here - Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church

“But the more they were oppressed, the more
they multiplied and spread; so the Egyptians
came to dread the Israelites.”
Exodus 1:12 (NIV)
f e b r u a r y 2015
the Avenue
Greetings, Beloved Church Family!
It is my joy to greet you as we begin Black History Month 2015! Our year has already been eventful in just the 31 days of January. We’ve
held a Financial Empowerment Conference, a Music Ministry Workshop, a campus-wide day of service focused on our community in
honor of Dr. King Day, a Spiritual Gifts Workshop and a four-part Back to the Basics doctrinal Bible Study--all while maintaining the
many other daily responsibilities of Avenue Life! Our church remains acutely aware of and actively assigned to her work in this world;
and we are grateful that God has blessed us to participate in advancing the cause of Christ from the Third Ward community of Houston,
But, if you thought we were simply going to rest on our laurels as a consequence of a busy January--GUESS AGAIN! The next 28 days
will be even more eventful than the first 31! You will find an exhaustive Black History Month calendar in the following pages of this
Newsletter; but permit me to highlight just a few of the magnificent events that have been planned for the month. Before we head to
the big screens to enjoy this year’s Super Bowl, we are delighted to welcome back to Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, Pastor L.K. Curry
(my father in the ministry) and Pastor A. T. Curry, his son and my beloved brother and friend, who will once again preach the Gospel
to us on this first Sunday of February. Each Wednesday of this month we will engage a series of Bible Study lessons entitled, The Spirit
of a People. And on Friday, February 6, we will highlight the musical and artistic expressions of very gifted individuals in our church
and city, entitled ‘The Spirit of a People: An Evening of Music, Art & Literature’—you do NOT want to miss that! Our Seasoned Saints
Salute will culminate the first week of the month on Saturday, February 7, as we celebrate the gifts of our elders among us. Our young
people will have an oratorical contest, and we solicit the support of all the parents of students to encourage your youth to participate.
Additionally, we will be blessed by a full (and free) concert by the world-renowned Fisk University Jubilee Singers on the 27th, to close
out our month. Whew!
That’s surely enough to keep us busy, but we mustn’t forget to celebrate the birthday of our Associate Pastor on February 22nd. Rev.
Alexander E. M. Johnson, and his twin sister, Agnes, have been life-long members of the family of Wheeler Avenue. We praise God for
blessing them with the gift of life and for blessing our church with their commitment and dedication. I pray that you will participate in
their celebration, along with their family!
On the very next day, February 23, we will have our Mid-Year Church Meeting at 7pm. At that time, we will check our stewardship as
a congregation thus far in this Church Year, as well as hear a report from our Building Committee which has made significant strides
since our Year-End Meeting in August.
Well, that’s our month-at-a-glance. Let’s make every effort to participate in the many events that have been planned for this month.
Don’t forget our emphasis this Church Year! We are Building a Generous Church for the glory of our generous God! Thank you for
continuing to give to the work of the building effort. You are an absolutely amazing congregation!
With great expectation,
M.D. Cosby
2 Happenings on the Avenue
3 Christian Life Advancement
4 February Birthdays
11 Prayer Guide
5 Adult Ministries
9 Churchwide Events
7 Young Adults and Youth Ministries 9 Black History Calendar 14 Scenes from MLK Day of Service
8 Children’s Ministries
10 Daniel’s Fast 2015
W h e e l e r Av e n u e B a p t i s t C h u r c h
Where we worship Jesus Christ and minister to the total person
h a p p e n i n g s o n t h e a v e n u e — FE B RU A RY 2 0 1 5
S u n d ay, f e b r u a r y 1
“Curry Day”
7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services
9am, 11am Sunday School
4pm New Life Service
m o n d ay, f e b r u a r y 2
10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise
6:00 PM Deaconess Board Meeting
6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort - Intro to Theology
6:30 PM Signing Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM Bells of Praise Handbells Rehearsal
6:30 PM Praise Dance Rehearsal
7:00 PM WAICV - Board Meeting
7:30 PM Orchestra Rehearsal
7:30 PM Mime Rehearsal
t u e s d ay, f e b r u a r y 3
5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings
6:00 PM Capital & Infrastructure Subcommittee Mtg.
6:30 PM Boy Scouts Parent Meeting
6:30 PM Chorale Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM First Tuesday on the Avenue
7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM POD Choir Rehearsal
w e d n e s d ay, f e b r u a r y 4
10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise
12:00 PM The Spirit of a People Bible Study Series - Pain & Perseverance
1:30 PM Job Search Workshop
6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service
6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study
7:00 PM The Spirit of a People Bible Study Series - Pain & Perseverance
7:00 PM Youth Bible Study
t h u r s d ay, f e b r u a r y 5
5:00 PM Band Rehearsal
6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Mtg.
6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study
7:00 PM Chapel Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Financial Empowerment Ministry Meeting
7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Theatre Arts/Drama/Spoken Word Rehearsal
f r i d ay, f e b r u a r y 6
9:30 AM Seasoned Saints Line Dancing
10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise
7:00 PM Black History Presentation –
The Spirit of a People: An Evening of Arts, Music and Literature
s at u r d ay, f e b r u a r y 7
8:00 AM Communion Preparation
8:30 AM Transformation Meeting
9:00 AM Tutoring Ministry
9:30 AM Cub Scouts Meeting
9:30 AM Leadership & Professional Development
9:30 AM 5Cs - Honey Child Prenatal Program
10:00 AM Communications Corps Training
10:00 AM Street Witnessing
10:00 AM Health Fair Planning Meeting
11:00 AM Communications Corps Fellowship
11:00 AM Children’s Praise Dance Rehearsal
11:00 AM Seasoned Saints Salute
12:00 PM Christ Victory Steppers Rehearsal
m o n d ay, f e b r u a r y 16
10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise
5:30 PM Family Connection Corps
5:45 PM Women’s Guild Meeting
6:30 PM Signing Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM Bells of Praise Handbells Rehearsal
6:30 PM Praise Dance Rehearsal
6:30 PM Women’s Ministry The Waiting Room
7:30 PM Orchestra Rehearsal
7:30 PM Mime Rehearsal
S u n d ay, f e b r u a r y 8
“Boy Scouts Sunday”
7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services
9am, 11am Sunday School
4:00 Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
m o n d ay, f e b r u a r y 9
9:00 AM Girl Scout Products Distribution
10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise
6:00 PM Ruth Circle Meeting
6:00 PM Women’s Guild Executive Board Committee Meeting
6:30 PM Signing Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM Bells of Praise Handbells Rehearsal
6:30 PM Praise Dance Rehearsal
6:30 PM WATMI Board Meeting
6:30 PM Sister Chat Bible Study
7:00 PM InHIMM Men’s Ministry Fellowship
7:30 PM Orchestra Rehearsal
7:30 PM Mime Rehearsal
t u e s d ay, f e b r u a r y 17
5:00 PM Cade Circle Meeting
5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings
6:00 PM Capital & Infrastructure Subcommittee Mtg.
6:00 PM Deacons Meeting
6:30 PM Boy Scouts Board of Review
6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort- Bible Study Methods
6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort Intro to Theology
6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Cherub Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Youth Ministry Volunteers Mtg.
7:30 PM Mass Choir Rehearsal
8:30 PM POD Choir Rehearsal
t u e s d ay, f e b r u a r y 10
5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings
5:45 PM WACA - Parent/Teacher Meeting
6:00 PM Capital & Infrastructure Subcommittee Mtg.
