FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE OFFICE STAFF Monsignor Joseph M. Hendricks, Pastor Bulletin Editor: [email protected] Normal Bulletin Deadline: Friday Noon - Ten days before publication date! Reverend Kevin Kavanagh, Parochial Vicar Deacon Frank Iannarino, Home: 798-9763 Deacon Don Poirier, Home: 889-9232 Pastoral Associate: Sr. Joan Marie Harper, C.D.P. Minister to the Sick/Bereaved & Director of Adult School of Faith Formation: Sr. Teresa Tuite, O.P. Email: [email protected] Business Manager: Joseph Burger Business Assistant: Jackie Mack St. Brigid of Kildare website: Facility Manager: Jake Groce Office Manager: Karen Cremeans Receptionist/Secretary: Mary Longo Bulletin Editor: Betty Ann Santangelo Email: [email protected] Development Director: Sarah Kilbane Moore Director Marketing & Communications: Allie Wing Email: [email protected] Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Pam Heil, (614) 718-5832 Director of Middle School Youth Group: Kim VanHuffel (614) 593-5173 Organist/Director of Music: Katherine Florian, (614) 761-3734, ext. 248 Assistant Organist/Assistant Director of Music: Greg Strang, (614) 296-8781 Director of Choirs/Youth Ensemble: Melissa Herman Ministry Scheduler: Joanie Roma, (614) 761-3734, ext. 252 Email: [email protected] Safe Environment Program Coordinator: Stacey Nerone Email: [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STAFF 7175 Avery Road Phone: (614) 761-1176 Director: Mary Fran Cassidy Assistant Director: Tina White Staff: Cheryl Dranichak, Ermagene Kelly, Babs Pulsfort, Teresa Golamb-Hartzell ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STAFF 7175 Avery Road Phone: (614) 718-5825 Fax: (614) 718-5831 Principal: Kathleen O’Reilly Vice Principal: Cindy Lombardo Assistant Principal: Jill Carfagna Preschool Director: Maureen DiDomenico School Secretaries: Shannon Crawford, Cindy Sovik Latchkey: Karol Halm (614) 718-5833 ST. BRIGID GIFT SHOP HOURS: February 1 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Annual Religious Articles Sale: Saturday, February 7 - after 5:00 pm Mass Sunday, February 8 - after all the Masses Monday, February 9 - 9:00 am - 11:30 am Tuesday, February 10 - 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm To reach us, please email Karen Ernes at: [email protected] The Sunday Socials will be hosted by the High School Youth Group following the 9:00 & 10:45 am Masses in Hendricks Hall. Come and socialize with fellow parishioners and enjoy coffee, bagels and donuts. Readings for February 1 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time #1119 B ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2015 9:00 AM Special Intentions of Tom Brennan TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2015 9:00 AM Minnie & Tom Abbott 12:00 PM Dorothy Brooks WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 9:00 AM Jaye Wilson THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 9:00 AM Cliff Glowacki FEBRUARY 1, 2015 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 5:00 PM Tom Johnson and the Living & Deceased Members of the Johnson & Bayer Families SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 7:30 AM Bobbie Brennan 9:00 AM Special Intentions of the Bob Tatz Family 10:45 AM Special Intentions of Ron & Mary Halas 12:15 PM Diane Beytagh FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 9:00 AM Joe and Jean Guarnieri MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2015 4:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School) 6:00 PM Religious Ed Classes (School) 6:00 PM O’Carm (Church Cry Room) 7:00 PM Brigid’s Gael Choir (Church) 7:00 PM HS Youth Bible Study (Massey) 7:30 PM Knights of Columbus (Berry Room) 7:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2015 9:00 AM SPiCE Event Planning Meeting (Immke Room) 9:30 AM Family First (Massey Teen Room) 9:45 AM Tuesday Morning Group (Room B) 4:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 8:30 AM Home & School Association Meeting (Room B) 12:30 PM 55+ Executive Meeting (Kelty Library) 1:30 PM 55+ Club Meeting (Berry Room) 6:45 PM Band Meeting (Berry Room) 7:00 PM Jordan Conference (Church Basement) 7:30 PM Adult Choir (Church) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 10:00 AM Women’s Scripture Study (Massey Teen Room) 10:00 AM School Play Meeting (Immke Room) 1:00 PM Little Rock Bible Study (Kelty Library) 6:30 PM Scouts (Hendricks Hall) 7:00 PM Family Rosary (Church) 7:30 PM RCIA (Church Basement) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 First Friday Eucharistic Adoration 6:00 PM Pizza Bingo (School Gym) 7:00 PM Pre-Cana (Hendricks Hall) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 9:00 AM Pre-Cana (Hendricks Hall) 9:00 AM First Communion Workshop (School/Church) 5:00 PM RCIA Mass & Dismissal Scout Mass 9:00 PM Progressive Dinner Casino Night (Hendricks Hall) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Sunday Social hosted by the 55+ Club after the 9:00 & 10:45 am Masses in Hendricks Hall. New Parishioner Welcome Table in the Gathering Area of the Church after the 9:00 & 10:45 am Masses. FIRST FRIDAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION February 6, following the 9:00 am Mass until 5pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Isaiah 40:31 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 1 John 3:17 Sandwich Saturday will be held on February 21 at 9:00 am in the school cafeteria. Give heartfelt service to others. 1:30 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM Baptisms (Dcn. Kris Fuchs) Patrol Leader Meeting (Kelty) New Altar Servers Training (Church) High School Choir (Church Basement) Intramural Basketball (School Gym) High School Youth Group (Hendricks Hall) Saint Brigid of Kildare will be welcoming Sister Teresa Tuite, a Dominican Sister of Peace (and a native of Brockton, MA), as the new director of the school of adult faith formation and healing ministries. Sister Teresa will begin her full-time work at Saint Brigid of Kildare on Monday, February 2. Please join us in officially welcoming her on Sunday, February 15 during the Sunday Socials in her honor after the 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Masses. Sister Teresa would also welcome any visits from parishioners at the parish office anytime beginning February 2. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ministry Schedule, February 7 - 8, 2015 5:00 PM Ministry Captain Paul Zemanek 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM Karen Ernes Terry Miller David Nosker George Hill Altar Servers Sydney Anderson Timmy O’Brien Katie Watts Will Byorth Tyler Scott Steven Tejeda Marissa Kruse Jacob McCorkle Seth Miller Chase Carr Brett Renard Annie Schnegg Elizabeth D’sa Brennan Gran Kiera Gran Announcement/ First Reader Jane Callahan Brian Weyer Mary Ann Cockram Children’s Choir Sue Day MaryBeth Benney Second Reader Paul Zemanek Brian Pero Children’s Choir Karen Komatsu Jaclyn Sivers Eucharistic Ministers Jan Andrews Toni Bonasso Dick Bringardner Deacon Frank Don Filibeck Chris Herold Kevin Hilyard Kathleen Hunt Roberta Nowak Carolyn Obert Pam Rapp Judy Rodgers Joanie Roma Mike Sliclen Kent Smith Elaine Stanko Deacon Frank Karen Ernes Laura Flaherty Al Herold Mike Hessenauer Evelyn Weyer Sharon Balduf Tom Balduf Terri Berkowitz Deacon Frank Gina Fathman JoAnn Gentile Michelle Hunter Larry Kennedy Valaree Kennedy Jeff Kriegel Mary Ellen Lancia Stephen Markos Danell McGinley Debbie Rogner Diane Stone Gina Urwin Glenn Aidt Bruce Butts Len Carroll Shelly Cocumelli Deacon Don Maria Gonzalez Mike Gonzalez Carolyn Griffin Lori Henry Todd Henry Jeffrey Jones Karen McCaffrey Jodi Renard Kim Robinette Dan Schreibeis Walter Williamson III Marianne Ambrose Janice Blum Lisa Brusadin Kathleen Cianca Deacon Kris Tom Frasier Laura Gran Tanya McCarthy Ushers Don Bobel Jack Henning Dave Riegle Rob Stanko John Vogel, Sr. Jeff Vogel George Gillespie Doug Kramer Bob McCurdy Matt Kramer Keith Dunnigan Sam Fata Jeff Kieffer Steve Mayo Terry Miller Jeff Novotny Joan Albert David Bornhorst Michael Henry David Nosker Rann Thomas Eli Bornhorst Tony Fabiano George Hill Craig Sivers Vacant Vacant Vacant Greeter (s) Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Lancia Family Miller Family Jones Family Jodi Renard Hill Family Vacant Cantors Tony Trippe Children’s Liturgy of The Word Debbie Lowers Children’s Choir Brigid’s Gael Melissa Herman Catechist