2/2/2015 by Date All Activities from 2/2/2015 to 2/9/2015 12:37PM By Date and Time for Selected Buildings: Title/Meeting Name Attend/ Max Enroll Enroll Course/Reservation # Subject/Customer Instructor/Contact KSS 2102 002 LAB KSS Kathryn Hussey 21 Supervise Experience Adult Fit KSS 5450 001 L KSS Stacey Ruholl 11 Softball Coaching KSS 3750 001 LLB KSS Sonya Schuette Tech/Theory Aerobic/Strength KSS 2104 003 LAB KSS Maranda Schaljo Tech/Theory Aerobic/Strength KSS 2104 001 LAB KSS John McInerney Volleyball, Frisbee, Lacrosse KSS 2360 001 LAB KSS Sonya Schuette Track and Field Coaching KSS 3490 001 LLB KSS John McInerney Aerobic Exercise KSS 1692 001 LAB KSS Jill Owen Aerobic Exercise KSS 1692 002 LAB KSS Jennifer Hess Volleyball KSS 1770 001 LAB KSS Jill Owen Med/Hi Abs 20150109-00013Mtg: 2 20150109-00017Mtg: 2 20150109-00014Mtg: 17 20140820-00017Mtg: 4 20140820-00017Mtg: 24 20140820-00036Mtg: 0 20150109-00025Mtg: 2 20150109-00016Mtg: 2 20150109-00029Mtg: 2 20150109-00027Mtg: 2 20150109-00048Mtg: 2 20140820-00042Mtg: 4 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Time Status BUILDING Room 22 12:00PM - 1:40PM Scheduled FLDS 3 1 5:00AM - 7:00AM Scheduled RECR 1900 20 9:00AM - 10:15AM Scheduled RECR 2710 20 10:00AM - 11:40AM Scheduled RECR 1918 25 10:00AM - 11:40AM Scheduled RECR 1918 22 11:00AM - 12:40PM Scheduled RECR 1901_3 20 12:00PM - 1:15PM Scheduled RECR 2710 25 1:00PM - 1:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 25 2:00PM - 2:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 24 2:00PM - 2:50PM Scheduled RECR 1901_4 50 3:00PM - 4:00PM Scheduled RECR 1912 4:00PM - 4:55PM Scheduled RECR 1918 4:00PM - 4:45PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1901_3 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1901_4 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1902 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 5:00PM - 5:55PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 5:00PM - 5:45PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:00PM - 6:35PM Scheduled RECR 1914 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:00PM - 6:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:00PM - 6:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 6:00PM - 9:00PM Scheduled RECR 1901_5 2/2/2015 FLDS Golf, Bowling, Disc Golf RECR Totally Toning Piloxing IM Basketball IM Basketball IM Indoor Soccer HIIT Zumba Cycling Express Yoga Bootcamp IM Badminton Singles 14 21 26 12 19 24 15 24 All Activities for Selected Date Range by Date 50 50 Page 1 of 8 2/2/2015 by Date All Activities from 2/2/2015 to 2/9/2015 12:37PM By Date and Time for Selected Buildings: Title/Meeting Name Course/Reservation # Subject/Customer Instructor/Contact 20140820-00044Mtg: 0 20150126-00017Mtg: 0 20141222-00009Mtg: 6 20150129-00017Mtg: 0 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker Sigma Kappa Crystal Brown Rhythm & X-tacy Attend/ Max Enroll Enroll Time Status BUILDING Room 7:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1900_2 14 8:00PM - 9:00PM Scheduled RECR 1912 David Mitchell 25 9:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Kappa Delta Lacey Reed 14 10:00PM - 11:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 KSS 2102 001 LAB KSS Kathryn Hussey 22 10:00AM - 11:40AM Scheduled FLDS 3 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:30AM - 7:25AM Scheduled RECR 1914 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 8:00AM - 8:50AM Scheduled RECR 1918 Biomechanics of Human Motion 20150109-00035Mtg: 13 20150109-00027Mtg: 17 KSS 3800 001 L KSS Jeffrey Willardson 27 25 9:00AM - 10:15AM Scheduled RECR 2710 Volleyball, Frisbee, Lacrosse KSS 2360 002 LAB KSS Sonya Schuette 15 22 9:00AM - 10:40AM Scheduled RECR 1901_3 Aerobic Exercise KSS 1692 003 LAB KSS