6:00 PM T. Davis Senior Mission Circle
6:30 PM Boy Scout Troop Parent Meeting
6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort Bible Study Methods
6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Cherub Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM POD Choir Rehearsal
w e d n e s d ay, f e b r u a r y 18
10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise
12:00 PM The Spirit of a People Bible Study Series - Pride & Progress
1:30 PM Job Search Workshop
6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service
6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study
7:00 PM The Spirit of a People Bible Study Series - Pride & Progress
7:00 PM Youth Bible Study
w e d n e s d ay, f e b r u a r y 11
10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise
12:00 PM The Spirit of a People Bible Study Series - Prayer & Proclamation
1:30 PM Job Search Workshop
6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service
6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study
7:00 PM The Spirit of a People Bible Study Series - Prayer & Proclamation
7:00 PM Youth Bible Study
t h u r s d ay, f e b r u a r y 19
5:00 PM Band Rehearsal
6:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting
6:00 PM Black History Oratorical Contest
6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study
7:00 PM Chapel Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Theatre Arts/Drama/Spoken Word Rehearsal
7:15 PM Board of Trustees Investment Committee
7:30 PM Mass Choir Rehearsal
t h u r s d ay, f e b r u a r y 12
5:00 PM Band Rehearsal
5:30 PM Building Comm. Monthly Mtg.
6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Meeting
6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM CLASS Teachers In-Service Training
6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study
7:00 PM Chapel Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Theatre Arts/Drama/Spoken Word Rehearsal
f r i d ay,
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
7:00 PM f r i d ay,
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
6:30 PM f e b r u a r y 20
Seasoned Saints Line Dancing
Seasoned Saints Exercise
Chosen for Christ Evangelism Ministry
s at u r d ay, f e b r u a r y 21
8:00 AM Cub Scouts Blue and Gold Ceremony
8:30 AM Transformation Meeting
8:30 AM Black History Oratorical Contest
9:00 AM Tutoring Ministry
10:00 AM Alzheimer Support Group
10:00 AM Ephphatha Ministry Meeting
10:00 AM Street Witnessing
10:00 AM Family Group 31 Bible Study
10:00 AM Wedding Council Ministry Mtg.
11:00 AM Children’s Praise Dance Rehearsal
12:00 PM Christ Victory Steppers Rehearsal
february 13
Seasoned Saints Line Dancing
Seasoned Saints Exercise
Poetry Night on the Avenue
s at u r d ay, f e b r u a r y 14
8:00 AM Deacon Board Exec. Comm.
10:00 AM Mid-Year Church Leadership Mtg.
S u n d ay, f e b r u a r y 1 5
“Boys Rites of Passage Sunday”
7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services
9am, 11am Sunday School
3:00 PM “The Bridge” College Ministry Meeting
S u n d ay, f e b r u a r y 2 2
“Transformation Sunday”
7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services
9am, 11am Sunday School
4:00 PM Greater Barbour’s Chapel
m o n d ay, f e b r u a r y 2 3
7:00 PM Mid-Year Church Meeting
t u e s d ay, f e b r u a r y 24
5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings
6:00 PM Capital & Infrastructure Subcommittee Mtg.
6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort Bible Study Methods
6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort Intro to Theology
6:30 PM Evangelism Ministry Meeting
6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Cherub Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM POD Choir Rehearsal
w e d n e s d ay, f e b r u a r y 2 5
10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise
12:00 PM The Spirit of a People Bible Study Series - Praise & Protest
1:30 PM Job Search Workshop
6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service
6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study
7:00 PM The Spirit of a People Bible Study Series - Praise & Protest
7:00 PM Youth Bible Study
t h u r s d ay, f e b r u a r y 2 6
5:00 PM Band Rehearsal
6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Meeting
6:00 PM Trustee Board Meeting
6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal
6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study
6:30 PM Celebration of New Birth Development
7:00 PM Chapel Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Theatre Arts/Drama/Spoken Word Rehearsal
f r i d ay,
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
7:00 PM february 27
Seasoned Saints Line Dancing
Seasoned Saints Exercise
Fisk Jubilee Singers Concert
s at u r d ay, f e b r u a r y 2 8
9:00 AM Cancer Ministry Meeting
9:00 AM Stephen Ministry Supervision Development
9:30 AM Cub Scouts Meeting
9:30 AM 5Cs - Honey Child Prenatal Program
10:00 AM Family Group 11, 32, 37, 38 & 40 Bible Study
10:00 AM Pre-Marriage Session
10:30 AM Chronicles Book Club
11:00 AM Family Group 1 Bible Study
11:00 AM Children’s Praise Dance Rehearsal
12:00 PM Christ Victory Steppers Rehearsal
Christian Life Advancement
S u n d a y Sc h o o l C L A SS L i s t i n g s & L o ca t i o n s
A d u lt 1/ C h o i r
9 :0 0 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 216
The Adult I/Choir class is a dedicated family of believers in Christ whose members enjoy gathering together for spirited teaching and discussion, as we study God’s Holy
Word. We are a diverse group of men and women, singles, married individuals and couples.
Fa i t h a n d W o r k s
9:0 0 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 210
Faith and Works strives to be a living example of James 2:17 from which the class derived its name. This is a diverse group of believers in age and gender. The learning and
applying of the lesson is through group discussion that aims to get to the heart of the WORD of God by listening and learning from each other.
Men’s Cl ass
9:00 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 207
The Adult Men’s class consists of men who are at various levels of spiritual maturity. The men in this class treasure the wisdom, application of scripture to their everyday
lives and fellowship with other men of God. We know that iron sharpens iron. We welcome and encourage questions and comments from all members of the class.
Spiritual Deliverance
9:0 0 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l C LC - Ro o m 217
The Spiritual Deliverance Class is a unique blend of men and women. The class embodies a range of Christian maturity, from “emerging to mature” Christians. This class
encourages interaction and involvement of the learners to foster spiritual transformation and develop strong witnesses for Christ.
Women’s Cl ass
9:0 0 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l ChLC - Fello wsh ip Hall (L eft )
The Women’s class utilizes varying teaching techniques that include women sharing in lively discussions of scripture and the assigned lessons. This class is comprised of a
diverse group of married women, single women and single mothers. Attendees of the Women’s class appreciate the friendship, fellowship, support and spiritual growth they
receive as a result of participating in this class.
a d u lt C l a s s
1 1 :0 0 a . m . -12:15 p. m . l CLC - Ro o m 215
This is a combined (co-ed) adult group that is intentionally intergenerational, ranging from young adult to adult. This class focuses on the discovery, understanding, and
application of the Word of God for the whole person.
T O P I C A L A d u lt C la s s E S
Vision Seekers
9:0 0 a . m . – 10 :15 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 218
Geared to young adults, ages 21-35, the mission is to seek and see the deeper depths of God by seeking first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness, launching in the
deep, increasing our individual study of God’s word and seeking God’s promises.
L i v i n g Y o u r Fa i t h
11:0 0 a . m . – 12:15 p. m . l C LC - Ro o m 216
Using curriculum developed by WABC, this class deals with the nexus of your faith and everyday life. It examines the importance of incorporating our belief and faith into
all of our life circumstances.
