ANTELOPE VALLEY UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SOAR High School Early College High School Program at Antelope Valley College Dr. Chris Grado, Principal 3041 West Avenue K │ Lancaster, CA 93536 661.722.6509 Application Packet for 2015-2016 School Year Due: February 26, 2015 by 2:00 p.m. Please read the entire application to familiarize yourself with program eligibility guidelines, expectations, and suitability of the program. Complete the entire application. Submit application packet in page order. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Thank you for considering SOAR High School, an early college high school, for your high school program. SOAR stands for Students On Academic Rise. Before completing the application, we request that you give careful consideration to the information below to determine if an early college high school is the most suitable educational experience for you and your child. In completing the application, please make special note of the expectations to which you and your child will be agreeing if he or she is accepted to SOAR High School. History SOAR High School at Antelope Valley College was established in the fall of 2006 as a collaboration of the Antelope Valley Joint Union High School District and Antelope Valley Community College District. The program is structured to provide a successful, challenging, and meaningful experience for students identified as high ability yet not achieving their potential. The goal of the program is for students to complete their high school diploma in four (4) years, work towards their Associates Degree within five (5) years, and matriculate to a four (4) year institution. To accomplish this, the program has high academic rigor and is academically challenging. Students may pursue a career path in math, science, engineering, technology, education, or other vocational or transferable educational disciplines. SOAR High School Applicants should: • • • • make education a priority, demonstrate the ability to make mature, independent, and productive choices, succeed in college classes and high school preparatory classes, and desire to be challenged intellectually and committed to embracing education. 2015‐2016 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION Due: February 26, 2015 by 2:00 p.m. Minimum Requirements for 9th Grade Applicants 2.0 GPA or above on second semester 7th grade AND first semester 8th grade report cards Minimal discipline and attendance problems Meet at least 1 AVID criterion: low socioeconomic status, first generation college‐going youth, underrepresented students, or students underperforming in the traditional setting who have the potential to be successful and become productive citizens Minimum Requirements for 10th Grade Applicants 3.0 GPA or above on second semester 8th grade AND first semester 9th grade report cards Minimal discipline and attendance problems Student must be currently enrolled in a Biology course and receiving a passing grade Meet at least 1 AVID criterion: low socioeconomic status, first generation college‐going youth, underrepresented students, or students underperforming in the traditional setting who have the potential to be successful and become productive citizens Instructions to complete application: 1. 2. 3. 4. Please complete the application online ( and print OR complete a hard copy (SOAR Office) Submit application packet in page order (this will ensure faster, more efficient processing) Applications must be submitted in person to the SOAR Office (mailed applications will not be accepted) Additional attachments needed from student’s middle OR high school: Print out of demographic information (student and parent information screen) 7th grade report card/transcript AND first semester 8th grade report card/transcript (9th grade applicants) 8th grade report card/transcript AND first semester 9th grade report card/transcript (10th grade applicants) Teacher Recommendations – 2 recommendations are required from current teachers English OR Social Sciences Teacher‐ required Math OR Science Teacher ‐ required School Administrator OR Counselor ‐ optional Attendance summary for current year (# of tardies and absences included) Discipline report (if none exists, written verification is still required) If applicable, current IEP OR 504 plan with accommodations (copy) Application Process: Attend recruitment meeting at an area high school or AVC Complete application (ensure that a valid email address is provided) Qualified students will receive an interview (March 10th‐24th) Email will be sent to update families on student’s application status (April 3rd) Accepted students will register for high school (April 14th‐16th) Required college class registration (April/May 2015) Accepted students will be required to participate in summer school which includes Summer Bridge (July 2015 exact dates to be determined) SOAR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT INFORMATION ‐ ‐ Student’s Social Security Number Parent Email Address: PLEASE PRINT (Required for all applicants) This is the email address where all contact from SOAR will be sent Student , ______________________________, (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Address (Street) (Apt) (City) (Zip) Home Phone ___________________________ (Area code + phone number) Ethnic Identification – please select □ Asian □ Black/African American Male Female □ Hispanic/La no □ American Indian or Alaskan Native □ White □ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Other: Age ________ Date of Birth _____/_____/____________ Middle School ___________________________ Home High School (Scheduled to Attend/School of Residence) Student’s Place of Birth (City) # of Siblings __________ (State) Sibling(s) Attending(ed) SOAR(Name) Parent/Guardian Information: Father’s Name Mother’s Name Work Phone Work Phone Cell Cell Highest Level of Education Highest Level of Education Less than a High School Diploma Less than a High School Diploma High School Diploma High School Diploma Some College Some College Associates Degree Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Bachelors Degree Masters Degree Masters Degree Doctorate or Professional Degree Doctorate or Professional Degree (Country) Esta sección está disponible en español. Puede encontrarlo en la página principal. PARENT’S SECTION Student , (Last Name) (First Name) Please answer the following questions: 1. Why do you feel your child is ready for an alternative educational program that includes high school and college classes located on the Antelope Valley College campus? 