DANIEL KOLENDA New programme ‘Live before you die’airing this month INSIDE THIS ISSUE ARTICLES 2 3 Welcome The Healing Word Q&A Roadshow PROGRAMME SCHEDULE 41st - 4th February Schedule 55th - 8th February Schedule 69th - 12th February Schedule FURTHER ARTICLES 7 8 10 Joseph Prince David Pawson Marriage Giving To The Foundation PROGRAMME SCHEDULE 11 13th - 16th February Schedule 12 17th - 20th February Schedule 1321st - 24th February Schedule 1425th- 28th February Schedule 15 Happy Birthday Revelation TV Live Before You Die Mail: Revelation TV, PO BOX 16833, Sutton Coldfield, B73 9XD Web: revelationtv.com Email: [email protected] Phone: (0044) 208 972 1400 @revelationtv /rtveurope SKY 581. FREESAT 692. FREEVIEW HD 241. ROKU BOX. 2 Welcome to the February 2015 edition of RTimes. This month Revelation TV celebrates its twelfth year in ministry. We are so grateful for all the lives that God has touched through the work of the channel. We appreciate every single person that has stood with us over the years, and we are excited about what God has for Revelation TV in the future. Each month we do our best to bring you programmes that will encourage you and strengthen your walk with Christ. This month is no different. We are glad to welcome Cyril and Breda Smyth back with their popular Healing Word programme. See page 3 for more information. We are also delighted to welcome Daniel Kolenda, David Pawson and Joseph Prince. Their ministries have touched hundreds of thousands of individuals worldwide and we look forward to extending their reach through Revelation TV. You will see on the back page of this RTimes guide that Revelation TV have a trip to Israel in March 2015. If you would like to visit places like Jerusalem and walk where Jesus walked, call the booking line on 0208 931 8811 or download the booking form at Revelationtv.com. Individuals as well as groups are welcome and places are still available. With every blessing, Gordon Pettie Chairman HEALING WORD ‘You have exalted above all things your name and your word’ Ps 138v2. Connecting with viewers through e-mails and text messages, Cyril and Breda Smyth share their faith in God’s Word. They encourage people to read God’s healing Scriptures for themselves and others, so that they may experience the power of His Word, in their lives.‘I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled’.Jer.1v12. Join Cyril and Breda Sundays at 17.30hrs Thank you for joining us at the Q&A Roadshow! Watch the Belfast talk on Saturday 7th February at 14.00hrs 3 Dr. Hugh Jackman February 1st- 4th SUNDAY 06.00 Testimony Time 06.30 The interview - Singles 07.00 David Pawson 08.00 Digging Deeper 09.00 Trumpet Of Salvation 09.30 New Life Christian Centre 10.00 20:20 Vision With Hugh Osgood 10.30 Church Without Walls (L) 12.00 Bayless Conley 12.30 Health Matters 13.00 Faith Talks 13.30 To the Point 14.00 Derek Prince 14.30 The Power of Faith David Hathaway 15.00 Live Before You Die 15.30 The Middle East Report 16.30 The Q&A Show (Thurs R) 17.30 Healing Word 18.00 Covenant Christian Centre 18.30 Derek Prince 19.00 Classic Praise 19.30 New Bethel 20.00 Healing Word 20.30 Church Without Walls (R) 22.00 In The Last Days 22.30 Contemporary Praise 23.00 Jerusalem Date Line 23.30 Bible Study Classics 00.30 God’s Country 02.00 The Middle East Report 03.00 Classic Praise 03.30 Church Without Walls (R) 05.00 Heroes Of The Faith 05.30 To the point MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 06.00 Do Animals Evolve 06.30 Today with God 07.00 The Middle East Report 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Jewish Voice 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Watchman 13.00 The Living Room (R) 14.00 Bible Topics (R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Exploits 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Kings Revival 19.30 It’s Supernatural 20.00 Jesse Duplantis 20.30 To the Point 21.00 Bible Study (L) 22.00 The Late Show (L) 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Road To Emmaus 01.00 David Pawson 02.00 The