The Circuit Rider February 2015 Join us for our Season of Lent worship focus on the “Different Robes of Jesus.” These robes are connected to significant moments when Jesus journeyed to Jerusalem, was crucified on a cross, placed in a tomb, and then was raised to new life. The songs from the cantata, “Come, Touch the Robe” by Pepper Choplin will help us to focus on each of the seven robes of Jesus. The sermons will explore the meaning of each robe as we journey with Jesus to the cross and the empty tomb. The Chancel Choir will present the full cantata, “Come, Touch the Robe” on March 29, Palm Sunday. Our Season of Lent focus will begin on February 15, Transfiguration Sunday as we focus on the “Shining Robe” of Jesus and will conclude on April 5, Easter Sunday as we celebrate the “Rolled Up Robe” of Jesus. Ash Wednesday Services (The Beginning of the Season of Lent) Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the forty day season of Lent which prepares us for events that lead up to the cross and the empty tomb. Our Ash Wednesday services on February 18 will include the imposition of ashes on our foreheads to remind us of our mortality, our dependence upon God, and the anticipation of the good news of Jesus’ resurrection. February 18 (Three Service Opportunities) Noon (Half Hour) & 7:30 pm @ Church 6:30 pm @ Crossroads, 2095 W. Fair Avenue Dear Friends, In 2014, our church gave over $24,000 to our Local Relief Fund (formerly known as “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.”) Our church receives many thank you cards from people we help who were in financial need. I thought you might want to read this recent heart-felt card that we received from one of the families who received assistance from us this past year through this fund. To Whom it May Concern, We would like to Thank You for taking our family under your wings and into your hearts at our time of need. Words cannot express how much we truly appreciate your ability to help us provide a Christmas for our children and helping us get our baby girl to the doctor. Thank you for being there, thank you for accepting us, and most of all we thank you for your help! We hope that you have the BEST holiday ever, as well as all days to follow. Thank you so much for making this holiday possible for our family. You are truly a blessing! Thank you all for your love and caring. Our Local Relief Fund that we receive on the first Sunday of each month when we receive Holy Communion is making a difference in the lives of so many families in our community. Thank you for your gifts to the Local Relief Fund. You are truly a blessing! Pastor Robert Sunday Worship Sermon Titles 9:00 am & 10:30 am February 15 (Transfiguration Sunday) – Different Robes of Jesus – Shining Robe 22 (1st Sunday in Lent) – Different Robes of Jesus – Healing Robe March 1 (2nd Sunday in Lent) – Different Robes of Jesus – Servant’s Robe 8 (3rd Sunday in Lent) – Different Robes of Jesus – Seamless Robe 15 (4th Sunday in Lent) – Different Robes of Jesus – Spreading Robes 22 (5th Sunday in Lent) – Different Robes of Jesus – Burial Robe 29 (Palm Sunday) – Cantata: Come Touch the Robe April 5 (Easter, 7:30am/9:00am/10:30am) – Different Robes of Jesus – Rolled Up Robe Daily Devotions for Lent February 18: Ash Wednesday thru April 5: Easter Take a few moments each day to be spiritually renewed! We are providing 2 choices for your Lenten devotions: 1. A Wondrous Love: Writings of C.S. Lewis and Henri Nouwen A collection of their personal insights and understandings about faith. 2. Living the Gospel Life: Daily Devotions for Christians on a Mission. These devotions highlight the concepts of being sent, demonstrating faith in action, and being mission-minded each day of Lent. Both devotional booklets have a daily Scripture, a meditation, and a prayer. The booklets will be in the parlor at the information desk, available on February 8. 