Assessment. Costs, to include ALL expenses (e.g. travel, copying, printing, misc. expenses). BIDDER (BUSINESS) NAME BIDDER CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 2 CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE FAX EMAIL Web Address Overall RFP Cost: $________________ Authorized Signature: ______________________ Date: ________________ Name of Signatory Printed: _______________________________________ NOTE: Final selection for one vendor will be made according to the submission considered to be the best value for the total scope of work. Page 16 PARTNERSHIP TO ADVANCE COLLBORATION AND EFFICIENCY (PACE) MA STATE COUNCILS OF PRESIDENTS Information Technology RFP: IT003PACE RFP RELEASE DATE: January 29, 2015 RFP DUE DATE: February 20, 2015 Submitted by: PACE on behalf of the MA State Councils of Presidents APPENDIX C Suggested Pricing Matrix Page 17 Pricing Matrix: Currently, two PACE member institutions are committed to engaging contracted Service Desk support. In addition, several other institutions are interested but are concerned about the cost factors and would prefer to see what the potential cost of Service desk support would be before committing. As such the member institutions would request that vendors outline volume discounts base on call volume, faculty, staff and student headcount, or estimated total call volume. Per incident charge Service Level 365x24x7 After hours 5PM to 8AM M-F Weekends Friday @5PM to Monday at 8AM Minimum Annual Charge Maximum Annual Charge at defined service level volume Excess volume overage charge All Tier1 – Faculty Staff Students Tier 1 –LMS Excluded Faculty Staff & Students Tier 1 – Students Only Tier 1 – LMS Excluded Students Only LMS Support Faculty Staff and Students LMS Support Students Only Annual Charges Service Level All Tier1 – Faculty Staff Students Tier 1 –LMS Excluded Faculty Staff & Students Tier 1 – Students Only Tier 1 – LMS Excluded Students Only LMS Support Faculty Staff and Students LMS Support Students Only Page 18 Other Fees and Charges if any Service Level Fee/Charge Description All Tier1 – Faculty Staff Students Tier 1 –LMS Excluded Faculty Staff & Students Tier 1 – Students Only Tier 1 – LMS Excluded Students Only LMS Support Faculty Staff and Students LMS Support Students Only Fee Charge Basis Fee/Charge Detail Potential Volume Discounts: Please comment on what types and amount of discount you would provide for increase institutional participation, increased student headcount, or increased base call volume. 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