Page 1 Volume 29 Issue 5 SCRIPTURE READINGS February 1st Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Mark 1:21-28 February 8th Job 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 EXPOSITION AND ADORATION Wednesday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Chapel This week’s intentions: Sick and Homebound of MQP MARRIAGE If you are planning to get married, please contact Zoltan Abraham (Pastoral Assistant for Adult Faith Formation) at least six months prior to your desired wedding date to begin marriage preparation: [email protected] or 425.391.1178 ext. 117 BAPTISM If you would like to have your child baptized, please contact Zoltan Abraham (Pastoral Assistant for Adult Faith Formation) [email protected] or 425.391.1178 ext. 117 Mary, Queen of Peace Parish February 1, 2015 Parish Ministry Directory Altar Servers ................................. Nick & Marietta Newland ....................... 241-3897 Art & Environment ........................ Mary Jones................................................... 392.7162 Centering Prayer ......................... Susan & Jeff Renner .... [email protected] Church Gardens ........................... Brian Bashinski ............................................ 968-8848 Coffee Hour .................................. Malou Leonardo & Teri [email protected] CYO Sports ................................... Andrea Padilla ................. [email protected] Devotional Prayer Committee ... Jane Ramseyer .................................. 425-313-3144 Eucharistic Adoration ................... Lorna Coltorti .............................................. 307-3466 Eucharistic Ministers ..................... Tom Kent-Dobias........................................ 557-3796 Facilities Commission.................... Chris Hauser ....................................... 206-890-8698 Feed the Hungry .......................... Corie Goodloe .................................. 818-653-2756 Finance Council ............................. Chris Morgan .............................................. 793-4606 Food Bank Collections ................. Laura Chapman ............. [email protected] Funeral Receptions ....................... Mary Long ................................................... 392-2902 Helping Hands Meals .................. Maryann Chinn .................................. 206-940-4876 Hispanic Ministry .......................... Adriana Alvarez ..... [email protected] Hospitality Ministry ...................... Kathi Rowley ................................... 391-1178(x120) Human Concerns ........................... Michele Simmons ................. [email protected] Junior Chorus ................................. Debbie Ostrander ..................................... 836-2771 Library ............................................ Zoltan Abraham ............................. 391-1178(x117) Liturgy Commission....................... Fr. Kevin Duggan ........................... 391-1178(x115) Living Your Strengths ................... Kathi Rowley ................................... 391-1178(x120) Marian Festival ............................. Steve Meyer ...................................... 425-369-9440 MOMS ............................................ Michelle Silbernagel ................................. 836-2126 MOPS ............................................. Sandy Rossetti [email protected] MQP Book Club ............................ Barbara Walden ....................................... 868-8216 Nursery—Faith Formation .......... Becky Callahan ........... [email protected] Nursery—Sunday Masses .......... Yolanda Acosta .................... [email protected] Pastoral Care (Home visits)........ Michael Marchione ........................ 391-1178(x124) Pastoral Council ............................ Steve Pelton ................................................ 557-5366 Prayer Chain ................................. Gerri Dawson ............................................. 657-0303 Readers .......................................... Nancy Bottkol ............................................. 868-5338 Respect Life ................................... Gerri Duzenack .......................................... 868-8208 Rosary Making ............................. Colleen Evans ............................................. 868-2876 Seniors ............................................ Jenny Hepperle.......................................... 392-7374 Sister Parish ................................... Barb Luxenburg ......................................... 