Beth Marsh Beth Marsh Sino Lavric Shepherds Diane Spagnuolo Mary Hodgson Lisa Trippe Clarissa Felix The CARR NURSERY SCHEDULE: February 1 - 9:00 am Tracy Hayes & Open February 8 - 9:00 am Christie Overbuy & Gerrilyn Rozich Please contact Sonia Aina-Steinbauer, scheduler, at: [email protected] or 614-717-5529 if you are available to help in this ministry. All volunteers interested in working in the Carr Nursery during Sunday Masses need to take Protecting God’s Children. For complete instructions on how to register as a volunteer, register for PGC and complete the fingerprinting process, please visit our website at: Thank you to all our parishioners who contribute to St. Brigid Parish through Electronic Fund Transfer using their credit cards. Since many credit cards have recently been compromised or have been issued a new expiration date, we may need to update your card information in order to process your donation. Please contact the Parish Office at 7613734 with your new card number and expiration date if you have recently been issued a new credit card by your bank. St. Brigid of Kildare is very grateful for your continued support & generosity. ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO SPiCE CORKS FOR A CAUSE, Saturday, March 7...This annual event is in its ninth year and is a fun night that not only brings awareness to our SPiCE program, but is the main fundraiser that provides the money to allow the program to help hundreds of children in our elementary school and religious education program. Thanks to our many volunteers and donors this event is able to raise over $60,000 for the children of our parish each year. We would love to have you join us and get involved in any way you can. Contact Sarah Moore at 761-3734 or [email protected] FEBRUARY 1, 2015 RCIA – RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Meetings are held at 7:30 pm on Thursdays in the Church Basement. The calendar for this year is on our website at: under: Sacraments & Services, RCIA, 2014-2015 Calendar. February 1: 12:15 Mass & Dismissal February 5: Sacrament of Vocation: Holy Orders Fr. Kevin Kavanagh & Dcn. Frank Iannarino February 7: 5:00 PM Mass & Dismissal February 12: Sacrament of Vocation: Marriage Steve Petrill For more information, contact Mr. Paul Zemanek at: [email protected] FATHER/DAUGHTER DANCE - Friday, February 20th, from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm in Hendricks Hall. All the young princesses of the parish are invited! Register online at: search for: Saint Brigid KofC Princess Themed Father/Daughter Dance. Flyers are also available on the kiosk in the Gathering Area of the Church. Sign up now! Those in 6th grade and above who wish to be Altar Servers, please attend the training on Sunday, February 8, from 56:30 pm in the Church. Pick up a registration sheet from the kitchenette in the Church or contact Vicky Humphrey at: [email protected] Return registration to either Sister Joan Harper in the Parish Office or Matt Vulanich: [email protected] FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BYBS, Brigid Youth Bible Study, is held every Monday from 7-8 in the Massey Teen Room. Come when you can! Volunteer at Run the Race Center: A ministry to the inner-city children with Rachel Muha is every Tuesday from 3:55 to 6:30 pm. Please bring a completed permission form, to be found on the website, with you. Call Pam at 975-3930 to tell her if you are coming, so we are sure to have enough drivers. Volunteer with Fruit of the Vine, our ministry to the homeless, once a month on Wednesdays from 5:30-9:30 pm. Our next night out will be February 25, and March 25. Please bring a completed permission form. No Living the Questions this Sunday (Super Bowl Sunday). February 15: Valentine’s Dance: 8-12th grade event for teens and a parent, Grandparent, Godparent, Sponsor, Aunt, or Uncle to celebrate the love of family. RSVP at 718-5832, so we know how many tables to set up, and how many snacks and beverages will be needed. February 22: Food Fast from 8:30-8:30. Come hang out and fast for 12 hours to act in solidarity with the poor and hungry of the world. Listen to great presentations, hang out in the gym, watch a movie, pray, make new