SAINT JOSEPH SAINT MARY - CHURCH - - CHURCH - 22 GOODWILL AVENUE MERIDEN, CONNECTICUT 06451 5 SHERMAN PLACE MERIDEN, CONNECTICUT 06451 Rev. Gerald H. Dziedzic ................................................ Pastor Donald H. Smith ........................................................ Deacon John T. Nugent ............................................. Deacon Emeritus Sr. Georgeann Vumbaco ...............................Pastoral Associate 203-886-8961 Katherin Sniffin ......................................................... Principal Jennifer Canell ................................................................DRE Rev. Gerald H. Dziedzic ............................................... Pastor MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY .................................Sunday Vigil Mass, 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY ......................................8:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. DAILY ..................................Monday thru Saturday 7:30 A.M. MASS SCHEDULE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturdays, 4:00 to 4:45 P.M. and by request. BAPTISM: 12:15 P.M. First and Third Sundays by appointment only. MARRIAGE: Please schedule weddings at least 6 months before proposed date. NEW PARISHIONERS: should register at the rectory by filling out a census form. RECTORY 203-237-5593 • SCHOOL 203-237-6800 CCD OFFICE 203-631-5337 WEBSITE Donald H. Smith ........................................................ Deacon John T. Nugent ............................................. Deacon Emeritus SATURDAY ............................................................ 4:00 P.M. ........................................... Confessions 3:15 P.M. - 3:45 P.M. SUNDAY .............................................................. 9:30 A.M. DAILY .............................................................. As Scheduled BAPTISMS & WEDDINGS: Please call Rectory for arrangements. NEW PARISHIONERS: should register at the rectory by filling out a census from. RECTORY 203-235-0519 ST. JOSEPH / ST. MARY MERIDEN THE MONTHLY COLLECTION will be the second collection next week. MASS INTENTIONS FOR ST. JOSEPH PARISH January 31 – February 8 Saturday 5:00 Sunday 8:00 Sunday 11:00 Monday 7:30 Tuesday 7:30 Wednesday 7:30 Thursday 7:30 Friday 7:30 Saturday 7:30 Saturday 5:00 Sunday 8:00 Sunday 11:00 WILLIAM & DOROTHY LUBY requested by their family JOSEPH DEROY- 2nd Anniversary, requested by his family JOYCE MCNULTY – 8th Anniversary, requested by her husband & family MARIE KENNEDY requested by Carol Dawe MARY SIERACKI requested by the Ivers Family FRANK ZAVAGLIA requested by his brother, Mario & family LIVING & DECEASED MEMBERS OF SAINT JOSEPH PARISH JOSEPHINE LINCAVICKS – Birthday Remembrance, requested by her daughter, Betty MARJORIE DOYLE PADOCK – 8th Anniversary, requested by her children & sister ACHILLE PITTARI requested by the Vumbaca Family CLARENCE GUTAUSKAS requested by his family SUSAN MCINERNEY requested by her sister, Diana McInerney ST. JOSEPH CANDLE MEMORIALS THIS WEEK Sanctuary: Special Intentions of the Saint Joseph Parish Family Blessed Mother: GERTRUDE CERASALE th 16 Anniversary requested by her husband & children St. Joseph: Deceased Members of the Saint Joseph Parish Family If you would like to have a candle burn in honor of a living or deceased loved one, or a special intention, please call the rectory. JUST A REMINDER: The Saint Joseph Parish Council will meet on Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS COLLECTION THANK YOU! On behalf of our Catholic secondary school students, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Dr. Dale R. Hoyt, would like to express sincere thanks to all those who supported the 2015 High School Collection. Your generosity is deeply appreciated by all those whose future you have helped to shape. Something New For Meriden Catholics This Lent… Experience “24 Hours That Changed the World” Beginning Ash Wednesday, February 18th, you are invited to join Deacon Don Smith and your fellow Catholics for this powerful, seven-week program. This program is centered on a wonderful book called “24 Hours That Changed The World”. “24 Hours That Changed The World” begins at 7 PM on Wednesday, February 18th in Rosary Hall at Saint Joseph Church, runs for seven consecutive weeks, and concludes on April 1st, the evening before the start of the Triduum. Bring your Bible! The $10 registration fee provides you with the book AND a book of reflections for each day of Lent. Space is limited, so PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. (No