868-8583 Social Justice/Sustainability ...... Alicia Pelton ................................................ 442-5710 Social Life Committee ................. Mark Ursino........................... [email protected] Sound/AV ...................................... Steve Napier .............................................. 392-2106 Usher Coordinator ....................... Randy LaMere............................................ 269-6394 Website Committee ..................... Debby Waldrop ............................ 391-1178(x110) Wedding Coordinator ................ Zoltan Abraham ............................. 391-1178(x117) Welcome Committee ................... Patrice Cox ..................................... 391-1178(x110) Other Organization & Service Coordinators Boy Scouts, Troop 571................ Jon-Jacques Umphrey ............................... 896-8900 Cub Scouts, Pack 679 ................. Michele Simmons ........................................ 868-4255 Eastside Friends of Seniors ........ Ramona Lawrence ..................................... 369-9120 Knights of Columbus .................... Anthony Riani ....................... [email protected] Legion of Mary ............................. Craig Hansen .............................................. 829-5248 St. Vincent de Paul ....................... Bernadette Coughlin ................................. 391-4704 February 1, 2015 Mary, Queen of Peace Parish From the Pastor’s Desk Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This coming Thursday evening, February 5th, is a very important occasion for our parish community, and especially so for 37 of our parish’s high school youth and their families. It is an occasion that these young people have been waiting and preparing for since the new school year began — in some cases even longer — and it is with great eagerness and enthusiasm that they anticipate its arrival. I am referring to the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation which these youth will be receiving from Abbot Neal Roth, O.S.B. Abbot Roth is the religious superior of the Benedictine monastic community at Saint Martin Abbey in Lacey, Washington. He is filling in for Archbishop Peter Sartain, who is still recuperating from his recent surgery. Abbot Roth will administer the sacrament of Confirmation through the laying on of his hands and the anointing with the Oil of Chrism. We invite and encourage members of our wider parish to join us for this Mass at which our Confirmation candidates will receive this Sacred Anointing, the last of the three sacraments of Christian initiation. The presence of our larger parish family would be a wonderful sign of affirmation and support for these youth, and likewise a wonderful opportunity to experience a celebration of the Eucharist that is especially rich in the beauty of its music and in the fullness of its symbols. The Confirmation liturgy is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. On a personal note, it has been my privilege and pleasure to see these young people grow and mature over the span of nearly a decade. It has been just over nine and a half years since I came to MQP. These youth, all of whom are either late in their 15th year of age, or already 16, were all just five or six years old when I began my ministry here as pastor. I have been blessed to help most of them celebrate the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, and to witness their growth in faith as they have gone through our grade-school faith formation programs, and our junior high (Edge) and high school (ANCHOR) youth ministry programs. It has been a great joy to see them putting their faith into action, to pray and worship with them, to share in their spiritual journey, and to help them mark their progress by celebrating with them these sacramental milestones and rites of passage. It will be especially gratifying for me to see them be confirmed, and to be a part of this final step in their Christian initiation. I ask all of you to please join me in praying for these high-school Confirmation candidates as they draw near to being sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. May the celebration of this sacrament be for them a profound encounter with God’s grace and favor, and lead them to a fuller life in the Holy Spirit and to deeper union with Christ in friendship and in faith. Hope to see you at our Confirmation Mass this coming Thursday, February 5th, at 7:00 p.m. Blessings to all, Fr. Kevin Page 2 Thursday, February 5th Confirmation Mass 7 p.m. Friday, February 6th First Friday