SEPTEMBER 2011 FEBRUARY 2015 AV / ELUL SHEVAT / ADAR 5775 building self. building community. together. Love Your Neighbor by Rabbi Joshua Katzan 44 West 66th Street / New York, NY 10023 ph 212-787-5347 / fax 212-595-3542 101 West End Ave / New York, NY 10023 ph 212-787-5347 / fax 212-595-3542 EVENTS Win-Win: Be Better,UPCOMING Be Happier SHABBAT LEARNING SERVICE by– 10:00–11:15am Rabbi Joshua Katzan February 7, 14, 21 & 28 A most prized possession of EVENTS the Torah, and of UPCOMING SUNDAY MORNING MINYAN human instinct, is the elevating and very again, they’re coming. Rosh February 8 & 22Once – 9:30am humanistic commandment from Leviticus 19, Erev Sukkoth Hashanah/Yom Kippur, the “High Holidays” OHR HABOKER – Tuesdays 10–11am "Love your neighbor as12, yourself, I am The Lord." Wednesday, October 6.30 pm February 3, 10, 17 & 24 tend to be a loaded experience. For some, it Common followed sense agrees. is Services by AdultEthical Dinnerphilosophy in the Sukkah is a joyous time to celebrate with family and TU B’SHEVAT SEDER shaped by it. Virtually all religious and secular beings resonate with Wednesday, February 4 – 6:30pm community. For others it is a conflicted time Habonim Goes to Philadelphia! this concept, yet it magically resists becoming cliche because for as COMMUNITY WIDE DINNER as this is when we once again ask ourselves National Museum of American Jewish History much as it may be toted, it is understood as a most challenging thing Friday, February 6 “big – 6:30pm the questions” of life. The High Holidays Sunday, September 18 to achieve. The Rabbis expound endlessly on how to fulfill this SISTERHOOD BOOK CLUB are a period where we do well to focus on the Still time to register with Adina Rifkin mitzvah, a sign that it isn't achieved easily. Wednesday, February 11 – 7:00pm question of what it means to become a better Tel: 212-787 5347 ext 100 An important nuance in this commandment is that it is given BEIT MIDRASHperson. [email protected] February 21 – After Shabbat Services theological emphasis. "Love your neighbor as yourself" seems to Shaun Goldstone, Committee: TheJoint ten Distribution days of Repentance between Rosh stand alone, attached to the words, "I am The Lord." In other Kiddush inbut theit is Park “Revitalizing TheHashanah Jewish Committee in Kippur, the Former and Yom the Soviet Yamim words, GodSeptember is saying, "Yes, I know youservices might understand these words, Saturday, 24, following Union” Nora’im, but I'm here to tell you that it isn't a choice--Love your neighbor as is the traditional period where we act on our self-assessments and ROSH CHODESH off-site Congregation Habonim Falllike Gala try to repair the damage we’ve caused25to–other people. We confess and yourself. Not 'when you feel it.' Not 'when convenient.' Wednesday, February 7:00pm Celebrating Children's Habonim take responsibility for what we’ve nd done directly to the person we’ve wronged, Especially not only 'whenEducation it is easy.'atLove your neighbor as yourself, TOUR OF THE 42 STREET LIBRARY Thursday, November 17, who 2011gives you ethical consciousness, give back what we’ve taken,February try to change the disposition within ourselves because I, The Lord, the One Wednesday, 25 - 3:00–5:00pm 6:30 - 9:00 you PM to living elevated existence am commanding that that you may haveLed led by to our wrongful and guides Hilda Jaffe actions in the first place, and overall try to For More Please Contact It’s a niceIN thing to focus on once a year: becoming a better make thisInformation an ethical and religious obligation. You want tomake be amends. a SCHOLAR RESIDENCE Jonill Mayer at 212.244.4880 person by fixing our mistakes. February 27 & 28 Friday-Saturday, mensch? Here's how. I'm requiring that you orient yourself through or [email protected] Rabbi Elie Kaunfer, Exec. Dir. of Mechon Hadar study, meditation, prayer, practice, etc., throughout your life toHowever, perfect whereas we benefit greatly from taking responsibility and trying to QUEENS yourselves. This