“Who Is This Man?” The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus by John Ortberg Lent Bible Study Led by Pastor Annnable Wednesday evenings @ 6 p.m. The Builder Wednesday, February 11th Men’s Breakfast at Denny’s @ 8:00 a.m. Business Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service February 18th Sunday Morning Bible Study Classes for all age groups Sunday mornings at 9:30 Worship Volunteers February 1st Carolyn Reppy - Invocation & Scripture Harry Treece- Offertory Nursery –JoAnn Lindsey Building Lock up - Jan & Harry Treece February 8th Mickey Williams - Invocation Kim Williams - Scripture Tom Dunagan -Offertory Nursery –Karen Zelten Building Lock up - Karen Zelten February 15th Jimmie Siefert - Invocation & Scripture Dick Cannon - Offertory Nursery –Pat Tucker Building Lock up - Kim & Mickey Williams February 22nd Suzanne Corzine - Invocation & Scripture Harry Treece-Offertory Nursery –Martha Kent Building Lock up - Jan & Harry Treece Anyone who has anything to put in the next issue of the Builder needs to have those items in to the church office by noon on Wednesday, Feb. 11th. Items should be typed out for easy reading. Feel free to submit any items that you feel would be of interest to our readers. 6:00 p.m. Observance of the Lord’s Supper Sunday, February 22nd Wednesday, February 25th @ 6 p.m. First week of Lent Bible Study Begins “Who Is This Man?” Corned Beef & Cabbage Luncheon Saturday, March 21st 11:30 a.m. Join us for lunch and fellowship. Sign up sheet on the bulletin board or call the church office. Wednesday, February 4th Mid week Bible Study @ 6 p.m. Thursday, February 5th Sampler’s Lunch at Cristaudos @11:30 Tuesday, February 10th Deacon’s Meeting at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 11th Men’s Breakfast at Denny’s @ 8 a.m. Business Meeting @ 6 p.m. Wednesday, February 18th Ash Wednesday Service at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, February 19th KEYS Brown Bag Lunch & Spinners UBC Pink Room @ 11:30 a.m. Sunday, February 22nd Observance of the Lord’s Supper Wednesday, February 25th Mid-week Bible Study @ 6 p.m. (First week of Lent Study) OUR DEACON ON CALL THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY IS DICK CANNON News of our people…. Congratulations to Glenn & Gerri Winstead who celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary on the 3rd. Marolyn O’Neil seems to be adjusting to the Florida climate! Mary Beth Lee is back home from her cruise and hopes to stop by and visit with us on her way to Tennessee in the near future. Prayer List Mickey Williams James Williams Families of Sharon Baity & Carolyn Risse Tom Purcell Linda Dallas Bill Cauble Ruth Bauner Our shut ins and those with continuing health issues. “Give all your worries to Him, because He cares about you” I Peter 5:7 PLEASE LET OUR DEACON BODY KNOW IF THEY CAN BE OF SERVICE TO YOU. “A people of grace, living by faith, nurtured by love, anchored in the word.” Sunday Coffee Fellowship Christian Education Classes Morning Worship Fellowship Time following worship Choir Practice Monday Food Pantry & Clothes Closet Wednesday Mid week Study Friday Food Pantry & Clothes Closet 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 5:00 p.m. 9-11 am 6:00 pm 9-11 am (USPS 0069-900) is owned and published Monthly By UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 700 S. Oakland, Carbondale, Illinois 62901 Periodical Postage Paid at Carbondale, Illinois Postmaster send address changes to THE BUILDER, University Baptist Church 700 S. Oakland, Carbondale, Illinois 62901 Mission Opportunities Sunday, February 1st Once again, we will partner with churches throughout our area (and nation) to collect money for Good Samaritan Ministries Sunday, February 15th Have a Heart for Missions Annual Offering It’s time once again for our annual offering to assist members of the Nine Mile Association in taking a mission trip. This is our 7th year of gathering funds for this purpose. Over these past seven years this offering has assisted association members to participate in mission trips all over the world. Special envelopes will be provided or just indicate donation for “Have a Heart” on check. GUM DROP, NFP News They have been back to packing bags for 6 months now, averaging 1,400 bags a week. They have added Unity Point School and the Boy’s and Girls Club both out of Carbondale