Geneva Centre for Security Policy Where knowledge meets experience COURSE SCHEDULE 2015 Global Security 06.10.2015-27.05.2016 06.10.2015-27.05.2016 20.04.2015-12.06.2015 02-09.05.2015 30th International Training Course in Security Policy (ITC) Enabling participants to identify and navigate contemporary strategic challenges, analyse the evolving nature of relevant actors and enhance their capacity to constructively and critically inform policy debates. Officials from invited governments, international and non-governmental organisations. Master of Advanced Studies in International and European Security (MAS) Strengthening participants’ abilities to critically review and assess the effectiveness and legitimacy of security policy responses to current and emerging strategic security challenges, all at the postgraduate level. Officials from governments as well as international and non-governmental organisations. 16th New Issues in Security Course (NISC) Providing an overview of the contemporary security environment and prospects for the future, including human security, the conflict cycle, transnational global threats and regional security challenges. Mid-level officials from MFA, MOI, MOE and IOs and NGOs and for mid-level military officers (LTC, COL) and their civilian equivalents from the MOD. 6th European Security and Defence College (ESDC) Peacebuilding Course Examining a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding, aimed at counteracting violent escalations in a practical perspective. Experts who are engaged in crisis prevention, crisis management, humanitarian aid and development cooperation. GCSP, Geneva In partnership with the Global Studies Institute (GSI) of the University of Geneva. GCSP, Geneva GCSP, Geneva In partnership with the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) and the Austrian Ministry of Defence and Sports in the framework of the Academic Programme of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). Stadtschlaining, Austria 16-20.11.2015 Enhancing Leadership for Sustainable Peacebuilding: 7th Senior-Level Peacebuilding Course Exploring leadership styles and skills that support dealing effectively with peacebuilding challenges notably through sharing experiences amongst current and potential leaders. Current and potential leaders actively involved in peacebuilding from national institutions, civil society and international organisations. In partnership with IPAT, an initiative of Interpeace, with the support of UNITAR, and on behalf of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland. GCSP, Geneva Regional Security 03.02.15-27.03.2015 10.04-02.05.2015 19th European Training Course (ETC): “Examining Global Security Challenges Relative to Europe” Deepening participants’ understanding of how Europe interfaces with the world on security issues as well as the global inter-connectedness of transnational threats and responses. Officials from invited governments, international and non-governmental organisations. International Relations, Governance and Participation This course includes an introduction to political systems, and dedicated sessions on democratic state-building and governance, democratic norms and values, and public mobilization and participation. Selected officials, military officers, and members of civil society from Myanmar. GCSP, Geneva In collaboration with DCAF and with the support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.. GCSP, Geneva Target Audience Partnership Location PAGE 1 18-22.05.2015 Annual Swiss Junior Diplomats Training Course Expanding participants’ understanding of the multitude of actors and issues that are debated in ‘International Geneva’ by focusing on the challenges, organisations and policies. The new cohort of trainee Swiss Diplomats In collaboration and with the support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. GCSP, Geneva 4-6.11.2015 19-23.10.2015 Peacebuilding Approach and the Execution of the United Nations Mandate Providing participants with the tools to apply a peacebuilding approach to the UNDAF formulation and to facilitate cross-agency programming in the context of post-conflict reconstruction in Colombia. UN Colombia Country Team. Middle East and North Africa New Issues in Security Policy The course addresses the important transition underway in Middle East and North Africa countries and the impact on the security challenges in the region. Mid-career diplomats and military officers from the Middle East and North Africa In partnership with the UNRC office in Colombia. Bogota, Colombia In cooperation with the Partnership for Peace. GCSP, Geneva Strategic Security Policy 26-27.02.2015 13-17.07.2015 New Frontiers in Intelligence Module Analysing the impact of emerging challenges on intelligence actors and the practice of intelligence, with particular emphasis on the wider political, strategic and technological developments in the 21st century. Part of a module within the International Training Course in Security Policy (ITC), and the European Training Course in Security Policy (ETC). 5th Design, Monitoring and Evaluation for Peacebuilding, Security and Development Develop capacity in designing, monitoring and evaluating programmes or projects in the fields of peacebuilding, security and development. Practitioners working in the fields of peacebuilding, security and development. GCSP, Geneva In partnership with the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces’ International Security Sector Advisory Team (DCAF/ISSAT), the Small Arms Survey (SAS) and the International Programme for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET). GCSP, Geneva 21-25.09.2015 Foresight and Strategic Planning: Shaping the Present, Mapping the Future Examining advanced methods for mapping emerging security challenges through modeling, simulation and policy analysis to support high-level decision makers. Government officials, military officers and private sector employees. GCSP, Geneva Professional Skills Enhancement 16-20.03.2015 04-08.05.2015 Target Audience Crisis Decision-Making: Navigating Through the Storm This course will provide participants with a powerful combination of critical knowledge, hands-on expertise and leadership skills that will enable them to improve their ability to face critical challenges. Government officials and business executives with close interactions with governments. 