Jennifer Hess 23 25 10:00AM - 10:50AM Scheduled RECR 1918 Basketball Class Kinesiology & Sports Studies Kinesiology & Sports Studies KSS Traci Worby 25 10:00AM - 12:00PM Scheduled RECR 1901_2 Traci Worby 25 10:00AM - 12:00PM Scheduled RECR 1901_4 Exercise Prescription 20150121-00011Mtg: 2 20150121-00011Mtg: 6 KSS 4450 002 L Mark Kattenbraker 25 25 10:30AM - 11:45AM Scheduled RECR 2710 Tech/Theory Aerobic/Strength KSS 2104 002 LAB KSS John McInerney 28 25 12:00PM - 1:40PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Fitness for Life KSS 2850 002 L KSS Mary Sanders 20 20 12:00PM - 1:15PM Scheduled RECR 2710 Biomechanics of Human Motion KSS 3800 002 L KSS Jeffrey Willardson 32 22 2:00PM - 3:15PM Scheduled RECR 2710 Body Bar 20150109-00049Mtg: 3 20150109-00039Mtg: 3 20150109-00048Mtg: 17 20140820-00017Mtg: 5 20140820-00017Mtg: 25 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 3:30PM - 3:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 4:00PM - 4:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 4:00PM - 4:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1901_3 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1901_4 2/2/2015 IM Table Tennis Doubles Airband Practice Rhythm & X-tacy Dance Team Practice Airband Practice 2/3/2015 FLDS Golf, Bowling, Disc Golf 17 RECR AM Cycling Yoga Basketball Class Intermediate Cycling Bootcamp IM Basketball IM Basketball All Activities for Selected Date Range by Date Page 2 of 8 2/2/2015 by Date All Activities from 2/2/2015 to 2/9/2015 12:37PM By Date and Time for Selected Buildings: Title/Meeting Name Course/Reservation # Subject/Customer Instructor/Contact 20140820-00036Mtg: 1 20150109-00029Mtg: 32 20150109-00033Mtg: 3 20150109-00016Mtg: 17 20150109-00037Mtg: 3 20150109-00027Mtg: 32 20150109-00032Mtg: 3 20140820-00042Mtg: 5 20141211-00018Mtg: 10 20141230-00003Mtg: 0 20140820-00044Mtg: 1 20150112-00021Mtg: 3 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker Student Rec Center Attend/ Max Enroll Enroll Time Status BUILDING Room 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1902 Sarah Daugherty 5:00PM - 5:35PM Scheduled RECR 1914 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 5:00PM - 5:25PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 5:00PM - 5:45PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 5:30PM - 5:55PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:00PM - 6:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:00PM - 6:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 6:00PM - 9:00PM Scheduled RECR 1901_5 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 10 7:00PM - 11:00PM Scheduled RECR 1914 Delta Zeta Mahyar Izadi 14 7:00PM - 8:00PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 7:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1900_2 EIU Ballroom Dance Society Peter Liu 7:00PM - 9:30PM Scheduled RECR 1918 KSS 2102 002 LAB KSS Kathryn Hussey 21 22 12:00PM - 1:40PM Scheduled FLDS 3 Supervise Experience Adult Fit KSS 5450 001 L KSS Stacey Ruholl 11 1 5:00AM - 7:00AM Scheduled RECR 1900 AM Cycling Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:30AM - 7:25AM Scheduled RECR 1914 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 8:00AM - 8:50AM Scheduled RECR 1918 Softball Coaching 20150109-00035Mtg: 14 20150109-00027Mtg: 47 KSS 3750 001 LLB KSS Sonya Schuette 14 20 9:00AM - 10:15AM Scheduled RECR 2710 Tech/Theory Aerobic/Strength KSS 2104 003 LAB KSS Maranda Schaljo 21 20 10:00AM - 11:40AM Scheduled RECR 1918 Tech/Theory Aerobic/Strength KSS 2104 001 LAB KSS John McInerney 26 25 10:00AM - 11:40AM Scheduled RECR 1918 Volleyball, Frisbee, Lacrosse KSS 2360 001 LAB KSS Sonya Schuette 12 22 11:00AM - 12:40PM Scheduled RECR 1901_3 2/3/2015 IM Indoor Soccer Cycling Express HIIT Express Zumba Beginner