walk-ins, please!) Please register BY FEBRUARY 4th. Registration forms may be picked up at the parish office or you can call or email Deacon Don (203-238-3660 or [email protected]) and he will email the form to you. ST. PATRICK’S DANCE The 43rd Annual St. Patrick’s Dance and Social will be held Saturday, March 14, 2015, in Rosary Hall. Dinner and dancing 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Details to follow. The Dance Committee will meet Thursday, February 5, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in Rosary Hall to work out details – NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME. For more information contact Mark Dupuis at 203-237-0159. SAINT JOSEPH YOUTH CHOIR The Saint Joseph Youth Choir will rehearse on Wednesday, February 4th, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Please feel free to call Hannah Fraser at 203-235-6674 or [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions. Support Week Expenses Income 1/25/15 $ 6,027 $3,095 May God continue to bless and renew the Parish Family of Saint Joseph. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SAINT JOSEPH SCHOOL NEWS Saint Joseph School Tours and shadow days can be arranged as simply as making a phone call. Find out why SJS students gain more than a year each year on standardized tests. Call 203-237-6800 and schedule your tour or an interview with the principal. School Applications - Parents who are considering the preschool program, all day kindergarten and/or entrance into grades 1-8 may contact the school office at 203-237-6800, access the website at, or stop by for an application. Save The Date! Laugh so loud you bring a tear to your eye! Come for an Adults only evening of comedy at the North Italian Home Club, 43 Thorpe Avenue, Meriden on Friday, February 27th. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. $25 per person and a cash bar. Proceeds help Saint Joseph School keep quality Catholic Education in Meriden. Come and see the SJS STEM Fair (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Projects by the Preschool through grade 8 students of Saint Joseph School, Wednesday, February 11, 2015 from 6:30-8 p.m. in Rosary Hall. Judges still needed. Contact Mrs. Sniffin at [email protected] if you are a teacher, scientist, engineer or experienced in any STEM career to volunteer as a judge. Judging will be February 10th from 2-5:30 p.m. Thank You for your continued support and prayers for FEBRUARY 1, 2015 MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT The Archdiocesan Family Life Office will hold its 8th Annual Marriage Enrichment evening next Saturday, February 7, 2015, from 5:00-9:00 p.m. at Mary Our Queen Church and Parish Center, 248 Savage Street, Plantsville, CT. This year’s program will begin with Mass, include dinner, prayer, reflection, fun and a keynote address “How to be Married and Stay Engaged” by Dr. Jim Healy, nationally renowned author, speaker and Director of the Center for Family Ministry for the Diocese of Joliet, IL. The cost is $25.00 per couple and includes dinner (scholarships are available.) To register or obtain more information, contact Tom and Donna Finn at 860-621-7858 or email to [email protected]. Please R.S.V.P. by February 4, 2015. RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT If you are suffering from an abortion, experience the healing love of Jesus Christ on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat weekend February 6-8, 2015 in Litchfield, CT. The weekend healing process includes discussions, Living Scriptures with meditations, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a memorial Service and Mass of Entrustment. Participation is totally confidential. The fee for the weekend is $175 for meals, private room and all retreat materials. Call 203-631-9030 for more information or visit RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS the students at Saint Joseph School. We keep you in our prayers each and every day. God Bless, Mrs. Katherin Sniffin CCD classes for Grades 1-5 meets on Tuesday, February 3rd, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. at Saint Joseph School. COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS Applications are now available in the school office for the Marion and Dorothy Whalon Scholarship Fund. The Scholarships have been established from the Whalon Estate to provide college and university scholarships for graduates of Saint Joseph School in Meriden. Selection of the recipients is based on the service to the parish and the community, academic