YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH FAMILY ALBUM VOLUME 9 NUMBER 16 FEBRUARY 6, 2015 CANDLE LIGHTING 5:00 PM 17 SHEVAT 5775 Dvar Torah — Yitro Wednesday, 2/11 Grades 1-3 “Movie Night” **** Sunday, Monday 2/15, 2/16 Presidents’ Day Weekend NO SCHOOL **** Mark your calendar! G. O. Melava Malka “Mystery & Illusion” Motzei Shabbat Parshat Tetzaveh, 2/28 Super Raffle 2015 1st Prize— XBOX One 2nd Prize— Beats Headphones 3rd Prize— $25 Gift Card Look for upcoming details **** Date Change Tuesday, 3/3 Science Expo 2015 (Grades 5-8) **** Wednesday, 3/4 Taanit Esther FRIDAY SCHEDULE **** Thursday-Sunday, 3/5-3/8 Purim/Shushan Purim NO SCHOOL A n eagle carries her young on her shoulders, soaring above all dangers below. The Sforno explains that this is the way Hashem allegorically conveys an important message to Bnai Yisroel. He took Bnai Yisroel out of Egypt into a barren desert. This was necessary to remove the newly formed nation from the immoral environment that existed in Egypt. In order to purge Bnai Yisroel from the influence of their former surroundings and prepare them for Matan Torah, it was necessary to take them to a desolate area totally devoid of any outside contact. Clearly, Hashem felt isolation was required. However, this is a bit puzzling. After the manifestation of His power through the Ten Plagues and the splitting of the Red Sea, and after the miraculous events Bnai Yisroel experienced as they left Egypt, the Omnipotence of Hashem was indisputable. Wasn’t the impact of these events adequate to bring them closer to Hashem and to prepare them for the glory of the Torah? The Sforno is giving us insight into the pervasive influence of the society around us and what we must do to counteract its onslaught. Even after Hashem’s display of unimaginable miracles, it was not sufficient to shield the Bnai Yisroel from the negative impact of the Egyptian culture. Only physical isolation in the barren desert enabled them to psychologically separate themselves from these destructive influences. This is the only way they could have been prepared to receive the Torah. While we cannot move our homes to the desert, the Rambam writes that “If one lives when all countries of the world are evil, such as such as in our times . . . ,”one should seclude himself. The Chazon Ish suggests that one can find refuge from our environment by frequenting the Beit Midrash and learning Torah. There, we can reinforce ourselves and strengthen our resistance to the ills of society. We must always view ourselves separate and above the pervasive influence around us and keep in mind that we must strive to be as holy as our forefathers who received the Torah at Har Sinai. From the Desk of Mr. Joel Weisblum, YDH Executive Director Have you Heard? What was it about Yitro that he had the zechut of having an entire Parsha in the torah named after him? He wasn’t a “member of the tribe”, aside from being Moshe’s father-in-law. He didn’t suffer along with the B’nei Yisroel in Egypt and he didn’t fight alongside the B’nei Yisroel in the war against Amalek. Why did he merit having a Parsha named for him? The pasuk tells us that Yitro heard all that Hashem had done in taking the Jews out of Mitzrayim. Rashi, quoting the Gemmarah in Zevachim, says that Yitro was inspired by what he heard about Kriyat Yam Suf and about the war with Amalek. He was so in(continued) From the Desk of Mr. Joel Weisblum (cont’d.) spired by these events that he dropped all that he had in Midyan and came to join the Jewish people. Although both of those events were known by the nations of the world, Yitro was the only one that came to join the Jewish people. Yitro made the commitment to join the Jewish people after merely hearing about the miracles that occurred. The Jewish people had the advantage of not only witnessing all the miracles but also of being the beneficiaries of them. For them to say Na’aseh V’nishmah, we will do the mitzvot and we will listen, is in itself, understandable. However, Yitro made that commitment after merely hearing about it. The mefarshim tell us that it is because of this that he merited having the Parsha named for him. We all hear about the wonderful happenings in our Yeshiva. The weekly family album is chock full of inspiring events taking place in the Yeshiva on a daily basis. Our children are experiencing them