Rosary Night 7 p.m. PRAYER CORNER Please pray for those who are ill: Archbishop Peter Sartain, Arlene Pesito, Deacon Jack Bleile & Kirene Duarte-McJunkin And for those who have died: Anastasia Flores, Salvador Mendoza, Thadeus Than Van Le, Sarah Strawn, Ignacio Martinez Carrera, Mark Mellish, Ignacio Martinez Carrera, Loreta Santomin Ong, Agatha Ruan, Alita Castor Wall, Victoria Rondilla, Arturo Caballero, William Hedge, James Gettings, Julio Stincer, Claire Lunoff, Quinta Messere, Eddie Domantay, Perpetuo & Julia Blanco, Josua Solidum & Terry Scott Flannery Page 3 Mary, Queen of Peace Parish February 1, 2015 Stewardship of Time, Talent & Treasure GOD Gives It All, Then Calls Us To Share—Become Involved In Parish Life, It Is Filled With Blessings Weekly Stewardship Message Moses told the people, “The Lord will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own kinsmen.” God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to share? STEWARDSHIP OF TIME AND TALENT OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN THE PARISH Our parish encourages everyone to give at least two hours of their time each week in prayer and service, beginning with Mass. Whatever gifts you’ve been given, be thankful...and find a way to share them. Grateful for God’s gifts of time and talent to all of us, we acknowledge and give thanks to all those involved in preparing our children who will soon be receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation. Thank you for passing on your faith. Please refer to the MQP Resource Guide or our website for a full description of these and all our ministry opportunities. Feel free to contact any Ministry Leader listed on page 1 of the bulletin if you are interested in any of our ministries. Confirmation Reception volunteers needed! Thursday, February 5th, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Volunteers needed to assist with set-up, serving, and clean-up. Please contact Kris at [email protected] Thank you! Vacation Bible Camp 2015: July 20-24. Now accepting ADULT Station Leader Volunteers! Looking for dynamic, fun-loving adults to share faith with our Campers in mid July. Positions include a Co-Leader for Snack, Preschool Leaders (2 more out of 4) and a Photographer/PowerPoint tech. We especially want folks who have teaching or storytelling skills. All materials and scripts are provided. Contact Mimi, 391-1178 ext. 116 for more information. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Fiscal Year 2014-2015: Stewardship of Treasure Donations Received as of Jan 18, 2015: Donations Received Through Week #29 YTD Sunday Stewardship Envelopes $7,860 $322,914 Simplified Giving Program 22,533 340,781 Employer Sponsored Donations 54,167 Loose in Collection 841 36,222 Holy Days 50 40,719 Children/Youth Envelopes 1 81 Total Stewardship Donations $31,285 $794,885 Parish Goal Through Week #29 847,000 Amount over (under) budget (52,115) We wish to thank everyone for their Stewardship of Treasure and encourage all to use either the Parish Simplified Giving Program, Sunday Stewardship envelopes, Employer Sponsored donation program, or donate on line at , so your donations may be accurately recorded. Pledges may also be made on line through the parish website Registered Families Parish Building Debt 1,966 $196,713 Building Debt Reduction Donations from Parish members in fiscal year 2015 (7.1.14-6.30.15) $15,325 Please use the blue “Building Fund” envelope for campaign pledge payments and donations that you would like applied to the parish debt or write “debt” on the check memo line. February 1, 2015 Mary, Queen of Peace Parish Page 4 Administration and Stewardship ADMINISTRATOR’ CORNER Contact Rich Shively at 391-1178, ext. 111 for information on items in this section E-mail: [email protected] Technology improvements at MQP (Thanks to your generosity at last fall’s auction): We now have Wi-Fi throughout the building. MQP Parishioners can take advantage of this by asking any staff person or MQP leader for the password to “MQP Public”. This password will change periodically, and will allow us to insure the safety of the site and availability to the community as needed. New online giving capability: WeShare, from Liturgical Publications Inc., allows parishioners a much easier way to make contributions to MQP, for Special Collections, or St. Vincent de Paul. Beginning in March, you will be able to register for parish events through the same portal. We will begin using WeShare for our Lenten Women’s Retreat. We have already made it possible for families to pay registration fees for