Q&A Show (Thurs R) 03.00 Heroes Of The Faith 03.30 Hidden Treasure 04.00 R Mornings (Monday R) 06.00 Get Well Stay Well (Friday R) 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Oxford Bible Church 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Classic Praise 13.00 Bible Study (Mon R) 14.00 The Late Show (Mon R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Joseph Storehouse Mourning into dancing 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Voices From Israel - David Davis 20.00 Deliverance Outreach 20.30 The Lord’s Challenge 21.00 Bible Study (L) 22.00 The Late Show (L) 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Film - Heart of The Father 01.00 Cordoba Documentary 02.00 Bible Study (Monday R) 03.00 Christian World News 03.30 Contemporary Praise 04.00 R Mornings (Tuesday R) 06.00 Classic Praise 06.30 Creation Ministries 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Roots and Reflections 10.00 In The Last Days 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Digging Deeper(L) 13.30 Voices from Israel - Tony Higton 14.00 The Late Show (Tues R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Jewish Voice 16.00 R Mornings (L) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 John Hagee 20.00 Live Before You Die 20.30 Oxford Bible Church 21.00 Just A Minute (L) 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Deliverance Outreach Ministries 01.00 Dr Grady McMurtry 02.00 Bible Study (Tuesday R) 03.00 Healing Word 03.30 Today With God 04.00 R Mornings (Wednesday R) * Schedule is subject to change And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galations 6:9 4 February 5th- 8th THURSDAY 06.00 Rkidz 06.30 Exploits 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08:30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Jewish Voice 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 To The Point 13.00 Deliverance Outreach Ministries 14.00 Joseph Storehouse Mourning into dancing 14.30 20:20 Vision With Hugh Osgood 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 The Interview - Singles 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Heroes Of The Faith 19.30 Classic Praise 20.00 Health Matters 20.30 Faith Talks 21.00 The Q&A Show (L) 22.00 Bible Topics 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Voice in the Wilderness (L) 02.00 The Late Show ( Wednesday R) 03.00 Voices from Israel - Rabbi Yaacov Youlis 04.00 R Mornings (Thursday R ) SUNDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 06.00 The Living Room (R) 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Health Matters 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Get Well Stay Well (L) 14.00 Healing Word 14.30 Contemporary Praise 15.00 Exploits 15.30 Live Before You Die 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 The Middle East Report (L) 20.00 Jerusalem Date Line 06.00 Testimony Time 06.30 Voices from Israel Yan Wilem 07.00 David Pawson 08.00 Digging Deeper (R) 09.00 Trumpet of Salvation 09:30 New life Christian Centre 10.00 20:20 Vision With Hugh Osgood 10.30 Church Without Walls (L) 12.00 Bayless Conley 12.30 Health Matters 13.00 Faith Talks 13.30 To the Point 14.00 Derek Prince 14.30 The Power of Faith David Hathaway 15.00 Live Before You Die 15.30 The Middle East Report 16.30 The Q&A Show (Thurs R) 17.30 Healing Word 10.00 Testimony Time 10.30 Get Well Stay Well ( Friday R) 11.30 Church Without Walls 13.00 Bible Study (Tues R) 14.00 Q&A Road Show - Belfast 15.30 Kehilat HaCarmel 16.00 Exploits 16.30 Dr Grady McMurtry 18.00 Covenant Christian Centre 17.00Watchman 18.30 Derek Prince 17.30 In Conversation 19.00 Classic Praise 18.00 Just A Minute (R) 20.00 Metropolitan Tabernacle 19.30 New Bethel 21:00 Global Light Revival Church 20.00 Healing Word 20.30 Church Without Walls (R) 22.00 Voices from Israel - 22.00 In The Last Days David Davies 22.30 Contemporary Praise 23.00 Derek Prince 23.00 Jerusalem Date Line 23.30Exploits 23.30 Bible Study Classics 00.00 The Interview 00.30 Film - The Wager 01.00 Dr Grady McMurtry 02.00 The