Find this List of Ev e nts online at v e nts.pdf PCNC Calendar of Events King Kekaulike High School School Ye ar 2014-2015 Re v ise d: Tue sday, Fe bruary 3, 2015 (Subject to Change W ithout Notice) ! For ne xt ye ar’s 2015-2016 Official School Cale ndar go to KKHS Info & Ways to Help! [Not all events are sponsored by the Dept of Education] ! Find our Café M enu .pdf at ! Te nnis Tryouts, Fe b. 9-12 @KKHS courts: Girls 3:305pm/Boys, 4:30-6pm. Call Coach Reuben at 280-8685 ! Foodland Shop for Highe r Education Scholarship Program, Fe b 4 to M ar 17: Foodland Shop for Higher Education will award (100) $2,000 college scholarships to the high schools with the most Maika’i Points in the state. How You Can He lp! 1. BONUS POINTS! Go to mail & sign up to be a Foodland email subscriber! Why? Because on Wed, Feb. 4 th Foodla n d will email subscribers an e xclusive one-week only e mail offe r, inv iting the m to e arn 1,000 bonus points for their designated school. Customers who receive the email simply need to: a. De signate Ke kaulike (#7554) at any Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms checkout. b. Spe nd $20 or more using their Maka'i card. c. Show the Bonus Email Offe r to the cashie r!! Bonus Offe r Ends Tue , Fe b. 10th at 11:59 pm at a 24 hr. store (like Pukalani) or when the store closes, if earlier. 2. Just Shop! For every qualifying dollar you spend with your Maika'i Ca r d between Feb. 4 & Mar. 17, you'll earn one Maika'i Point for yourself plus another Maika'i Point for our school 3. Earn Points Faste r! Purchase products marked with DOUBLE, TRIPLE or QUINTUPLE POINTS shelf signs & you'll earn bonus points for our school. 4. Te ll Ev e ryone ! Ask friends & neighbors to designate our school. The more people we have earning Maika'i Points for us, the more scholarships our school can receive! ! NEW Be ll Sche dule & 4-Day Work We e k Sche dule for 2 nd Se me ste r: Mon, Jan. 19th is Martin Luther King Jr Holiday. Please follow the 4Day Work Week Schedule at lls15.pdf ! AC T Te st Pre p We bsite at https://site .com/a/ p/: Get your teen ready for the ACT. Click on College 101 & find LOTS of helpful INFO for level of students! ! Community Volunte e rs Ne e de d Fri, M ar. 13, 2-3pm, 3-4pm &/or 4-5pm at KKHS: The Class o f 2 0 15 will present their Senior Projects on Mar. 13. These projects are mandatory components for their senior classes. Each senior is asked to choose a topic & p r o d uce a paper, product, portfolio, & presentation to showcase their academic capab ilities, through a wide variety of topics. Volunteer judges do not need to stay for all presentations, but the time contributed is greatly appreciated. Questions? Contact our Librarian at Ke tra_Arcas@note or at (808) 727-3527. For the flyer, go to ol2015.pdf PTSA Sponsore d Ev e nts ! 2015 GradNite : Underclassmen Parent Help is Needed on May 28, 2015 with preparation for the event. This is a beneficial opportunity to help the underclassmen families understand the working s o f GradNite so you're ready wh e n its your turn! Contact Kris at 870-0553 o r [email protected]. GradNite is organized exc lu s ively by parents & is not a school/DOE event. Without your help, this event would not be possible. Ne xt GradNite Planning M e e ting, Tue , Fe b. 10th at 6pm in t h e Staff Dining Room (door opens on the mauka or mountain side of c a fe teria). Enter thru Haleakala Hwy gate. GradNite Registration Forms should be turned asap to Ms. Jenna Wash (substitute counselor for Mrs. Frerking in Bldg. A) & the $15 deposit (full payment of $100 also accepted). Pay by cash or make checks payable to King Kekaulike PTSA. (This is no t a Dept. Of Education sponsored event.) GradNite T-Shirt Design Conte st Ends Fri, Fe b. 13! Only seniors may create the design & submit their ideas. Go to -tshirt.pdf to get the specifics. GradNite is a PTSA e vent, & not sponsored by the Dept. Of Education (DOE). Questions? Call Kau'i at 757-0292. ! Atte ntion Shoppe rs! If you wa n t Amazon to donate to our School PTSA, please start each shopping session at URL, http://smile, & designate King Kekaulike PTSA 9 4-3282362. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to support our PTSA. (This is a PTSA sponsored event, & not sponsored by the DOE) Page 1 of 5 ! 2015 Be cca’s Close t offers FREE formal wear for all high school students on Ma u i. A valid student ID is required. Limit one dress per student. Upcoming Shopping Days: Sat, Feb. 21 & Mar. 28 (9am-12pm), & Fri, Feb. 27 (3-4:30pm). Donations of gently used Formal Wear may be dropped off at the main office Mon-F r i, 7am-4pm. Question s ? Contact Coordinator, Theresa Cabral, at 727-3516 or at [email protected] (Enter thru Haleakala Hwy gate. Becca's Closet is in Bldg. K, 2 nd floor balcony.) This is a PTSA sponsored project, & not the DOE. FEBRUARY 2015 2/2 M 2/2 2/2 2/3 2/3 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 Un d e r c lassmen Ba s h Forms to 2/6 1 1 th G r a d e r s ta k e Smarter Balanced Interim Comprehensive Assessment (SBAC ICA) testing to 2/6 Ke y C lu b ’s Va le n tine C a n d y R o s e s Fundraiser Tu Girls Soccer v Ma u i @ KKHS stadium, 5pm (Senior Night) Tu Boys Soc c e r v Maui, @KKHS stadium, 7pm (Senior Night) W JV Baseball v Maui, @Eddie Tam, 3:30pm W JV Basketball v Maui, @KKHS gym, 6pm W Boys Basketball v Maui, @KKHS gym, 7:30pm W G ir ls Basketball @Maui, 7 :3 0 p m ( MIL Tournament - No MIL cards accepted) 2/4 W to 3/17 Tu Foodland Shop for Higher Education (SCHOLARSHIP) Program 2/4 W to 2/11 Tu F o o d la n d’s SF BE Bo n u s Points 2/5 Th 2/5 Th 2/5 Th 2/6 F 2/6 F 2/6 F 2/6 F 2/6 F 2/6 F 2/6 F 2/7 Sa 2/7 Sa Senior Expectations Assembly during Advisory ASKK Mtg, G206, 2:30pm Senior Expectations/Contract Assembly during Advisory MIL Swimming Champ io n s hip - Trials @Kihei Aquatics, 5pm MIL Girls Soccer play off game ( if needed) @KKHS stadium, 5pm (No MIL cards accepted) Deadline to pick up a Senior Ball form in G206 8am-1pm-E Ho’okama’aina at UHMC: Open to Native Hawaiian 11-12th graders . See Ms. Gomer to register. Music Dept’s Swing Dance Previe w @ Queen Kaahumanu Ctr Stage, 7-8pm Grad Committee, G206, Lunch Drama: Lizzie Borden of Fall River, café, 7pm Drama: Lizzie Borden of Fall River, café, 7pm HHSAA State Paddling Championship @Kahului Harbor 9am 2/7 2/7 2/7 2/7 2/8 2/8 Sa Sa Sa Sa Su Su Wrestling Meet #5, @Baldwin, 10am JV Basketball @Kamehameha, 6pm Boys Basketball @Kamehameha, 7:30pm ACT Test. Register at Drama: Lizzie Borden of Fall River, café, 3pm College Goal 808, UH Maui College, 1pm. Get FREE help completing th e FAFSA (Free Applica tio n for Federal Student Aid), which is required by most colleges, universities, vocation s c h o o ls in th e n a t i o n . Go to 2/8 Su College Goal 808: F AFSA Submission, UHMC Kalama Bldg, #204-205 at 1pm 2/9 to 2/12 M-Th T e n n is T r y o u ts @ K K H S T e n n i s Courts: Girls, 3:30-5pm & Boys 4:306pm 2/10 Tu c/o 2 0 1 5 GradNite Planning Meeting @ Staff Dining Room, 6pm 2/12 Th School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library 2/13 F 3rd Annual Valentine’s Swing Dance @Café, 69pm. Doors o pen @5:30pm. Adults, $15; Students $10, Children (ages 6-11) $5, Children under 6 get in free. Tickets availa b le at https://www.e v e ntbrite .com/e /3rd- a n n ualke kaulike -v ale ntine s-swing-dance -ticke ts -15493299877?re f=e stw 2/13 F 4 p m- Application Deadline for HMSA 1 0 th Annual Kaimana Awards & Scholarship Program’s (15) $5,000 scholarships. Go to hmsa.c o m/kaimana or the Hawaii High School Athletic Association website at 2/13 F Regular Deadline for Mar. 14 th SAT Test. Register a t, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 2/13 F Deadline for GradNite T-Shirt Design Contest. For s p e c ifics, go online to df 2/13 F Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch 2/14 Sa Valentine’s Day 2/14 to 2/15 Sa-Su Relay for Life 2/16 M Presidents’ Day Holiday 2/17 Tu School Community Council, Library, 5:30pm 2/19 Th ASKK Mtg, G206, 2:30pm 2/20 F Mid Quarter 3 Progress Reports & Pa r e n t Newsletter mailed out 2/20 F Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch 2/21 Sa 9am-1pm-Teen Health Camp @UHMC: Open to middle & high schoolers interested in learning about various health careers. 