February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time SACRED HEART CHURCH The Catholic Community in Southbury, Connecticut Growing in Faith Together Our Mission Statement Sacred Heart Parish is a faith-filled family and vibrant Catholic community of believers in Jesus Christ. We are the visible presence of Jesus through: Creating a welcoming, joyful, and compassionate atmosphere Empowering the gifts of one another Supporting one another on our journey of faith Sharing God’s unconditional love Providing opportunities for spiritual growth through ministries and worship, particularly in the Eucharist, and Advocating responsibility for the poor and oppressed. If you are new to our parish or if you have been away from the practice of your faith, we extend a warm welcome and hope that you will find our parish to be a community in which your faith can be nourished. We invite you to introduce yourself so that we may offer our heart-felt greeting. Our parish family is enriched by your participation in our life of worship and service. Please consider becoming a registered member of our family. 910 Main Street South Southbury, CT 06488 203-264-5071 www.sacredheartchurch.info www.sacredheartchurch.info www.facebook.com/SacredHeartSouthburyYoungAdults February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Staff Father Joseph T. Donnelly [email protected] Sr. Patricia Torre, DW [email protected] Ami Conlan [email protected] Deacon Chuck Dietsch Pastor 203-264-5071 ext. 3 Pastoral Associate for Pastoral Care 203-264-5071 ext. 5 Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation 203-264-5065 Deacon 203-262-1698 PARISH OFFICE 910 Main Street South, Southbury, CT 06488 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM www.sacredheartchurch.info Tel: 203-264-5071 Parish Office Tel: 203-264-5071 Fax: 203-264-9562 Mary Korsu Office Manager [email protected] ext. 0 Karen Kirk (Bulletin Information) Information & Communications Manager [email protected] or [email protected] ext. 201 Mark Bentivoglio Building & Grounds [email protected] ext. 105 Patricia Richards Director of Music [email protected] Jennifer Enger Accounting [email protected] Faith Formation Office Tel: 203-264-5065 Ami Conlan [email protected] Jay Szymansky [email protected] Deborah McGrath Fran Walsh Fax: 203-264-4271 Pastoral Associate, Faith Formation Administrative Assistant Coordinator of Design (Gr. 1-8) Coordinator of GIFT (9-10) and Confirmation Liturgical Schedule The Lord’s Day: Vigil (Saturday): 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM*, 11:00 AM* 4th Sunday/Month:Children’s Mass, 11:00AM Daily Mass: 8:30 AM, Monday to Friday, subject to change. *At the noted Masses, children are invited to participate in Liturgy of the Word. Children ages 7-12 go to the chapel; those ages 3-6 go to the Hospitality room. Sacramental Ministries Baptism - To schedule a Baptism, please contact Sister Pat for an initial meeting and a parent preparation session. Reconciliation (confession) - Saturdays from 3:30 - 4:15 PM, or by appointment. Marriage - Please call the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Couples meet with Father Joe for an initial pastoral conversation before a wedding date can be set. Please do not make other plans until a date has been confirmed with the parish. For the Sick, including pastoral home visits, Eucharist or the Anointing of the Sick - Please call the Parish Office. Upon hospital admission, please indicate that you would like a visit by your parish, or please call the Parish Office to arrange a pastoral visit. 2 Gospel Reflection ~ Mark 1:21-28 Adults: What can you tell others about Jesus with the most assurance? Children: What is the most important thing you would like others to know about Jesus? Mass Intentions If you arranged to have a particular person prayed for at a mass, notify the ushers upon your arrival so that you may bring up the gifts. Saturday, January 31, 2015 5:00 PM Jean Young Requested by her family Marie Morelli Requested by Tony & Pat Squitieri Bill Calabrese Requested by Vin & Fran Berluti Sunday, February 1, 2015 7:30 AM Frederick Foster Requested by The Corkins Family 9:00 AM George Fee Requested by Charles & Fran White George Brandi Requested by Ann & Bob Haig Nellie Funaro Requested by Mina Sampieri 11:00 AM Molly O’Meara Requested by Katherine Pavone Chuck Barnett Requested by John & Liz Schmidt Francis Palmatier Requested by The Mulcahy-Ernt Family Monday, February 2, 2015 8:30 AM Eileen O’Connell Requested by Daily Mass Parishioners Tuesday, February 3, 2015 8:30 AM Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners Wednesday, February 4, 2015 8:30 AM Mary R. Williams Requested by her family Thursday, February 5, 2015 8:30 AM Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners Friday, February 6, 2015 - First Friday Adoration 8:30 AM