TENDER DOCUMENT FOR SUPPLY OF STATIONARY ITEMS IN THE OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ETECTION OFFICER, BAKSA TENDER DOCUMENT (Cover Pagef OFFICE OF THE DEPUW COMMISSIONER BAKSA 1 & DISTRICT EIECT|ON OFFICER, TABTE OF CONTENT sl. No. Content Page t Cover Page Tender Information Notice Inviting Tender Scope of Work Instruction to Bidders General Conditions of Contract Special conditions of contract Stationary items (Annexue-A) L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6-1_0 10-11 TL-L2 13-18 TENDER INFORMATION lssue of Tender documents From to during office hours. 30.01.2015 Last date & time for submission of tender Date & time of opening of tender On 05.02.2015 at 3.00 PM On at Ven ue In the office chamber of the Election 05.02.2015 Officer, Address for all correspondence Ba 3.30 PM ksa. email: [email protected] ,"r,.Hioner& District Election Officer, Baksa ftl,l-"t \-![tl\,' GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ELECTION OFFICER:::: BAKSA e-mail: [email protected] Ph. No. 03624-234524 Fax: 03624-234556 Notice Invitins Tender Tender No. BEL 9/2014/33 Date:30.01.2015 The District Election Officer, Baksa invites sealed Tenders affixing court fee stamp of Rs. 8.25 (Rupees eight and twenty five paise) only from the experienced Suppliers for supply of Office Stationary items to the Election Branch, Baksa for a period of one year. The intending bidders may obtain Tender Documents containing the detailed descriptions/specifications of items required and terms and conditions from the Election Branch, Baksa on all working days. Completed sealed tenders as per enclosed proforma will be received upto 05.02.2015 at at 3,00 PM and the same will be opened at 05.02.2015 3.30 PM on the same day in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives. Tender document is also available on our website at www.baksa.sov,in 0"M,,,,".",u District Election Officer, Baksa Gtfft'f, 4 l. Scope of work 1. Service: Provision ofGeneralStationary items as specified in the description of items. 2. Period of Contract: Under normal circumstances the contract shall be valid for period of one year from the date of work order. 3. Quantity & estimated cost: District Election Office shall place the order of estimated quantity only as per the actual requirements from time to time. The estimated value ofthe works will be Rs. 2,OO,OOO/- ( Rupees Two Lakh) (Approx.) 4. Supply Requirement: The supply of item shall be made to this office within 3 days of written order. In case of emergency, telephonic intimation shall be considered as a order and delivery should be made within 24hrs accordingly. Office ofthe District Election Officef, Baksa will have the authority to place order for supply of items beyond office hours and on holidays, for which, no additional payment will be made. 5 ll. Instructions A. to Bidders Et-tGtELtTYCONDITTONS a. The bidder should be a reputed stationary supplier having well established office/show room, located in Baksa District or neighbouring Districts. b.lt must be registered under printing & Stationary Deptt. and shall have to be submitted along with the quotations. c.up-to-date value added tax and income tax clearance cenificate must be submitted with the quotation. d.TlN/ VAT No./ PAN must be indicated invariably. e. Experienced certificate against office stationary supply to any other Govt, establishment/ institutions/ organisation etc. must be produced. B. COST OF BIDDING The bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid. Office of the DEO, Baksa in no case be responsible for these costs regardless of the conduct or outcome ofthe bidding process. C, BID DOCUMENT A. Bid document includes a. Notice Inviting Tender b. Scope of work c, Instruction to bidders d, General conditions of the contract e. Special Conditions of Contract f, Authorization letter for attending bid openrng g. Price Schedule & Description h. Agency Details. ofitem ;.;"":::*,o",,. tn*#*fl*g***t,",,* ;* #f*',m'',*,#,: :il::,,#;f e .c.n,ac,,r .,..r,"rff1}"i'rto G. BrD Bid docurnent can be made onry -"'v ur under FoRM schedule furnhhed as the so'e discretion of Distrrct per Form lofsection lr and thr in the o,o r^^. 