is, in total, your humanistic mission. I carefixabout SAVE THE DATE what we’veSHABBAT broken, this is a reactive or “after the fact” response to our SERVICE this so27 much, attaching my Name to it. So pay attention." mistakes. It is what the rabbinic literature calls b’dei avad, or an ex posteriori April -29,I'm2012 Friday, February 20 – 8:15pm First Ever Habonim Shabbaton Retreat! The rabbinic tradition makes an art of taking an otherwise simple idea to our response bad behavior. ADULT EDUCATION and bringing it to life by thinking it through to death. What is meant by Wednesday, February 25 – 8:15pm A different question we should ask ourselves at this time is: how can we "love?" SISTERHOOD Who constitutes ones "neighbor?" What exactly is meant by COMING IN MARCH HAPPENINGS proactively strategize crafting ourselves intoUP becoming a better person along MINI SERIES: The Teachings of Moses ben Maimon "as yourself?" Each question helps to not only refine understanding, the way “before the fact,” mi lechat’chilah, before making mistakes? Fixing Rabbi Lewis Warshauer but to clarify howNetworking to live the principle in real time. Membership Pizza Party our mistakes Tuesdays, after the factMarch is necessary, but not sufficient to living a life well 2, 9, 16 & 30 Monday, 19, 7:00 pm atcommands Habonim us to be conscious A popularSeptember theme is that this verse lived. HowSHABBAT do we build ourselves into being that “better person” we ACROSS AMERICA ($9.00 for non-members) about treating others the way we want to be treated. Sefer Hachinuch generally hope ourselves to become? Friday-Saturday, March 13 & 14 says one should have compassion for his fellow and his property as JEW IN Big question, THE and here’s oneAMERICAN response forFILM the coming year 5772: To craft a October Book Club – date pending he has for himself andHarry his own property. Maimonides says, good "It is life a is Sunday, March 15 - 3:30pm The Invisible Wall by Bernstein to have a conscious approach to living. One method of mitzvah incumbent upon every person to love each memberbuilding of theourselves KOSHER WINE TASTING DINNER into better people where & everyone wins is to Be Happy. Sunday, March 15 - 5:30-7:30pm Jewish people as much as he loves himself, as the verse states, “And Sisterhood in the Sukkah It may sound SPECIAL and feel likeSHABBAT an underwhelming insight.Medical Of course happiness you shallOctober love your16fellow as you must PROGRAM: Ethics fromisa Sunday, at 11:30 amlove yourself.” Therefore, one Perspective good! But onJewish a moment’s reflection, we may be surprised at how little we speak praise of another person and beAgainst cautious with another’s Speaker from the West Side Campaign Dr. Leonard Sharzer of JTS working on our happiness in productive ways. Hunger property in the same way that he desires to be honored think and about is intentionally Friday night, March 20 & Saturday, March 21 Small charge lightproperty. brunch However, one who glorifies himself cautious with for his aown The radio talk show personality and commentator Dennis Prager wrote an UP IN APRIL through the denigration of his fellow has no share in the World to book that is worth aCOMING interesting read, Happiness is a Serious Problem. ANNUAL COMMUNITY SEDER Speaker-Nutritionist/Member Reyna Come." nd evening of Pesach 2 Although it is not supported as much by studies, data, and statistics (frankly, Franco Saturday, April 4 6:30pm the book’s biggest weakness), his common sense proposals and Another way of interpreting the pm verse in light of the commentary is Tuesday, November 8 at 7:30 at Habonim TH ANNUAL SHABBATON RETREAT 4 conclusions are worth thinking about and acting upon. One of his simply to "want for your neighbor what you want for yourself." If Friday-Sunday, April 17 19 conclusions: Being happy is a moral obligation. you want material success in your business, then wishing the same HABONIM HAPPENINGS(continued on p 4) forSEPTEMBER your neighbor2011 is a