first hand. They pass it on to our parent body all the time. When you hear about them, join us. Join us in becoming active in the Yeshiva. Join us in supporting the Yeshiva. Join us, and be like Yitro. There are many things you can do to contribute to making our special place even more special. You will be rewarded in ways you can’t imagine. We are reprinting Mrs. Hacker’s article from last week’s Family Album. Due to a technical problem, her original article was not legible. A Look into Mrs. Hacker’s 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Math Classes Mrs. Hacker’s students are enthusiastically learning math in a fun way. Every day, the students are challenged with a “Problem of the Day” question. Every Thursday or Friday, the students have a chance to review some of the math concepts learned by playing a math game or completing a puzzle. Numeration, decimal, fractions, integers and per cents, just to name a few, have been taught to all students. The 6th Graders have just finished learning customary and metric measurements. Now, we are just about to begin studying per cents while continuously reviewing decimals and fractions. The 7th Graders have just finished learning per cents, and are now learning how to solve equations. Now, when they go to a store, they will be able to figure out the discount as well as the tax on any item. The 8th Graders, having just finished learning how to graph equations, are now learning how to solve multi-step equations and system of equations. I am very confident that the students will be very well prepared for high school. A Look into Rabbi Aryeh’s 7th Grade Class Things are hopping in the 7th Grade classroom! During our class, we are more than halfway through the 6th Perek in Bava Kama. Our weekly quizzes are accomplishing their purpose by preventing the boys from falling behind. In addition, with warmer weather just around the corner (hopefully!), exceptional learning will be rewarded by an outing to Marine Park. In , we have finished with and have started which discusses the Mysterious Red Cow ( ). May we merit to see the days when this will actually take place! The lessons gleaned from and his men were definitely helpful in understanding human relationships! In addition, we will be starting very soon, and the excitement in the room is tangible. This practical and necessary is always one of the highlights of the year. Of course, and are another 2 subjects we fit into our packed schedule. Wishing you and from your children! “Talmid HaShavuah”- Beshalach Grade 1 — Grade 2 — Grade 3 — Silber Grade 4 — Grade 5 — Grade 6 — Grade 7 — Grade 8 — Noam Becker, Shmuel Friedman Yonatan Asraf, Uriel Wolff Isaac Alkhabaz, Etiel Altheim, Binyamin Aryeh Lewis, Moshe Rappaport Avraham Moskovitz, Ben Naim Daniel Steiner Yaakov Mosseri, Rafi Saperstein Avi Daskal, Aron Youseflaleh “Student of the Week”- 1/26-1/30 Grade 2 — Netanel Samet Grade 3 — Moshe Ben Hamou Grade 4 — Liran Malkoukian Grade 5 — Emanuel Saitskiy Grade 6 — Shlomie Katash (Math), Rafi Rosenberg (ELA), Menachem Shtaynberger (SS) Grade 7 — Jack Mosseri (ELA), Noam Abrahams (Math), Moshe Yusupov (SS) Grade 8 — Jacob Schlamowitz (ELA), Daniel Ben Hamou (Math), Aaron Birnbaum (SS) “Talmid HaChodesh”- Tevet Grade 1 — Yoel Fridman, Avraham Soussan Grade 2 — Zev Adler, Uriel Wolff Grade 3 — Yakov Bentsur, Dovid Kivelevitz, Dovid Miller, Eliav Samouha Grade 4 — Dov Hochman Grade 5 — Uriel Alpin Grade 6 — Boruch Deutsch, Shlomie Katash Grade 7 — Dani Silverstein Grade 8 — Yehoshua Luxenberg, Binyamin Zylberberg Grade 1 — Grade 2 — Grade 3 — Grade 4 — Grade 5 — Grade 6 — “Student of the Month” - January Grade 1 — Grade 2 — Grade 3 — Grade 4 — Grade 5 — Grade 6 — Grade 7 — Grade 8 — Ami Mizrahi Daniel Wicentowsky Ari Kohanbush Nachman Deutsch Emanuel Slater Boruch Deutsch Joshua Blumkin Binyamin Tannenbaum Dovid Saar, Avraham Soussan Yosef Baturov, Netanel Samet Eliran Kahn, Ari Rosenberg Tzvi Yehuda Robinzon, Eliyahu Rosenberg Ariel Kahn Yaakov Goldsmith, Shlomo Chaim Tangy At the end of we find Klal Yisroel in complaining that there was no water. The Torah calls the place because Klal Yisroel tested Hashem by asking ‘ is Hashem in our midst or not. The concludes that came to fight against the Jews in . Rashi says that Klal Yisroel were being shown that now a dog ( ) will bite you and you will scream out