Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SALADS & HERBS Code Description Pack Size Price 112055 Baby Red Chard France Tray 0.00 112028 Baby Spinach France Tray 0.00 BABY LEAVES Superb 112012 Baby Watercress/Landcress BOLE Tray 0.00 112006 Bulls Blood (beetroot leaf) France Tray 0.00 112015 Ficoide Glacial France Tray 0.00 112040 Mesclun BOLE France Tray 0.00 Tray 0.00 Old fashion mix leaves 112022 Mesclun Japonais France Best Asian mix 112009 Metisse Purple (Purple roquette) France Tray 0.00 112001 Mix Young Salad leaves France Tray 0.00 112007 Mizuna France Tray 0.00 112069 Purslane Wild "Pourpier" France Tray 0.00 112035 Wild Roquette Italy Tray 0.00 6 x 250g 0.00 2.5 kg 0.00 CHICORY & PISSENLIT 114052 Chicory Barbucine France (Cross Pissenlit & Chicory) New Product 114090 Chicory Friseline France (Cross Frizzy & Chicory) New Product 114067 Chicory Red Carmine France 2.5 kg 0.00 114091 Chicory Red Carmine Pre-Pack France 10 x 200g 0.00 114003 Chicory Red France 2.5 kg 0.00 114005 Chicory White Extra Class France 5 kg 0.00 114073 Chicory White Mini Premium Belgium 2.5 kg 0.00 114044 Chicory White Premium Diamond Belgium 4.5 kg 0.00 111052 Pissenlit Green Dandelion France 2 kg 0.00 111029 Pissenlit White Dandelion France 2 kg 0.00 113024 Parsley Curly Italy (approx 5kg) 5 kg 0.00 113022 Parsley Flat Italy (approx 5kg) 5 kg 0.00 113025 Basil Green bunch Maroc (Basilic) bunch 0.00 113002 Bayleaf bunch France (Laurier) bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 HERB BULK HERB BUNCH grower's Market 113003 Chervil bunch Paris Region 55-75g (Cerfeuil) grower's Market 113004 Chives bunch Paris Region (Civette) grower's Market 113005 Coriander bunch Paris Region 55-75g (Coriande) grower's Market 113006 Dill bunch Paris Rregion 40-60g (Aneth) grower's Market 113011 Mint bunch Paris Region (Menthe) grower's Market Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 1 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SALADS & HERBS Code Description Pack Size Price Parsley bunch curly Paris Region (Persil frisee) bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 bunch 0.00 HERB BUNCH 113013 grower's Market 113014 Parsley bunch flat Paris Region (Persil simple) grower's Market 113016 Rosemary bunch France 50-70g (Romarin) grower's Market 113017 Sage bunch Paris Region 55-75g (Sauge) grower's Market 113018 Sorrel bunch France 120-140g (Oseille) grower's Market 113019 Tarragon bunch Paris Region 100-120g (Estragon) grower's Market 113023 Thym & Bayleaf bunch bouquet Paris Region 60-80g (Thym Laurier) grower's Market 113020 Thym bunch Paris Region 80-100g (Thym) grower's Market HERB BUNCH SPECIAL 116000 Fennel dried sticks in bundles bunch 0.00 115008 Hay (Foin) 1 kg 0.00 116006 Lovage bunch (Liveche) Paris Region 50-70g bunch 0.00 112018 Lambs Lettuce "Mache" Punnets Nantes 6 x 150g 0.00 112017 Lambs lettuce Green "Mache" Wood tray Tradition France Tray 0.00 111010 Baby little gems (Sucrine) Spain 5 x 6s 0.00 111051 Batavia Green Extra Provence 10s 0.00 111006 Butterhead Green Extra Provence 6s 0.00 111014 Butterhead Red Extra Provence 6s 0.00 111011 Cos hearts lettuce twin pack Spain 8 x 2s 0.00 111050 Cos lettuce/Romaine Provence 6s 0.00 111041 Escarole Giant Provence 8s 0.00 111000 Fine Frizzy France 10s 0.00 111025 Frizzy Coarse Giant Provence 8s 0.00 111045 Iceberg Lettuce Spain 10s 0.00 111002 Lollo Biondi Provence 12s 0.00 111001 Lollo Rosso Provence 12s 0.00 111004 Oakleaf Green Extra Provence 6s 0.00 111058 Oakleaf Green Provence 12s 0.00 111047 Oakleaf Red Extra Provence 6s 0.00 111003 Oakleaf Red Provence 12s 0.00 111040 Rougette Extra Provence 12s 0.00 Monks Beard "Agretti" Italy 5 x 250g Bunch 0.00 LAMBS LETTUCE LETTUCE HEADS RADICCHIOS 112041 New Season 111034 Puntarelle Italy 6 kg 8s 0.00 111020 Radicchio Chioggia Italy 3 kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 2 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SALADS & HERBS Code Description Pack Size Price 111027 Radicchio Di Castelfranco Italy 3 kg 0.00 111033 Radicchio Precocce Longo Italy 4 kg 0.00 111028 Radicchio Rosa (Pink) Italy 2.5 kg 0.00 RADICCHIOS New Season 111035 Radicchio Tardivo Italy 4 kg 0.00 111031 Radicchio Verona Italy 3 kg 0.00 112016 Watercress large bunch French Superb 12s 0.00 112032 Watercress large bunch French Superb 6s 0.00 WATERCRESS Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 3 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 VEGETABLES Code Description Pack Size Price Celeriac A (Monarch) France 8s 0.00 10s 0.00 A ROOTS 131047 Leaf off 131075 Celeriac Mini (Monarch) France Grower's market 133042 Crosnes - Japanese artichokes Brittany 2 kg 0.00 131004 Helianthis White Jerusalem Artichokes Brittany 5 kg 0.00 133009 Jerusalem Artichokes Topinambour Brittany 5 kg 0.00 Superb 133045 Nasturtium Roots "Capucine Tuber" Brittany 2 kg 0.00 133044 Occa du Perou Brittany 3 kg 0.00 131051 Parsley Roots Brittany 5 kg 0.00 131026 Parsnips Long & Thin Creance 5 kg 0.00 131084 Raifort, Horseradish, sold by the kilo or as near as Belgium per kg 0.00 131027 Salsify "Scorsonere" France 5 kg 0.00 131087 Salsify "Scorsonere" in bunch France 8 x 1kg 0.00 131028 Swede Green Rutabaga Creance 5 kg 0.00 131029 Swede Purple Rutabaga Brittany 5 kg 0.00 Superb 131036 Turnip Flat in Bunch France 12 x 5s 0.00 131080 Turnip Golden / Boule d'or Brittany 5 kg 0.00 Superb 131079 Turnip Sweet White & Green (Boulette de Bussy) 5 kg 0.00 131052 Turnip Tokyo white round in bunches Italy 10 x 3s 0.00 131030 Turnip White & Pink Normandy 5 kg 0.00 131033 Yacon "Poire de Terre" France 2 kg 0.00 135023 Butternut Squash Provence 10 kg 0.00 135024 Muscade pumpkin ribbed Provence per kg 0.00 135038 Muscade pumpkin ribbed Provence pack in wood box 3 Pieces 12 kg 3pcs 0.00 135014 Onion Squash "Potimarron" Medium Dutch 10 kg 0.00 131068 Beetroot Heriatge Mixed (Golden, Chioggia, Crapaudine and White) Brittany 5 kg 0.00 131012 Beetroot Heritage Chioggia (Candy stripe) Brittany 5 kg 0.00 131013 Beetroot Heritage Crapaudine Long The Original Brittany 5 kg 0.00 A SQUASH AA BEETROOTS Superb 131081 Beetroot Heritage Forono Long Brittany 5 kg 0.00 131011 Beetroot Heritage Golden Brittany 5 kg 0.00 Superb 131078 Beetroot Heritage White Brittany 5 kg 0.00 131074 Beetroot Red Raw Large France 10 kg 0.00 131009 Beetroots Cooked 500g Vac Packed France 12 x 500g 0.00 131031 Beetroots Cooked Crapaudine France 4 kg 0.00 131010 Beetroots Cooked Round France 4 kg 0.00 114006 Bunch Radish Breakfast Red & White France 12s 0.00 114057 Bunch Radish Red Round France 12s 0.00 131006 Daikon White large Italy 15s 0.00 AAA RADISH Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 4 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 VEGETABLES Code Description Pack Size Price 131005 Mooli Black Round Brittany 5 kg 0.00 131007 Mooli Black Skin Paris Region 10s 0.00 131094 Radish "Green Meat" Brittany 5 kg 0.00 131008 Radish "Red Meat" (Watermelon Radish) Brittany 5 kg 0.00 114063 Radish "Rose de Chine" Brittany 5 kg 0.00 133003 Artichoke Baby Bunch Violet Spain 12 x 5s 0.00 133019 Artichoke Baby Violet (Thema) Spain 7 kg 36s 0.00 133040 Artichoke Baby Violet Italy 5 kg 24s 0.00 133001 Artichoke Globe Calico Green Spain (approx 8kg) 8 kg 12s 0.00 133004 Artichoke Spiky Long Stem Sardinia 20s 0.00 AAA RADISH ARTICHOKES New Season ASPARAGUS GREEN & WH 134039 Asparagus Green XL Peru 8 x 450g 0.00 134047 Asparagus Green Jumbo Peru 8 x 450g 0.00 134006 Asparagus Pure White +16 Provence 2 kg 0.00 Asparagus White Jumbo Peru 10 x 500g 0.00 114034 Aubergines Dark Spain 5 kg 0.00 114031 Aubergines Round Purple Sicily 5 kg 0.00 Beans Broad Fevettes Spain 6 kg 0.00 French New Season 134005 AUBERGINES BEANS & PODS 136003 New Season 136000 Beans Extra fine Kenya 2.7 kg 0.00 136021 Beans Extra fine Maroc 4 kg 0.00 136001 Beans Flat "Helda" stringless Maroc 4 kg 0.00 136024 Mangetout Vac Pack Kenya 12 x 250g 0.00 136011 Peas in Pod Spain 5 kg 0.00 New Season BRASSICA & SPINACH 132008 A Cima Di Rape Italy 6 kg 0.00 132001 Broccoli Iced Pack Spain 6 kg 0.00 132040 Brussel Sprouts Belgium 5 kg 0.00 132036 Cabbage Chinese German 8s 0.00 132003 Cabbage Red Normandy 6s 0.00 132017 Cabbage Savoy Giant Brittany 6s 0.00 132018 Cabbage Savoy Small Individual Brittany Small 8s 0.00 132027 Cabbage White Normandy 6s 0.00 131014 Cardoon Large Spain 10 kg 0.00 132005 Cauliflower Giant Brittany 6s 0.00 132006 Cauliflower Romanesco Spain 6s 0.00 132007 Cauliflower Small Individual Brittany Small 8s 0.00 132032 Chard Swiss in bunch Provence 5 x 1kg 0.00 132012 Chard Whole Italy 7 kg 0.00 132024 Kholrabi Green large Italy 25s 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 5 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 VEGETABLES Code Description Pack Size Price BRASSICA & SPINACH 131097 Leeks Long & white Xtra Normandy 5 kg 0.00 High % of white 131001 Leeks only the heart white France 5 kg 0.00 131002 Leeks Xtra Thin (Pencil) long & white France 10 kg 0.00 Spinach Large leaf Provence 5 kg 0.00 131015 Carrots Bunch Large Spain 12s 0.00 131056 Carrots Bunch Large Spain 6s 0.00 131017 Carrots Heritage Mix colours Brittany 5 kg 0.00 131092 Carrots Heritage Purple Blood Brittany 5 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 Extra Thin 132009 CARROTS Superb 131093 Carrots Heritage White Satin Brittany Superb 131063 Carrots Heritage Yellow Brittany Superb 131016 Carrots Sandy Unwashed France 5 kg 0.00 131034 Carrots Washed France 12 kg 0.00 Carrots Orange Chantenay 5 kg 0.00 114075 Chilli Green Hot Maroc 5 kg 0.00 114081 Chilli Red birds eye Thailand 12 x 100g 0.00 172000 Chilli Scotch Bonnet full red French Antilles per kilo 0.00 114049 Chillis Jalapino Green Dutch 2 kg 0.00 114025 Chillis Padron Green Dutch 2 kg 0.00 135020 Courgettes Long Green Dark Spain 9 kg 0.00 135018 Courgettes Long White Spain 5 kg 0.00 135019 Courgettes Round Green Spain 5 kg 0.00 132033 Asian style Chinese Kale "Choi Sum" Spain 7 kg 0.00 132039 Asian style Kai-Lan Spain 6 kg 0.00 132016 Asian style Pak Choi Shanghai Spain 8 kg 0.00 114028 Peppers California Green GG Spain 5 kg 0.00 114040 Peppers California Red GG Spain 5 kg 0.00 114069 Peppers California Yellow GG Spain 5 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 CARROTS UK 212309 CHILLI COURGETTES LEAFY STEM VEG PEPPERS SALAD VEGETABLES 114066 Celery Long and Leafy Italy Superb 114046 Cucumbers Mini Dutch 5 kg 0.00 114012 Cucumbers Ridge dark & spiky Spain 5 kg 0.00 114061 Cucumbers Wrapped 50/60 Spain 12s 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 6 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 VEGETABLES Code Description Pack Size Price SALAD VEGETABLES 114095 Fennel Oval bulbs Italy 5 kg 0.00 Onion Fresh grelots White in bunch Italy 12 x 5s 0.00 Sweetcorn On Cobs fresh Twin Pack Senegal 7 x 500g 0.00 212244 Cabbage Tundra UK 12 s 0.00 212559 Cavolo Nero UK 10 s 0.00 212511 Forced Yorkshire Rhubarb 6.35 kg 0.00 Superb 114055 SWEETCORN 114001 UK SELECTED VEG From the Yorkshire Triangle. Grown near Wakefield,Our family supplier has been growing since the 1800's. 212035 Kale Green 6 kg 0.00 212308 Parsnips Baby Piccolo UK 4 kg 0.00 212068 Parsnips U.K 5 kg 0.00 212045 Purple sprouting Broccoli UK 4.5 kg 0.00 212625 Wasabi Japonica Rhizome 1 Kg 0.00 Fresh Wasabi root, grown and nutured in Dorchester, Dorset by The Wasabi Company Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 7 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 TOMATOES Code Description Pack Size Price 123000 Tomato Cherry on the vine Extra Sicily 3 kg 0.00 123002 Tomato Datterino on the vine Sicily 3 kg 0.00 121009 Tomato Marinda Green Sicily 3 kg 0.00 127001 Tomato Cherry Yellow in punnet Spain 9 x 250g 0.00 127029 Tomato Kumato Chocolate Spain 6 kg 0.00 124003 Tomato Plum Spain 6 kg 0.00 125011 Tomato Rebelion Ribs Spain 5 kg 0.00 A SICILY A SPAIN Best at the moment 125020 Tomato Round Cal 67 Spain 6 kg 0.00 125005 Tomato Round on the Vine Spain 6 kg 0.00 122000 Tomato Tutti Frutti Mix colors & shape Spain 3 kg 0.00 Tomato Baby Plum (Coeur de Pigeon) Saveol 4 kg 0.00 FRANCE 127054 New Season 127006 Tomato Marmande ribs Provence 4.65 kg 0.00 127003 Tomato Mixed Heirloom Brittany 3.5 kg 0.00 127019 Tomato Noire de Crimee Provence 3.5 kg 0.00 Tomato Cherry on the vine Sweet Baby JOUNO 3 kg 0.00 JOUNO & RABELAIS 127020 Best flavour 124005 Tomato Cherry Red in punnet Rabelais 9 x 250g 0.00 127044 Tomato Sweet Pearl Red on the Vine JOUNO 4.5 kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 8 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 POTATOES & BULBS Code Description Pack Size Price 142038 Garlic Black Spain (approx 2 heads per 50g) 6 x 50g 0.00 142032 Garlic Dry Purple cal 70/90 Spain 5 kg 0.00 142045 Garlic Dry White cal 70/90 Spain 5 kg 0.00 142013 Garlic Peeled Spain 6 x 1kg 0.00 422007 Garlic Peeled Spain 1 kg 0.00 142041 Garlic Pink 60/80 in Wood Bucket France 2 x 3kg 0.00 142025 Garlic Pink Lautrec Red Label 70/90 France 5 kg 0.00 142042 Garlic Pink Lautrec Red Label in 500g String France 20 x 500g 0.00 142008 Garlic Smoked strings/plaits France 12 x 1kg 0.00 Onions Golden 60/80 Spain 10 kg 0.00 GARLIC ONIONS 143004 Stunning 143016 Onions Grelot Pink Roscoff 20/30 in nets Brittany 10 x 500g 0.00 143005 Onions Grelot Silverskins 20/30 Dutch 5 kg 0.00 143024 Onions Grelot yellow 20/30 France 5 kg 0.00 143030 Onions Grelot yellow 20/30 in nets France 10 x 500g 0.00 143009 Onions Pink Roscoff 60/70 Brittany 10 kg 0.00 143026 Onions Pink Roscoff 60/70 in string 1kg 10 x 1kg 0.00 143025 Onions Pink Roscoff AOC 60/70 in cell pack Brittany 5 kg 0.00 143008 Onions Red 60/80 Spain 10 kg 0.00 143012 Onions Sweet Cevennes 60/70 France 10 kg 0.00 143029 Onions Sweet Cevennes AOC 40/60 France 20 x 500g 0.00 143010 Onions White 60/80 Italy 10 kg 0.00 143015 Onions Yellow 60/80 in nets France 10 kg 0.00 143028 Onions Yellow Large 70/90 in nets France 25 kg 0.00 144014 Shallots Banana Large cal 30/50 France 5 kg 0.00 144003 Shallots Banana Small cal 20/40 France 5 kg 0.00 144009 Shallots Half-Long Superb Flavour 5 kg 0.00 144004 Shallots Round Baby in nets Brittany 20 x 250g 0.00 144005 Shallots Strings Tradition Brittany 20 x 500g 0.00 ONIONS SHALLOTS POTATO A RATTE & PUR 141022 Potato Purple Prunelle France 5 kg 0.00 141044 Potato Ratte Baby "Fine de Ratte" Le Touquet France 5 kg 0.00 10 kg 0.00 Potato Ratte Medium in nets Le Touquet France 12 x 1kg 0.00 141011 Potato Baby Agata Mids 28/40 France 10 kg 0.00 141038 Potato Baby Gwene 28/38 France 10 kg 0.00 buy 5kg get 6kg 20% off 141063 Potato Ratte Large Unwashed France Large caliber 141013 POTATO AA Waxy, set-skinned 141040 Potato Baby King Edward France 5 kg 0.00 141033 Potato Baby Red Cherie cal 28/38 France 10 kg 0.00 141074 Potato Medium Belle de Fontenay France 15 kg 0.00 141070 Potato Medium Pompadour cal 30/50 Red Label France 5 kg 0.00 Best Eating Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 9 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 POTATOES & BULBS Code Description Pack Size Price Potato Medium Red Cherie cal 35/55 France 12.5 kg 0.00 10 kg 0.00 12.5 kg 0.00 POTATO AA 141079 Steam, Saute, Grattin 141072 Potato Tiny Jazzy cal -28 France Waxy, set-skinned and very Tiny POTATO FROM BAYARD 141006 Potato Medium Princesse Amandine 35/55 Bayard Waxy, set-skinned 141008 Potato Pink Fir Apple "Corne de Gatte" Bayard 5 kg 0.00 141046 Potato Ratte du Santerre Bayard 5 kg 0.00 POTATOES COOKING 141080 Potato Agata +55 France 12.5 kg 0.00 141081 Potato Artemis 50/75 Unwashed France 10 kg 0.00 141024 Potato Mona Lisa +50 Unwashed France 10 kg 0.00 422008 Garlic Puree Spain 1 kg 0.00 422017 Horseradish Puree 212 ml 0.00 422002 Shallot Puree 1 Kg 0.00 PUREE Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 10 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MUSHROOMS Code Description Pack Size Price 152000 Eryngi (king oyster) 2 kg 0.00 152024 Judas Ear China 3 kg 0.00 212556 Mushroom Button small white 3 kg 0.00 212557 Mushroom Flat 1.8 kg 0.00 152001 Mushroom 'Greque' tiny white button (10-20) 3 kg 0.00 152002 Mushroom large white for stuffing 2 kg 0.00 152007 Oyster Grey 2 kg 0.00 152008 Oyster Grey mini 3 kg 0.00 CULTIVATED much smaller and well trimmed individual mushrroms 152009 Oyster Yellow France 2 kg 0.00 152003 Paris Brown 3 kg 0.00 152004 Paris White 3 kg 0.00 152010 Pied Bleu France 2 kg 0.00 212036 Portobello mushroom 1.5 kg 0.00 152011 Shiitake France 2 kg 0.00 152013 Shimeji brown 20 x 150g 0.00 152503 Shimeji white 20 x 150g 0.00 152025 Enoki Korea 1 kg 0.00 152039 Eryngi (king oyster) 1 kg 0.00 152041 Judas Ear China 1 kg 0.00 152036 Mixed mushroom Cultivated (oyster, shiitake, pied bleu) 1 kg 0.00 152040 Mixed mushroom Exotic (oyster, shiitake, eryngi, shimeji) 1 kg 0.00 152014 Oyster Grey France 1 kg 0.00 152015 Pied Bleu France 1 kg 0.00 152016 Shiitake France 1 kg 0.00 152502 Shimeji brown 1 kg 0.00 152504 Shimeji white 1 kg 0.00 151034 Chanterelle Grey Portugal 3 kg 0.00 151084 Chanterelle Yellow Portugal 3 kg 0.00 3 x 1kg 0.00 CULTIVATED 1KG FRESH WILD great quality 151096 Mixed mushroom wild (trompette, pied de mouton, chanterelle grey) 1 kg of each sort 151120 Pied de Mouton Portugal 3 kg 0.00 151108 Trompette USA 3 kg 0.00 Very fresh FRESH WILD 1KG 151018 Chanterelle Grey France 1 kg 0.00 151078 Chanterelle Yellow France 1 kg 0.00 151021 Girolle Portugal 1 kg 0.00 not pretty, medium. Will do our best! 151109 Mixed mushroom wild (trompette, pied de mouton, chanterelle grey) 1 kg 0.00 151050 Mixed Sliced Mushrooms 3 x 300g 0.00 1 kg 0.00 sliced paris white & brown, oyster and a wild mushroom; ready-to-use 151113 Pied de Mouton Portugal Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 11 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MUSHROOMS Code Description Pack Size Price Trompette USA 1 kg 0.00 FRESH WILD 1KG 151117 Very fresh PRESERVED DRY 462013 Cepe Powder 170 g 0.00 462042 Cepe Powder 1 kg 0.00 462028 Dried Cepes grade extra from Goddard 500 g 0.00 462024 Dried Cepes Standard 500 g 0.00 462025 Dried Girolle Mont Lozere 500 g 0.00 462041 Dried Morel JUMBO big sizes 400 g 0.00 462029 Dried Morilles grade extra 500 g 0.00 462030 Dried Morilles grade specials (small) 500 g 0.00 462035 Dried Morilles head pieces Cashmere 40/70mm THIERCELIN 250 g 0.00 462037 Dried Morilles Mini Cashmere 2500+ per 250g THIERCELIN 250 g 0.00 462033 Dried Trompette 400 g 0.00 462000 Mixed dried mushrooms "Garniture Forestiere" 500 g 0.00 PRESERVED FROZEN 461001 Frozen Cepes cork "bouchon" 1 kg 0.00 461002 Frozen Cepes cork "bouchon" extra quality 1 kg 0.00 461000 Frozen Cepes cube 1 kg 0.00 461003 Frozen Cepes whole 1 kg 0.00 461007 Frozen Girolles 1 kg 0.00 461006 Frozen Girolles mini 1 kg 0.00 461008 Frozen Morilles whole 1 kg 0.00 461009 Frozen Mousseron 1 kg 0.00 461005 Frozen Yellow Chanterelle 1 kg 0.00 TRUFFLE FRESH & FRZN 153001 Truffle black Perigord Melanosporum per kilo 0.00 153013 Truffle black Perigord Melanosporum 100 g 0.00 153005 Truffle Chinese FROZEN this year's crop 1 kg 0.00 TRUFFLE PRODUCTS 422023 Truffle Black Paste 45 g 0.00 465014 Truffle Black Pieces 50g tin 50 g 0.00 422015 Truffle Butter 240 g 0.00 465012 Truffle Juice 100 g 0.00 465006 Truffle Peelings 1st Boiling 50 g 0.00 465007 Truffle Peelings 1st Boiling 25 g 0.00 465008 Truffle Peelings 1st Boiling 12.5 g 0.00 465004 Truffle Pieces 1st Boiling 25 g 0.00 465005 Truffle Pieces 1st Boiling 12.5 g 0.00 465003 Truffle Small Pieces 1st Boiling 50 g 0.00 422011 Truffle White Paste 25 g 0.00 465016 Truffle whole 1st Boiling 12.5 g 0.00 465017 Truffle whole 1st Boiling 25 g 0.00 465018 Truffle whole 1st Boiling 50 g 0.00 465011 Truffle whole White Eugenio Brezzi 9g 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 12 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 FRUIT Code Description Pack Size Price Apple Braeburn with heart 16 s 0.00 APPLES 164076 heart and cupid motif in the skin 211026 Apple Bramley England 13 kg 0.00 164186 Apple Chantecler France 265/305 15 s 0.00 211022 Apple Cox 70/75 England 12 kg 0.00 164178 Apple Golden Delicious France 230/270 18 s 0.00 164077 Apple Goldrush France 201/240 18 s 0.00 164078 Apple Granny Smith France 201/240 18 s 0.00 bright green colour, crisp and sharp 164149 Apple Honey Crunch France 190/220 18 s 0.00 164220 Apple Jazz France 230/270 approx 4kg 18 s 0.00 192115 Apple Joya France 201/240 18 s 0.00 a late crop apple 164183 Apple Leratess France 230/270 18 s 0.00 164227 Apple Pink Lady France 230/270 18 s 0.00 164161 Apple Royal Gala France 230/270 18 s 0.00 164216 Apple Rubinette France 230/270 24 s 0.00 20 s 0.00 20 s 0.00 18 s 0.00 20 s 0.00 20 s 0.00 new season 164176 Apple Vassout Golden Delicious 190/220 unblemished fruit from this famous Paris Basin grower 164128 Apple Vassout Granny Smith 201/240 unblemished fruit from this famous Paris Basin grower 164144 Apple Vassout Pink Kiss 190/220 unblemished fruit from this famous Paris Basin grower 164130 Apple Vassout Royal Gala 240/270 unblemished fruit from this famous Paris Basin grower 164138 Apple Vassout Rubinette 170/200 unblemished fruit from this famous Paris Basin grower APPLES SMALL 164102 Apple Elstar 150/180 France approx 9kg 48 s 0.00 164154 Apple Golden France 265/305 44 s 0.00 lovely eating golden apple with a blush 164072 Apple Granny Smith France 190/220 2 layer approx 8kg 40 s 0.00 164115 Apple Royal Gala France 150/180 2 layer approx 8kg 40 s 0.00 164080 Apple Rubinette France 136/165 2 layer approx 8kg 48 s 0.00 14 s 0.00 sweet/sharp apple with stripy skin, full flavour AVOCADO 167034 Avocado Hass green Gold Sublime Peru specially selected fruit, really good flavour 167031 Avocado Hass breaking Spain 16 s 0.00 167047 Avocado Hass bulk cal 26 Spain 6 kg 0.00 167035 Avocado Hass green Peru 16 s 0.00 171087 Cocktail Avocado no stone Spain loose 6.4 kg 0.00 5s 0.00 no stone in the fruit 171035 Tropical Avocados Brazil approx 5kg BERRIES & CURRANTS Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 13 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 FRUIT Code Description Pack Size Price 12 x 125g 0.00 16 x 125g 0.00 BERRIES & CURRANTS 161080 Blackberry Mexico small, nice looking but sharp 161005 Blueberry Spain LARGE fruit 161083 Raspberry Mexico/Spain 16 x 125g 0.00 161055 Redcurrant large Bloed Dutch 12 x 150g 0.00 large fruit and heavier punnet 161086 Strawberry Mara des Bois Spain 8 x 250g 0.00 161036 Strawberry round Elsanta Holland/Belgium 8 x 500g 0.00 161023 Strawberry round Victory Spain/Morroco 1 kg 0.00 161054 Strawberry Wild Malaga Spain 10 x 100g 0.00 nice and fresh CITRUS 163096 Clementine Orri 'Papillon' cal 1/72 Spain 8.5 kg 0.00 163173 Clementine Pitufos Spain small fruit cal 5 2.3 kg 0.00 163106 Clementine with leaf best on the market 8.5 kg 0.00 163159 Clemenvilla Selection Spain cal 1/65 7.5 kg 0.00 171070 Finger Limes USA 1 kg 0.00 ball-like flesh that 'explodes' in the mouth 171072 Finger Limes USA 100 g 0.00 163099 Grapefruit Dark Red Florida 32 s 0.00 a darker pink than Ruby Red 163045 Grapefruit Ruby Red Florida 40 s 0.00 163118 Lemon Bergamot Sicily 2 kg 0.00 163161 Lemon Cedra Corsica large 2 kg 0.00 20 s 0.00 6.5 kg 0.00 unusal lemon with thick skin, often preserved 163117 Lemon Primofiori Spain cal 4 new season Spanish fruit 163186 Lemon seedless Barone Sicily no pips and good lemony flavour with a little less acidity 171013 Limes by air Mexico app 2.5kg box 20 s 0.00 171012 Limes by boat Brazil app 4.5kg 48 s 0.00 171004 Limes Kaffir (Wild Lime) Malaysia 2 kg 0.00 171084 Limes Kaffir Leaves dried 10 x 50g 0.00 163125 Mandarine Italy cal 1x approx 5.5kg 50 s 0.00 loads of pips but ideal for sauces etc 163110 Orange blood France cal 53/66 11.5 kg 0.00 163158 Orange blood (semi) Moro Italy cal 7 approx 7kg 40 s 0.00 Perfect for juicing or cooking 163113 Orange blood Sanguinelli Spain cal 6 9.8 kg 0.00 163174 Orange eating Newhall with leaf Portugal cal 2/3 10 kg 0.00 36 s 0.00 really sweet, untreated orange 163069 Orange eating Tarocco Italy cal 6 approx 6kg delicious orange with a hint of blood, thin skin so possible juicer 163073 Orange juicing Salustiana Spain cal 6/60 9.7 kg 0.00 163192 Orange untreated Seville Spain small box 5 kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 14 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 FRUIT Code Description Pack Size Price Orange untreated Vanilla Italy cal 3 10 kg 0.00 CITRUS 163157 very sweet vanillary taste but not much orange flavour 163190 Yuzu fresh Japan 1.5 kg 0.00 166104 Fig Brown Turkey by air Argentina 18 s 0.00 FIGS brown, round fig 417041 Figs dried Baglama No1 Legend 4 x 3kg 0.00 417046 Figs dried Baglama No1 2014 crop 3 kg 0.00 417033 Figs dried Lerida No2 2014 crop 3 kg 0.00 417036 Figs dried Lerida No2 2014 crop 4 x 3kg 0.00 417029 Figs Wild dried Villacruz (small and soft) 5 kg 0.00 a great soft-dried fruit 424081 Figs Wild dried Villacruz 100/130 22 x 500g 0.00 417069 Figs Wild dried floured Andalusia 75/105 5 kg 0.00 166048 Grape Red Globe Peru 4.5 kg 0.00 166054 Grape red Moscatel by air Chile 4.5 kg 0.00 166036 Grape seedless black Sugarthirteen RSA 4.5 kg 0.00 166100 Grape seedless red Ralli RSA 4.5 kg 0.00 166034 Grape seedless white Thompson XXL RSA 4.5 kg 0.00 167024 Kiwi green Hayward France 27 s 0.00 231119 Melon Canteloup Costa Rica 9s 0.00 165077 Melon Charentais Philibon Martinque approx 1.150kg 8s 0.00 211003 Melon Galia Brazil 8s 0.00 165062 Melon green Piel de Sapo (Frog's Skin) Brazil approx 3kg each 5s 0.00 212070 Melon yellow Honeydew Brazil 6s 0.00 165091 Watermelon seedless Costa Rica app 5kg each piece 3s 0.00 GRAPES KIWI MELON NUTS FRESH & DRIED 435000 Chestnuts vac-pac Ponthier 500 g 0.00 173105 Hazelnuts dried in shell large 24+ France 2014 season 5 kg 0.00 173110 Walnut dried Franquette France 34/36 2 kg 0.00 164214 Baby Pear Holland loose 2 kg 0.00 164150 Pear Abate Italy 16 s 0.00 28 s 0.00 PEARS Firm but will ripen to be sweet and delicious 164136 Pear Comice Vassout selected fruit France 75/80 premium eating fruit ideal for desserts and fruit plates 164215 Pear Comice with wax Italy 80/85 12 s 0.00 164184 Pear Conference Holland 75/80 16 s 0.00 164004 Pear Passe Crassane France 80/85 18 s 0.00 164199 Pear red Comice Vassout selected fruit France cal 70/75 28 s 0.00 Pineapple bottle/sugar loaf 10s Benin approx 1.3kg each 12 kg 0.00 PINEAPPLE 165084 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 15 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 FRUIT Code Description Pack Size Price Pineapple by boat Costa Rica 9s 0.00 PINEAPPLE 165063 lovely eating boat fruit that is picked more mature 165083 Pineapple Cayenne by air 6s approx 2kg each 12 kg 0.00 165042 Pineapple Extra Sweet Costa Rica 7s 0.00 165045 Pineapple Victoria Réunion approx 900 g each 7s 0.00 165039 Pineapple Victoria x-large Réunion approx 1kg each 6s 0.00 162319 Apricot Orange Red by air Australia approx 4kg 36 s 0.00 162317 Cherry Regina cal 28 by air Chile 2.5 kg 0.00 162185 Cherry Regina cal 30 by air Chile 2.5 kg 0.00 162372 Cherry Regina cal 32 by air Chile 2.5 kg 0.00 162311 Nectarine white AA Australia by air approx 4kg 20 s 0.00 162315 Nectarine yellow cal AA Australia by air approx 4kg 18 s 0.00 162122 Peach white cal AA Australia by air approx 4kg 20 s 0.00 162213 Peach yellow cal AA Australia by air approx 4kg 20 s 0.00 162224 Plum Black Pearl 3A RSA approx 5kg 40 s 0.00 48 s 0.00 60 s 0.00 7.5 kg 0.00 STONE FRUIT Amazing flavour!!! 