0ocument covering the items to be supplied. -"- H. PRICE BID a, The supply of the items sltall strictly be as per the requirement and specifications. The rate shall be quoted in figures as we[ as in words as per schedure for a'the items given in the schedule of requirement. Bids not quoted for aI the items may summariry be rejected. b. Prices will be fixed and inclusive of taxes. c. The rates quoted by the selected firm and approved by this office shall remain valid throughout the period of contract and requests to increase the rates for any item(s) during the currency of the contract shall not be considered. d. The delivery of items/goods will be done at bidder's own cost. I. FORMAT AND SIGNING OF BID a. The original bid shall be signed by the bidder or a person duly authorized on each page to written bind the bidder for the contract. The letter of authorisation shall be indicated by Power of Attorney accompanying the Bid. 7 b. The over writing/erasures in the bid made by the bidder shall be signed by the person signing the bid. Unsigned over writing/erasures shall not be considered. c. A clause by clause compliance of services to be provided shall be given for all the clauses stipulated in Section l,ll and lll of the tender document. In case of deviation a statement of deviation shall be given separately. J. SUSt\4tSStON OF BtDS a. Bid must be submitted in one outer envelope having two separate inner envelopes inside, one containing "Technical Bid" and "Financial Bid" also superscripted as "Technical Bid" and "Financial 8id" respectively. Both envelopes should have name and address of the bidders also. Technical Bid should contain duly filled form, document establishing bidders eligibility, Certificate, Agency Details etc. Financial Bid should contain only the duly filled Price Quotation. All the covers should be superscripted as "Tender for Supply of Office Stationary items to be opened on 05.02.2015 at 3.30 PM. The bids should be submitted duly sealed and addressed to the District Election Officer, Baksa, Mushalpur, 781372 and may be dropped in the Tender Box in the Office ofthe District Election officer, Baksa or may be sent by registered post so as to reach this ofice on or before 05,02.2015 by 3.00 pm of due date on the above mentioned address. b. Any bid received after the deadline for submission of bids shall be rejected and returned to the bidder unopened. c. lf envelopes are not sealed as required, the bid shall be rejected. K. BID OPENING oftice of the District Election officer, Baksa shall open bids in the presence of bidders or their authorised representative who wish to be present at the time of opening of bids on due date. Authorisation letter to this effect shall be submitted by the bidder before they are allowed to participate in bid opening. (Format is given). lf the Technical Bid is found complete in all respect, then only Financial Bid will be opened, otherwise the Financial bid will be returned to the bidder without opening it. Technical and Financial bids may not be opened on same date. L. EVALUATION a. Only those bids shall be evatuated which are found to be fulfilling all the eligibility and qualifying requirement oftender both technicallv and commerciallv. b. Office ofthe DEO, Baksa shall evaluate the bids to determine whether they are comptete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether documents have been pfoperly signed and numbered and whether bids are generally in order, c. Office of the DEO, Baksa shall evaluate in detail and compare the substantiaflV responsive bids and comparison ofbids shall be on the price ofthe items supplied inclusive ofalllevies. d, Arithmetical errors shall be rectified on the following basis: lf there is a discrepancv between the rate and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected by this office. rf there is discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevart. e. L-1 Bidder will be decided based on lowest