Abs Yoga Guts, Guns & Buns IM Badminton Singles Mr.EIU/Ms.Fitness and Physique Posing Airband IM Table Tennis Doubles Panther Ballroom Dance 50 2/4/2015 FLDS Golf, Bowling, Disc Golf RECR Yoga All Activities for Selected Date Range by Date Page 3 of 8 2/2/2015 by Date All Activities from 2/2/2015 to 2/9/2015 12:37PM By Date and Time for Selected Buildings: Title/Meeting Name Course/Reservation # Subject/Customer Instructor/Contact Attend/ Max Enroll Enroll Time Status BUILDING Room 2/4/2015 Track and Field Coaching KSS 3490 001 LLB KSS John McInerney 19 20 12:00PM - 1:15PM Scheduled RECR 2710 Aerobic Exercise KSS 1692 001 LAB KSS Jill Owen 24 25 1:00PM - 1:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Aerobic Exercise KSS 1692 002 LAB KSS Jennifer Hess 15 25 2:00PM - 2:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Volleyball KSS 1770 001 LAB KSS Jill Owen 24 24 2:00PM - 2:50PM Scheduled RECR 1901_4 Advanced Abs 20150109-00040Mtg: 3 20150109-00046Mtg: 18 20150109-00016Mtg: 32 20140820-00017Mtg: 6 20140820-00017Mtg: 26 20140820-00036Mtg: 2 20150109-00051Mtg: 3 20150109-00029Mtg: 17 20150109-00050Mtg: 3 20150109-00013Mtg: 17 20150109-00041Mtg: 3 20150109-00043Mtg: 3 20150109-00042Mtg: 3 20141230-00003Mtg: 11 20140820-00044Mtg: 2 20150114-00022Mtg: 0 20150126-00017Mtg: 1 20141222-00009Mtg: 7 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 3:30PM - 3:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 4:00PM - 4:25PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 4:00PM - 4:45PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1901_3 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1901_4 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1902 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 4:30PM - 4:55PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 5:00PM - 5:35PM Scheduled RECR 1914 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 5:00PM - 5:25PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 5:30PM - 5:55PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:00PM - 6:25PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:00PM - 6:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:30PM - 6:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Delta Zeta Mahyar Izadi 7:00PM - 8:00PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 7:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1900_2 Alpha Phi Carrie Johnson 15 8:00PM - 9:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Sigma Kappa Crystal Brown 14 8:00PM - 9:00PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Rhythm & X-tacy David Mitchell 25 9:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Awesome Arms Zumba IM Basketball IM Basketball IM Indoor Soccer Rock Bottom Cycling Express Fit 'n' Trim Med/Hi Abs Bootcamp Express Yogalates Kettlebell Airband IM Table Tennis Doubles Airband Practice Airband Practice Rhythm & X-tacy Dance Team Practice All Activities for Selected Date Range by Date 50 14 Page 4 of 8 2/2/2015 by Date All Activities from 2/2/2015 to 2/9/2015 12:37PM By Date and Time for Selected Buildings: Title/Meeting Name Attend/ Max Enroll Enroll Course/Reservation # Subject/Customer Instructor/Contact 20150119-00001Mtg: 0 20150129-00017Mtg: 1 20150126-00026Mtg: 1 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 20 Kappa Delta Lacey Reed Alpha Sigma Tau Allie Moran KSS 2102 001 LAB KSS Kathryn Hussey Student Rec Center Volleyball, Frisbee, Lacrosse 20150109-00035Mtg: 15 20150109-00027Mtg: 62 KSS 2360 002 LAB Biomechanics of Human Motion KSS 3800 001 L Aerobic Exercise Time Status BUILDING Room 9:30PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 2710 14 10:00PM - 11:00PM Scheduled RECR 1912 15 10:00PM - 11:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 22 