New Life as an Insider
11:0 0 a . m . – 12:15 p. m . l C LC - Ro o m 217
This class is specifically designed for new believers in Christ. As a new believer you are no longer living in the world, but are now an insider connected to the body of believers
everywhere. What does this mean to how you now live your life? This class will help you understand what you believe and how to articulate that belief.
M i d d le Sc h ool - Hi g h Sc h ool C la s s e s
God and Church
11:0 0 a . m . – 12:15 p. m . l C LC - Ro o m 218
For Middle School - High School ages, this class is a collaboration with Boy Scouts, but all students are welcomed. This class is taught 2nd through 4th Sundays in the
summer and fall.
9: 00 a . m . - 10: 15 a . m . l C LC - Room 209
9: 00 a . m . - 10: 15 a . m . l C LC - Room 21 2
9: 00 a . m . - 10: 15 a . m . l C LC - Room 21 1
11:00 a . m . - 12:30 p. m . l C LC - Room 21 8
Interactive experiences where youth learn about Jesus and engage biblical truths that help them grow closer to Jesus and to be equipped for facing everyday life. It’s a fun
way to get to know Jesus and other youth, while we grow spiritually.
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-10
Grades 11-12
Grades 6-12
y o u n g C h il d r e n C la s s e s
9: 00 a . m . - 10: 15 a . m . l ChLC - Rooms 1 1 6 -1 1 7
9:00 a . m . - 10:15 a . m . l ChLC - Rooms 1 33-1 38
9 : 00 a . m . - 10: 15 a . m . l ChLC - Rooms 1 34 -1 35
9: 00 a . m . - 10: 15 a . m . l ChLC - FH ( Ri ght )
9: 00 a . m . - 10: 15 a . m . l ChLC - Rooms 1 36 -1 37
Our focus is to teach children about God’s love and His amazing gift of salvation to prepare them to know Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior. We use age-appropriate
lessons, games, crafts, and other creative ways to teach the Word of God. We help children build Bible skills that encourage them to memorize and apply God’s Word.
Prek - Kindergarten
1st and 2nd Grades
3rd and 4th Grades
5th Grade 3
h a p p y b i r t h d a y , f e b r u a r y bab i e s !
Samuel Abankwa
Bryson Abney
Aalia Abram
Ugoma Achebe
Amber Adams
Consuella Adams
Tia Adams
Yvette Adams
Raphael Alford
Edward Allen
James Allen
Kelly Allen
Lizie Allen
Richard Allen
Rondell Allen
Tory Allen-Ford
Janet Alston
Antonia Altemus
Cherye Altice
Jobe Amadi
Tonia Ambers
Adewale Amosu
Kimbriel Anders
Assunti Anderson
Cory Anderson
Natia Anderson
Reggie Anderson
Tianne Anderson
Joe Arrington
Tamika Arrington
DaVaunte Arroyo
Justin Arroyo
Adjoa Asare
Abreah Ash
Alexander Ashe
Brittany Ashford
Loretta Atwood
Joyce Aubrey
Tameka Augustin
Kail Austin
Charlene Babin
Alexander Bagley
Aishia Bahar
Savannah Ballesteros
Don Balthrop
Cortney Banks
Andrea Barnes
Elisa Barnes
Niki Barnes
Janelle Barnett
Shaundra Barnett
Warren Barnett
Christopher Barr
Cartarious Barrett
Darrilyn Bartlow
LaToya Bass
Dwight Batro
Joi Beasley
Gwendolyn Bell
Lynn Bell
Robyn Bell
Destiny Bennett
Lawrence Bennett
Shane Bennett
Veleria Bennett
Antuiya Bentun
Manuel Berry
Michelle Berry
Reginald Berry
Jami Bertrand
Candece Beverly
Shametria Bickley
Alneada Biggers
Tayler BishopJohnson
James Black
Simeon Black
Verlye Black
Chyna Blackmon
Mable Blackwell
Rhonda Blake
Roslynn Blake
Faye Bolds
Kevin Boling
Clara Bolton
Linda Bolton
Michael Bonner
Gerald Bowers
Talisha Bowers
Gail Bradford
Meshel Bradley
Tanya Braggs
Blair Branch
Trevor Brandon
Jerrell Brewer
Jesse Brewer
Quiniee Bridges
Anngelea Bright
Chantrelle Brimmer
Erica Brobbey
Marcus Brooks
Felicia Broussard
Jessica Broussard
Joshua Broussard
Justin Broussard
Ashly Brown
Brandi Brown
Chester Brown
Chloe Brown
Erica Brown
Jimmie Brown
Keoni Brown
Lanny Brown
Linda Brown
Mina Brown
Tianna Brown
Vanessa Brown
Sheletta Brundidge
Netania Buckner
Jason Bugg
Ebony Burch
Bessie Burks
Benjamin Burns
Brennen Burns
Rachel Burrell
Alexia Burton
Nicholas Burton
Rockell Burton
LaKeshia Butcher
Edgar Butler
Joseph Butler
Emmylou Cabrera
Mary Cadet
Keion Cage
Rayshod Caldwell
Paul Calhoun
Bennie Callies
Antonio Cameron
Lindsay Campbell
Kenneth Cane
Trenay Capers
Ashley Carey
Justin Carr
Tiffaney Carr
Billy Carrington
Natoya Carrington
Chantae Carter
Christopher Carter
Gregory Carter
Laquiesha Carter
Leah Carter
Pacia Carter
Thomas Carter
Cynthia Cash
Gracie Cash
Henry Cash
Toni Catchings
Kristen Chambers
Cameron Chandler
Sara Chandler
Terika Chandler
Jeri Charlot
Mark Charlot
Orean Chatman
Ben Cheeks
Trinita Childress
Harold Chrisentery
Paula Chrishon
Darren Clark
Delores Clark
Maurece Clark
Tasheikia Clark
Rodmesia Clarke
Edward Clay
Tiffany Clay
Jessyca Clemons
Khalil Coffield
Barbara Cole
Rhonda Cole
Bernice Coleman
Dominique Coleman
Isaiah Coleman
Patricia Coleman
Marcus Colvin
Austin Comeaux
Pamishia Cook
Dasira Cook-Jackson
Glenn Cooper
Gwendolyn Cooper
Justin Cooper
Kevin Cooper
Telecia Cooper
Quachelle Copeland
Dana Copelin
Clifton Cormier
Ambericent Cornett
Matthew Coward
Philip Cox
Scott Cox
Shena Cox
Hebert Craft
Sandra Craft
Lillie Craven
Cherelle Crenshaw
D Crockett
Mona Cunningham
Michael Curl
Stacey Curry
Rachel Dallas
Anita Daniel
Donald Daniel
Nigel Daniel
Edward Daniels
Sharon Daniels
Terry Daniels
Nicoya Darby-Toney
Mercedes Davenport
Teniqua Davenport
Ambrielle Davis
Barry Davis
Carleshia Davis
Carlton Davis
Caryn Davis
Falan Davis
Jalisa Davis
Kenneth Davis
Kimaia Davis
Lassonya Davis
Mallory Davis
Megan Davis
Morgan Davis
Porcia Davis
Terrance Davis
Lynn Dawson
Leontyne Dean
Lawrence Deburr
Vicky DeCatur
Asalia Delco
Teresa-Jo DeLemos
Tim Denton
Freshauna Dexter
Brian Dickens
Alexandria Dillard
Cymetria Dillard
DeQuintez Doan
D.J. Doby
VerAmber Dockins
Gene Donahue
Don Donatto
Michael Dorsey
Sedonia Doty
Isarel Doucet
Charlene Drake
Charles Drayden
Natasha Drayden
Alfred Drummond
Terry Duhon
Victoria Duncan
Helen Dunn
Patricia Dupree
Timothy Duren
Thomas Durst
Shanethia Ealy
Adrian Earle
Danielle Earles
Tirra Eckles
Teala Edmonds
Barbara Edwards
Dawn Edwards
Shervonne Edwards
Dara Elam
Elizabeth Elcine
Stacie Elkins
William Ellison
Johnnie Ellisor
Phillip Emenogu
Phillip Emerson
Mia Emilien
Ntube Epie
Inuaghata Esasa
Marcus Esekhaigbe
Omamoya Esiso
Keiva Espree
Bernice Evans
Carl Evans
Dillon Evans
Ethel Evans
Jon Evans
Ricky Evans
Raheim Everance
William Everett
Jacqueline Fagan
Jeramie Feliciano
Julian Felix
Queensley Felix
Catherine Felton
Dicy Ferrias
Mercy Ferrias
Kama Fisher-Ingram
Cabrin Fitzpatrick
Anthony Florence
Adrienne Floyd
Amber Foreman
Danielle Foster
Quincy Fox
Faran Foy
Mary Francisco
Jaleesa Frank
Jasmine Franklin
Jessica Frederick
Asha Freeman
Tami Friday
William Fuller
Gwendolyn Gabriel
Marcus Gabriel
Yolanda Gabriel
Sharla Gadson
Christopher Gandy
Andrea Garcia
Oscar Garcia
Elizabeth Gardner
Krystal Garner
Kayla Garrett
Sinclaire Gaston
Cherrise Gayle
Cebee Gbunblee
Joseph George
Tanisha George
Clliff Ghoram
Charlie Gibson
D’Mya Gibson
LaTausha Gibson
Eldridge Gilbert
Nita Gilbert
Leon Gilchrist
Brooke Gillespie
Robert Gillespie
Harriet Gillis
Anzilla Gilmore
Kaitlyn Glasco
Sandra Glass
Shellie Goings
Diana Golden
Deninah Goodwin
Kilm Gordon
Devin Goree
Nina Grant
Pamela Graves
Kimberly Gray
Kristen Grayson
Efrem Greely
Jordan Green
Montreal Green
Shayla Green
Malcolm Greer
Tami Gregory
Walker Griffea
Kelli Grim
Erin Grimes
Markesha Grimes
DeSoun Guiberteaux
Cordell Guillory
Javis Guillory
Lenjuana Halbert
Anthony Hall
David Hall
Prince Hall
Monique Hambric
Bree Angela Hamilton
Marla Hamilton
Thomasha Hamilton
Stacy Hammond
Brenae’ Hardeman
Marcus Hardy
Quinton Harp
Drevonta Harper
Joyce Harper
Michael Harper
Rome Harper
Charles Harrell
Alexandria Harris
Alontae Harris
Amber Harris
Delores Harris
Dorine Harris
Jonathan Harris
Paula Harris
Tai Harris
Gary Harrison
Shaquanna Harrison
Theary Harrison
Brenda HarrisonHartsfield
Janet Harry-Taylor
Dominique Harvey
Ethel Hawkins
JoAnn Hawkins
Quintin Hawkins
Taylor Hayden
Bryan Hayes
Celeste Hayes
Ollie Heard
Tiffany Heartfield
Tyler Heartfield
Micheal Helm
D’Savion Henderson
Minnie Henderson
Nikkita Henderson
Joanie Hendrix
Jianna Henley
Devondra Henry
Paul Henry
Jessica Herbert
John Hernandez
Courtney Hewett
Alissia Hicks
Cornell Hill
Daniel Hill
Julian Hill
Whitney Hill
Lori Hill-Thompson
Harrison Hiner
M. Hobbs
Marvin Holmes
Maxwell Holmes
Nakia Holmes
Zackary Holmes
LaJada Holt
Aaron Homer
Ryan Homer
Mildred Hooper
Ashly Horace
Derral Horton
Orlando Horton
Barry Hoskins
Rose Hoskins
Xavier House
Michael Hoyt
Candance Hubert
Trevon Hudson
Tricia Hudson
Troy Hudson
Dalton Hughes
Jennifer Hunt
Conswaglo Hunter
Mattie Hunter
N. Hunter
Delia Hurst
Kiera Hurst
Desiree’ Irby
Angelia Irving
Theresa Isedore
Linda Jack
Lionel Jack
Amanda Jackson
Brittany Jackson
Carolyn Jackson
Diamante Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Gloria Jackson
Nicole Jackson
Whitney Jackson
DeShawn James
Nosa James
Olivia James
Tim Jamison
Ashley Jarrett
Bernie Jefferson
Roddrick Jefferson
Jayson Jenkins
Nichelle Jenkins
Rhonda Jenkins
Aishia Jetson
Hassan John-Baptiste
Agnes Johnson
Alexander Johnson
Aundrea Johnson
Benedetta Johnson
Brunesha Johnson
Caliss Johnson
Chericka Johnson
Courtney Johnson
Gerard Johnson
Kenyetta Johnson
Kimberly Johnson
Krystal Johnson
Pleshette Johnson
Silvester Johnson
Sunni Johnson
Terrance Johnson
Theresa Johnson
Trenton Johnson
Tiffany Joiner
Adam Jones
Angela Jones
Briana Jones
Crandall Jones
Danielle Jones
Isaac Jones
Jerel Jones
Jessalyn Jones
LaDarius Jones
Marshall Jones
Sonya Jones
Steven Jones
Taymarius Jones
Tranel Jones
Angel Jordan
Carlita Joseph
Brandi Justice
Genevia Kanu
Blarsiuwoar Kargou
Angelica Kelly
Antwana Kelly
Danita Kelly
Kelva Kelly
Yarmon Kennedy
Chanitha Keys
Rodrick Kilpatrick
Norma King
Gwynette Kirby
Justin Kirk
Margaret Kizzee-Taylor
Regina Knox
Karen Kyle
DeLisa Landry
Jayla Lane
Warren Latham
Rosalyn Laudermilk
Raymond Lavine
Charde Lawrence
Brandon Lawson
Mychelle Lawson
Blage Ledbetter
Amanda Lee
Minelva Lestrade
Ronald Levi
Steven Levine
Markia Levy
Bria Lewis
Serving through ministries
adult ministries
Ministries of the Month
We’re taking the month of February to highlight our Music and Arts Ministries.
Please stop by their tables following worship for more information. If you’re
interested in becoming involved in any of our Music and Arts Ministries,
go to the William Alexander Lawson Christian or Community Life Center
immediately following worship to sign up, or to receive more information.
Christ Victory Steppers
Grace Praise Dancers
Bells of Praise
Mighty Men of Wheeler
Psalms of David
WABC Chorale
WABC Mercy Mime
Women’s Choir
women’s guild
The Women’s Guild will meet Monday, February 16, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. (Fellowship Hall-left). Come join us as we foster
fellowship and plan projects to serve the community. Refreshments will be served.
aids walk 2015
Please join the Wheeler Avenue HIV Ministry and participate in AIDS Walk 2015. Each year over 1,200 people are newly
infected in the Houston community. The walk will take place on Sunday, March 8, 2015, at 1:00 p.m. After worshiping at
church, we will carpool to Sam Houston Park-Downtown. For more information, please come to our registration table after
church services or contact Wanda Jenkins at [email protected] or 832-687-6533.