our Joyful Discovery Preschool. A nice advantage for those who wish is that you can manage your contributions yourself. Call the office or check out the link on the MQP Website. New Web Site Coming: MQP.ORG will be changing. We are in the process of redesigning the web site. A cleaner and easier to navigate site is on the way. As we are in this process, please don’t hesitate to call Rich Shively 391-1178 ext 111 or Debby Waldrop 391-1178 ext 110 in the parish office with suggestions or hopes you might have. Growing an Engaged Church: MQP for ME Contact Kathi Rowley at 391-1178, ext. 120 for information on items in this section E-mail: [email protected] Women’s Day of Reflection: “The Women at the Foot of the Cross” Enter into the Lenten Season through the transformative embrace of scripture, reflection, music, prayer and story. Experience Lent through a unique process of engagement that draws you deeply into this holy season. At the Foot of the Cross we will walk with Jesus to Calvary and stand in the shadow of his cross. This retreat day is sponsored by MQP’s Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) and is open to all the women of the parish (your friends are more than welcome — don’t hesitate to extend an invitation). This years Day of Reflection will be lead by Kathleen Klichline. Kathleen has a Master of Divinity and 25 years’ experience in serving the church as a Pastoral Associate. She is currently serving as adjunct faculty at Seattle University and is a published author of scripture studies and other materials. Kathleen is a popular presenter for retreats and workshops. It is a real honor to have her with us for this year’s Lenten Day Retreat. Saturday, March 14, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. RSVP to Kathi Rowley at [email protected] or [email protected]. Cost: $5.00. One fly in the ointment: ….Email Troubles: MQP uses a powerful spam filter, which keeps out thousands of unwanted emails each week. We have had many WANTED emails get caught in the filter in the past two months. If you have an email bounce to MQP, please call Rich Shively, and let me know. If you leave a message, please indicate the date and exact email address from which you sent the email. It will help in ensuring future emails get through the system. I apologize for any inconvenience you may have faced. Sunday Morning Custodian Wanted We are seeking a Sunday Morning Custodian. Please call George Christman 391-1178 ext 134 or Rich Shively 391-1178 ext. 111 for more information. Discovering and Living Your Strengths These groups are designed to help you discover your greatest natural talents and then build on those talents to create individual and team strengths. This process can be transformational in your life! God has blessed each of us with a reservoir of untapped potential. That potential is our talent – waiting to be further discovered and put to use in our lives. New groups will be forming in January to sign-up or for more information contact Kathi Rowley at 425-391-1178 or [email protected]. Mary, Queen of Peace Parish February 1, 2015 ADULT HAPPENINGS Page 5 CHILDREN & FAMILY Contact Zoltan at 425.391.1178 ext. 117 for information on items in this section or e-mail [email protected] Catholicism 101: The History of the Catholic Church The Catholic Church has existed for 2000 years, has seen the rise and fall of empires and civilizations, and has spread out to all of the inhabited continents of the world. But what exactly happened during all those years? Come, find out! Join us for our overview of Church history, currently journeying through the Middle Ages. Classes are offered Sunday mornings, from 10:20 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. in Room N145, whenever Faith Formation classes are held. Excellent snacks provided! Childcare is available in the nursery. Intro to the Bible Have you wondered about how Catholics read the Bible? Have you been puzzled by the Bible versus science debates? Have you been confused by biblical arguments among Christians? Come, learn about Catholic biblical interpretation. No background experience required! 