Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. (A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 6030) SECOND NOTICE OF THE 2015 FIRST EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING CITIC Securities Company Limited (the “Company”) published the notices of the 2015 first extraordinary general meeting (the “EGM”) and the 2015 first H Shareholders class meeting (the “H Shareholders Class Meeting”) on 30 December 2014, announcing that the EGM, the 2015 first A Shareholders class meeting (the “A Shareholders Class Meeting”) and the H Shareholders Class Meeting will be held from 10 a.m. on Monday, 16 February 2015, successively. Pursuant to the relevant provisions in the Mandatory Provisions for Articles of Association of Companies to be Listed Overseas and Article 85 of the Articles of Association of the Company, since the number of Shares with voting rights represented by the Shareholders who intend to attend the EGM does not reach half of the total number of Shares with voting rights of the Company as at 26 January 2015 (the number of Shares with voting rights represented by the Shareholders who intend to attend the H Shareholders Class Meeting has reached half of the total number of Shares with voting rights of the aforementioned meeting), which is the deadline for the Shareholders who intend to attend the EGM and the H Shareholders Class Meeting to return the reply slips, the Company hereby re-announces the time, venue and proposed resolutions of the EGM as follows (the second notice and supplemental notice of the A Shareholders Class Meeting will be published on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn) separately). Unless otherwise specified, capitalized terms used in this notice shall have the same meanings as defined in the circular of the Company dated 14 January 2015. I Time of the EGM: 10 a.m. on Monday, 16 February 2015. II Venue of the EGM: Kaifeng Room, 3/F, Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center, No.50 Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, the PRC. — 1 — III Resolutions to be put forward at the EGM SPECIAL RESOLUTION: 1. To consider and approve the following resolutions on the Specific Mandate for the proposed New H Share Issue and listing of New H Shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (relevant details of the resolutions are set out in the paragraph headed “Proposed Specific Mandate to Issue New H Shares” in the Announcement produced in the Appendix to the notice of the EGM). 1.1 Class of Shares to be issued; 1.2 Time of issuance; 1.3 Method of issuance; 1.4 Target placees; 1.5 Pricing mechanism; 1.6 Method of subscription; 1.7 Size of issuance; 1.8 Accumulated profits; 1.9 Use of proceeds; 1.10 Validity period of the resolutions; 1.11 Authorization of the consequential amendments to the Articles of Association upon completion of the proposed New H Share Issue; 1.12 Other relevant authorization to the Board and the persons authorized by the Board to deal with all matters in relation to the proposed New H Share Issue with full authority for a term of 12 months from the passing of the relevant resolution(s) at the EGM and/or the Class Meetings, including but not limited to: (i) execute and submit all the relevant applications, reports and other documents to the relevant PRC and overseas authorities and deal with all the relevant approvals, registration, filing, sanction and permission; — 2 — (ii) be responsible for determining the terms of the proposed New H Share Issue, including the determination of the actual size, issue price (including the price range and final price), timing, method and target placee(s) of the proposed New H Share Issue, the execution, implementation, modification and termination of any agreement, contract or other documents in relation to the exercise of the Specific Mandate to issue New H Shares, making adjustment to the use of proceeds of the proposed New H Share Issue, and any other relevant matter; (iii) be responsible for negotiating and entering into subscription agreements with investors or a placing agreement with the sole placing agent in relation to the proposed New H Share Issue, and approving any revision or amendments to such subscription agreements or placing agreement; (iv) be responsible for dealing with all the matters in relation to obtaining all the approvals and permissions from the CSRC, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and/or any other relevant PRC and overseas authorities in relation to the proposed New H Share Issue; (v) depending on the requirements at the time of the issuance, to engage and appoint the global coordinator, the placing agent, PRC and overseas legal advisers and other relevant professional parties in relation to the proposed New H Share Issue and enter into engagement or appointment letters and other relevant legal documents. The Company proposes to appoint CITIC Securities Corporate Finance (HK) Limited as the sole global coordinator and CLSA as the sole placing agent of the proposed New H Share Issue; (vi) make appropriate amendments to the terms of the proposed New H Share Issue in light of the specific circumstances and pursuant to the approval(s) by the relevant regulatory authorities; (vii) execute, implement, amend and complete any document and do any act as necessary and appropriate in relation to the proposed New H Share Issue; — 3 — (viii) approve the publication of relevant announcement(s), circular(s) and notice(s) in relation to the proposed New H Share Issue on the websites of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Company, respectively, and the submission of relevant forms, files or other documents to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange; and (ix) obtain from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange the approval for listing of and permission to deal in all of the New H Shares to be issued and allotted pursuant to the proposed New H Share Issue on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. ORDINARY RESOLUTION: 2. To consider and approve the report on use of proceeds from previous funds raising activity of the Company (relevant details of this resolution are set out in the paragraph headed “Report on use of proceeds from previous funds raising activity” in the Announcement produced in the Appendix to the notice of the EGM). Please refer to the notices of the EGM and the H Shareholders Class Meeting dated 30 December 2014, and the circular dated 14 January 2015 published by the Company on the websites of the HKExnews of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (http://www.hkexnews.hk) and the Company (http://www.cs.ecitic.com), respectively for detailed information relating to the EGM and the H Shareholders Class Meeting. By order of the Board CITIC Securities Company Limited WANG Dongming Chairman Beijing, the PRC 30 January 2015 As at the date of this notice, the executive Directors are Mr. WANG Dongming, Mr. CHENG Boming, Mr. YIN Ke and Mr. LIU Lefei; the non-executive Directors are Mr. JU Weimin and Mr. FANG Jun; and the Independent Non-executive Directors are Mr. WU Xiaoqiu, Mr. LEE Kong Wai, Conway and Mr. RAO Geping. — 4 —
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