this year. They still have 3 more school districts wanting to come aboard and be a part of the Gum Drop family. Last school year they provided 36,934 meals. How can we help? Needed items: pudding packs, oatmeal, granola bars, fruit cups, Vienna sausages, ramen noodles and small microwavable meals (or monetary donation). Please consider purchasing needed supplies and bringing to UBC. We have a box outside the sanctuary for collection. “Our purpose at University Baptist Church is to show Christ’s love to the local and global community through worship, fellowship & ministry.” Weekly Calendar: NEWSLETTER OF THE UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH - FEBRUARY 1, 2015 VOL. 51 NO. 3 As you read this article we will be heading into the month of February. February is known for many things. We will have the big football finale of the Super Bowl and as many feast sitting around the TV watching the game we will be reminded of those who have no food to feast on. So, even if you did not get to church to give to the SOUPER bowl you can do so at any time. This money will go to Good Samaritan Ministries Food Bank housed here at UBC. It is a time for us to reflect upon our relationship with the poor. February is also Black History month. It is a good time for us to celebrate the great strides we have made in relationships among our races but take note of the reality that the race is not run. As always we can contemplate how our own activities will move us forward as we reflect upon our relationship with other races. February is also Valentine’s Day. A day card makers and chocolate and flower vendors live for. It is a great time for us to reflect upon our relationships with those close to us. This year February also has Ash Wednesday in it. This is the beginning of Lent as we make a spiritual journey toward Easter Sunday. As part of this spiritual journey we will be doing our Bible Study using the book, “Who Is This Man?” The subtitles is: “The unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus.” The author, John Ortberg, reminds us that Jesus was not just a historical person who lived more than 2000 years ago but he IS the person who continues to impact the world in ways that no other person has or does. In light of that we are invited to examine our relationship with God who comes to us in Jesus Christ. February is the shortest month of the year and yet this year it provides us the opportunity to examine many vital relationships in our lives. Pastor John Rev. John Annable ~ Pastor Mickey Williams ~ Music Director Karen Zelten ~ Church Coordinator Gloria K. Howerton ~ Administrative Assistant Church Mailing Address: 700 S. Oakland, Carbondale, IL 62901 Phone: 618-457-0323 E-mail ~ [email protected] Web ~ www.ubaptist.org Sunday Coffee Fellowship - 9:00 Library - 9:00 a.m. C. E. Classes - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:45 1 Offering for Good Sams Monday Tuesday 2 3 5 Samplers Lunch Cristaudo’s 11:30 a.m. 4 Food Pantry & Carolyn & Justin Reppy Clothes Closet 9-11 Birthdays Bible Study 6:00 p.m. International Wives 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Arden Brandhorst Birthday Ron & Sheila Edwards Anniversary 70th Anniversary 9 10 Food Pantry & Clothes Closet 9-11 11 Deacon's Meeting @ 9:00 16 President’s Day “Have a Heart for Missions” Food Pantry & Dollar Day Missions Offering Clothes Closet 9-11 Business Meeting 6:00 p.m. of the Lord’s Supper 17 18Ash Wednesday Service 6:00 pm NANCY MENDOZA BIRTHDAY Gloria K Howerton Birthday 24 23 12 Men’s Breakfast 8:00 at Denny’s Jan & Harry Treece Anniversary 22 Observance Friday Saturday Dick Cannon Glenn &Gerri Winstead 15 Thursday Deacon on call for the Month of February: Scott Cutler Birthday 8 Wednesday 25 7 Clothes Closet & Food Pantry 9-11 13 13 Abraham Lincoln Birthday International Wives Clothes Closet & KEYS RITA CANNON BIRTHDAY 20 21 Brown Clothes Closet & Bag Lunch 11:30 a.m. International Wives 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Food Pantry 9-11 26 Lauren Swearingen Birthday 28 27 International Wives Clothes Closet 9-11 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. YVONNE BROWN 14 14 Food Pantry 9-11 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Food Pantry & BIBLE STUDY 6:00 PM 1ST WEEK OF LENT STUDY 6 Clothes Closet & Food Pantry 9-11
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