friends! All donations will be made to Catholic Relief Services. Diocesan Youth Rally: Sign up now! March 14/15. Location at St.Paul’s. Great event with Chris Padgett keynoting. Great workshops, music, fun, and food. Mass with the Bishop. Forms are with Pam and in the back of Church on the Kiosk. National Catholic Youth Conference: Sign up now if you will be in 9th grade in September or in high school. Event is Nov. 19-22, but hotel reservations with the diocese must be confirmed by March. Celebrate our faith with 25,000 other Catholic teenagers from every state and several other countries. Experience the universal Church, what it means to be Catholic! Packets can be picked up in Pam’s office or on the kiosk in the back of Church. This event is held every two years and is in Indianapolis this year. Don’t miss it! Save the dates: May 3: 8th grade welcome to High School Youth Ministry. May 17: Senior Appreciation Mass and Brunch for 2015 high school grads and their families. Celebrate 12:15 Mass together followed by a brunch. RSVP by April to Pam at 718-5832 with your name and number of family members who will attend with you. February 22...Following Mass and pizza in February, we will load all of the food collected during the Ash Wednesday food collection and take it to the Dublin Food Pantry, where we will weigh, sort, shelve and box the food. Time permitting, we will then take the food to their warehouse behind Kroger at Perimeter Loop. March 29...EPIC will run differently this month since it is Lent and we have Vespers on our scheduled day. We are going to take this opportunity to have the kids experience Vespers and Reconciliation, so everyone should go to Mass whenever it works for your family. We will meet in the school cafeteria from 3-5 p.m. on March 29 and discuss prayer as service to those we love and to the world. We will have pizza at 4 p.m., so the kids can consider it an early dinner. Pick up will be at 6 p.m. from the Church. Please come in to get your child. You may have to wait if they are in line for reconciliation. Parents are welcome to join us for Vespers and Reconciliation if you would like. EPIC (Endless Possibilities in Christ) is for all 7th or 8th grade students who are parishioners at St. Brigid. As always, sign up for any of the EPIC meetings through our Google Doc online or contact Kim VanHuffel at [email protected] or 593-5173 for more information. THE 55 PLUS CLUB REGULAR MONTHY MEETING on Wednesday, February 4, 1:30 pm in Hendricks Hall, Berry Room. Speaker: Mayor Michael Keenan, Mayor of the City of Dublin. FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION on February 6 from 3-4 pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel or anytime throughout the day until 5 pm for a time of quiet reflection and prayer with the Risen Lord. SUNDAY DINNER on February 8 at 5:30 pm at Carrabbas Italian Grill, 3949 Trueman Blvd., Hilliard 43026. Make reservations by Friday, February 6, with Marlene Luffy 529-7476. FALL 2015 TRIP September 23-25. Bus trip to Mackinac Island. WAIT LIST ONLY. Contact Jerry Merrell 889-9760. Parishioners 55 years of age or older are welcome to participate. For more information on membership in the Club, please call Bill Campbell 325-4858. If you need a ride to the meetings, please call Steve Markos 740-917-5386. ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION...St. Brigid of Kildare Religious Education Program offers opportunities to allow parishioners to improve their knowledge and practice of Catholicism. Through year-long classes for students preschool through grade eight, high school youth ministry, seasonal studies, speakers, Bible Study, and specific courses offered on site for adults, all parishioners are encouraged to know and share the truths of our Catholic faith. This is a “Big Week” for St. Brigid Parish! Sunday, February 1, is the Feast of St. Brigid of Kildare, the Patroness of our parish! While the liturgy for Sunday will be for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we at St. Brigid will be singing in our hearts to Brigid, “Mary of the Gael!” February 2nd is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also called “Candlemas Day”, a day on which