. r l February, 2015 Issue Tranquil United Methodist Church Tranquil Tidings “HE WOKE UP AND REBUKED THE W IND, AND SA ID TO THE SEA, ’PEA CE! BE STILL!’ THEN THE W IND CEA SED AN D THERE WAS A DEAD CALM.” MARK 4:39 From the Pastor’s Desk... My beloved in Christ; I pray that God, our loving Father, will bless you and fill you with His healing, transforming love. As we start this second month in this New Year and as we celebrate Valentine’s Day, thinking of that someone special and wanting to spend time with them, may we also be mindful of taking time to sit before God and receive His healing, transforming love. What are your memories of Valentine's Day? I remember being in elementary school and there were boxes on the window sill and we were to give Valentine’s cards to all in the class. I remember getting cards that said, “Will you be my Valentine?” I remember it made me feel good to receive these Valentine cards. It represented that someone cared. God sent us a Valentine in the form of His Son. God came to us in the flesh to show His love to each of us. You are loved and pursued by God. No one knows us as God does and He loves us. God created us to be relational beings. We feel more alive and more fulfilled as we are involved in life-giving relationships with one another. It takes time and effort to be involved in and cultivate these life-giving relationships but it is vital and very important.. I found myself singing a little scripture chorus from 1 John 4: 7-8. It says, “ Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth not does not know God for God is love. So, beloved, let us love one another.” I have learned a few songs that come from Scripture and it is always a joy for one to pop in my mind and I start singing it. We are all called to actively love each other. Sometimes we are not actively loving one another because we let things stop us—like hurt feelings or business. God’s love is healing for us and being involved in life-giving relationships is vital and healing too. It is worth the time and effort. As we think about special loved ones for Valentine’s Day, think also of God’s love for you. I love you all, Ed ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE Wednesday, February 18 7:00 pm Everyone is invited and encouraged to be present. THOSE WHO SERVE Jesus Christ Officer In Charge Entire Congregation Ministers James Friday District Superintendent Edgar B. Reynolds Pastor John Ridlehoover Sound Technician Harriet Creswell Administrative Assistant Jack Cauley Choir Director/Pianist Judy Cannon Organist/Accompanist Ruth Warner Custodian Office: 864-223-5333 E-mail: [email protected] Parsonage: 864-223-6773 Website: tranquilumc.org Pastor’s Cell: (843) 509-7601 Pastor’s email: [email protected] Given to the Glory of God in memory or honor of: Lois Major by Jerrel & Linda Goldman ...the family of Bobby Eakin, who passed away on January 15. ...the family of Evelyn Willis, Deanna’s mother-in-law, who passed away on January 2. USHERS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY: ELAINE TURNER, ANN COKER, BRENDA DEDO, JEANNE RUSH ALTAR GUILD FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY: HELEN WATSON, PAGE MINTER TRUSTEE CONTACT OF THE MONTH: BUBBA DAVIS February birthdays by Jane Price Harriet Creswell, John Ridlehoover, Sara Armstrong, Bonnie McCombs, Harold Creswell, Norma Hammond, Susan Davis, Ann Ridlehoover, Elaine Turner (in honor of birthdays) by Jo Bartley Bobby Eakin by Bonnie Edwards by JoAnn Purkerson Evelyn Willis by Blair & Anne Willingham by Eugene & Jackie Hall by Patsy Anderson by Carolyn Ferry by the Stillwell Class by Rut & Norma Hammond Anne Willingham by Lawrence & Sadie Darragh by JoMarie Ethridge by Kevin & Laurie Fallaw by Sylvia Farris by Brenda Minor & Adam Minor by Jackie Menaker by Jim & Linda Hagan by Lorraine Edwards by Eugene & Jackie Hall by Jean Corley by Bud & June Trotman by Claudette McKinney by Jack & Jennette Sandifer by Carolyn Ferry by Greenwood County Farm Bureau by Bill & Elaine Turner by Claire Smith by Nancy Buchanan by Helen Watson & Page by The Anderson Family Reunion by James Edwards’ family by Robert & Judith Eppler by Art & Lisa Cuff by Claudia Hawkins by Joe & Lou Giles The Unit Meeting for Tranquil United Methodist Women will be Sunday, February 22, at 3 pm. The offering for Prayer and Self-Denial will be taken during this meeting. We hope to have good attendance for this meeting, since it is the only unit meeting we will have in 2015. The TRANQUILITES will meet the second Tuesday in February at noon. Lunch will be covered dish. Bring your favorite dish to share. Our speaker will be Cary Bolt, Director of VA Affairs in Laurens and Greenwood Counties. Brothers in Christ will meet on February 2 at 6:30 pm. Supper will be potluck. Our guest speaker will be Gene Pinson, Community Relations Director at Morningside Assisted Living. Gene has been in public service his entire life, having served on the Greenwood County Council from 1976 until 1982, in the