162377 Plum red Fortune 2A RSA approx 5kg red fruit 162330 Plum yellow Sun Kiss AA RSA approx 5kg for the colour, a little sour 424067 Prune d'Agen 20/25 2014 Maynard a good, tasty LARGE prune with the stone Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 16 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 EXOTICS Code Description Pack Size Price 173130 Dates Deglet Nour on the branch 12 x 500g 0.00 173103 Dates Deglet Nour on the branch Israel 5 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 DATES sweeter than Algerian 173125 Dates Deglet Nour regime Algeria all attached to the same branch 173115 Dates Medjool dried "Bonbon" cell packed Israel 3.5 kg 0.00 173118 Dates Medjool dried XXL Israel 3 kg 0.00 173021 Dates Medjool fresh L Israel (blue box) 3 kg 0.00 171000 Baby Bananas Columbia 3 kg 0.00 171002 Banana Plantain Ecuador 1 kg 0.00 192102 Banana Red Ecuador 9 kg 0.00 192065 Black Lime dried Iran 100 g 0.00 135016 Chayotte green (chow chow) France 6.5 kg 0.00 135035 Chayotte white (Christophine) France 6.5 kg 0.00 173129 Coconut Mini (Coquitos) USA 80 g 0.00 171079 Coconuts 6s 0.00 171001 Goji Berry (dried) 500 g 0.00 171006 Grenadillo yellow passion Colombia 14 s 0.00 171125 Guava white flesh Brazil approx 12pcs 4 kg 0.00 171009 Kiwano horned melon France 8s 0.00 171109 Kumquat France/Spain 2 kg 0.00 171015 Lychee by boat XXL RSA 2 kg 0.00 171088 Lychee on branch by air RSA 5 kg 0.00 171018 Mango Kent by air ''firm for retail service'' Peru approx.6kg 8s 0.00 171080 Mango Kent by air ''ripe for food service'' Peru approx 6kg 8s 0.00 171017 Mango Kent by boat Peru 8s 0.00 171052 Mangosteen Columbia 2 kg 0.00 171143 Maracuya Columbia approx 2.5kg 12 s 0.00 EXOTIC FRUIT visually impressive member of the passion fruit family but not strong on flavour 171016 Nashi China 10kg 2 layer 24 s 0.00 171096 Palm Hearts Thailand 5 kg 0.00 171057 Papaya giant Formosa by air app 1.5kg each 3s 0.00 171021 Papaya Gold (pawpaw) by air 7s 0.00 171024 Passion Fruit large Columbia 2 kg 0.00 171025 Passion Fruit large Vietnam 2 kg 0.00 171037 Persimmon Spain cal AAA 10 s 0.00 to be eaten when firm 171026 Physalis Columbia Santana 8s 0.00 171031 Pitahaya Red white flesh Vietnam by air approx 4kg 9s 0.00 171032 Pitahaya Yellow Columbia 8s 0.00 9s 0.00 more flavour than the red/white fleshed one 171086 Pomegranate red Israel approx 7kg bright red fruit 171029 Pomegranate Wonderfull USA 11 s 0.00 192175 Quince Turkey cell packed approx 3.5kg 9s 0.00 171067 Ramboutan Vietnam 2 kg 0.00 171033 Starfruit Malaysia 24 s 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 17 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 EXOTICS Code Description Pack Size Price 171034 Tamarillo Columbia 24 s 0.00 171055 Tamarind 454 g 0.00 171045 Ugli Fruit Jamaica 32 s 0.00 EXOTIC FRUIT EXOTIC VEGETABLES 192209 Banana Leaves round 6 x 500g 0.00 172003 Cassava (Manioc) Coasta Rica per kilo 0.00 172008 Ginger per kilo per kilo 0.00 172011 Ginger young Thailand 2 kg 0.00 116017 Lemongrass Thailand 2 kg 0.00 116024 Lemongrass sachet (3-4 batons) 0.1 kg 0.00 171027 Okra Nicaragua by air 7 kg 0.00 141054 Sweet Potato orange flesh Israel 6 kg 0.00 171140 Vine Leaves 0.5 kg 0.00 172004 Yam (Igname) Ghana per kilo 0.00 412035 Turkish Delight Mixed (four flavours) 5 kg 0.00 412641 Turkish Delight Pistachio 5 kg 0.00 412559 Turkish Delight Rose 5 kg 0.00 412640 Turkish Delight Strawberry 5 kg 0.00 TURKISH DELIGHT Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 18 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 BABY VEGETABLES Code Description Pack Size Price BABY VEG IN BUNCHES 181013 Baby Beetroot red 12 bunches 0.00 12 bunches 0.00 12 bunches 0.00 12 bunches 0.00 10 bunches 0.00 20 bunches 0.00 some fans and leaves may be damaged by the weather 181003 Baby Carrot some fans and leaves may be damaged by the weather 181010 Baby Fennel some fans and leaves may be damaged by the weather 181007 Baby Leek some fans and leaves may be damaged by the weather 181008 Baby Turnip some fans and leaves may be damaged by the weather 181012 Baby Turnip some fans and leaves may be damaged by the weather BABY VEG IN PUNNETS 182020 Baby Beetroot Red 400g poly tray 0.00 182019 Baby Carrot 400g poly tray 0.00 182038 Baby Carrot Violet 400g poly tray 0.00 182017 Baby Fennel 400g poly tray 0.00 182015 Baby Leek 400g poly tray 0.00 182013 Baby Turnip 400g poly tray 0.00 BABY VEG WHOLE CASE 182000 Baby Aubergine black RSA 8 x 4pcs 0.00 182029 Baby Cabbage Savoy France 4 x 4pcs 0.00 182033 Baby Cabbage White France 4 x 4s 0.00 182070 Baby Carrot mixed colours RSA 6 x 200g 0.00 trimmed already 182004 Baby Cauliflower France 4 x 4pcs 0.00 182009 Baby Chicory France 4 x 8pcs 0.00 182001 Baby Courgettes long RSA 8 x 200g 0.00 182003 Baby Green Peppers 1 kg 0.00 182002 Baby Red Peppers 1 kg 0.00 182072 Baby Romanesco France 4 x 4s 0.00 182043 Baby Yellow Peppers 1 kg 0.00 182025 Patty Pan green RSA 6 x 200g 0.00 182024 Patty Pan yellow RSA 6 x 200g 0.00 COURGETTE FLOWERS 182058 Courgette Flowers (male) with a thin stalk only 10 s 0.00 182010 Courgette Flowers with baby courgette 10 s 0.00 185052 Affila cress BS 16 s 0.00 185093 Apple Blossom BS approx 50 flowers per punnet 4s 0.00 185100 Atsina cress BS 16 s 0.00 185102 Basil cress BS 16 s 0.00 185057 Borage cress BS 16 s 0.00 186000 Daikon cress BS 16 s 0.00 185019 Ghoa cress BS 16 s 0.00 185095 Limon cress BS - lemon, anis 16 s 0.00 185081 Mustard cress BS 16 s 0.00 CRESS Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 19 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 BABY VEGETABLES Code Description Pack Size Price 185048 Rock Chives BS 16 s 0.00 183071 Rucola cress BS 10 s 0.00 185012 Sakura Cress BS 16 s 0.00 185045 Sakura mixed cress BS 18 s 0.00 185092 Salty Fingers BS 50 per punnet 4 punnets 0.00 186001 Scarlet cress BS 16 s 0.00 185082 Shiso green cress BS - mint, anis 16 s 0.00 185050 Shiso Leaves Green BS 12 s 0.00 186004 Shiso Leaves Red BS 12 s 0.00 185074 Shiso mix cress BS 16 s 0.00 185049 Shiso purple cress BS - mint, anis 16 s 0.00 185103 Tahoon cress BS 16 s 0.00 CRESS EDIBLE FLOWER & LEAF 183020 A mixed tray of Edible Flowers France 8 punnets 0.00 183012 A mixed tray of Edible Flowers Israel 8 punnets 0.00 183004 Borage (Bourrache) blue France small punnet 0.00 183065 Cucumber yellow with tiny cucumber small punnet 0.00 183011 Lavender (aprox 50 heads) Israel 8 punnets 0.00 183043 Nasturtium (Capucine) orange or white France large punnet 0.00 183003 Pansy France punnet 0.00 183054 Tagete orange tray Israel 8 punnets 0.00 183063 Violet (Viola) mixed France punnet 0.00 may have to sub with ones from Israel SEAWEED 184007 Laitue de mer fresh but with a long life 6 x 250g 0.00 184041 Sea Grapes or Groseille de Mer Pacific Ocean 0.1 kg 0.00 long green strands with tiny balls; needs rehydrating 414105 Seaweed Crispy Sempio 70 g 0.00 184016 Seaweed mixed fresh but with a long life 6 x 250g 0.00 185075 Beansprouts 2 kg 0.00 185000 Sprouting Alfalfa 8 x 85g 0.00 185086 Sprouting Asparagus/Pea Shoots 8 x 85g 0.00 185001 Sprouting Beetroot 8 x 85g 0.00 185002 Sprouting Leek/Onion 8 x 85g 0.00 185005 Sprouting Mixed Seeds (3 beet, 2 alfalfa, 3 leek) 8 x 85g 0.00 185004 Sprouting Radish 8 x 85g 0.00 SPROUTING SEEDS Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 20 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MEAT Code Description Pack Size Price 351064 Angus Beef Sirloin approx 6kg per kg 0.00 351063 Angus Beef T-Bone whole rack approx 6.5kg per kg 0.00 BEEF CUTS Pre order for Fresh, also available pre cut frozen 351008 Bavette EU order by kg per kg 0.00 351012 Beef Fillet EU 2.5 kg+ per kg 0.00 351006 Beef Onglet EU order by kg per kg 0.00 351005 Beef Rib - cote de boeuf - fresh Limousin/Charolais approx 6 - 7kg EU per kg 0.00 Best pre order 351015 Beef Rib - cote de boeuf - Stockman - EU approx 6kg per kg 0.00 351065 Black Angus Beef Rack of Rib approx 5kg per kg 0.00 351045 Galice Beef Rack Of ribs Stunning Quality From Spain/Portugal approx 6kg per kg 0.00 336009 Bone marrow bone only sliced frozen 5 kg 0.00 336005 Bone marrow frozen EU 5 kg box 0.00 BEEF OFFAL Box of 5kg 336007 Bone marrow whole (cannon) frozen app 15kg box per kg 0.00 336008 Bone marrow whole (canoe) split in half longway frozen 20 kg 0.00 333005 Ox Cheek Vac Pack approx 5kg per kg 0.00 336000 Ox tail EU -order by kg- per kg 0.00 332001 Ox tongue EU -order by the piece- pce-per kg 0.00 332002 Ox tripe approx 5kg per kg 0.00 332005 Ox tripe- cooked- per kg 0.00 Venison Carcase Sika Skinless UK per kg 0.00 Game Pie Mix UK per kg 0.00 each 0.00 10 s 0.00 10 s 0.00 10 s 0.00 10 s 0.00 10 s 0.00 10 s 0.00 per kg 0.00 per kg 0.00 BRITISH GAME VENISON 221083 GAME 221047 From our game dealer in Hampshire 221015 Hares UK whole oven ready single From our game dealer in Hampshire 221000 Mallard New york plucked 10s From West Sussex 221003 Partridge (Red Leg) UK New York dressed 10s From our game dealer in Hampshire 221002 Partridge (Red Leg) UK oven ready 10s From our game dealer in Hampshire 221010 Pheasant English in feather 10s From our game dealer in Hampshire 221008 Pheasant English New York dressed 10s From our game dealer in Hampshire 221017 Rabbit UK whole oven ready 10s From our game dealer in Hampshire 222015 Venison Diced UK From our game dealer in Hampshire 221067 Venison Fillet striploin UK From our game dealer in Hampshire Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 21 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MEAT Code Description Pack Size Price Venison haunch boneless UK per kg 0.00 per kg 0.00 per kg 0.00 per Kg 0.00 10 s 0.00 Per kg 0.00 Per kg 0.00 GAME 221021 From our game dealer in Hampshire 221046 Venison haunch on the bone UK From our game dealer in Hampshire 221028 Venison saddle on the bone UK From our game dealer in Hampshire 221036 Wild Boar Haunch (Approx. 2-5Kg) FROZEN From our game dealer in Hampshire 221013 Wood Pigeon oven ready UK From our game dealer in Hampshire HOLSTEIN 351062 Beef Burgers 30% dry aged Holstein Approx. 240 grams for 2 burgers 351053 Rib Eye Steak with bone Dry Aged Holstein Order Friday by 12 noon for Wednesday delivery. Order Tuesday by 12 for Friday delivery 351054 Rib Eye Steak without bone Dry Aged Holstein Per kg 0.00 351057 Sirloin Steak Trimmed Dry Aged Holstein Per kg 0.00 351050 Sirloin steak untrimmed 200/300g appx Dry Aged Holstein Per kg 0.00 351061 Sliced smoked loin Holstein Per kg 0.00 351051 Whole Ribeye Dry aged without bone 3/5kg appx Dry Aged Holstein Per kg 0.00 351052 Whole Ribeye with bone and with Chine Dry Aged Holstein Per kg 0.00 351055 Whole sirloin with bone Dry Aged Holstein Per kg 0.00 351056 Whole sirloin without bone Dry Aged Holstein Per kg 0.00 351060 Whole smoked loin Dry Aged Holstein Per kg 0.00 351058 Whole sucade with bone Dry Aged Holstein Per kg 0.00 351059 Whole sucade without bone Dry Aged Holstein Per kg 0.00 Iberico Cheek 6-7 x 1kg vac -pack from Spain per kg 0.00 IBERICO PORK 353027 pre order 353030 Iberico French Trimmed Rack 1.5kg x 2 vac-pack from Spain per kg 0.00 353028 Iberico Pluma Fillet 2kg vac-pack from Spain per kg 0.00 353026 Iberico Presa 5 x 1kg vac-pack from Spain per kg 0.00 473052 Pork Iberico cheek FROZEN 6-7 x 1kg vac-pack per kg 0.00 454006 Pork Iberico Pluma FROZEN Pcs - per kg 0.00 473061 Pork Iberico Secreto FROZEN (approx 3kg) per kg 0.00 Kid goat whole 2 carcass per box app 4-6kg each per kg 0.00 KOBE - Top Round BMS 8 per kg 0.00 Lamb 13 Bone rack approx 3kg/pcs box of 5 per kg 0.00 per kg 0.00 per kg 0.00 KID GOAT 355000 KOBE 221100 LAMB BRITISH 352025 pre order only 352026 Lamb 8 Bone rack approx 2kg/pcs Box of 5 pre order only 352032 Lamb Breast approx 1kg/pcs Box of 5 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 22 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MEAT Code Description Pack Size Price 352037 Lamb Cannon (approx 1kg) per kg 0.00 352028 Lamb Gigot single Vac pack UK per kg 0.00 352031 Lamb Neck-scrag end- 4s-5s in a pack per kg 0.00 352027 Lamb saddle (approx 2kg) per kg 0.00 352030 Lamb Shoulder (approx 2kg) per kg 0.00 352035 Lamb Whole (approx 20kg) per kg 0.00 Lamb 8 Bone rack approx 2kg French Box of 5 per kg 0.00 LAMB BRITISH LAMB FRANCE 352046 pre order only 352049 Lamb Gigot - twin legs with bones - (approx 7kg) French per kg 0.00 352048 Lamb Shoulder (approx 1.5kg) French per kg 0.00 335015 Lamb Kidneys (with fat attached) 50 s 0.00 335011 Lamb liver -order by kg- per kg 0.00 331002 Lamb sweetbreads (order by kg) per kg 0.00 332000 Lamb tongues (order by kg) per kg 0.00 352017 Lamb Pyrenean milk fed gigot -twin leg- (app 3kg) r/l per kg 0.00 352005 Lamb Pyrenean milk fed shoulder twin pack (app 1.5kg), r/l per kg 0.00 352055 Lamb Pyrenean milk fed whole from (Pyrenees-Atlantique,France 64) app 9 kg each per kg 0.00 336002 Pig ears-order by the piece- pce-per kg 0.00 334003 Pig Fillet approx 1kg Ireland/Spain per kg 0.00 336006 Pig tails per kg 0.00 336001 Pig trotters by the kg approx 2 pcs/kg large per kg 0.00 333001 Pigs cheek vac-pack 5 kg 0.00 Pig's snout per kg 0.00 Pig's Blood 5ltr bucket 5 ltr 0.00 per kg 0.00 Vessie bags Pork each 0.00 326014 Rabbit (6s, 7kg) naked per kg 0.00 326001 Rabbit Anjou (5s, 6kg ) naked per kg 0.00 326018 Rabbit As de trefle (FR) (8s, 9kg ) with kidneys naked per kg 0.00 326011 Rabbit fronts per kg 0.00 326009 Rabbit legs 6s app 1.5kg per kg 0.00 326003 Rabbit saddles (8s, 3.5kg) box per kg 0.00 326015 Rabbit shoulders 40s box 5 kg 0.00 LAMB OFFAL LAMB PYRENEAN PORK Box of 5kg 353048 PORK OFFAL 336004 Same product but net price now 334000 Pigs caul x10kg PORK PRODUCTS DRIED 334006 RABBIT Pre Order Prefered 326020 Rabbit Whole Boneless from France approx 1.5kg punnet per kg 0.00 326004 Rabbit with kidney (4s, 5kg) Loeul & Piriot naked per kg 0.00 RABBIT OFFAL Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 23 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MEAT Code Description Pack Size Price Rabbit kidneys app 1Kg loose pack bag -pre order- per kg 0.00 Rabbit livers approx 2kg per kg 0.00 353023 Pig suckling Beck Belly 1s x 2kg vac -pack Germany per kg 0.00 353017 Pig suckling Beck cloth wrapped Germany 1s, 8-10 Kg per kg 0.00 353019 Pig suckling Beck Leg 1s x 2.5kg vac -pack Germany per kg 0.00 353021 Pig suckling Beck Rack 1s x 2.5kg vac -pack Germany per kg 0.00 353020 Pig suckling Beck Shoulder 1s x 1.5kg vac -pack Germany per kg 0.00 353009 Pig suckling Belly French 7 x 2.5kg vac -pack per kg 0.00 353016 Pig suckling French single,(approx 6 -8Kg) per kg 0.00 RABBIT OFFAL 328000 Pre Order 328001 SUCKLING PIG best pre order 353010 Pig suckling Leg French 2 x 2.5kg vac-pack per kg 0.00 353008 Pig suckling Rack of Ribs French 2 x 4.5kg vac-pack per kg 0.00 353007 Pig Suckling Shoulder French 3 x1.5kg vac-pack per kg 0.00 Veal 5 bone rack (app 3.5/4kg) per kg 0.00 VEAL BRITISH ROSE 221061 Rose Veal from the Jurassic coast near Dorchester. Order Monday for delivery Friday. 221057 Veal Fillet (app 0.8/1kg) per kg 0.00 221063 Veal Liver (app 4.5/5.5kg) per kg 0.00 221048 Veal Osso Bucco (app 3.5/4kg) per kg 0.00 221059 Veal Striploin (app 4.5kg) per kg 0.00 Rose veal from the jurassic coast near Dorchester. Order Monday for delivery on Friday. 221038 Veal Sweetbreads (app 300/400g) per kg 0.00 221077 Veal Tail (app 0.8/1kg) per kg 0.00 221055 Veal Tongue (app 600/900g) per kg 0.00 221060 Veal Top-Rump (app 2.5kg) per kg 0.00 221027 Venison bones (15kg box) UK per kg 0.00 354004 Veal - Osso Buco per kg 0.00 354021 Veal Belly- bone out- France per kg 0.00 331012 Veal belly with rib approx 10-12kg per kg 0.00 354015 Veal Blade per kg 0.00 VEAL FROM RUNGIS Best Pre order 354008 Veal Brisket / Skirt approx 5kg -Onglet- per kg 0.00 331019 Veal Fillet EU per kg 0.00 331005 Veal Fillet FR per kg 0.00 Pre order only 335010 Veal Head-Whole- per kg 0.00 331003 Veal Rack 13 bones EU app 6-8kg per kg 0.00 331024 Veal rack 5 bones French Milk Fed app 3-5kg per kg 0.00 354001 Veal rack boneless approx 4kg box of 5 to 7 pieces from EU per kg 0.00 Pre Order ONLY 354023 Veal rack Milk Fed 13 bones with loin and kidney French per kg 0.00 331011 Veal rump app 3kg vac-pack From EU -Noix Blanche- per kg 0.00 354019 Veal Rump White Milk Fed app 5kg from France kg 0.00 331021 Veal shank 2.5kg vac-pack From EU -Jarret- per kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 24 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MEAT Code Description Pack Size Price 331025 Veal shoulder French Milk Fed app 10-12kg per kg 0.00 354017 Veal silverside vac pack approx 3kg from EU -Quasi- per kg 0.00 per kg 0.00 VEAL FROM RUNGIS Pre Order VEAL OFFAL 331023 Veal sweetbreads Heart France pre order only 354018 Veal Cheek Whole app 1kg vac pack From EU kg 0.00 331004 Veal feet 900g order by the piece From EU each 0.00 336010 Veal Head Skin only per kg 0.00 331008 Veal kidney 400g vac-pack from EU each 0.00 335003 Veal liver French single app5kg bucket per kg 0.00 335002 Veal liver single 5kg bucket from EU per kg 0.00 331001 Veal sweetbreads heart vac-pack order by kg From EU per kg 0.00 331009 Veal sweetbreads throat vac-pack order by kg From EU per kg 0.00 331013 Veal Tails per kg app 5kg per kg 0.00 331010 Veal tongue per kg from EU per kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 25 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 POULTRY Code Description Pack Size Price CHICKEN COQUELET 310006 Coquelet Corn Fed 6s approx 3.5kg cling wrapped o/r 6s 0.00 310010 Coquelet White 6s approx 3.5kg cling wrapped o/r 6s 0.00 313003 Chicken Fillet 20pcs approx 4kg Gers Red Label per kg 0.00 313079 Chicken Legs d'Autre Fois 8s approx 2.5kg Red Label per kg 0.00 313005 Chicken Sot-l'y-laisse approx 5kg vac-pack per kg 0.00 CHICKEN CUTS Pre order Only 313006 Chicken Supreme Corn Fed 24pcs approx 6kg Red Label vac-pack per kg 0.00 313110 Chicken Wings Corn Fed approx 5kg loose pack per kg 0.00 313084 Chicken Wings Corn Fed approx 5kg in punnets per kg 0.00 318009 Cockeral Crowns approx 3kg loose pack per kg 0.00 3 per kg 0.00 per kg 0.00 Pre Order Only 336012 Cockeral Kidney PRE ORDER ONLY CHICKEN OFFAL 318005 Chicken hearts approx 5Kg vac-pack Best to pre order 318003 Chicken liver (3Kg ) Tub per kg 0.00 318018 Chicken liver RED vac pack approx 1kg per kg 0.00 CHICKEN OVEN READY 313045 Chicken Corn Fed 8s approx 10kg cling wrapped per kg 0.00 313088 Chicken Corn Fed Normand 10s approx 12kg naked per kg 0.00 313000 Chicklen Black Leg 8s approx 12kg naked per kg 0.00 CHICKEN WHOLE R/L 313072 Capon Garbay mini (3s, 6kg) with offal per kg 0.00 313086 Chicken Black Leg 8s approx 12kg Red Label per kg 0.00 313026 Chicken Corn Fed 6s app 12kg Red Label per kg 0.00 313081 Chicken Corn Fed Clos de Roy 4s approx 8kg Red Label with offal per kg 0.00 313077 Chicken d'Autre Fois corn fed 3s approx 6kg with offal Red Label per kg 0.00 313100 Chicken poulet de Bresse Small 6s approx 10 - 12 kg AOC per kg 0.00 313091 Chicken white Normandie 91 days 8s approx 16kg Red Label per kg 0.00 311038 Duck Barbary Legs 14 pcs vac pack by 2s 5 kg 0.00 311032 Duck Barbary magret 12s vac-pack -EU- per kg 0.00 311028 Duck Legs Perigord 8s approx 3.5kg single vac-pack per kg 0.00 311042 Duck Magret Gers 10s approx 5kg vac-pack per kg 0.00 311021 Duck Magret les Landes approx 500g - 14s per box AOC per kg 0.00 DUCK CUTS Stunning Quality 311006 Duck Magret smoked approx 350g single vac-pack per kg 0.00 319008 Duckling Hen Breast, 24pcs approx 6kg vac-pack per kg 0.00 319002 Duckling Hen Leg 4 x 6 pcs vac-pack per kg 0.00 319003 Duckling Hen Supreme 24 pcs approx 6kg vac-pack per kg 0.00 Duck gizzards approx 5kg vac-pack per kg 0.00 DUCK OFFAL 318001 Best Pre Order Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 26 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 POULTRY Code Description Pack Size Price Duck liver approx 5Kg vac-pack per kg 0.00 DUCK OFFAL 318000 Best Pre Order DUCK WHOLE 311039 Duck Barbary Corn Fed 1s approx 3kg with offal per kg 0.00 311053 Duck Barbary Corn Fed 1s approx 3kg Oven Ready per kg 0.00 311035 Duck Dombes red label -with offal- approx 3kg per kg 0.00 Best Pre Order 319000 Duckling Hen 3s app 6kg Oven Ready per kg 0.00 311036 Duckling Hen Challand au sang 6s approx 9kg with blood per kg 0.00 Duckling Hen Challand -with offal- 3s approx 6kg per kg 0.00 341027 Foie gras duck Extra Phalange 5s approx 3kg paper wrap per kg 0.00 341026 Foie gras duck Extra-Perigord 5s approx 3kg Vac-pack per kg 0.00 341022 Foie gras duck Standard 4s approx 2kg vac-pack HALAL per kg 0.00 Foie gras duck Standard- Gers 5s approx 3kg Vac-Pack per kg 0.00 341004 Foie gras canard entier 100% mi-cuit single per kg 0.00 341032 Foie gras duck approx 500g paper wrap - each - pce-per kg 0.00 341009 Foie gras duck approx 500g vac-pack - each - pce-per kg 0.00 341040 Foie gras duck de-veined vac-pack -each- pce- per- kg 0.00 341037 Foie gras duck EXTRA paper wrap les Landes approx 500g veined AOC per kg 0.00 pce per kg 0.00 Pre Order Only 311007 FOIE GRAS CASE Must be pre ordered Friday for delivery the following Wednesday 341030 FOIE GRAS PIECE Stunning Quality 311054 Foie gras duck les Landes approx 500g vac-pack de-veined AOC Stunning Quality 341038 Foie gras FROZEN escalope Rougie 40/60g approx 1kg pce-per-kg 0.00 341034 Foie gras FROZEN escalope Rougie 60/80g approx 1kg pce-per kg 0.00 341011 Foie gras FROZEN escalopes 50g approx 1kg 1 kg 0.00 315001 Guinea Fowl 4s approx 6.5kg - Oven Ready cling wrap per kg 0.00 315000 Guinea Fowl 4s approx 6.5kg Red Label - Oven Ready cling wrap per kg 0.00 315009 Guinea Fowl d'Auvergne 6s app 9kg - with offal per kg 0.00 315018 Guinea Fowl leg 24s app 5kg - vac-pack per kg 0.00 315004 Guinea Fowl supreme 24s approx 6.5kg - vac-pack per kg 0.00 316025 Pigeon Imperial with blood Large 10s approx 5kg naked 10 s 0.00 316023 Pigeon Imperial with blood Medium 10s approx 4.5kg naked 10 s 0.00 316014 Pigeon Imperial with blood Small 10s approx 4kg naked 10 s 0.00 316022 Pigeon Royal with blood large 5s approx 2.5kg naked 5s 0.00 Quail boned 16s approx 3.5kg per Box 0.00 Punnet 0.00 GUINEA FOWL PIGEON QUAIL 314000 Best Pre Order 314013 Quail fillet 16s, 600g in punnets Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 27 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 POULTRY Code Description Pack Size Price Quail fillet Renard Rouge French vac-pack 2 kg 0.00 QUAIL 314001 Stunning Quality 314015 Quail French Vendee - with offals -300g+ 12s naked 12 s 0.00 314014 Quail Imperiale -with offal- 280g 10s naked 10 s 0.00 314009 Quail Renard Rouge -with offal- 240g 10s naked 10 s 0.00 311055 Barbary duck with offals 1s approx 2.5kg/bird per kg 0.00 313109 Chicken Corn Fed Oven Ready 10s approx 15kg per kg 0.00 per kg 0.00 X-HALAL Pre Order 313016 Chicken Corn Fed Oven Ready Red Label 8s approx 15kg Pre order only Monday for delivery Wednesday 313106 Chicken white "Le Campagnard" with offals 8s approx 12kg per kg 0.00 313107 Chicken white "L'Orleanais" Oven Ready 8s approx 12kg per kg 0.00 313051 Chicken white Oven Ready 8s approx 12 per kg 0.00 313108 Coquelet white cling wrap oven ready 6s 6 per box 0.00 315020 Guinea Fowl 4s approx 6.5kg oven ready per kg 0.00 315019 Guinea Fowl 4s approx 6.5kg with offals per kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 28 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHARCUTERIE Code Description Pack Size Price 473056 Alsace bacon whole smoked Belly approx 3kg per kg 0.00 473030 Poitrine Fume/Smoked Pork Belly sliced approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473025 Poitrine Fume/Smoked Pork Belly whole approx 4kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473091 Poitrine Fume/Smoked Pork Belly whole vac-packed approx 3.