2/21 Sa Senior Ball, 5:30-9pm, King Kamehameha Golf Course 2/21 Sa Becca’s Closet Shopping Day, 9am-12pm, Bldg. K (upstairs) 2/24 Tu De a d lin e : Se n io r Co n t r a c ts & $10 Commencement Fee 2/27 F Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch Page 2 of 5 2/27 F Graduation Expectations Permission Forms Due + $10 fee by 2:45pm 2/27 F Becca’s Closet Shopping Day, 3-4:30pm, Bldg. K (upstairs) 2/28 Sa Underclassmen Bash (Fre s h me n/Sophomore Banquet), cafe 3/29 Su 4th Annual Maui 5K (regis te r ing for Maui 5K supports KKHS) APRIL 2015 4/2 Th 4/2 Th M ARCH 2015 4/3 F 3/2 M Deadline for the common a p p lic a tio n fo r th e Univ e r s ity o f Hawaii System G o to www.hawaii.e du/finaid/ scholarships/syste m. 3/3 Tu Late Deadline w/Fee for Mar. 1 4 th SAT Test. Register at www.c, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 3/3 Tu ACT College & C a r e e r Readiness System Assessments 3/3 Tu ACT Testing 3/5 Th Cap/Gown Distributio n D a y , Advisory, Café (Cords & Tassels will not be distributed on this day) 3/5 Th ASKK Mtg, G206, Lunch 3/5 Th Upcountry Music Festival @Kamehameha Maui School’s Kahekili grym, 6:30-8:30pm 3/6 F Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch 3/7 Sa Junior Prom, Westin Maui Resort 3/12 Th School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library 3/13 F Regular Registration Deadline for Apr. 18 th ACT Test. Register at 3/13 F 3 rd Qtr (43 days) Ends / Planning Collaboration Day - No School for Students 3/13 F Se nior Proje ct Pre se ntation Day, 2-5pm (For more info, go to .pdf or contact librarian, Mrs. Ketra Arcas at (808) 727-3527. 3/14 Sa 8 a m-1pm-Full STEAM Ahead-Hana Ho u a t UHMC: Open to middle & h igh schoolers to learn various STEAM & Art classes & careers. 3/14 Sa SAT Test 3/16 M to 3/20 F Spring Break - No School 3/17 Tu End: Foodlan d Sh o p for Higher Education Program 3/23 M 4 th Quarter Begins 3/23 M Senior Expectations in Effect 3/24 Tu School Community Council Mtg, Library, 5:30pm 3/25 W Championship of School Spirit Competition 3/26 Th Kuhio Day Holiday - No School 3/27 F Late Registration Dea d lin e for Apr. 18 th ACT Test. Register at 3/27 F Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch 3/28 Sa Becca’s Closet Shopping Day, 9am-12pm, Bldg. K (upstairs) 4/5 Su 4/6 M 4/9 Th 4/9 Th 4/10 F 4/13 M 4/16 Th 4/16 Th 4/17 F 4/17 F 4/18 Sa 4/21 Tu 4/21 Tu 4/23 Th 4/24 F 4/27 M 4/30 Th 4/30 Th ASKK Mtg, G206, 2:30pm Q tr 3 Report Ca r d s & Parent Newsletter mailed Good Friday Holiday - NO School Easter Sunday - no school Regular Deadline for May 2 nd SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 Senior Song Practice, Advisory School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch Thomas Jefferson Birthday Graduation Song Practices begin, Advisory ASKK Mtg, G206, 2:30pm Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch De a d line for the CSI Camp 2015 applicatio n <> ACT Test. Register at Late Deadline w/Fee for May 2 nd SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 School Community Council Mtg, Library, 5:30pm Senior Song Practice Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch An n u a l Blood Drive (Community invited to donate) Senior Song Practice ASKK Mtg, G206, Lunch M AY 2015 5/1 F G rad Committe e Mtg , G206, Lunch 5/1 F Mid Quarter 4 Progress Re p o r ts & Pa r e n t Newsletter mailed out 5/2 Sa SAT & Subjects Test 5/4-5/14 Advanced Placement Exams 5/7 W Senior Song Practice 5/7 W Staff Appreciation Luncheon in café 5/8 F Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch 5/8 F Re gular Deadline for June 13 th AC T T e s t. Register at 5/8 F Regular Deadline for June 6 th SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 5/10 Su M othe r’s Day Page 3 of 5 5/11 M Senior Obligations Deadline ( Bo