Bill Calabrese Requested by Larry & Sue Gannon Saturday, February 7, 2015 5:00 PM ROC Mass Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners Sunday, February 8, 2015 - Scout Sunday 7:30 AM Amy Russo Requested by Raymond & Geri Patchkofsky 9:00 AM Kevin Kearney Requested by Brian & Kathleen Moughty 11:00 AM Molly O’Meara Requested by Eileen Locher Dixie Laro Requested by Amy Cecilio Phyllis Browne Requested by Ann McGrath February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Of Many Things…. Trinity Mobile: A Community of Love In this year’s GIFT program, the learning theme is the Apostle’s Creed where learners engage the central and foundational beliefs of our Catholic Christian tradition. In the first half of the year, we have focused on what it means to profess I believe in God, in Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit. God is three in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This mystery of the Trinity is the central Christian mystery and each session has brought deeper insight into understanding that our image of God, our understanding of who God is, is most complete through knowing how Love is revealed and expressed through God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It is a community of love. One of the ways we learn and create experiences of faith is through art. We invited Pamela Hardiman, a fabric artist, to envision the Trinity through the concept of a mobile that would hang in our atrium. The piece had to incorporate our participation and express the images, through color and tone, of the Triune God. Each person of the Trinity is represented by a patchwork banner and four thinner, hand painted silk banners, to accompany them. In gold ink, each of the silk banners has words or pictures which are reflections from GIFT members. God, the Father, is blue and green and speaks of our Creator and the creation story. After learning about God, households wrote down a word or phrase that described their image of God. God, the Son, is white and gold reflects that Jesus is the Christ, the light of our world and a servant king. Students in grades 1-10 wrote down names, titles or drew pi ctures, based on scriptural passages that represented their image of Jesus. God, The Holy Spirit, is red and orange. The Spirit is active and present in us and through us and always working to reveal God the Father and God the Son to us. The Trinity is a model of a relationship of love and households were asked what their home would be like if they based all their decisions and choices on love. After discussion, one adult member wrote a word or phrase on the red banners that expressed one way they felt their homes would be like when love is the basis of their lives. On the TV screen in the atrium is a video which gives a closer look at this project and process. With deepest appreciation we thank Pamela Hardiman for her craftsmanship and artistic vision, to Joe Dilley and his workmen, Jeff and Kevin, for their donated hours and equipment to install the mobile. And to the GIFT members who participated in the project and whose words have given personal prayer and meaning to each piece. And to the community and staff of Sacred Heart, which always seeks to reveal Love in word and deed. So, as you look at the beautiful mobile of the Trinity, may you see a community of Love, the ever changing and ever present transforming Love that is God. Ami Conlan If Region 15 Schools has a delay or cancellation, there is no 8:30 a.m. Mass. In case of SNOW or ICY weather, please check our website or tune to TV Channel 3 or NBC 30 for Cancellation information. 3 February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Navigating the Rough Waters Depression Self-Help Tip #3: Make it a priority to take care of yourself Job Loss? Financial Worries? Divorce? Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry that connects trained Sacred Heart Stephen Ministers with those in need of pastoral support. Stephen Ministers are known as “After People” — they are ready to come alongside you to provide comfort and support for as long after as needed. For more information on receiving pastoral help from a Stephen Minister, please contact Stephen Leaders Sister Pat at 203-2645071 or Lynn Tidgwell at 203-217-0025; or Stephen Minister Catherine Hughes at 203-758-5421. This includes following a healthy lifestyle, learning to manage stress, setting limits on what you’re able to do, and scheduling FUN activities into your day. Do things you used to enjoy, or express yourself creatively through music, art, or writing. Develop a “wellness tool box.” Come up with a list of things that you can do for a quick mood boost, and implement a few of these ideas every day. Examples might include: spend time in nature, list what you like about yourself, watch a funny movie or TV show, listen to music, take