10:00AM - 11:40AM Scheduled FLDS 3 Sarah Daugherty 6:30AM - 7:25AM Scheduled RECR 1914 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 8:00AM - 8:50AM Scheduled RECR 1918 KSS Sonya Schuette 15 22 9:00AM - 10:40AM Scheduled RECR 1901_3 KSS Jeffrey Willardson 27 25 9:00AM - 10:15AM Scheduled RECR 2710 KSS 1692 003 LAB KSS Jennifer Hess 23 25 10:00AM - 10:50AM Scheduled RECR 1918 Exercise Prescription KSS 4450 002 L KSS Mark Kattenbraker 25 25 10:30AM - 11:45AM Scheduled RECR 2710 Tech/Theory Aerobic/Strength KSS 2104 002 LAB KSS John McInerney 28 25 12:00PM - 1:40PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Fitness for Life KSS 2850 002 L KSS Mary Sanders 20 20 12:00PM - 1:15PM Scheduled RECR 2710 Biomechanics of Human Motion KSS 3800 002 L KSS Jeffrey Willardson 32 22 2:00PM - 3:15PM Scheduled RECR 2710 Rock Bottom 20150109-00051Mtg: 18 20150109-00045Mtg: 3 20150109-00047Mtg: 3 20150109-00040Mtg: 33 20140820-00017Mtg: 7 20140820-00017Mtg: 27 20140820-00036Mtg: 3 20150109-00044Mtg: 3 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 3:30PM - 3:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 4:00PM - 4:55PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 4:00PM - 4:50PM Scheduled RECR 1914 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 4:00PM - 4:25PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1901_3 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1901_4 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1902 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 4:30PM - 4:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 2/4/2015 Mr.EIU Airband Practice Airband Practice 2/5/2015 FLDS Golf, Bowling, Disc Golf 17 RECR AM Cycling Yoga Not Yo Mama's Step Keiser Cycling Advanced Abs IM Basketball IM Basketball IM Indoor Soccer Kettlebell Express All Activities for Selected Date Range by Date Page 5 of 8 2/2/2015 by Date All Activities from 2/2/2015 to 2/9/2015 12:37PM By Date and Time for Selected Buildings: Title/Meeting Name Course/Reservation # Subject/Customer Instructor/Contact 20150109-00029Mtg: 47 20150109-00046Mtg: 3 20150109-00014Mtg: 3 20150109-00040Mtg: 18 20150109-00016Mtg: 47 20140820-00044Mtg: 3 20141211-00018Mtg: 18 20141211-00018Mtg: 24 20150126-00026Mtg: 2 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Kevin Linker Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Alpha Sigma Tau Attend/ Max Enroll Enroll Time Status BUILDING Room 5:00PM - 5:35PM Scheduled RECR 1914 5:00PM - 5:25PM Scheduled RECR 1918 5:00PM - 5:45PM Scheduled RECR 1912 5:30PM - 5:55PM Scheduled RECR 1918 6:00PM - 6:45PM Scheduled RECR 1912 7:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1900_2 10 8:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Sarah Daugherty 10 10:00PM - 11:30PM Scheduled RECR 1914 Allie Moran 15 10:00PM - 11:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 2/5/2015 Cycling Express Awesome Arms Piloxing Advanced Abs Zumba IM Table Tennis Doubles Mr.EIU/Ms.Fitness and Physique Posing Mr.EIU/Ms.Fitness and Physique Posing Airband Practice 50 50 2/6/2015 RECR Supervise Experience Adult Fit KSS 5450 001 L KSS Stacey Ruholl 5:00AM - 7:00AM Scheduled RECR 1900 AM Cycling 20150109-00035Mtg: 16 20150109-00013Mtg: 32 20150109-00017Mtg: 17 20141218-00003Mtg: 0 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:30AM - 7:25AM Scheduled RECR 1914 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 3:30PM - 3:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 4:00PM - 4:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Phi Sigma Pi Angela Anthony 25 5:00PM - 8:30PM Scheduled RECR 1901_1 20141211-00018Mtg: 3 20150108-00011Mtg: 4 20141222-00009Mtg: 39 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 10 6:00PM - 8:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 