Middle East Report 02.00 Film - Letters to God 03.00 Classic Praise 04.00 Middle East Report 05.00 Voices from Israel - Rabbi 03.30 Church Without Walls (R) 05.00 Heroes Of The Faith Yaacov Youlis 05.30 To The Point 05:30 Live Before You Die 20.30 Roots and Reflections 21.00 The Living Room (L) 22.00 Hebrew Roots Center Galilee Israel 23.00 700 Club 00.00RMornings 02.00 Get Well Stay Well (R) 03.30 Voices from Israel - TonyHigton 04.00 Dr Grady McMurtry 05.30 Blessing or Curse Michael Cohen 06.00 Creation Hour 07.00 Heroes Of The Faith 07.30 700 Club 08.30 Dr Grady McMurtry 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries * Schedule is subject to change And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, Hebrew 10:24 5 February 9th- 12th MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 06.00 Voices from Israel Tony Higton 06.30 Today With God 07.00 The Middle East Report 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Jewish Voice 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Watchman 13.00 The Living Room (R) 14.00 Bible Topics (R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Exploits 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Kings Revival 19.30 It’s Supernatural 20.00 Jesse Duplantis 20.30 To the Point 21.00 Bible Study (L) 22.00 The Late Show (L) 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Salvation Army - In Sovereign Service 01.00 David Pawson 02.00 The Q&A show (Thurs R) 03.00 Heroes Of The Faith 03.30 Hidden Treasure 04.00 R Mornings (Monday R) 06.00 Get Well Stay Well (Friday R) 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Oxford Bible Church 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Classic Praise 13.00 Bible Study (Monday R) 14.00 The Late Show (Mon R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Joseph Storehouse Mourning into dancing 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Voices from Israel - David Davies 20.00 Deliverance Outreach 20.30 The Lord’s Challenge 21.00 Bible Study (L) 22.00 The Late Show (L) 23.00 700 Club 00.00 In Conversation - IVF and Surrogacy 06.00 Classic Praise 06.30 Creation Ministries 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Roots and Reflections 10.00 In The Last Days 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Digging Deeper (L) 13.30 Voices from Israel - Rabbi Yaacov Youlis 14.00 The Late Show (Tuesday R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Jewish Voice 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 John Hagee 20.00 Live Before You Die 20.30 Oxford Bible Church 21.00 Just A Minute (L) 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Deliverance Outreach Ministries 00.30 Dr Grady McMurtry 01.00 Dr Grady McMurtry 01.00 What Are The Schools 02.00 Bible Study Teaching? (Tuesday R) 02.00 Bible Study (Monday R) 03.00 Healing Word 03.00 Christian World News 03.30 Today with God 03.30 Contemporary Praise 04.00 R Mornings 04.00 R Mornings (Wednesday R) (Tuesday R) THURSDAY 06.00 Rkidz 06.30 Exploits 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Jewish Voice 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 To The Point 13.00 Deliverance Outreach Ministries 14.00 Joseph Storehouse Mourning into Dancing 14.30 20:20 Vision with Hugh Osgood 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Voices From Israel - Yan Willem 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Heroes Of The Faith 19.30 Classic Praise 20.00 Health Matters 20.30 Faith Talks 21.00 The Q&A Show: Marriage (L) 22.00 Bible Topics 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Voice in the Wilderness (L) 02.00 The Late Show (Wednesday R) 03.00 Love, Lust and Libido 04.00 R Mornings (Thursday R) * Schedule is subject to change Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 6 Weekdays at 8am With more than two decades of full-time ministry behind him, Joseph Prince is today a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of grace around the world through his books, teaching resources, and television ministry. Prince is the