South Carolina State House as a representative from 2003 until 2012, and as Veterans Director for Greenwood County from 1983 until 2002. Gene is also a retired Lt. Colonel in the Army National Guard. Please plan to come and bring a friend. Relay for Life 2015 will be May 8 at the Greenwood YMCA. Tranquil’s goal for the 2015 Relay for Life is $2000. If you would like to become a member of Tranquil’s team, you may register online at www.relayforlife.org. If you don’t want to register online, please fill out the form available on the bulletin board in the hallway. Turn these forms in to Harriet Creswell or Elaine Turner. Our team name is Tranquil United Methodist Church. SAVE YOUR QUARTERS AND BRING THEM TO CHURCH TO SUPPORT TRANQUIL’S RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM. You may also write a check to American Cancer Society or donate cash to support our team. February 2 Mary Ann Tharpe February 3 George McKinney II February 4 Melvin Bayne February 5 Joe Ferry February 6 Susan Davis Katherine Wu February 9 Laura Bundrick February 11 Ann Ridlehoover February 13 Jerrel Goldman February 16 Jackson Taylor February 17 Jackson Darragh February 6 February 9 February 26 Philip & Andrea Witt Mike & Cindy Norman Ernie & Janice Sumner Spence Dunn February 18 Brenda Dedo February 19 Willy Jeffreys Laura Nicholson Cheryl Simmons February 22 Doris Pickens Jeanne Purvis February 23 Elaine Turner February 24 Darrell Minor February 25 Kayden Beverly JANUARY Will Norman February 28 Ashley Alexander Wanda Ouzts February 1 February 8 WISH February 15 Will & Allison Allen February 22 Jean Corley There are still some openings for flowers in 2015. Cost of flowers is $50.00. December 28 January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 9:00 8 4 7 7 8 SS 50 64 53 59 50 11:00 98 63 80 88 71 Total CHURCH MEMBERHIP.............................330 Upcoming Events for children Beginning February 19, with classes at 10 am and 6:30 pm each Thursday until Easter Based on Adam Hamilton’s book, Revival April 4 Easter Egg Hunt April 17 Fun Friday for 2nd-6th graders Sign up with Pastor Ed Reynolds so he can order you a book. Continue to keep these people in your daily prayers. Mildred Anderson* Melvin Bayne Gresham Beverly Harry Byrd* Ruth Clark* Evelyn Cunningham Helen Darragh* Lawrence Darragh Carolyn DeVore* Caroline Donnan* Leonard Dorn* Faulkner Harling* Betty Haupfear Nora McKinney Martha Miner* Garrison Murph Elizabeth Norman Vera Reynolds *Assisted Living or Nursing Home Joe Rogers* Jack Simpson Hazel Simmons* Bobbie Traynham Muriel Trotman* Ann Tyler* Derrelyn Weeks Ruenette Weeks* 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY 19 am Master’s 28 am Bobbie Blend 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional Wiley Study Group 9:45 am Prayer Connection 6:30 Brothers in Christ TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 3 4 6:30 Ron Taylor’s Bible Study 11 Blend 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional 6 pm Handbells 7 pm Choir Practice Tranquilites 5 FRIDAY 6 6 pm Handbells 7 pm Choir Practice 8 9 am Master’s 9 8 am Bobbie 10 12 noon Wiley Study Group 9:45 am Prayer Connection THURSDAY SATURDAY 7 WISH Women’s Conference 12 13 14 Stillwell Class social 6:30 Ron Taylor’s Bible Study 15 16 9 am Mas8 am Bobbie ter’s Blend Wiley Study 10 am SS Group 11 am Traditional 9:45 am Prayer Connection 17 18 7 pm ASH 6:30 Ron TayWEDNESDAY lor’s Bible Study SERVICE 19 20 21 26 27 28 10 am 6:30 pm Lenten Study 7 pm Family Movie Night 10 am 6:30 pm Lenten Study 5 pm Strategic Planning Group 22 238 am Bobbie 24 9 am Master’s Blend 10 am SS 11 am Traditional Wiley Study Group 9:45 am Prayer Connection NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE 3 pm UMW Unit Meeting 25 6 pm Handbells 6:30 Ron Tay7 pm Choir lor’s Bible Study Practice The final report of the church response to Consecration Sunday is that a total of $203,200 was committed to our 2015 budget. Again, many thanks to everyone who participated in this church-wide endeavor. Love in Christ, Martha Vincent Consecration Sunday Chair TRANQUIL MOVIE NIGHT God’s Not Dead Popcorn and Drink Provided (Bring your own candy bar.) Friday Night, February 27 7:00 pm Fellowship Hall Nursery Provided We are in need of nursery workers to keep the nursery open during both services. There is an opening for a paid worker, as well as an opportunity for volunteers to help. If you are interested in the paid position, please get in touch with Jane Price or Pastor Ed Reynolds. If you are willing to serve as a volunteer, please see Ron Taylor or sign up on the calendar on the bulletin board outside the Sunday School office. Tranquil United Methodist Church 1702 McCormick Hwy. Greenwood, SC 29646 The Tranquil Tidings is published monthly for the purpose of keeping people informed about what is going on at Tranquil. If you know of people who would like to receive it by e-mail, please let the church office know.
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