2 Dear friends, Your giving to date exceeds your $25,000 giving commitment by $6,085.43! Put that in terms of lives saved and through your year-round efforts and your Reclaiming Christmas focus you all have saved a total of at least 3,108 lives from malaria death and suffering in sub-Saharan Africa! Well done! Thank you for your deep heart for saving lives, in Africa and right where you are planted at the corner of Wheeling and High Street in Lancaster Ohio! You are indeed one of God’s Candlesticks bringing light to all the world! Thank you! Blessings Abundant, Dave Boling Associate Director - Council on Development Conference Field Coordinator - Imagine No Malaria West Ohio Conference LAY SERVANT MINISTRIES OUTLOOK: As Christians, we are each called to be servants according to our gifts. LSM equips us to respond to this call, leading us to grow as disciples. Mark your calendars for these upcoming opportunities: Tues., Feb.17, 7:00pm Initial meeting of area churches concerning LSM process First UMC, Room 22 and trainings throughout West Ohio Conference’s seven districts Fri., May 1, 6:30-9pm LSM Advanced Training – Leading Worship AND Sat., May 2, 8:30-5 Held at Eastview UMC, Columbus For information about Lay Servant Ministries, contact Judy Hug or Dan Kemp, Director of Discipleship and Outreach. Look for updates and more information in each issue of The Circuit Rider! Our annual Fontanini Nativity display at our beautiful Crossroads facility enables many people from our church and community to experience the good news of the Christmas story. Our spacious Tower Hall is a holy space for people to come and visit Bethlehem and the Christ Child. During one of the December Sunday evenings, over one hundred people walked through our nativity display. We are presently in the fourth lap (June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015) of our five-lap “Faith Forward to the Finish Line” campaign to pay off our building debt by the middle of 2016. Thanks to our congregational giving, designated memorial gifts, and fundraisers, the principal on our building debt is dropping significantly! Our goal is to finish our present 4 th year lap strong so that our final lap beginning this June will help us reach our pay-off goal by the end of May, 2016. If you are in need of a fourth lap Estimate of Giving card, contact our Business Manager, Deb Silvia, 740-653-3330 or [email protected]. 3 Memorial Gifts: Our congregation regularly receives memorial gifts, lovingly given by family and friends, who have lost loved ones to death. For information about contributing to our Memorial Fund, please contact our church business office at 653-3330. Gifts received since our last edition of the Circuit Rider: In memory of Herman Truelove Carola Neeley Nick & Dottie Nicholson Alice Morse Richard & Julie Goss Bill & JoAnn Creiglow Charles & Diane Eversole Sherry Lacey Norma Bagby Charlie & Janet Wagner Don & Joyce Garrett Georgian Museum Steering Committee Marcie Anderson Jim & Donna Waugh Rick Chapman Paul & Linda Remis Richard Remis Richard & Ellen McClurg Charlene Chapman Marjorie Schloss Steve & Mary Clark-Smith Jane Clark Jim Lieke Richard & Judith Kehl Wendy, Al & Daniel Stettner Mark, Cathy & David Kehl Mid-City Electric Lawrence & Cathy Ann Dadin Carlos & Jean Brooker Trish Walz Jim & Pat Rhinehart John Armstrong In memory of Dan Hester Will & Elizabeth Blind Jim & Judy Edwards In memory of Pauline Mondhank Jim & Peg Parker Steve & Debbie Lefeher In memory of George Ruck Will & Elizabeth Blind In memory of Wanda Shaeffer Thomas & Lois James Charles Bishop In memory of Maxine Rutherford John & Mary Lou Thompson Joan Wedge Mary Jane Clark David & Joyce Frasure Clarice Foglesong Joe & Becky Clark George & Anna Forquer Jim & Peg Parker Judy Kauffman Charles & Diane Eversole Norma Bagby Betty Youst Earl & Joann Fauble David & Deb Smith Lynn Clarke Anne Bartlett Will & Elizabeth Blind Dale & Shirley Fisher Mary Widener Mary Alice Lowther Carl & Becky Wilmot William McCleery Vivian Hughes Charlene Chapman Kent & Judith Miller Bill & Joann Creiglow Anne Posey Alyce Giles Sherry Lacey Linda Page Robert Morehead Ken & Kathie Sivillo Dorothy Martens Ginny Andrews Nick & Dottie Nicholson Mary Anne Theller John & Yvonne Bowland In memory of Jeanne Keeney Linda Johnson Alice