Project Title YORK STREET INTERCHANGE Client NC POLLOCK DOCK AI RN GA RD EN ECOLOGY & NATURE CONSERVATION S YORK Bird Survey ROAD KEY Proposed Scheme WH ITL A UG HA ST 4FP D. B. RE AD WR HC 2FP 2FP HC GT T GEORGE'S STREET ET RE This document has been prepared pursuant to and subject to the terms of URS' appointment by its client. URS accepts no liability for any use of this document other than by its original client or following URS' express agreement to such use, and only for the purposes for which it was prepared and provided. ET EE T ST RE ET lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. KS TR EE T FP K STR E GE 'S RAT ION GE OR RPO AS TE RS TR 1:4,000 GO CO AT HS NC Faecal Sac Scale @ A3 5FP B. GO 12FPG WR HS RE LA Nest Note: Birds marked as Red are Red listed species in Ireland and of High Conservation Concern Note2: Birds marked as Amber are Amber listed species in Ireland and of Medium Conservation Concern Note3: Birds marked as Green are Green listed species in Ireland 2FP HS ET Family FF CH 4GO GO Juvenile FAM WR ST MGJUVE WP B. FF 7FP Calling Bird JUVE NEST B. WP B. MG MG Singing R. DO C 3HS Flight Path ST LB CH Great Tit Hooded Crow Herring Gull House Sparrow Lesser Black-backed Gull Magpie Starling Swift Sedge Warbler Woodpigeon Wren N 2FP FP HS 2FP CH HS YORK LINK CK WR WR 3FP B. SG WR HS BT HS WR 3FP ST WP GT HC HG HS LB MG SG SI SW WP WR BIRD SYMBOLS : DO DO RE E ON B. 3GO ICK ST RE 3HG ST LS ON GR EA LS AL AT RIC KS 5LB URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited NE TP EG CK HI LL RE ET ET B HA ELF RB AS OU T R DE R YO R FR E T EE TR CA RR I ST RE ST 2BT D. Blackbird Blackcap Black-headed Gull Blue Tit Chaffinch Coal Tit Dunnock Feral Pigeon Goldcrest Greenfinch Goldfinch HG FP GT GO GO GO CL IF TO N FP WR WR LS WR LITTLE WR MG 6FP SW FP FP NEST 5FP B. WR 2FP BC B. GT MG CT GCFAM FP WR WP NE 3FP GO FP WR D. SGJUVE FP SG FP CH 2BH LB RK NO CITYSIDE RETAIL PARK HE NR Y SI YO RT HQ UE EN ST RE BC 2FP HC RM HS AR EN RO BTO SPECIES CODES: B. BC BH BT CH CT D. FP GC GR GO OY LE ET HARBOUR ESTATE GA LO DG E RE ET CL W M ET NE O ST ST RE ET BR N DO J:\S105296 YORK STREET INTERCHANGE\D - DRAWINGS\02 PRELIMINARY\STAGE 3 SPECIMEN DESIGN\19 (EN) ENVIRONMENT - ECOLOGY\DWG\EIA DRAWINGS\10.4 - ECOLOGY - BIRD SURVEY Drawing Title DUNCRUE STREET DU TR EE T ODYSSEY COMPLEX Beechill House Beechill Road, Belfast BT8 7RP T: +44 (0)28 9070 5111 F: +44 (0)28 9079 5651
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