author of best sellers such as The Power of Right Believing, Destined To Reign, and Unmerited Favor. His humorous, dynamic and engaging style of preaching has also endeared him to a wide spectrum of viewers who tune in to his daily television program. His programme will be begin broadcasting on Revelation TV on 2nd February 2015. We hope that you enjoy his teaching each weekday morning at 8am. David Pawson Starting Sunday 7th February at 7am Born in England in 1930, David began his career with a degree in Agriculture from Durham University. When God intervened and called him to become a Minister, he completed an MA in Theology at Cambridge University and served as a Chaplain in the Royal Air Force for 3 years. He moved on to pastor several churches including the Millmead Centre in Guildford which became a model for many UK church leaders. In 1979, the Lord led him into an international ministry. His current itinerant ministry is predominantly to church leaders. Over the years, he has written a large number of books, booklets, and daily reading notes. Millions of copies of his teachings have been distributed in more than 120 countries, providing a solid biblical foundation. David & his wife Enid currently reside in Hampshire in the UK. MARRIAGE Why Place Jesus at the Centre? Marriage, a most powerful bond for spiritual warfare, is able to overcome all fear, and overwhelm the enemy with passionate prayer. Marriage is a deep interpersonal relationship that mystifies the angels. Marriage is a blessing and mirrors God’s love for us. In marriage there is potential for total intimacy, compete freedom and pure joy. Each of us comes to the marriage ceremony with past experience, present anticipation and future hope. In our lives as individuals, Jesus has drawn us to Himself, as a groom to His bride, comforting us in our sorrow, healing us in our pain, teaching us in our ignorance, and celebrating with us in our victories. So too, must we bring our relationship with Jesus into our marriages. Even though love is stronger than death (S of S 8:6), and love covers a multitude of sins (1Peter 4:8), marriage is difficult. What does inviting Jesus do Sunday 8th February is World Marriage Day, so we asked our Presenters: 8 What’s your number one marriage tip? to build our marriages? “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (John 15:13) When we marry, we are laying our lives down for our spouses. No more intimate love exists than between a husband and wife, committed to a life-long union, a sharing of their hearts, minds, and bodies. With Jesus as our role model, we are constantly reminded to show friendship, patience, faithfulness, steadfastness, respect and love to the person to whom we have chosen to share our lives. Life is a journey. In committing that journey to Christ we are saved, and free from sin, shame, and death. Sharing Jesus in our marriage means we grow as a couple on our journey. My husband and I have found that bringing Jesus into our marriage relationship helps both of us to grow in kindness and gentleness. Sensitive to his Spirit’s conviction when “After 31 years of marriage we would say it’s all about give and take, I take and Jacqui gives! No seriously it’s important to share and respect each other’s views. (Proverbs 18:22)” -Lawrence and Jacqui Bell “We press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phillipians 3:14) 46 years of marriage and still motoring on! Marriage is like wine, the older it is the better it becomes.” - Gordon and Lorna Pettie DON’T MISS OUR Q&A SHOW MARRIAGE SPECIAL ON THURSDAY 12TH FEBRUARY AT 21.00HRS “Perfect love casts out all fear” (1John 4:18b) we stumble, we are hungry to follow his example. With Jesus at the centre of our marriage, he prompts us to value one another just as we value him. ‘People who pray together stay together’ because their intimacy is increased. Jesus helps us to be vulnerable with one another. He helps us to draw together during the inevitable stormy times of life. And just as we can be deeply intimate with Christ privately, likewise in our marriages, He can build a bridge for emotional intimacy and physical intimacy, just as He does for us spiritually. As part of the Church, each of us is the bride of Christ. Every one of us is on a journey in this life to grow in holiness and purity, becoming spotless for the Lamb. Through any relationship, we are tested and tried. In our marriages, iron sharpens iron. We strengthen one another, in our determination and faithfulness to know and to become more like Christ. And also, “It is not the case that only the man is made in the image of God, but rather the husband-wife unit that is God’s image. (Gen 1:27; 2:24; Matt 19:6; Mark 10:8).” -Alan and Sarah Tun we grow in holiness as we soften towards one another. All who have given their lives to Jesus are called to holiness. God’s plan for our lives is to draw us close to Him, as His bride. He knows the perfect path for each of His children. For some it is through marriage that we deepen our discovery of Him. With Jesus at the centre of our marriages, we grow together as we grow more like him. A three strand chord is not easily broken. Through the power and love of Jesus our Lord, let’s bind our marriages in a braid that is unable to be cut, split or broken. Sarah Tun Writer and Wife of Presenter Alan Tun “Your love for God must be greater than your love for your spouse, that way God’s love for you will overflow and be reflected in the love you give your spouse. Love seeks not its own (1 Cor 13:5)” -Jeremy and Jane Park “Keep God at the centre of your marriage, talk to each other about everything and make sure there is lots of fun and laughter. (Phil 4v4).” -Ian and Janice Bell I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE £5 £20 other £50 I am donating to the Revelation Foundation by: Cash Cheque (please make cheques payable to: Revelation Foundation) Credit / Debit card (please ll out your card details below) I am making a: Building Fund Donation General Donation Card No. Name of Cardholder Expiry Date Signature Security No. Please complete your contact details Title Name Address Postcode Tel Email GIFT AID DECLARATION: I want the Revelation Foundation to treat all donations I have made for this tax year and the four years prior to the year of this declaration, and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations. I understand that I must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on my donations in the appropiate tax year. Signed:____________________________________ 10 Date: / / February 13th- 16th FRIDAY SATURDAY 06.00 The Living Room (R) 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Health Matters 06.00 Creation Hour 07.00 Heroes Of The Faith 07.30 700 Club 08.30 Dr Grady McMurtry 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Testimony Time 10.30 Get Well Stay Well ( Friday R) 11.30 Church Without Walls 13.00 Bible Study (Tues R) 14.00 Film - Wesley SUNDAY 06.00 Testimony Time 06.30 Kehilat Ha Carmel 07.00 David Pawson 08.00 Digging Deeper (R) 09.00 Trumpet Of Salvation 09.30 New Life Christian Centre 10.00 20:20 Vision With Hugh Osgood 10.30 Church Without Walls (L) 12.00 Bayless Conley 12.30 Health Matters 10.30 R Mornings (L) 13.00 Faith Talks 12.30 Get Well Stay Well (L) 13.30 To the Point 14.00 Healing Word 16.00 Exploits 14.00 Derek Prince 14.30 Contemporary 16.30 Dr Grady McMurtry 14.30 The Power of Faith Praise 17.00Watchman David Hathaway 15.00Exploits 17.30 In Conversation 15.00 Live Before You Die 15.30 Live Before You Die 18.00 Just A Minute (R) 15.30 The Middle East Report 16.00 R Mornings (R) 20.00 Metropolitan Tabernacle 16.30 The Q&A Show (Thurs R) 18.00 700 Club 17.30 Healing Word 19.00 The Middle 18.00 Covenant Christian Centre East Report 18.30 Derek Prince 20.00 Jerusalem Date Line 19.00 Classic Praise 20.30 Roots and Reflections 19.30 New Bethel 21.00 The Living Room (L) 20.00 Healing Word 20.30 Church Without Walls (R) 22.00 Hebrew Roots Center 22.00 In The Last Days Galilee Israel 21:00 Global Light Revival Church 22.30 Contemporary Praise 