to Hashem to save you. This will bring them to the realization that Hashem is in their midst. In we find the mitzvah to wipe out for what they did to us, after the aveirah of having dishonest scales when selling by weight. Rashi comments that the juxtaposition of those ideas teaches us that if people are dishonest, there will be reason to fear . There is a strong connection between both being placed near . In this week’s Parsha, Parshas Yisro, it says “ ”. explains this Pasuk in the following way: When a person is standing with Hashem by davening and he thinks about his i.e. his money, it’s considered as if he made an idol out of gold and silver. A person must know and believe that his parnassah comes from Hashem. It is improper to stand in front of Hashem and plead for his needs knowing that Hashem is his provider and at the same time figure his business deals. Similarly cheating a customer with a dishonest scale shows that he doesn't believe his parnassah comes from Hashem. Such a person is saying, “Is Hashem in our midst?” It is then we need to fear . We are deep into planning our skiing/snowboarding trip. We hope it will be either next week or soon thereafter. Details to follow soon. Continue to send in your box tops for education. Put them in an envelope with your grade listed on it and have it sent to the Library! You can find box tops on Kleenex tissues and cereal in addition to many other products. Thank you for supporting our school and thank you Morah Shelly for your help in coordinating this project. Lillian Eliezer and Malka Husarsky YDHWO Presidents YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Thank you for your interest in the YDHWO. The Executive Board members are happy to welcome new volunteers and we are interested in hearing your input. Please complete the following information. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ What grades are your children in? _____________________________________________________ Are you interested in becoming a class mother? __________________________________________ Email address: ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________________ When are you available to volunteer? __________________________________________________ Which projects are you interested in? (Circle all that apply.) Please note that some have daytime commitments while others have evening commitments. Chanukah Boutique Mishloach Manot Mother’ s Day Flowers Plant Sale Grade – Specific events BINGO End-of-the-year Event Father’ s Day gifts Supperette Would you be interested in sponsoring any program? ____________________________________ Do you have any goods or services you would be willing to donate? ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any suggestions for other programs? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ We are always interested in hearing your suggestions and we look forward to greeting you personally at our next event. YESHIVA DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Dear Parents: To facilitate the ordering of Chessed Dollars, we would appreciate your using this order form. It should be sent with your son or mailed back to Mrs. Sima Sabo (1st floor office), or you may email her at [email protected]. We will have your order for next-day pick-up. Special orders (over) may take up to a week. Listed below are the gift certificates which are always available. Please indicate the amounts you are ordering next to each one. Payments by check (made payable to YDHWO) must be enclosed. If you are paying by cash, you must pay at time of receipt. Thank you. DERECH HATORAH WOMEN’ S ORGANIZATION CHESSED $ _______ SHOPRITE _______ WALDBAUMS _______ PATHMARK _______ HOME DEPOT _______ OLD NAVY _______ BARNES & NOBLE _______ TOYS R US _______ MACYS _______ FOOD BASICS _______ STOP & SHOP _______ METRO CARDS _______ ($19.05 OR $38.10) STAMPS _______ (SHEET OF 20 FOR $9.20) SPECIAL ORDER: ___________________ _______ ___________________ _______ ___________________ _______ _______ TOTAL NAME _________________________________CLASS___ TEL. # ___________DATE _________ Special Order YESHIVA SHOP GIFT CERTIFICATES 5 Banana Republic Baskin Robbins Bloomingdale’s J C Penney Kay Bee Toys K-Mart Loehmann’s Marshall’s Payless Shoes Saks Fifth Avenue Sterns Syms T J Maxx 10 20 25
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