traditionally all of the candles used in worship are blessed, those used in Church as well as those used at home for occasions such as anointing of the sick and/or reception of Communion for the sick or the dying. These candles are a reminder that Jesus is the Light of the World, that His presence is a light in the darkness for all. February 3rd is the feast of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, the patron saint of the throat. On this day, Blessing of the Throats occurs usually during or after Mass. “Through the intercession of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, may God protect you from every illness of the throat and from every other illness. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” February 5th is the feast of St. Agatha, virgin and martyr and February 6th is the feast of St. Paul Miki, born in Tounucumada, Japan he joined the Jesuits in 1580. February 7th is a special day for all of the children of St. Brigid who are preparing to receive their First Communion this May! The First Communion Workshop will be held here at St. Brigid during which the children will learn more about the Mass, practice receiving Communion (using Chex Cereal for this practice), learn all of the songs for their First Communion Mass, make special Prayer Cards, and play First Communion Bingo! It will be a full morning, promising to increase their already great enthusiasm for their reception of the great gift of the Eucharist! So have a wonderful week of celebration, praising God for these men and women who have graced and continue to inspire so many lives! FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Get practical advice and many simple, yet profound conversations like the following to have with your children about God and our Catholic faith from Mary Reed Newland, author of our current morning discussion group book, We and Our Children: How to Make a Catholic Home. Parent: Do you know who made you? Child: Who? Parent: God made you. Parent: Do you know why God made you? Child: Why? Parent: Because He loves you. Each of us was made “to know, love, and serve God in this life and be happy with Him forever in Heaven.” This is great news to tell our children and worth reminding ourselves! This month we will be holding our parish collection for the Catholic Times weekly newspaper. For a minimum donation of ONLY $17 per year (parish rate), readers receive a Catholic perspective on the world around us: local, national, and worldwide. As an evangelization tool, Bishop Campbell encourages every Catholic family to receive the Catholic Times, so sign up for, or continue receiving, the newspaper of our diocese. Simply place your donation in an envelope marked “Catholic Times” and your Name and drop it into the Sunday collection basket during February. Come enjoy “A journal of Catholic life in Ohio”. Liturgical Minister Training... Required Training for new Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Ushers/Jr. Ushers is scheduled for Saturday, February 21 in the Church beginning at 8:15 a.m. Interested candidates please contact Vicky Humphrey at [email protected] to receive a registration form and other information. If you have ever thought about being a liturgical minister now is the time to answer the call. We need you! We are in great need of Ushers, and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. PLEASE consider one of these ministries. The newly formed Mt. Carmel St. Ann's Women's Auxiliary (WAC) has volunteer openings in the Maternity Ward at St. Ann's Hospital in Westerville. These positions have been created just for our auxiliary members and training will begin soon. If you are interested in receiving information about this special opportunity, please contact Amy Creekmur, Auxiliary Volunteer Chair at [email protected] If you would like to learn more about the St. Ann's Women's Auxiliary, please visit our web page at: Or, contact Co-Presidents Mary Ann Cochran at [email protected] or Kim Johnson at [email protected]. In 2014 we hosted Still Alice author, Dr. Lisa Genova to a packed house, raising monies for the newly constructed Women's Birthing and Lactation Center at St. Ann's Hospital. This year offers many