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473023 Smoked Lardons cubed & vac-pack 1 kg 0.00 473077 Bayonne Ham boneless 12 months approx 6kg France Pcs - per kg 0.00 473076 Bayonne Ham on the bone 12 months approx 8kg France Pcs - per kg 0.00 472085 Black Pudding & onion sausages BAHIER 8s 1 kg 0.00 472043 Boudin Blanc & Morille approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472087 Boudin Blanc & Truffle approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472073 Boudin Blanc/ White pudding natural with Cognac app 1.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472011 Boudin Noir/ Black pudding & Apple BAHIER approx 1.8kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472084 Boudin Noir/ Black Pudding & apple sausages BAHIER 8s 1 kg 0.00 472010 Boudin Noir/ Black pudding & Onion BAHIER approx 1.8kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472082 Chorizo - Iruna with piment esplette large approx 1kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472095 Chorizo - Iruna with piment esplette small approx 500g Pcs - per kg 0.00 472090 Chorizo Mini Boizet 500 g 0.00 472091 Chorizo Mini Boizet provencal 500 g 0.00 472064 Chorizo Normal - Colar 280 g 0.00 472065 Chorizo Spicy - Colar 280 g 0.00 472000 Cocktail Boudin Blanc/ White pudding 500 g 0.00 472001 Cocktail Boudin Noir/ Black pudding 500 g 0.00 472035 Dry Sausage Correze large approx 1.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473095 Dry Sausage Correze small approx 250g Pcs - per kg 0.00 472025 Dry Sausage Corsica approx 250g Pcs - per kg 0.00 473093 Dry Sausage Normandy with sea salt du Marin approx 1kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472027 Dry Sausage Wild Boar Corsica approx 250g Pcs - per kg 0.00 472040 Dry Sausage with red wine Correze small approx 300g Pcs - per kg 0.00 454014 Lard d'Arnard vac-pack approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 454008 Lardo approx 3kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472071 Mini chorizo sausage BONNY approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472031 Peppered Salami approx each 0.00 472028 Rosette Salami approx 2.2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472092 Traditional French Dried Sausage approx 1kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473080 Ventreche Flat Pcs - per kg 0.00 473045 Ventreche Roll Pcs - per kg 0.00 473040 Alsace Ham smoked approx 1.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473026 Black Forest Ham approx 2.5kg from Germany Pcs - per kg 0.00 Bocconcini Salami 5x40g Pcs - per kg 0.00 BACON FRENCH HAM ITALIAN 472015 tied together in a chain 473069 Bresaola di Sottofesa -Casa Modena- approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473007 Casa Modena Ham with herbs approx 7kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472016 Cinghial Salami/ Wild Boar approx 500g Pcs - per kg 0.00 473066 Coppa Parma legata approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473009 Coppa whole approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472017 Felino Salami approx 800g Pcs - per kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 29 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHARCUTERIE Code Description Pack Size Price 473101 Fennel Salami (Finocchiona) Pcs - per kilo 0.00 333008 Guanciale All'Amatriciana sub Guanciale al Brandy Pcs - per kg 0.00 ITALIAN Pig cheek marintaed in brandy with pepper and cinnamon 473053 Guanciale approx 1.8kg -pre order only- Pcs - per kg 0.00 472013 Jesus Salami approx 2.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 454015 Lardo di Colonnata approx 1.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 454007 Lardo Pork approx 1.2 kg 3 Pcs - per kg 0.00 473094 Lomo approx 600g Pcs - per kg 0.00 473067 Manzini Ham boneless 9 months approx 6kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472018 Milano Salami (approx 2.5kg) Pcs - per kg 0.00 473072 Mortadella Casa Modena with pistachio approx 3 kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473011 Mortadella Gran Bonta with pistachio approx 2.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472019 Napoli Salami approx 4x500g Pcs - per kg 0.00 473100 Ndjua Piccante vac pack per kg 0.00 473005 Pancetta approx 1.8kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473036 Pancetta Coppata approx 4kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473049 Pancetta Italy not rolled approx 1.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473002 Parma Ham Boneless 16 months approx 8kg Cavazzuti Pcs - per kg 0.00 473001 Parma Ham Boneless 24 months approx 8kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473059 San Daniele Ham on the bone 14 mnth apx 9kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473041 San Daniele Ham on the bone -Cavazzutti- 12 months approx 9kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473068 Speck Montagna approx 2.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472098 Chipolata Breakfast Sausage 40 x 30g Pcs - per kg 0.00 472007 Chipolata Sausage 1.65 kg 0.00 472002 Cocktail Frankfurter 500 g 0.00 472077 Diot Leek and Spinach Sausage app 1.8kg 15s Pcs - per kg 0.00 472076 Diot Pork and cabbage sausage app 1.8kg 15s Pcs - per kg 0.00 472075 Diot Smoked Sausage app 1.8kg 15s Pcs - per kg 0.00 472004 Frankfurter Sausage 1.5 kg 0.00 472029 Garlic Sausage Natural approx 700g Pcs - per kg 0.00 472030 Garlic Sausage Smoked approx 700g Pcs - per kg 0.00 353045 Italian fresh Sausage for grilling approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 SAUSAGE A fresh pork sausage! 472079 Italian fresh Sausage with Fennel approx 2kg Pork sausage with fennel 353046 Italian fresh Sausage with herbs approx 2kg Fresh prok sausage with herbs 353043 Italian fresh Sausage with Parmesan approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 353044 Italian fresh Sausage with Peperoncino approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 Pork sausage with mild chilli 353042 Italian fresh Sausage with Proscuitto approx 2kg pork sausage with minimum 10% proscuitto 472003 Merguez Sausage / Spicy Lamb approx 1.65kg 30pcs punnet 0.00 472093 Montbellieard Sausage Amiotte 24 x 60g 24 x 60g 0.00 472066 Morteau Sausage 8 x 400g Pcs - per kg 0.00 472046 Morteau Sausage approx 12 x 140g 0.00 472005 Strasbourg Sausage/ Goose Meat approx 1.5kg punnet 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 30 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHARCUTERIE Code Description Pack Size Price Toulouse Sausage approx 2.2kg 16pcs punnet 0.00 335014 Sausage skins Beef 40/45mm 1kg (2 x 9m) per pack 0.00 332008 Sausage skins Pig 28mm+ approx 90m per tub 0.00 332006 Sausage skins Sheep 22/24mm approx 90m per tub 0.00 332007 Sausage skins Sheep 24/26mm approx 90m per tub 0.00 332009 Sausage skins Synthetic Red 50mm approx 48cm per pack 0.00 472023 Chorizo Normal - Vela approx 1.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472020 Chorizo-50% Patte Negra Iberico meat approx 700g Pcs - per kg 0.00 473078 Cinco Jotas Ham Boneless approx 5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473073 Cinco Jotas Ham on the bone approx 8kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472096 Dry Sausage Spain approx 170g each 0.00 472086 Iberico Bellota sliced Chorizo 100 g 0.00 473086 Iberico Bellota sliced Ham 100 g 0.00 473088 Iberico Bellota sliced Lomo Fillet 100 g 0.00 473089 Iberico Bellota sliced Sausage 100 g 0.00 473087 Iberico Bellota sliced Shoulder 100 g 0.00 454017 Lardo Iberico approx 3kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473017 Lomo approx 1.7kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 472102 Longaniza Seca Payes per kg 0.00 473037 Patte Negra Iberico boneless approx 5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473071 Patte Negra Iberico on the bone 24 months approx 7kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473085 Patte Negra Iberico Sliced Ham 100 g 0.00 473063 Patte Negra Iberico Sliced lomo from Spain 100 g 0.00 473016 Serrano Ham boneless 9 months approx 6kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473046 Serrano Ham on the bone 24 months approx 8kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 473098 Serrano Ham Sliced 500 g 0.00 473021 Andouillettes Royal 180g x 7 Pcs - per kg 0.00 471099 Tripes à la mode de Caen THIOL 3.35 kg 0.00 454000 Duck Confits 12 legs 5/1 3.6 kg 0.00 454013 Duck Confits gizzards 5/1 3 kg 0.00 454004 Duck Fat 680 g 0.00 454005 Duck Fat 3.6 kg 0.00 SAUSAGE 472006 SAUSAGE SKINS SPANISH TRIPE Z-FATS & CONFITS Direct from the producer in the South West of France 311019 Duck leg confit (10 x 220g) vac-pack per Box 0.00 311011 Duck leg confit 4 legs vac-packed each 0.00 454002 Goose Fat 680 g 0.00 454003 Goose Fat 3.6 kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 31 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 TERRINES Code Description Pack Size Price 471026 Pate en Croute Duck & Pistachio (approx 2.8kg) Pcs - per Kg 0.00 471028 Pate en Croute Rabbit & Hazelnut (approx 2.4kg) Pcs - per Kg 0.00 471000 Duck Rillettes 80% 2 kg 0.00 471005 Duck Rillettes Sartoise BAHI 2 kg 0.00 471002 Goose Rillettes 80% (approx 1.1kg) per kilo 0.00 471006 Pork Rillettes (approx 1.1kg) Pcs - per Kg 0.00 471100 Rabbit Rillettes 2 kg 0.00 471015 Country Style Pork Terrine (Pyrex) approx 2.2kg each 0.00 471072 Terrine Bourguignon parsley (approx 3kg) Pcs - per Kg 0.00 471022 Terrine Chicken Liver 1 kg 0.00 471117 Terrine Country coarse Ancienne ( 6.5kg ) per kg 0.00 471123 Terrine Country course Oven Roasted ( 4 kg ) per kg 0.00 471007 Terrine Mosaique Vegetables 1.6 kg 0.00 471119 Terrine Rabbit & Hazelnut per kg 0.00 471024 Terrine Vegetable 1.6 kg 0.00 471013 Thiol Forest Terrine 1.45 kg 0.00 471088 Thiol Gascogne & Armagnac Terrine 1.45 kg 0.00 471089 Thiol Hare Terrine 40% 1.6 kg 0.00 471090 Thiol Mousse Foie de Canard & Pear 1.4 kg 0.00 471012 Thiol Mousse Foie de Canard & Port 1.4 kg 0.00 471009 Thiol Pheasant Terrine 1.55 kg 0.00 471008 Thiol Rabbit Terrine 30% 1.6 kg 0.00 471091 Thiol Strasbourg Terrine 1.4 kg 0.00 471010 Thiol Venison Terrine 40% 1.6 kg 0.00 471011 Thiol Wild Boar (Sanglier) Terrine 40% 1.6 kg 0.00 471092 3 Variety Fish Terrine 1.6 kg 0.00 471023 Lobster & Crayfish Terrine 1.6 kg 0.00 467006 Prawn Terrine 840 g 0.00 471098 Salmon filet & Sorrel Terrine 1.5 kg 0.00 471097 Salmon Terrine Layered 1.6 kg 0.00 471096 Scallop Terrine 840 g 0.00 471093 Thiol Pike 40% & Leek Terrine 1.48 kg 0.00 471113 Rougie Beef Shank with Duck Liver Terrine 1 kg 0.00 471107 Rougie Duck Breast & Green Asparagus Terrine 1 kg 0.00 471105 Rougie Duck Meat Terrine 1 kg 0.00 471112 Rougie Goose & mustard Terrine 1 kg 0.00 471111 Rougie Goose Liver & Mushrooms Terrine 1 kg 0.00 471114 Rougie Pigeon with cherry & Duck Liver Terrine 1 kg 0.00 471106 Rougie Rabbit with Olives Terrine 1 kg 0.00 471108 Rougie Tenerloin Duck & 6 Herbs Terrine 1 kg 0.00 PATE EN CROUTE RILLETTE TERRINE TERRINE FISH TERRINE ROUGIE Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 32 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SEAFOOD Code Description Pack Size Price 466015 Caviar Imperial Bahri 10 g 0.00 466016 Caviar Imperial Bahri 30 g 0.00 466017 Caviar Imperial Bahri 50 g 0.00 466018 Caviar Imperial Bahri 125 g 0.00 466005 Caviar Oscietre tradition 30 g 0.00 466022 Caviar Oscietre tradition 50 g 0.00 466019 Caviar Prunier tradition 30 g 0.00 466020 Caviar Prunier tradition 50 g 0.00 361033 Bottarga approx 250g pce per kg 0.00 466033 Cod Fish Roe app 200g vac pack per kg 0.00 466008 Flying fish eggs black in glass jars 80 g 0.00 466009 Flying fish eggs green in glass jars 80 g 0.00 466010 Flying fish eggs orange in glass jars 80 g 0.00 466011 Flying fish eggs red in glass jars 80 g 0.00 466012 Flying fish eggs yellow in glass jars 80 g 0.00 466002 Keta Salmon Eggs 100 g 0.00 466001 Lumpfish Roe Black 100 g 0.00 466006 Lumpfish Roe Black 500 g 0.00 466000 Lumpfish Roe Red 100 g 0.00 466003 Trout Eggs 100 g 0.00 361022 Frog legs fresh x 6 kebabs 3 kg 0.00 361034 Frog legs fresh x 9 kebabs 3 kg 0.00 474000 Frogs Legs Frozen 1 kg 0.00 467007 Oyster Ancelin Special No 2 - 86 to 110g average 48 s 0.00 467017 Oyster Ancelin Special No 3 - 66 to 85 grams average 48 s 0.00 467015 Oyster Belon Flat No 2 - 55 to 65 grams average 50 s 0.00 48 s 0.00 48 s 0.00 CAVIAR FISH ROE FROGS LEGS OYSTERS PRE ORDER ONLY 467037 Oyster Cancale No 2 - 86 to 110g average PRE ORDER ONLY 467038 Oyster Cancale No 3 - 66 to 85g average PRE ORDER ONLY 467014 Oyster Fine de Claire No 2 - 86 to 110g average 48 s 0.00 361016 Oyster Fine de Claire No 3 - 66 to 85g average 48 s 0.00 467016 Oyster Isigny Normandy No 2 - 86 to 110g average 48 s 0.00 467034 Oyster Isigny Normandy No 3 - 66 to 85g average 48 s 0.00 467035 Oyster Ostra Special No 2 - 86 to 110g average 48 s 0.00 48 s 0.00 48 s 0.00 48 s 0.00 Same breeding process as the Gilardeau Special 467036 Oyster Ostra Special No 3 - 66 to 85g average Same breeding process as the Gilardeau Special 467039 Oyster Prat-Ar-Coum No 2 - 86 to 110g average PRE ORDER ONLY 467040 Oyster Prat-Ar-Coum No 3- 66 to 85g average PRE ORDER ONLY PRAWNS Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 33 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SEAFOOD Code Description Pack Size Price Prawns 10/20 Defrost From France 2 kg 0.00 467001 Salt Cod 400g vac pack 400 g 0.00 467005 Salt Cod Large per kg 0.00 357026 Salt Cod Loin Gadus Macrocephalus - Pacific Ocean 5 kg 0.00 448007 Americanne Sauce 6 x 200g 0.00 448005 Bernaise Sauce 6 x 200g 0.00 467022 Beurre Blanc Sauce 6 x 200g 0.00 467023 Beurre Citron Sauce 6 x 200g 0.00 441113 Colatura Anchovy Sauce 250 ml 0.00 448003 Hollandaise Sauce 6 x 200g 0.00 467024 Tarragon Sauce 6 x 200g 0.00 PRAWNS 361026 SALTED FISH SAUCES SEAFOOD CRUSTACIANS 467000 Crayfish Tails 900 g 0.00 467004 King Crab 100% white meat in jar 250 g 0.00 467010 Prawns Peeled and Cooked (Jumbo) 900g 900 g 0.00 467009 Prawns Peeled and Cooked (Large) 900g 900 g 0.00 467008 Prawns Peeled and Cooked (Medium) 900g 900 g 0.00 1 kg 0.00 SEAFOOD MARINATED 236000 Anchovies white in oil in a wheel from Belgium Promotion price fixed for february 468001 Anchovy in Oil Tin 4/4 800 g 0.00 468010 Anchovy Oriental in oil from Belgium 1 kg 0.00 468002 Ortiz Anchovy filet in extra virgin olive oil 95 g 0.00 467003 Rollmop Herring (50s) 3.5 kg 0.00 468011 Sardines with basil in oil from Belgium 1 kg 0.00 236007 Seafood salad premium in oil from Belgium 1 kg 0.00 This premium seafood salad marinated in oil includes squid, mussels, octopus and shrimps. Promtion price for February SHELLFISH 357011 Clam/Palourde medium (Mercenaria mercenaria) wild caught 3 kg 0.00 357010 Clam/Palourdes small (Mercenaria mercenaria) wild caught 3 kg 0.00 467048 Cockle (Cerastoderma Edule) 5 kg 0.00 357023 Crab (Cancer Pagarus) wild caught in North East Atlantic 6kg 6 kg 0.00 357025 Mussels Vac pack 6 days shelf life From Holland 2 kg 0.00 467018 Razor clam (Ensis Directus) North East Atlantic 1 kg 0.00 357018 Sea Urchin green (Strongylocentrotus Droebachiensis) alive Iceland 3 kg 0.00 467019 Whelks/Bulots live 6 kg 0.00 467026 Kippers (approx 12pcs) 3 kg 0.00 467027 Smoked Haddock fillets dyed large calibre 3 kg 0.00 467021 Smoked Halibut side sliced (1-1.3kg) per kg 0.00 467025 Smoked Mackerel 6-7pcs 2 kg 0.00 361030 Smoked Salmon (sliced) 0.9 - 1.2 kg per kg 0.00 361024 Smoked Salmon Scotland string smoked 1.9-2.3kg per kg 0.00 SMOKED FISH artisanal production smoking the hanging sides in beech smoke Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 34 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SEAFOOD Code Description Pack Size Dorset Snails Blanched Out Of Shell Vac Packed 120 s Price SNAILS DORSET 237027 0.00 Dorset Snails operate from a farm in a remote Dorset location and were established in 2006. Their blanched and cooked snails are fully purged, dried and stored in hibernation for up to 6 weeks before cooking to give them the wonderful shell shape. After cooking, they are de-shelled, chilled and vacuum packed. These snails are never frozen. 237028 Dorset Snails Cooked Out Of Shell Vac-Packed 60 s 0.00 237029 Dorset Snails Oven Ready in shell with garlic butter 12 Foil Tray 0.00 474001 Snails Bourgogne in Tin 4/4 8 dzn 0.00 474003 Snails Bourgogne in Tin 4/4 12 dzn 0.00 474012 Snails Bourgogne in Tin 4/4 6 dzn 0.00 474005 Snail Shells 8 dzn 0.00 474013 Snail Shells Extra large 3 dzn 0.00 Squid Ink (50 x 4g) 200 g 0.00 466042 Pink Taramasalata 1 Kg 0.00 466025 Tarama 70% 100 g 0.00 466026 Tarama 70% 500 g 0.00 466041 Tarama Cod's Roe (died pink) 100 g 0.00 466040 Tarama Cod's Roe undyed 100 g 0.00 466027 Tarama crab (pincer meat) 100 g 0.00 466028 Tarama crab (pincer meat) 500 g 0.00 466038 Tarama crab (pincer meat) 1 kg 0.00 466039 Tarama Sea Urchin 100 g 0.00 SNAILS IN TIN SNAILS SHELLS SQUID INK 474010 TARAMA Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 35 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 PASTA Code Description Pack Size Price 432047 Pappardelle Pasta 250 g 0.00 432045 Tagliarelle (white) Pasta 250 g 0.00 432042 Tagliolini (green) Pasta 250 g 0.00 432043 Tagliolini (red) Pasta 250 g 0.00 432041 Tagliolini (white) Pasta 250 g 0.00 432040 Bucatini No 515 Pasta 12 x 500g 0.00 432054 Casareccia No 88 Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432002 Conchiglione Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432023 Farfalle 3 Colour Pasta 12 x 500g 0.00 432027 Farfalle Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432003 Farfalline Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432004 Fettucine Pasta 12 x 250g 0.00 432005 Fusilli Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432025 Fusilli Tricolour Pasta 12 x 500g 0.00 432006 Linguine Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432022 Linguine with Squid Ink Pasta 12 x 250g 0.00 432007 Maccheroni a la Chitarra Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432030 Mezzi Tubetti No.63 Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432008 Orecchiette Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432079 Paccheri No 125 Pasta 12 x500g 0.00 432009 Pappadelle Pasta 12 x 250g 0.00 432010 Penne Rigate Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432024 Penne Rigate Tricolour Pasta 12 x 500g 0.00 432077 Pennette Pasta 24 x500g 0.00 432031 Puntalette No.73 Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432011 Rice Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432012 Rigatoni Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432013 Spaghetti Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432018 Tagliatelle Pasta 12 x 250g 0.00 432020 Tortiglioni Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432017 Zitone Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 PASTA CIPRIANI PASTA DE CECCO PASTA DECECO GOURMET 432038 Casareccia No 588 Pasta 12 x 500g 0.00 432033 Linguine No 507 Pasta 12 x 500g 0.00 432037 Orecchiette No 591 Pasta 12 x 500g 0.00 432036 Penne Rigatte No 541 Pasta 12 x 500g 0.00 432034 Rigatoni No 524 Pasta 12 x 500g 0.00 432032 Spaghetti No 512 Pasta 12 x 500g 0.00 PASTA EGG 30% + DRY 432069 Egg Pasta Fettucini with spinach 250 g 0.00 432067 Egg Pasta Fettucini with squid ink 250 g 0.00 432057 Egg Pasta Filli di Chitarra 250 g 0.00 432055 Egg Pasta Linguine 250 g 0.00 432058 Egg Pasta Maccheroncino 250 g 0.00 432062 Egg Pasta Pappardelle 250 g 0.00 432056 Egg Pasta Tagliatelli 250 g 0.00 432065 Egg Pasta Tagliatelli with chilli 250 g 0.00 432066 Egg Pasta Tagliatelli with mushroom 250 g 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 36 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 PASTA Code Description Pack Size Price PASTA EGG 30% + DRY 432059 Egg Pasta Tagliolini 250 g 0.00 432070 Egg Pasta Tagliolini with garlic 250 g 0.00 432076 Vermicelli (Angel Hair) in Nest 10 x 500g 0.00 431000 Agnolotti Cheese Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431005 Fagottini Cheese Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431006 Fagottini Parma Ham Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431002 Fiore Aubergine Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431009 Fusilli 3 Colour Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431008 Fusilli Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431013 Lasagne Sheets 1.5 kg 0.00 431015 Malfatti Meat Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431017 Malfatti Ricotta Spinach Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431018 Malfatti Smoked Salmon Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431019 Mezza Luna Alla Boscaiola Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431020 Pappardelle Pasta 3 x 1kg 0.00 431021 Penne Rigate Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431046 Radiatori Pasta 1 kg 0.00 PASTA FRESH Great shape for holding all the sauce and flavour 431022 Ravioli Moyens Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431024 Spaghetti Egg Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431027 Tagliatelle Egg Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431025 