Morse Pearleene Reffitt Rob Reffitt Autumn Health Care Carolyn Kemmerer Judy Hug Sue Schmitz 4 In memory of Rita Barker Jim & Peg Parker Mary Jane Clark Charlene Chapman Mary Widener Jim & Barb Devore Judy Hug Carola Neeley Mary Anne Theller In memory of Tim Jones Don & Marty Cyrus Tim Derflinger Steve & Vanessa Poling Jim & Peg Parker Rob Libbee Wes & Laura Osborn Jim & Sharon Hachtel Parry & Judy Norris Roger & Sally Grossbacher Joe & Becky Clark Judy Hug Reggie & Marty Pryor Norma Bagby Carola Neeley Charlene Chapman In memory of Will Loy Jim & Peg Parker Don & Betty Kissling United Methodists once again responded with extravagant generosity on UMC #GivingTuesday. On December 2, 2014, more than $2.5 million was donated online through The Advance to support mission and ministries around the world. The denomination’s General Board of Global Ministries matched the first $1 million in gifts to help build excitement and leverage donations. More than 770 projects and missionaries received more than 8,700 gifts through UMC #GivingTuesday. The response was global with donors from 25 countries giving generously. The Advance is the designated giving channel of the United Methodist Church. Noting that donors can partner with Advance projects and missionaries throughout the year, Thomas Kemper, who leads Global Ministries, said, “Having one day when United Methodists from around the world are united around giving shows the strength of the denomination’s connection, while strengthening the impact of the gifts to each ministry.” He continued, “Every gift made through The Advance this season makes a difference in the lives of the people they touch.” The projects and missionaries supported through The Advance were key to the success of UMC #GivingTuesday. According to the head of The Advance, Ellen Knudsen, “The relationships our projects have with churches and individuals generated excitement for supporting specific ministries.” Read the complete article at: december/1203umcgivingtuesday 13th Annual Good Works WALK Please help us provide shelter for people without homes. Saturday, February 21, 2015 Registration – 8:30am Walk Experience – 9:00am-12:00pm Rice & Beans Lunch – 12:00pm-1:00pm First United Methodist Church, 2 South College St., Athens For more information: Call Good Works at (740) 594-3339 Or email: [email protected] Good Works, Inc., A Community of Hope Since 1981 If you plan to attend please contact Tim Binkley, 740.243.3814 or [email protected] to arrange transportation. VBS Monday June 15 – Friday June 19, 2015 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Watch for all the details and how to register in the next few weeks! 5 Financial Snapshot 2014-2015 2015 General (operating) Fund Budget Revenues: Contributions 760,000 Other Revenues 65,200 Endowment Transfers In 279,877* Total $1,105,077 Expenses: Conference Apportionments** (51% of request) 66,485 District Apportionments** (26% of request) 5,160 71,645 Global Missions 8,860 Local Missions 18,250 Outreach/Marketing 13,800 Worship 10,730 Caring 8,950 Discipleship 16,010 Youth 8,700 Facilities 248,032 Staff 510,475 Administration 39,850 Crossroads Debt* 149,775 Total $1,105,077 2014 General (operating) Fund Performance Revenues: Contributions 805,261 Other Revenues 78,047 Endowment Transfers In 124,421 Total $1,007,757 Expenses: Conference Apportionments (50% of request) 63,249 District Apportionments (25% of request) 4,974 68,223 Global Missions 22,390 Local Missions 18,388 Outreach/Marketing 13,852 Worship 7,145 Caring 9,182 Discipleship 10,511 Youth 4,011 Facilities 260,129 Staff 482,641 Administration 43,184 Total $ 939,656 Net surplus $ 68,101 *Endowment earnings will be used this year to fund ministries which will create a surplus in the general fund. This surplus will be used to reduce our debt on Crossroads helping us to remain on track to be debt free in June of 2016. **Holiday offerings (Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas) may increase offerings to apportionments as these special offerings are earmarked specifically for apportionments and Global Missions