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Room N147 on the following Tuesdays: Feb 3, 10. Great snacks provided! Study, fellowship, and fun! Ongoing Bible Study: We are currently offering the following ongoing Bible Study opportunities: •Tuesday afternoons, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Focus: The Gospel of John (St. Albert the Great Room/C129) •Wednesday afternoons, 1p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Focus: The Gospel of Matthew (Parish Library/S118). All adults are welcome. No background knowledge is necessary. Becoming Catholic Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Find out about our Becoming Catholic program. Seekers of all backgrounds are welcome. Please contact Zoltan Abraham, 391-1178, ext. 117 or [email protected], for more information. For information in this section, please contact Mimi O’Sullivan at 425.391.1178 ext. 116 or [email protected] More information online: Faith Formation Classes Children should bring their textbooks home and bring them back to class each week. After class, on Sunday, February 1st and Wednesday, February 4th, families should review the “At Home” page, at the end of Chapter 13. Children’s Liturgy of the Word Do your kids complain they’re bored at Mass because everything just “goes over their heads”? Be part of the solution! Join a CLW team and through storytelling, music and your own creativity, bring the Gospel stories to life for our parish children! Once a month commitment at your choice of Mass time. Liturgy outlines and Homily materials provided. Contact Mimi for more information or to sign up. Vacation Bible Camp 2015: July 20-24 Now Accepting ADULT Station Leader Volunteers! Looking for dynamic, fun-loving adults to share faith with our Campers in mid July. Positions include a CoLeader for Snack, Preschool Leaders (2 more out of 4) and a Photographer/PowerPoint tech. We especially want folks who have teaching or storytelling skills. All materials and scripts are provided. Contact Mimi, 391-1178 ext. 116 for more information. Baptism for kids (older than 7) and teens The Church has a special process to initiate young people into the Church who have reached, “the age of reason.” Contact Mimi, 391-1178 ext 116 if your child is interested in baptism in the Catholic Church. NEW FAMILIES Church is where a family finds a home. We would like to welcome these new families to our parish: Anderson, Maeung, Ramirez Mary, Queen of Peace Parish February 1, 2015 THE EDGE (6TH-8TH GRADE) Contact Sofia Lopez, 425.391.1178 ext 129 or [email protected] with questions about our middle school (6-8 grade) EDGE program. Page 6 A.N.C.H.O.R (9TH-12TH GRADE) Contact Chelsea Madura, 425.391.1178 Aspiring to Navigate by ext 114 or [email protected] with Christ our questions about our high school Hope and Our (9-12 grade) ANCHOR program or Redeemer [email protected] with questions about our Confirmation Program. More info, including registration forms, meal plan forms, calendars with school breaks, etc. at ANCHOR Juniors & Seniors 2016, families, and adults welcome to join us in Poland in 2016!! 1. 30 Hour Famine with PLC, SPC, FUMC March 6-7 2. Easter Flower Sales Following all Sunday mass times To volunteer email: [email protected] Feb 21-Mar 28 INFORMATIONAL MEETING: You’re Invited to Attend... Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 7:00PM St. Joseph Catholic Church 220 Mountain Park Blvd SW Issaquah, WA 98027 Light refreshments will be served. Inquiry forms available in the vestibule or email Chelsea at [email protected] for more information. 3. Agape Service Project July 26-31 Permission slips & info on MQP Website DUE: APRIL 1 ANCHOR teens: volunteer at the Crab Feed!!! Saturday, February 7th from 6 p.m. — 9 p.m. serve at the Knights of Columbus Crab Feed and help raise money for our ANCHOR mission trip! E-mail Chelsea at [email protected] to sign up! Dress Code: Black pants, white dress shirt, dark shoes Edge and ANCHOR will be participating in the Agape Service Trip this SUMMER, sponsored by Western Washington’s Catholic Newman Center. #GoHawks Take time to prayerfully discern how you would like to serve others this summer. Email [email protected] for more details. We will be taking 7th grade — 12th grade. Permission Slips & info in the vestibule and website February 1, 2015 Mary, Queen of Peace Parish Page 7 Parish Life Adoration The . . . great work of love we attribute in a special way to the Holy Spirit is His role in the change of ordinary bread and wine into the very body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This change is called Transubstantiation." It simply means that when a validly ordained Catholic priest, acting in the Person of Christ (in persona Christi), says the words Jesus said at the Last Supper when He instituted the Eucharist - namely, " 'This is my body' ... 