Southwest Perennials Availability [email protected] PERENNIALS phone: 214.670.0955 fax: 214.670.0394 2/5/2015 - 8:31 PM Size Cost Ready wk8 wk9 ACHILLEA wk10 Order Variety Size Cost Ready wk8 wk9 Coronation Gold 70 $0.57 0 Moonshine 70 $0.64 174 Paprika 70 $0.57 0 Ceratostigma 125 $0.50 55 Orange Peel 70 $0.65 0 Yellow parqui 70 $0.65 2 2 Apricot Sunrise 70 $0.55 4 COREOPSIS Black Adder 70 $0.55 0 Early Sunrise 125 $0.40 24 Blue Fortune 70 $0.55 4 Moonbeam 125 $0.50 26 Tutti Fruitti 70 $0.55 24 Nana 125 $0.55 47 20 125 $0.36 5 40 AJUGA CUPHEA 70 $0.49 70 Bronze 70 $0.49 45 Burgundy Glow 70 $0.49 2 Catlin’s Giant 70 $0.49 100 Allyson Mexican Heather ANISCANTHUS Flame Batface 125 $0.36 0 Miss Priss 125 $0.36 5 David Verity 125 $0.36 14 70 $0.60 0 70 $0.55 10 Damianita DELOSPERMA COLUMBINE Ashtonii (Pink) 70 $0.60 0 Dyerii (Orange) 70 $0.50 18 Hardy Trailing Purple Ice Plant 125 $0.42 44 Canadensis Red 125 $0.45 20 Texas Gold 125 $0.48 5 Powis Castle 70 $0.54 12 Bath's Pink Silver King 70 $0.54 0 ECHINACEA Silver Mound 70 $0.54 4 ARTEMISIA DIANTHUS ASCLEPIAS Curassavica 70 $0.55 4 Tuberosa 70 $0.57 0 15 70 $0.60 18 PowWow Berry 125 $0.60 39 PowWow White 125 $0.60 30 Bravado 125 $0.40 22 Magnus 125 $0.40 35 see GOMPHOCARPUS DIS -Premadona Rose 125 $0.40 ASTER Purpurea 125 $0.40 0 125 $0.40 5 Alert 70 $0.55 0 White Swan Oblongifolius 70 $0.55 5 ESPERANZA Prof. Kippenburg 70 $0.55 0 Orange (seasonal) 70 $0.60 0 Purple Dome 70 $0.55 0 Mayan Gold 70 $0.62 0 Wood's Pink 70 $0.55 3 EUPATORIUM 70 $0.48 6 125 $0.35 18 BERLANDIERA Mist Flower 70 $0.65 0 15 EVOLVULUS Black Knight 70 $0.60 3 5 GAILLARDIA Honeycomb 70 $0.60 6 Arizona Sun 125 $0.45 30 Lochnich 70 $0.60 60 Arizona Red 125 $0.45 40 Nanho Blue 70 $0.60 32 Arizona Apricot 125 $0.45 30 Nanho Purple 70 $0.60 50 Goblin 125 $0.45 20 Pink Delight 70 $0.60 14 Royal Red 70 $0.60 37 Corries Gold 70 $0.58 6 White Bouquet 70 $0.60 18 Pink 70 $0.58 100 Sparkle White - AAS 70 $0.64 0 White 70 $0.58 5 BUDDLEIA Blue Daze 6 CALLIRHOE Winecup 70 $0.70 55 125 $0.52 0 Dark Knight 70 $0.60 0 Longwood Blue 70 $0.60 4 70 CALYLOPHUS Texas Primrose 10 DAMIANITA AQUILEGIA Chocolate Daisy Order CESTRUM AGASTACHE Chocolate Chip wk10 CERATOSTIGMA 11 GAURA GOMPHOCARPUS CARYOPTERIS Physocarpus "Hairy" 70 HEUCHERA Mailing address: PO Box 170867, Dallas, TX 75217 Palace Purple Page 1 70 $0.50 80 Physical: 8740 Elam Rd Dallas, TX 75217 Southwest Perennials Availability [email protected] Variety phone: 214.670.0955 fax: 214.670.0394 2/5/2015 - 8:31 PM Size Cost Ready wk8 wk9 wk10 HYMENOX Order Variety Size Cost Ready wk8 4 Nerve Daisy scaposa 125 $0.58 0 Flamevine Angelita Daisy acaulis 125 $0.58 19 MONARDA Jacob