POPLAR GROVE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER Lent - - What are you Taking On? Typically, during the season of Lent many people decide to give up things like chocolate, or television or other habits and practices that are not healthy for them physically, emotionally, spiritually, or socially. They put themselves through a rigorous cold turkey journey in an effort to experience a better life or healthy life at the end of the season. What usually happens is that there is nothing to replace what they are giving up in an effort to help support them. And in many cases, the reason for giving up is about how other people view them. The season of Lent is much more than engaging in a practice of giving up foods and activities. It is a spiritual journey designed to move us closer to God through participating in spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, study, self-denial and self-examination. Let us consider the following understanding: Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lencten, which means "spring." The season is a preparation for celebrating Easter. Historically, Lent began as a period of fasting and preparation for baptism by converts and then became a time for penance by all Christians. the first Sunday describes Jesus' temptation by Satan; and the sixth Sunday (Passion/Palm Sunday), Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his subsequent passion and death. Because Sundays are always little Easters, the penitential spirit of Lent should be tempered with joyful expectation of the Resurrection. Not only were converts prepared for baptism, but it was also a time when persons who had committed serious sins, and had separated themselves from the community of faith, were reconciled by penitence and forgiveness, and restored to participation in the life of the church. In this way the whole congregation was reminded of the mercy and forgiveness proclaimed in the gospel of Jesus Christ and the need we all have to renew our faith. I do hope this helps in our understanding of what Lent is all about. So the question is what are we taking on in an effort to get closer to God during this season? What spiritual disciplines will we increase or grow in during our Lenten season? What are the areas of our faith journey in which we could grow stronger? Perhaps, we could make a commitment to join in the Lenten study that will be offered; perhaps we could make a commitment to attend worship during the whole season of Lent though Easter; perhaps, we could make a commitment to read a book of the Bible in which we are not familiar like Thessalonians, or Colossians, or the Minor Prophets; perhaps we can commit to serve in a ministry opportunity in the church. The list of ways to grow are numerous, but the question remains, what are we taking on in an effort to grow in our faith and relationship with God? As you ponder the question and reflect, I do invite you to our Ash Wednesday worship service on Wednesday February 18 at 7 pm with the expectation that you can begin your journey of growth. Happy reflecting and planning in preparation for the season of Lent. Grace and Peace Pastor Chris Page 2 FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER A 6-week Lenten Study “The God We Can Know” will be offered on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings during Lent. This study explores the “I am” sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of John and features a weekly DVD segment filmed on location in the Holy Land. Participant books are $10, scholarships are available. Tuesday study begins February 24th, Wednesday study begins February 25th. Facilitator: Pastor Chris Druce Jones. Please sign up for the desired study day on the clipboards in fellowship hall. Sermons for February & March 2015 Sermon Series: Healing our Land 31-1 "Seek God's Face" 2 Chronicles 7:12-14 7-8 Feb. "Turn From Wicked Ways" 2 Chronicles 7:12-14 14-15 Feb. “Jesus Used Text Messaging” Matthew 4:1-11 18 (Ash Wednesday) “Marked for Death” Matthew 16:24-26 Ash Wednesday Worship with Imposition of Ashes and Communion 7pm on February 18th All are welcome. Sermon Series: Getting to Know Jesus 21-22 Feb. “The Bread of Life” John 6:22-35 28-1 Mar. “The Light of the World” John 8:1-12 7-8 Mar. “The Good Shepherd” John 10:7-16 14-15 Mar. “The True Vine” John 15:1-8 21-22 Mar. “The Way, Truth and Life” John 14:1-7 28-29 Mar. “The Resurrection and the Life” John 11:17-27 Worship Schedule: Saturday 6:00pm, Sunday 8:00am and 10:00am FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER Page 3 February 2015 Spotlight on Staff of PGUMC Ward Haselhorst, our media specialist, has found many ways to touch people’s lives and serve Christ here at Poplar Grove United Methodist Church (PGUMC); not in just the obvious ways with his multimedia expertise during our three worship services, but in many other unique and equally talented ways. But first, let’s learn a little about Ward. Ward is married to Judy and in August they will celebrate their 50th anniversary. They have 2 children, Kathe and Brian. Kathe is married to Phil Keithley and they have 2 sons, Payton and Hunter. Brian is married to Jessica and they have 2 daughters, Taylor and Ryah and son Zander. Ward received his Masters of Physics from Purdue and Masters of Education from the U of I, in Champaign-Urbana. He taught physics and was head of the science department at