designated Advance projects. Lap 1 started June 2011 with $1,703,423 balance We’re more than half way through Lap 4 Current loan balance (as of 1/8/15) is $785,357 Interest avoided since campaign began June 2011 is nearly $338,000! Final Lap 5 begins June 2015 through May 2016 (Original loan maturity—July 2026) Pastor’s Bible Study Every Wednesday at Our Crossroads Facility Every Wednesday, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm before Fellowship Dinners at our Crossroads facility, Pastor Robert leads a Bible study based on the upcoming Sunday scripture readings. The study is held in the Conference Room (the room by the kitchen). We read the scripture lessons, share information about their historical context, and share insights on how they guide and shape our faith today. All are welcome! 6 Spring New Member Class Births Our next new member classes/lunches will be held Sundays, 11:45 am to 1:30 pm, March 1, 8, & 15 and the receiving into membership is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, March 22. The three sessions cover topics such as United Methodist history, theology and practice, how to get involved, and the vision and goals of the church. Christian Robert George Born on November 25, 2014 Christian is the son of Grant & Michelle George Grandparents are Chuck & Brenda George Maximilian Joseph Gerber Born on December 4, 2014 Max is the son of Joseph & Emily (Kuehn) Gerber Grandmother is Paula Kuehn Cambria Desiree Munyon Born on January 14, 2015 Cambria is the daughter of Aimee & Patrick Munyon Grandparents are Bob & Sandy Roberts Brooklyn Renee Gordon Born on January 22, 2015 Daughter of Mackenzie Smith & David Gordon Grandparents are Shad & Shelley Walker Great-Grandparents are Wanda & Forrest Turner On December 14, 2014 Dale Richard Rawlins On December 21, 2014 Maclenyn Elizabeth Lape Interested in Baptism? If you are interested in baptism, please contact Sandy Roberts at the church office 653-3330 or [email protected]. To register, contact Sandy Roberts at 740-653-3330 or [email protected]. We express our sincere sympathy to the families of those who have lost loved ones: Maxine Rutherford Jeanne Keeney Herman Truelove Dan Hester George Ruck Tim Jones Pauline Mondhank Rita Barker Will Loy Sharon Lones Dick Giles Mary Emrick Marian Townsend Doris Shumaker Will be held on the first Saturday of each month. Feb. 7 at 8:00 a.m. in the Rising House, 131 N. High Street Cost is $5.00, payable to caterer. Specials in the Cafe Coffee Shop (Parlor) This Month Following breakfast, the men will meet for fellowship and prayer. For reservations, call the church office (653-3330). Let the church know if you want to be on the standing reservation list. Come and bring a friend! Chocolate Covered Strawberry Frapuccino Tuxedo Lattes 7 UMW NEWS CORNER THANK YOU to all who helped with the Cookie Walk in December! We had a great time and were able to raise over $1,871 for missions! BIG THANK YOU to Marie and Joella Stapp for all their hard work in selling Pecans this year! A project which netted over $400.00 for missions! Other Projects raising money for missions included Apple Dumplings $1,332.27 and the Election Day Bake Sale $406.32. These funds support many local community projects as well as state, national and world projects. A total of $2,500 pledged to our Capitol Area South District was paid in 2014. CONFERENCE ANNUAL CELEBRATION in November was attended by: Emmy Dillon, Linda Hahn, Carola Neeley, Shelia Brown and Judy Morgan. Memorials recognized for the year 2014 at the December Luncheon included: Jackie Wharton and Wanda Shaeffer (Elizabeth Circle) and Dorothy Brandyberry and Eileen Smith (Esther/Rebecca Circle). Those given Honorary recognition were Anne Bartlett (Elizabeth Circle), Emmy Dillon (Esther/Rebecca Circle) and Cheryl Frizzell (Trinity Circle). FEBRUARY 4th will be our NEXT MEETING at Noon in the Fellowship Hall. Elizabeth Circle will be our hostess and the program is “Call to Prayer & Self-Denial” with music by Virginia Rosberg. ************************************************************************ Bridges Out