fulfillment of this mitzvah. How powerful this is Check out the calendar at our website or call Adina Rifkin at 212-787-5347 ext 100 (continued on p.5) FEBRUARY 2015 1 CONGREGATION HABONIM SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING email: [email protected] / Rabbi Joshua Katzan * ext 109 Cantor Bruce Halev * ext 107 Richard Kargauer * ext 101 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Fran Pearlman ext 105 Sarahann Goldstein ext 104 DIRECTOR OF LIFELONG LEARNING ASST DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION YOUTH AND FAMILY PROGRAMMING Tina Lobel ext 108 Ann Obsatz ext 123 NURSERY SCHOOL DIRECTOR Friday, Feb. 6 Friday, Feb. 10 Friday, Feb. 20 Friday, Feb. 27 OFFICE STAFF Maryann King Roy Ramsey Adina Rifkin ext 102 ext 106 ext 100 MAINTENANCE STAFF Malvey Khazanov Jesus Gutierrez 5:01pm 5:10pm 5:18pm 5:27pm ext 122 ext 122 CONDOLENCES To the family of our long time member, Grace Neumark z”l ASSOCIATE NURSERY SCHOOL DIR BOARD OF TRUSTEES Elaine Witkoff PRESIDENT Fred Seid VICE PRESIDENT & TREASURER Susan Grant VICE PRESIDENT & SECRETARY Neil Goldstein VICE PRESIDENT - FUNDRAISING Michael Harwayne VICE PRESIDENT- REAL ESTATE Laurance Kaufman VICE PRESIDENT - OPERATIONS Lewis Krulwich VICE PRESIDENT PAST PRESIDENTS Saul Sanders * Leo Asen * John Keller * Carol Kahn Strauss Ralph Stein, MD z”l * indicates ex officio board member Amy Kargauer * SISTERHOOD PRESIDENT Stephen Berman David Feuerstein Wendy Halperin Jennifer Pavane Kenter Paul Millman Jeffrey Moelis Ruth Murphy Nicole Savage Robert Sherman Adele Solomon Howard Stoffer Joanne Tuckman Richard Unis Richard Verner Elisa Winokur TEMPLE SERVICES Yahrzeit / Memorial Plaques Plaques are displayed outside the Sanctuary Tree of Life Leaves Commemorate special occasions or honor someone special with a leaf displayed on our entrance wall Prayer Books Book plate dedications for all occasions Facilities Rental Available for private parties Kiddush Sponsorships Sponsor an Oneg Shabbat Cemetery Plots Plots are available at Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ in the Habonim section For more information contact Adina Rifkin at [email protected] or call 212-787-5347 Ext.100 HONORARY TRUSTEES Arthur Falkenstein z”l Herman Lichtenberg z”l Peter Mayer z”l Marga Walter Nita Gottesman EDITOR DEPARTMENTS & THEIR EXTENSIONS Adult Education 100 Membership Bookkeeping 102 Nursery School/Admissions Bulletin 100 Religious School/Youth Cemetery 100 & Family Programming Kiddush Sponsorship 100 Service Times & Location Life Cycle Events 100 Maintenance 122 Space Rental 100 106 105 100 100 Please send all donations and/or payments to: CONGREGATION HABONIM C/O KESEF ACCOUNTING SERVICES P.O. BOX 159 MONTVALE, NJ 07645-0159 It would be most appreciated and helpful. CONGREGATION HABONIM is a member of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Please inform the Habonim office of all Life Cycle events in your family: births, deaths, anniversaries, awards, promotions and any other joyous occasion. Contact Adina Rifkin at ext 100 or [email protected] FEBRUARY 2015 Deadline for submission of articles, photos and ads for the March Bulletin is February 15th. Please email to [email protected] 2 SISTERHOOD SNIPPETS SISTERHOOD gave members of Habonim an opportunity to start the new year with a social action event. Ten people volunteered at the West Side Campaign Against Hunger on Wednesday, January 7th. They had an opportunity to tour the facility and then help the clients of WSCAH choose their foods from their food pantry. See separate article to learn how you, too, can be a part of this project in the future. Sisterhood Book Club discussions, open to all Habonim members and guests, continue! We meet at Habonim, 101 West End Avenue, from 7 to about 8:30pm. On February 11, join the group to discuss Little Failure by Gary Shteyngart. Candice Brown will lead the discussion. On April 29, Russ and Daughters by Mark Russ Federman, forward by Calvin Trillin, will be our focus with