2. Describe what actions you will take to ensure the success of your child in the SOAR High School program? 3. Is there anything else you think we should know about yourself or your family? By signing this application I am agreeing to support my child in the SOAR program at AVC and will meet the expectations outlined in the Parent/Student Agreement/Contract. Mother/Guardian Name (Please Print) ______________________________________________ Mother/Guardian Signature ______________________________________________________ Date Father/Guardian Name (Please Print) _______________________________________________ Father/Guardian Signature _______________________________________________________ Date 3041 W. Avenue K │ Lancaster, CA 93536 661.722.6509 Teacher Recommendation Form Dear Science or Math Teacher: You are our best source of information about future AVID students. Please respond candidly so that we may ensure that our 2015-2016 SOAR Freshman/Sophmore Class is well selected. We are looking for students who may show “average” performance, but are capable of “above average” performance with the proper support. Thank you, SOAR High School Instructions: • This form must be completed by a current teacher in the above field of study only. • This form must be in a sealed envelope with a signature over the seal in order to be accepted. • An electronic version of this form is available at Student Name: Grade: School & Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Current Teacher Name: ________________________________________________Contact #: Current Subject Taught: Email: Please select one of the following as a true statement regarding the student above: □ I would strongly recommend this student for the SOAR Program. □ I would recommend this student for the SOAR Program. □ I would recommend this student with reservations for the SOAR Program. Please list three adjectives that you feel best describe this student: o _____________________________________________________________________________ o _____________________________________________________________________________ o _____________________________________________________________________________ Teacher Recommendation Form cont. Please rate this student’s: Worse Average Best 1. Effort in your class 1 2 3 4 5 2. Attendance in your class 1 2 3 4 5 3. Potential to do college prep course work 1 2 3 4 5 4. How many days per week is this student prepared for class? If you would like to include additional comments, please do so below. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher Signature Date 3041 W. Avenue K │ Lancaster, CA 93536 661.722.6509 Teacher Recommendation Form Dear English or Social Science Teacher: You are our best source of information about future AVID students. Please respond candidly so that we may ensure that our 2015-2016 SOAR Freshman/Sophmore Class is well selected. We are looking for students who may show “average” performance, but are capable of “above average” performance with the proper support. Thank you. SOAR High School Instructions: • This form must be completed by a current teacher in the above field of study only. • This form must be in a sealed envelope with a signature over the seal in order to be accepted. • An electronic version of this form is available at Student Name: Grade: School & Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Current Teacher Name: ________________________________________________Contact #: Current Subject Taught: Email: Please select one of the following as a true statement regarding the student above: □ I would strongly recommend this student for the SOAR Program. □ I would recommend this student for the SOAR Program. □ I would recommend this student with reservations for the SOAR Program. Please list three adjectives that you feel best describe this student: o _____________________________________________________________________________ o _____________________________________________________________________________ o _____________________________________________________________________________ Teacher Recommendation Form cont. Please rate this student’s: Worse Average Best 5. Effort in your class 1 2 3 4 5 6. Attendance in your class 1 2 3 4 5 7. Potential to do college prep course work 1 2 3 4 5 8. How many days per week is this student prepared for class? If you would like to include additional comments, please do so below. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher Signature Date 3041 W. Avenue K │ Lancaster, CA 93536 661.722.6509 Recommendation Form **OPTIONAL** Dear School Administrator or Counselor: You are our best source of information about future AVID students. Please respond candidly so that we may ensure that our 2015-2016 SOAR Freshman/Sophmore Class is well selected. We are looking for students who may show “average” performance, but are capable of “above average” performance with the proper support. Thank you, SOAR High School Instructions: • This form must be completed by a current teacher in the above field of study only. • This form must be in a sealed envelope with a signature over the seal in order to be accepted. • An electronic version of this form is available at Student Name: Grade: School & Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Current Teacher Name: ________________________________________________Contact #: Current Subject Taught: Email: Please select one of the following as a true statement regarding the student above: □ I would strongly recommend this student for the SOAR Program. □ I would recommend this student for the SOAR Program. □ I would recommend this student with reservations for the SOAR Program. Please list three adjectives that you feel best describe this student: o _____________________________________________________________________________ o _____________________________________________________________________________ o _____________________________________________________________________________ Recommendation Form cont. If you would like to include additional comments, please do so below. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ School Administrator or Counselor Signature Date SOAR HIGH SCHOOL PARENT AND STUDENT AGREEMENT/CONTRACT If I am accepted to attend SOAR, my parents and I agree to all of the following expectations: PROCESS: • Get to school on time, be punctual and maintain good attendance in all classes; call SOAR High School on any day of absence (not AVC), • Devote a minimum of three hours each evening to homework, study, and reading, • Maturely handle flexible scheduling and be able to make productive use of unscheduled time, • Understand that if grades are not maintained at a 2.5 grade point average or higher in high school classes and 2.0 or higher grade point average in college classes, and/or behavioral standards are not met, I will participate in a required intervention or another high school placement within the AVUHSD may be arranged, • Any high school class failed (F), or college class failed (D or F), you will be required to repeat the class before you are allowed to take additional classes. Additionally, no elective classes will be allowed if the required classes are not at the minimum academic grade standards, and • Agree to follow “Things You Need to Know” each semester. PHILOSOPHICAL PROGRAM AGREEMENTS: • Make education a high priority, including positive participation in class and school activities, and work to achieve and exceed my potential, • Take responsibility for active learning, behavior, and success, • Show respect for everyone in the school community and the rights of others to learn and succeed, • Behave in a manner that shows respect for all facilities and equipment, • Maturely handle the freedoms and scheduling of a college setting and understand that being on the AVC college campus is a privilege, not a right, • Demonstrate the ability to make mature, independent, productive choices, and accept responsibility for those choices, • Understand that SOAR is a specialized high school with no organized athletics, • Adhere to the technology agreements of AVC and AVUHSD, • Accept the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program and subscribe to its principles, • Accept collaborations and inter-disciplinary curricula set forth by SOAR High School and AVC, • Complete all AVUHSD and SOAR High School graduation requirements, • Plan to continue college after graduation from high school, • Actively participate in parent/school functions, • Keep up-to-date on SOAR High School activities by reading all materials sent home and visit the SOAR web site – • Keep communication with parents and student open by communicating about the student’s academic progress at SOAR High School, and • Contact SOAR High School if I have a question or if there is a gap in information. By signing this application, I am agreeing to the conditions and expectations of SOAR High School at AVC as stated above and will meet the expectations outlines above. Student Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Mother/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Father/Guardian Signature ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________ SOAR HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AND ACADEMIC POLICY Tardy Policy Teachers will close classroom doors at start of class. If student is not in classroom when the door closes, they will be marked tardy. Saturday School will be assigned on the sixth cumulative tardy (tardies do not need to be in the same class). Student tardies are problematic; it is essential that students understand the importance of punctuality. Electronic Devices Electronic devices are permitted on campus and should be used in coordination with the district’s technology use agreement and teacher expectations. Saturday School Students assigned to Saturday School may reschedule once. To reschedule a Saturday School you will need to speak with the Principal’s Secretary BEFORE the scheduled Saturday School. Academic Honesty Policy Dishonesty includes: • Copying another students’ homework or lending one’s homework to be copied, • Copying another students’ work during a test or allowing a fellow student to do such, • Using unauthorized notes or other materials during a test, • Resubmitting work that was used for another class without express permission, • Plagiarism of another person’s ideas or words – i.e. passing off the ideas of another as one’s own, or • Use of published work without proper citation and reference. 1st Offense: 2nd Offense: Student receives a zero on the assignment; teacher contacts parent/guardian; teacher sends referral to office which is entered into students’ permanent record and file. Meeting with the Principal and Saturday School assigned. Student receives a zero on the assignment; student is removed from all after-school activities including clubs, class offices, ASB participation for the duration of that school year; teacher contacts parent/guardian; teacher sends referral to office which is entered into permanent record and file. Meeting with the Principal and Saturday School assigned or possible removal from the program. *Students are expected to learn and follow Antelope Valley College code of student conduct. **A student’s offenses extend throughout the four (4) years at SOAR High School. There is no point of reset. ______________________________________________ Student Signature (Date) _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (Date)
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