Of Poverty: Our work is to improve the lives of people in poverty and, by extension, to help make sustainable communities in which everyone can do well. Bridges Out Of Poverty is a starting point where one can develop accurate mental models of poverty, middle class, and wealth. It is a new lens through which people can view themselves and the community. You will learn: A basic understanding of poverty and generational poverty The barriers that keep individuals in poverty Resources Mental Models of Economic Class Hidden Rules of Economic Class What you can do to make a difference All Workshops are held from 9am - Noon, at Fairfield County 2-1-1, 108 W. Main Street, Suite C, Lancaster, OH Community Workshop Dates: March 14, 2015 8 & June 13, 2015 Dear Friends: Thank you so much for all that the Church and church friends have provided at this very difficult time. It means so very much! The meal following the memorial service was very nice, and I heard many compliments on both the service and the meal. Blessings, Mary Ann Truelove Dear FUMC: Thank you for the beautiful red rose in memory of our mother. It was a sweet reminder of God’s love during our loss. We also were very blessed by the words shared by Pastor Robert. They brought us much comfort. Lastly, we want to convey our appreciation for the meal after her service. The Lones Family Dear Church Family: Thank you for all the prayers and loving care you have offered me at my assisted living as well as during my recent stay at LanFair. The cards and visits have meant a great deal to me during my recovery. Thank you also for the delicious fruit, cookies, and other goodies provided by the Second Saturday group. I want you to know I appreciate all the outreach. Gratefully, Ruth Dodson Dear Rose Ministry: Thank you for the beautiful rose that you sent for my brother, Bryan Osborne. Blessings, Shelly & Dave Ruffner Thank you so much for your kindness and consideration for letting our family use the basement of your church after my husband’s funeral. I appreciated it so much. My husband was the brother of Ron Allen who worked at your church. Bless you, Cris Allen Dear Second Saturday Volunteers: Once again, many grateful thanks to members of Second Saturday for their timely help with our porch screens. Just in time to keep us snug and warm during this unseasonable winter blast! Thankfully, Ken and Margot Barnes Thank you to the carollers for singing at Sterling House! Betty Bowman Dear Church Family: It was so kind of you to think of me at school. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had received a package from my home church. Thank you for the snacks, treats, post-its, pens, and the lovely note. I am so blessed to have such a thoughtful support system. This semester is going very well so far, and the snacks will definitely help energize me as I study. I miss you all, and I look forward to seeing everyone around Thanksgiving when I come home next. Thank you again for thinking of me, Sarah Feyko Dear Friends: I wish to thank the Esther-Rebecca Circle and the Second Saturday Outreach for the generous bags of goodies and for the wonderful singing group that graced my living room with beautiful Christmas music and 2 small children with eyes so bright. Thanks again for the uplifting moments. Ellie Diley Thank you for speading joy throughout the year.! Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action Agency Dear Pastor Robert, Church Staff: and Family Concerns: I want to thank you for the beautiful service you did for Bo. Sandy, thank you for the coffee-that was so sweet of you. I also want to thank you for the great meal that was fixed for our family. You all made a dark time in our lives brighter. Blessings, Shelly & Dave Ruffner Dear Church Friends: Thank you so much for all the kindness you have shown Ralph this past year. The visits, cookies, and carollers were a bright spot in the long days. When the ladies from the “Second Saturday Outreach” delivered cookies, I had stepped out to attend to some business. Our daughter told me that Ralph was delighted. Unfortunately, he forgets