2015 audrey h. lawson impact awards luncheon and fashion show
Wheeler Avenue Inner City Visions Inc. - Women’s Guild will celebrate 52 YEARS OF SERVICE to the Houston community at
the 2015 Audrey H. Lawson IMPACT Awards Luncheon and Fashion Show on Saturday, April 25, 2015, at the Hyatt Regency
Houston, 1200 Louisiana Street. This year’s honorary chair is Carolyn Guess. Honorees, who will be recognized for their many
contributions to the community, include:
Jacqueline Alton, Owner, Almeda Travel
Dr. Rose Austin, Retired Administrator, Lone Star College
Dr. Heather Brown, Orthodontist
Pastor Suzette Caldwell, Associate Pastor, Windsor Village United Methodist Church
Gayla Gardner, Co-Founder, Twelve Days of Christmas
Winell Herron, H.E.B. Group Vice President, Public Affairs, Diversity, and Environmental Affairs
The Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee, U.S. Representative, 18th Congressional District
Tickets are $65. Sponsorship packages are available. Proceeds benefit Wheeler Avenue Inner City Visions, Incorporated. For
more information, please contact [email protected] or 832-332-8013.
Serving through ministries
adult ministries
Seasoned Saints Ministry
Monthly Activities of the Seasoned Saints Ministry are as follows:
Fridays 10:30 a.m. - Aerobics
11:30 a.m. - Seasoned Table Talk
10:30 a.m. - Aerobics
12:00 p.m. - Bible Study
9:30 a.m. - Line Dancing
10:30 a.m. - Aerobics
11:30 a.m. - Bible Study
Seasoned Saints Salute
We love our seasoned saints here on the Avenue, and we’re calling all Seasoned Saints to join Rev. Jacques Denkins and the Seniors
Ministry on Saturday, February 7 at 11:00 a.m. in the Community Life Center for our Seasoned Saints Salute. You don’t want to
miss this time of fun, food and fellowship!
1st Tuesday on the Avenue marriage enrichment session—Tuesday, February 3, 2015
We are continuing with our series entitled Rounding the Bases of a Successful Marriage. It has been a lively and enriching
experience geared for couples of all ages. In our last session, we discussed a biblical fight plan; and, in this session, we will entertain
communication and conflict. We are fairly certain that not many couples at Wheeler will need any of this, but, if you do, please plan
to attend on Tuesday, February 3, 7:00 pm.
We began the year with a phenomenal Faith and Finances Conference. But that was only the beginning. Now it’s time to go
deeper. Financial Peace is a nine-week class series being offered to help you change your money and your life. This isn’t your
typical “money class.” Financial Peace University (FPU) is practical, entertaining and fun! And the average family completing the
course pays off $5,300 and saves $2,700 in just 90 days. Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet or you’re a millionaire,
FPU has something for you. It’s based on more than 800 verses of scripture and is a proven plan that will work for you. Two class
sessions will be offered beginning Sunday, February 8: one at 9:00 am and another at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary Choir Room.
Please consider investing time in this worthwhile class. It will change your life! Questions? Contact the Financial Empowerment
Ministry at [email protected].
Serving through ministries
young adults and youth ministries
Join Rev. Mitchell and the College Ministry for Poetry
Night on the Avenue on Friday, February 13 at 7:00p.m.
Back by popular demand will be our featured artist, Joe
Solomon, with spoken word and musical selections, along
with other guest artists. If you’re interested in rocking the
mic, contact Rev. Mitchell at [email protected].
Serving through ministries
young adults and youth ministries
Praise Dancers
Rehearsals are Mondays, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., in the William A. Lawson Community Life Center, Room 207. Please
contact Sis. Erica Henderson ([email protected]), if you’re interested in ministering with the WABC Grace Praise
Christ Victory Steppers practice on Saturdays, 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., in the William A. Lawson Community Life
Center, Worship Center. For more information, contact Loren Hickerson at [email protected] or 615-202-7077.
h a p p y b i r t h d a y , f e b r u a r y bab i e s !
Donald Lewis
John Lewis
Latoya Lewis
Bill Littlejohn
Chrysta Lloyd
Merrell Lloyd
Velma Lloyd
Naomi Lockett
Destiny Lockings
Renee Logans
Nicora Long
Thomas Long
Dawn Lord
Gilbert Loston
LaTonya Love
Medora Love
Brandon Luckett
Wayne Luckett
Stafford Lucky
Michael Lyle
Patricia Lyons
Joseph Mack
Mary Mack
Raphael Madison
Michael Mallet
Donovan Malone
Glenn Manning
Antwan Marshal
Catherine Martel
James Martin
Tez Mason
DeAngel Mathis
Ahmad Mattazzi
Sheldon Matthews
Dee Mattox-Hall
Brittney May
Michara Mayes
Camille Mayo
Krystal Mayo
London McAdams
Debra McBride
Cynthia McClain
Andre McClelland
Troy McClelland
Jessica McCloudy
Wilbur McConico
Kendall McCoy
Kenneth McCoy
Brandy McDonald
Yoshana McEachin
Marjorie McElrath
Charles McFail
Karen McGowan
Shelby McLaughlin
Delana McLin
Reginald McNair
Marcel McNeese
Bria McNeil
Francisco Medina
Tomiko MeeksHenderson
James Merrell
Larry Merritt
Brandon Mikell
Adrienne Miles
DeShawn Miller
Emmanuel Miller
Lewis Miller
Morgahn Miller
Sunshine Misa-Uli
Nicole Mitchell
Reginald Mitchell
Yulanda Mitchell
Joe Modica
Marlena Moltimer
Donovan Monroe
Baxter Montgomery
Chantal Moon
Michael Moore
Nicholas Moore
Nicki Moore
Valerie Moore
Alisa Morgan
Dymond Mosley
Rachelle Mouton
Day Mullings
Anthony Mullins
Harold Mullins
Suzan Mullins
Aazariah Murphy
Cassandra Murphy
Debra Murray
Andrea Nailon
Yvette Nance
Charmian Nelson
Diane Nelson
Jerome Nelson
Lorraine Nelson
Stanley Newman
Isaac Newsome
Steven Newton
Andrea Nicholas
Tiffany Nicholson
Joe Nixon
Joseph Nixon
Rhome Nixon
Leslie Nobles
Penelope Nobles
Barika Noris
Willie Norman
Anson North
Jordan North
Anthony Nwoke
Krystofer O’Gilvie
Stephen O’Suji
Abena Ochoa
Camille Ofulue
Stephanie Ofulue
Okpe Okpe
Darrell Oliney
Charmaine Osbin
Tannerria Owens
Victoria Owens
Dorothy Pace
Derek Parker
T. Parker
Williams Parker
Catina Parrott
Adriana Partida
Jaquoren PattersonThomas
London Patton
Isiah Paul
Ebony Pearson
Michael Pearson