a long, hot bath, etc. Perhaps one of the most powerful tools for dealing with depression is exercise. Studies show that regular exercise can be as effective as anti-depressant medication at increasing energy levels and decreasing feelings of fatigue. Aim for 30 minutes a day. Please Pray For... Lynne Perilli, Dennis Savard, Victoria Tocci, Deborah Libourel, Ralph Ponzo, John Chapin, Annette Reidy, Suzanne Hardy, Dorothy Ruggiero, Maureen Bird McGrath, RoseMary DeCarlo, Dee Holliday, Ken Schutte, Mary Johnstone, Mary Ann Preston, Elena Saliani, Rich Young, Elizabeth Walsh, Glenn Robinson, Msgr. John Burns, Eric Hansen, Ino Toma, Frank & Barbara Ditter, Ann Rasch, Frank Brooks, Carolyn & Sylvio Scotti, Trysha Murphy, Judy Stevens, Joan Burns, Corrine Burke, Tracey Kepics, Brittney Wheeler, Joe O’Leary, Dennis Bickerstaff, Elaine O’Rourke, Bill McGrath, Frank Jennings, Henry Duffy, Darren Warner LIFT Tuesdays, 9:15AM, Hall Ladies in Faith Together (LIFT) meets weekly at Sacred Heart Church on Tuesdays mornings to pray, study, share, and provide service. It is a social gathering, as well as a prayer-centered, learning experience. For further information, please feel free to contact Pat Kugeman at 203-881-1441 or [email protected] Please watch the weather and if Southbury or Region 15 delays or cancels school, we will reschedule our meeting. Women Sharing Wisdom Monday, February 2 from 7-8:30 PM, Jerusalem Room All women are welcome. Our meeting time includes presentation, prayer, ritual, and sharing – God’s presence deeply rooted within us! Please bring a notebook and a bible - and a can of coffee or a box of black tea for the food bank. For more information, please feel free to contact S. Pat at 203-264-5071 or [email protected] 4 Parish Nurse Ministry: The Chronic Disease Self Management Workshop Thursdays, 9:30-Noon (Feb. 12-March 19, snow date March 26) - Emmaus Room If you have an ongoing health condition (such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis or depression) or are caring for someone with a chronic health condition, join us for a free 6-week LIVE WELL Workshop. Learn better ways of dealing with pain, fatigue, difficult emotions, anxiety and stress. Learn easy exercises to help improve or maintain strength and energy. Learn ways to improve your nutrition, learn appropriate use of medications and more. To register: call Parish office at 203-264-5071 or Bernie McGarry at 203-264-9028. We Welcome in Baptism: Haylee Rosalie Russo Liam Peter Max Rotatori Ami Conlan, Pastoral Associate Faith Formation - [email protected] Fran Walsh, Coordinator of GIFT (9-10) and Confirmation - [email protected] Deb McGrath, Coordinator of Design (Grades 1-8) - [email protected] Jay Szymansky, Administrative Assistant – [email protected] Faith Formation Office: 203-264-5065 Fax: 203-264-4271 The Next ROC… Sat. February 7, 5PM Rely On Christ Mass February GIFT Schedule Sunday I Wednesday Friday Sunday II February 22 February 25 February 27 March 1 4:00-6:30PM 5:00-7:30PM 6:00-8:30PM 1:00-3:30PM February GIFT Meals catered by: DiPalma’s Pizza Menu: Pizza <Posters & Videos are due now> See the bulletin board or email: [email protected] Shrove Tuesday February 17, 5PM - 8PM First Holy Communion Workshop #1 Sunday, February 8, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Pancake supper with games, mask-making and more! Ticket sales after all Masses: Feb 14-15 $5 kids under 13; $8 adults; $25 family max Sat., Feb. 21: Make-up date is for those who, due to illness or urgent need, cannot make the original date. Confirmation Parish Service February 22 - March 1 GIFT Set-up, Take-down, and/or Kitchen Help (Please sign up on the Bulletin Board) Confirmation Benefiting the 2015 Youth Mission Trip to Frankford, PA Sign up Atri at the u Bull etin m Boar d LRSS Bible Study Last 2 Confirmation Workshops of the Year: Monday, February 2, 6:30-8:00PM: Mary Ronan “Sex as God’s Gift” (new date!) For parents & students Sunday, February 8, 7:00PM: Gifts of the Holy Spirit Students only Mon., May 18, 7PM: Confirmation Mass Bishop Peter Rosazza, Presiding Rehearsal for Sponsors & Candidates: May 17th at 6pm Gospel of John February 12 at 9:30am Hospitality Room Next Children’s Mass: Feb. 22nd at 11:00am Mass Emmaus Room To volunteer, email [email protected] Exodus February 18 at 1:00pm 5 February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time This Week at Sacred Heart Church Liturgical Saturday, January 31 5:30PM - Meeting - Jerusalem 6:00PM - Choir Party - Hall, Kitchen Sunday, February 1 After 9AM and 11AM Masses - K of C Pancake Breakfast Hall, Jerusalem, Kitchen 12:00PM - Youth Choir 1:00PM - SFO Mass - Church, Jerusalem (Profession of Joe O’Leary) Monday, February 2 5:00PM - St. Vincent De Paul Meal - Parking Lot 6:30PM - Mary Ronan Workshop - Church 6:45PM - Stephen Ministry Supervisory - Emmaus 