quickly. Once in a while, though, he does recall the cookies. Again, I had stepped out to go to the store when the Carollers came by and sang. He loves music, so they were much appreciated. Anyway, thanks for all your support through a very difficult time. God Bless You, Dorothy M. Hudson A Big thank you to the Carollers. It was nice to hear Christmas songs again. Thank you also for the poinsettia. A big thank you to Second Saturday volunteers for their visit and “goodies”. Mary L. Graf Thank you so much for the cookies and fruit, and also for the nice lady that brings them! Billie Lutz Dear Friends: I am such a poke in getting my note written. It has taken me this long to really feel retired, and it feels good. A special thank you to everyone who has had a part in my retirement festivities. The Staff lunch, the reception, and the gifts. I am amazed at all the kind words, the gifts, and the hugs that I have received. Everything has been wonderful. You must remember that withoutt he willingness and faithfulness of all of you, we could not have done the many things we did. Thanks for the memories!!! Dear Blacklight Show Team: What a totally AWESOME job you performed at Crossroads last Sunday evening. It was beyond words-FANTASTIC!! A lot of work went into your performance. The music you used was great also!! Thanks for all the work you did to make it a totally enjoyable experience. Keep up the GREAT work, and may God bless your team as you continue this very entertaining ministry!! Sincerely, Candie Schull P.S. I will encourage friends to attend next year. Peg 9 2015 Family Special Events Team Schedule February 1 3-5:00 pm Jolly Hoppers Bounce Party March 15 3:30-5:30pm Amanda Roller Skate Party March 28 1:00-3:00 pm Eggstravaganza at Crossroads June 15-19 6:00-8:30pm “EVEREST” VBS at Crossroads August 7 Swim Party @ Tiki Pool 8:00-11:00pm PARTY FREE Amanda Roller Rink Skate Party: Join the Family Special Events Team for an afternoon of family fun. ALL AGES are welcome and encouraged to skate the day away from 3:30-5:30 pm on Sunday, March 15th. Snacks will be available and you can rent skates for $2. Listen for announcements and look for the sign-up sheet in parlor in the coming weeks. **************************************************** Creative Ministries: THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the Nativity Display this past year. Volunteers who helped set up, staff during nights of operation, and tear down made this outreach possible. Attendance continues to grow each year as more people become aware of this magnificent display! On Christmas Eve, a tornado touched down in Lancaster, as you are probably aware. This storm took out a large pine tree in the neighboring property of Crossroads along with other damage. Power went out for some time. Our “Christmas Miracle” was that the Nativity Display never lost power! The front Hall, restrooms, exterior and other parts of Crossroads were in the dark but the music and lighting continued for the nativity! The tower hall even had a fire sprinkler cap pop off and land near the shepherd watching his flock! ( I do not know if he was sore afraid) In addition to community and church members, many people from out of town had an opportunity to see our nativity and experience the true meaning of Christmas. A Facebook page titled “Fontanini Nativity Display” attracted attention to nativity collectors world-wide! Virtuous Reality Blacklight Theater will be traveling to Hampton, VA, this February 20-22 to perform and teach at Circus Magic Convention. Please pray for safe travels as they share their ministry with others. A good time to join this ministry will be the first of March! We are open to anyone age 9-80 (younger by audition). Contact John Coen for details. Eggstravaganza! It may sound crazy but it is time to start donating eggs (plastic) for Eggstravaganza! This Easter Celebration will take place on March 28th. We need eggs, candies for eggs or monetary gifts to purchase supplies. Collection boxes are in the parlor and at Crossroads lobby. Send monetary gifts to the Business office. Other opportunities to be involved in Creative Ministries include “The Good News Clown Crew” and “The Magic of Believe”. Or if you have video, sewing or artistic skills and like to work “behind the scenes” we can use you in that capacity! 