Valerie Perez
Christian Perkins
Jakeem Perkins
Cynthia Perry
John Perry
Matthew Pervis
Kenneth Peters
Lynette Petithomme
Lee Pierce
Jada Pierre
Shan`Neishe Pierre
Thelma Pierre
Rijean Pitre
BerRhonda Pitts
Constance Pleasant
Diedra Porche`
Ajia Porter
DeUndre Potts
Annissa Powell
Donn Powell
Lanita Prentis
Krystal Price
Patrick Price
Erin Quander
Teri Quinn
Sheryl Raglin
Ahmed Raheem
Jamail Randle
Shon Rankin
Cameron Ray
Carolyn Reece
Erin Reed
Isis Reed
Shanice Reed
VanShella Reeves
Eleanor Rem
Ivan Revis
Maria Reynolds
Eric Rhodes
Ladarius Rhone
Alicia Richardson
Rodney Rideau
Imani Riley
Nicole Riley
De’Mettria Riser
Charlet Roberts
Joshua Roberts
Patricia Roberts
Sade’ Roberts
Warren Roberts
Brian Robinson
DeAngelo Robinson
Durron Robinson
Feragi Robinson
Lakisha Robinson
Morgann Robinson
Tieshia Robinson
Adam Rogers
Christina Rogers
Patrick Rogers
Anya Rolle
Brian Rollins
Gloria Rose
James Rose
Brittany Ross
Reginald Sadberry
Dorothy Sadler
Jessica Salinas
Stacey Sanchez
Tameka Sanchez
Robert Sanders
Gerome Sapp
Nickia Sauls
Belinda Saulsberry
Jasmine Saunders
Roderick Savage
Morgan Sawyer
Brittany Scineaux
Andrea Scott
Chameka Scott
Frederick Scott
Lorna Scott
Shandrea Sellers
Orlando Seriale
Latika Sewell
Andre’ Shackelford
Milton Shackelford
Derrell Shannon
Jaelan Sharp
Joshua Sharp
Willie Sharpe
Cheryl Shelton
Elizabeth Shelton
Tony Shelvin
Rudolph Sherrard
Carolyn Shields
Elijah Simmons
Emmily Simmons
Juno Simmons
Sherry Simpson
Sidra Simpson
Chelsea Sims
Evan Sims
Sheori Sinegal
Jessica Small
Alicia Smith
Aston Smith
Darvin Smith
Erica Smith
Gene Smith
Gerard Smith
Gina Smith
Herman Smith
Javonna Smith
Kebharu Smith
Kirkland Smith
Omoniyi Smith
Priscilla Smith
Regina Smith
Roz Smith
Shegailia Smith
Veronica Smith
William Smith
Akili SmithWashington
Mamie Sneed
Nick Solomon
Crystal Sowah
Colleen Spiller
Doylean Sprauve
Anthony Square
Anysa Square
Jarman St.Julien
Donte’ Stalberte
Andrea Stallworth
Ronnie Starling
Naomi Stelivan
Nikia Stelivan
(continued from page 4)
Andrea Stephens
Norman Sterling
Queen Stevenson
Olivia Steward
Delores Stewart
Dianne Stewart
Evelyn Stewart
Lauren Stewart
Keith Strawder
Raigena Strickland
Avery Suber
Elliott Suttles
Rebecca Swindle
Cleveland Tate
Darius Tate
Alexia Taylor
Desiree Taylor
Leslie Taylor
Michelle Taylor
Minnie Taylor
Nina Taylor
Ramona Taylor
Betty TaylorThompson
Niecy Telemaque
Ruby Telsee-Tinker
Rashad Terrell
Jarvis Tezeno
D’Juana Thibedeaux
Terrika Thibodeaux
Carl Thomas
Earl Thomas
Georgia Thomas
Krysten Thomas
Maschiki Thomas
Reanitra Thomas
Robert Thomas
Stella Thomas
Veronica Thomas
Ronetia Thompson
Sherry Thompson
Zatavia Thorn
Sa’Ron Thornton
Tericka Threatt
Tiffany Toliver
Tracey Tolliver
Markus Tolson
Sarah Trotty
Robyn Troup
Malcolm Troupe
Martin Troupe
Mica Tucker
Kiara Turner
Roscoe Turner
Shalanda Turner
Chloe’ Twymon
Shadai Valentine
Terrence Valery
Wynter Valery
Thomas Valley
Erik Vallie
Xadrian Vanburen
Brendan Vasquez
David Wade
Terrence Wadley
Lanna Waithe
Alice Walker
C’Nae Walker
Christina Walker
DeMarcus Walker
Dionne Walker
Gary Walker
Toni Wallace
William Wallace
Dolores Walls
Shani Walsh
Raylon Walters
Bradley Ward
Davida Ward
Jennifer Ward
Katrina Ward
Ikeshia Ware
Thomas Warner
Haili Warren
Trina Warren
Debbie Washington
Michael Washington
Morgan Washington
Raven Washington
Sandra Washington
Terrell Washington
Melanie Watkins
Maxcine Watson
Samaya Watson
Dwayne Weaver
Sylvia Weddington
Sylvia Wellington
Cleveland Wesley
Carlos Whitaker
Aaron White
Carla White
Danielle White
Demez White
Lakaysha White
Leonard White
Quincy White
Sophia White
Tayana White
Betty Whitfield
Daja Whitlow
Nieshia Whitt
George Wiggins
Brian Wilcox
Melanie Wilcox
Tanita Wiley
Brandy Wilkerson
Andre` Williams
Candace Williams
Casey Williams
Jordon Williams
Kayonna Williams
Lauryn Williams
Marshanda Williams
Mary Williams
Shantese Williams
Traci Williams
Rashanique Williams
Celeste Willis
Jarry Wilson
Tiffany Wilson
Zelquawana Wilson
Leviathan Winn
Dwain Nolan
Ashley Woods
Karen Woods
Kirstin Woods
Jessica Wortham
Danielle Wright
George Wright
Javad Wright
Branden York
Judy Young
Tiara Young
Lidia Zaldivar
Serving through ministries
children’s ministries
cherub choir (Children, ages 2-10)
Rehearsal is held every Tuesday, excluding the Tuesday following the Third Sunday, at 7:00 pm in the choir room and
every Saturday immediately preceding the Third Sunday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
children’s church
Children’s Church services are at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in the Christian Life
Center. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Sis. Harlisha Homer at:
[email protected].
Children’s Church Drop-off
2 and 3 year olds: Christian Life Center, Room 117
4 and 5 year olds: Christian Life Center, Room 138
1st – 5th Grade: Fellowship Hall (Left)
If your child is interested in lighting the candles during any of the four worship services, please contact Sis. Harlisha
Homer at: [email protected].
KidCheck is available for Wheeler’s children. In order to use the check-in system, you must register your
child/children. Parents may do so by going to or clicking on the KidCheck Link on the
Wheeler Avenue website.
February is a month when special emphasis is placed on those who laid the ground work for African Americans. As
Wheeler Avenue Christian Academy observes Black History this month, we must pay tribute to Mrs. Audrey Hoffman
Lawson, who founded the Wheeler Avenue Infant School, which is now Wheeler Avenue Christian Academy. The school
existed from the inception of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church until Pastor Cosby had a vision of a Christian school with
higher levels of learning. We thank Mrs. Lawson and those who worked with her, as well as former WACA Executive
Directors, Dr. Doris Bilton, Dr. Jacqueline Cobbins, Deacon Billie J. Johnson, and the present executive director,
Deaconess Ada D. Carr. We would also like to thank former Infant School Director, Mrs. Gloria Rose. We salute all
former and present staff members. A Christian Education is a blessing. We are still enrolling students. Please call 713579-2792 for more information.
the children’s ministRy needs your help!