'This is my blood' " (Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22, cf. Luke 22:19-20) - the substances of bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The "accidents" of bread and wine - namely, their appearance, size, shape, quantity, taste, color, texture, and the like - remain the same. As a result, the Eucharistic Bread still looks like ordinary bread, but it is now the "body of Jesus." In a similar way, the cup of wine just consecrated is no longer simply ordinary table wine, but it is now the precious blood of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit and the Holy Eucharist Part I by Fr. Andrew J. Apostoli, C.F.R. Exposition and Adoration EXPOSITION AND ADORATION WEDNESDAY 10 A.M TO 9 P.M. “God is love.” 1 John 4:8 You are invited to spend time adoring on Wednesday’s from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. in the Daily Mass Chapel or anytime the Church is open (except when Mass is being offered). You may sign up for an hour by contacting Lorna Coltorti, [email protected] or 425-307-3466. Senior League Pot Luck Luncheon We are looking forward to our next Mary, Queen of Peace Senior League Pot Luck Lunch on Thursday, February 12th from 12:15pm- 2:30 p.m in the Social Hall. Dessert and Coffee will be provided. Helen who operates "Training You with your Dog", will be giving a brief talk on Dogs and how they can be trained to be great pets and/or Therapy Dogs. She will have a few dogs present for demonstration and visiting. You are welcome and encouraged to invite your friends to attend. They do not have to be members of the parish. If you would like to attend, but require transportation, please contact Jenny Hepperle at 425-260-4377 and she will arrange a ride. We look forward to seeing all of you! Respect Life The Gospel of life is for the whole of human society. To be actively pro-life is to contribute to the renewal of society through the promotion of the common good. It is impossible to further the common good without acknowledging and defending the right to life, upon which all the other inalienable rights of individuals are founded and from which they develop. A society lacks solid foundations when, on the one hand, it asserts values such as the dignity of the person, justice and peace, but then, on the other hand, radically acts to the contrary by allowing or tolerating a variety of ways in which human life is devalued and violated, especially where it is weak or marginalized. Only respect for life can be the foundation and guarantee of the most precious and essential goods of society, such as democracy and peace. St. Pope John Paul II Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) #101 BAPTISMS We are pleased to welcome these newest members of our faith community: Olivia Annabelle Hofer Olivia Elaine McCormack McKinley Renee Smith St. Joseph School Issaquah and Snoqualmie Kindergarten-Grade 8 Inspiring Knowledge and Faith Information Meetings and Tours February 4th and February 10th at 9:30 for Grades K-8 St. Joseph School is currently having Informational Meetings and Tours for the 2015-2016 School Year. We provide a strong academic program in a supportive Catholic community. We focus on teaching the whole child and offer small classes ranging from 16-18 students. Please visit our web-site at for more information. To sign up for an Informational Meeting and Tour, please e-mail Jackie Olund at [email protected] and for questions call 425-313-9129 x 324. February 1, 2015 Mary, Queen of Peace Parish Page 8 Parish Life First Friday Rosary Night will be this Friday, February 6th at 7 p.m. in the Chapel. Since the Feast of The Presentation of the Lord and Confirmation both occur this week, we specifically will be praying for all of our children and grandchildren. There will be a casual pot-luck dinner in the vestibule following the Rosary. The First Friday Rosary Group attempts to emulate the close feeling of joy and community experienced by the early Christians. Please join us even if you don’t have time to bring a dish! Thank You for Your Food Donations This week 87 pounds of food and 38 bags of clothing were delivered to the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank. Thank you to everyone who was able to donate. Please support our bulletin advertisers! The people who pay for space on the inside and outside back cover make it possible for Catholic Printery to publish this bulletin weekly at no cost to the parish. This week’s featured advertiser is AEGIS LIVING at Marymoor Senior Living Community Thank Yous from Art & Environment Ministry Many hands make work light and certainly more fun! It takes many hands and lots of time to accomplish Christmas Season preparations. Now that we have moved back