10 Weekly Schedule Sunday 9:00 am Service 6th & 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th – 12th Grade Sunday 10:30 am Service 1st Sunday of the Month Other Sundays Sunday School Confirmation Sunday School Youth Worship Family Worship Sunday Evening Youth Groups 5pm – 6pm Junior High (6th - 8th grade) 6:30pm – 8pm Senior High Life Groups Wednesday Evening All Youth - Midweek Giveback 5:30-7pm 2015 Youth Mission Trips This year, we will be traveling on two different mission trips. The youth group will be split by grade level. To reserve your spot, the $75 registration fee is due by Sunday, March 1 st. This due date is set so proper fundraising efforts can begin. Last year, most students were able to raise the remaining fees and didn’t have to pay any more money than their registration fee! Here is where we are headed: Current 6th & 7th Graders: Hurricane, West Virginia, July 10th – 13th Current 8th-12th Graders: Accident, West Virginia, June 21st – 27th Mission Trip Information Meeting: Wednesday, February 4th, 2015 Crossroads Ministry Center @ 7:30pm Joseph Palmer Youth Director 740-653-3320 Ext. 104 [email protected] Rummage Sale The Annual Youth Rummage Sale is May 2 nd 8:00 am – 2:00 pm As you get ready to do some Winter and Spring cleaning, don’t forget us! Set that stuff aside and donate it to the youth to help fund their mission trips! Intake days are: April 30th 6pm – 8pm & May 1st, 9am – 8pm Getting ready for College? Already in College? Scholarship applications for the 2015-16 school year are available in the parlor or to download from our website, To apply, applicants must be members of First UMC (have accepted the membership covenant). Applications are due to the business office by February 28. For further information, contact Deb Silvia, Business Manager, at [email protected] or 740-653-3330. Celly Texting Program We use a new texting communication program. Celly is a platform for social networks that is accessible via iPhone, Android, and SMS text. There are currently two groups. RIOTYouth is set up for all of the youth (and parents who want to keep up-to-date with communications being sent to their children). RIOTParents is a group created for the parents alone, if I might need to communicate to them directly. To sign up, text the message @RIOTYouth (or @RIOTParents) to 23559. Then respond to the message with your first and last name. Note: if your name already exists in the Celly world as someone else, just respond and add a number after it (ex: JohnSmith9) 11 CORE COURSE OFFERINGS 2015 Tentative Schedule WINTER 2015 SPRING 2015 SUMMER 2015 FALL 2015 Bible Basics Basics of Christianity Spiritual Gifts #1 Bible Basics 6 weeks 10 weeks 7 wks (reduce to 3?) 6 weeks Sundays, 10:15-11:15am Sundays, 10:15-11:15am TBD TBD Jan. 11-Feb. 15 March 15-May 31 TBD TBD FUMC, Rm 22 FUMC, Spirit Hall FUMC, Spirit Hall FUMC 22 & Crosrds Cheryl Foulk Ben Foulk Judy Hug T Binkley & J Norris Financial Peace United Methodism 101 Spiritual Gifts #2 Means of Grace 9 weeks 6 weeks 7 wks (reduce to 3?) 7 weeks TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Crossroads Crossroads TBD FUMC, Spirit Hall Dan Kemp Ben Foulk Jean comer, Andy Thomas TBA Saturday, February 14, 8:30am, at Crossroads 2015 brings our 5th anniversary of "Second Saturday"! We have come a long way and cannot imagine how many lives have been touched including ours! We continue our wonderful partnership with Crestview through Bingo and visiting our members there. They have recognized our church every year for our commitment to their facility. Our blankets are showing up everywhere and will be expanding to touch more of our children this year. Anyone can help on this project from young to old. Wood just continues to flood in and our wood crew works endlessly to split and deliver to those in need of heating wood. Thank you so much for your donations. Our