opportunities to help women and children, have fun, and form new friendships. We would love to have you join us! FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The St. Brigid Playgroup is open to everyone in the parish with small children. We meet at a different location each Wednesday at 10:00 am unless otherwise noted. Contact Melanie Pizzino at: [email protected] for more details. You can also “Like” us on Facebook: February 4: Playdate @ Michelle Murphy’s House. February 11: Wacky Wednesday @ Kaltenbach Park & Community Center, 5985 Cara Road, 43016; Valentine’s Day theme; $1.50/child. February 18: Ash Wednesday (No Playgroup) February 25: Playdate @ Sherri Niekamp’s house. Bishop Watterson High School is excited to welcome the Class of 2019! Important Dates: February 21: Freshman Entrance Exam, 8:45 am-11:15 am. March 15: Deadline to apply for the Diocese of Columbus Tuition Assistance Program and a variety of other Bishop Watterson scholarships. For the 2014-15 school year, Bishop Watterson students were awarded nearly $1.1 million in merit scholarships, need-based scholarships, grants and financial aid. Questions: check the Admissions page of or call Bishop Watterson at (614) 268-8671. Make It a Date! - Schedule a Night Out to Focus on Your Marriage Join Paul & Cathy Zemanek as they continue our new series – Blessed is Marriage – as part of the parish’s popular Make It a Date! Program on Saturday, February 21, at 6:15 p.m. in Hendricks Hall Your evening begins with light appetizers and a chance to socialize with other St. Brigid couples. Then join Paul & Cathy as they offer a reflection on marriage and introduce a brief DVD presentation. Spouses then leave on their own date at a venue of their choice around 7:15 p.m. to privately discuss the evening's topic. This program applies the rich tradition of the Beatitudes to couples’ efforts to build stronger, more holy marriages. Registration is necessary! Please contact Christine Drab at [email protected] or 761-0524 by Thursday, February 19. The event is free and open to all married or engaged couples. If you need babysitting recommendations, please indicate with your registration and we will try to match you up with a member of the parish's High School Youth Group…….Sponsored by FamilyFirst and the St. Brigid School of Adult Faith Formation. CARS CUISINE CASINO Women’s Club Progressive Dinner Get to know fellow parishioners while viewing luxurious cars and betting wagers! February 7, 2015 6:00 PM Appetizers and drinks at Midwest Auto Group (Bentley Showroom) – 6335 Perimeter Loop Dr., Dublin, OH 43017 7:30 PM Continuing to individual host homes for a delicious meal and wine from Coopers Hawk Winery and Restaurant. 9:00 PM Return to Hendricks Hall for dessert and Casino Night. There will be many Blackjack, Roulette, Craps, and Beat the Dealer tables. Who will win the prizes at the end of the night by having the most chips? Come and see!!! Tickets are $45.00 a person which includes everything above. Registration forms are available on the kiosk in the Gathering Area of the Church, or email Stacy McVan at: [email protected] The deadline to R.S.V.P. is February 3, 2015 But hurry because tickets are limited! Questions? Please call Stacy at 419-203-7555 or [email protected] *We are still in need of host homes! Annual St. Charles Spaghetti Dinner… The St. Charles Alumni Association, with the expert assistance of Berwick Party House, is hosting the school’s annual spaghetti dinner on Sunday, February 8th, from noon to 7 p.m. in the school’s Robert C. Walter Student Commons. (St. Charles is located on 2010 E. Broad St., just east of the Franklin Park Conservatory.) Guests will enjoy a bountiful meal of spaghetti with meatball, salad, rolls, ice cream and a beverage. The dinner is bargain priced at $10.00 for adults; $8.00 for senior citizens; $5 for children 12 and under; Free for those under 3 and under; and a special $40 family rate (only applies for dine-in and immediate family members). Carry out orders will be available. We hope you can join us for this great community event! ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO FEBRUARY 1, 2015
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