into Ordinary Time, we want to thank the many people who made our Church so beautiful this Christmas. We thank all parishioners who donated the Poinsettias which graced our church. We thank Squak Mountain Nursery for the wonderful selection of flowers and timely delivery. We thank the Knights of Columbus for their assistance installing the trees in the Social Hall and Church and for riding the Genie Lift to install other décor. We thank Long’s Automotive in Woodinville for the use of their truck and trailer to transport the tree. We thank Pete & Lisa Kraetsch, Joe & Lyta McNabb, and Ellen & Steve Martin for donating the trees. We cannot say “thank you” loudly enough to the many volunteers (both our core group and seasonal helpers) who worked with great speed to prepare our church for Christmas. We had more volunteers this year but we also had more scheduling challenges. There were back-to-back events scheduled in both the church and social hall which limited our preparation time. Some volunteers were participating in multiple events and without the help of all those who volunteered, we would not have been able to accomplish everything. Our special thanks go out to these helpers: Diane Kloeppel, Gayle Meade, Mary & Ron Long, Mary & Bill Jones, Shar Soltero, Mary Gross, Linda & Vic Peri, Germaine Cruz, Carol Eldridge, Joanne Van Deurzen, Lorraine Ficken and Matt, Stacie Sollars, Bonnie Witek, Dave & Jan Bradshaw, Kathie Beutel-Johnson, Bill Haines and Chris, Kim & Dan Christiansen and Kate & Susan, Ken Cameron, Pete Weiler, Lisa & Pete Kraetsch, Steve Repanich, Dan Hageman, Rich Shively, Kathleen Parry, Jane Stephenson, Christina & Michael Marchione and Daniel, and Mark Reisenauer. Did you notice the trees in the Narthex? Please say yes. The decorations on these trees were handmade by members of Art & Environment. The flowers, fruits and nuts were dried or collected by members of A&E Ministry. Nothing is artificial. Each year we create a few more items. This year we had several work parties at the home of Shar & Don Soltero and the fruits of our labors were on those two trees. Finally, let us give a big thank you to our Christmas coordinators: Carol Eldridge, Lorraine Ficken, Kathleen Parry, Mary Jones and Mary Long. Over the years, a comprehensive checklist has been developed to make the task easier. However, it still takes two exhausting days to install the trees, set up the Social Hall and place all the décor and then two days to remove it. Thank you everyone. February 1, 2015 Mary, Queen of Peace Parish Page 9 February 1, 2015 Mary, Queen of Peace Parish For the Week of February 1st, 2015 Through February 7th, 2015 Sunday Coffee Hour Crab Feed Ticket Sales 6:45 a.m. Cantor Rehearsal (Church) 8 a.m. CMG Warm up (Chapel/Church) 9/11:30 a.m. Preschool RE Classes (Various) 10:15 a.m. Jr. Chorus (Chapel) 10:20 a.m. Catholicism 101 (N145) 10:20 a.m./12:45 p.m. Elementary RE Classes (Various) 10:30 a.m. ETC Rehearsal (Church) 11 a.m. Children & Family RCIA (C130) 11:30 a.m. RCIA (N145) Monday 9:15 a.m. Joyful Discovery Preschool (S111/S113) 10 a.m. Word & Communion Service at Spiritwood 1 p.m. Legion of Mary (S121) 6 p.m. BSA Troop 571 (Various) Tuesday 9:15 a.m. Joyful Discovery Preschool (S111/S113) 9:15 a.m. Gabriel Project (N220) 1 p.m. Bible Study (C130) 6:45 p.m. 1st Reconciliation Classes (Various) 7 p.m. Intro to the Bible (N147) Wednesday 8:30/9 a.m. Rosary/Mass (Chapel) 9:15 a.m. Joyful Discovery Preschool (S111/S113/Ctr Room) 10 a.m. Exposition and Adoration (Chapel) 1 p.m. Bible Study (S118) 3 p.m. Elementary RE Classes (Various) 4:30 MOMS (N220) 6 p.m. Ignite the Light Rehearsal (Church) Page 10 Wednesday (continued) 6:45 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 679, Den 8 (C126) 7 p.m. Pastoral Council (N220) 7 p.m. Men’s Prayer Group (Spanish) (C130) 7:15 p.m. CMG Rehearsal (Church) Thursday 8:30/9 a.m. Rosary/Mass (Chapel) 9:15 a.m. Joyful Discovery Preschool (S111/S113) 9:30 a.m. MOPS (Various) 6:45 p.m. 1st Reconciliation Classes (Various) 7 p.m. Confirmation Mass/Reception (Church/Social Hall) Friday 8:30/9 a.m. Rosary/Mass (Chapel) 9:15 a.m. Joyful Discovery Preschool (S111/S113) 10 a.m. Rosary Making Group (C126) 10 a.m. St. Teresa Prayer Group (Spanish) (C130) 10:30 a.m. Centering Prayer Group (S118) 7 p.m. First Friday Rosary Night (Chapel) Saturday 9 a.m. 1st Saturday Mass (Chapel) 3:30 p.m. Reconciliation (Chapel) 4 p.m. Vigil Choir Rehearsal (Church) 6:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus Crab Feed (Social Hall)
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