dream this year is to purchase a splitter of our own! The wonderful cookies that our members make (they are taste-tested by Pastor Robert prior) are delivered along with fresh fruit to our church members who are home bound or living in an assisted facility by the most loving crew ever!!! Each month we also treat a couple of stations of our first responders to let them know how much we appreciate them! We continue to have a great partnership with the city parks, the city itself and several other agencies that need some paint, repairs, etc. and are so happy they know we are here! Can you spare a few hours once a month to serve your community and share your love of God? Come join us on Saturday, Feb. 14, at 8:30am - what a great Valentine's Day!!! 12 Wednesday Night Dinners Dinner Menus: Feb. 4 Roast Beef Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Glazed Carrots Broccoli-Cauliflower Salad Italian Cream Cake Feb. 11 Ham with Sweetheart Sauce “Be Mine” Scalloped Potatoes “I’m Crazy for You” Peas w/Pearl Onions “Oh” Fruited Cole Slaw “Wow” Valentine Dessert Feb. 18 Swiss Chicken Rice Pilaf California Vegetables Cranberry Gelatin Salad Ice Cream w/Sundae Toppings Feb. 25 Ham Loaf w/Sweet and Sour Sauce Potato Puff Seasoned Green Beans Blushing Applesauce Fruit Crisp Wednesday Night Dinners We welcome and encourage everyone to come and enjoy a home-cooked meal at our Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinners. Reservations can be made by contacting the church receptionist at 740-653-3330 before 4:00 on MONDAY AFTERNOON. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Dan Kemp at [email protected] or 740-653-3330. We thank you for your continued support. Buffet style 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Main Room at Crossroads. Suggested donation: $9.00 for adults; Kids (10 & under) eat free when accompanied by an adult! We hope to see you soon! All Meals include a Fresh Garden Salad, Homemade Rolls, and Beverages Volunteers Needed for Lions Club Convention on March 6, 7 & 8!!! At press time for the Circuit Rider, we are not sure what our exact needs will be, but please watch for notices in the bulletin or announcements in church. There will be a signup sheet at the Receptionist’s desk as soon as we know our needs. This was a great moneymaker for paying down our Crossroads debt last year. We truly appreciate any and all help you can give. Rummage Sale The Annual Youth Rummage Sale is May 2 nd 8:00 am – 2:00 pm As you get ready to do some Winter and Spring cleaning, don’t forget us! Set that stuff aside and donate it to the youth to help fund their mission trips! Intake days are: April 30th 6pm – 8pm & May 1st, 9am – 8pm 13 UPCOMING DATES: Feb. 1: Jolly Hoppers Bounce Party, 3-5pm Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25: Wednesday Night Dinners Feb. 7: Men’s Breakfast, 8am, Rising House Feb. 14: Second Saturday Feb. 18: Ash Wednesday Services Noon & 7:30 at Church; 6:30pm at Crossroads Feb. 21: Good Works Walk - Athens: 8:30 am Feb. 28: Scholarship Applications due March 6, 7, 8: Lions Club volunteers needed April 5: Easter May 2: Youth Rummage Sale Keep Up with First UMC Updates on Facebook Regular updates on upcoming events and news regarding our church are available on our church’s Facebook page. On Facebook, go to Lancaster First United Methodist Church. Articles for the March issue of the Circuit Rider are due by February 15 to [email protected] The Circuit Rider is the monthly newsletter of First United Methodist Church 163 E. Wheeling St. Lancaster, OH 43130 Sunday: 9:00 am – Worship Celebration 10:30 am – Praise Worship Wednesday: 6:30 pm – The Gathering (at Crossroads) Crossroads Family Ministry Center 2095 W. Fair Ave. Lancaster, OH 43130 We welcome you to worship with us and to experience the joy of having fellowship with other people who believe in the love of God and the teachings of Christ. Senior Pastor – Robert McDowell Associate Pastor – Cheryl Foulk Telephone – 740-653-3330 FAX – 740-653-4983 Email – [email protected] Website – 14
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