Tagliatelle Nidi Egg Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431029 Taglierini Basil Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431028 Taglierini Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431036 Tortellone au Cepes Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431031 Tortelloni Basil Spinach Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431033 Triangoli Gorgonzola Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431032 Triangoli Pesto Pasta 2 kg 0.00 431035 Gnocchi 4 x 1kg 4 x 1kg 0.00 431040 Gnocchi Pesto (hand made pre-order only) 2 kg 0.00 432021 Gnocchietti Sardi Pasta 24 x 500g 0.00 432039 Gnochetti No 562 12 x 500g 0.00 432050 Linguine with garlic and basil 250 g 0.00 432049 Linguine with red pepper 250 g 0.00 432051 Linguine with squid ink 250 g 0.00 432048 Penne with cocoa 250 g 0.00 432052 Tagliolini with truffle Pasta 250 g 0.00 PASTA GNOCCHI PASTA MORELLI Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 37 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 PATISSERIE Code Description Pack Size Price 423014 Almond Bitter Arome 115 ml 0.00 423015 Asparagus Arome 115 ml 0.00 423013 Banana Arome 115 ml 0.00 423016 Bergamote Arome 115 ml 0.00 423030 Black Truffle Arome 115 ml 0.00 423018 Cepe Arome 115 ml 0.00 423020 Coconut Arome 115 ml 0.00 423021 Coffee Arome 115 ml 0.00 423022 Crab Arome 115 ml 0.00 423026 Girolle Arome 115 ml 0.00 423042 Hazelnut Arome 115 ml 0.00 423043 Jasmin Arome 115 ml 0.00 423044 Lavender Arome 115 ml 0.00 423045 Lemon Arome 115 ml 0.00 423046 Lime Arome 115 ml 0.00 423053 Liquorice Arome 115 ml 0.00 423047 Lobster Arome 115 ml 0.00 423049 Mango Arome 115 ml 0.00 423067 Mimosa Arome 115 ml 0.00 423050 Mint Arome 115 ml 0.00 423051 Morille Arome 115 ml 0.00 423039 Orange Arome 115 ml 0.00 423040 Orange Blood Arome 115 ml 0.00 423038 Passionfruit Arome 115 ml 0.00 423058 Pear Arome 115 ml 0.00 423037 Pistachio Arome 115 ml 0.00 423035 Raspberry Arome 115 ml 0.00 423034 Rose Arome 115 ml 0.00 423033 Shellfish Arome 115 ml 0.00 423041 Sour Cherry Arome 115 ml 0.00 423032 Strawberry Arome 115 ml 0.00 423068 Tea Arome 115 ml 0.00 423071 Vanilla Tahitian Arome 115 ml 0.00 423027 Violet Arome 115 ml 0.00 423031 White Truffle Arome 115 ml 0.00 423059 Wild Strawberry Arome 115 ml 0.00 AROME COLOURANT SEVEROME 412596 Sweet Colourant Dark Caramel 100 g 0.00 412095 Sweet Colourant Green 100 g 0.00 412097 Sweet Colourant Orange Mandarine 100 g 0.00 412597 Sweet Colourant Strawberry 100 g 0.00 412096 Sweet Colourant Violet 100 g 0.00 412098 Sweet Colourant Yellow 100 g 0.00 CONF. DRAGEE ALMONDS 411080 Chocolate Dragee Gold 1 kg 0.00 411079 Chocolate Dragee Mixed Colours 1 kg 0.00 411081 Chocolate Dragee Silver 1 kg 0.00 Calissons gold and silver (Marzipan Sweets) 1.9 kg 0.00 MARZIPAN 412101 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 38 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 PATISSERIE Code Description Pack Size Price 412011 Marzipan White 33% (Pate d'amande blanche) 1 kg 0.00 412044 Marzipan White 50% (Pate d'amande blanche) 1 kg 0.00 412012 Marzipan White 50% (Pate d'amande cru Catania) 5 kg 0.00 411044 Breakfast drinking powder chocolate 1 kg 0.00 411148 Breakfast drinking powder chocolate 250 g 0.00 411149 Breakfast drinking powder with Cinnamon 250 g 0.00 411153 Breakfast drinking powder with Hazelnut 250 g 0.00 411151 Breakfast drinking powder with Spice 250 g 0.00 411154 Breakfast drinking powder with Vanilla 250 g 0.00 MARZIPAN MONBANA PASTES AROMATISED 412020 Hazelnut Paste-Severome 0.4 kg 0.00 412021 Liquorice Paste-Severome 1 kg 0.00 412022 Nougat Paste Severome (NEW PACK SIZE) 500 g 0.00 412052 Peanut Paste Dakatine 850 g 0.00 412024 Pistachio Paste-Severome 1 kg 0.00 412025 Walnut paste-Severome 0.5 kg 0.00 412028 Almond Milk 1 Ltr 0.00 412036 Angelica 1 kg 0.00 412563 Beeswax edible block 1 kg 0.00 412086 Caramel Liquid 1 Ltr 0.00 412037 Chestnut Puree Natural tinned 800 g 0.00 412038 Chestnut Puree Sweetened Vanilla 800 g 0.00 412681 Chocolate Mousse preparation powder Gudvor 1 kg 0.00 412040 Coconut Milk 400 ml 0.00 412031 Coffee Essence Trablit 1 Ltr 0.00 412621 Coffee extract THIERCELIN 1 Ltr 0.00 412628 Creme Patisserie HOT 5 kg 0.00 412006 Crème Patissiere Cold 5 kg 0.00 412033 Crème Patissiere Cold 1 kg 0.00 412034 Crème Patissiere Super Hot 1 kg 0.00 412585 Fondant Blanc (Patisfrance) 10 kg 0.00 412500 Fondant Blanc Patissier glacage 1 kg 0.00 412032 Gelatine Bronze Leaves (150 Bloom) 300 s 0.00 412005 Gelatine Gold Leaves (200 Bloom) 500 s 0.00 412004 Gelatine Silver Leaves (180 Bloom) 400 s 0.00 412015 Glucose Powder 5 kg 0.00 412013 Glucose Syrup 2 kg 0.00 412014 Glucose Syrup 6 kg 0.00 412121 Gold leaf book (8 x 8) 25 s 0.00 412056 Isomalt PF 4Kg 4 kg 0.00 412008 Nappage Blonde Apricot kg 0.00 412009 Nappage Blonde Apricot 8 kg 0.00 412027 Nuttela 840 g 0.00 412018 Orange Blossom Water 1 Ltr 0.00 412615 Papillote High Temperature Foil Roll 50cm x 25m 0.00 411041 Praline surfine rose 1 kg 0.00 412019 Rose Water 50 cl 0.00 PATISSERIE Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 39 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 PATISSERIE Code Description Pack Size Price 412584 Silicon Baking Paper (Patisfrance) 500x60x40 0.00 412116 Silver leaf book (9.5 x 9.5) 25s 0.00 412016 Trimoline 11 kg 0.00 PATISSERIE PREP LOUIS FRANCOIS 412506 Agar Agar powder 1 kg 0.00 412507 Alginate of Sodium H.V 1 kg 0.00 412514 Arabic Gum Powder 1 kg 0.00 412505 Ascorbic Acid 1 kg 0.00 412508 Bicarbonate of Soda 1 kg 0.00 412509 Chlorure de Calcium 1 kg 0.00 412000 Citric acid 1 kg 0.00 412510 Crème de Tarte 1 kg 0.00 412511 Dextrose 1 kg 0.00 412515 Lecithine Poudre 1 kg 0.00 412645 Louis Francois Nougasec 1 kg 0.00 412516 Mor Sweet Glucose Deshydrate 1 kg 0.00 412504 Pectine 325 NH 95 1 kg 0.00 412003 Pectine Natural 1 kg 0.00 412503 Pectine NH Nappage 1 kg 0.00 412639 Pectine X58 1 kg 0.00 412002 Pectine Yellow 1 kg 0.00 412534 Powdered Egg White 1 kg 0.00 412517 Sorbitol Powder 1 kg 0.00 412518 Stab 2000 Ice-cream Stabiliser 1 kg 0.00 412519 Superneutros Sorbet Stabiliser 1 kg 0.00 412001 Tartaric acid 1 kg 0.00 412583 Absorbic Acid SOSA 1 kg 0.00 412117 Agar Agar SOSA 500 g 0.00 412623 Airbag Farina SOSA 600 g 0.00 412624 Albumina SOSA 500 g 0.00 414100 Beetroot Powder SOSA 300 g 0.00 412582 Citric Acid SOSA 1 kg 0.00 414103 Coconut Milk Powder SOSA 400 g 0.00 412632 Crispy Cherry SOSA 300 g 0.00 412627 Crispy Pineapple SOSA 200 g 0.00 412602 Crispy Raspberries SOSA 300 g 0.00 412629 Crispy Strawberry SOSA 200 g 0.00 412571 Gelesspesa (GOMA XANTANA) SOSA 500 g 0.00 412634 Instantgel SOSA 500 g 0.00 412080 Lecithine SOSA 500 g 0.00 412625 Pro Creme 100 Cold SOSA 3 kg 0.00 412626 Pro Creme 100 Hot SOSA 3 kg 0.00 412588 Proespuma Hot SOSA 500 g 0.00 414101 Prosorbet SOSA 3 kg 0.00 412605 Raspberry powder SOSA 300 g 0.00 412600 Vegetable gelatine powder SOSA 500 g 0.00 Agar Texturas 500 g 0.00 PREP SOSA PREP TEXTURAS 412068 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 40 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 PATISSERIE Code Description Pack Size Price 412070 Algin Texturas 500 g 0.00 412069 Calcic Texturas 600 g 0.00 412071 Citras Texturas 600 g 0.00 412081 Crumiel Texturas 400 g 0.00 412072 Gellan Texturas 400 g 0.00 412076 Glice Texturas 300 g 0.00 412082 Gluco Texturas 600 g 0.00 412075 Iota Texturas 500 g 0.00 412073 Kappa Texturas 400 g 0.00 412643 Kuzu Texturas 500 g 0.00 412074 Lecite Texturas 300 g 0.00 412078 Metil Texturas 300 g 0.00 412079 Sucro Texturas 600 g 0.00 426010 Armagnac (40% Vol) 2 ltr 0.00 426004 Brandy Grande Reserve (40% Vol) 2 ltr 0.00 426003 Calvados (40% Vol) 2 ltr 0.00 426008 Cognac (40% Vol) 2 ltr 0.00 426027 Cointreau (60%) 1 ltr 0.00 426024 Cooking Caramel Alcohol 96% 500 ml 0.00 426023 Cooking Vanilla Alcohol 96% 500 ml 0.00 426018 Extrait of Pear 50% 500 ml 0.00 426017 Extrait of Raspberry 50% 500 ml 0.00 426028 Kirsch Cherry 1 ltr 0.00 426002 Madeira Wine (17%Vol) 2 ltr 0.00 426012 Marsala Cooking Wine (17%Vol) 1 ltr 0.00 426005 Pastis (45% Vol) 2 ltr 0.00 426006 Ruby Port (19% Vol) 2 ltr 0.00 426022 Rum St James patisserie 54% 1 ltr 0.00 426009 Scotch Whisky (40% Vol) 1 ltr 0.00 426011 Vermouth (18% Vol) 1 ltr 0.00 426007 White Port (19% Vol) 1 ltr 0.00 PREP TEXTURAS SPIRITS COOKING SPIRITS WINE COOKING 426030 Botticello Red Cooking Wine 11% 10 ltr 0.00 426031 Botticello White Cooking Wine 11% 10 ltr 0.00 426001 Red Cooking Wine 11% 5 ltr 0.00 426000 White Cooking Wine 11% 5 ltr 0.00 416049 Maple sugar Flakes 800 g 0.00 412687 Popping Candy milk chocolate 1 Ltr 0.00 412686 Popping Candy white chocolate 1 Ltr 0.00 412106 Sugar Cassonade Antil 1 kg 0.00 412065 Sugar crystal candied brown 1 kg 0.00 412064 Sugar crystal candied white 1 kg 0.00 412586 Sugar crystals brown on a stick 7s 0.00 416101 Sugar crystals brown on a stick 100 s 0.00 412592 Sugar crystals white on a stick 7s 0.00 416100 Sugar crystals white on a stick 100 s 0.00 412041 Sugar Perruche brown 750 g 0.00 SUGAR Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 41 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 PATISSERIE Code Description Pack Size Price 412536 Sugar Perruche mixed wrapped 2.5 kg 0.00 412042 Sugar Perruche white 750 g 0.00 412066 Vanilla Sugar Gold 1 kg 0.00 412528 Turron (Nougat Hard) 250 g 0.00 412046 Turron (Nougat soft) 250 g 0.00 Vanilla bourbon extract from Madagascar with seeds by THIERCELIN 500 ml 0.00 SUGAR TURRON VANILLA 412620 Please note WITH seeds 412053 Vanilla Bourbon Extract MEDLEYS 1 ltr 0.00 412120 Vanilla Bourbon Powder Madagascar 250 g 0.00 412520 Vanilla Paste 1 kg 0.00 281004 Tahitian Vanilla Pods 250 g 0.00 281005 Vanilla Pods Bourbon Madagascan 1 kg 0.00 281000 Vanilla Pods Premium 18cm Bourbon Madagascan 250 g 0.00 VANILLA PODS Beautiful vanilla from the family Lavanny in Madagascar - direct to Oakleaf since 2006. Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 42 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHOC & CONF Code Description Pack Size Price BARRY & OTHER CHOC 411019 Barry Choc Pencils Van Gogh Dark & White 20cm 900 g 0.00 411054 Barry Cocoa Nibs - Grue de Cacao 1 kg 0.00 411017 Barry Snobinettes Choc Cups 27x23x26 270 s 0.00 411021 Choc Barry Cocoa Powder (Plein arome 100%) 1 kg 0.00 411194 Chocolate mesh cylinder decoration 6cm high 4.5cm diameter 50 s 0.00 411013 Dark Chocolate Coating (Pate a glace Brune) 5 kg 0.00 411132 Milk & Caramel Chocolate Heart (pink wrap) 140pcs 2.35 kg 0.00 411195 Milk Chocolate Heart 30% hazelnut praline (blue wrap) 140pcs 2.35 kg 0.00 30% praline with Piedmont hazelnuts 411196 Milk Chocolate Heart with hazelnut praline (red wrap) 140pcs 2.35 kg 0.00 411043 Mycryo Cocoa Butter Powder for savory application 550 g 0.00 Valrhona Abinao 85% dark beans (val5614) 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 BEAN DARK 238000 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238001 Valrhona Andoa 70% organic dark beans (val7025) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 411093 Valrhona Caraibe 66% dark beans 1 kg 0.00 411088 Valrhona Caraibes 66% dark beans 3 kg 0.00 411144 Valrhona Coeur Guanaja 80% dark beans 3 kg 0.00 411089 Valrhona Extra-Bitter 61% dark beans 3 kg 0.00 411087 Valrhona Guanaja 70% dark beans 3 kg 0.00 20 kg 0.00 20 kg 0.00 20 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 BEAN DARK BANQUETING 238024 Valrhona Satilia Noir 62% dark beans (val6366) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238023 Valrhona Tropilia 53% dark beans (val1963) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238022 Valrhona Tropilia Amer 70% dark beans (val2236) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed BEAN DARK GRAND CRU 238015 Valrhona Alpaco 66% Ecuador (val5572) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238013 Valrhona Araguani 72% Venezuela (val4656) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238012 Valrhona Illanka 63% Peru (val9559) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 411166 Valrhona Kalingo 65% Grenada 3 kg 0.00 238016 Valrhona Macae 62% Brazil (val6221) 3 kg 0.00 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 411091 Valrhona Manjari 64% pure Madagascar 3 kg 0.00 238014 Valrhona Nyangbo 68% Ghana (val6085) 3 kg 0.00 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 411133 Valrhona Otucan 69% venezuela 3 kg 0.00 411167 Valrhona Tainori 64% Dominican Republic 3 kg 0.00 BEAN M&W BANQUETING Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 43 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHOC & CONF Code Description Pack Size Price BEAN M&W BANQUETING 238027 Valrhona Satilia Milk 32% milk beans (val6367) 20 kg 0.00 20 kg 0.00 20 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238025 Valrhona Tropilia Milk 29% milk beans (val1964) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238026 Valrhona Tropilia White 29% white beans (val5439) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed BEAN MILK GRAND CRU 238017 Valrhona Tanariva Milk 33% Madagascar (val4659) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed BEAN MILK/WHITE 238007 Valrhona Andoa milk organic 39% beans (val7026) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 411146 Valrhona Bahibe Milk Lactee 46% beans 3 kg 0.00 411095 Valrhona Caramelia 35% beans 3 kg 0.00 238008 Valrhona Dulcy blond chocolate 32% beans (val9458) 3 kg 0.00 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 411106 Valrhona Guanaja Lactee 41% beans 3 kg 0.00 411096 Valrhona Ivory 35% beans 3 kg 0.00 411162 Valrhona Ivory 35% beans 1 kg 0.00 411168 Valrhona Jivara 40% beans 1 kg 0.00 411090 Valrhona Jivara Milk Lactee 40% beans 3 kg 0.00 411176 Valrhona Opalys 33% beans 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 BEAN PROFESSIONAL 238021 Valrhona Cacao Paste Extra 100% dark beans (val0134) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238020 Valrhona Equatorial Milk 35% dark beans (val4661) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 411094 Valrhona Equatoriale Noir 55% dark beans 3 kg 0.00 238019 Valrhona Extra Amer 67% dark beans (val4663) 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed BLOCK DARK 238006 Valrhona Café Noire 57% dark block (val0120) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238003 Valrhona Caraibe 66% dark block (val0107) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238002 Valrhona Guanaja 70% dark block (val0106) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238005 Valrhona Orange chocolate 56% dark block (val0122) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238004 Valrhona Xocoline sugar free 65% dark block (val5904) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed BLOCK DARK GRAND CRU 238018 Valrhona Manjari 64% Madagascar (val0117) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 44 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHOC & CONF Code Description Pack Size Price Valrhona Bahibe milk lactee 46% blocks 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 BLOCK MILK/WHITE 238010 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238011 Valrhona Ivory 35% blocks (val0140) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238009 Valrhona Jivara milk lactee 40% blocks (val0189) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed GIANDUJAS 238034 Valrhona Dark Choc Hazelnut 32% block (val2264) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 411032 Valrhona Milk Choc Giandujas 36% block 1 kg 0.00 238035 Valrhona Milk Choc Giandujas 36% block (val6963) 3 kg 0.00 4 kg 0.00 4 kg 0.00 4 kg 0.00 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed PASTES ALMOND 238038 Valrhona Almond Paste 33% (val5090) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238037 Valrhona Almond Paste Provence 50% (val3211) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238036 Valrhona Almond Paste Provence 70% (val3212) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed PRALINES 412612 Valrhona Almond Praline 55% in pouch 3 kg 0.00 238030 Valrhona Almond praline 60% (VAL10857) 3 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238031 Valrhona Almond Valencia Fruit Praline 70% Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238032 Valrhona Almond/Hazel Fruit Crunch Pr 50% (val5621) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238033 Valrhona Almond/Hazel l'Ancienne Pr 50% (val2263) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 411098 Valrhona Almond/Hazelnut Praline 50% 1.5 kg 0.00 411014 Valrhona Almond/Hazelnut Praline 60% in pouch 3 kg 0.00 411097 Valrhona Almond/Hazelnut Praline 66% 5 kg 0.00 238028 Valrhona Hazelnut Praline 50% (val2263) 5 kg 0.00 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 412608 Valrhona Hazelnut Praline 55% Pouch 3 kg 0.00 238029 Valrhona Hazelnut Praline 60% (VAL10862) 3 kg 0.00 6 x 1ltr 0.00 1 kg 0.00 1 kg 0.00 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed VAL.BEVERAGES 238053 Valrhona Celaya hot choc drink 17.5% choc (val3209) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238054 Valrhona Eclat Inst Coffee x 244 (dk ch 61%) (val5112) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238055 Valrhona Sq dk choc Guanaja 70g 200x5g (val0510) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 45 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHOC & CONF Code Description Pack Size Price Valrhona Crumble Framboise (val5118) 2 kg 0.00 2 kg 0.00 2 kg 0.00 2 kg 0.00 2 kg 0.00 2 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 1 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 1 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 Valrhona Soft Absolu-Glaze dark 39% 1 kg 0.00 Valrhona Caramelia choc pearls (val8425) 3 kg 0.00 2 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 4 kg 0.00 1.65 kg 0.00 3 kg 0.00 4 kg 0.00 VAL.CHOC CANDIES 238064 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238065 Valrhona Malakoff Lait (val0427) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238066 Valrhona Orangette (val0367) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238062 Valrhona Palet d'Or (val0368) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238063 Valrhona Rinette Lait (val0405) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238067 Valrhona Salted Butter Caramels (val4683) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed VAL.DECORATING & FIN 238042 Valrhona Absolu Cristal Glaz pst 36.5% sug (val5010) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238039 Valrhona Cocoa Nibs (100% cacao) (val3285) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238040 Valrhona Dark Choc Glazing paste 18.5% (val0150) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238068 Valrhona Dark chocolate flakes (val0185) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238041 Valrhona Milk Choc Glazing paste 4.5% (val0152) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 411138 VAL.FILLINGS 238047 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238052 Valrhona Clarified butter liqu99.9% con but (val5009) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238044 Valrhona Cocoa Butter (val0160) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238043 Valrhona Cocoa Powder (100%) (val0159) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238048 Valrhona Crunchy choc pearls 55% (val4719) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238046 Valrhona Dark choc pearls 55% (val4341) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238045 Valrhona Dark choc sticks 55% 300s 5.5g (val0171) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238050 Valrhona Dulcey crispy pearls (val10840) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238051 Valrhona Eclats d'Or plain ground crepes (val8029) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 46 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHOC & CONF Code Description Pack Size Price Valrhona Opaly crispy pearls (val10843) 3 kg 0.00 343 pce 0.00 441 pce 0.00 45 pce 0.00 504 x 2.7g 0.00 504 x 2.7g 0.00 504 x 2.7g 0.00 VAL.FILLINGS 238049 Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed VAL.GARNISH PRODUCTS 238056 Valrhona Dk choc Ovalis 55% mini shell 1.5g (val4324) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238057 Valrhona Dk choc Pyris 55% mini shell 1.5g (val4323) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238058 Valrhona Dk choc Solstic 55% half shell 11.g (val6409) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed VAL.TRUFFLE SHELLS 238059 Valrhona Truffle Shells dark (val1732) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238060 Valrhona Truffle Shells milk (val1733) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed 238061 Valrhona Truffle Shells white (val1734) Order Mon for Fri / Wed for week Wed Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 47 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 BAKING Code Description Pack Size Price 414043 Blinis Large 4s 0.00 414040 Blinis Mini 50 s 0.00 414041 Blinis Mini 16 s 0.00 415018 Brioche Sliced 500 g 0.00 415048 Carta Di Musica - Pane Carasau Carta Demi 500 g 0.00 415002 Pain Poilane Bread Decorated - pre order only - 2.4 kg 0.00 415001 Pain Poilane Bread Original (sliced) 1.9 kg 0.00 415000 Pain Poilane Bread Original (Whole) 1.9 kg 0.00 415010 Pain Poilane Bread Raisin Long (sliced) 600 g 0.00 415009 Pain Poilane Bread Raisin Long (Whole) 600 g 0.00 415005 Pain Poilane Bread Rye round (sliced) 900 g 0.00 415004 Pain Poilane Bread Rye round (smaller variety sliced) 300 g 0.00 415003 Pain Poilane Bread Rye round (smaller variety Whole) 900 g 0.00 415011 Pain Poilane Bread Small Raisin (Whole) 60 g 0.00 415007 Pain Poilane Bread Walnut (sliced) 300 g 0.00 415006 Pain Poilane Bread Walnut (Whole) 300 g 0.00 415057 Pain Poilane Bread with pepper 350 g 0.00 350 g 0.00 BLINIS BREAD pepper flavour is not too strong 415058 Pain Poilane Bread with pepper sliced CONF.BISCUITS & CAKE 412537 Amaretti Biscuit hard Laz 600 g 0.00 412530 Amaretti Biscuit soft 46p 900 g 0.00 412540 Galette Natural Biscuits - Jos Peron - 180 g 0.00 415029 Genoise Sheets Nature Feuille 14 x 8mm 0.00 412522 Langue Chat Biscuit (cat's tongue) 24 x 100g 0.00 415033 Macaroons Assorted 72 s 0.00 415045 Madeleines mini x100 100 s 0.00 415027 Pain d'epices 30% Honey (gingerbread) 2 kg 0.00 415031 Pain d'Epices a l'Ancienne Sliced (gingerbread) 500 g 0.00 412050 Pavesini Biscuit 12 x 200g 0.00 412094 Savoiardi Biscuit 10 x 500g 0.00 412542 Speculoos Biscuit x 300 pce 300 x 10g 0.00 231027 Cotswold Farmhouse Wholemeal Flour 16 kg 0.00 231028 Cotswold Crunch Flour Mix 16 kg 0.00 231026 Cotswold Windrush Strong White Flour 16 kg 0.00 231045 Flour Wychwood- UK 16 kg 0.00 FLOUR FLOUR MOULBIE STOCK 231013 Pain de Campagne Flour 25 kg 0.00 231006 T45 Violet Flour 25 kg 0.00 231008 T55 Blanche Flour 25 kg 0.00 231002 T55 OR Bread Flour 25 kg 0.00 FLOUR MOULBIE TO ORD 231018 Baguette Mix 25 kg 0.00 231010 Campagrain Flour (4 cereal) 25 kg 0.00 231009 Campaillou Flour 25 kg 0.00 231017 Ciabatta Mix 25 kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 48 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 BAKING Code Description Pack Size Price FLOUR MOULBIE TO ORD 231016 Pain Complet Wholemeal Bread Flour 25 kg 0.00 231012 Pain Five Cereals Flour 25 kg 0.00 231001 T150 De Meule Wholemeal Stoneground Wheat Flour 25 kg 0.00 231003 T150 Ruban Brun Soft Wholemeal Flour 25 kg 0.00 231015 T170 Dark Wholemeal Rye Flour 25 kg 0.00 231007 T45 Gruavert Flour for croissants 25 kg 0.00 231011 T65 Campaillette Flour 25 kg 0.00 231005 T85 De Meule Stoneground Wheat Flour 25 kg 0.00 231014 T85 Light White Rye Flour 25 kg 0.00 412523 Biscuit Powder "Rose de Reims" 175 g 0.00 414030 Buckwheat Flour 1 kg 0.00 414052 Chick Pea Flour 500 g 0.00 414076 Gialla 00 Pizza Flour -Thin & Crispy- 10 kg 0.00 414095 Hazelnut flour THIERCELIN 500 g 0.00 FLOUR OTHER 100% hazelnut; 0% gluten. 414085 Pasta Flour Mugnaio (Milano Spidoni) 5 kg 0.00 414099 Potato Flour (Fecule) 1 kg 0.00 414070 Rice Flour white extra fine 400 g 0.00 414075 Semolina flour extra fine 5 kg 0.00 231031 T00 Pasta Flour 1.5 kg 0.00 414093 Wild chestnut flour THIERCELIN 500 g 0.00 500 g 0.00 100% wild chestnut; 0% gluten. 