Cline 125 $0.48 2 10 Marshall's Delight 125 $0.48 2 Peters Purple 125 $0.48 18 MEXICAN HUMMINGBIRD BUSH dicliptera suberecta 70 $0.48 IPOMEA 70 $0.48 70 $0.42 0 Black Heart 70 $0.42 0 Missouri 70 $0.50 40 Marguerite 70 $0.42 0 Siskyou 70 $0.50 4 Tricolor 70 $0.42 15 PAVONIA 70 $0.57 12 125 $0.48 20 70 $0.48 14 Rock Rose (70) Spicigera PEROVSKIA LAMIUM Atriplicifolia Beacon Silver 70 $0.50 0 Pink Pewter 70 $0.50 18 Laura Bush White Nancy 70 $0.50 25 PHLOX DIVARICATA PETUNIA Chattahoochee 70 $0.55 0 125 $0.32 32 Louisiana 70 $0.55 0 Bright Eyes 70 $0.60 0 David 70 $0.60 0 Eva Cullum 70 $0.60 0 John Fannick 70 $0.60 0 Nicky 70 $0.60 0 Orange Perfection 70 $0.60 0 20 LANTANA Camara Hardy Pink 125 $0.32 0 Confetti 125 $0.32 20 Dallas Red 125 $0.32 37 Horrida 125 $0.32 6 Irene 125 $0.32 0 New Gold 125 $0.32 146 Purple Trailing 125 $0.32 70 PHLOX PANICULATA 20 4 Radiation 125 $0.32 0 Robert Poore 70 $0.60 Silver Mound 125 $0.32 12 Starfire 70 $0.60 0 White Trailing 125 $0.32 70 Texas Pink 70 $0.60 70 125 $0.45 0 125 $0.40 12 Emerald Blue 125 $0.40 12 70 $0.65 70 Red Wing 125 $0.40 10 Ox Eye Daisy 125 $0.48 27 White 125 $0.40 6 Snow Lady 125 $0.48 45 PHYLA NODIFLORA 125 $0.40 14 125 $0.52 20 LAURENTIA PHLOX SUBULATA Creeping Pink LEUCANTHEMUM Becky LEUCOPHYLLUM Lowry’s Legacy Frog Fruit 70 $0.60 4 POLIOMINTHA Cardinalis 125 $0.50 16 PLUMBAGO Queen Victoria 125 $0.50 32 Imperial Blue 125 $0.50 120 White Plumbago 125 $0.50 0 70 $0.40 90 RUDBECKIA LOBELIA Mexican Oregano LUPINE Blue Bonnets Lady Bird Royal Bl 70 $0.45 20 Becky Mix 125 $0.45 8 Maroon Bonnets 70 $0.45 30 Cherry Brandy 125 $0.45 25 12 Cherokee Sunset 125 $0.45 40 White LYSIMACHIA Denver Daisy 125 $0.45 63 125 $0.42 8 Goldstrum 125 $0.45 70 Indian Summer 125 $0.45 60 Turk's Cap Big Mama 70 $0.60 68 Irish Eyes 125 $0.45 30 Turk's Cap Pink 70 $0.60 124 Prairie Sun 125 $0.45 60 Turk's Cap Red 70 $0.60 150 70 $0.57 224 Goldie Order OENOTHERA JUSTICIA Blue Star Creeper wk10 10 Blackie Belle Starr Gold wk9 MEXICAN FLAMEVINE MALVAVISCUS MELAMPODIUM Black Foot Daisy wk8 wk9 Mailing address: PO Box 170867, Dallas, TX 75217 wk10 Page 2 Physical: 8740 Elam Rd Dallas, TX 75217 Southwest Perennials Availability [email protected] Variety phone: 214.670.0955 fax: 214.670.0394 2/5/2015 - 8:31 PM Size Cost Ready wk8 wk9 wk10 RUELLIA Order Variety Size Cost Ready wk8 wk9 wk10 N/A N/A Order SCUTELLARIA Blue shades 70 $0.48 0 Pink Skullcap 125 $0.50 Chi Chi 70 $0.48 5 Purple Resinosa 125 $0.55 0 Katie Blue 70 $0.48 18 40 Purple Wrightii 125 $0.55 2 Katie Pink 70 $0.48 0 4 DIS - Starfire Red 125 $0.55 0 Katie White 70 $0.48 14 White Skullcap 125 $0.50 3 Red Elegans/ 70 $0.48 40 SEDUM Purple Showers 