performance, and need. Please return the completed application to the school office or rectory by March 26th. CCD classes for Grades 6-8 meets on Monday, February 2nd, from 6:30-7:45 p.m. at Saint Joseph School. PEG JOHNSON SCHOLARSHIP Applications for the 2015-2016 awarding of the Peg Johnson Scholarship are now available. The Peg Johnson Scholarship is awarded in memory of Margaret “Peg” Johnson, a former teacher at Saint Mary School. Children who are active Saint Mary or Saint Joseph parishioners, and who are attending a local Catholic School, and who are entering the fifth or sixth grade in the fall are eligible. Please call Carol at Saint Mary Rectory, 203-235-0519, or Saint Joseph School, 203-237-6800, to receive an application. Classes for 1st Year Confirmation Program meets on Sunday, February 8th, from 6:30-7:45 p.m. in Saint Joseph School. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. ST. JOSEPH / ST. MARY Mass Intentions… MASS INTENTIONS for ST. MARY PARISH February 1st – February 8th Saturday 4:00 Eleanor Jette (Fr. Jette's Mother) requested by Saint Mary Parish Sunday 9:30 George Arsenault (1st Anniversary), Joseph Mule, Jr. (2nd Anniversary) requested by Family Saturday 4:00 Sunday 9:30 Thomas J. Keough (14th Anniversary) requested by Wife & Family THE BLESSED MOTHER LAMP TO BURN THIS WEEK IN MEMORY OF ELEANOR JETTE (FR. JETTE'S MOTHER) REQUESTED BY SAINT MARY PARISH COUNCIL Offertory for January 24th & 25th : $1,35.60. THANK YOU for your generous response to last weekend's High School Collection. A total of $274.00 was collected to benefit St. Paul Catholic High School. May God bless you for your continued support of Catholic Education. VOCATIONS People were spellbound by the teachings of Jesus. The church needs bold teachers and preachers today. Consider a vocation to priesthood or religious life. Call Fr. Anthony Smith, Director of Vocations, Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary, Tel 860-242-5573, e-mail [email protected] or visit the web at MERIDEN DIACONATE INQUIRY SESSIONS The Archdiocesan Office of Diaconate Formation is now preparing to admit a new class of candidates for the Diaconate in the fall of 2015. Any Catholic man between the ages of 35 and 60 who may be interested in the Diaconate is encouraged to speak to his pastor. Two inquiry sessions will be held at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield on Sunday, March 8, 2015 and Sunday, March 22, 2015 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Both sessions must be attended, and spouses must also attend. Please call the office at (860)242-5573 no later than March 2, 2015 in order to preregister. Forgive Forgive someone. Today forgive. Turn from bitter to positive. End frustration, anger, pain; Wash the anguish from your brain. No need to reconcile or tell; Just feel better and get well. A brand new, peaceful life to live, That’s your gift, when you forgive. By Joanna Fuchs ( ...forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us... - The Our Father WEBSITES OF INTEREST... National Do Not Call Registry: 888-382-1222 On Line (Internet) Safety: Department of Consumer Protection: 800-842-2649 926 – pg 4 FOURTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 ** IN PRAYERFUL THANKSGIVING ** FOR THOSE WHO SERVE... READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 (22-32) Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 SPC Jacob Steinbeck, U.S. Army SPEC. Bradley Milslagle, U.S. Army, Serving in Afghanistan Tech Sergeant Kevin T. Carabetta, U.S. Air National Guard Master Sergeant Patrick Connolly, U.S. Air Force BUCN Christopher T. Higgins, Naval Mobile Construction, Battalion 4 - U.S.N. First Class Petty Officer Sean Quinn, U.S. Navy Staff Sgt. Timothy R. Cox, U.S. Air Force Sgt. Christian M. Cox, U.S. Marine Corp. Tech. Sgt. Christopher Darling, U.S. Air Force Pvt. Amanda Christine Chatfield, U.S. Army Please remember these fine men (and women), and all who serve our country, in your prayers. Call the rectory to update information or to add names to the list. CHURCH BULLETIN HUMOR... Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. Don't let worry kill you off. Let the Church help. ( SCHOLARSHIP NEWS : Application forms for the Peg Johnson Scholarship are now available. The Peg Johnson Scholarship is awarded in memory of Margaret (Peg) Johnson, a former teacher at St. Mary School. Children who are active St. Mary or St. Joseph parishioners, who are attending a local Catholic school, and who are entering the fifth or sixth grade in the fall, are eligible. Applications are due Friday, May 15, 2015. Please call Carol at (203)235-0519 to learn more. Prayer for Those who Await a Solder's Return God of All goodness, Look with love on those who wait for the safe return of their loved ones who serve in the armed forces of their country. In faith and hope, we turn to you for comfort. Grant that we may trust in your mercy and send an angel to sustain us as we await their safe return. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. - WELCOME IF YOU ARE NEW TO THE PARISH, WE EXTEND A WARM WELCOME. IF YOU ARE JUST VISITING, FEEL AT HOME AMONG US. IF YOU CHOOSE TO JOIN OUR PARISH, PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF BY CALLING THE RECTORY, (203) 235-0519 - ST. MARY'S; (203) 237-5593 - ST. JOSEPH'S. 926 – pg 5 BEECHER & BENNETT FLATOW FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1894 203-235-4152 48 Cook Avenue • Meriden, CT 06450 L. SUZIO CONCRETE CO., INC. Crushed Trap Rock • Asphalt Sand, Suzio Ready-Mix Concrete Serving Residence, Municipalities & The State & Federal Governments Meriden.....203-237-8421 Please visit our website @ Wholesale & Retail 1112 East Main St., Meriden 203-235-7384 A New Bath In As Little As One Day! Luxury Baths by Fiderio & Sons Want to Change The Look Of Your Dingy, Old Bathroom, But Are Afraid Of The Cost, Mess And Disruption? Go From Ghastly To Gorgeous In As Little As 24 Hours! 203-237-0350 Call Today For Free Est. Celebrating 25 Years CUSTOM SMOKING • PRIVATE ORDERS 687 Broad St., Meriden • CT Lic#0516790 “A NICE PLACE TO LIVE” Molly Savard, CFACHCA The Bradley Home and Pavilion 320 Colony St. Meriden, CT 203-235-5716 Quality Workmanship & Products 5-STAR MEDICARE RATED REHABILITATION/LONG TERM CARE SERVING MERIDEN AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES (203)-237-4338 203-235-3738 237-0350 or 1-800-FIDERIO Meriden Travel 203.235.4493 203-235-7119 92 West Main Street Meriden, CT 06451 OPEN DAILY 54 Chamberlain Hwy. Meriden CT 06451 Anthony Massaro-Owner 203-237-7403 203-265-5550 80 South Vine St., Meriden 203-238-3425 Fax 348 N. Colony Rd., Wallingford 203-235-2541 x153 Commercial • Residential • Industrial Specializing in churches, schools, manufacturing, retail, office & medical buildings Listed Central Station Monitoring • Fully Lic. & Ins. Bucket Truck Service Emergency Service 24/7 B.T. Lindsay & Co., Inc. Est. 1984 • Lic. No. S1-302710 16 Custer St., West Hartford, CT (203) 235-5653 860-953-1556 125 Research Pkwy., Meriden, CT 06450 Robert J. Mule SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. 203-238-7561 1-800-322-6853 P.O. Bx. 2244,125 Research Pkwy., Meriden, CT 06450 Franciscan Ever There Care Vertical Blinds Custom Made Draperies “THE BEST FOR LE$$” 860-628-6500 Law Office of Cornelius J. Ivers LLC 658 Broad St. Meriden, CT 203-634-0477 WALLINGFORD FUNERAL HOME 809 N. Main St. Ext., Wallingford, CT 06492 Your Home-Your Needs-Our Mission (203) 269-7777 Call us today 203-630-2881 YALESVILLE FUNERAL HOME Are you in need of a: Homemaker~Companison Personal Care or Live-In Attendent 386 Main St., Yalesville, CT 06492 John J. Ferry & Sons, Inc. (203) 269-2222 CONNECTICUT CHIMNEY Sweep & Restoration Co., LLC Funeral Home Complete Chimney Repair & Maintenance Residential • Commercial (860) 828-0756 88 East Main St. Meriden, Ct 33 Cone Ave. Meriden, CT 06450 203.238.1606 Fax: 203.235.0299 Questions Email: BERLIN, CT 06037 James Kasulis 203-235-3338 ~ Established 1890 ~ Est. 1934 [email protected] Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Serving the area Over 80 Years! FURNI TU R E 75 West Main St. • Meriden, CT 203-235-2529 FREE DELIVERY Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 IN-STORE FINANCING GET 50% OFF What does the Hamrah’s Connecticut Coach Auto Body Sugar Free Chocolates ip “We Sh ide” Our Pecan Bark Nationw Call For Store Hours CT Lic. # 104727 450 Broad St. Meriden 203-235-9181 V. CZAPIGA & SON MAKERS OF FINE KIELBASA & SAUSAGES FOR 94 YRS & SONS OPEN FOR LUNCH DAILY QUALITY HOME IMPROVEMENTS CHECK OUT OUR EVERYDAY Siding • Windows • Additions LOW DELI PRICES Baths • Roofing • Sunrooms Kitchens • Decks 24 Hr. Service • CT. Lic. #125458 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Design, Installation & Service Patricia R. Stempien - Vice President 450 Broad St., Meriden HERGOTT Thompson Chocolate Proudly Made in America. DENTAL Gift Baskets ASSOCIATES Specialty Items Dr. David K. Hergott Dr. Sara E. Curcio 166 S. Broad St., Meriden Stempien “The Family Funeral Home” Suzanne S. O’Rourke Ronald J. 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