414094 Wild chestnut flower smoked THIERCELIN OUT OF STOCK Ingredients: 100% wild chestnut flour; natural smoked flavour; 0% gluten. PASTRY 414038 Brick pastry 25s 0.00 414056 Pastry Filo Shredded (Angel Hair) 500 g 0.00 414036 Pastry fresh Filo 500 g 0.00 414034 Pastry fresh Puff 3 kg 0.00 414035 Pastry fresh Short Crust 3 kg 0.00 414045 Puff Pastry Rolls 4.2 kg 0.00 414079 Short crust Pastry roll 4.2 kg 0.00 414039 Won Ton Skins 250 g 0.00 414064 Canape Shells Rustic 4.5cm x 1.4cm 192 s 0.00 414069 Coupelle Shells Natural 4cm x 1.8cm 240 s 0.00 414053 Mini Tartlettes Savory 240 s 0.00 414081 Mini Tartlettes Sweet 240 s 0.00 414088 The Painters Pallet with savoury coloured mini cones 96 s 0.00 414087 The Painters Pallet with savoury mini cones 112 s 0.00 414051 Vol-au-Vent Mini Cases 240 s 0.00 Yeast fresh Springer multi-pack 5 x 500g 0.00 PASTRY CASES YEAST 414104 a pack of 5 blocks for better transport (and a longer life until opened) Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 49 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist 6 February 2015 For Delivery On: DRIED FRUIT AND NUTS Code Description Pack Size Price 424078 Apricot dried No 1 2013 5 kg 0.00 424055 Apricot dried No2 2014 5 kg 0.00 424071 Apricot Natural dried No1 no SO2 2012 5 kg 0.00 424093 Barberry Iran (Epine Vinette) 50 g 0.00 DRIED FRUIT Acidic berries, tart and refreshing flavour 233067 Cranberries dried 1 kg 0.00 417025 Crystalised Ginger 1 kg 0.00 424066 Currants 1 kg 0.00 233099 Dessicated Coconut 1 kg 0.00 417055 Dried Peach halves 12.5 kg 0.00 417054 Dried Pears 12.5 kg 0.00 233083 Golden raisins 1 kg 0.00 424072 Golden soft Raisins (Jumbo) 1 kg 0.00 417024 Mirabelle Plum without stone 1.6 kg 0.00 424070 Prune d'Agen 28/33 no preservative 5 kg 0.00 424056 Prune soft dried 28/33 35% 10 kg 0.00 435065 Tropical Fruit mix 2 kg 0.00 424000 Soft Dried Apricot 40% humidity 2.5 kg 0.00 424001 Soft Dried Banana 5 kg 0.00 DRIED SOFT FRUIT soft and white dried baby bananas 424003 Soft Dried Honey Figs 40% humidity 2.5 kg 0.00 424013 Soft Dried Kiwi slices 2.5 kg 0.00 417067 Soft Dried Mango 2.5 kg 0.00 424005 Soft Dried Papaya cubes 2.5 kg 0.00 424007 Soft Dried Pear 5 kg 0.00 424073 Soft Dried Pineapple sliced 2.5 kg 0.00 424059 Soft Dried Prune d'Agen Jumbo 25/30 42% humidity 2.5 kg 0.00 233098 Soft Dried Prune d'Agen pitted 1 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 5 kg 0.00 NUT DENOTEKRAKER 435074 Apero nut mix + VAT Superb range of bar snacks direct from Belgium 435071 Horeca Mix + VAT Superb range of bar snacks direct from Belgium NUTS & SEEDS 233068 Almonds blanched 1 kg 0.00 233069 Almonds flaked 1 kg 0.00 233070 Almonds ground 1 kg 0.00 233003 Almonds raw skin on 1 kg 0.00 435069 Almonds smoked and grilled vac pac 1 kg 0.00 435081 Almonds sugared and with sesame seeds 5 kg 0.00 435082 Brazil nuts whole shelled 5 kg 0.00 233071 Cashews whole 1 kg 0.00 251026 Hazelnuts blanched + VAT "lightly roasted" 1 kg 0.00 233078 Hazelnuts ground 1 kg 0.00 435064 Japanese Rice Crackers 1.2 kg 0.00 233074 Macadamia jumbo halves 1 kg 0.00 435079 Macadamia whole Kenya 5 kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 50 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist 6 February 2015 For Delivery On: DRIED FRUIT AND NUTS Code Description Pack Size Price 435077 Marcona Almonds blanched & fried with paprika 2.3 kg 0.00 416010 Marcona Almonds blanched, fried & salted 2.3 kg 0.00 435076 Marcona Almonds shelled, fried & salted 2.3 kg 0.00 NUTS & SEEDS with the skin left on for a stronger flavour 233102 Mendiant whole nut mix 4 kg 0.00 435067 Mexican Spiced Nut Mix 1 kg 0.00 435063 Mixed Fruit and Nuts 2 kg 0.00 435083 Mixed Nuts King Mix 5 kg 0.00 4 kg 0.00 4 kg 0.00 pecan, macadamia, brazil, walnut, hazelnut, almond 435003 Mixed Nuts salted Premium Mix peanut, cashew, almond, macadamia 435080 Peanuts multi-coloured with Wasabi four appealing colours 233075 Pecan Halves 1 kg 0.00 233002 Pine Nuts/Kernals Large Chinese (600) 1 kg 0.00 435002 Pistachio roasted & salted USA 5 kg 0.00 233001 Pistachios whole peeled dark green Iran 1 kg 0.00 435001 Walnut halves in tray from Quercy France 3 kg 0.00 233088 Walnut halves light California 1 kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 51 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 FRUIT PRODUCTS Code Description Pack Size Price 422027 Quince Jelly 220 g 0.00 422000 Quince Paste 5 kg 0.00 422024 Quince Paste 250 g 0.00 416046 Redcurrant Jelly 52% fruit content 1 kg 0.00 CONSERVES JELLY CONSERVES/HONEY/SYRU 416044 Breakfast Conserve 4 Red Berry 52% fruit content 80 x 28g 0.00 416047 Breakfast Conserve Apricot 52% fruit content 80 x 28g 0.00 416048 Breakfast Conserve Blueberry 52% fruit content 80 x 28g 0.00 416043 Breakfast Conserve Marmalade 45% fruit content 80 x 28g 0.00 416042 Breakfast Conserve Strawberry 52% fruit content 80 x 28g 0.00 416045 Breakfast Honey Acacia 80 x 28g 0.00 416071 Breakfast Honey Mixed Flowers 80 x 28g 0.00 416003 Conserve Apricot 56% fruit content 1 kg 0.00 416004 Conserve Blueberry 52% fruit content 1 kg 0.00 416005 Conserve Fig 50% fruit content 1 kg 0.00 416006 Conserve Marmalade 40% fruit content 1 kg 0.00 416008 Conserve Raspberry 50% fruit content 1 kg 0.00 416009 Conserve Strawberry 54% fruit content 1 kg 0.00 416001 Honey Acacia Hungary 1 kg 0.00 231178 Honey Eucalyptus 330 g 0.00 231179 Honey Lavander 330 g 0.00 231180 Honey Orange Blossom 330 g 0.00 231181 Honey Rosemary 330 g 0.00 231182 Honey Thousand Flowers 330 g 0.00 416002 Honey Wild Flower 1 kg 0.00 231183 Honey Wild Forest 330 g 0.00 422021 Honey with Truffle 110 g 0.00 416000 Honeycomb Natural (approx. 500g) punnet 0.00 231199 Honeycomb Orange Blossom 180-220g 0.00 234091 Honeycomb whole plaque in the frame from Spain 2.5 Kg+ 0.00 416021 Syrup Maple 250 ml 0.00 416022 Syrup Maple 1 ltr 0.00 417026 Candid Lemon peel strips 1 kg 0.00 417027 Candid Orange peel strips 1 kg 0.00 417043 Cherries Bigarreaux stoned in syrup (drained 935g) 1.6 kg 0.00 417000 Lemon Confit (preserved) 2.5 kg 0.00 413021 Italian lemon juice LimOnlì from Sicily 200 ml 0.00 413022 Italian sweet lemon Juice LimOnlì from Sicily 200 ml 0.00 413002 Lemon Juice glass bottle SAMRA 750 ml 0.00 413003 Lemon Juice plastic bottle 1 ltr 0.00 413001 Lemon juice PULCO 700 ml 0.00 413000 Lime Juice PULCO 700 ml 0.00 413008 Orange Juice PULCO 720 ml 0.00 421206 Pickled Pink Ginger 1 kg 0.00 421200 Yuzu Juice 360 ml 0.00 416089 Yuzu Marmalade 1 kg 0.00 416090 Yuzu Marmalade 550 g 0.00 FRUIT CONFIT FRUIT JUICE Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 52 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 FRUIT PRODUCTS Code Description Pack Size Price FRUIT JUICE ANDROS 413004 Apple Juice ANDROS 6 x 1Ltr 0.00 413007 Blood Orange Juice ANDROS 6 x 1Ltr 0.00 413012 Clementine Juice ANDROS 6 x 1Ltr 0.00 413014 Clementine to sub Citrus Mix ANDROS 6 x 1Ltr 0.00 413013 Grape Muscat Juice ANDROS 6 x 1Ltr 0.00 413010 Lemon Juice ANDROS 6 x 1Ltr 0.00 413006 Orange Juice ANDROS 6 x 1Ltr 0.00 413011 Pineapple Juice ANDROS 6 x 1Ltr 0.00 413005 Red Grapefruit Juice ANDROS 6 x 1Ltr 0.00 413015 Tropical Mix (Orange,Banana,Pineapple) ANDROS 6 x 1Ltr 0.00 425001 Original Griottines 15% 1 ltr 0.00 425003 Original Griottines 15% 3 ltr 0.00 425002 Original Griottines 15% (plastic) 1 ltr 0.00 417004 Apricots in syrup tinned 800 g 0.00 417002 Baby Apples tinned 425 g 0.00 417001 Baby Pears tinned 420 g 0.00 417045 Mandarine segments in syrup 2.4 kg 0.00 417044 Plums Quetche Blue stoned in syrup (drained 935g) 1.6 kg 0.00 2.5 ltr 0.00 GRIOTTINES TINNED FRUIT VERGERS DE GASCOGNE 417058 Apples mini in calvados approx 110 pieces VDG the hallmark of quality tinned fruits. 417063 Cherries stoned black in syrup approx 250 pieces 2.5 ltr 0.00 417064 Fig purple from Sollies in Armagnac approx 40 pieces 2.5 ltr 0.00 417059 Peach white whole in syrup approx 10 pieces 2.5 ltr 0.00 417060 Pears mini in eau vie approx 30 pieces 2.5 ltr 0.00 417065 Pears William whole in syrup 10 pieces 1.1 ltr 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 53 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 PUREE Code Description Pack Size Price PUREE BOIRON BULK 421051 Boiron Apricot Puree S/A 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421052 Boiron Banana Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421056 Boiron Black Cherry Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421054 Boiron Blackberry Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421053 Boiron Blackcurrant Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421078 Boiron Blood Peach Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421055 Boiron Blueberry Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421058 Boiron Coconut Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421050 Boiron Green Apple Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421061 Boiron Guava Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421171 Boiron Lychee Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421067 Boiron Mango Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421068 Boiron Melon (Charentais) Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421165 Boiron Melon Green (Galia) Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421138 Boiron Mirabelle Plum Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421057 Boiron Morello Cherry Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421070 Boiron Passionfruit Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421073 Boiron Pear Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421074 Boiron Pineapple Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421137 Boiron Pomegranate Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421077 Boiron Raspberry Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421169 Boiron Raspberry Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 54 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 PUREE Code Description Pack Size Price PUREE BOIRON BULK 421079 Boiron Redcurrant Puree S/A 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1Kg 0.00 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421080 Boiron Rhubarb Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421081 Boiron Strawberry Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421168 Boiron Strawberry Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421072 Boiron White Peach Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421084 Boiron Wild Strawberry Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421173 Boiron Blood Orange Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421136 Boiron Chestnut & Vanilla Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421088 Boiron Kalamansi Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421062 Boiron Kiwi Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421063 Boiron Lemon Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421064 Boiron Lime Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421066 Boiron Manderine Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421075 Boiron Pink Grapefruit Puree S/A 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421076 Boiron Pumpkin Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday 421179 Boiron Red Pepper Puree 6x1kg bulk pre order Monday for Friday PUREE BOIRON RUNGIS 421091 Boiron Apricot Puree 1 kg 0.00 421208 Boiron Asparagus Puree 1 kg 0.00 421092 Boiron Banana Puree 1 kg 0.00 421193 Boiron Bergamot Puree 1 kg 0.00 421115 Boiron Bitter Orange Puree 1 kg 0.00 421096 Boiron Black Cherry Puree 1 kg 0.00 421094 Boiron Blackberry Puree 1 kg 0.00 421093 Boiron Blackcurrant Puree 1 kg 0.00 421116 Boiron Blood Orange Puree 1 kg 0.00 421120 Boiron Blood Peach Puree 1 kg 0.00 421095 Boiron Blueberry Puree 1 kg 0.00 421099 Boiron Chestnut & Vanilla Puree 1 kg 0.00 421100 Boiron Coconut Puree 1 kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 55 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 PUREE Code Description Pack Size Price PUREE BOIRON RUNGIS 421164 Boiron Cucumber Puree 1 kg 0.00 421101 Boiron Fig (purple) Puree 1 kg 0.00 421189 Boiron Frozen Apricot Halves 1 kg 0.00 421090 Boiron Green Apple Puree 1 kg 0.00 421103 Boiron Guava Puree 1 kg 0.00 421104 Boiron Kalamansi Puree 1 kg 0.00 421105 Boiron Kiwi Puree 1 kg 0.00 421106 Boiron Lemon Puree 1 kg 0.00 421107 Boiron Lime Puree 1 kg 0.00 421108 Boiron Lychee Puree 1 kg 0.00 421109 Boiron Mandarin Puree 1 kg 0.00 421110 Boiron Mango Puree 1 kg 0.00 421112 Boiron Melon Charentais Puree 1 kg 0.00 421114 Boiron Mirabelle Plum Puree 1 kg 0.00 421117 Boiron Passionfruit Puree 1 kg 0.00 421119 Boiron Peach White Puree 1 kg 0.00 421121 Boiron Pear Puree 1 kg 0.00 421122 Boiron Pineapple Puree 1 kg 0.00 421123 Boiron Pink Grapefruit Puree 1 kg 0.00 421124 Boiron Pomegranate Puree 1 kg 0.00 421126 Boiron Raspberry Puree 1 kg 0.00 421163 Boiron Red Pepper Puree 1 kg 0.00 421128 Boiron Redcurrant Puree 1 kg 0.00 421129 Boiron Rhubarb Puree 1 kg 0.00 421097 Boiron Sour Cherry (morello) Puree 1 kg 0.00 421130 Boiron Strawberry Puree 1 kg 0.00 421133 Boiron Strawberry Wild (fraises des bois) Puree 1 kg 0.00 421162 Boiron Tomatoe Puree 1 kg 0.00 421207 Boiron Yuzu Puree 1 kg 0.00 Frozen whole Chestnut Boiron 1 kg 0.00 La Fruitiere Apricot Puree 1Ltr 0.00 1Ltr 0.00 an ever growing range of yuzu products 421183 PUREE-AMBIENT 421000 OUT OF STOCK 421008 La Fruitiere Mango Puree OUT OF STOCK 421009 La Fruitiere Passionfruit Puree 1Ltr 0.00 421013 La Fruitiere Raspberry Puree 1Ltr 0.00 421005 La Fruitiere Sour Morello Cherry Puree 1Ltr 0.00 OUT OF STOCK 421014 La Fruitiere Strawberry Puree 1Ltr 0.00 421010 La Fruitiere White Peach Puree 1Ltr 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 56 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SPICES,SEAS,SALTS Code Description Pack Size Price 444001 Madagascar Green Peppercorns (drained weight) 30 g 0.00 444002 Madagascar Green Peppercorns (drained weight) 100 g 0.00 444003 Madagascar Green Peppercorns (drained weight) 450 g 0.00 444007 Black Peppercorns Whole 1 kg 0.00 444006 Cracked Black Pepper 1 kg 0.00 444055 Cracked White Pepper 1 kg 0.00 444056 Devil's Hair Pepper (Chevreux du Diable) 25 g 0.00 FRESH PEPPER PEPPER Bright red thin filaments with a bit of heat in the flavour SALT 445041 Black Lava Salt Hawaii 50 g 0.00 445029 Cepe flavoured Maldon salt 100 g 0.00 445008 Coarse Salt from Guerande in a plastic bag 1 kg 0.00 445009 Coarse Salt from Guerande in a plastic bag 10 kg 0.00 445004 Coarse Sea Salt 5 kg 0.00 445013 Course Salt from Guerande 10 kg 0.00 445006 Fine Salt from Guerande 500 g 0.00 445003 Fine Sea Salt 5 kg 0.00 445007 Fleur de sel de Camargue (salt flakes in drum) 1 kg 0.00 445011 Fleur de sel de Camargue (salt flakes in drum) 125 g 0.00 445000 Pink Salt Crystals 315 g 0.00 445040 Pink Salt Fox Rose NR 13 2kg Tub 2 kg 0.00 445001 Pink Salt Ground 1 kg 0.00 445035 Gourmet Salt flakes 150 g 0.00 445036 Himalayan pink salt crystals 1 kg 0.00 Saphire Salt Blue Diamond from Persia NEW 320 g 0.00 Chimichurri mix Argentina 50 g 0.00 50 g 0.00 SALT THIERCELIN Ingredients: Coarse rock pink salt and nothing else. 445030 SPICE 446159 is made from finely chopped parsley, minced garlic, olive oil, oregano 444057 Wattleseed Roasted SPICE PIMENT DE ESPL 446077 Piment d Espelette Powder 2012/2013 1 kg 0.00 446091 Piment d Espelette Powder 2012/2013 50 g 0.00 446092 Piment d Espelette Powder 2012/2013 250 g 0.00 234000 Saffron Coupe Spanish 1g 0.00 234077 Saffron Iranian best quality 10 g 0.00 446102 Saffron stamens from Thiercelin, the very best 8g 0.00 85 g 0.00 200 g 0.00 SPICE SAFFRON Thiercelin's signature product from 204 years! THIERCELIN BLENDS 446133 Aphrodite rose powder (1) Ingredients: Rose; ginger; saffron. 446036 Barbecue Blend Powder (2) Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 57 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SPICES,SEAS,SALTS Code Description Pack Size Price THIERCELIN BLENDS 446094 Cajun spice powder (3) 170 g 0.00 Ingredients: pepper; cumin; paprika; birdseye chillies; garlic; onion; oregano; thyme. 446116 Chipotle Chilli Powder (4) 190 g 0.00 446127 Cornarom (5) 170 g 0.00 100 g 0.00 Ingredients: red pepper; green pepper; cumin; yellow mustard; paprika; cardamon; onion. 446134 Curry 1001 nites powder (6) Ingredients: turmeric; coriander; cumin; mustard; ginger; fenugreek; pepper; hot chilli; tarragon, garlic, onion; fennel; cloves; bay; cinnamon; nutmeg; celery, salt and rose petals. 446117 Curry Black Pearl Powder (7) 130 g 0.00 Our Curry Black Pearl is blended from curcuma tumeric, hot chillies, ginger, coriander, cumin, mustard, black pepper, fenugreek, tarragon and curry leaves – a perfect blend! The rich black colour is entirely natural. 446037 Curry Colombo powder (8) 170 g 0.00 130 g 0.00 150 g 0.00 150 g 0.00 130 g 0.00 120 g 0.00 120 g 0.00 A blend of turmeric; coriander; cumin; pepper; bay; fenugreek; cinnamon; salt. 446038 Curry Madras powder (9) Ingredients: turmeric; hot chilli; ginger; coriander; cumin; mustard; black pepper; fenugreek; curry leaf; salt. 446040 Five spices powder (10) Ingredients: star anise; sechuan pepper; cinnamon; fennel; cloves. 446041 Four spices powder (11) Ingredients: black pepper; nutmeg; cloves; cinnamon. 446042 Garam Masala powder (12) Ingredients: coriander; cumin; all spice; pepper; cinnamon; cardamon; bay; ginger; mace; cloves; nutmeg 446043 Ginger bread blend powder (13) Ingredients: Cinnamon; coriander; cloves; ginger; star anise. 446132 Heavan’s cocktail powder (14) Ingredients: verbena; tonka beans. 446135 Karnataka curry mango powder (15) 150 g 0.00 446044 Marinade powder (16) 130 g 0.00 Ingredients: bay leaf; Jamaican chillies; black pepper; coriander; ginger; dill; celery seeds; hot chilli powder; star anise. 446136 Methi Masala red powder (17) 170 g 0.00 90 g 0.00 170 g 0.00 130 g 0.00 Ingredients: yellow mustard; chilli; fenugreek; asafoetida powder. 446131 Oriental rose powder (18) Ingredients: Rose; sechuan pepper. 446046 Pharoan blend crushed (19) Ingredients: sesame; coriander; cumin; hazelnut, hot chilli; coarse salt. 446048 Raz el Hanout du Roy crushed (20) Ingredients: mixed crushed spices; cloves; all spice; nutmeg; mace; cinammon; zedoary; ginger; galangal; cardamon; melegueta; cumin; coriander; long pepper; lavender; rose; nigella; monk pepper; tiger nut. 446047 Raz el Hanout powder (21) 140 g 0.00 Ingredients: turmeric; coriander; cumin; mustard; ginger; pepper; fenugreek; hot chillies; tarragon; garlic; fennel; bay; cinnamon; salt. 446049 Sate powder (22) 180 g 0.00 200 g 0.00 Ingredients: hot chilli; peanut; sesame; shallot; garlic; rapeseed oil; glutamate; sugar and salt. 446129 Sweet Tajines powder (23) Ingredients: sugar; turmeric; ginger; cinnamon; black pepper; salt. Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 58 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SPICES,SEAS,SALTS Code Description Pack Size Price THIERCELIN BLENDS 446050 Tandoori Masala powder (24) 160 g 0.00 Ingredients: coriander; fenugreek; salt; cinnamon; cumin; pepper; onion; ginger; cloves; garlic; bay; nutmeg; celery; colourants E124 & E102 446051 Vadovan Masala crushed (25) 160 g 0.00 170 g 0.00 Ingredients: cumin; fenugreek; lentils; mustard grains; garlic; turmeric; curry leaves; sunflower oil; onion. THIERCELIN PEPPER 444024 4 Age of Peppercorns (26) Ingredients; black Sarawak peppercorns; black Kerala peppercorns; white Muntoc peppercorns; white Malabr peppercorns; green peppercorns; red Pondichery peppercorns. 444020 All Spice Jamaican Peppercorns (27) 120 g 0.00 444021 Black Kerala Peppercorns (28) 170 g 0.00 444022 Black Sarawak Peppercorns (29) 180 g 0.00 444031 Black Tellichery Peppercorns (30) 170 g 0.00 444044 Black Timut de Nepal Peppercorn (31) 70 g 0.00 444023 Cubebe Peppercorns (32) 120 g 0.00 444049 Damas peppers ground (33) 160 g 0.00 Ingredients: black Sarawak pepper; rose petals; long peppers; white Sarawak pepper; red Pondichery pepper; pepper of Tasmania; pepper Selim; peppers Cubebe; green pepper; pepper Sechuan. 444050 Five pepper berries (34) 150 g 0.00 444051 Indiana pepper berries (35) 180 g 0.00 444047 Kerala green peppercorns (36) 100 g 0.00 444048 Lemon pepper Kaffir lime(combava) crushed (37) 170 g 0.00 A blend of black and white Sarawak peppercorns with Combava Kaffir lime. 444026 Long Peppercorns (38) 130 g 0.00 444027 Pink Peppercorns (39) 80 g 0.00 444028 Red Pondichery Peppercorns (40) 170 g 0.00 444046 Sarawak white peppercorns (41) 200 g 0.00 444029 Sichuan Peppercorns (42) 70 g 0.00 444030 Tasmania Peppercorns (43) 125 g 0.00 444032 White Malabar Peppercorns (44) 180 g 0.00 444033 White Muntoc Peppercorns (45) 200 g 0.00 THIERCELIN POWDER 446032 Cayenne Chilli Powder (46) 160 g 0.00 446025 Cinnamon Powder (47) 160 g 0.00 446026 Cumin Powder (48) 110 g 0.00 446027 Curcuma (Tumeric) Powder (49) 160 g 0.00 446029 Ginger Powder (50) 120 g 0.00 446030 Liquorice Powder (51) 150 g 0.00 446031 Nutmeg Powder (52) 160 g 0.00 446028 Piment d'Espelette Powder (53) 170 g 0.00 446033 Smoked Pimento Powder (54) 160 g 0.00 OUT OF STOCK 446024 Star Anis Powder (55) 110 g 0.00 446034 Sumac Powder (56) 200 g 0.00 500 g 0.00 OUT OF STOCK THIERCELIN SEASONING 462039 Dried Garlic Flake Ingredients: Garlic and nothing else! Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 59 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SPICES,SEAS,SALTS Code Description Pack Size Price THIERCELIN SEASONING 462038 Dried Onion Flake 500 g 0.00 250 g 0.00 450 g 0.00 Ingredients: Onions and nothing else! 446140 Pizza spice seasoning Ingredients: alora sweet chilli; wild oregano; marjoram; marrow; hot chilli; sea salt. THIERCELIN SPICE MIX 446141 Butchers Grill mix spice Ingredients: fleur de sel de mer; coriander; onion; red pepper; rosemary; thyme of Provence; Sicilian fennel. 446139 Meat lovers spice mix 400 g 0.00 Ingredients: fleur de sel; white sesame; savoury; rosemary; garlic leaves; paprika; coriander; onion; cumin; garlic. 446130 Speculos spice mix (78) 150 g 0.00 450 g 0.00 130 g 0.00 Ingredients: cinnamon; cloves 446138 Sultan Seafood spice mix Ingredients: cumin; coriander; turmeric; onion; garlic; cassia cinnamon; ginger; ravensara. 