o k s , fees, uniforms, detention, etc) 5/14 Th Senior Song Practice 5/14 Th School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library 5/15 F Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch 5/19 Tu School Community Mtg, Library, 5:30pm 5/21 Th Senior Song Practice 5/22 F Grad Committee Mtg, G206, Lunch 5/22 F Last Instructional Day for Seniors 5/22 F Late Registration Deadline w/Fee for June 13 th ACT Test. Register at 5/24 Su ‘Ah a He mo Kula (Hawaiian L a n g u a g e Immersion) Graduation 5/25 M Memorial Day Holiday - No School 5/26 to 5/28 Tu-Th Graduation Rehearsals for seniors 5/26 Tu Graduation Practice 5/26 Tu Senior Academic/Athletic Awa r ds Night, 6pm, gym 5/27 W Graduation Practice 5/27 W La te D e a d line w/Fee for June 6 th SAT & Subject s Tests. Register at www.c o, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 5/28 Th Graduation Practice 5/28 Th Class of 2015 Graduation, 6pm, Stadium 5/28 Th Proje ct G r a duation aka GradNite buses depart a fte r C o mme n c e m e n t (sponsored by the PTSA, not the Dept. Of Education) JUNE 2015 6/3 W 6/4 Th 6/6 Sa 6/11 Th 6/13 Sa 6/18 Th 6/21 Su L ast Day fo r Students (50 days) / 2 nd Semester Ends L ast Day for Teachers ( No Students) SAT & Subjects Test Kamehameha Day Holiday ACT Test. Register at Final Report Cards mailed out Father’s Day NEW SCHOOL YEAR 20152016: D ates below were taken from th e D O E Official Calendar, approved Dec. 2, 2014, b y the Board of E d u c a t i o n . G o t o to view next school year’s calendar. 2015: 7/23 Th First Day for Teachers 7/29 W First day for Students 8/21 F Statehood Day 9/7 M Labor Day - Holiday 10/2 F 1st Quarter (46 days) Ends 10/5 to 10/9 Fall Break (No School) 10/12 to 10/16 Teacher Institute Day (One these days will be decided as Maui’s Teacher Institute Day & No School for Students) 11/11 W Veteran's Day Holiday 11/26 Th Thanksgiving Day Holiday 11/27 F School Holiday 12/17 Th 2nd Quarter (45 days) & 1st Semester Ends 12/18 F 12-month teachers work day (No school for students) 12/25 F Christmas Holiday 2016: 1/1 F New Year's Day Holiday 1/4 M 12-month teachers work day (No Students) 1/5 Tu Teacher work day (No Students) 1/18 M Martin Luther King Day Holiday 2/15 M President's Day Holiday 3/15 Tu 3rd Quarter (48 days) Ends 3/16 to 3/24 Spring Break (No School) 3/25 F Kuhio Day & Good Friday hliday 3/28 M Oberservance of Kuhio Day - No School 5/26 Th 4th Quarter (43 days) & 2nd Semester ends (Last Day for Students) 5/27 F Last Day for Teachers 5/30 M Memorial Day Page 4 of 5 ! Websites & Where to Find Us k Official School Website: This is the gateway to many other websites. ! Official Parent Resource Website: ! Grades, etc.: ! PCNC Website (Announcements, etc): Ev e nts at ! Counseling: .us/kkhs-spt/counselor-corner ! Senior Project: .us/kkhs-spt/home ! Official Athletic Website: ! Student Activities Coordinator (SAC) Calendar:: ! Café Menu: ! Music Program: ! AVID Program: ! Alumni News: ! Free/Reduced Lunch Application: ! Bus Application: ! Dept. of Education: ! Register for ACT: ! Register for SAT & PSAT: Non Discrim ina tio n Policy: The Hawaii State Dept. of Education (HSDOE) & its schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, color, national ori g i n , religion or disability in its pro-grams & activities & provides equal access to designated youth groups, including the Boy Scouts. Please direct inquiries regarding HSDOE nondis c rimination policies as follows: Section 504 inquiries: Section 504 Education Special-ists; Comprehensive Student Support Services; Haw aii State Department of Education; 4 75 22nd Avenue Building 302, Room 204; Honolulu, Hawaii 96816; (808) 305-9787. Title VI, Title IX, ADA & other in q u i ri es Director: Civil Rights Compliance Office; Hawaii State Dept. of Education; P.O. Box 2360; Honolulu, HI 96804. (808) 586-3322 Social M e dia Information: ! On Twitter: @KingKekaulike ! Follow us on Instagram: kekaulikehs ! Facebook: Page 5 of 5
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