Hilda Jaffe guiding the discussion. Our major activity that boasts great participation (probably because we have so much fun doing it!) is coming up - creating Mishloach Manot to distribute among our congregants! (See separate article explaining this mitzvah.) March 11th: Annual Women’s Seder at Sutton Place Synagogue, co-sponsored by the Women’s League groups of Sutton Place Synagogue, Or Olam (E. 55th St. Synagogue) and Congregation Habonim. Watch for the flyer at Habonim and a link to the flyer from the weekly Shabbat email in early February. MANY volunteers are needed to bake hamantaschen, fill bags and distribute them during the days and times listed below. Please check your calendars for any available time you can spare, then RSVP to [email protected] or call the office, ext. 100, to let Mary Sanders, the chair of this project, know when she can expect you to join us! This is a Habonim community-wide effort. NOT limited to Sisterhood members, NOT limited to women, OPEN to ALL congregants, teens and children who are able to work safely in the kitchen. Baking hamantaschen: Wed. 2/18 & Thurs. 2/19, 9am - 8pm; Friday, 2/20, 9am - 1pm; Sunday 2/22, 9am - 5pm. Assembling the bags, with RS students: Mon. 2/23, Tues. 2/24, & Wed. 2/25, 3 - 7pm. Distributing Mishloach Manot: Wed. 2/25 (to Wed. RS students), 3 - 7pm; Thurs. 2/26, 9am - 7pm; Fri. 2/27, 9am - 1pm; Sun. March 1, 9am - 7pm (neighborhood distributions); Mon. 3/2, noon - 7pm; Tues. 3/3, 9am - 7pm. Whether or not you can participate in the making and distribution of the Mishloach Manot, everyone can actually perform the mitzvah by ORDERING Mishloach Manot to be sent to fellow Habonimers. Go to the Habonim website ( to see how easy it is to send your holiday greetings along with Mishloach Manot, to members of the Congregation. Call the office if you would prefer a printed form. Don’t forget that you can order Mishloach Manot for members of our clergy, our hard-working staff, members of the faculty, and the families of classmates in the Nursery and Religious Schools. Giving and receiving Purim greetings adds to the warm spirit of community that Habonim is known for. Chag Purim Sameach! May 2nd: Sisterhood Shabbat! Rabbi Rosalie Osian will lead the services, with participation by as many Sisterhood members as possible. Most slots are filled, but if you would like to read or lead a prayer; read an appropriate poem; take an aliyah; or sing an appropriate song and you are a member of Sisterhood, we will find a way to have you participate! Please contact Abigail at [email protected] asap. May 19th: Annual Torah Fund Dinner, honoring one of Habonim’s members, TBA June 7th: Annual Sisterhood Luncheon, program TBA “Why is this night different from all other nights?” The Women’s Leagues of Or Olam (East 55th Street Synagogue) Sutton Place Synagogue Sisterhood of Congregation Habonim invite you to take a spiritual journey celebrating women! PASSOVER WOMEN’S SEDER & DINNER led by Rabbi Rachel Ain & Cantor Bonnie Streigold. WEDNESDAY, March 11, 2015 Seder begins promptly at 7:00 pm DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM SUTTON PLACE SYNAGOGUE 225 East 51st Street (between 2nd & 3rd Avenues) New York City Advance paid reservations required & must be received prior to March 2. $36 per WL member & daughter(s) $40 per female guest . Questions? Call Marian Saltzman 212-688-4763 or email Evelyn Gomer [email protected] or Amy Kargauer [email protected] Please complete reservation form below, tear-off and mail with your check, payable to: Women’s League of SPS, 225 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022. PLEASE PRINT I am a WL/Sisterhood member and will attend the Women’s Seder on March 11. Enclosed is $_______ for ____member & ____ daughter(s) plus ____ female guest(s). I am not a WL/Sisterhood member and will attend the Women’s Seder on March 11. Enclosed is $_______. Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tel No. (day)___________________(evening)Tel No._____________________Email address_________________________________________ Synagogue affiliation: _____________________________________________ If you have a seating or dietary request, please include a separate paper or write on back of this form. Please include your guest(s) name(s). Your check is your reservation. FEBRUARY 2015 3 WEST SIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST HUNGER On the bitter cold morning of W e d n e s d a y, J a n u a r y 7 t h , t e n Habonimers met at WSCAH’s 86th St. basement-of-a-church location for a tour and a couple of hours of volunteering. The program was organized by Vicki Brown, Program VP of Sisterhood. West Side Campaign Against Hunger is an organization that has been serving the needs of a broad swath of the Upper West Side for more than 30 years. People in need are treated with dignity. In an orderly process, with never more than a 10-minute wait, clients are admitted to a small, supermarket-like space where they may choose their groceries rather than receiving a prepacked bag of food that may or may not be what they want or be able to use. FEBRUARY 2015 Nutritional guidance is given beforehand, and clients choose 3 balanced meals with quantities for three days per month as determined by family size. Congregation Habonim has had a longstanding relationship with WSCAH going back more than a decade. The mother of our former Rabbi Joanna Samuels was a member of the Board of WSCAH and Habonim makes regular contributions to this day. In the fall of 2011, Sisterhood had the Director, Doreen Wohl, speak at our Sukkot program. As part of a “new year’s resolution,” Sisterhood Board would like to make volunteering at WSCAH a regularly- scheduled opportunity, and the event on January 7th crystallized how that can happen - but volunteers are needed! We would like to start small, with a planned group visit to volunteer every other month. If we can get a core group - NO LONG-TERM COMMITMENT NECESSARY - we will consider bumping up to monthly. If you would like to see what it’s all about and you can spare a few hours, please meet us on Thursday, March 12th, 9:30 am, at 263 W. 86th St. (basement entrance of the church, near West End Ave.). RSVP to [email protected] or call the office, ext. 100. At least one Sisterhood Board member will be at each session. We hope to see you there! 4 Rabbi Katzan (continued from p.1) What is Mishloach Manot and why should I order it? These questions come up every year around this time … so here’s the scoop: Mishloach Manot (Hebrew: משלוח מנות, literally, "sending of portions”; also known as “Shalach Manes” in Yiddish), are gifts of food or drink that are sent to friends, fellow congregants, relatives and any other acquaintances on Purim. The mitzvah (commandment) of Mishloach Manot comes from the Book of Esther, which commands us to observe Purim "as days of feasting and gladness, and send portions of food to one another, and gifts to the poor" (9:22). This verse refers to two mitzvot: sending at least two different, ready-to-eat foods and/or drinks to someone, and distributing two charitable donations (money or food) to people in need. The purpose of these mitzvot is to ensure that everyone has enough food for the Purim feast, and to increase love and friendship among Jews. So, why should I order Mishloach Manot from Habonim? First and foremost, to fulfill the mitzvah! But also, because ordering Mishloach Manot from Habonim is a fundraiser for the Congregation. Many synagogues facilitate the performance of the Purim mitzvot by creating and distributing Mishloach Manot gifts that are purchased by their members and also by donating some portion of the funds raised to a charity involved in feeding the hungry. Each year, Sisterhood does this at Habonim too. Sisterhood prepares and delivers festive holiday gift bags, containing several delicious items of food and/or drink, to the people who you designate on your order form. If more than one member of the congregation orders Mishloach