Children’s Ministry needs teachers, assistant teachers, helpers and parent volunteers! For
more information, and to begin your training, please contact Rev. Alexander E.M. Johnson
at 713-579-2703 or [email protected].
churchwide events
Hour of Power Prayer Service
Join us every Wednesday during the month of February at
6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary as we offer prayers of praise and
petition to our God.
The WABC Business Directory is Here!
We want to be those who support our own, so make your
way to the Chronicles Bookstore in the William Alexander
Lawson Christian Life Center to get your free copy of our
latest business directory. You may be surprised about some of
the great opportunities that can be found right here within
your own church! The directory is also available online at:
February 2015
Wednesday, February 4
e Spirit of a People Bible Study Series
Pain & Perserverance
12noon & 7:00pm
You are invited to feast on God’s Word
each Sunday at 11:00 am during the
season of Lent in Room 207. This series
will infuse your prayer life and fortify your
commitment to our congregational fast.
All proceeds from the book support the
WABC Building Fund, so purchase a copy
today at Chronicles Bookstore.
Friday, February 6
e Spirit of a People:
An Evening of Music, Arts and Literature
Saturday, February 7
Seasoned Saints Salute
Wednesday, February 11
e Spirit of a People Bible Study Series
Prayer & Proclamation
12noon & 7:00pm
Avenues to Employment - February Class
The Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Employment Assistance
Ministry, Avenues to Employment, will offer resume
preparation workshops on Wednesday, February 4 and
Wednesday, February 11. The two-hour workshops will begin
at 1:30 p.m. and will be held in the Christian Life Center. For
more information, please email [email protected], or go
to the ministry website:
Ash Wednesday, February 18
e Spirit of a People Bible Study Series
Pride & Progress
12noon & 7:00pm
Saturday, February 21
Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
Oratorical Contest
Wednesday, February 25
e Spirit of a People Bible Study Series
Praise & Protest
12noon & 7:00pm
Friday, February 27
Fisk Jubilee Singers Concert
Greetings, Beloved,
This year as we approach the Holy Season of Lent, we will modify our usual fast. The entirety of the Wheeler Avenue
congregation is being called to join together and prayerfully engage in the experience of the Daniel Fast for the 40
days of Lent: February 18th – April 4th (excluding Sundays).
While we desire all to join together in this effort, we recognize that there are those who find themselves in different
places, spiritually. As a consequence, for those who are simply beyond the Daniel Fast, we will ask that you join us in
a complete fast from 6am - 6pm and the Daniel Fast thereafter for the 40-day experience. The third option is for
those who feel as they cannot join in the full Daniel Fast for the entirety of the 40 days. If this is your reality, join us
in the Daniel Fast from 6am - 6pm, breaking fast thereafter.
There are three options above, which are each centered around the Daniel Fast. Not only does the Daniel Fast bring
to us the opportunity to increase our spiritual lives, it likewise allows us to discipline our eating habits. To be sure, this
is a season of SACRIFICE. You should stretch yourself beyond what is comfortable, and have faith to believe God for
the miraculous.
The Daniel Fast is a biblically-based partial fast. There are two anchoring scriptures for the Daniel Fast. In
Daniel 1, the Prophet ate only vegetables (that would have included fruits) and drank only water. So from these
scriptures, we get two of the guidelines for the fast:
• Only fruits and vegetables
• Only water for a beverage
Then, in Daniel 10, we read that the Prophet ate no meat nor any precious breads or foods, and he drank no wine for
21 days. So, from this scripture, we get a third guideline: No sweeteners and no breads.
Another important guideline is drawn from Jewish fasting principles, where no leaven is used during the fast. So that’s
why yeast, baking powder, and the like, are not allowed on the Daniel Fast.
Finally, with all the above puzzle pieces, we conclude that no artificial or processed foods nor any chemicals are
allowed on the Daniel Fast.
All fruits. These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Fruits include but are not limited to apples, apricots, bananas,
blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, guava, honeydew melon, kiwi,
lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries,
tangelos, tangerines and watermelon.
All vegetables. These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Vegetables include but are not limited to artichokes,
asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chili peppers, collard greens, corn, cucumbers,
eggplant, garlic, ginger root, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, okra, onions, parsley, potatoes, radishes, rutabagas,
scallions, spinach, sprouts, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, yams and zucchini. Veggie burgers are an option
if you are not allergic to soy.
All whole grains, including, but not limited to, whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, oats, barley, grits, whole wheat
pasta, whole wheat tortillas, rice cakes and popcorn.
All nuts and seeds, including, but not limited to, sunflower seeds, cashews, peanuts and sesame. Also, nut butters including
peanut butter.
All legumes. These can be canned or dried. Legumes including, but are not limited to, dried beans, pinto beans, split peas,
lentils, black eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans and white beans.
All quality oils including, but not limited to, olive, canola, grape seed, peanut and sesame.
Beverages: spring water, distilled water or other pure waters.
Other: tofu, soy products, vinegar, seasonings, salt, herbs and spices.
All meat and animal products including, but not limited to, beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish.
All dairy products including but not limited to milk, cheese, cream, butter, and eggs.
All sweeteners including, but not limited to, sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups, molasses, and cane juice.
All leavened bread including Ezekiel Bread (it contains yeast and honey) and baked goods.
All refined and processed food products including, but not limited to, artificial flavorings, food additives,
chemicals, white rice, white flour, and foods that contain artificial preservatives.
All deep fried foods including, but not limited to, potato chips, French fries and corn chips.
All solid fats including shortening, margarine, lard and foods high in fat.
Beverages including, but not limited to, coffee, tea, herbal teas, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol.
FEBR UA R Y 20 1 5
Dear Congregants,
The month of February is generally a month when people think about love more. This month let’s focus our attention on God’s love
for us, our love for Him, and our love for one another. Below you will find our Prayer Guide for the month of February.
Monday thru Saturday between 12 noon and 1 p.m., please pray.
Remember that Lent begins on February 18th, and Pastor is asking that we participate in a church wide forty-day fast.
Beginning on February 18th, we are asked to practice the Daniel Fast, Monday through Saturday. Sundays are not included
in the fast.
Let the Holy Spirit lead you in your time of prayer. This is meant only as a guide for bringing a unified focus.
Saturday’s prayer focus is for the city, state, nation, and world. Please be watchful of what is happening in all of these places,
so that you can pray into those situations.
February 2, 2015 – Monday
Exodus 15:13 – You in Your mercy and loving-kindness have led forth the people whom You have redeemed; You have guided them in Your
strength to Your holy habitation.
1. Thank God for His mercy and loving-kindness and his guidance.
2. Pray that the Lord will guide you to where He wants you to be.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 3, 2015 - Tuesday
Exodus 34:6 – And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord! The Lord! A God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and
abundant in loving-kindness and truth.
1. Thank God for His loving-kindness and truth toward you.
2. Pray that the Lord will help you to be merciful and gracious, abounding in love.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 4, 2015 – Wednesday
Zephaniah 3:17 – The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest
[in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with
1. Thank God for forgiving all of your sins and for His great love.
2. Pray that the Lord will reveal those places in you where you need His forgiveness.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 5, 2015 – Thursday
I Chronicles 16:34 – O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!
1. Thank God that He is the same forever!
2. Pray that the Lord will help you to see His manifested mercy and loving-kindness in your life.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 6, 2015 – Friday
Psalm 13:5 – But I have trusted, leaned on, and been confident in Your mercy and loving-kindness; my heart shall rejoice and be in high spirits
in Your salvation.