4th ESDC Advanced Course for Political Advisors (POLADS) in EU Missions and Operations: Skills for Political Advisors Understanding the role of political advisors, political and conflict analysis, speech writing, reporting, briefing, negotiation, mediation support and effective communication through the media. Political Advisors (POLADS) in EU missions and operations. Partnership Location GCSP, Geneva On behalf of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). GCSP, Geneva PAGE 2 08-11.06.2015 06-10.07.2015 2 weeks 08-09.2015 Understanding and Navigating Political Transitions Examining the multifaceted challenges and complex tasks associated with the process of political transition and its short- and long-term implications for the domestic, regional and international security environment. Mid-career professionals and practitioners exposed to peace, governance and security issues. The Political Advisor’s Tool Box: Skills Enhancement for Political Advisors (POLADS) Deepening participants’ understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of political advising and enhancing their requisite skill sets for maximum effectiveness. Political advisors (POLADS) and political affairs officers working in invited government ministries, international institutions, or diplomatic missions, either in capitals or abroad. 16th Swiss Peacebuilding Training Course (SPTC) Providing a holistic and interactive training including theoretical and practical aspects of peacebuilding, focusing on deepening participants’ knowledge, understanding and skills. Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding (SEP) and selected international participants. GCSP, Geneva GCSP, Geneva In partnership with Swisspeace, the SwissPeace Foundation and the Swiss Armed Forces International Command (SWISSINT), on behalf of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). Stans, Switzerland International Security for Military Professionals 15.02.2015 09-13.03.2015 15.05.2015 25-29.05.2015 24-28.08.2015 07-09.09.2015 Stage de Formation de Commandement de l’Ecole Centrale de l’Armée Suisse - Führungslehrgang (FLG1) Approfondir les connaissances des participants sur la Genève internationale, les acteurs qui la composent et les débats qui l’animent. L’éclairage porte notamment sur le GCSP, le Centre international de déminage humanitaire (GICHD) et le Centre pour le contrôle démocratique des forces armées, Genève (DCAF). Officiers en stage à l’Ecole centrale de l’Armée suisse. Swiss Professional Officers Training Course (SPOT) Broadening of the conceptual understanding of international security issues, focusing on the role of states and international institutions in conflict management and peacebuilding. Swiss Professional Officers. Stage de Formation de Commandement de l’Ecole Centrale de l’Armée Suisse - Führungslehrgang (FLG1) Approfondir les connaissances des participants sur la Genève internationale, les acteurs qui la composent et les débats qui l’animent. L’éclairage porte notamment sur le GCSP, le Centre international de déminage humanitaire (GICHD) et le Centre pour le contrôle démocratique des forces armées, Genève (DCAF). Officiers en stage à l’Ecole centrale de l’Armée suisse. Command Responsibility Providing military commanders with the knowledge, skills and training to enable them to fulfill their duties and responsibilities under international law. High level military commanders (LTC / COL / GEN). Workshop on the Central Role of the Commander Fostering the understanding of key legal principles at the command level, as well as their application in the planning and execution of military operations, and strengthening co-operation between commanders and legal advisors. Current and prospective commanders and legal advisers. Annual Senior Officers Seminar (ASOS) Providing senior-level briefings for flag officers on current military operations and security developments . Flag Officers from NATO, Partnership for Peace (PfP), Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative Countries, as well as for South Asian, East Asian and African countries. Armée suisse. GCSP, Geneva GCSP, Geneva Armée suisse GCSP, Geneva GCSP, Geneva GCSP, Geneva GCSP, Geneva Target Audience Partnership Location PAGE 3 15.10.2015 15-16.10.2015 19-23.10.2015 Stage de Formation de Commandement de l’Ecole Centrale de l’Armée Suisse - Führungslehrgang (FLG1) Approfondir les connaissances des participants sur la Genève internationale, les acteurs qui la composent et les débats qui l’animent. L’éclairage porte notamment sur le GCSP, le Centre international de déminage humanitaire (GICHD) et le Centre pour le contrôle démocratique des forces armées, Genève (DCAF). Officiers en stage à l’Ecole centrale de l’Armée suisse. Ecole des Sous-officiers de Carrière de l’Armée Suisse (BUSA) Approfondir les connaissances des participants sur la Genève internationale, les acteurs qui la composent et les débats qui l’animent. L’éclairage portera notamment sur le GCSP, le Centre international de déminage humanitaire (GICHD) et le Centre pour le contrôle démocratique des forces armées, Genève (DCAF). Sous-officiers de carrière de l’armée suisse. Command Responsibility Providing military commanders with the knowledge, skills and training to enable them to fulfill their duties and responsibilities under international law. High level military commanders (LTC / COL / GEN). Armée suisse. GCSP, Geneva Armée suisse. GCSP, Geneva GCSP, Geneva International Security for Military Professionals: Defence Attaché Orientation Modules 22-26.02.2015 Defence Attaché Orientation Module - Geneva Developing links between international security policy and the practical responsibility of a Defence Attaché. Acting