Manot to be sent to the same recipient, Sisterhood still sends just one gift bag, but indicates that the gift was sent from more than one member of the congregation (that’s how the process becomes a fundraiser). Most of the money raised from this initiative goes to the synagogue, a small portion goes to support other Sisterhood programs, and 10% goes to a hunger relief organization chosen each year by the participants in our Religious School. So by ordering Mishloach Manot from Habonim, one fulfills the mitzvah by sending actual gifts of food and drink and also by making a charitable contribution to an organization that has as its mission hunger relief. Please help Habonim and do your part to fulfill the mitzvah by ordering Mishloach Manot to be sent to people within the Habonim community or to friends and family anywhere. It’s one sure positive way to defeat Haman and to strengthen our community! Thank you on behalf of Sisterhood! - Mary Sanders, Chr. Mishloach Manot FEBRUARY 2015 in raising ethical questions about self-imposed limits on how one conducts business, especially in the sensitive realm of competition in the marketplace, etc. Imagine wanting success for your competitors as much as you want success for yourself. As a contemplative principle, spending time thinking in these terms allows for the generation of a more giving and compassionate nature, even if we don't necessarily change our business plan. Rabbi Shai Held, a colleague and teacher, gives this practice real strength. He would propose to a congregation of young adults in their 20's to consider this commandment in terms of what they most deeply desired for themselves, and then to pray and wish it for their friends even before receiving it themselves. "Imagine," he taught, "praying for that perfect partner in life, and then praying that that happiness should first go to your friend, even before yourself." It is very powerful to think about what we most desire in the inner sanctum of our soul, and then wish that for someone else. Doing this as a practice might help build space within our heart and mind to hold our fellow's interests as our own. It is from that place that this mitzvah can help us grow in myriad other ways into our most prized achievement of all: being a mensch, being a good, compassionate, and wholehearted human being. A REMINDER The election for the 37th World Zionist Organization Congress is almost here. You can help MERCAZ increase the size of our delegation simply by registering with the American Zionist Movement, the US affiliate of the WZO, and then voting for MERCAZ delegates when you receive your ballot. Registering costs just $10.00. You can register by going to and clicking on “Register” or completing a mail-in registration. Voter registration will continue until the end of April. Visit or call the Campaign Headquarters at 212-533-2061 to learn more. 5 Things are in full swing at our new location! We had our first RS sessions in our new space and our 3rd-5th graders enjoyed 'breaking in' our new space with a sleepover. We are looking forward to celebrating Tu'Bshvat together with model seders led by Rabbi Josh and Cantor Bruce. Our teens joined Ansche Chesed for an MLK day of service. We are looking forward to our 'Zumb-dalah' (Zumba and Havdalah) event, led by our very own Kori Rehfield. Look below for some fun pictures from the sleepover! Sarahann Goldstein Assistant Director of Education/ Youth & Family Programming The Nursery School returned from winter break to a busy schedule of playing, learning and celebrating in the new space. The children and parents alike were thrilled to start the new year off in the brightly-lit classrooms at 101 and the transition to our new space has gone smoothly for the teachers as well. Most of our classes read stories about Martin Luther King Day and engaged in ageappropriate discussions. Our parents and greater community celebrated Habonim on the evening of January 29th for our Annual NS Fundraiser, at which Elisa Winokur