cost i.e. value of each tender items agarnst the required quantity offered by the tendered. In case of more than one, L-1 bidder first preference will be given to the bidder who is lowest in maxjmum items. M. AWARD OF CONTRACT a. The final acceptance of the tender would be entirely vested with the District Election Officer, Baksa who reserves the right to accept or reject without assignint any reason whatsoever. b, There is no obligation on the part ofthe District Election Officer, Baksa to communicate in any way with the rejected bidder. c. After acceptance of the tender by the District Election Officer, Baksa the bidder shall have no right to withdraw his/her tender or claim higher price. d. The bidder approved will be issued order of purchase accordingly for supply of Office Stationarv. e. This office reserves the right to place order on more than one firm depending upon rates quoted & specimen supplied by various bidders. N. PURCHASER'S RIGHT TO VARY QUANTITIES 9 The District Election Officer, Baksa reserves the right to vary the tendered quantity of item(s) upto +/- 25% specilied in the schedured of requirements without any change in the rates ofthe offered quantity or otherterms and conditions. O. SIGNING OF AGREEMENT a, Signing of Agreement shall construe the award of contract on the bidder for supply of Stationary items as specified in the description of items, Format of Agreement is annexed at Form Vl. b. Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirement as per the supply items and in time delivery shall constitute sufficient ground for the annulment of the award in which event the District Election Officer, Baksa may make the award to any other bidder at the discretion this office or callfor new bids. P. DETIVERY a. The delivery of goods shall be made by the bidder in accordance with the terms specified by this office in the Schedule of Requirement and conditions of contract. The detiverv of goods/items should be completed within 2-3 days from the date of issue of purchase/Order. b. The supplier shall warrant that goods to be suppried shafl be in ful conformitv with specifications. c. In case the stationary items are not as per specifications, the same will not be accepted, The firm will have to replace the goods as per the actual specifications and requrremenr. This office will not be responsible for any loss occurred for this to the firm, III. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT A. APPLICATION 1. Submission of bid against this offer shalt bjnd the bidder for the acceptance of all the conditions specified herein. B. EXECUTION TIME LIMIT 1. The time period as stipurated in the purchase/ order or retter of intent shal be deemed to be essence of the contract. C. PAYMENTTERMS 1. After the work has been completed the bill for the work in duplicate prepared on the basis ofthe accepted rates will have to be submitted in favour of District Election Ofticer, Baksa. The bill raised by the firm should have all tax registGtion numbers printed on the bill. Validity of the Tax registration during the currency period of contract shalt be the sole responsibility of the firm. Payment shall be made on receipt of goods against bill for the supply made after the goods/items have been checked and accounted and there is no damage/shortage. Payment willbe made whereverthere is availabilityoffund. 2. 3. 4. 5. The payment is released through crossed cheque against bills and Income Tax and other taxes, ifany, shall be deducted against bills submitted. 6. 7. Bills may be submitted within ofsupply. No payment is admissible for Boods rejected. D. 15 days DELAY AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 1. lf delivery is not made in given tjme and this office 2. 