446128 Sweet cacao grill mix (79) Ingredients: cocoa beans; cinnamon; pink berries; tonka beans; grains of paradise; lavender; chilli. THIERCELIN SPICES 446009 Aniseed seeds (57) 120 g 0.00 446123 Caraway seeds (58) 150 g 0.00 446103 Cardamon black pods (59) 120 g 0.00 446010 Cardamon green pods (60) 120 g 0.00 446124 Celery seeds (61) 150 g 0.00 446013 Coriander lemon seeds (62) 100 g 0.00 446012 Coriander seeds (63) 100 g 0.00 446014 Cumin seeds (64) 130 g 0.00 446016 Fennel seeds "wild" (66) 130 g 0.00 446015 Fennel seeds (65) 100 g 0.00 446017 Fenugreek seeds (67) 240 g 0.00 446018 Juniper berries (68) 100 g 0.00 OUT OF STOCK 446126 Maniguette pepper seed (bird of paradise seeds) (69) 200 g 0.00 446020 Mustard black seeds (70) 220 g 0.00 446021 Mustard yellow seeds (71) 220 g 0.00 412618 Ceylon cinnamon sticks 22cm long 250 g 0.00 412619 Ceylon cinnamon sticks 22cm long 500 g 0.00 446125 Mace petals (72) 40 g 0.00 446022 Nutmeg Whole (73) 170 g 0.00 446008 Star Anis (74) 60 g 0.00 THIERCELIN WHOLE OUT OF STOCK 434043 Tonka Beans (75) 180 g 0.00 446023 Whole Cayenne Chilli (76) 60 g 0.00 446011 Whole Cloves (77) 90 g 0.00 WILD POLLEN,FLOWERS 446079 Blue cornflowers dry edible flower (pet 1L) 15 g 0.00 446089 Blue cornflowers dry edible flower 1L pet 50 g 0.00 446067 Hibiscus dry edible flower (pet 1L) 140 g 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 60 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SPICES,SEAS,SALTS Code Description Pack Size Price WILD POLLEN,FLOWERS 446006 Lavander dry edible flower (pet 1L) 100 g 0.00 446146 Mixed dried edible flowers (Terre Exotic) 100 g 0.00 446090 Safflower (carthame) dry edible flower (pet 1L) 120 g 0.00 231195 Wild Dill Pollen 28 g 0.00 231196 Wild Fennel Pollen 28 g 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 61 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 RICE & PULSES Code Description Pack Size Price 434050 Flageolet Bean V/P 2 kg 0.00 434049 Red Bean V/P 2.5 kg 0.00 434023 White Bean V/P 2.5 kg 0.00 434051 White Lentil V/P 2.5 kg 0.00 434020 Butter Beans 500 g 0.00 446149 Coco beans black THIERCELIN 700 g 0.00 434067 Coco beans pink THIERCELIN 700 g 0.00 434068 Coco beans white Lingot THIERCELIN 700 g 0.00 446148 Coco beans white THIERCELIN 700 g 0.00 434038 Haricot Chevrier green bean 1 kg 0.00 434059 Haricot Chevrier green bean 500 g 0.00 434037 Haricot de Soisson 500 g 0.00 434063 Haricot Lingot Bean 1 kg 0.00 434034 Haricot Lingot Mogette ( use with Noirmoutier pots) 5 kg 0.00 434054 Haricot Noir (Black) 1 kg 0.00 434061 Haricot Rouge (red bean) 1 kg 0.00 434062 Haricot Soisson giant boquet 500 g 0.00 434036 Haricot Soisson giant boquet red label 5 kg 0.00 434033 Haricot Tarbais white kidney beans (as Coco Paimpol) 5 kg 0.00 434058 Haricot Tarbais white kidney beans Red Label 500 g 0.00 434044 Lingot Bean 10 kg 0.00 414047 Bulgar wheat fine grain 1 kg 0.00 414048 Bulgar wheat large grain 1 kg 0.00 433009 Couscous fine grain 5 kg 0.00 433028 Couscous Large Grain (Fregola Sardinian) 12 x500g 0.00 433005 Couscous medium grain 1 kg 0.00 433010 Couscous medium grain 5 kg 0.00 433021 Polenta 1 kg 0.00 433013 Spelt Grain (Epeautre) 1 kg 0.00 434002 Chick Peas 10 kg 0.00 434021 Chick Peas 1 kg 0.00 434060 Dried White coco beans 1 kg 0.00 414044 Ebly Wheat 5 kg 0.00 434025 Green Lentils du Puy 500 g 0.00 434026 Green Lentils du Puy AOC 5 kg 0.00 434041 Lentils green du Berry red label extra class 5 kg 0.00 434065 Lentils green du Berry red label extra class 500 g 0.00 434069 Lentils green Du-Puy AOC THIERCELIN 1 kg 0.00 434039 Lentils whole blonde from Saint Flour 5 kg 0.00 Quinoa Black organic Thiercelin 500 g 0.00 BEANS COOKED BEANS DRIED GRAIN PULSES QUINOA 446137 Ingredients: Organic black quinoa grains. Nothing else! 414049 Quinoa grain Organic 2.5 kg 0.00 414096 Quinoa grain Organic 2.5kg 2.5 kg 0.00 233104 Quinoa Red 1 Kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 62 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 RICE & PULSES Code Description Pack Size Price 414097 Quinoa RED grain 500 g 0.00 233103 Quinoa White 1 kg 0.00 433025 Acquerello risotto Rice 1 kg 0.00 433026 Acquerello risotto Rice 2.5 kg 0.00 433027 Acquerello risotto Rice 500 g 0.00 433034 Acquerello risotto Rice 250 g 0.00 433035 Arborio Rice De Cecco 1 kg 0.00 433036 Arborio Rice Ducato 1 kg 0.00 433037 Arborio Rice Lucedio 0.5 kg 0.00 433000 Arborio Rice Tarantola 1 kg 0.00 433038 Basmati Rice 1kg 1 kg 0.00 433012 Black Rice Camargue 1 kg 0.00 433001 Carnaroli Rice 1 kg 0.00 433017 Organic Red Rice long complete Camargue 1 kg 0.00 433030 Rice Red Camargue Organic THIERCELIN 900 g 0.00 433032 Rice Wild 3 Grain Blend THIERCELIN 1 kg 0.00 433029 Wild Rice from Canada 500 g 0.00 233080 Poppy Seeds Blue 1 kg 0.00 233018 Pumpkin Seeds China 1 kg 0.00 233019 Sesame Seeds 1 kg 0.00 434064 Sesame seeds Black 550 g 0.00 233020 Sunflower Seeds 1 kg 0.00 434042 Sunflower seeds 3 kg 0.00 QUINOA RICE SEEDS Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 63 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MUSTARDS Code Description Pack Size Price 443027 Basil Mustard Fallot 210 g 0.00 443034 Dijon Mustard Fallot 210 g 0.00 443045 Dijon Mustard coarse grain glass jar Fallot 850 g 0.00 443035 Dijon Mustard smooth glass jar Fallot 850 g 0.00 443036 Dijon Mustard smooth plastic pail Fallot 1.1 kg 0.00 443066 Dijon Mustard smooth plastic pail Fallot 5 kg 0.00 443028 Dijon Mustard with white wine Fallot 210 g 0.00 443021 Gingerbread Mustard Fallot 210 g 0.00 443029 Grain Mustard with White Wine Fallot 210 g 0.00 443022 Green Peppercorn Mustard Fallot 210 g 0.00 443023 Honey and Balsamic Mustard Fallot 210 g 0.00 443062 Mustard brown sweet Fallot 210 g 0.00 443024 Tarragon Green Mustard Fallot 210 g 0.00 MUSTARD FALLOT MUSTARD STANDARD 443031 Ancienne whole grain Dijon mustard plastic pail 1 kg 0.00 443001 Ancienne whole grain mustard Amor 5 kg 0.00 443064 Black truffle mustard 100 g 0.00 443025 Brive violet grape mustard 200 g 0.00 443037 Brive violet grape mustard glass jar 1 kg 0.00 443038 Italian fruit mustard 380 g 0.00 443065 Piemont d'Espelette grain mustard 180 g 0.00 443020 Pommery de Meaux mustard plastic pail 5 kg 0.00 443044 Savora Mustard pot 385 g 0.00 443000 Smooth Dijona mustard plastic pail 5 kg 0.00 Bearnaise Sauce 3ltr 0.00 SAUCE BERNAISE 448001 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 64 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 OILS Code Description Pack Size Price 441112 Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Orange (organic) 25 cl 0.00 Perigord extra virgin hazelnut oil 250 ml 0.00 250 ml 0.00 AIGUEVIVE NUT OIL 441098 Bottled for us in small batches this has to be the best hazelnut oil ever - like praline 441022 Perigord extra virgin walnut oil Bottled for us in small batches this has to be the best walnut oil ever - like wet walnuts. CARRIOLIVA OLIVE OIL 234007 Extra Virgin Olive Oil 5 ltr 0.00 234056 Pomace blend 5 ltr 0.00 Direct from Spanish family run business , we have dealt with for years CHATEAU D' ESTOUBLON 441079 E.V. Olive Oil AOC Berguette 500 ml 0.00 441089 E.V. Olive Oil AOC Bouteillan 500 ml 0.00 441080 E.V. Olive Oil AOC Grossane 500 ml 0.00 441081 E.V. Olive Oil AOC Picholine 500 ml 0.00 441088 E.V. Olive Oil AOC Salonenque 500 ml 0.00 441109 E.V. Olive Oil blend Vallee de Baux A.O.P 750 ml 0.00 This elegant olive oil cuvée of the olive varieties of Béruguette, Salonenque and Grossane makes an excellent companion to salads, vegetable, cheese, fine fish, crustaceans or just with a good baguette. EVERYDAY OILS 441034 Extra Virgin Olive Oil French 1 ltr 0.00 441097 Extra Virgin Olive Oil Glass French 1 ltr 0.00 441026 Le Blanc Almond Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441025 Le Blanc Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441027 Le Blanc Grapeseed Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441028 Le Blanc Hazelnut Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441029 Le Blanc Peanut Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441030 Le Blanc Pistachio Oil 500 ml 0.00 441031 Le Blanc Rapeseed Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441032 Le Blanc Sesame Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441033 Le Blanc Walnut Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441061 Almond Oil 250 ml 0.00 442039 Coconut Oil Organic 200 ml 0.00 441052 Grapeseed Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441070 Grapeseed Oil 500 ml 0.00 441068 Hazelnut Oil 500 ml 0.00 441021 Hazelnut Oil Tin 100% 500 ml 0.00 234095 Kentish Virgin Cobnut Oil 250 ml 0.00 J LEBLANC OILS NUT & GRAIN OILS We are pleased to now be offering this wonderfully fresh, fruity cold-pressed virgin cobnut oil direct from the producers at Hurstwood Farm in Kent. It is ideal for use as a finishing oil over salads, grilling fish or meat and suitable for flash-frying 447108 Macadamia Nut Oil 250 ml 0.00 441013 Peanut Oil 5 ltr 0.00 441035 Peanut Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441036 Pistachio Oil 250 ml 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 65 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 OILS Code Description Pack Size Price Pumpkin Seed Oil Golles 250 ml 0.00 NUT & GRAIN OILS 441073 Golles recommend trying this amazing oil blended with Golles Apple Balsamic vinegar. 441014 Rapeseed Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441015 Soya Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441055 Sunflower Oil 1 ltr 0.00 441065 Virgin Argan Oil 250 ml 0.00 441072 Virgin Sesame Oil 250 ml 0.00 441069 Walnut Oil 500 ml 0.00 441020 Walnut Oil Tin 100% 500 ml 0.00 234029 Extra Virgin Infused Chilli Oil 250 ml 0.00 441103 Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Basil from Sicily 250 ml 0.00 441102 Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Lemon from Sicily 250 ml 0.00 441105 Extra virgin Olive Oil with Manderin from Sicily 250 ml 0.00 441104 Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Rosemary from Sicily 250 ml 0.00 441096 Flavoured Basil infused olive Oil 250 ml 0.00 441074 Flavoured Extra Virgin Avocado Oil New Zealand 250 ml 0.00 441043 Olive Oil with Lemon 250 ml 0.00 441077 Olive Oil with Wasabi with cork stopper 250 ml 0.00 441085 Smoked Oil 500 ml 0.00 441093 Spray Olive Oil chillies & peppercorns 40 g 0.00 441078 Spray Olive Oil Grand Reserve Borges 250 ml 0.00 441091 Spray Olive Oil with basil aroma 40 g 0.00 441092 Spray Olive Oil with truffle aroma 40 g 0.00 441038 Trenwax spray oil (Light spray oil) 500 ml 0.00 441053 Black Truffle Oil 1 ltr 0.00 234083 Black Truffle Oil (T.Aestivum) 250 ml 0.00 441024 Italian white truffle Olive Oil infused aroma 250 ml 0.00 441054 White Truffle Oil 500 ml 0.00 234082 White Truffle Oil (T.Magnatum) 250 ml 0.00 SPECIALITY OILS SPRAY OILS TRUFFLE OIL Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 66 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 VINEGARS Code Description Pack Size Price Balsamic Crème (made of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena) 540 g 0.00 BALSAMIC CREME 442035 Created by the vintners at villa Modena as a finishing ingredient. 442058 Balsamic Crème glaze fig from Fini 215 ml 0.00 442057 Balsamic Crème glaze strawberry from Fini 215 ml 0.00 442059 Balsamic Crème glaze truffle from Fini 215 ml 0.00 442150 Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP 250 ml 0.00 442151 Aceto Balsamico tradizionale di modena AOP 100 ml 0.00 442029 Balsamic Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442030 Balsamic Vinegar 5yr old 1 ltr 0.00 442170 Balsamic Vinegar Extra Vecchio 25yr 100 ml 0.00 442169 Balsamic Vinegar Leonardi 20yr 100 ml 0.00 442171 Balsamic Vinegar Mazetti Aged 100 ml 0.00 442037 Balsamic White Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442032 Manicardi Balsamic Vinegar 12yr old 3* 250 ml 0.00 442033 Manicardi Balsamic Vinegar 21yr old 250 ml 0.00 442048 Manicardi Balsamic Vinegar 6yr old 1* 250 ml 0.00 442031 Manicardi Balsamic Vinegar 8yr old 2* 250 ml 0.00 442056 Spray Balsamic Modena special Reserve Borges 250 ml 0.00 442046 Spray Dark Balsamic Vinegar 250 ml 0.00 442045 Spray White Balsamic Vinegar 250 ml 0.00 442108 Apple Vinegar Spray Golles 125 ml 0.00 442131 Balsamic Apple Vinegar Spray Golles 125 ml 0.00 442134 Balsamic Wine Vinegar Spray Golles 125 ml 0.00 442119 Raspberry Vinegar Spray Golles 125 ml 0.00 442113 Rose Vinegar Spray Golles 125 ml 0.00 442125 Tomato Vinegar Spray Golles 125 ml 0.00 442129 White Balsamic wine Vin Spray Golles 125 ml 0.00 442115 White wine Vinegar Spray Golles 125 ml 0.00 BALSAMIC VINEGAR GOLLES SPRAY GOLLES VINEGARS 25CL 442107 Apple Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442121 Apricot Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442130 Balsamic Apple Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442132 Balsamic Pear Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442133 Balsamic Wine Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442116 Beer Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442120 Cherry Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442117 Pear Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442126 Plum Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442122 Quince Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442118 Raspberry Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442112 Rose wine Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442124 Tomato Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 442128 White Balsamic Vinegar Golles 250 ml 0.00 GOLLES VINEGARS 50CL 442106 Apple Vinegar Golles 500 ml 0.00 442110 Red Wine Vinegar Golles 500 ml 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 67 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 VINEGARS Code Description Pack Size Price GOLLES VINEGARS 50CL 442111 Rose wine Vinegar Golles 500 ml 0.00 442123 Tomato Vinegar Golles 500 ml 0.00 442127 White Balsamic wine Vinegar Golles 500 ml 0.00 442114 White wine Vinegar Golles 500 ml 0.00 5 ltr 0.00 GOLLES VINEGARS 5LTR 442157 Apple Vinegar Golles In making Alois Gölles vinegars only flawless fruit, fine wine, excellent beer or must from outstanding vintners are used. 442162 Quince Vinegar Golles 5 ltr 0.00 Only fully ripe and freshly picked fruit is used for Gölles fruit vinegars. Pressing is done in a careful manner, ensuring that the delicate taste of the Styrian fruit is preserved down to the last drop 442161 Raspberry Vinegar Golles 5 ltr 0.00 442158 Red Wine Vinegar Golles 5 ltr 0.00 Made from the juice of ripe ZWEIGELT grapes, no colourings/flavourings/additives. 6% ACIDITY 442159 Rose Vinegar Golles 5 ltr 0.00 442163 Tomato Vinegar Golles 5 ltr 0.00 442164 White Balsamic wine Vinegar Golles 5 ltr 0.00 Balsamic Vinegars from the house of Gölles are produced in the traditional manner, while also meeting the highest culinary demands. 442160 White wine Vinegar Golles 5 ltr 0.00 500 ml 0.00 500 ml 0.00 200 ml 0.00 Made from juice of ripe VELTLINER grape,no colourings/flavourings/additives . 6% ACIDITY MINUS 8 284006 8 Brix Verjus Red A twist of traditional verjus, burst of flavour with the sweet full flavours of grape. 284007 8 Brix Verjus White A twist of traditional verjus, burst of flavour with the sweet full flavours of grape. 284002 IP8 Beer Vinegar Richly sweet and balanced with zingy acidity; first there are intense flavours of roasted barley, brown sugar and sweet caramel followed by over-ripe pineapple, sweet grapefruit, biscuit and toasted pine nuts. Finish is lingering and complex with jasmine tea, melon, orange peel, and light soy sauce/miso paste notes. 284001 Maple 8 Brix Verjus 375 ml 0.00 Initially sweet with flavours of maple syrup, burnt sugar and maple candy; then shows a palate bracing edge of tangy acidity and notes of zingycitrus, green fruit and tart fresh sorrel. 284011 Minus 8 Concord8 Vinegar 200 ml 0.00 375 ml 0.00 100 ml 0.00 Concord grape vinegar with the fresh flavour of just-pressed grape juice, no aging 284008 Minus 8 Dehydr8 Wine Vinegar Vinegar made from the sweet wine of hand picked & air-dried Riesling grapes, aged in French Oak 284000 Minus 8 Ice Wine Vinegar Icewine vinegar from 8 grape varieties, barrel aged in French Oak solera system since 1997 284004 Minus 8 Ice Wine Vinegar 1 ltr 0.00 284005 Minus 8 Ice Wine Vinegar 4 ltr 0.00 284010 Minus 8 Ice Wine Vinegar 200 ml 0.00 284009 Minus 8 L8 Harvest Wine Vinegar 375 ml 0.00 Icewine vinegar from Vidal grapes picked in Winter, colder than -8°C, bottle aged VERJUS FRENCH 442090 Verjus from Burgundy by Edmund Fallot 750 ml 0.00 442004 Verjus from Perigord 320 ml 0.00 442005 Verjus from Perigord 750 ml 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 68 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 VINEGARS Code Description Pack Size Price 442099 Aged red wine (Oaked 2 month) Vinegar 1L 0.00 442063 Banyuls Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442174 Banyuls Vinegar Percheron Bros - Aged in Oak 500 ml 0.00 234053 Cabernet Sauvignon Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442060 Champagne Vinegar 1 ltr 0.00 442087 Chardonnay Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442038 Cherry Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442097 Chinese white rice Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442073 Cider Vinegar 1 ltr 0.00 442069 Fig Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442092 Japanese ginger Vinegar 250 ml 0.00 442093 Japanese rice Vinegar 250 ml 0.00 442064 Lemon & Lime Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442065 Lemon & Mint Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442094 Merlot grape Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442043 Raspberry Vinegar 1 ltr 0.00 442070 Raspberry Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442100 Red Wine Vinegar 1 ltr 0.00 442068 Shallot Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442061 Sherry Vinegar 1 ltr 0.00 185096 Shiso Purple Vinegar 20cl 0.00 442105 Spray sherry vinegar 40 g 0.00 442041 Tarragon Vinegar 1 ltr 0.00 442096 Tarragon Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442098 Truffle condiment Vinegar 500 ml 0.00 442178 Vinegar with mango pulp from France 200 ml 0.00 442177 Vinegar with Passion fruit pulp from France 200 ml 0.00 442172 Walnut Vinegar 500ml 500 ml 0.00 442055 White Wine Vinegar 1 ltr 0.00 VINEGAR Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 69 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MEDITERRANEAN Code Description Pack Size Price 447005 Caperberries net 690g/drained 350g 350 g 0.00 447093 Caperberry leaves 340 ml 0.00 447001 Capers Capote 840 g 0.00 447002 Capers Capucine 840 g 0.00 447004 Capers Extra Fine 840 g 0.00 447000 Capers Fine 840 g 0.00 447099 Capers Jumbo net 4kg/drained 2kg 2 kg 0.00 447003 Capers Non Pareilles 840 g 0.00 447079 Capers small in coarse salt - Capparis - 100 g 0.00 447105 Capers small in coarse salt -Delizie di Calabria- 150 g 0.00 451024 Choucroute Cooked 5/1 tin Christ 3.5 kg 0.00 451057 Choucroute Marinated in Champagne 800 g 0.00 451058 Choucroute Marinated in Champagne with Lardons 800 g 0.00 451026 Choucroute Raw 10 kg 0.00 447037 Cornichons Extra Large 40-45 Tinned 4 kg 0.00 447008 Cornichons medium 80-119 Tinned 4.1 kg 0.00 447007 Cornichons small 120-149 Tinned 4.1 kg 0.00 447006 Cornichons very small 150+ Tinned 4.1 kg 0.00 CAPERS CHOUCROUTE CORNICHONS DECORATION 412685 Parmesan Leaves decoration Autumn color 0.00 Nice edible decoration to Brighten your plate, HARISSA PASTE 422005 Harissa Paste 1/2 380 g 0.00 422004 Harissa Paste 1/6 135 g 0.00 422006 Harissa Paste 4/4 760 g 0.00 422018 Harissa Tube 70 g 0.00 Houmous 500 g 0.00 Parsley Marinated Mushrooms 3 kg 0.00 Pickled Mushrooms (Tris de Champignon) 2 kg 0.00 447067 Olives Black Coquillos 2 x 2.5kg 0.00 447032 Olives Black Kalamata Colossal 10/12 13kg 13 kg 0.00 447033 Olives Black Kalamata Giant with stone 2.5 kg 0.00 447069 Olives Black pitted marinated in sunflower oil & salt 5 kg 0.00 447019 Olives Black pitted tin 850 g 0.00 447092 Olives Giant green Cerignola with stone glass jar 3.1 kg 0.00 447102 Olives Green and Black pitted with Feta and Sun Dried Tomato 2 kg 0.00 HOUMOUS 433020 MUSHROOMS 464038 Greque mushrooms marinated with parsley in raspberry vinegar 451035 OLIVES green & black olives, feta, sun dried tomatoes, garlic, parsley and olive oil 447082 Olives Green pitted 8 kg 0.00 447021 Olives Green pitted tin 830 g 0.00 447022 Olives Green pitted tin 4 kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 70 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MEDITERRANEAN Code Description Pack Size Price 447103 Olives Green Provencal 1.25 kg 0.00 447063 Olives Green with Fennel 2 x 2.5kg 0.00 447076 Olives Green with lemon 2 x 2.5kg 0.00 447038 Olives Green with stone tin 4 kg 0.00 447090 Olives Italian Black Cerignola with stone 4 kg 0.00 447020 Olives Italian Black pitted 5 kg 0.00 447091 Olives Italian Sweet Green 3 kg 0.00 447036 Olives Large Green stuffed with Almond 3 kg 0.00 447016 Olives Large Green stuffed with Anchovies 2 kg 0.00 447017 Olives Large Green stuffed with Cheese 2 kg 0.00 447035 Olives Large Green stuffed with Garlic 2 kg 0.00 447010 Olives Large Green stuffed with Lemon Peel 2 kg 0.00 447011 Olives Large Green stuffed with Orange Peel 2 kg 0.00 447014 Olives Large Green stuffed with red pepper 3 kg 0.00 447015 Olives Large Green stuffed with Sun Dried Tomatoes 2 kg 0.00 447075 Olives Mexican 2 x 2.5kg 0.00 447065 Olives Moroccan 2 x 2.5kg 0.00 447062 Olives Panouze Cocktail Tahitian Style 2 x 2.5kg 0.00 447077 Olives Provencale 2 x 2.5kg 0.00 447064 Olives Siagalou Casse 2 x 2.5kg 0.00 447081 Olives Sicillian in brine 2.5 kg 0.00 447078 Olives stuffed with Garlic 1.25 kg 0.00 447080 Olives Tahitian in brine 2.5 kg 0.00 447107 Taggiasche Olives pitted in oil "Elena" 300 g 0.00 447095 Fresh Olives Luque Super Royale cal 22/25 3 kg 0.00 447096 Fresh Olives Picholine Cal 22/25 3 kg 0.00 Palm Hearts in Tins 4/4 800 g 0.00 Pesto Genovese 180 g 0.00 OLIVES OLIVES FRESH PALM HEARTS 451040 PESTO 452004 PRESERVED PEPPERS 451045 Pequilo peppers 540 g 0.00 451059 Pequilo peppers 975 g 0.00 451080 Red Florinis peppers stuffed with cheese 2 kg 0.00 444052 Red Pepperdew Peppers stuffed with cheese (small) 2 Kg 0.00 451002 Artichokes grilled & marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451003 Aubergine slices grilled & marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451064 Carrots sliced grilled & marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451027 Caviar of Aubergines Sud 'n' Sol 500 g 0.00 451079 Courgette slices (across) grilled & marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451004 Courgette slices (long) grilled & marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451001 Garlic Cloves marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451008 Mushrooms Greque grilled & marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451069 Peppers mixed tartare Sud 'n' Sol 900 g 0.00 451006 Peppers Red & Yellow grilled & marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451005 Peppers Red grilled & marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 SUD N SOL Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 71 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 MEDITERRANEAN Code Description Pack Size Price 451063 Pineapple grilled & marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451009 Speck & goats cheese marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451010 Speck & goats cheese small marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451073 Tapenade of Artichoke and Tomato Sud 'n' Sol 500 g 0.00 451078 Tapenade of Artichoke Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451077 Tapenade of Asparagus Sud 'n' Sol 500 g 0.00 451072 Tapenade of Courgette Sud 'n' Sol 500 g 0.00 451071 Tapenade of green Chick Peas with mint Sud 'n' Sol 500 g 0.00 451070 Tapenade of grilled mushrooms and cepe Sud 'n' Sol 500 g 0.00 451075 Tapenade of Olive and Tomato Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451076 Tapenade of Peppers Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451074 Tomatade Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451067 Tomato Cherry long marinated Sud 'n' Sol 500 g 0.00 451065 Tomato Cherry Yellow marinated Sud 'n' Sol 500 g 0.00 451068 Tomato Green marinated Sud 'n' Sol 500 g 0.00 451000 Tomato Sunblushed Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 451066 Tomato Yellow marinated Sud 'n' Sol 500 g 0.00 451007 Vegetables mixed grilled & marinated Sud 'n' Sol 1 kg 0.00 447025 Tapenade Black Olive 800 g 0.00 447088 Tapenade Black Olive 3.5 kg 0.00 447083 Tapenade Espelette 3.5 kg 0.00 447086 Tapenade Fig 3.5 kg 0.00 447026 Tapenade Green Olive 800 g 0.00 451017 Artichoke Hearts in brine 2.4 kg 0.00 451018 Chargrilled Aubergines 2.45 kg 0.00 451019 Chargrilled Sweet Red and Yellow Peppers 2.45 kg 0.00 451020 Onions in balsamic 2.6 kg 0.00 422028 Passata jar 700 g 0.00 448011 Passata Pomodoracchio 300 g 0.00 451056 Passata x 3 tins 7.5 kg 0.00 451023 Pomodoracchio (plum tomatoes in oil) 2.85 kg 0.00 451061 San Marzano Tinned Tomatoes 2.5 kg 0.00 235012 Semi Dried Tomatoes 1 kg 0.00 SUD N SOL TAPENADE TINNED VEG DI-VITA TOMATOES Genuine sweet Tomato flavour in sunflower oil and herbs. Promtion price for February VEG IN JARS 451030 Salsify in jar 720 ml 0.00 451031 Samphire in jar 850 ml 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 72 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 COWS CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Price 481314 Provolone Cheese Dulce approx 5kg per kg 0.00 481286 Provolone Cheese Piccante approx 5kg per kg 0.00 6 x 200g 0.00 4 x 250g 0.00 COWS CHEESE INDIVIDUAL AND SMALL 481036 Affine au Chablis (pasteurised) Orange rind washed in Chablis once a week; strong smell but mild, savory flavour 481312 Aisy Cendre (inpasteurised) semi-soft cheese produced in Burgundy region; coated with a thick layer of ash that gives a distinctive flavor and aroma 481001 Ami Chambertin (unpasteurised) 6 x 250g 0.00 Washed rind cheese from Burgundy; smooth white pate; a milder version of Epoisse 481009 Boulette Avesnes Red (pasteurised) 12 x 150g 0.00 481012 Boursin Boursault (pasteurised) 8 x 200g 0.00 481011 Boursin garlic & herb (pasteurised) 12 x 150g 0.00 481013 Boursin Poivre (pepper) (pasteurised) 12 x 150g 0.00 481015 Bresse Bleu (pasteurised) 10 x 250g 0.00 A creamy blue veined cheese from Burgundy that has none of the strength of flavour associated with blue cheese 481016 Bresse Bleu (pasteurised) 10 x 500g 0.00 A creamy blue veined cheese from Burgundy that has none of the strength of flavour associated with blue cheese 481017 Breton petit (pasteurised) 6 x 300g 0.00 481311 Brillat Savarin with truffle (pasteurised) 6 x 200g 0.00 15 x 250g 0.00 Brillat Savarin with summer truffle 481024 Camembert Joyaux Normand (pasteurised) White, bloomy rind over a hard, cumbly interior that matures to a smooth, runny and creamy pate that we all know 481029 Camembert Marie Harel (unpasteurised) 12 x 250g 0.00 Madame Harel is credited with the invention of camembert. Rustic and full-bodied. Hand ladled in the moulds 481154 Camembert Reaux/Pyrograve 12 x 250g 0.00 481030 Camembert Rustique (heat treated) 12 x 250g 0.00 481034 Caprice des Dieux (pasteurised) 12 x 200g 0.00 481035 Carre de Lest (pasteurised) 20 x 200g 0.00 6 x 250g 0.00 Square cheese from Lorraine; soft white mould; slightly smoked bacon flavour 481038 Chaource Hugerot (pasteurised) A round soft cheese from the Champagne-Ardenne region. Velvety white rind and very creamy salty nutty taste, that sharpens with age 481039 Chaource Petit Le Roux (unpasteurised) 6 x 250g 0.00 481052 Epoisse Gaugry AOC (unpasteurised) 6 x 250g 0.00 6 x 250g 0.00 6 x 200g 0.00 From the producer Gaugry, aka Laiterie de la Côte, darker rind. Located in Brochon, Gevrey 481053 Epoisse Germain Affine (pasteurised) The Germain Epoisse is a bit fruitier, with a slightly less pungent and salty flavour 481199 Langres Cremie (pasteurised) Pale orange washed rind; white and crumbly pate that leaves a complex flavour in the mouth 481067 Langres Mini Farmhouse (unpasteurised) 6 x 200g 0.00 481066 Langres Mini Saulxures x 180g 8 x 180g 0.00 481027 Le Cados Camembert & Calvados (unpasteurised) 6 x 250g 0.00 Calvados washed camambert coated in toasted breadcrumbs; very strong smell but the flavour is much milder! 