was honored for her tireless efforts on behalf of the Nursery School. Our utmost gratitude to our parents who worked with so much dedication, commitment and creativity to make the evening a success. Among other things, proceeds from our fundraisers are used to purchase new equipment and material for the children’s use, replenish our Clara Zeitlin Scholarship Fund, and afford us the opportunity to offer enrichment to the children through Science, Movement and Music Teachers and special field trips. At the beginning of February, we look with excitement to celebrating Tu B’Shevat, "the new year of trees," with visits from Rabbi Josh and Cantor Bruce, learning about Israel and sampling foods that grow on trees there, such as dates and grapes. FEBRUARY 2015 By the end of February, we will complete the admissions process that began last fall and, in March, we will look forward to welcoming many new families, our returning families, and those returning with younger children, to our school. Current Nursery School parents have been instrumental in that process as well, accompanying me and Ann on tours, welcoming prospective parents who have come to visit the school, speaking on a panel for prospective parents, and greeting parents and their children when they have come to Habonim for one-on-one admissions “play visits.” I can’t thank all of the parents enough for making such meaningful contributions to our school. All these personalized efforts demonstrate that we are truly a close-knit community working together to make Habonim the special place that it is for our families. As always, please feel free to stop by if you wish to discuss anything. Ann and I look forward to welcoming everyone in our new office. All best wishes, Tina Lobel Nursery School Director 6 Filter by Sort by - Any - CONGREGATION HABONIM Apply FEBRUARY 2015 February 2015 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 8 Wed Order Date and Time - start date (field_date_and_time) Thu 3 4 Asc Fri Sat 5 6 Ohr Haboker Adult Tu B'Shevat Seder NS Parents Bagels with Morning Service 10:00am to 11:00am 6:30pm Rabbi Katzan 9:30am to 12:00pm 8:45am to 9:45am Learner's Service Zayin Aliyah Session 10:00am to 11:15am 5:30pm to 6:30pm Soul Seekers Community-Wide 10:30am to 12:00pm Shabbat Dinner Dalet/Hei Service 6:30pm to 9:00pm 10:30am to 12:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Kiddie K'Tanim 6:30pm to 7:30pm 11:00am to 12:00pm 9 10 11 12 13 Sunday Minyan As Parents Talk Ohr Haboker Tz'irim Dinner and Tot Shabbat Morning Service 9:30am to 11:30am 8:45am to 9:45am 10:00am to 11:00am Discussion at Rabbi 5:00pm to 6:00pm 9:30am to 12:00pm YBY Playdate Dalet-Zayin B'nai Mitzvah Katzan's Kabbalat Shabbat Service Learner's Service 11:00am to 1:00pm Meeting 6:30pm to 8:00pm 6:30pm to 7:30pm 10:00am to 11:15am 6:00pm to 7:00pm Sisterhood Book Club 7:00pm to 8:30pm 15 16 17 18 19 Morning Service (All day) Nursery School Closed 9:30am to 12:00pm Learner's Service (All day) Religious School Closed Kabbalat Shabbat Service (All day) 6:30pm to 7:30pm Ohr Haboker 23 10:00am to 11:15am Beit Midrash 1:30pm to 2:30pm Queens Service 10:00am to 11:00am 22 20 Building Closed: Presidents Day 8:15pm to 9:30pm 24 25 26 27 Sunday Minyan Ohr Haboker Tour of the 42nd Street Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Elie Kaunfer 9:30am to 11:30am 10:00am to 11:00am Library 3:00pm to 5:00pm (All day) Kabbalat Shabbat Service Morning Service Adult Rosh Chodesh 6:30pm to 7:30pm 9:30am to 12:00pm 7:00pm to 9:00pm Tz'irim USY Shabbat Learner's Service Queens Adult Education Dinner at Habonim 10:00am to 11:15am 6:30pm to 9:00pm Kiddie K'Tanim 8:15pm to 9:15pm 11:00am to 12:00pm Beit Midrash 1:30pm to 2:30pm FEBRUARY 2015 7 S E Q U O I A C L U B THANK YOU TO THE SISTERHOOD OF CONGREGATION HABONIM FOR ITS GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THE MONTHLY BULLETIN MAILING CONGREGATION HABONIM 44 West 66th Street New York, NY 10023
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