Proviso East High School, retiring in 1994. A definite highlight of his career as a physics teacher was time spent at Fermi Lab where he became acquainted with several renown physicists of the time, one being a Nobel Laureate (ask Ward with whom he was talking at the time this man was announced as a Nobel winner). He and Judy have been members of PGUMC since 1996 and live in Candlewick. Much of Ward’s inspiration for his duties here at PGUMC has come from church conferences, which highlighted groundbreaking, multimedia programming for larger churches presented by two lead pastors, Adam Hamilton and Mike Slaughter. As previously mentioned, Ward’s talents and creativity are not limited to the “big screen”. He has built with his own two hands many of the woodworking items you see around the church: the frames for the stained glass windows in the Narthex and sanctuary, the Welcome Center and most notably, the lectern which he fashioned out of pews from the old church. As well, Ward has used his love of music and knowledge of computers to establish a data base for the music used here at PGUMC. Ward absolutely loves music and finds it difficult to narrow down to one favorite hymn; he likes both traditional and contemporary. Just don’t give him any song that is repetitive ad nauseam. Many of the church’s multimedia needs that have surfaced over the years as technology advances have been generously provided for. And as media director he has been a wise steward of those donations to ensure we get the “best bang for the buck”, providing not only his technical talents but also his physical ones in the installation of the various pieces of equipment acquired over the years. In his free time, Ward loves to travel. He and Judy have traveled all over the world and once Judy’s hip gets back to 100%, they and their family are looking forward to a Golden Anniversary celebratory cruise to the Caribbean. In the meantime, let’s celebrate all that Ward has done, is doing, and will do to glorify God through his many talents here at PGUMC. P.S. Ward would like to thank Star and Jacob Babcock and Payton Keithley for being integral parts of the media team. Page 4 FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER Concerning Congregational Care Sharing Our Giftedness As I return from medical leave there were some things that became very evident to me that I was in need of during my recovery. First there was the need for someone to be with me at all times during the first week as I learned to maneuver with a walker, get dressed, prepare meals, get in and out of bed correctly, let the dog out, and tidy up the house. One of you took a day off of work to stay with me. Then after that there was a need for rides to appointments, to the pharmacy, and for meetings. Many of you gave me rides. Many of you brought my husband and I meals during my recovery and what a blessing this sharing of your gift of cooking was to us. Many of you sent a get well card and they so lifted my spirits. Thank you for sharing your gifts this way. A few of you covered my usual ministries at the church so they could continue seamlessly. I am so very thankful for your help in this way. During the time of my recovery Christmas Eve was celebrated and I could not be with you. This was very sad for me to miss the first time in 18 years, but some of you sent greeting cards, small gifts, and even a dvd of the service so I could feel the experience as much as possible. Thank you for sharing your gifts in this way. I also celebrated a birthday during this time and again some of you remembered to send a card to let me know you were thinking of me. What a blessing you have been to me! Then came the time of set backs in my recovery and many of you prayed for me. Never underestimate the power of prayer. I thank those of you who practice this gift. One of you even attended to my medical needs during this time to help me become more comfortable. I can’t thank her enough for sacrificing an afternoon to attend to me. Another of one of you drove me to two medical appointments despite it being a working day and never complained. I thank you for sharing your gift of availability with me. As I look back at this experience, I can see how so many of you, known and unknown had a hand in my recovery. This is truly how the church acts as the body of Christ. Each of us has been given at least one gift that we can share with others. Whether you are a member or a person who is new to attending Poplar Grove UMC, we have a place for YOU to share your gifts. We invite you to speak with Pastor Chris, myself or Phil Keithley the church lay leader about how you can get plugged into ministries that match your gifts. You will find that in blessing others, you also become blessed. Grace and peace, Rev. Danice Loveridge, Deacon Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 1Cor:16 FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER Page 5 Monthly $500 Benevolence Gift Recipient: Shelter Care Ministries Each month the Administrative Council of PGUMC discusses and then selects a local or global charity to be the recipient of a $500 benevolence from Poplar Grove United Methodist Church. The January 2015 benevolence was given to Shelter Care Ministries of Rockford which helps provide shelter for Rockford’s homeless population and a day center for those with mental illness. Thank you for your financial support to our ministry. Together we are making a positive difference in our world. Food on the Fourth Weekend The 4th weekend of every month we collect non-perishable food donations for the North Boone Christian Food Pantry. There is a collection bin located under the coat rack in the education hallway for donations any time. The North Boone Christian Food Pantry serves people in need residing in Poplar Grove, Capron and rural northern Boone County. This pantry is housed at Capron United Methodist Church and is supported by churches in northern Boone County including PGUMC. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make donation checks payable to North Boone Food Pantry. On the fourth weekend of each month (“Food on the Fourth Weekend”) we collect non-perishable food donations for the North Boone Food Pantry. Non-perishable food items most needed by the North Boone Christian Food Pantry: • Canned vegetables • Canned fruits • Canned meats • Soups • Peanut butter • Boxed foods like mac & cheese, hamburger helper, etc. • Noodles • Rice • Cereals • Cake mixes, brownie mixes, frostings Page 6 FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER The Glowing Embers invite all seniors to a potluck on Thursday, February 26th at 11am. A movie will follow lunch. HOLY COMMUNION Would you like to help serve Holy Communion at 10 am service? Servers are being lined up ahead of time and we would love to have you help! The only time requirement is during worship itself. Contact Jenny Campbell (815-713-4178) to get more information. FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER Page 7 PGUMC participates in the Pacemaker Countryside Markets “Community Sharing Program” For every dollar you spend at either Poplar Grove or Belvidere Pacemaker Stores the church will earn a 2.5% rebate. Here’s how: Pick up a community sharing program card from the “Info to Grow” brochure rack at PGUMC. Present the card every time you make a purchase at Pacemaker. It is not too late to make a giving pledge for 2015. Pledge forms are available at the “Info 2015 Picture Directory update to Grow” wall display. Directories will be printed after February 8th when we welcome new members to PGUMC. A reminder from your financial secretary When giving to more than one fund, please indicate on your envelope or check the amount you are giving to each fund to insure your giving is recorded correctly. The weekend of February 14-15 is the target date to have a display of new directories in blue folders ready for the taking. Please take one directory per household. FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER Page 8 Thank you everyone who took an angel from the Angel Tree for Park Place of Belvidere residents at Christmas. I wish you could have seen their faces when they opened their gifts. It was priceless. Thank you all for the blessing and love you provided for them at Christmas, and thank you from me for your Christian love and caring. - Kay Parris Altar Flowers Do you have a family member If you would like to provide altar flowers for worship, please sign up on the wall chart near the entrance of fellowship hall. Please add details if celebrating an event or in memory of someone. serving in the military? Please have floral arrangement or flowering plant in place prior to the 6pm Saturday service. You can order from the Flower Bin Etc or Barr’s Florist (both in Belvidere) for Saturday delivery or bring them in yourself. Take your flowers home following the 10am service or pick them up on Monday or Tuesday during office hours. and a picture of Please send us their name, branch of service, address them in uniform. We will add them to our "Pray For Our Troops" display. Places for more information on Sharing Our Gifts www.Rickwarren.org/devotional/english/make-the-most-ofyour-talents is a small article written by Rick Warren that reminds us that we are a manager of the gifts God has given to us. They may be great or small in our eyes, but they matter to God. "Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful" (1 Corinthians 4:2 NIV). www.projectinspired.com/how-to-find-your-God-given-talent/ Another small article that helps us identify how simple it is to find our God given gifts. www.spiritualgiftstest.com/tests is a website where you can actually take a spiritual gifts test for youth and adults and print out your results to bring to your church leadership. FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER Page 9 COMMUNITY TABLE IS PROVIDING MEALS EVERY WEEK! There are five churches that help with this effort and several teachers from the North Boone School District. This is a free offering of food and hospitality to anyone in Boone County. The meals are nutritious and the building of community is even better. Come join us! There is never a charge as the food is provided by the Belvidere Boone County Food Pantry. There is always a meal at the table for you! If you or your group would like to volunteer your services at the Community Meals, please contact Danice Loveridge @ 815-765-2001. We are also in need of Food Certified individuals. • • • Every Thursday evening 5:30-6:30pm, Poplar Grove UMC Third Wednesday of month 5-6:30pm, St John's UCC, 401 N Main, Belvidere First Friday of month, 5-7pm, Apostolic Christian Church, 8675 Townhall, Belvidere DID YOU KNOW? POPLAR GROVE UMC IS LISTED AS A WARMING AND COOLING CENTER in Northern Boone County during our normal