7:00PM - Women Sharing Wisdom - Jerusalem 7:00PM - LRSS - Shalom Tuesday, February 3 7:30AM-4:30PM - Deliver sandwiches - Kitchen 9:15-11:15AM - LIFT - Jerusalem 6:30-8:30PM - SM Training - Jerusalem 6:30PM - Knights of Columbus - Emmaus 7:30PM - Mom’s Bible Study - Hospitality Wednesday, February 4 9:30AM - Prayer Shawl - Jerusalem In case of SNOW or 10:00AM - JAM - Nursery ICY weather, please 3:30PM - Women’s AA - Jerusalem check our website or 6:30PM - Columbiettes - Jerusalem 7:30PM - Website - Emmaus tune to TV Channel Thursday, February 5 3 or NBC 30 for 12:15-1:15PM - Support - Hospitality Cancellation 7:00PM - Adult Choir - Church 8:00PM - AA - Jerusalem information. Friday, February 6 9:00-11:00AM - SM Supervisory Emmaus 6:30PM - ROC Rehearsal - Church Saturday, February 7 3:00PM - ROC Rehearsal - Church 5:00PM - ROC Mass 5:30PM - Meeting - Jerusalem 6:00PM - ROC Reception - Hall After Mass - Blood Pressure Screening Sunday, February 8 After all Masses - Blood Pressure Screening 9:00AM - Scout Sunday - Scouts will process in 10:15AM - Parish Nurse - Emmaus 12:00PM - Youth Choir 1:00PM - JWalking Dinner - Offsite 4:00PM - 1st Holy Communion Workshop #1 - Entire Facility 7:00PM - Holy Spirit Confirmation Workshop Daytime Little Rock Bible Study to Resume Haiti Immersion Trip We are looking for interested travelers to participate in one of the two immersion trips scheduled for this spring/summer. Trips are forming for adults to travel in May and for young people (age 16 and up) in July/August. Contact Christine Granja 203-264-4467 or [email protected]. Immerse yourself in the culture of Haiti. Visit our twin parish, Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, in Gran Boulage, make a difference in the lives of Haitians and in your life! Sacred Heart … For the 21st Century campaign Please consider naming Sacred Heart Church as a beneficiary of your Will or estate plan. For more information, please contact Father Joe. 6 Consider adding Scripture to your Lenten practice this year. On Wednesday afternoon, starting Feb. 18, the Book of Exodus will be studied. Exodus is the central event of the Old Testament. Its themes of liberation, wilderness, Passover, Covenant, and God's dwelling are central to the entire Bible. On Thursday mornings, starting Feb. 12, the study will cover the Gospel According to John. Written in a poetic and symbolic style, this gospel prayerfully reflects on Jesus and his eternal relationship to the Father. This gospel invites one to meditate on God's overwhelming love. Information and sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the atrium. Social Outreach St. Vincent de Paul Meal Ministry We provide a meal for the shelter the first Monday of the month (except when a holiday occurs then it’s served the second Monday.) Team A is responsible for Sept/Jan/May, Team B: Oct/Feb/June, Team C: Nov/March/July & Team D: Dec/April/Aug. If you are interested, contact Jeanne Tillinghast at 203-264-5827. Team “B” will serve chicken & rice casserole, salad, and cookies on Mon., February 2 at St. Vincent De Paul Shelter. Trays, lids and recipe will be available in the church kitchen the weekend Jan. 31. If you would like to join this ministry, we are always looking for new volunteers to make part of the meal. Contact Colleen Burne at 203-232-3658 with questions. Kairos Annual Retreat—April 24-26th at Garner Correctional Institution, Newtown CT We seek volunteers to help inmates in their search for Christ. I appeal to those men who want to listen and guide. Several Saturday mornings are required in addition to the retreat. If you are one of those in which the Holy Spirit has selected to spend Christ’s time with the prisoners, call Dennis McLaughlin at 203-264-0984 and we can meet. The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults: The 2015 4K for Cancer 70-day Bicycle Trip We will be visiting patients in hospitals and homes, and holding informational meetings to raise awareness. We aim to inspire hope in the young adults who have been diagnosed with cancer and to educate the communities we visit about how common cancer in young adults truly is. 91% of funds will help pay for treatments, help offer transportation to and from appointments, create college scholarships. Donations can be made on our 4k donation pages: http://4kforcancer.org/profiles/matthew-meyer/ Boy Scout Sunday - February 8 at 9:00AM Mass All Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, Boy Scouts and leaders are cordially invited to participate in the annual Boy Scout Sunday. Please arrive in uniform at 8:45AM to assemble our lineup for the entry procession. Any questions can be directed to David Rohlfing at 203-264-4628. Young Adults (18-30ish) Group SH Young Adults Facebook: www.facebook.com/ SacredHeartSouthburyYoungAdults
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