481026 Le Cados mini Camembert & Calvados Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. 9 x 150g 0.00 Page 73 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 COWS CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Price INDIVIDUAL AND SMALL 481184 Le Welsche Haxaire 6 x 220g 0.00 Pale orange-tan rind, washed with Alsacian Marc de Gewurtztraminer. Soft, unctuous cheese, fruity, yeasty notes, strong smell and rich flavour 481070 Livarot petit Graindorge (pasteurised) 12 x 250g 0.00 Each wheel is washed in brine, coloured in annatto and matured for up to two months; soft, golden pate with little holes and springy texture 481069 Livarot petit Thebault 6 x 250g 0.00 481082 Munster Lisbeth petit (pasteurised) 8 x 125g 0.00 6 x 200g 0.00 Semi-soft rind-washed cheese produced by the Bongrain Group in the French region of Lorraine 481201 Neufchatel AOC paper wrap by Martin Jose (unpasteurised) Produced in Normandy it has a bloomy rind; a soft creamy pate with a flavour similar to camambert; mostly shaped into a heart 481083 Neufchatel Farmhouse (unpasteurised) 6 x 200g 0.00 481000 Pave d'Affinois (pasteurised) 6s 0.00 Double-cream cheese that where milk goes through 'ultra-filtration' to produce a brie like flavour but smoother and creamier; matured for just 2 weeks 481089 Petit Billy 45% Noyal (pasteurised) 6 x 180g 0.00 481196 Petit Epoisse Gaugry (unpasteurised) 9 x 70g 0.00 12 x 220g 0.00 Washed in Marc de Bourgogne to produce distinctive soft red colour; creamy, chewy and firm texture 481093 Pont l'Eveque petit (pasteurised) A square cheese with a white penecilin rind; very pale yellow pate with a stronger, full-bodied but similar flavour to camembert 481182 Soumaintrain Gaugry (unpasteurised) 6 x 300g 0.00 Burgundy region of France; soft, uncooked, and un-pressed pate has a distinct pungent yet sweet and creamy flavor from numerous washings with brine and Marc de Bourgogne 481106 St. Felicien ceramic dish (unpasteurised) 6 x 180g 0.00 Bloomy rind; delicate and soft pate; creamy taste; becomes very runny! 481145 St. Marcelin plastic dish (unpasteurised) 12 x 80g 0.00 481166 St. Marcelin refil (unpasteurised) 10 x 80g 0.00 481187 Trou Cru Berthaud (pasteurised) 10 x 60g 0.00 Same making and ripenning technology as the other bigger cheeses of A.O.C. Epoisses 481146 Vacherin Mont d'Or medium 8s 0.00 481147 Vacherin Mont d'Or mini 12 s 0.00 481113 Vieux Pané (pasteurised) 8 x 200g 0.00 each 0.00 Yellowish, creamy interior; rind covered in red and white mold smear. MEDIUM TO LARGE <1KG 481157 Brie Petit 60% approx 1kg (pasteurised) Produced near Paris; taste is creamy; the pate is compact, supple and evenly textured; colour is pale yellow with a white velvety rind 481316 Brillat Savarin 4 x 500g 0.00 481022 Brillat Savarin (pasteurised) 3 x 500g 0.00 Triple-cream buttery cheese from Normandy. 481263 Brillat Savarin affine (pasteurised) 3 x 500g 0.00 481266 Brillat Savarin with Truffle pasteurised 3 x 500g 0.00 5 x 450g 0.00 Brillat Savarin flavoured with summer truffle 481194 Coulommiers Donge (unpasteurised) Similar to Brie but smaller and thicker; ideal accompanied with apple, pear or berries 481193 Coulommiers Simeon (unpasteurised) 6 x 650g 0.00 481042 Coulommiers on straw (unpasteurised) 5 x 380g 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 74 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 COWS CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Price MEDIUM TO LARGE <1KG 481056 Fougerus (unpasteurised) 4 x 700g 0.00 is a handmade cheese with a soft, creamy texture and a white bloomy rind; left for 4 weeks to ripen fully; sweet/salty flavor 481058 Gaperon Garmy (pasteurised) 6 x 350g 0.00 a speciality of Auvergnate country; the taste is coarse, but at the same time pleasurable; it has a dry, hard rind and pepper and garlic are mixed in with the soft pate 481061 Gratte Paille Rouzaire (unpasteurised) 8 x 350g 0.00 Invented in the 1970s; soft-white cheese with bloomy white (edible) rind, mushroom flavor and oily texture; the cheese is hand-molded in brick shaped blocks 481068 Livarot Perelle AOC (pasteurised) 6 x 500g 0.00 Each wheel is washed in brine, coloured in annatto and matured for up to two months; soft, golden pate with little holes and springy texture 481073 Maroille Mignon (pasteurised) 12 x 375g 0.00 Square shape with brick-red, smooth, washed and sticky rind; after four months, the ivory pate is soft and oily; it has a powerful, pungent aroma 481149 Maroille Mignon (pasteurised) 4 x 750g 0.00 481192 Munster Gerome Orbey approx 800g (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 4 x 500g 0.00 A creamy, washed rind cheese from Eastern France with a creamy, smooth and sticky pate 481090 Pierre Robert A triple cream cheese like brillat savarin but more aged; creamy, buttery and rich; can be good with champagne or muscadet 481261 Pont l'Eveque Perelle AOC (pasteurised) 6 x 400g 0.00 A square cheese with a white penecilin rind; very pale yellow pate with a stronger, full-bodied but similar flavour to camembert 481100 Reblochon Farmhouse (unpasteurised) 6 x 450g 0.00 Light orange ashed rind; full cream milk; smooth ivory pate; mild, fruity taste rising to intense nutty aftertaste X/L AND CUTTING 481290 Appenzeller Gold label approx 6.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 Yellow interior with few, small holes, whose rind is repeatedly rubbed with a herbal stock during the ripening process; very herbal, full, characteristic, becomes more intense with ripening 481005 Beaufort Haute Maurienne 1/8 bloc approx 4.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Takes about 500 litres of milk to make a 40-45 kg wheel of Beaufort; ripening takes at least four months; constantly rubbed with brine; young cheeses have a mild fruity, sweet taste becoming stronger and complex. 481006 Bleu d'Auvergne approx 4.5kg (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Traditional blue cheese from Auvergne (PDO); soft, elastic, well marbled interior with broken holes; taste is piquant, nutty, strong 481008 Bleu des Causses approx 4.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Traditional hand-made blue cheese (PDO); slightly crumbly, light yellow to white interior, streaked with blue veins; taste is hearty-piquant, nutty 481018 Brie 60% Wheel approx 3kg (pasteurised) Each 0.00 Produced near Paris; AOC status in 1980; taste is creamy; the pate is compact, supple and evenly textured; colour is pale yellow with a white velvety rind 481262 Brie de meaux AOC Gillard approx 3kg (unpasteurised) each 0.00 Traditional soft cheese from Ile-de-France (PDO); hand-made from raw cow milk; ivory colored, elastic interior with white noble mold rind, which changes color to red with ripening 481019 Brie de Meaux Donge AOC approx 3kg (unpasteurised) Each 0.00 481151 Brie de Meaux Donge AOC 3/4 Affine approx 3kg (unpasteurised) Each 0.00 481158 Brie de meaux Rouzaire approx 3kg (unpasteurised) each 0.00 481020 Brie de Melun St.Faron approx 3kg per box of 2 (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 smaller than its famous cousin Brie de Meaux and the taste is stronger, saltier; its rind has a very darkly mottled rind; pate is golden yellow in colour. Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 75 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 COWS CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Cambozola approx 6.5kg per box of 3 (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg Price X/L AND CUTTING 481023 0.00 a cross between Camembert and Gorgonzola, is creamy, moist and rich like a Camembert with the sharpness of Gorgonzola produced in the German region of Allgäu 481031 Camembert Rustique approx 1kg each (heat treated) 2s 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 White, bloomy rind over a hard, cumbly interior that matures to a smooth, runny and creamy pate 481032 Cantal (young) AOC Trouple 1/8 approx 4.5kg One fo the oldest cheeses in France; AOC status in 1956; semi-hard, uncooked, pressed; thin grey crust over pale yellow, close textured pate; sweet, milky flavour 481040 Chaumes 50% approx 3.5kg per box of 2 (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Washed rind and soft-ripened cheese from the south-west of France; aromatic soft golden rind and a pale yellow, creamy pate; rich, intense and full bodied flavour 481291 Comte reserve Charles Arnaud 18 month 1/8th bloc approx 6kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 A hard cheese with a pale yellow, close textured pate; fruity, complex long lasting flavour; becomes firmer and tastier with age 481171 Comte reserve Charles Arnaud 24 months+ 1/8th approx 6kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 481044 Demi Roule with garlic 70% approx 1.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 Hand-rolled soft cheese with garlic and herbs producing a distinct swirl pattern 481048 Emmental Block Swiss approx 4.5kg (unpasteurised) Thin skin covering a pale yellow pate with walnut sized holes; sweet, fruity flavour 481049 Emmental Label Savoie 1/8 bloc approx 4kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 481054 Epoisse Germain affine cutting per box of 2 (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 -PRE ORDER ONLY481188 Epoisses La Cuve Gaugry x2 approx kg (unpasteurised) From the producer Gaugry, aka Laiterie de la Côte, darker rind. Located in Brochon, Gevrey 481057 Fourme d'Ambert approx 1.5kg (pasteurised) Maturing period lasts 2-3 months in Tours region of France; has a lasting taste of wine (Vouvray) and fruits; the pate is creamy, moistured, with faint hints of blue mould 481063 Gruyere Alpage 1/8 approx 4.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 The cheese is salted in brine for 8 days and ripened for two months at room temperature; darker yellow than Emmental; slightly grainy; complex flavours first fruity, becomes earthy and nutty 481064 Gruyere Alpage whole wheel approx 31kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 481271 Gruyere l'Etivaz 1/8 bloc approx 3.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 The Swiss generally call this cheese “Fribourg”; matured for at least six months; ivory colored pate; its taste has a sweet, salty flavour with undertones of fruits and nuts 481284 L'Aligot de l' Aubrac (pasteurised) 1.5 kg 0.00 Made from mashed potatoes blended with butter, cream, crushed garlic, and melted cheese - traditionally Tomme 481072 Livarot Pere Gauthier cutting approx 8kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 Each wheel is washed in brine, coloured in annatto and matured for up to two months; soft, golden pate with little holes and springy texture 481074 Maroilles cutting approx 3kg (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Square shape with brick-red, smooth, washed and sticky rind; after four months, the ivory pate is soft and oily; it has a powerful, pungent aroma 481075 Mimolette Extra Reserve 1/8 bloc approx 6.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 A semi-hard French cow's cheese similar to Edam 481076 Montbriac 50% approx 2.5kg (pasteurised) Made in Pouligny-Saint-Pierre; also known as Rochebaron; blue veins run through the soft interior; coated with an edible ash rind; rich & creamy blue flavour, not very strong or aggressive Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 76 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 COWS CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Morbier Cremier Joux 1/8 bloc approx 5.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg Price X/L AND CUTTING 481077 0.00 The cheese has an ivory color, and it is a bit soft and fairly elastic. It gets immediately identified because of its black layer of tasteless ash, which separates it horizontally in the middle 481078 Morbier Vagne 1/8 bloc unpasturised approx 7kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481080 Munster farmhouse approx 2.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 A creamy, washed rind cheese from Eastern France with a creamy, smooth and sticky pate 481079 Munster Marikel cutting approx 1.5kg (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 483010 Pere Toinou Onetik (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 481094 Pont l'Eveque Cutting approx 2.5kg per box of 2 Pcs - per kg 0.00 A square cheese with a white penecilin rind; very pale yellow pate with a stronger, full-bodied but similar flavour to camembert 481095 Port Salut approx 4.5kg (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Semi-hard cheese; ivory-colored, elastic interior with few holes and orange-colored waxed rind, which is not suitable for consumption 481233 Raclette de Savoie wheel approx 5.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Fine melting cheese; light yellow to ivory-colored, elastic cheese with few holes and brownish-red, smeary or waxy natural rind 481097 Raclette Haute de Savoie 1/8 bloc approx 6.5kg (heat treated) Pcs - per kg 0.00 481098 Reblochon Farmhouse approx 4.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Light orange ashed rind; full cream milk; smooth ivory pate; mild, fruity taste rising to intense nutty aftertaste 481101 Reblochon Tournette approx 3.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 481103 St Agur 60% approx 2.5kg per box of 2 (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Blue cheese from Auvergne; ivory-colored, creamy interior, regularly streaked with blue mold veins; thin, natural rind; mild, not too distinctive hints of blue mold, very creamy, full-bodied 481104 St Albray 50% approx 4.5kg per box of 2 (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 Ivory colored, creamy interior; white-red natural rind with red cultures and white noble mold; mild and spicy 481105 St Andre Triple Cream approx 1.5kg (pasteurised) Triple cream, making it dense, buttery and rich; velvety and powdery bloomy mold while the inside is ivory white in color; taste is an intense version of the Brie 481109 St. Nectaire Farmhouse approx 4.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Natural rind, covered by white, yellow or red mould according to aging, hides a creamy and supple pate; pronounced taste of nut, milk and the lush pasture of Auvergne 481108 St. Nectaire Pere Eugene approx 5.5kg (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 481112 Tomme au marc de Raisin approx 6.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Made by soaking a ripened tomme in marc for a month in an air-tight container; heat caused by the fermentation makes the pate tighten; the taste of the marc permeates through to the heart of the cheese 481110 Tomme de Savoie 30% approx 3.5kg per box of 3 (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Often made with skimmed milk so low fat content; maturing often takes several monthsgiving the cheese a thick rind with a rustic appearance; grey with yellow/red moulding; taste soft and fruit 481111 Tomme de Savoie Farmhouse approx 4.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 481148 Vacherin Mont d'Or large (approx 2 x 3kg) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 77 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 GOATS CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Price INDIVIDUAL AND SMALL 482008 Banon Chevre with leaf (unpasteurised) 8s 0.00 24 x 30g 0.00 6 x 150g 0.00 10 x 150g 0.00 10 x 150g 0.00 8 x 150g 0.00 12 s 0.00 Wrapped in chestnut leaves; blue/grey mould; range from mild to creamy tart with a nutty flavour 482000 Bouton d'Oc (unpasteurised) a small, usually young, cheese with a straw through the middle. Ideal for aperitif 482092 Bouyguette (unpasteurised) long shape that it fat in the middle and pointed at the ends; young goat cheese with a sprig of rosemary 482034 Buchette blanche (unpasteurised) A young, small log made daily from fresh milk; soft when young but will become firmer when aged 482035 Buchette cendre (unpasteurised) As above but with a light ash cover 482001 Buchette Charcuterie (pasteurised) a small log shaped cheese wrapped in ham 482007 Chevrelard (pasteurised) Small rounds of goat's cheese wrapped in bacon 482095 Chevrotin Farmhouse AOP Unpasteurised 6 x 320g 0.00 482010 Clacbitou la Racotiere 15 x 150g 0.00 Traditional soft cheese with blue mold rind from southern Burgundy; white, creamy interior with natural rind and noble mold 482011 Clochette Affine (pasteurised) 6 x 220g 0.00 bell-shaped, mold-ripened goat cheese from the Poitou-Charentes; matured for two weeks; wrinkled, edible white rind; and a firm, dense, velvety texture 482088 Coeur Les Gariottes (unpasteurised) 6 x 100g 0.00 A heart shaped goat's cheese 482046 Coeur Cendre Hardy 6 x 130g 0.00 482012 Crottin Chauvignol AOC (unpasteurised) 12 x 60g 0.00 Hand-made traditional soft cheese from Sancerrois; ivory colored, compact to crumbly interior with white natural rind, which changes color to blue with increasing ripenes 482013 Crottin Chevre Pasdeloup (pasteurised) 12 x 60g 0.00 An industrial crottin usually sold while young and white 482086 Feuille de Chevre Les Gariottes (unpasteurised) 5 x 125g 0.00 482089 Fleur de Sologne 8 x 60g 0.00 6 x 120g 0.00 6 x 190g 0.00 8 x 200g 0.00 Lightly ashed cheese in the shape of a flower 482096 Le Compostelle Delicate, round young goat's cheese destinctive for it's scallop shell design 482094 Le Palet Frais (unpasteurised) Fresh goat's cheese; round like a crottin but about twice the size 482085 Lingot de Chevre Les Gariottes (unpasteurised) Traditional French cheese made in the central Pyrennees; light velvety in texture with a caramelly rind; exudes a fresh, tangy yet slightly salty flavour 482078 l'Occitan ash (Cathare) (pasteurised) 6 x 150g 0.00 18 x 150g 0.00 12 x 60g 0.00 6s 0.00 Soft, thin, round goat's cheese; distinct cross in the ash coating (the crest of its region the Languedoc) 482005 Melusine (pasteurised) A small, soft log that can be sliced for tasting, used in salads or for cooking on pizza etc. 482015 Pelardon from Cevennes AOC White/pale blue moulds; soft; sour cream and walnut flavour 482041 Petit Rondes ash Touraine Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 78 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 GOATS CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Price INDIVIDUAL AND SMALL 482093 Petite Rouelle ash (unpasteurised) 8 x 155g 0.00 12 x 60g 0.00 Cylindrical cheese with a large hole in the middle; light ash covering, young cheese 482016 Picodon (unpasteurised) Traditional hand-made soft cheese from southern Rhone; white, soft interior, which firms up during ripening; fresh, slightly sour, mild-aromatic, nutty with increasing ripeness 482017 Pouligny St Pierre Farmhouse AOC 6 x 250g 0.00 Traditional soft cheese from Vallee de lan Brenne; pyramid-form; ivory coloured, firm yet elastic interior with thin natural rind and mold spots; nutty, spicy & aromatic, finely sour 482075 Rocamadour 30 x 35g 0.00 White velvety skin; matured for 2 weeks but can be ripened for months for deeper, nuttier flavour 481102 Rocamadour Verdier AOC 20 x 35g 0.00 482087 Rondin unpasturised Les Gariottes 8 x 120g 0.00 482018 Selles sur Cher AOC (unpasteurised) 6 x 150g 0.00 6 x 250g 0.00 Grey/blue mould that has strong flavour; firm white pate that melts in the mouth 482020 Ste Maure Grey/blue mould; buttery smooth pate with walnut overtones maturing to strong goat flavour 482019 Ste Maure Ash on straw 6 x 175g 0.00 482006 Ste Maure Chevrechard (pasteurised) 8 x 200g 0.00 482090 Tome with Olive Oil (pasteurised) 8 x 100g 0.00 6 x 220g 0.00 Very young, soft goat's cheese with olive oil and herbs 482025 Valencay Hardy Four sided pyramid; the curd drains in a mould, then removed & covered with salted charcoal ash; taste is mellow and savory to the palate. MEDIUM TO LARGE <1KG 482004 Goat Logs / Chevre Buche (pasteurised) 2 x kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 White mould; firm white pate; ideal for slicing X/L AND CUTTING 482024 Tomette Thones approx 4.5kg (unpasteurised) Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 79 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SHEEPS CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Price 10 x 100g 0.00 INDIVIDUAL AND SMALL 483008 Brebille Papillon (pasteurised) Innovative presentations, with bell or tulip-shaped individual packaging; fine, flowing pate under light crust is slightly textured, but melts at the centre 483000 Brebiou 50% (pasteurised) (case price now) 2 x 1.5Kg 0.00 Bloomy rind cheese from Fromagerie des Chaumes in Southern France; dome-shaped; pale pink-gold rind; creamy/ivory soft pate; very mild flavour 483001 Brique Brebis Berger (pasteurised) 8 x 150g 0.00 Produced in the Averyon region from the same milk used to make Roquefort and the Pérail; creamy cheese with a delicious, nutty taste 483003 Feta Salakis (pasteurised) 12 x 200g 0.00 Pickled curd cheese that has a salty and tangy taste enhanced by the brine solution; texture depends on the age which can be extremely creamy, or crumbly dry 483004 Fleur de Maquis in 9's (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Also known as Brin d’Amour; semi-soft cheese has a creamy, firm, moist textured pate; covered with aromatic coating of rosemary, fennel seeds, juniper berries 483005 Larzac (pasteurised) 9 x 100g 0.00 Soft blue sheep's cheese based on Roquefort; uniformly pale blue in colour and ideal for spreading and mixing. Gentle in flavour, with a characteristic blue tang 483030 Le Lingot de Berger 6 x 150g 0.00 Same region as Rocamadour; light velvety texture with a caramelly rind; fresh, tangy yet slightly salty flavour 483009 Margalet Papillon (pasteurised) 8 x 150g 0.00 Awarded the Silver Medal at the Concours Général Agricole 2007. Its particularly creamy texture reveals a delicate taste with a recognisable sheep's milk note 483007 Perail Brebis Bergere (pasteurised) 9 x 100g 0.00 Soft-ripened, flat disc cheese made in the Midi-Pyrénées region of France; ripened in wooden moulds as quite runny at room temperature; flavor is soft and velvety. 