1. Thank God that He is the one in Whom we have salvation.
2. Pray that you will learn to trust in His love toward YOU.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
FEBR UA R Y 20 1 5
February 9, 2015 – Monday
Mark 12:30 – And you shall love the Lord your God out of and with your whole heart and out of and with all your soul (your life) and out of
and with all your mind (with your faculty of thought and your moral understanding) and out of and with all your strength. This is the first and
principal commandment.
1. Thank God for His commandments.
2. Pray that the Lord will help you to love Him more.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 10, 2015 – Tuesday
Mark 12:31 – The second is like it and is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.
1. Thank God for what He is to those who trust Him.
2. Pray that the Lord will help you to love yourself so that you can love others.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 11, 2015 – Wednesday
John 3:16 – For so God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever
believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.
1. Thank God for the gift of His Son, Jesus the Christ.
2. Pray that the Lord will give you opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 12, 2015 – Thursday
Romans 5:5 – Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit
Who has been given to us.
1. Thank God for the hope you have in Him.
2. Pray that the Lord will fill you up with His love.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 13, 2015 – Friday
I Corinthians 13:1 – If I [can] speak in the tongues of men and [even] of angels, but have not love (that reasoning, intentional, spiritual devotion such as is inspired by God’s love for and in us), I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
1. Thank God for the inspiration His love brings you.
2. Pray that the Lord will show you how to walk in love.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 16, 2015 – Monday
I Corinthians 13:2 – And if I have prophetic powers (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), and understand all the secret truths
and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have [sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but have not love (God’s love in me) I
am nothing (a useless nobody).
1. Thank God for all of the gifting and abilities He has given you.
2. Pray that the Lord will keep you humble.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 17, 2015 – Tuesday
I Corinthians 13:3 – Even if I dole out all that I have [to the poor in providing] food, and if I surrender my body to be burned in order that I
may glory, but have not love (God’s love in me), I gain nothing.
1. Thank God for giving you opportunities to be a blessing to others.
2. Pray that the Lord will not allow you to work in vain.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 18, 2015 – Wednesday
Ephesians 3:17 – May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be
rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.
1. Thank God for His presence on the inside of you.
2. Pray that your heart will be filled with the love of God.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
FEBR UA R Y 20 1 5
February 19, 2015 – Thursday
Galatians 5: 22-23 – But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness, Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [that can bring a charge].
1. Thank God for His faithfulness in completing the work He began in you.
2. Pray that the fruit of the Spirit will be made manifest in your life.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 20, 2015 – Friday
Philippians 1:9 – And this I pray: that your love may abound yet more and more and extend to its fullest development in knowledge and all
keen insight [that your love may display itself in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment],
1. Thank God that His love never grows cold or changes.
2. Pray that the Lord will cause your love of Him and others to grow more and more.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 23, 2015 – Monday
Philippians 1:10 – So that you may surely learn to sense what is vital, and approve and prize what is excellent and of real value [recognizing
the highest and the best, and distinguishing the moral differences], and that you may be untainted and pure and unerring and blameless [so
that with hearts sincere and certain and unsullied, you may approach] the day of Christ [not stumbling nor causing others to stumble].
1. Thank God that He keeps your foot from slipping.
2. Pray that the Lord will help you to put all things in their proper perspective.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 24, 2015 – Tuesday
Colossians 3:14 – And above all these [put on] love and enfold yourselves with the bond of perfectness [which binds everything together completely in ideal harmony].
1. Thank God that He is love and love never fails.
2. Pray that the Lord will help you to allow the perfect love of God to cast out all your fears.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 25, 2015 – Wednesday
Hebrews 6:10 – For God is not unrighteous to forget or overlook your labor and the love which you have shown for His name’s sake in ministering to the needs of the saints (His own consecrated people), as you still do.
1. Thank God that He rewards the faithful.
2. Pray that the Lord will help you to love those who are of the household of faith.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 26, 2015 – Thursday
Hebrews 10:24 – And let us consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities.
1. Thank God that He watches over you with a watchful eye.
2. Pray that the Lord will use you to encourage others in the faith.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
February 27, 2015 – Friday
I Peter 1:22 – Since by your obedience to the Truth through the [Holy] Spirit you have purified your hearts for the sincere affection of the
brethren, [see that you] love one another fervently from a pure heart.
1. Thank God that nothing can separate you from His love.
2. Pray that the Lord will search your heart for purity.
3. Pray for WABC and the building campaign and your commitment to it.
s c e n e s f r o m 2015 m l k day o f s e r v i c e
worship services
Sunday: 7:15 a.m.* 9:00 a.m.* 11:00 a.m.*
Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Children’s Church: 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. *Sign language provided for the hearing impaired
Watch Sunday Worship and Bible Study Live Online:
Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby, Senior Pastor
Rev. Alexander E.M. Johnson, Associate Pastor for Worship & Ministry
Rev. William A. Lawson, Founding Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Lekesha R. Barnett
Minister to Singles and Young Adults
[email protected]
Rev. Dr. Patricia Williams
Minister of Congregational Care and Development
[email protected]
Deacon Maurice Carr
Church Business Administrator
[email protected]
Deacon Tophas Anderson, III
Deaconess Penelope Nobles
Trustee Shirley C. Evans
Sis. Audrey Cosby
Interim Director of Middle School Ministry
[email protected]
Rev. Jacques Denkins
Minister to Seniors
[email protected]
Rev. Bonita Barnes
Matthew 25
Urgent Needs Ministry
713-579-2725 [email protected]
Deaconess Paulette Frederick
Budget & Finance Manager
[email protected]
Sis. Carolyn Clark
Scheduling of Weddings and Building Use Requests;
On-line at
713-579-2720 [email protected]
Minister Leon C. Lewis
Minister of Music
[email protected]
Sis. Audrey Cosby
Baby Dedications
713-579-2724 [email protected]
Rev. Joshua Mitchell
Minister to Youth & College Students
[email protected]
Sis. Ramona Parker
Chronicles Bookstore
713-579-2753 [email protected]
Rev. David Moore, Minister of Christian Marriage
and Counseling
[email protected]
Rev. Lana Reese
Prayer Requests
713-741-4611 [email protected]
Rev. Lana Reese
Minister of Prayer
[email protected]
Sis. Shirley Wilkerson
Membership Updates and Baptism Information
713-579-2778 [email protected]
Sis. Andrea Tucker
Administrative Assistant to the Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Dr. Patricia Williams
Homebound Care and Hospital Visits, Bereavement
and Grief Counseling, Funeral Notices and
New Member Inquiries
713-579-2718 [email protected]
Deacon Vernon Umstead
Human Resources & Technology Manager
[email protected]
Visit the Chronicles Bookstore today to
Sunday Worship Service CDs: $5
Sunday Worship Service DVDs: $10
50th Anniversary Concert CD featuring
the WABC Mass Choir: $15
Wednesdays in the Word
CD Series: $20
Wednesdays in the Word
DVD Series: $30
50th Anniversary Worship Service DVD:
Bookstore Phone Number:
Bookstore Hours:
Monday: 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Tuesday: Wednesday, Thursday, 1 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Avenue Word is a monthly print and online
publication of the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church,
3826 Wheeler Avenue, Houston, Texas 77004.
Rev. Dr. Barbara Williams
Minister of Christian Counseling
[email protected]
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3826 Wheeler Avenue Houston, Texas 77004 713.748.5240