3. E. is required to make purchase from outside at higher rates, the loss sustained will be deducted from the bill. lrrespective of the fact as to whether or not this office makes purchases from outside. thjs office may impose penalty of 0.5% of value of order for every week,s delay or part thereof for a period upto 10 (ten) weeks and thereafter at the rate of 0.7% of the value of the delayed supply for each week of delay or part thereof for another Ten weeks of delay in complying with the date of delivery of the items for delayed supply and/or undelivered materials/supply on each such occasion/default. This amount of liquidated damages shall be paid by the bidder to this office or may be recovered bythis office from the bills of bidder. Quantum of liquidated dama8es assessed and levied by this office and decision of this office thereon shall be final and binding on bidder provided further the same shall not be challenged by bidder either before Arbttration tribunal or before the Court. The same should stand specifically excluded from the puNiew of the arbitration clause, as such, the same shall not be referable to arbitration. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT The District Election Officer, Baksa may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default, sent to the supplier, terminate this contract in whole or In oan. 1. lf the agency/contractor faits to supply the item(s) within the period(s) specified agreed in the contract or any extension thereoftranted by this office. and 2. If the agency/co ntra cto r fa ils to perform any other obligatlon(s) underthe contract. 3. lf the performance is found unsatisfactory due to the negligence of the agency/contractor, dependin8 upon the severity of negligence. This ofice reserves the right to blacklist the agency/contractor from further particjpation in any of this office tendertcontracts. The decjsion ofthe F. DEO, Baksa shall be final in this reEard. TERMINATION FOR INSOLVENCY The District Election Officet Baksa may also by gjving written notice and without compensatjon to the agency terminate the €ontract if the contractor becomes unwilling, bankrupt or otherwise insolvent without affecting its right ofaction. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. The special conditions of contract shall supplement the ,,lnstructions to the Bidders,, and "General Conditions of the Contract" and whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevailoverthose in the above stated conditions. 2. In case the date fixed for opening of bids is made to change due to some genuine unavoidable circumstances, the revised schedule will be notified. However in absence of such notification, the bids will be opened on next working day. Time and venue remaininB unaltered. 3. This office reserves the right to disqualify such bidders who have a record of not meetins contractual obligations against earlier contract entered into with this office. 11 4. This office reserves the right to blacklist a bidder for a suitable period in case he fails to honour his bid without sufficient ground. J. No sub-contracting is permissible. 6. Conditional Bid will not be acceoted. The office of the District Election Officer, Baksa reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award/reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract without assigning any reason whatsoever and without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders on the ground of purchaser action. 8. This Office is not bound to accept the lowest tender or any tender or to assign any reason for rejecting any or all the tenders. lt also reserves the right to accept/reject (part/whole) or any other tender(s) at their sole discretion without assigning any reason thereof. lts decision in the matter shall be final and biding. 9. The person signing the tender form or any document forming part of the contract on behalf of another or on behalf of a firm shall be responsible to produce a proper power of attorney duly executed in his favour, stating that he has the authority to bind such other person or the firm, as the case may be, in all matters pertaining to the contract including the arbitration clause. 10. lf the item supplied by the bidder is not found satisfactory or not conforming to the specification, this office reserves the right at its discretion and without any claim for compensation to the contractor, either cancel the order altogether or modify the quantity ordered. In deserving cases firm may be blacklisted for failure to comply as per terms. 