23.00 700 Club 23.00 Jerusalem Date Line 00.00 R Mornings 22.00 Q&A Roadshow - Ealing 23.30Exploits 23.30 Bible Study Classics (Friday R) 00.00 The Interview 00.30 Global Warming 02.00 Get Well Stay Well (R) 02.00 The Middle East Report 03.30 Gordon meets Right Hon 01.00 Dr Grady McMurtry 02.00 Film - Letters to God 03.00 Classic Praise Jeffery Donaldson MP 03.30 Church Without Walls (R) 04.00 Dr Grady 04.00 Middle East Report 05.00 The Story of Jutvari 05.00 Heroes Of The Faith McMurtry 05.30 Live Before You Die 05.30 To The Point 05.30 Do Animals Evolve? MONDAY 06.00 Cross and Light - Tlitha Ishi-Smith 06.30 Today With God 07.00 The Middle East Report 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Jewish Voice 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Watchman 13.00 The Living Room (R) 14.00 Bible Topics (R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Exploits 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Kings Revival 19.30 It’s Supernatural 20.00 Jesse Duplantis 20.30 To the Point 21.00 Bible Study (L) 22.00 The Late Show (L) 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Voices from Israel - David Davis 01.00 David Pawson 02.00 The Q&A show (Thursday R) 03.00 Heroes Of The Faith 03.30 Hidden Treasure 04.00 R Mornings ( Mondays R) * Schedule is subject to change Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Proverbs 17:27 11 February 17th- 20th TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 06.00 Get Well Stay Well (Friday R) 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Oxford Bible Church 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Classic Praise 13.00 Bible Study (Monday R) 14.00 The Late Show (Monday R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Joseph Storehouse Mourning into dancing 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Voices from Israel - David Davis 06.00 Classic Praise 06.30 Creation Ministries 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Roots and Reflections 10.00 In The Last Days 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Diggin Deeper (L) 13.30 The story of Jutvari 06.00 RKids 06.30 Exploits 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Jewish Voice 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 To The Point 13.00 Deliverance Outreach Ministries 14.00 Joseph Storehouse Mourning into dancing 14.30 20:20 Vision With Hugh Osgood 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Talk God - Birgit + Rachel 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Heroes Of The Faith 19.30 Classic Praise 06.00 The Living Room (R) 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 20.00 Deliverance Outreach 20.30 The Lord’s Challenge 21.00 Bible Study (L) 22.00 The Late Show (L) 23.00 700 Club 00.00 In Conversation00.30 Dr Grady McMurtry 01.00 Animated Film - The Witness 02.00 Bible Study (Monday R) 03.00 Christian World News 03.30 Contemporary Praise 04.00 R Mornings (Tuesday R) 14.00 The Late Show (Tuesday R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Jewish Voice 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 John Hagee 20.00 Live Before You Die 20.30 Oxford Bible Church 21.00 Just A Minute (L) 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Deliverance Outreach Ministries 01.00 Dr Grady McMurtry 02.00 Bible Study (Tuesday R) 03.00 Healing Word 03.30 Today With God 04.00 R Mornings 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Health Matters 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Get Well Stay Well 14.00 Healing Word 14.30 Contemporary Praise 15.00 Exploits 15.30 Live Before You Die 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 The Middle East Report 20.00 Jerusalem Date Line 20.30 Roots and Reflections 21.00 The Living Room (L) 20.00 Health Matters 22.00 Hebrew Roots Center 20.30 Faith Talks Galilee Israel 21.00 The Q&A show (L) 23.00 700 Club 22.00 Bible Topics (L) 00.00 R Mornings 23.00 700 Club (Friday R) 00.00 Voice in the Wilderness (L) 02.00 Get Well Stay Well (R) 02.00 The Late Show 03.30 Kehilat Ha