483012 Roquefort sliced (unpasteurised) 10 x 100g 0.00 6 x 125g 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 One of the world’s greatest blue cheese; rich, creamy sharp, tangy and salty in flavour; aged for 5 months 483043 Verzou Brebis (unpasteurised) MEDIUM TO LARGE <1KG 483002 Feta Blocks (pasteurised) Pickled curd cheese that has a salty and tangy taste enhanced by the brine solution; texture depends on the age which can be extremely creamy, or crumbly dry 483006 Manchego Affine 6 months mature (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Very hard, quite crumbly and a little rubber-like with white speckles scattered on its surface; flavour intensely piquant and herby with a hint of sheep; a great melter 483011 Petit Basque Brebis 6 x 650g (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Covered in a thin light brown rind that has a basket weave pattern, then is covered in plastic wrap to prevent molding; medium-firm cheese with a pungent smell and a mild flavour X/L AND CUTTING 483037 Bleu de Basque Brebis approx 4kg (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Artisan blue cheese; has a hard rind, a wonderfully creamy pate with greenish blue veins; flavour is a wonderful combination of earthy spiciness with hints of fruity apricot 483044 Brin d'Amour Corsican with herbs 10s approx 3.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 Corsican cheese almost identical to Fleur de Maquis but large; same herb and fruit crust; creamy texture 483021 Etorki approx 4.5kg (pasteurised) Has a rusty, bumpy rind; smooth, supple and velvety white interior with occasional holes or slits; has a sweet and earthy aroma Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 80 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 SHEEPS CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Ossau Iraty approx 4 kg (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg Price X/L AND CUTTING 483036 0.00 Covered by a thick orange to grey rind; the pâte is white, supple, slightly grainy and ceamy; becomes more firm as maturied; herbaceous, nutty and fruity flavour 483034 Roquefort Carles approx 3kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 One of the world’s greatest blue cheese; rich, creamy sharp, tangy and salty in flavour; aged for 5 months 483016 Roquefort Societe Abeille (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 483018 Roquefort Vieux Berger approx 6kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 81 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 ITALIAN CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Price BUFFALO MOZZARELLA 484020 Mozzarella Buffalo AOP block smoked 2 kg 0.00 484019 Mozzarella Buffalo AOP smoked 8 x 250g 0.00 Pre Order 484002 Mozzarella Buffalo balls 10 x 150g 0.00 484018 Mozzarella Buffalo unpasturised 8 x 2 x 125g 0.00 484017 Mozzarella Buffalo with truffle 6 x 125g 0.00 484009 Mozzerella Buffalo smoked (Il Treccione) 10 x 300g 0.00 481123 Mozzarella balls 12 x 125g 0.00 481121 Mozzarella light sachet 12 x 125g 0.00 484001 Mozzarella loaf approx 1kg each 0.00 481307 Mozzarella mini balls 5g 'Cherries' 1 kg 0.00 481120 Mozzarella mini balls 8g 1 kg 0.00 481254 Mozzerella Scamorza approx 1.2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481135 Mascarpone cream 6 x 500g 0.00 481175 Mascarpone cream 2 kg 0.00 481226 Mascarpone cream 6 x 250g 0.00 481267 Ricotta Delicatezza Sardinian Pcs - per kg 0.00 481129 Ricotta pot 1.5 kg 0.00 481130 Ricotta pot Igor 6 x 250g 0.00 481131 Ricotta Vallelata pot 1.5 kg 0.00 COW MOZZARELLA CREAM INDIVIDUAL AND SMALL 481203 Burrata 6 x 300g 0.00 481240 Burrata 8 x 100g 0.00 481084 Parmesan grated in bags Pcs - per kg 0.00 481167 Parmesan shavings 500 g 0.00 MEDIUM TO LARGE <1KG 481241 Grana Padano grated 1 kg bag 0.00 481242 Grana Padano grated 500 g bag 0.00 481169 Parmesan Reggiano 24 months approx 1kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481300 Parmigiano Reggiano 30 months approx 450g Pcs - per kg 0.00 481310 Robioletta (3 milk) approx 700g each 0.00 481302 Fontina AOP 1/4 vac-pack approx 2kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481303 Fontina AOP whole approx 9kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481060 Gorgonzola 1/8 Baruffaldi approx 1.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481116 Gorgonzola 1/8 bloc approx 1.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481308 Gorgonzola whole Colombo approx 13kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481118 Grana Padano 1/8 bloc approx 4.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481119 Grana Padano whole wheel approx 37kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481299 Occelli Castelmagno DOP approx 6kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481298 Occelli Testun Al Barolo approx 1.8kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481085 Parmesan Reggiano 1/8 bloc 30month approx 4.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481086 Parmesan Reggiano 24 months 1/8 bloc approx 5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 481124 Parmesan Reggiano whole wheel approx 38kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 483020 Pecorino Romano approx 3kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 X/L AND CUTTING Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 82 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 ITALIAN CHEESE Code Description Pack Size Price Stracciatella 1 x 1.5kg 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 X/L AND CUTTING 481285 (pre-order only Wed for Wed ) 481138 Taleggio approx 2.5kg Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 83 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHEESE PICK & MIX Code Description Pack Size Price Ami Chambertin (unpasteurised) 250 g 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 COWS CHEESE 481215 Washed rind cheese from Burgundy; smooth white pate; a milder version of Epoisse 481288 Bleu de Gex approx 3.5kg Mountain cheese from Franche-Comte; thin yellowish rind; creamy, crumbly pate with green/blue veins; nutty flavour 481282 Bleu des Causses approx 1.5kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Similar to Bleu d'Auvergne but firmer, creamier texture; rich creamy flavour with peppery/spicy notes from blue mould 481210 Boursin Boursault (pasteurised) 180 g 0.00 250 g 0.00 Triple-cream cheese; bloomy thin rind with white penecilin; soft, spreadable white pate 481224 Bresse Bleu (pasteurised) A creamy blue veined cheese from Burgundy that has none of the strength of flavour associated with blue cheese 481216 Brillat (pasteurised) 500 g 0.00 A triple-cream cheese from the Ile de France; young it has a flavour of fresh cheese, but can be matured for a deeper flavour 481217 Brillat Petit (pasteurised) 150 g 0.00 481212 Camembert Gillot (unpasteurised) 250 g 0.00 White, bloomy rind over a hard, cumbly interior that matures to a smooth, runny and creamy pate that we all know 481236 Cantal young approx 1kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 500 g 0.00 Thin grey/ivory crust; close textured pate; fresh, sweet, milky flavour with hint of hazelnut 481207 Chaource (pasteurised) Thin, white penecilin rind covering a white, soft pate; mostly eaten when young but can be matured for 2-43 months 481239 Comte selection approx 2kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 Hard mountain cheese matured for minimum of 4 months; pale yellow pate varies from smooth to crystaline with age; one of the best cheeses in the world 481258 Emmental Label rouge AOC approx 3kg (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 300 g 0.00 Thin skin covering a pale yellow pate with walnut sized holes; sweet, fruity flavour 481219 Feville de Dreux (unpasteurised) Wrapped in chestnut leaves; bloomy rind of white penecillin, yellowish interior soft on the palate with slightly earthy flavour 481211 Gaperon (unpasteurised) 350 g 0.00 Dome shaped cheese flavoured with cracked peppercorns and garlic; fluffy coat; tart flavour maturing to buttery, with strong pepper & garlic flavours 481208 Gratte Paille (unpasteurised) 350 g 0.00 500 g 0.00 180 g 0.00 250 g 0.00 Triple-cream cheese; bloomy rind with soft,white pate; slightly mushroomy flavour 481283 L' Aligot de l'Aubrac A blend of mashed potato and melted cheese 481204 Langres Mini (pasteurised) Pale orange washed rind; white and crumbly pate that leaves a complex flavour in the mouth 481220 Le Cados Camembert & Calvados (unpasteurised) Calvados washed camambert coated in toasted breadcrumbs; very strong smell but the flavour is much milder! 481209 Le Paille (pasteurised) 185 g 0.00 200 g 0.00 270 g 0.00 Traditional soft cheese specialty made ??from pasteurized cow's milk with fine white to straw-colored rind 481248 Le Vigneron Produced in Alsace and matured with Gewurtstraminer white wine 481213 Livarot Petit (pasteurised) Each wheel is washed in brine, coloured in annatto and matured for up to two months; soft, golden pate with little holes and springy texture Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 84 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHEESE PICK & MIX Code Description Pack Size Maroilles Courbet (pasteurised) 180 g Price COWS CHEESE 481197 0.00 Square shape with brick-red, smooth, washed and sticky rind; after four months, the ivory pate is soft and oily; it has a powerful, pungent aroma 481185 Maroilles Bahardes (pasteurised) 720 g 0.00 481289 Mimolette aged 12 months approx 3.5kg Pcs - per kg 0.00 125 g 0.00 A semi-hard French cow's cheese similar to Edam 481218 Munster (pasteurised) A creamy, washed rind cheese from Eastern France with a creamy, smooth and sticky pate 481260 Munster (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 481222 Neufchatel Farmhouse (unpasteurised) 200 g 0.00 Produced in Normandy it has a bloomy rind; a soft creamy pate with a flavour similar to camambert; mostly shaped into a heart 481214 Petit Epoisse (unpasteurised) 70 g 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 Washed in Marc de Bourgogne to produce distinctive soft red colour; creamy, chewy and firm texture 481287 Pont l'Eveque Cutting approx 1.2kg (pasteurised) A square cheese with a white penecilin rind; very pale yellow pate with a stronger, full-bodied but similar flavour to camembert 481225 Reblechon Petit (unpasteurised) 200 g 0.00 Light orange ashed rind; full cream milk; smooth ivory pate; mild, fruity taste rising to intense nutty aftertaste 481230 Tentation (unpasteurised) 200 g 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 each 0.00 Pcs - per kg 0.00 St Felicien with more cream added! 481268 Tete de Moine approx 1kg Semi-hard, half-cooked; needs the scrapper to produce the frilly shavings 481269 Tete de Moine shaver / scrapper Spindle fixes through the middle of the cheese and is rotated to produce fine, frilly shavings 481244 Tomme de Savoie 45% approx 1.5kg (unpasteurised) Matured for 2-4 months; thick grey rind dotted with patches of yellow or red moulding; a semi-soft, pressed cheese with a pliable and firm texture; low fat 484003 Vacherin Mont d'Or per kg 0.00 484013 Vacherin Mont d'Or medium each 0.00 481256 Vacherin Mont d'Or mini each 0.00 Banon (unpasteurised) 100 g 0.00 300 g 0.00 200 g 0.00 GOATS CHEESE 482068 Wrapped in chestnut leaves; blue/grey mould; range from mild to creamy tart with a nutty flavour 482058 Chabichou (unpasteurised) Cylinder shaped with bloomy rind; soft to semi-soft with typical young goat flavour 482053 Chevre Coeur Cendre Heart shaped goats cheese with an ash rub 482080 Cloche bell shaped cheese (pasteurised) 250 g 0.00 482051 La Feville 120 g 0.00 482056 La Figue (unpasteurised) 200 g 0.00 From Provence; it is regularly bathed in essential oils giving it a beautiful aroma of milk and rose; white, wet pate tastes slightly sour; flavour becomes full-bodied 482050 Le Lingot (unpasteurised) 200 g 0.00 Same region as Rocamadour; light velvety texture with a caramelly rind; fresh, tangy yet slightly salty flavour 482054 Le Petit Perche 200 g 0.00 From the center of France; double draining time means a far more intense goat flavour; for the goat cheese fan! Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 85 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 CHEESE PICK & MIX Code Description Pack Size Le Trefle (unpasteurised) 130 g Price GOATS CHEESE 482060 0.00 Looks like a slightly rounded 4 leaf-clover; salted and ashed surface with a grey-ash rind; pate is fine, melting, and slightly creamy; 482067 Long Blanc fresh Ste Maure 250 g 0.00 125 g 0.00 250 g 0.00 250 g 0.00 35 g 0.00 150 g 0.00 250 g 0.00 200 g 0.00 Buttery and smooth cheese with little acidic flavour and a white skin 482062 Pelardon (unpasteurised) White/pale blue moulds; soft; sour cream and walnut flavour 482065 Pouligny (unpasteurised) Pyramid with natural rind, blue/white moulds; pure white slightly grainy pate; complex creamy nutty flavour 482066 Pyramid Similar to Pouligny but with an ash rub on the skin; strong goat flavour 482052 Rocamadour White velvety skin; matured for 2 weeks but can be ripened for months for deeper, nuttier flavour 482063 Selles sur Cher Grey/blue mould that has strong flavour; firm white pate that melts in the mouth 482064 Ste Maure Grey/blue mould; buttery smooth pate with walnut overtones maturing to strong goat flavour 482082 Vezelay de Bourgogne (unpasteurised) A young dome shaped goat cheese that is almost runny at room temperature MIXED CHEESE BOARD 484010 Cheese Board 2kg-10 assorted small cheeses 2 kg 0.00 484014 Cheese Board Gourmet assorted pick of the day 2 kg 0.00 Brebille (pasteurised) 150 g 0.00 150 g 0.00 SHEEPS CHEESE 483031 Its fine, flowing pate under the crust is slightly textured, but melts at the centre 483033 Brique Brebis (pasteurised) Produced in the Averyon region from the same milk used to make Roquefort and the Pérail; creamy cheese with a delicious, nutty taste 483042 Chevre Feuille 150 g 0.00 483041 Etorki approx 2.5kg (pasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 150 g 0.00 Basque region; rusty, bumpy rind; smooth, supple, velvety interior 483032 Perail Brebis (pasteurised) Soft-ripened, flat disc cheese made in the Midi-Pyrénées region of France; ripened in wooden moulds as quite runny at room temperature; flavor is soft and velvety. 483017 Roquefort Papillon (single pce) (unpasteurised) Pcs - per kg 0.00 One of the world’s greatest blue cheese; rich, creamy sharp, tangy and salty in flavour; aged for 5 months Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 86 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 DAIRY Code Description Pack Size Price 485040 Au Bon Beurre semi salted (Green) Butter 250 g 0.00 485004 Au Bon Beurre semi salted (Green) Butter 20 x 250g 0.00 485006 Au Bon Beurre unsalted (Red) Butter 20 x 250g 0.00 485041 Au Bon Beurre unsalted (Red) Butter 250 g 0.00 485005 Au Bon Beurre with course salt (Blue) Butter 20 x 250g 0.00 485039 Au Bon Beurre with course salt (Blue) Butter 250 pce 0.00 485003 Block unsalted GIANT cube Butter 25 kg 0.00 485046 Clarified Butter from Valrhona 2 kg 0.00 485048 Extra Dry Elle & Vire Butter 10 x 1kg 0.00 485034 Isigny (unpasteurised) unsalted Butter 20 x 250g 0.00 485045 Isigny Butter Sheet / pre order only 10 x 1kg 0.00 485047 Isigny coarse salt Butter 20 x 250g 0.00 485038 Le Gall de Baratte (pasteurised) un-salted Butter 12 x 250g 0.00 485054 Le Gall de Baratte (pasteurised) with Guerande salt flakes Butter 12 x 250g 0.00 485033 Le Gall de Baratte (pasteurised)salted Butter 12 x 250g 0.00 485032 Le Gall de Baratte (unpasteurised) un-salted Butter 12 x 250g 0.00 BUTTER Best pre-ordered485031 Le Gall de Baratte (unpasteurised) with Guerande salt flakes Butter 12 x 250g 0.00 485009 Lescure rolls semi salted Butter 20 x 250g 0.00 485036 Lescure rolls unsalted Butter 20 x 250g 0.00 485010 Montaigu for Croissants Butter 2 x 5kg 0.00 485049 Pamplie AOP unsalted Extra Fine Butter 40 x 250g 0.00 485008 Pamplie rolls Salted Butter 20 x 250g 0.00 485007 Pamplie rolls unsalted Butter 20 x 250g 0.00 485029 President Salted Blocks (pre order) Butter 20 x 250g 0.00 40 x 250g 0.00 This is a pre order only product, please call the office monday for delivery wednesday 485015 President unsalted Blocks (pre order) Butter This is a pre order only product, please call the office monday for delivery wednesday 485017 SevreBelle 12 x 250g 0.00 485000 Unsalted French Butter 40 x 250g 0.00 Caviar Butter From Neuvic 12 x 50g 0.00 BUTTER PORTIONS 485056 pre order only, one week's notice 485044 Echire portions salted Butter 100 x 30g 0.00 485042 Echire portions semi salted AOP Butter 40 x 50g 0.00 485011 Echire portions unsalted Butter 100 x 30g 0.00 485028 Isigny portions AOC lightly salted Butter 48 x 25g 0.00 485025 Isigny portions AOC unsalted Butter 48 x 25g 0.00 485026 Isigny pots (similar to porcelain) 24 s 0.00 485027 Lescure Portions Butter 6 x 100 x 10g 0.00 485014 President portions Butter 6 x 100 x 10g 0.00 486035 Creme Excellence -35%- Elle & Vire 6 x 1ltr 0.00 486052 Creme Excellence -35%- Elle & Vire 1 ltr 0.00 486072 Creme Excellence whipping cream UHT 12 x ltr 0.00 486036 Creme Fraiche 30% Fat 500 ml 0.00 486046 Creme Fraiche 30% Fat 6 x 500ml 0.00 486000 Crème Fraiche 30% Fat 12 x 200ml 0.00 486003 Creme Fraiche 33% Fat 5 ltr 0.00 CREME FRAICHE Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 87 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist 6 February 2015 For Delivery On: DAIRY Code Description Pack Size Price 486047 Creme Fraiche 42% fat Le Plessis 5 ltr 0.00 486004 Creme Fraiche Ste Mere AOC Isigny 5 ltr 0.00 Egg Pasteurised White 1 ltr 0.00 1 ltr 0.00 1 ltr 0.00 CREME FRAICHE EGG PRODUCTS 487005 Pre-Order 487006 Egg Pasteurised Whole Pre-Order 487004 Egg Pasteurised Yolk Pre-Order 487000 Quail egg Fresh 6 x 18s 0.00 487001 Quails egg cooked & peeled in jars 48 s 0.00 Cheese Cake (Delice des Cieux) 3 kg 0.00 FROMAGE FRAIS 486071 Fromage blanc 51%, whole egg and whites, sugar, modified corn starch, rice starch, emulsifier, soya lecithin, E202 natural lemon arome 486051 Faisselle 0% fromage blanc 6 x 500ml 0.00 486007 Fromage Frais 0% fat 6 x 500ml 0.00 486008 Fromage Frais 0% fat 5 x 1ltr 0.00 486037 Fromage Frais 0% fat 500 ml 0.00 486024 Fromage Frais 20% fat 5 ltr 0.00 486038 Fromage Frais 20% fat 500 ml 0.00 486010 Fromage Frais 40% fat 5 ltr 0.00 486039 Fromage Frais 40% fat 500 ml 0.00 486011 Fromage Frais Country Style Isigny 5 ltr 0.00 482091 Fromage Frais GOAT'S milk 2 kg 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 YOGHURT HAUTE-SAVOIE 486028 Aloe Vera Yoghurt Ferme de Corly Whole milk yoghurts made with 12% fruit and no preservatives 486058 Apricot Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486066 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Forest Fruits (red berry) Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486064 " Coconut Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486029 " Cherry Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486065 " Blueberry Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486025 " Blackcurrant Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486031 " Banana Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486059 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Hazelnut Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " " " " " " Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 88 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist 6 February 2015 For Delivery On: DAIRY Code Description Pack Size Price 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 12 x 180g 0.00 24 x 125g 0.00 YOGHURT HAUTE-SAVOIE 486030 Lemon Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486026 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Strawberry Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486061 " Rhubarb Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486060 " Raspberry Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486069 " Plum Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486027 " Pineapple Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486068 " Pear Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486033 " Peach Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486067 " Mixed Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486032 " Mango Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " 486062 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Vanilla Yoghurt Ferme de Corly " " " " " YOGHURT PEUPLIER 486013 Peuplier a mixed tray of fruit yoghurt in glass jars a mix per tray and not per pot, usually 6 different flavours 486014 Peuplier Apricot Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486015 Peuplier Blueberry Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486016 Peuplier Cherry Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486020 Peuplier Forest Fruit Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486073 Peuplier Kiwi Yoghurt in glass jar 24 x 125g 0.00 486044 Peuplier Lemon Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486043 Peuplier Mandarin Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486012 Peuplier Natural Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486074 Peuplier Peach Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486021 Peuplier Pear Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486017 Peuplier Pineapple Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486041 Peuplier Plum Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486019 Peuplier Raspberry Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486018 Peuplier Strawberry Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 486075 Peuplier Vanilla Yoghurt in glass jars 24 x 125g 0.00 YOGHURT SHEEP'S MILK 486056 Sheep's Blueberry Yoghurt in glass jars 6 x 140g 0.00 486054 Sheep's Cherry Yoghurt in glass jars 6 x 140g 0.00 486070 Sheep's Fig Yoghurt in glass jars 6 x 140g 0.00 483027 Sheep's Natural Yoghurt in glass jars Le Petit Basque 12 x 125g 0.00 486057 Sheep's Pear Yoghurt in glass jars 6 x 140g 0.00 Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 89 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 DAIRY Code Description Pack Size Price YOGHURT SHEEP'S MILK 486055 Sheep's Plum Yoghurt in glass jars Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. 6 x 140g 0.00 Page 90 of 91 Oakleaf Pricelist For Delivery On: 6 February 2015 TEA Code Description Pack Size Price 412646 Matcha Green Tea Powder 130 ml 0.00 446087 Tea Damnann Assam GFOP Superieur 1 kg 0.00 446074 Tea Damnann Ceylon Orange Pekoe Superior Tea 1 kg 0.00 446054 Tea Damnann Chinese Green Tea Gunpowder No.1 1 kg 0.00 446071 Tea Damnann Chinese Green Yunnan 1 kg 0.00 446084 Tea Damnann Chinese Gunpowder 1 kg 0.00 446072 Tea Damnann Chinese Smoked Lapsong Souchon Tea 1 kg 0.00 492010 Tea Damnann Darjeeling GFOP Superior 1 kg 0.00 446105 Tea Damnann Earl Grey 50 bags 100 g 0.00 446073 Tea Damnann Earl Grey Yin Zhen 1 kg 0.00 446085 Tea Damnann Green Oriental 1 kg 0.00 446144 Tea Damnann Green Oriental 25 bags 25 s 0.00 446088 Tea Damnann Mandarin & Jasmin 1 kg 0.00 446055 Tea Damnann Superior English Mix Tea 1 kg 0.00 446145 Tea Damnann Vanilla 25 bags 25 s 0.00 492009 Tea Damnann White 25 bags 25 s 0.00 TEA Copyright © Oakleaf European Ltd. 2013-2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in full is prohibited without express permission. Page 91 of 91
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