11. Prices shall remain fixed and valid during the period of contract. ,",M,""", District Election Officer, Baksa sp t2 TIST OF STATIONARY ARTICLES & OTHERS Annexure - A S[ No. Name Of Article Quantity L Arrow Cross Mark each 2 Alpin per pkt. 3 Add Gel Pen per doz. Allout Mosquito repelant Machine 4 with liquid eacn 5 Ball pen per ooz. (Red & Blue) 6 Ball pen per ooz 7 Baygon Spray ( 500 ml ) 8 Bulb (40 wt. ) (Bajaj/Philips) wt. )(Bajaj/Philips) 10 Bulb (100 wt. ) (BajajlPhilips) 11 Bettery (Pencil) (Eveready/eep) 9 Bulb (50 12 1,4 Rate eacn eacn eacn each per pair Battery (Torch) Eveready/Jeep) per parr Binding Register (Pucca) per running No. Black Board each Blade (Master/Princeff -L) per pkt. opazlSupermax) Blank CD (moserbaer ) per 100 pkt. 17 Bleatching Powder per 18 Bucket { plustic eacn 19 c.F.L(20 ) wt/2s wt.) KG eacn 20 Calculator ( 10 Digit XCitlzen/Caslo) each Calculato( 12 Digit Xcitizen/Casio) eacn 21, 22 Candle ( BiB size) per doz. 23 Candle ( Medium size) per doz. 24 carbon paper (330 mmx430mm)Kores per pkt. 25 (210 mmx330mm)Kores 26 Celllap l7/2" / r" / 2" coil) per pkt. per ooz. 27 Cello Tap Dispenser per machine 28 Chalk pencil per pkt. 29 chitranala (100mU200 ml.) eacn 30 Clip Board each 31 Clip File (Ambassador) each Cloth Banner (with writing) per mtr 32 permlr. 33 cloth pieces (12" x -Markin 34 Copying pencil 12")for sealing per piece per doz. 35 Correction Pen each 36 container for Indelible Ink each 37 cup plate ( Best qualitY) per ooz. 38 r^mn,,tpr CertidBe {HP-21) eacn 39 Computer Cartidge(HP-22) each 40 DFC Paper (Best quality) per ream 47 Drawins Dln 42 Drinking Glass (Good qualitY) per pkt. per doz. r3 In words VAT OVD SL writable (Moserbaer) Per 100 pck ilame OfArtlcle No. Quantity Envelop (18"x12") per 100 Nos. 45 Envelop (12" x 6") per 100 Nos. Envelop (10"x 5") per 100 Nos. per 100 Nos. 47 Envelop (9" x 4") Rate 48 Eraser (Tube) 49 Eraz-Ex 50 Executive File cover 51 Emergency light chargeable Electronic Shock 53 Executive Diary FC Paper each (Good Quality) 55 File Board(cood Quality) per 100 Nos. 56 File Cover(Good Quality) per 100 Nos. 51 Fax Rolleach each 58 Fevi quicktube each each 59 Filter Candle 60 Per Mtr Fuse Board each File Tray (Plustic) each Flax Banner PerSqr. Ft. 64 Flask (Milton) each Foldlns Bed (lron) 66 Gum Bottle (700 rnl.) 61 Gum Botrle {300m1.) 68 Gum tube ( 50m1. / 100 ml.) each 69 Gems Clip. per pkt 70 Gunny 8ag each each 11 G.l. Wire per kg. per kg. 12 Godd Knlght Machine each each 73 Good Knight Liquid each H.P.Laser Jet Curtige (15A) each each H.P.Laser Jet Curtige (88A) each 76 H.P.LaserJet Curtige (45A) Each 77 H.P.LaserJet curtige (55A) Each each 78 H.P.Laser Jet Curtige (12A) each each 79 Hard Boa.d (Big)each 80 Hard Board (Medium) each 81 Hard Disk ( Computer) each 82 Holder (Electric)each each 83 Highlighter Pen (good quality)per doz. per doz, 84 tndicator ( Electric) each Ink forstamp Pad (60 ml.1oo ml.lper 85 doz, 86 lharu (Phul)each a7 lharu (Cocconut)each 88 Jtig ( Plustic) each each 89 lute Carry Bag each each rq 9C Jute Rope per kg. per kg. Knife per doz. Per doz. 92 Kettle (silver)big quantity Name Of Artlcle 5L NO. 93 Kettle ( Electric)each each 94 Key Board each 95 Laptop (DELL) Each 96 Lock & Key ( Big) Godrej/Nayers) each 97 Lock & Key- 90 mm. Godrej/Nayers) each 98 Lock & l(ey- 60 mm. Godrej/Nayers) 99 100 Match 8ox (Contains 10 in a pkts.) per pkt 101 MetalRoll Per doz, MineralWater(1/2 ltr./1 ltr./2 ltrs./ 102 20 Urs.) 103 1,04 Markin cloth permlr 105 MetalSeal(Brass) 106 Mug (Plustic) 147 Mosquito net each 108 Mouse (Computer) 109 Needle (good quality) 11C Naphthalene 111 NPNV 1,12 per kg. Each Odoni/ per doz. PackinS Paper (500 sheets) (Good quality) Polithene Cover for B.U. (cood 11.4 quality) per 100 Nos. Poljthene Cover for C.U. (Good 115 quality) per 100 Nos. 116 Pen drive (Kingstone)1618 /4 cB 1,17 Paper weight Per doz, 118 Pen Stand 119 Phenyle (White) per hr. 120 Phenyle (gengal Chemlcal) Per 127 