African Student Association Rhythm & X-tacy David Mitchell 15 8:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 David Mitchell 25 8:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Med/Hi Abs Totally Toning Volleyball Pick-Up Game 11 1 2/8/2015 RECR Mr.EIU/Ms.Fitness and Physique Posing Dance Practice Rhythm & X-tacy Dance Team Practice All Activities for Selected Date Range by Date Page 6 of 8 2/2/2015 by Date All Activities from 2/2/2015 to 2/9/2015 12:37PM By Date and Time for Selected Buildings: Title/Meeting Name Attend/ Max Enroll Enroll Course/Reservation # Subject/Customer Instructor/Contact KSS 2102 002 LAB KSS Kathryn Hussey 21 Supervise Experience Adult Fit KSS 5450 001 L KSS Stacey Ruholl 11 Softball Coaching KSS 3750 001 LLB KSS Sonya Schuette Tech/Theory Aerobic/Strength KSS 2104 003 LAB KSS Maranda Schaljo Tech/Theory Aerobic/Strength KSS 2104 001 LAB KSS John McInerney Volleyball, Frisbee, Lacrosse KSS 2360 001 LAB KSS Sonya Schuette Track and Field Coaching KSS 3490 001 LLB KSS John McInerney Aerobic Exercise KSS 1692 001 LAB KSS Jill Owen Volleyball KSS 1770 001 LAB KSS Jill Owen Aerobic Exercise KSS 1692 002 LAB KSS Jennifer Hess Med/Hi Abs 20150109-00013Mtg: 3 20150109-00017Mtg: 3 20150109-00014Mtg: 18 20140820-00017Mtg: 8 20140820-00017Mtg: 28 20140820-00036Mtg: 4 20150109-00025Mtg: 3 20150109-00016Mtg: 3 20150109-00029Mtg: 3 20150109-00027Mtg: 3 20150109-00048Mtg: 3 20140820-00044Mtg: 4 20150126-00017Mtg: 2 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty Student Rec Center Time Status BUILDING Room 22 12:00PM - 1:40PM Scheduled FLDS 3 1 5:00AM - 7:00AM Scheduled RECR 1900 20 9:00AM - 10:15AM Scheduled RECR 2710 20 10:00AM - 11:40AM Scheduled RECR 1918 25 10:00AM - 11:40AM Scheduled RECR 1918 22 11:00AM - 12:40PM Scheduled RECR 1901_3 20 12:00PM - 1:15PM Scheduled RECR 2710 25 1:00PM - 1:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 24 2:00PM - 2:50PM Scheduled RECR 1901_4 25 2:00PM - 2:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 50 3:00PM - 4:00PM Scheduled RECR 1912 4:00PM - 4:55PM Scheduled RECR 1918 4:00PM - 4:45PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1901_3 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1901_4 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 4:00PM - 11:59PM Scheduled RECR 1902 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 5:00PM - 5:55PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 5:00PM - 5:45PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:00PM - 6:35PM Scheduled RECR 1914 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:00PM - 6:50PM Scheduled RECR 1918 Student Rec Center Sarah Daugherty 6:00PM - 6:55PM Scheduled RECR 1912 Student Rec Center Kevin Linker 7:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1900_2 Sigma Kappa Crystal Brown 8:00PM - 9:00PM Scheduled RECR 1912 2/9/2015 FLDS Golf, Bowling, Disc Golf RECR Totally Toning Piloxing IM Basketball IM Basketball IM Indoor Soccer HIIT Zumba Cycling Express Yoga Bootcamp IM Table Tennis Doubles Airband Practice 14 21 26 12 19 24 24 15 All Activities for Selected Date Range by Date 50 50 14 Page 7 of 8 2/2/2015 by Date All Activities from 2/2/2015 to 2/9/2015 12:37PM By Date and Time for Selected Buildings: Title/Meeting Name Attend/ Max Enroll Enroll Course/Reservation # Subject/Customer Instructor/Contact 20141222-00009Mtg: 8 20150129-00017Mtg: 2 Rhythm & X-tacy David Mitchell 25 Kappa Delta Lacey Reed 14 Time Status BUILDING Room 9:00PM - 10:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 10:00PM - 11:00PM Scheduled RECR 1918 2/9/2015 Rhythm & X-tacy Dance Team Practice Airband Practice All Activities for Selected Date Range by Date Page 8 of 8
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