70 $0.48 20 Angelina 70 $0.55 50 Autumn Fire 70 $0.55 70 SALVIA (SAGE) 300 Bicolor Sinaloensis 70 $0.52 54 Autumn Joy 70 $0.55 110 Blue Hills 70 $0.55 60 Blue Spruce 70 $0.55 40 Cedarsage 70 $0.55 2 Cedarsage ‘Hot Trumpets’ 70 $0.55 42 70 $0.55 2 Dragon's Blood Cleveland 70 $0.55 Cleveland Winifred Gillman 70 $0.55 125 $0.42 44 0 Fuldaglut 125 $0.42 50 0 Kamtschaticum 70 $0.55 25 Kamtschaticum Variegated 70 $0.55 50 John Creech 18 East Friesland 70 $0.55 80 Guaranitica Black/Blue 70 $0.60 18 Henry Duelberg Blue 70 $0.55 8 Augusta Deulberg White 70 $0.55 34 Indigo Spires 70 $0.55 0 May Night 70 $0.65 175 Otahal 70 $0.55 5 Silke’s Dream 70 $0.55 8 Coral Reef 10 35 Matrona Mexicanum Neon Purple Emperor 10 SALVIA GREGGI 70 $0.55 4 Cherry Queen 70 $0.55 5 Coral 70 $0.55 6 Flame 70 $0.55 10 Furman Red 70 $0.55 57 Hotlips 70 $0.55 85 Lipstick 70 $0.55 64 Nuevo Leon 70 $0.55 0 Pink 70 $0.55 100 Purple 70 $0.55 0 Raspberry 70 $0.55 Red Sierra San Antonio White 48 70 $0.55 65 70 $0.55 55 35 Tricolor 125 $0.42 70 70 $0.55 8 125 $0.45 20 70 $0.55 28 Carmen 72 $0.65 20 Cobweb Button 72 $0.65 20 Commander Hay 72 $0.65 25 Weihenstephaner Gold 40 10 125 $0.45 125 $0.42 Voodoo 12 70 $0.55 Red Carpet Vera Jameson Apricot 125 $0.42 SEMPERVIVUMS Emerald Empress 72 $0.65 5 Green Wheels 72 $0.65 50 Jade Rose 72 $0.65 50 Kalinda 72 $0.65 1 125 Moss Rose 72 $0.65 24 70 $0.55 93 Red Heart 72 $0.65 60 70 $0.55 14 Royal Ruby 72 $0.65 N/A 70 $0.55 50 Ruby Heart 72 $0.65 8 Silverine 72 $0.65 10 Silver King 72 $0.65 20 Mix 6 Named Varieties 72 $0.85 Mix - Random 72 $0.75 4 SALVIA LEUCANTHA Purple 70 $0.55 0 Purple & White 70 $0.55 0 Chamaecyparissus gray 70 $0.58 0 Nana Incana 70 $0.58 25 Rosmarinfolia grn. 70 $0.58 10 Butterfly Blue 70 $0.60 187 Pink 70 $0.65 85 15 SANTOLINA 20 20 N/A Desert Bloom 30 Red Beauty 20 SCABIOSA Mailing address: PO Box 170867, Dallas, TX 75217 Page 3 Physical: 8740 Elam Rd Dallas, TX 75217 Southwest Perennials Availability [email protected] Variety phone: 214.670.0955 fax: 214.670.0394 2/5/2015 - 8:31 PM Size Cost Ready wk8 wk9 wk10 Order Variety Size Cost Ready wk8 wk9 wk10 Order STACHYS Lamb's Ear 70 $0.55 Helen Von Stein 70 $0.60 72 29 Texas Betony 70 $0.55 14 125 $0.48 0 125 $0.48 40 Blue Princess/ Biloxi Blue 125 $0.40 19 Canadensis Pink 125 $0.40 12 Georgia's Pink 125 $0.40 4 Homestead Pink 125 $0.40 23 Homestead Purple 125 $0.40 0 Homestead Red 125 $0.40 21 Native bipinnatifida 125 $0.40 0 TexTuff Red 125 $0.40 0 25 STEMODIA Woolly (tomentosa) TAGETES Copper Canyon TEXAS SAGE CENIZO (see Leucophyllum) VERBENA 40 5 VERONICA Georgia Blue 70 $0.60 2 Goodness Grows 70 $0.60 25 Red Fox 70 $0.60 30 Sunny Border 70 $0.60 84 70 $0.65 3 125 $0.55 15 VIGUERA Skeleton Leaf Goldeneye ZEXMENIA Zexmenia Mailing address: PO Box 170867, Dallas, TX 75217 18 Page 4 Physical: 8740 Elam Rd Dallas, TX 75217 Southwest Perennials Availability [email protected] HERBS phone: 214.670.0955 fax: 214.670.0394 2/5/2015 - 8:31 PM Size Cost Ready wk8 wk9 wk10 GERMANDER Order Variety Size Cost Ready wk8 wk9 wk10 Order VERBENA Chamaedrys 125 $0.40 11 Tutti Fruitti 70 $0.40 4 5 Lemon 125 $0.45 15 Almond 70 $1.00 3 50 $0.72 115 50 $0.85 11 CYMBOPOGON Lemon Grass flexuosus (division) GRASSES 32 $1.00 CALL flexuosus (seed) 72 $0.85 4 NASSELLA (stipa) citratus (seed) 72 $0.85 6 Mexican Feather 125 $0.42 1 FENNEL Rubra Bronze MUHLENBERGIA LAVENDER Pine Muhly (dubia) Munstead 70 $0.60 55 Otti Quast (70) 70 $0.60 60 Catmint Nepeta Walkers Low125 $0.38 20 10 60 60 MINT Chocolate 125 $0.38 3 Orange 125 $0.40 6 Peppermint 125 $0.38 5 Pineapple Variegated 125 $0.40 0 Spearmint Kentucky Colonel125 $0.38 4 Spearmint 2 125 $0.38 3 10 The Best OREGANO Cuban Variegated Gold 70 $0.65 4 Greek 125 $0.38 2 Italian Plain 125 $0.38 0 Arp 125 $0.45 26 20 Gorizza 125 $0.45 3 6 Hills Hardy 125 $0.45 0 ROSEMARY Prostrate blue/violet 125 $0.45 8 Tuscan Blue 125 $0.45 54 70 $0.45 3 70 $0.50 4 25 50 SAGE Pineapple 6 STEVIA REBAUDIANA Stevia TARRAGON French 125 $0.47 6 Texas 125 $0.45 0 English 70 $0.48 19 Lemon 125 $0.43 9 Lemon Variegated Gold 125 $0.43 6 Orange 125 $0.43 0 15 THYME Mailing address: PO Box 170867, Dallas, TX 75217 Page 5 Physical: 8740 Elam Rd Dallas, TX 75217 Southwest Perennials Availability [email protected] MIXED TRAYS Size phone: 214.670.0955 fax: 214.670.0394 2/5/2015 - 8:31 PM Cost Order Variety Size Cost Order *NO MINIMUMS *NO COLOR PREFERENCES Butterfly Tray 72 $56 Culinary Herb Mix 12 Asclepias Curassavica 32 Rosemary 12 Agastache 32 Oregano 12 Buddleia 32 Thyme 12 Eupatorium 32 Mint 128 $75 12 Gaura 12 Summer Phlox Variety Mixes Four Different Varieties Per Tray Hummingbird Tray 72 $58 Buddleia 72 $58 12 Aniscanthus Echinacea 128 $75 12 Mexican Hummingbird Summer Phlox 72 $58 12 Turks Cap Fall Phlox 128 $76 12 Salvia Guaranitica Rudbeckia 128 $77 24 Salvia Greggii Salvia Greggii 72 $55 *two colors Sedum Mixes Combo “A” 128 $77 128 $77 72 $53 72 $53 32 Mexicanum 32 Tricolor 32 Red Carpet 32 Dragon’s Blood Combo “B” 32 Fuldaglut 32 Voodoo 32 Tricolor 32 John Creech Combo “C” We accept Visa, MasterCard and Dicover! 18 Angelina 18 Autumn Fire 18 Blue Spruce 18 Matrona Combo “D” 18 Neon 18 Autumn Joy 18 Vera Jameson 18 Weihenstephaner Gold Mailing address: PO Box 170867, Dallas, TX 75217 Page 6 Physical: 8740 Elam Rd Dallas, TX 75217
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