hours of operation, and a feeding center during our Community Meals. In the event of inclement weather, the Thursday evening meals will follow the Inclement Weather Plan for PGUMC as outlined below. Inclement Weather Plan for PGUMC If school and/or activities in the North Boone School District are cancelled, church activities will be cancelled as well for that day. Watch the TV station cancellation lists. Please use discretion when deciding whether to venture out into the weather for church activities. It may be worse along the way than it is at your home. Overall, worship will not be cancelled, unless roads are absolutely impassible - but people should still use their own judgment. Attendance is important, but not worth an injury or auto accident. FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER Page 10 Hello Church! Did you know we have a Stephen Ministry program here? Do you know what a Stephen Minister is? Stephen Ministers are people from this congregation that have received 50 hours of specialized training and numerous hours of ongoing training to be compassionate listeners and spiritual partners with persons who are struggling through a difficulty in their life. This is a one to one confidential and caring relationship with the same person throughout your journey that never costs you anything. The church provides the training and ensures the ongoing supervision and training of the Stephen Minister to ensure quality care is given to the care receiver at all times. If you or someone you know is struggling with a difficulty and could use a person to journey with you in a confidential and caring relationship, please contact me and I will get you connected with the proper Stephen Minister. If you feel that God may be calling you to provide this type of one to one care for others and would like more information, I will be happy to meet with you and explain more. We are also looking to train another Stephen Leader. Stephen Leaders do not have to be Stephen Ministers. They train the new Stephen Ministers, provide supervision, match care receivers and Stephen Ministers together, and provide for ongoing education and training. The church has a budget to pay for the training of Stephen Ministers and Stephen Leaders. Most of our Stephen Ministers are involved in some sort of caring relationships. Some are bringing communion to the home bound, and some are helping with hospital visits. Others are leading specialized ministries. The opportunities are endless. For February 11th at 6:30pm, we are planning to discuss materials from the American Cancer Society that cover types, causes and treatments of cancers, and how ACS can help. This information is open to the public should you be interested. For more information on anything related to Stephen Ministry, please contact Dan Wilson (815)319-2090, or myself. You will be glad you did! Grace and Peace, Rev. Danice Loveridge, Deacon GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. A person may join the group at any time. Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm ~ Beginning March 3, 2015 Cost to participate: $15 participant booklet (scholarships available if needed) For more information contact: Evelyn 815-236-9247 or Steve 815-765-3284 FEBRUARY 2015 MESSENGER Sunday 10am Greeter/Ushers: Feb 1: Gordon & Maryann Akey, Steve & Leona Mundy Feb 15: Agustin & Kristi Juarez, Sid & MaryLou Brooks Feb 8: Roy & Sharon West, Judy Noe, Bob Edwards Feb 22: Tom & Fayne Kniep, Bill & Donna Louis Worship Times: Saturday 6pm, Sunday 8am & 10am Nursery Care: Sunday 8:45am—11:30am Page 11 Prayer Concerns & Around the Corner Mid-week Announcements Having a Hospital Experience? Would you like to receive the monthly newsletter, weekly prayer concerns and mid-week announcements via email? Please visit our website, pgumc.us and click on the “SUBSCRIBE” tab to be added to our email list. Contact Linda in the church office for assistance. the hospitals call the pastor or We’re Recycling! Please bring in your used ink cartridges, old cell phones, old digital cameras, and laser cartridges for recycling. The church receives office supplies in exchange for items recycled. A collection box is on the “Mission Collection Zone” coat rack shelf in the education hallway. Contact Us: People sometimes assume that church to let us know when someone is hospitalized. They do not. We want to be there when people need us. Please call the church office, 815/765-2001. Computer Lab Do you need to access the internet for school or work? PGUMC has a community laptop available on: • Wednesdays, 10:00am-3:30pm • Thursday evenings, 4:00-7:00pm Just drop in no appointment necessary. Poplar Grove United Methodist Church 105 E. Grove St., Poplar Grove, IL (1-1/4 mile east of the intersection of Hwy 173 and 76) Mailing address: P.O. Box 217, Poplar Grove, IL 61065 Office phone: 815-765-2001 Office hours: M,T,W,F 8:30am-4pm (closed Thursday) Email General Office: [email protected] Rev. Christopher Druce Jones, Senior Pastor: [email protected] Rev. Danice Loveridge, Dir. Congregational Care: [email protected] Kathe Keithley, Dir. Christian Educ. & Youth Ministry: [email protected] Linda Geishert, Administrative Assistant: [email protected] Poplar Grove UMC website: pgumc.us Northern Illinois Conference website: umcnic.org March Messenger Deadline is Friday, February 20, 2015
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