Pin Cushion Per doz, 1ltr. 722 Pocket Calculator PVC wire (10mm/15mtr.) t24 Poker (Bhuhar) Per doz, 1,25 Polithin Bag (8ig sjze) per 100 Nos. Punching [,4achine per doz. 721 Quater Plate (Good Quality)per dpz. Ru bber Sta mp bearing Distingu ish ing 728 Mark 129 Rain Coat {Good Quality 13C Room Freshner (Good Quality) each 131 Rubber Ban (3 inch,4 inch,6 inch) Per kg. Refillfor Eall pen per pkt. t5 Rate 133 Red & Blue Wooden Pencil 134 Ribbon (Cotton)- 5 Mtrs. Safety Pin 136 Scale (lron) 737 Scissor (Small) 138 Scissor (Medium) 139 S€aling Wax SL No. per pkt. quantity Name Ot Article 140 Sketch Pen per pkt. 141 Shocket (Electric) each 142 Soap (Bath) 743 Stic File 744 Stamp pad (Big size) 145 stamp pad ( Medium) each 146 Staple Machine (2416) Staple Machine (Smail) 145 Staple Pin ( 2416 ) per pkt- 149 Staple Pin ( small ) 150 Switch Board (3x3) Switch Board (8" x 10") each 152 Switch 153 starter 154 Scale (Plustic) 155 Stock Regist€r per R/N 156 Sharpner per doz. 1,57 Sutliper kg. 158 Table Cloth (4 x 6) Per kg. each 159 Tag (Cotton) 160 Iea Tray (Big) 161 ThamocolGlass per 100Nos. 1,62 Three pin plug 163 Three pjn top t64 Toilet Bfush Torch light {z-celll3-cetl/4- per piece each cellXleep/Evereadyl Ihread Sall(Cottonj Per doz. 167 Towel(Big) 168 Towel(Small) 169 Tracing Paper 170 Tube light (Bajaj/Phiiips) each 1,17 Twin thread (20 mtrs.)each t12 Iin Cutter each Irunk(stee1X36"x20"x14"j (Tatasteelj 173 each ronerror xerox machtne xerox 174 Machine-NPG-28ach Jmbrella (Mohendra Dutta)/century) !75 Vim powder (500 gm.) 177 Voting compartment ( 21" x41") 178 Waste paper busket each It Rate 779 Water Filter (15 ltrs.) eacn 180 Water sponze Per doz. 181 Weoden Scale Per doz. 182 Wooden Pencil (HB) Per doz. 183 Wooden switch board (10x12) each eacn Xerox Paper (A4 size) My 184 Choice,T5GSM/Century SL per ream quantity Name Of Article No. Rate In words VAT In words VAT GSM/Trident 185 (Natural/Spectra)75GSM/K 75GSM Xerox Paper (Legal size) My per ream 186 Choice,T5GSM/Century per ream 75G5M/Trident(Natural/Spectra)75GS 787 M/JK 75GSM per ream 188 Extension Cord ( Big) each each 189 Extension Cord (Medim) each each 190 Thread Ball (Plastic) per doz. Per doz. 191 Web-Camera ((Logitech) Each PRINTING RATE SL No. Name Of Article Quantity ror Po|||ng Personau Po tng Agent/ Candidatel per card Officers & Staff in hard paper in different colour I Laro 1 in 3"x4" size Recelpt book for deposit of 2 challenged votes fee per book uala EnIry oI Eteclorat Kotl (Containing Sl.No./ Per Line data House No/Moter's 3 Name/Relation/Age/Sex etc. 4 Printing in Legal size with paper 5 Printing in Legal size without paper of44 Printing of44 6 Printing size with paper per line data per copy per copy per copy per copy size without paper Mal(ng stamp round seal wrth AshoKa Piller Flat seal per line Up to 30 Per stamp 8 Alphabet 7 Per booK Plastic coated coloured printing & 9 binding with Dizital Constituency Map containing up to 100/2001300 pages containing up to L0012o01300 10 Spiral Binding per binding pages containlng up to 700/200/3oo 11 Standard Binding l.r Rate Per Book containing up to List of Polling Station with Hard paper printing & Binding 12 cover .LJ 50/100 pages Coloured printout of EVM samDle 74 Printing of DFC with paper 15 Printing of DFC without paper per copy per copy per copy 16 Pnnting of 1/2 DFC with paper per copy 7l per copy Printing of 1/2 DFC without paper 18 Printing of 1/8 DFC paper per copy 19 Address Tag for BU Per piece 20 Address Tag for CU Per piece 21, Voter Slip (3" X 4") size Per piece 22 Voter SIip (1/8 DFC) Log Book tor Vehicle containing 50 pages with Hard paper binding. Per Book Master Ptan up to 100 pages with colored LAC Map &plastic coated 24 cover printing with Binding Per Book 25 Ballot Paper ( For Local Body Election) Printing of Sign goard in sunpaed in Per piece Per BP 26 12" x 6" size both side printing 27 Entry each 2a Exist each 29 Polling Officer eacn 30 Prisiding Officer each Polling Agent o.o,$jo*,u District Election Officer, Baksa q{il'r r8
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