and future Defence Attachés and officials from invited governments, international and non-governmental organisations. GCSP, Geneva 04-08.05.2015 Defence Attaché Orientation Module - Dakar Développer les liens entre la politique internationale de sécurité et la responsabilité pratique d’un Attaché de défense dans les pays du Maghreb, d’Afrique centrale et d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Attachés de défense et hauts fonctionnaires destinés aux pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, d’Afrique centrale et du Maghreb. Avec le soutien de la Conféderation Suisse et en collaboration avec l’Etat-major général des Armées du Sénégal et le Centre des Hautes Etudes de Défense et de Sécurité (CHEDS). Dakar, Senegal 05-09.10.2015 Defence Attaché Orientation Module - Addis-Ababa Developing links between international security policy and the practical responsibility of a Defence Attaché in East African countries. Defence Attachés working in East African countries. With the financial support of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport - International Relations Defence (DDPS, IR D). Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia 26-30.10.2015 Defence Attaché Orientation Module - Sarajevo Developing links between international security policy and the practical responsibility of a Defence Attaché in Western Balkan countries. Defence Attachés working in Western Balkan countries. With the financial support of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS), and in cooperation with the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC) in Sarajevo. Sarajevo; Bosnia Herzegovina 26-30.10.2015 Defence Attaché Orientation Module - Amman Developing links between international security policy and the practical responsibility of a Defence Attaché in the Middle East and North African countries. Defence Attachés working in the MENA region. With the financial support of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS), and in cooperation with the Royal Jordanian National Defense College in Amman. With the financial support of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS), and in cooperation with the Royal Jordanain National Defense College. Amman, Jordan Target Audience Partnership Location PAGE 4 Specific Topics in International Security 02-06.02.2015 Regional Seminar on the Legal Review of Weapons Providing participants with the knowledge and skills required to conduct legal reviews of weapons at various stages in their manufacture or procurement. Lawyers, diplomats and other officials, either currently involved or likely to be involved in legal weapons reviews and/or other weapons related issues. Australia 23.02.2015 27.02.2015 Maritime Security Module Focusing on the nature of maritime security today, and the strategic, legal and operational frameworks employed to tackle complex and increasingly international challenges. Module within the framework of the European Training Course in Security Policy (ETC). Cybersecurity Module Focusing on the fundamental role of cybersecurity as part of national security, particlarly looking at trends, preventative measures and what international regimes could be built. Module within the International Training Course in Security Policy (ITC), and the European Training Course in Security Policy (ETC). GCSP, Geneva GCSP, Geneva 23-27.03.2015 23-24.06.2015 06-09.07.2015 05-09.10.2015 Devising a National Cyber Security Strategy and Policy Equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to formulate and implement a national cyber security strategy. Mid-level government officials and military officers involved in cyber security policy formulation. GCSP, Geneva Disruptive Technologies and Warfare Analysing the impact of current disruptive technologies on warfare and international security, this module provides an overview of current and future technologies that will have a transformative impact on warfare such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, bioelectronics, synthetic biology, genomics or big data. Government and international organisations officials as well as members of the military who are in charge of strategy, security and defence policy planning and intelligence. 7th Annual Senior Officers’ Security and Law Conference Exposing participants to issues relating to the use of force in grey- zone contexts such as counter-insurgency, counter-piracy and transnational law enforcement operations; standards applicable to security detention, questions of command responsibility and the legal review of new weapons technologies. Senior military officers (COL / GEN) and their civilian equivalents and high-level legal experts. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) Implementation Course Providing participants with the tools to successfully implement the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) at the national level. Officials from states having signed the Arms Trade Treaty and who are involved in its national implementation. GCSP, Geneva GCSP, Geneva GCSP, Geneva 12-16.10.2015 Climate Change: Security Challenges and Solutions Enhancing participants’ understanding of climate change as a security challenge and helping them to analyse and effectively respond to challenges posed by climate change. Policy makers and representatives of civil society who are or will be involved in design of policies aiming at dealing with consequences of and solutions to a warming climate. GCSP, Geneva 07-11.12.2015 Weapons Law and the Legal Review of Weapons Providing participants with the knowledge and skills required to conduct legal reviews of weapons at various stages in their manufacture or procurement. Lawyers, diplomats and other officials, either currently involved or likely to be involved in legal weapons reviews and/or other weapons related issues. In partnership with the Swiss Confederation and the International Institute of Humanitarian Law. GCSP, Geneva Target Audience Partnership Location PAGE 5
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