Carmel (Wednesday R) 04.00 Dr Grady McMurtry 03.00 Film - Young Sun 04.00 R Mornings (Thursday R) 05.30 Murder to Excellence * Schedule is subject to change Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. James 5:13 12 February 21st- 24th SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY 06.00 Creation Hour 07.00 Heroes Of The Faith 07.30 700 Club 08.30 Dr Grady McMurtry 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Testimony time 10.30 Get Well Stay Well ( Friday R) 11.30 Church Without Walls 13.00 Bible Study (Tues R) 14.00 Q&A Roadshow - Belfast 15.30 Kehilat HaCarmel 16.00 Exploits 16.30 Dr Grady McMurtry 17.00Watchman 17.30 In Conversation 18.00 Just A Minute (R) 20.00 Metropolitan Tabernacle 21:00 Global Light Revival Church 22.00 The European Report 06.00 Testimony Time 06.30 Kehilat Ha Carmel 07.00 David Pawson 08.00 Digging Deeper 09.00 Trumpet of Salvation 09.30 New Life Christian Centre 10.00 20:20 Vision With Hugh Osgood 10.30 Church Without Walls (L) 12.00 Bayless Conley 12.30 Health Matters 13.00 Faith Talks 13.30 To The Point 14.00 Derek Prince 14.30 The Power of Faith - David Hathaway 15.00 Live Before You Die 15.30 The Middle East Report 16.30 The Q&A Show ( Thurs R) 17.30 Healing Word 18.00 Covenant Christian Centre 18.30 Derek Prince 19.00 Classic Praise 19.30 New Bethel 20.00 Healing Word 20.30 Church Without Walls 22.00 In The Last Days 22.30 Contemporary Praise 23.00 Jerusalem Date Line 23.30 Bible Study Classics 00.30 One Night With The King 02.00 The Middle East Report 03.00 Classic Praise 03.30 Church Without Walls 05.00 Heroes Of The Faith 05.30 To The Point 06.00 Get Well Stay Well (Friday R) 06.00 Gordon meets Dr 07.00 700 Club David Glass 08.00 Joseph Prince - New 06.30 Today With God Creation Church TV 07.00 The Middle East Report 08.30 Gospel Truth 08.00 Joseph Prince - New 09.00 It’s Supernatural Creation Church TV 09.30 Joyce Meyer 08.30 Gospel Truth Ministries 09.00 It’s Supernatural 10.00 Oxford Bible Church 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Jewish Voice 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Watchman 13.00 The Living Room (R) 14.00 Bible Topics (R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 10.30 R Mornings (L) 15.30 Exploits 12.30 Classic Praise 16.00 R Mornings (R) 13.00 Bible Study 18.00 700 Club (Monday R) 19.00 Kings Revival 14.00 The Late Show 19.30 It’s Supernatural 15.00 700 Club 20.00 Jesse Duplantis Interactive 15.30 Joseph Storehouse Mourning into Dancing 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Cordoba Documentary 20.00 Deliverance Outreach 20.30 The Lord’s Challenge 21.00 Bible Study (L) 20.30 To the Point 22.00 The Late Show (L) 21.00 Bible Study (L) 23.00 700 Club 22.00 The Late Show (L) 00.00 In Conversation 23.00 700 Club 00.30 Dr Grady McMurtry 00.00 Mr and Mrs Smith 01.00 Interview with Sally Klien 01.00 David Pawson 02.00 The Q&A Show O’Conner 02.00 Bible Study (Thurs R) (Monday R) 03.00 Heroes Of 03.00 Christian World News The Faith 03.30 Contemporary Praise 03.30 Hidden Treasure 04.00 R Mornings (Tuesday R) 04.00 RMornings (Monday R) 23.00 Gordon Meets Ian Paisley Junior MP 23.30Exploits 00.00 The Interview 01.00 Dr Grady McMurtry 02.00 Film - To save a life 04.00 Middle East Report 05.00 The story of Jutvari 05.30 Live Before You Die TUESDAY * Schedule is subject to change For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 13 February 25th- 28th WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 06.00 Classic Praise 06.30 Creation Ministries 06.00 R Kidz 06.30 Exploits 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Jewish Voice 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 To The Point 13.00 Deliverance Outreach Ministries 14.00 Joseph Storehouse Mourning into dancing 14.30 20:20 Vision With Hugh Osgood 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Talk God Birgit +Rachel 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 Heroes Of The Faith 19.30 Classic Praise 20.00 Health Matters 20.30 Faith Talks 21.00 The Q&A show (L) 22.00 Bible Topics 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Voice in the Wilderness (L) 02.00 The Late Show (Wednesday R) 03.00 Can You Trust The Bible? 04.00 R Mornings (Thursday R) 06.00 Creation Hour 06.00 The Living Room (R) 07.00 Heroes Of The Faith 07.00 700 Club 07.30 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New 08.30 Dr Grady McMurtry Creation Church TV 09.00 It’s Supernatural 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.30 Joyce Meyer 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 Testimony time Ministries 10.30 Get Well Stay Well (Fri R) 10.00 Health Matters 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Get Well Stay Well (L) 14.00 Healing Word 14.30 Contemporary Praise 11.30 Church Without Walls 13.00 Bible Study (Tues R) 14.00 The European Report 15.00 Life and Music Charlie Landsborough 16.00 Exploits 16.30 Dr Grady McMurtry 17.00Watchman 15.00 Exploits 17.30 In Conversation 15.30 Live Before You Die 18.00 Just A Minute (R) 16.00 R Mornings (R) 19.00 Voices from Israel - 18.00 700 Club David Davis 19.00 The Middle East Report 20.00 Metropolitan 20.00 Jerusalem Date Line Tabernacle 20.30 Roots and 21:00 Global Light Revival Church Reflections 22.00 Searchlight Theatre 21.00 The Living Room (L) Company 22.00 Hebrew Roots Center 23.00 Derek Prince Galilee Israel 23.30Exploits 23.00 700 Club 00.00 The Interview 00.00 R Mornings 01.00 Dr Grady McMurtry (Friday R) 02.00 Q&A Roadshow - Ealing 02.00 Get Well Stay Well (R) 03.30 Do Animals Evolve? 03.30 Kehilat HaCarmel 04.00 Middle East Report 04.00 Dr Grady McMurtry 05.00 The Story Of Jutvari 05.30 TalkGod-Birgit + Rachel 05.30 Live Before You Die 07.00 700 Club 08.00 Joseph Prince - New Creation Church TV 08.30 Gospel Truth 09.00 It’s Supernatural 09.30 Joyce Meyer Ministries 10.00 In The Last Days 10.30 R Mornings (L) 12.30 Diggin Deeper (L) 13.30 Voices from Israel - Tony Higton 14.00 The Late Show (Tuesday R) 15.00 700 Club Interactive 15.30 Jewish Voice 16.00 R Mornings (R) 18.00 700 Club 19.00 John Hagee 20.00 Live Before You Die 20.30 Oxford Bible Church 21.00 Just A Minute (L) 23.00 700 Club 00.00 Deliverance Outreach Ministries 01.00 Blessing, Curse or Coincidence 02.00 Bible Study (Tuesday R) 03.00 Healing Word 03.30 Today With God 04.00 R Mornings SATURDAY * Schedule is subject to change *Please note: Due to the dynamics of a live programming there may be changes after publication. Therefore this ‘Schedule is subject to change’. 14 HAPPY BIRTHDAY REVELATION TV 12 12 12 12 12 “Lord we give You thanks for 12 years of sharing the Gospel around the world.” 12 12 12 -Howard and Lesley Conder. LIVE BEFORE YOU DIE with Daniel Kolenda Sunday 1st February at 15.00hrs JOIN Starting Sunday 1st February Daniel Kolenda will be telling us how to ‘Live before we die’. Kolenda’s programmes will feature on Revelation TV for the first time and we are delighted to have him. Daniel Kolenda is a modern day missionary evangelist who has preached the Gospel to more than 30 million people around the world. As successor to world renowned Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Daniel is the president of Christ for All Nations – a ministry which has conducted some of the largest evangelistic events in history, published over 190 million books in 104 languages, and has offices in 10 nations THE INTERACTION: youaround can interact with the world. Heus is by alsovisiting: a best-selling author of his book entitled Live Before You revelationtv.com | Twitter.com/revelationtv Die. Daniel, with his wife Rebekah and their children, Elijah, Gloria, London and Lydia 15 reside in the Florida area. Download booking form at Revelationtv.com Starting 4th February at 21.00hrs “JUST A MINUTE is a new programme that gives viewers a maximum of 60 seconds to pose their question to a mixed panel of young and mature Christians. Viewers can interact via phone, email and text. The clock starts ticking and the call is ended at 60 seconds precisely. “ - Howard Conder
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